What's in the black box? - a game for fans of complex puzzles and riddles. Black box quiz

Option 1: We invite you to guess what is in the black box, and you will not regret taking part in this auction. This is a real pleasure for the ear, for the eye, and most importantly for the mind ... (book)

Option 2:

1. This item is in every home, but they are not used very often.

2.This item happens different sizes, different colors and shapes.

3. In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can give pleasure to both the woman herself and her family.

4. Sometimes especially economic men use this item.

5.Even with great desire you cannot buy this item in a pharmacy or a Soyuzpechat stall.

6. This item can also be a tool for a woman in a showdown with a drunken husband or friend.

7. Without this, you can’t bake a pie. (Rolling pin)

4. What did Secretary General L.I. Brezhnev like to receive as a gift? (LIMOUSINES).

5. To whom does Davidoff send small souvenirs by mail - ashtrays and lighters?

6. What does the spider give to the betrothed to stay alive after the wedding? (FLY).

7. What gift from the sorcerer from the fairy tale turned into the collapse of both the kingdom and the king? (COCK).

8. Here sharks and gorillas, and big crocodiles ... never give flowers, (AFRICA).

9. According to Russian tradition, what is customary to give to a newborn? (SILVER ON "TOOTH").

10. What is considered the best gift from relatives and friends on the Greek island of Lemnos? (STONE).

11. What did Winnie the Pooh and Piglet give Eeyore the donkey for his birthday?

Cooking Quiz

1. Without what dish is dinner impossible in Russia? (Bread.)

2. What is the most important treat during the ancient Russian holiday Maslenitsa? (Pancakes.)

3. What was the name of a warm drink made from herbs with honey, common in Russia?


4. In Russia there was a custom in special occasions bake and send pies home. What did it mean? (Invitation to a party.)

5. What is a kulebyaka? (Pie with fish.)

6. What dish is salted three times? (Dumplings. Salt is put in the dough, in the filling and during cooking.)

7. This confectionery product is translated from German as a “pill” (Coffee)

8. "Appetite" - this is the French name for this dish (Ragout)

9. Table seasoning has a Slavic root "burns" (Mustard)

10. For the first time, the name of this dish was proposed by the Greeks. "Bliss" - so it was appreciated.

11. This sweetness. If you believe the translation from Turkish, refreshes the throat (Turkish delight)

"Banker" - Money test game Apostle Paul). (Prize - Bath broom)
Anniversary crossword.

1. Favorite flower of the birthday girl? 7 letters (CAMOMILE) -

box with chamomile filter bags.

2. Favorite holiday of the year? 4 and 8 letters (BIRTHDAY) piggy bank with a heart, because born in .

3. The next question is intimate: the favorite color of the birthday girl? 7 letters (RED) - cream-soap for intimate hygiene "Red Line".

5. Favorite cartoon? There are three words in the name of this cartoon, and the first two are numbers. (38 PARROTS) As a gift to you, one of these parrots, or rather, a new album by Bori Moiseev, which is called “Bird”!

6. Favorite song? The name of the song consists of three words, and the song itself became known thanks to the TV series of Vladimir Bortko. (“THE CITY WHICH EXISTS”). Disc by Igor Kornelyuk.

7. Favorite number? 4 letters (SEVEN) - The drug "VIAGRA" will help you feel in the "seventh heaven" with happiness.

Cinema fan

1. From which movie is the phrase? (Recorded on CD)

1.Closed, horn harvesting temporarily stopped (Golden Calf)

2. Live well, and live well even better (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

3. Let's drink, have a bite, about our affairs ... (Meeting place ...)

4. And what about the father, are there brides in your city? (12 chairs)

5. And they put our family screen on! (The Irony of Fate)

6. The sky is not visible (Kin-zaza)

7. Light movement (Diamond hand)

8. Oh, is it? (Moscow to tears)

9. Unsubstantiated, Watson ... (Sherlock Homes)

2. Complete the phrase. I call the phrase - you are a movie.

1. So that you live on one ... salary (Beware of the car)

2. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid (Striped flight)

3. The East is a delicate matter Petruha (White Sun of the Desert)

4. Black caviar, red caviar, and this is overseas caviar - eggplant (Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession).

5, But who will plant him ... he is also a monument (Gentlemen of Fortune).

6. The dead with scythes stand ... and silence (Elusive avengers)

7. Well, damn you ... give (Peculiarities of the national hunt)

8. You will be imprisoned ... but you do not steal (Beware of the car).

9. The meal is served ... sit down to eat, please (Gentlemen of Fortune)

10. Third st. Builders ... d. 25 sq. 12 (Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath).







8. Yakovlev




4. Guess what movie the song is from.

1. Song about bears (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

2. There is only a moment (Sannikov Land)

3. Island of Bad Luck (Diamond Hand)

4. Wait the locomotive (Operation s)

5. Let's rejoice (D. Artagnan and the three musketeers)

6. Happiness suddenly (Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession).

About alcoholic drinks

They say that any man understands three things: football, women and liquor. It is about alcohol that I propose to talk now.

Considering that

Who drinks and when

And how many and with whom.

When met

All these stipulations

Drinking is a sign of wisdom

Not vice at all!

