Butch results. So, the approximate menu of the BEACH diet for a month. Salmon baked in the oven

A diet with protein-carbohydrate alternation is gaining more and more popularity among athletes and just people who want to lose weight without harm to health and always keep themselves in shape. The BEACH diet takes into account the peculiarities of human metabolism and allows you to get rid of excess fat, while maintaining muscle tone. The alternation of meals rich in proteins or carbohydrates allows the body not to experience stress during the diet, so the risk of breaking loose and not completing the cycle is reduced to zero.

How protein-carbohydrate alternation promotes weight loss

A diet based on protein-carbohydrate alternation is one of the most effective, because it takes into account the metabolic processes occurring in the body. The basis of the diet is the alternation of days during which you can eat only protein foods or only foods with high content carbohydrates. The result will be noticeable in a few days.

During protein days, the level of carbohydrate intake decreases significantly, the body begins to consume glycogen contained in the muscles and liver. This leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue and weight loss.

So that the body does not experience stress, the level of carbohydrates does not fall to a critically low level, the destruction of muscle tissue does not begin, carbohydrate days. They contribute to obtaining additional energy, including from the breakdown of adipose tissue.

An approximate schedule of protein-carbohydrate alternation is as follows:

  • 2 protein days, during which the body begins to actively consume glycogen from the liver and break down fats to maintain energy;
  • a carbohydrate day, during which the supply of glycogen is partially replenished, this prevents the body from falling into a state of stress and starting to destroy muscles;
  • protein-carbohydrate day, during which all processes in the body return to normal;
  • course repetition.

Nutritionists advise following a protein-carbohydrate diet for 4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended or repeated.

In addition to the classic, there are other popular protein-carbohydrate alternation schemes:

  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate;
  • 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate;
  • 3 protein + 1 carbohydrate + 1 protein-carbohydrate;
  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate + 2 protein-carbohydrate.

A significant restriction of the caloric content of foods consumed during the day on this diet is not required. Women are advised not to exceed 1200 calories, men - 1400. It is important not to reduce physical activity and exercise regularly.

An approximate scheme of a protein-carbohydrate diet

During a protein-carbohydrate diet, you must follow the rules fractional nutrition- at least 5 small meals a day. It helps speed up the metabolic processes in the body.

Subject to the classical scheme of protein-carbohydrate alternation, the menu for 4 days will look like this:

  • day 1: consumption of a certain amount of protein at the rate of 3-4 g of protein per 1 kg of desired weight; consumption of no more than 25 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fat per day;
  • day 2: repetition of day 1;
  • day 3: consumption of 1 g of protein and 6 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight; fat intake is also limited to 30 g;
  • day 4: consumption of 3 g of protein and 3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight; fat intake remains the same.

From the fifth day the cycle repeats. During the two protein days, it is recommended to carry out the most active workouts: strength exercises, cardio. Separate deviations from the scheme, if the main one is ineffective, are negotiated with a dietitian.

What foods are allowed on the BEACH diet?

If you follow a protein-carbohydrate diet, you should give preference to boiled, baked and stewed dishes, as well as steamed food. Fried food is not recommended. You should limit the amount of salt and hot spices consumed - although you should not completely exclude them from the diet.

The following products are allowed for consumption on protein days:

  • beef;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • lean fish;
  • low-fat "milk" - kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • boiled eggs (but no more than 2 yolks per day);
  • cucumbers (no more than 2 pieces) and greens;
  • a handful of nuts.

Allowed foods on protein days - gallery

Nuts are high energy value Cucumber is the most dietary product because it is 95% water Dairy products improve metabolic processes Meat contains a large number of proteins Fish is an excellent source of complete animal protein and fatty acids Omega-3 class Eggs are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements

On carbohydrate days, the following foods are allowed:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • apples;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • bitter chocolate and honey in small quantities.