To whom do these wise lines belong? (Omar Khayyam, Blok, Pushkin)

2. In which barrels is cognac aged? (In beech, birch, oak)

3. What was the name of a warm drink made from herbs with honey, common in Russia? (Sbiten, mead, mash)

4. The play of good champagne in a glass indicates its quality. In the best champagnes, the bubble game continues: (1 hour, 5, 10)

5. The process of cultural drinking of beverages involves following certain traditions. What do impulsive Italians say when connecting glasses? (Kan Pei, Chin Chin, Drink)




Quiz about women.

1. They say: “What a woman wants, that ... God wants!

2. Without women ... you can’t live in the world, no!

3. Not a woman ... but a fairy tale!

4. A woman loves ... with her ears!

5. A woman can make 3 things out of nothing: a salad, a hat, and ... a quarrel!

For lovely ladies

girls like stars

In contact with

So we got to the game called "What's in the black box" and we are happy to tell you that we have done all the answers for it. The Black Box game is a word game in which you have to guess, from a question or a short description, an object that is supposedly hidden in a black box at this level. The game is available on popular mobile platforms - Android and IOS (iPhone, iPad). If you want to get answers to the game What's in the black box, then it doesn't matter where exactly you play it. Answers should be suitable for any platform where the game is published. As for the questions themselves, there is a great contrast with this - sometimes they are very easy, and sometimes you can’t do without a hint. But when you run out of tips in the game What's in the black box, then you can spy on this page the answer to the level you need.

The answers for What's in the black box are ordinary words, but the level content is a question that can be long or short. ATTENTION! Levels in the game What's in the black box go to each player individually. In other words, looking for something like "answers to the game What's in the black box for level 15" does not make any sense, since level 15 will be different for everyone. You need to look for the answer only on the QUESTION. No other way.
As we promised, on this page you will find all the answers to a wonderful game called What's in the black box. So, how do you find the answer to the right level. We have posted the answers in the table at the bottom of the page. All you need to do is find your question in the table and click SHOW ANSWER next to it. We have posted all questions in alphabetical order and therefore it shouldn't take you long to find the right answer. Javascript must be enabled for the reply to be displayed.

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Answers to What's in the black box