Allowed foods on carbohydrate days - gallery

Oatmeal helps cleanse the intestines Rice binds and removes salt from the body, contributing to weight loss Buckwheat saturates well and relieves hunger for a long time Fresh vegetables improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body Caffeine in chocolate speeds up metabolism Whole grain bread is an excellent source of coarse fiber Apples contain glucose and fructose, so they are used as a treat that is safe for the figure.

Foods that are prohibited on the BEACH diet:

  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • sweet fruits;
  • Wheat flour;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food.

Forbidden foods for a diet - gallery

Sugar is very high-calorie product, which has very few useful substances Banana has 100 kcal per 100 g, which can prevent weight loss. White wheat flour promotes weight gain. excess weight Alcohol always negatively affects the body, not only during the diet Fast food increases the amount of body fat Fatty meat disrupts metabolism and leads to obesity

Sample menu for four days BUCH

Since the four-day protein-carbohydrate alternation scheme is considered the classic and most effective, the diet menu is calculated exactly for 4 days.

The cycle should be repeated for a month. If you prefer other BEACH diet plans, just adapt the menu for them. For example, you can follow a diet for 21 days. In this case, the cycle "2 protein days + 1 carbohydrate" must be repeated 7 times.

Days #1-2 (Protein)

The menu for the first two days will look like this:

  • breakfast: steamed omelette of 4 proteins and 2 yolks, cucumber and herb salad, seasoned lemon juice, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • lunch: protein cocktail on low-fat milk or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch: baked chicken fillet with grapefruit slices;
  • afternoon snack: 100 g of beef stewed with green beans;
  • dinner: lean fish and steamed broccoli dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • at night: protein shake.

Day #3 (carbohydrate)

On a carbohydrate day, the diet includes the following list of products:

  • breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in milk with dried fruits;
  • second breakfast: an apple or a handful of nuts;
  • lunch: brown rice with chicken fillet;
  • afternoon snack: buckwheat with vegetable sauce;
  • dinner: a piece of fish steamed with whole grain bread.

Day #4 (mixed)

On the fourth day, it is allowed to consume both protein and carbohydrate foods:

  • breakfast: oatmeal on the water with honey, steamed omelet, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast: toasted bread with honey, a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: chicken fillet with steamed green beans, fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad with a slice of whole grain bread, cottage cheese or cheese;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with chopped herbs or a protein shake.

Beans Block Excess Calorie Intake

Detailed recipes for the BUCH diet

The menu for the BEACH diet is simple, so any woman can handle cooking.

Oatmeal in a jar

Pour into a jar with a lid 3-4 tbsp. l. oatmeal and fill them in half large quantity low-fat kefir. Add frozen berries or dried fruit if desired. Close the jar tightly and shake. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.

The dish is suitable for eating for breakfast on a carbohydrate day.

Protein omelette with green beans

Pour a handful of frozen beans into a heated frying pan without oil. Fry until half cooked. Then fill with a mixture of eggs and low-fat milk. Fry over low heat with a lid on. Sprinkle with herbs if desired.

The dish is suitable for consumption on protein and mixed days.

Today, a sporty and toned body is in fashion. Everyone can bring their figure in line with modern beauty standards. It is only necessary to introduce active and regular sports into your life, as well as to establish nutrition.

Today, many nutrition systems have been developed that are aimed at getting rid of excess kilograms, burning fat deposits, and building muscle relief.

One of the most popular and effective is considered to be the BEACH diet. This article is dedicated to her. We have collected detailed information about this diet plan, its positive and negative sides, advantages in comparison with other modern diets.

From this material you will learn how to switch to a protein-carbohydrate alternation, what menu to follow, how to achieve maximum results without harm to health. In other words, we will try to tell everything about the intricacies of BEACH.

Main characteristics of BUCH

BUCH suggests a diet aimed at burning fat mass. This is the so-called "drying", only in a somewhat lightened form.

Initially, professional athletes adhered to such nutrition, but today, when beautiful body everyone dreams of having, this diet has gained wide popularity.

Many have been impressed with the results that BEA provides, as well as the relative simplicity and affordability of this diet. It is believed that nutrition according to this system allows you to quickly and without unnecessary difficulties get rid of unwanted kilograms.

Indeed, the protein-carbohydrate alternation helps to drive fat by the summer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the main effect is on subcutaneous fat.

It gradually disappears, body volumes decrease, while muscle mass remains the same or increases with proper training.

In winter and spring, when fresh delicious vegetables and fruits are limited, BEACH is especially easy to follow, as this diet does not require a large amount of vegetables or fruits. On protein days, they are generally excluded from the diet.

BUCH and other power systems: a comparative analysis

Comparing protein-carbohydrate alternation and other types of nutrition, there are several key distinctive features BUCH:

  • This diet is different from traditional diets. His diet is designed in such a way that the body does not experience a serious deficiency in any substances necessary for it. The BUCH diet is as close to a balanced diet as possible.
  • If you strictly follow the BEA and follow the cycles, then the body will receive in sufficient quantities both proteins and carbohydrates. This will allow you to get rid of extra pounds without plunging the body into serious stress.
  • Another one important feature BEACH lies in the fact that a person who adheres to this nutrition system does not suffer from hunger. On the contrary, he may experience a severe decrease in appetite.
  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation involves eating affordable and simple foods. You do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive ingredients, and you will also do without many hours of cooking complex dishes according to special recipes.
  • The BEACH diet, the menu of which allows you not to suffer from hunger, does not slow down the metabolic processes in the body, unlike all other types of diets. On the contrary, with regular training, it will be easy for you to maintain a high metabolic rate. In this case, the number of workouts should reach several times a week. In addition, BEACH is an excellent remedy against the "plateau effect", which is characterized by the lack of weight loss even with a strict diet.
  • For those who are actively involved in sports, such a diet allows you to feel cheerful and provides strength for new sports achievements;
  • You can use BUCH for up to two months, it is completely safe for health. This option is suitable for those who cannot withstand strict short-term diets.
  • BEA is aimed at real weight loss rather than fluid loss. Subject to the principles of such nutrition, subcutaneous fat is burned and body volumes are noticeably reduced. The process of losing weight begins from the first day of the transition to a new diet. And when using many express diets, the body loses only water.
  • As one of the ways to cleanse the body is the BEACH diet. Reviews about this nutrition system suggest that the absorption of nutrients is better, the skin condition improves, the complexion becomes more even and healthy, inflammation disappears, and the feeling of heaviness disappears.
  • BUCH is one of the ways to permanently switch to healthy balanced diet. It will help you take the first steps towards eating more often, but in moderation. You will be able to control your portions and eat exactly as much as your body needs. The BEA restrictions are quite mild, and you can quickly get used to them.
  • This nutrition system involves regular carbohydrate days, as well as “break-off days”, when you can eat both proteins and carbohydrates together. All this provides psychological comfort on a diet. Your well-being remains excellent, and your mood remains sunny. Starting BUCH, do not be afraid of a breakdown, depression, psychological difficulties. All this usually accompanies extreme diets, but BUCH is not one of them.
  • Another significant benefit of protein-carbohydrate rotation is that the weight lost does not come back after the diet is completed. Of course, this applies only to those cases where both the diet and the exit from it were carried out in strict accordance with the established rules.

BEA Disadvantages

Despite the huge number positive sides, this type of food has its drawbacks.

Among the most significant are:

  • BEA, as a rule, we provide slow weight loss. Significantly lose weight in a week on BUCH will not work. Unless BUCH Malysheva can give the desired result if you need to quickly get in shape. All steel systems of protein-carbohydrate alternation are aimed at systematic, stable and long-term disposal of unwanted kilograms.
  • In this diet has its limitations. Therefore, it is definitely not worth getting carried away by those who have problems with the pancreas, kidneys and liver.
  • It must be said that BUCH not suitable for those who are overweight. For such people to get in shape, they first need to create conditions of a calorie deficit in order to get rid of apparently excess fat mass. And only after that you can switch to BUCH in order to finally “dry out” and bring the forms to perfection. If a person weighing 100 kg every day to eat 400 gr. meat, then his kidneys will have a dangerous load. Therefore, it is not necessary with such a mass to abruptly switch to BUCH. In order to find out if this diet is right for you or not, you need to calculate what part of your weight is fat. If it is ¼ or less, then you can safely start eating according to the BEACH system.
  • Some discomfort may occur on protein days. The absence of carbohydrates entails a breakdown, a lack of energy. Dealing with this phenomenon is quite simple. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the established number of protein days. Usually there are no more than three in a row.
  • Another disadvantage is lack of fruits and vegetables on protein days. For some people, this is a serious problem. But such is the nature of the diet.

BEACH diet: a detailed description

So, as we said, BEACH consists of alternating days with protein nutrition and days with carbohydrate nutrition.

On protein days, you can eat:

  • Meat: chicken, duck, lamb, goose, rabbit, pheasant, lean pork, turkey, beef;
  • Seafood: squid, trout, octopus, salmon, mussels, salmon, lobster, tuna, shrimp, pink salmon, halibut, cod, hake, flounder;
  • Dairy: curdled milk, low-fat cheese, milk, unflavored yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Eggs. Protein - in unlimited quantities, yolk - no more than one per day.
  • Groats: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • Bread and pasta: brown bread, pasta hard varieties wheat, pasta with bran;
  • Fruit low sugar, low starch vegetables, leafy greens.

On mixed days, the diet is made up of products of protein and carbohydrate days in equal parts.

According to the diet scheme, the body can receive fats only from vegetable oil. To do this, drink a large spoonful of olive oil or linseed oil.

How to start BUCH?

In order to hold out on any diet, you need to firmly know why you are doing it. Take a critical look at yourself in the mirror, take measurements of all the parameters, think about how they correspond to your ideals.

It is also important to believe that the desired result is actually achievable. The key is to set clear, realistic goals.

Monitor your progress towards the goal by regularly repeating measurements or comparing the result with your initial state.

This will help you stay motivated and stick to a diet that really helps you get leaner and more attractive.

If you have always tried to adhere to the principles of rational nutrition, then you can start BEA with a protein day without prior preparation.

If your usual diet cannot be called healthy, then it will be quite difficult for you to immediately withstand a strict protein day.

The main variant of BUCH, a cycle for four days

Professionals believe that sticking to BEACH is optimal for a month. The longest period is three months.

If you follow such a diet for longer, then the body simply adapts to new conditions, and weight loss will stop, and the metabolism will slow down significantly.

Most often, BEA is used in the form of cycles of four days: two - protein, one - carbohydrate, one - mixed. In this case, the amount of protein is calculated based on 3-4 grams per kilogram of the desired weight.

Carbohydrates on protein days should be limited as much as possible. On a carbohydrate day, the amount of carbohydrates is calculated as 5-6 grams for every kilogram of desired weight.

On a mixed day, proteins and carbohydrates are consumed in equal amounts. After that, the cycle repeats again from the protein day.

Weight loss with BUCH occurs as a result of fat burning against the background of restriction of either carbohydrates or proteins. In a normal diet, our body receives energy from fats and carbohydrates that come with food.

Proteins are used for reproduction and tissue repair. BUCH involves limiting carbohydrates and fats. Accordingly, the body draws strength from the glycogen stores stored in the liver and muscles.

After this supply runs out, the body begins to consume subcutaneous fat. Typically, glycogen stores are depleted on the second protein day.

In this situation, it is important not to overexpose the body on proteins, otherwise it may enter into austerity mode, and the metabolism will seriously slow down. To avoid this situation on the third day, you need to give up proteins and saturate the body with carbohydrates.

The fourth mixed day is preparation for the start of the next cycle, starting with the protein day. On such a diet, the body calmly continues its work on the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, without falling into a mode of slow metabolism.