Question Answer
In the black box is what Tanya dropped into the river.Show answer
In the black box is Russian dish from dough and minced meat.Show answer
The black box contains a hooded snake.Show answer
The black box contains a box for family jewels.Show answer
In the black box there is a noose into which the dog climbs in order to live at the expense of the person.Show answer
In the black box there is a fly larva that only brings joy to the fisherman.Show answer
In the black box there is now a berry weighing several kg.Show answer
The black box now contains the main non-alcoholic drink of "pre-pepsic" Russia.Show answer
There is a knife in the black box. cutlery if the table is operating.Show answer
The black box now contains a piece of furniture that is chosen with open eyes but enjoy with closed.Show answer
The black box now contains a fungus that might well be called a "hothouse plant".Show answer
The black box contains a perennial herb of the strawberry genus, Rosaceae family, sweet and red berries.Show answer
The black box contains something from which bread is baked.Show answer
The British say: A true gentleman does not lose face in any situation, and even if the world around him collapses, he will not blink an eye, and in the black box is what the British thought the Germans came up with in order to behave like the British in such a situation.Show answer
The black box contains something that during the Second World War allegedly began to be used in large quantities fighter pilots of the British Air Force in order to increase the effectiveness of the fight against German bombers, in fact, this was the disinformation of which the British hid the creation of a new airborne radar capable of detecting enemy bombers even in the dark. The disinformation was believed and turned into a myth.Show answer
In the black box there is an unusually insidious and dangerous creature, until it is tamed, it spins, jumps, bends, rinses in the mud that it spread itself, then rushes at a person and wraps itself around his leg, you have to step on him, then he rears up and wrapped around the waist and neck.Show answer
Australian rock musician Nick Cave said that communicating with him is as exciting as acting with the object that is now in the black box, and there is something that 2 engineers invented 55 years ago, inventing the new kind wallpaper.Show answer
The black box now contains what George Gordon Byron said, "Immortality is the miraculous dew."Show answer
With the subject, which is now in the black box, Somerset Maugham compared the culture of human behavior in society, this subject is an attribute of a famous holiday.Show answer
The black box contains an object that millionaire John Raskop showed architect William Lamb when he was trying to explain what the Empire State Building should look like.Show answer
The old dish, which is now in the black box, is prepared as follows: clean the main ingredient, cut into small pieces and put in a cast iron, add a little water at the bottom, salt to taste and put the cast iron in the oven, as you can see, the recipe for this ancient dish is extremely simple.Show answer
The black box contains what the Armenians compare to the delicate ear of a hare, which is so transparent that it lets in sunlight.Show answer
The black box now contains an object, the degree of freedom of which in some countries is explained using the twelfth capital letter Latin alphabet.Show answer
In the black box is what the French have called the same word as the badger since the 18th century - blaireau. What's in the black box?Show answer
The black box now contains what Otto Yulievich Schmidt had fun with during the Arctic expedition on a steamer, and journalist Ilya Slivinsky wrote the following epigram on this occasion - "A season will pass and Otto will proudly present to the world 2 records of 5218 solid Chelyuskin knots and 7,000,324 .. .(played goat)?"Show answer
"We are inseparable and united\nWherever I wander, \nyou reach out to me from the middle.\nWherever the path does not turn,\nOnly you are a reliable support\nof the one who, closing the path,\nTo the source will return soon."\nIn the black box is what is in these verses English poet 17th century John Donne compares lovers.Show answer
In the black box is what Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol wrote about: "If they were inflated, then the whole yard with a barn and a building could be placed in them"Show answer
The black box now contains the answer to the Korean riddle: "Ten times ten is still ten. Ten minus ten is ten again."Show answer
The black box now contains what the writer Vladimir Soloukhin called a memory prosthesis.Show answer
The black box now contains the answer to the Serbian riddle: "A horse with a cart, the cart is loaded, the horse is in the house, and the tail is outside"Show answer
Professor Krupinsky argued that a scientific report should be long enough to be considered decent and short enough to arouse interest. The subject with which the professor compared the scientific report is now in a black box.Show answer
The black box contains a famous object, on which you can see a hole, similar to one of Latin letters in direct and mirror image.Show answer
In the black box there is a container created by nature itself, in which it is very convenient, cheap and useful to grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables.Show answer
The black box contains a container, which Mikhail Bulgakov called the companion of irritable insomnia.Show answer
The black box contains something that the workers of some French enterprises up until the 19th century tried not to approach without an iron mask.Show answer
Connoisseurs distinguish several schools. The Anglo-American combines the purity of constructions with dazzling thematic fiction, the original ugly Gothic school amazes with something fabulous, the works of Czech composers are unpleasant with their emptiness, at one time Russia invented brilliant works, now it is engaged in a mechanical heap of gray themes. The black box contains what is necessary for the performance of the works that Vladimir Nabokov spoke about.Show answer
The black box contains what French writer Guy de Maupassant said: "So charming, this silent beating of wings, white, variegated and black, which flutter like captured night butterflies"Show answer
In the black box is the invention of Momofuku Ando in 1958, which the Japanese recognized as the main Japanese invention 20th century.Show answer
In Stockholm's Skansen Park there is a mini-zoo, according to tradition, some children bring what is now in the black box as a gift to the cubs.Show answer
In the black box is something that in the middle of the 19th century the Swiss architect Friedrich Eisenlohr gave the image familiar to you and me. He came up with a stylized railway gatehouse, decorated it with leaves and cones.Show answer
The very first acquaintance of a person with an object that is now in a black box, the philosopher Georgy Gachev called the first acquaintance with all the lies of the world.Show answer
The black box contains a half of the same half that the undertaker Oskar Fuchs carried in his pocket.Show answer
About the products that are now in the black box, the writer Tonino Benakvista said: "They represent a real Universe, all the transformations of which even the most sophisticated amateur cannot imagine. A whole geometry of straight and curved lines, fullness and voids, which can vary to infinity. The highest manifestation of form.Show answer
The black box contains an object from which the authors of the book "3000 useful tips"offer to make a mixer. To do this, you need to remove lower part of this item, all that remains is placed in a half-liter jar, closed with a plastic lid with a hole. You will also need a smaller lid.Show answer