Regardless of the day of the cycle, you should always have dinner with proteins. On a carbohydrate day, all acceptable proteins can be eaten for dinner. On protein days, you need to strive to minimize fat and carbohydrates in the diet.

You should stop snacking on nuts, cheeses, seeds. These foods are rich in fat and can negate all the effort and effect of BEACH.

But you can't cut fat completely. Need to fill them up big spoon olive or linseed oil per day.

We bring to your attention an example of calculating the required amount of substances. Suppose you want to lose weight up to 60 kg.

Then on a protein day you will need 180-240 gr. protein, and in carbohydrate - 300-360 gr. carbohydrates + 60 gr. squirrel. For a mixed day, you will need 150 gr. carbohydrates and proteins.

BEACH diet: menu with recipes

Start from the first day of the cycle and the first protein day.

As a breakfast, fat-free cottage cheese (200 gr.) is an ideal choice. Black coffee with spices is suitable for it. It turns out that at the first meal you will receive 44 gr. proteins, 1 gr. fat, 7 gr. carbohydrates.

For your second breakfast, make yourself an omelet with four eggs. Do not use oil for frying. This portion will be 14.5 gr. squirrel.

You can have lunch with breast (200 gr.) And cucumber salad, olive oil(small spoon) and a small amount of salt. It turns out that for lunch you will eat 48 gr. protein, 4 gr. fat, 3 gr. carbohydrates.

For an afternoon snack, you can bake low-fat fish (200 gr.). This will make 40 gr. proteins and 4 gr. fat.

For a modest dinner of 200 gr. fat-free cottage cheese will have 44 gr. proteins, 1 gr. fat, 7 gr. carbohydrates.

This is what your protein day might look like. Products can be replaced by any of the above permitted list.

Menu for carbohydrate day

In the morning, cook oatmeal in water from 100 gr. dry cereal. Add one small spoon of honey and one tablespoon of raisins to it. Get nutritious, healthy and tasty breakfast, from which you will receive 12 gr. protein, 91 gr. carbohydrates, 6 gr. fats.

You can have a snack before lunch with a banana (150 gr.). It will provide you with 34.5 gr. carbohydrates, 2 gr. proteins.

For lunch, bake or boil potatoes (400 g) and prepare cabbage salad (200 g) with linseed oil (one small spoon). You can use fresh or sauerkraut. As a result, at lunch you will get 91 gr. carbohydrates, 13 gr. proteins, 5 gr. fats.

You can have a snack after dinner with an apple (300 gr.), which contains 34 gr. carbohydrates, 1 gr. squirrel.

For an afternoon snack, eat rye pasta (50 gr. in dry form), seasoned with linseed oil (one small spoon) and an apple (200 gr.). This will make 48 gr. carbohydrates, 6 gr. proteins, 5 gr. fats.

Dinner even on a carbohydrate day is worth protein foods. Suitable fat-free cottage cheese (200 gr.), Mixed with honey (two small spoons), and compote of dried apricots, raisins, prunes without sugar. As a result, for dinner you will consume 20.5 gr. carbohydrates, 36 gr. protein, 1 gr. fats.

Mixed day plan

You can have breakfast with oatmeal (100 gr. Cereals) on water, half a glass of milk, 1.5% fat content, and a boiled egg. This serving contains 71 gr. carbohydrates, 27.5 gr. protein, 18.5 gr. fats.

Before lunch, have a snack with an apple (200 gr.). You will receive 22 gr. carbohydrates and 1 gr. squirrel.

For lunch, bake breast (200 gr.) And potatoes (200 gr.). Also prepare vegetable salad- cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes (200 gr.), Seasoned with one small spoonful of linseed oil. In this serving - 55 gr. protein, 45.5 gr. carbohydrates, 7 gr. fats.

For lunch, make yourself an omelet with four eggs. Fry without oil. It contains 14.5 gr. squirrel.

For dinner, baked fish without fat (200 gr.) With sauerkraut (200 gr.), Which will be 42 gr., is suitable. protein and 11 gr. carbohydrates.