In the black box is what Afanasy Fet once received from his friend Ekaterina Khomutova. After that, the poet wrote:\n"Comparing the gift with greetings,\nI dare to say in response,\nThat in the world there are no bouquets\nYour bouquet is not inferior.\nIts meaning is polysyllabic\nAnd it is able to inspire the singer;\nYou can accept it with a bow,\ nAnd you can eat to the end."Show answer
The black box contains the answer to one riddle. He has eyes - he does not see, he has water - he does not drink, he has meat - he eats, he has a beard - he is not a man.Show answer
In the black box are those who are most often used by lovers of one fascinating process in a bunch, stocking, piece or across.Show answer
The classic of advertising theory, David Ogilvy, argued that texts printed in light type on a dark background are inconvenient to read, so you should not resort to them. But there is one exception. Printed matter, which David Ogilvy advised to use light type on a dark background, is in a black box.Show answer
The black box contains an invention that, from 1873 to 1881, the English railway companies refused to transport and had to be transported on ordinary horse-drawn carts. The English called these carts "Isaac on the way to the Lord."Show answer
In the black box is what the American sociologist Robert Lind called the biggest hindrance among conveniences and the greatest convenience among hindrances?Show answer
In the black box there is something that can be conditionally designated as segment AC. Points A and C, moving towards each other, form the intersection point B. Further movement of point A occurs around and around point B - from bottom to top, from top to bottom, from left to right and from right to left. And you're done.Show answer
When a gardener working in a monastery was asked: "Why are you wearing this item on your leg?" He replied: "To avoid me." What did the gardener wear?Show answer
In the black box there is a clue to the Kalmyk riddle "Eats with the stomach, but spits out with the back"Show answer
In the black box there is a vessel, which during the performance of one rite, the ancient Slavic priestesses raised to the sky to cause rain.Show answer
In the black box there is a clue in Kazakh folk riddle"I drive a thousand sheep with one twig"Show answer
On the object, which is now in a black box during the time of Louis 16, various inscriptions could be seen, such as this: "If you have climbed so high, you can continue even higher."Show answer
In the black box there is an object whose admirers Marina Tsvetaeva called "void swallowers", "grabbers of minutes" and "wishers of mastic"Show answer
In the black box "frozen note". One well-known saying "Architecture is frozen music" allows us to call this object a "frozen note".Show answer
In the black box is what the British say: "She has six faces and twenty-one eyes."Show answer
One ancient Slavic legend tells that the object, which is now in the black box, is born from the reflection of lightning, imprinted in the eyes of a very cautious inhabitant. underwater world at the moment when he, frightened by a thunderstorm, hurries to take refuge in his dwelling more securely.Show answer
In the black box there is an object in which Bushmen hunters are indigenous people South Africa poured fresh water and buried in case of drought.Show answer
In the black box is contemporary subject, which we call the same as in Lermontov's time they called envelopes with letters written in hazelnut ink.Show answer
During the war against the Kingdom of Pergamon, Hannibal's fleet was armed with special vessels that the soldiers threw onto the decks of enemy ships. The filling of these vessels is in a black box.Show answer
Psychologists say: if what is in the black box has a pointed shape, then this indicates that a practical and respectable person uses it; if the shape of a truncated cone, then a calm and cheerful person; if the shape of a pencil, then an egoist; a uniformly rounded shape speaks of composure and determination; a indefinite form- about imbalance.Show answer
In the middle of the 20th century, censorship was rampant in the Soviet Union. Fans of forbidden melodies made records themselves and called them "records on the ribs" or "records on the bones." What was the basis of these records?Show answer
Tsumayoji is in the black box. "Tsuma" means "nail" in Japanese; "yo" - "willow"; "ji" - "branch".Show answer
In the black box is what one famous fashion designer said: "Your whole life is in it."Show answer
In the black box is what used to be called "chill on the fork".Show answer
The black box contains printed matter, where you can see all the ruling queens of Russia, except for Anna Leopoldovna. But far from all the kings, but only Fedor Alekseevich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Alexei Petrovich, Peter I, Paul I, Peter II, Nicholas II and Ivan V.Show answer
In the black box there is a device invented in the middle of the 19th century, which, by its appearance, unwittingly put an end to mass extermination sperm whales.Show answer
"The sooner you know - it will be longer, the later you know - it will soon pass." This inscription, according to the English writer Jerome Klapka Jerome, was placed on one device. Similar device is in the black box.Show answer
In the black box is what writer Vladimir Nabokov called the enlightened offspring of the index finger.Show answer
American psychologist Kalil Jamison said: "Treat the other person and his freedom with care and respect, while remaining close. And if you push too hard, with a claim to possess the other person, the relationship will deteriorate and crumble." What Kalil Jamison compared human relationships to is in the black box.Show answer
The black box contains the answer to the American riddle. Throw out what's outside and cook what's inside. And then you eat what's left on the outside and throw away what's on the inside.Show answer
The black box contains something made from something that was invented in 1935 and got its name from the abbreviation of the names of two major cities peace. What is the stuff in the black box made of?Show answer
In the black box - what the Russian peasants used in traditional medicine to treat the patient with all these herbs. What kind of treatment combined a compress, a massage, and an impact on biologically active points.Show answer
In the black box there is something that in Japan is a symbol of a young woman, in China a symbol of a young, and in love, man. And in ancient Mexico, a symbol of a swaying fire.Show answer
There are two objects in the black box, with the help of which the father explained to his son what infinity is.Show answer
The Black Box contains what is prepared with ribbons, a hammer and rosin.Show answer
The great Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky said that Siberians love long winter evenings gather at the table and conduct, as they say, "Siberian conversation." In the "black box", there is an indispensable attribute of the "Siberian conversation".Show answer
Experienced tourists say that in order to quickly dry soaked boots, three things are needed: matches, brushwood and those items that are now in the black box.Show answer
"He settled in that peace,\nWhere the village old-timer\nSquared for 40 years with the housekeeper,\nHe looked out the window and crushed flies."\nIn the black box there is a device with which Eugene Onegin's uncle used to crush flies.Show answer
She was born at the highest command in 1530. Over the years, it changed, became smaller, and in 1993, not having lived to see its 500th anniversary, it played catch.Show answer
“Some are to be tasted, others are better to swallow. And only a few chew and digest. What Francis Bacon said so is in the Black Box.Show answer
"There were strange rumors about the artist of the 17th century. Gerard Dou. It was said that every day after work he carefully closed his works, put paints and brushes in tightly closed boxes. His workshop was clogged like a hatbox. The artist entered it on tiptoe and before starting work, he sat motionless in front of the canvas for a long time.In the black box is what Gerard Dow fought in this way.Show answer
For some, I am a favorite, others use me in heraldry to scare the devil, but I am not a cross.Show answer
In the black box lies something black, shiny and smells, this something was allowed to be worn in the Russian army only by ranks from colonel and above.Show answer
The black box now contains an object invented back in ancient egypt from the outside, it looks very appetizing, although it is considered completely inedible, and at the same time, many people eat it several times a day and immediately apply the next portion.Show answer
To find out what is in this black box, you need to use two keys.Show answer
The black box contains what Walter thinks the newlyweds should eat.Show answer
The black box contains a very popular fruit that is grown in the tropics.Show answer
One of ancient drinks, and the country with the highest consumption of this drink per capita is the Czech Republic.Show answer
The black box contains a plucked musical instrument.Show answer
In the black box is 3D model Earth.Show answer
In the black box there is a fruit that in the old days a girl took out to matchmakers and gave into the hands of the prospective groom if she did not want to marry him.Show answer
The black box now contains an object that in German, English, Italian and many other languages ​​gave a name to something that has no name in Russian.Show answer
As you know, the breakfast of a true English gentleman traditionally consists of three parts: soft-boiled eggs, coffee and a fresh newspaper. In order to prepare it, this gentleman's servant traditionally uses three things: a saucepan, a coffee maker, and what is in the black box. If he had not used this third object, the gentleman would have been very unhappy, and the servant would have added extra work to himself.Show answer
Listen to the prayer of a man who appreciates what lies in the black box. Translation from French: Lord, grant me health on long years, love sometimes, a little money, a little work, but what lies in the black box - ALWAYS.Show answer
The black box contains something that was wooden during the Second World War, and gold before and after the war. Not only do some people have it, but Mickey Mouse also has it.Show answer
The black box contains an object, the principle of which was successfully used in ancient times to combat mythical monsters and real military threat, and is now used in the latest energy-saving technologies.Show answer
Riddle:\n"On a wall in a visible place\nThey all gather together,\nAnd then its residents\nwill fly in all directions."\nWe won't ask you the answer. But in the black box are the very "tenants" in question.Show answer
The Chinese believed that burning bamboo could scare away evil spirits. The black box contains a device that the Chinese called "bao zhu" or "bao zhang" - literally "burn bamboo".Show answer
On March 22, 1935, this country decided to regain its historical name, canceling the name given by eternal enemies. The black box contains one of the items that perpetuated the old name of the country.Show answer
Some useful invention is a cylindrical object with a needle at the end. When a button is pressed, a certain amount of gas from a special cartridge enters through a needle into a closed space, where it creates a slight high blood pressure. What happens as a result is more often achieved with a simpler device that we have placed in a black box.Show answer
What is in this box is often abbreviated by both Americans and Israelis. But the Americans use the first half of his name, and the Israelis use the second.Show answer
The appearance of the item, which is now in the black box, has undergone significant changes. At first, he bore the imprint of the Rococo style, then gravitated towards the Empire, but, in the end, did not escape the influence of Art Nouveau. One of his predecessors can be considered the Chinese ho-go, which, like him, had a pipe and a blower. The truth is that what is in the black box has neither one nor the other, since it works, alas, from electricity.Show answer
The Portuguese Zekinya took away the object lying in the black box from the Malaysian Saleh and for this he received this object. Name what is in the black box with two words starting with the same letterShow answer
In the 19th century, some athletes during competitions sometimes asked the audience to wake them up. In the black box, the invention of T. Wilson, which changed the situation.Show answer
In the black box there is an object that, according to Goran Delic, the smile of a happy person should look like.Show answer
Ancient legends mention dishes that had a certain common property and which the people called "the bread of the angels." In a black box - a modern analogue of the "bread of angels", which can be obtained under the symbol interpreted in some sources as the "Tree of Life".Show answer
AT early XIX of the century, one original was bet on that will make restaurant visitors go without drinking water for an entire evening. To carry out his plan, he came to the restaurant, sat down at the table and took advantage of what was in the black box.Show answer
What's in the black box long time was the privilege of the Japanese imperial family. In the chronicle of 720, it is mentioned that Emperor Shujin himself worshiped a deity of this named Omiwa no kami, to whom several temples were dedicated at once in Kyoto. Today, any of you can get it. By the way, Japanese scientists claim that this can increase your IQ by about three points.Show answer
Collectors still have pre-war copies of what is in the black box. On faded labels, you can sometimes see an imprint: "Exchange fund. Not for sale." A similar warning applies to the time when Soviet industry there was a shortage of raw materials - imported alkaline varnish. Copies marked with such a stamp could not simply be bought - they went only in exchange for broken ones, by weight.Show answer
The architecture of one quarter of Barcelona combines the styles of three modernists - Antonio Gaudi, Luis Domenech and Josep Puja. Residents of Barcelona often argue about which style is prettier. This quarter is called "La Manzana de la Discordia". The name of the quarter can be translated as "Quarter of Disagreements". And it can be translated in another way, because the word "manzana", in addition to "quarter", has another meaning. In the black box is an object that is also called "manzana" in Spanish.Show answer
In the black box there is an object well known to you, which came to us from the east, but we call it the Dutch word. And there is a riddle about him: "Squeeze - wedge, unclench - pancake."Show answer
During the shelling of Yugoslavia in 1999, NATO used missiles that responded to any sufficiently powerful source of radio emission in the range from 400 to 10,000 megahertz. According to some reports, the Serbs successfully diverted missiles to false targets, using household appliances, whose sample is in the black box.Show answer
Mexican craftsmen say: maple has bright and high OH, mahogany has low and deep OH, pine and spruce have bad OH. In the black box - what these craftsmen make.Show answer
For the ancient Romans, the prototype of what lies in the black box was a bag of stones. Each stone represented a pet. Remember the Latin word for stone.Show answer