When observing BEACH, it is worth remembering that the portions should be smaller than usual, and the breaks between meals should be shorter. The less and more often you eat, the easier and faster you will lose weight.

During the day, you should eat at least five times, and even better - six. The last time you need to eat is a couple of hours before going to bed. The “no eating after six” rule only works for those who fall asleep at 8 pm.

Long breaks in food intake cause the body to switch to an energy-saving mode of operation and slow down metabolic processes which will negatively affect weight loss.

How long should I stick to the BEACH diet and how to get out of it?

Each person chooses for himself a comfortable and necessary diet time. The optimal period for complying with the principles of BEA is a month. The maximum recommended period is three months.

The first effect is noticeable after seven days of following the principles of nutrition BEACH. At the same time, it is important to measure volumes, not weight, since subcutaneous fat is burned, and muscles can build up, so the volume will go away, and the weight will stand still or even increase.

Weight is unstable during BUCH. Protein days stimulate fluid loss, so after them you may notice a weight loss of a kilogram or more. But on carbon days, the fluid balance in the body is restored, and the weight stabilizes.

The decrease in body volume and weight is determined by the initial parameters. If there is a lot of excess fat, then in the first weeks it will go away actively, noticeably, very effectively.

You can lose up to five kilograms in a week. But if there is little body fat, and you just want to dry out, then the same five kilograms can go away within a month.

Some believe that the entire result of BEA is determined by the effect that is achieved in one cycle, that is, in a couple of protein days, one carbohydrate and one mixed. But this is absolutely not the right approach.

Weight fluctuates both during these four days of one cycle, and from cycle to cycle. Each protein day is an opportunity to say goodbye to 0.5-1.5 kg. But it's mostly liquid.

Carbohydrate days the amount of fluid in the body is restored, the same process continues on the mixed day. Therefore, by the fourth day of the cycle, you can see even a large number on the scales, but it only reflects the fluid that has entered the body, and not new fat.

Therefore, it would be rational for the first time to evaluate the effect of BCH only after three or four cycles. During this time, the body will have to respond to changes, and you will be able to understand whether this diet works for you personally or not.

As for the completion of the BEACH diet, there is nothing special and complicated about it. It is worth stopping at a mixed day, and then stick to a mixed diet for another week.

This will help you establish a regular balanced diet in order to stick to it all the time. After a week, you can periodically eat something sweet, starchy, fried, but in moderation.

BEACH and sports

For effective weight loss while following the BEACH diet, you need to train at least three times a week. It is desirable that classes be held on carbohydrate or mixed days.

Carbohydrates will provide energy for exercise, and physical activity will not allow them to be deposited as fat.

The main specificity of training when eating according to the BUCH system is that on protein days the body is deficient in carbohydrates and fats.

On carbohydrate and mixed days, you need to train in the usual mode, as the body will be saturated with energy from carbohydrate foods. The first protein day is suitable for aerobic exercise, and for the second - power.

An approximate schedule for a four-day BUCH cycle might look like this:

  • First day - protein. First 5-10 minutes - cardio, 40 minutes power loads, 30 minutes of cardio. Such a program will promote muscle renewal and fat burning in small amounts.
  • Second day - protein. First 5 minutes - cardio, an hour of strength training, 20 minutes of cardio. Such training perfectly copes with body fat and allows you to form muscle relief.
  • The third day is carbohydrate. This day is favorable for a serious, long and thoughtful training. Dedicate it to practicing the most difficult exercises or honing technology.
  • Fourth day - mixed. Good for shaping muscle relief. Dedicate it to strength training.

What fat burners to use with BUCH?

One thing can be said for sure: the best fat burner is sport. A well-chosen training program is the key to successful and effective weight loss and the creation of a beautiful toned body.

But water plays an important role in proper nutrition and weight loss. It promotes the removal of harmful substances, stimulates the absorption of protein. Therefore, on a diet you need to drink more.