Nutritionist Kashin writes that during the campaign in France, Russian soldiers missed our food so much that they used grape leaves instead of what is in the black box.Show answer
“Of all the forms that life can give to its works, nowhere are the graceful features of a ball and an ellipse combined with greater regularity,” the famous naturalist Jean Henri Fabre wrote about what is in the black box.Show answer
Every year in Spain, an original championship is held, the participants of which, with the help of both legs and arms, overcome a short distance. Moreover, all participants without exception receive prizes and gifts, even those who have not managed to overcome the distance or have left it. Name an item of equipment that is obligatory for all participants of the championship, so to speak, which lies in a black box.Show answer
Chemists at Zhejiang University found out that a certain material was part of the mortar that held together the stone blocks of the Great Wall of China. There is a kilogram of this material in the black box. Name it.Show answer
The heroine of Luis Pereira's poem wants to deprive her beloved of peace after death. In the black box is an object in which the heroine places the ashes of her lover.Show answer
Japanese politicians, just like any other, during the election campaigns are trying to create an image of an honest, noble person. Hence the increased use of some piece of clothing these days. This piece of clothing is now in a black box, and you just have to name it.Show answer
The black box contains the answer to the following riddle: W inside, W outside. Write it down in two words.Show answer
In Tomsk, a sculptural composition was installed in front of one institution. The sculpture is an object with a diameter of less than a meter, from which a person crawls out. This item is in a black box.Show answer
Hippocrates believed that THIS is "miraculously adapted for a person, THIS is prescribed to both the healthy and the sick at the right time and in the proper amount." And according to Pasteur, IT can rightfully be considered as "the most healthy, hygienic drink." THIS is in the black box.Show answer
In order to become an IM in China, one usually had to study long and hard. And a university student from Zhejiang was recently able to pay for his education by selling five tons of them. HE is also in the black box now.Show answer
Thomas Mann writes that travelers who visited the Egyptian city of Per-Bastet were easily recognized in other cities by the smell of THIS. THIS is in the black box.Show answer
traditional ingredient festive dishes Albanians celebrating the day of May 1 cannot be afforded by the majority of people from the wealthy classes, especially the people, so to speak, public ones. Although he has many useful properties celebrated by both believers and atheists. This ingredient is now in the black box.Show answer
THEY "eat" about three percent of the wheat flour produced in the world. In nature, they feed on, for example, flower nectar. They are in the black box.Show answer
One of the most famous IM models appeared in the USA in the mid-1930s and was originally intended for military pilots. According to comedian Fred Allen, a celebrity is a person who achieves fame all his life, and then uses THEM. They are in the black box.Show answer
Newton used copper and arsenic to obtain this, Herschel used copper and tin. Now amateurs often use silver, and professionals - aluminum.Show answer
Marco Polo first saw them in China, and wrote about them: it is " new way achieving the goal that alchemists have always strived for." THEY are now in the box.Show answer
The French call the money hidden from tax office in Zurich or Geneva, IM. Now HE is in a black box. Name HIM with two words beginning with the same letter.Show answer
AT different times to achieve this, they drank vinegar, put camphor under the arm, swallowed paper pellets, were without air for a long time, and even drank mercury and lead. What is in the black box is modern women used for the same purposes.Show answer
They say that their first copy was made by the two-faced Janus - the god of inventions. Now they are used almost everywhere. Sometimes they are found at the base of masts. We put them in a black box.Show answer
In 1937, a bend was awarded a separate patent. And the device itself was patented as much as 50 years before, and then it was made of paper. This device is now in a black box.Show answer
Fruit in black box tropical plant, which played an important role in the fate of many outstanding football players. Pele, for example, said that if it were not for this fruit, he would never have become a football player.Show answer
The black box contains what Cleopatra used as a lipstick, and you can buy it in the market.Show answer
"Possessing Garden" Winter Palace was opened to the general public in March 1917 and became a favorite place for the promenade of ordinary Petrograd residents. And by July 1917, according to eyewitnesses, a thick layer of what was in the "black box" lay on the ground.Show answer
What lies in the black box has passed long way. At the time when Ivan III ruled in Russia, this was considered money. In the era of Alexei Mikhailovich the Quietest in Europe, it served as a luxury item. Cardinal Richelieu loved it and considered it an excellent medicine. Was in solidarity with him famous doctor Christopher Ludwig Hoffman. Today's doctors believe that it softens the throat with sore throat.Show answer
In 2002, in Germany and Austria, the wallet word "toiro" quickly became popular, made up of the word "toyer" - expensive and the word "oyro". What the Germans call "oiro" is in a black box.Show answer
In the black box there is a symbol of Russian life, which for a long time served as a sign social inequality and measure of wealth in the family. In the villages, it was passed down from generation to generation. With the development of industry, everyone could order it from a catalog or their own sketch. At fairs they were sold by weight and grade.Show answer
Are you afraid of snakes? And the heights? What about death? And the little green rock-eaters? In the black box - the cause of the world's most common phobia among adults. Analyze your feelings, call on American film director Frank Marshall to help and tell me - what's in the black box?Show answer
In the black box there is something that has been eaten in the Muscovite state since the 16th century, and was grown in India several thousand years before our era. The name of this berry, or rather, a false berry, comes from the Greek "unripe, unripe". Unripe fruits are used for food, as mature ones are practically inedible. Having guessed what kind of fruit it is, you can easily name its main function in a Russian feast.Show answer
In the black box there is something that was extracted from beans in Egypt, from palm trees in Cambodia, from the arenga tree in Bengal, from birch in Poland, from parsnips in Lithuania, from parsley in Belarus.Show answer
In 17th-century Spain, no less than 12 varieties of thieves were distinguished. Distinctive feature thieves, who were called apostles, is in a black box.Show answer
In the boxes where various devices are transported, there is a lot free space. Usually it is filled with foam. But it is then difficult to dispose of it, and the production of polystyrene is environmentally harmful. Patented in the USA new material to replace foam for these purposes. It is environmentally absolutely harmless and cheap, and according to its data it is very similar to polystyrene. Now it lies in a black box.Show answer
In the black box is what came to Russia under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who, according to legend, was cured of a stomach ailment by this.Show answer