Best of all - clean water or green tea. On carbohydrate and mixed days, you can cook a decoction of prunes, dried apricots, raisins. If you suddenly feel like eating, then a glass of pure water will help you overcome the feeling of hunger.

Condiments and spices - good helpers when losing weight. Firstly, they will turn even boring foods into an exquisite and tasty dish. And secondly, spices help speed up metabolism.

Some prefer to use specially designed fat burners. On training days, you can use.

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Detailed description. Active fat burning

Many people ask what is the BEACH diet. It is in many ways reminiscent of the Dukan diet (see the Dukan diet), with the only difference being that it is based on protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH). This way of eating wins the hearts of many precisely for its efficiency and effectiveness.

If Dukan recommended at the beginning of his diet to spend 3-4 protein days, which for many completely disrupted work gastrointestinal tract, then this does not happen with BCH, due to the alternating use of protein and carbohydrate products.

During this diet, the metabolism does not slow down, as with protein nutrition. The brain receives the necessary substances for its active work, the mood does not deteriorate from the sight of one protein food without fruits and vegetables.

The structure of the protein-carbohydrate alternation

  1. First day: carbohydrate. But do not think that you will be allowed to eat sweets, jams and cakes. Only useful, slow carbohydrates are recommended, including cereals, vegetables, fruits, whole grains. During the first day, metabolism is stimulated, as the products contain a large amount of fiber.
  2. Second day: low carb. In the first third of the day, it is recommended to eat cereals, fruits, in the middle of the day - protein dishes are combined with vegetables, after dinner only protein dishes with a minimum of vegetables are recommended.
  3. Third day: protein. On this day, you need to eat only meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, nuts, cottage cheese. It is permissible to add some leafy vegetables, herbs, fresh cucumbers.
  4. On the fourth day the scheme is repeated from the beginning. You can use another schedule - two days of each type.

All products can be baked, boiled, stewed, grilled, avoiding frying, adding fats. Olive or linseed oil, or light dressings made from lemon juice, orange juice, a mixture of water and vinegar can be added to salads.

Features BUCH

The alternation of protein and carbohydrate days for weight loss is suitable for those people who cannot lose weight for a long time, they note the “plateau” effect, the weight fading at one mark.

This power structure is good because:

  • the body does not have time to get used to a monotonous diet, a kind of pendulum effect is obtained;
  • the purpose of the diet is achieved through the "entanglement" of the body, the inability to adapt and get used to such a diet;
  • you do not experience stress due to a long absence of any products;
  • on protein days, glycogen is lost, with a lack of which active fat burning begins to maintain activity and vigor;
  • due to minimum income carbohydrates can begin to burn muscle mass, but then a carbohydrate day comes to the rescue, during which glycogen stores are replenished. Fat continues to be used to cover previous costs, and the muscles and brain get the right nutrition;
  • since one day is not enough for recovery, a balanced day with enough protein and carbohydrates is given for a full recovery.

  1. Alternate days in right order, first carbohydrate, then low-carb (balanced) day and the last protein day.
  2. In total, the diet will get 10 days of each type per month.
  3. Drink at least one and a half to two liters of water every day. This amount of liquid may include tea, coffee without sugar and additives, herbal decoctions.
  4. Divide food into 5-7 meals, portions should be small, about 200-250g.
  5. Eat at the same time so that the body has time to burn calories and produce enzymes.
  6. You can use the system for calculating proteins and carbohydrates. For each kilogram of the desired weight take:
  • on carbohydrate days - 3 g of carbohydrates;
  • on protein days - 3-4g of protein;
  • on low-carb days, 2.5 g of protein and 1.5 g of carbohydrates.

Sample menu for the week

Below is the BEACH diet menu for a week, but it can be changed according to your preferences and the availability of the right products.