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Black Box Quiz

Using this principle, it is realistic to conduct a similar quiz about the work of any of the famous writers.

We will give an example of how it can be organized by using the knowledge of children about the works of A. S. Pushkin during the game.

It is advisable before the game to once again draw the attention of children and their parents to those literary works that will be the subject of discussion.

The host reports that today the subject of the meeting will again be everyone's favorite fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin. It is good to leaf through the books of this author again, where there are drawings depicting the heroes of fairy tales. And the quiz will show how much the children remember the details of fairy tales.

At the end of the game, as the host promises, the guys will have a surprise - an unusual "black box" in which there will also be an object that played an important role in one of Pushkin's fairy tales. The one who excels in today's quiz and gives the largest number of correct answers will have the opportunity to open the "black box" and show what is hidden there. In order to mark how many questions each of the children answered correctly, you need to stock up on cut squares of colored paper. For the correct answer, the player receives his square from the host. At the end of the game, the players count their squares, thus recognizing the one who is given the right to open the "Black Box".

But first, the children must answer a series of questions.

Let's first remember the fairy tale with the longest title - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess". But we are all used to calling this tale more briefly - simply "The Tale of Tsar Saltan."

  • How tall was Prince Gvidon born? (Arshin, which, according to ancient Russian standards, meant “the length of the arm from the end of the fingers to the shoulder.” “God gave them a son in arshin”).
  • In this tale, one sister became a queen, the second became a weaver, and the third became who? (A cook. Taking his bride with him, the king says to her sisters: “Be one of you a weaver, and the other a cook”).
  • Who were the weaver and the cook to Prince Gvidon? (Aunts - they were his mother's sisters).
  • Who did Prince Gvidon turn into? (In a fly, mosquito, bumblebee).
  • How many times have sailors sailed to the island to Prince Gvidon, and how many times has Prince Gvidon sailed with them on their ship to see his father? (Sailors sailed four times, and Prince Gvidon sailed with them only three times. For the fourth time, he “stayed at home this time and did not part with his wife”)
  • With what help ancient weapons Guidon saved the Swan Princess? And where did he get this weapon? (With the help of a bow, which he made himself, he first broke a bough at an oak tree, pulled a string on its ends, and made a branch with an arrow).
  • What are the three miracles in the story? (Magic squirrel, heroes and the Swan Princess).
  • Did Tsar Saltan punish the weaver, the cook and the matchmaker Baba Babarikha? (No, he "let all three go home with such joy")

Now questions about the second tale - about the dead princess and the seven heroes.

  • What object did the proud, tremulous, wayward and jealous queen receive as a dowry? (Talking mirror).
  • How did the heroes know that the princess was in front of them? (According to her speech).
  • What was the name of the dog of the seven heroes? (Sokolko).
  • What was the name of the princess' fiancé? (King Elisha).
  • Whom did Prince Elisha turn to in search of his bride? (To the sun, moon and wind).

Now questions about the third tale - about the fisherman and the goldfish.

  • How many years did the old man and the old woman live together in a dilapidated dugout? (Thirty-three years).
  • How many times did the old man throw the seine into the sea? (Three times).
  • What did the net bring the first and second time? (Mud and sea grass).
  • What desires did the old woman have? (Get a new trough, then - a hut, then - to become in turn a columned noblewoman, queen and mistress of the sea).
  • What shoes did the old woman wear when she became queen? (Red boots).

Now questions about the next tale - about the golden cockerel.

  • Who gave King Dadon a golden cockerel? (Astrologer).
  • What service was the cockerel supposed to perform? (Guard the borders of the king and give a signal if enemies suddenly attack him).
  • What was the cock crowing? ("Kiri-ku-ku, reign, lying on your side!").
  • What did King Dadon promise the astrologer for his help? (Fulfill any desire of the astrologer - “I will fulfill your first will as my own”).
  • What was the name of the beauty that King Dadon fell in love with? (Shamakhani queen).
  • How many sons did King Dadon have? (Two).

The next questions are about "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda."

  • What words begin the story? ("Once upon a time there was a priest, a oatmeal forehead").
  • What payment did Balda charge for his work? (A year for three clicks on the ass on the forehead).
  • What did Balda ask for food for himself? (Boiled spelt - the word "spelt" means wild wheat).
  • With whom did the imp race around the sea? (With a bunny, whom Balda passed off as his younger brother).
  • Where did Bald want to throw the stick given to him by the devil? (For a cloud).

The facilitator can now sum up the first part of the quiz. The player who scored the most squares is considered the winner of the game, and he is allowed to open the "black box" brought by the host to the game and previously hiding mystery item related to the topic of the quiz.

The host offers to guess what is hidden in the "black box".

This is the item with which the evil stepmother wanted to destroy the princess in The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs. (Apple) .

The winner opens the box and takes out an apple.

Everyone applauds, game over.

A similar game using the "black box" can also be played according to the fairy tale "Cinderella". And then put a glass slipper in the “black box”, if anyone in the house has one, a toy mouse (mice turned into horses harnessed to Cinderella’s carriage) or some dishes - after all, Cinderella had to deal with it a lot.


1. How she nicknamed Cinderella older sister? (Smutty) .

2. What did the good fairy turn a pumpkin, mice, a rat into? (Into the carriage, horses, coachman) .

3. At what ball did Cinderella lose her shoe? (On the second) .

4. What language did all the heroes of this fairy tale speak? (In French, since the creator of this tale, Charles Perrault, is French) .

5. What color was the home dress of one of Cinderella's sisters that Cinderella pretended to ask her for? (yellow) .

6. What were the walls in the bedrooms of the sisters of Cinderella? (Mirror) .

7. What did the Cinderella sisters do when they wanted to lose weight before the royal ball? (For two days they did not eat anything and tried to tighten their waists).

8. To whom did Cinderella marry her sisters? (For two courtiers).

See also:

This competition should be held in a company in which everyone knows each other well. The facilitator distributes a piece of paper to each participant and asks them to write their first and last name in the upper corner, and then any five questions and correct answers regarding their person (about place and birthday, hobbies, hobbies, taste preferences, family composition, favorite animals, close friends, hated teachers, etc.). After that, the participants give their “questionnaires” to the leader, he folds them, puts them in a bag, mixes them, pulls out one sheet at a time, invites his author to go to the center and reads out questions about him. The task of the audience is to correctly answer questions about your friend. A point is awarded for a correct answer. When all the "questionnaires" are read out and all questions are answered, the points are calculated and the winner is announced.

Game "Mystery of the black box"

The host brings to the guests a “black box” (a box pasted over with black paper), in which there is a pre-placed object “X” (the more unexpected and piquant, the more interesting it will be for the players). Participants of the competition take turns asking leading questions about the object hidden in the “black box”, formulating them so that the host can only answer “yes” or “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses what item the presenter hid. The winner receives a prize, which can be the item he guessed.

Tasks for ingenuity

How do day and night end?
(soft sign)

Which is lighter: a kilogram of nails or a kilogram of cotton wool?
(They weigh the same.)

When a horse is bought, what is it like?

Which chain cannot be lifted?

When does a person have as many eyes as there are days in a year?
(Second of January.)

What utensils are not eaten from?
(From empty.)

Four birch trees grew
Each birch has four large branches,
On every big branch -
Four small branches
On every little branch -
Four apples.
How many apples are there?
(None: apples don't grow on birch trees.)

trick questions

Can you catch water with a net? (It is possible if the water is frozen).

Can an apple tree have eggs? (Yes, in a bird's nest).

What can you cook that you can't eat? ( Homework, cement ...).

Night. It's raining. The bus is coming. Everyone is asleep, only the driver is awake. Questions.
What bus? What is the name of the driver? Which wheel on the bus does not spin? (The bus is wet. The driver's name is Tolka. The spare wheel is not spinning).

There was a woman for the dough, she fell in a soft place. What do you think? (Head).

How is Eve different from all naked women? (Eve does not have a navel).

How many edges does a hexagonal pencil have? (Eight).

It's time to admit to ourselves that the most addictive games are puzzles. You don't even need to invest heavily in these games. No one requires serious graphics or good sound from puzzles. The main thing in such applications is a good process that could make the convolutions move. Unfortunately, not so often in App Store something good came up. But there are exceptions. For example, good game for lovers of puzzles, riddles and crossword puzzles. Perhaps the graphics here are not the best, but you definitely have to "move the gears".

Despite its name, the game is related to “What? Where? When" does not. Whether this is good or bad is a difficult question, depending on which side you look at. But we must admit that sometimes the developments of independent developers are much more popular than any affiliated applications. Therefore, we will not judge biasedly, let's look at everything in detail. Especially since good riddles it really didn’t fall into our hands for a long time, we even missed it.

Everything looks simple enough. In front of you, you can observe a black box in which something is hidden. You need to read the question or riddle, and then correctly write the word describing the object hidden in the black box. It must be admitted that all riddles can fundamentally differ in complexity from each other. Not to say that each subsequent question is more difficult than the previous one; rather, everything turns out randomly: how lucky. But it's nice that some questions can not only help broaden your horizons, but also bring practical benefits in life. This is how the question might sound:

“Experienced tourists say that in order to quickly dry soaked boots, three things are needed: matches, brushwood and those items that are now in the black box.”

In this case, the correct answer is "stones". I wonder if anyone figured it out, tell me in the comments. In total, here you can find about one hundred and fifty questions on absolutely different topics. Complexity, as you understand, can also be very different. Moreover, some questions are posed in such a way that you don’t even immediately understand what question you could ask the search engine. But better, of course, try to guess without the help of the Internet, it's better to play with friends.

In case the question is too tough for you (could it be?), use the hints in the application itself. There are two types of hint options: “Delete unnecessary letters” and “Insert the correct letter”. It makes no sense to paint tips in detail, they work exactly as it is said in the names written a little earlier. All hints cost a certain amount of coins, which can be earned for correct answers. Another option is to buy coins using in-app purchases. By the way, every day you are supposed to nice bonus in the form of coins, do not forget to go to the application to receive your reward.

In general, the puzzle turned out really good. The questions are quite tricky, it’s not even possible to immediately give the correct answers to many, which is good. The harder the puzzle, the better: the more interesting the game, the more excitement. The only thing worth working on appearance, that is graphics. Of course, as we said at the very beginning: the puzzle can be neglected by good graphics, but it's still nice when they also worked on it. We all have a sense of beauty. Everything else is great. The main thing is that the list of questions is constantly updated. After all, regardless of the complexity, sooner or later answers will be given to everything.

Name: What's in the black box?
Publisher/Developer: GameLikeApps
Price: For free
In-App Purchases: There is
Compatibility: Universal Application

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