(carb day)

  • Breakfast: buckwheat-150g, apple -100g, tea with non-fat milk
  • Second breakfast: yogurt 125g
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers
  • Afternoon snack: orange
  • Dinner: grilled vegetables

(low carb day)

  • Breakfast: oatmeal -150g, grated carrots -100g, tea with low-fat milk
  • Second breakfast: two apples
  • Lunch: grilled meat, coleslaw
  • Afternoon snack: kefir
  • Dinner: 200g fresh cottage cheese, 125 plain low-fat yogurt

(protein day)

  • Breakfast: 2 egg white omelet, tea with milk
  • Second breakfast: low-fat kefir
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, lettuce
  • Snack: cottage cheese 150g
  • Dinner: baked fish with spices 250g, greens

(carb day)

  • Breakfast: millet 150g, coffee with milk
  • Lunch: fruit salad 150g
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, orange
  • Afternoon snack: apple juice
  • Dinner: vegetable vinaigrette 250g

(low carb day)

  • Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, grated apple - 100g, tea with low-fat milk
  • Second breakfast: peach or apricot juice 150ml
  • Lunch: boiled chicken 200g, cabbage and carrot salad 100g
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple
  • Dinner: fish stewed with vegetables 250g

(protein day)

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat kefir 150g, coffee with milk
  • Second breakfast: a handful of nuts
  • Lunch: baked fish 200g, lettuce 100g, greens
  • Snack: kefir 150ml
  • Dinner: seafood cocktail with spices 250g, greens

(carb day)

  • Breakfast: rice porrige with milk 150g, coffee with milk
  • Second breakfast: fruit juice 150ml
  • Lunch: stewed vegetables 250g, grapefruit
  • Snack: any berries 150g
  • Dinner: vegetable salad 250g, orange

Calories per day should not exceed 1200 kcal (see diet 1200 kcal). But if you are used to getting by with small portions, then it can be even less.

Menu for the month

The BUCH diet menu scheme for a month is based on the same principle. Below are the products for each type of days. Having understood the principle, you can choose your own protein, carbohydrate and low-carb products.

carb days low carb days Protein days
Vegetables Morning porridge Beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, lamb, eggs
Fruit fruit before lunch Low-fat milk, kefir, nature. yogurt, cottage cheese, non-fat. cheese up to 30%, fermented baked milk, bifidokefir
oats, rice, buckwheat, millet, wheat Meat, fish, chicken, eggs are combined with vegetables and salads seafood
Durum wheat pasta After dinner low-fat dairy products, eggs, nuts mushrooms
Bread from cereals Until 18:00 dinners of protein dishes, greens and leafy vegetables nuts
Rye and grain bread - Soy, lentils, legumes

Tips: It is recommended that all cereals be soaked overnight before cooking to remove starchy substances from them (see foods high in starch). The same can be done before boiling or baking potatoes.

Add clean drinking water to your diet daily.

Nutritionist's opinion:

Most publications recommend drinking as much as possible more water even if you don't feel like drinking it. My practice and research have shown that you need to drink as much as the body requires. Do not force yourself and overload the body systems with an abundance of fluid, as some do, literally pushing water into yourself, because this is recommended. This can lead to edema, problems with the cardiovascular system, increased work of the kidneys and urinary system. But do not leave the body without fluid. Always keep a bottle of clean water, drinking a few sips whenever you feel like it.

Irina Lyubovetskaya

Four day rotation

There is another version of the BEACH diet, which recommends a four-day alternation of protein and carbohydrate days for weight loss. She suits those who wants to dry their body, quickly get rid of excess fat. This method is chosen by those who:

  • is actively involved in sports;
  • plans to participate in competitions;
  • wants to replace adipose tissue with muscle;
  • preparing for the holiday, wants to lose weight for specific date etc.

The diet is good because for training comes a sufficient amount of carbohydrates that provide energy. At the same time, protein meals help build muscle mass.

diet BUCH, founded by Jason Hunter and designed for a four-day cycle, differs both in the number of protein days and in the change in the carbohydrate day. Here are the main differences:

  • 1 and 2 days: protein, calculated for each kilogram of body weight, use 3-4g of protein;
  • the third day is carbohydrate, they calculate as follows: for every kilogram desired weight take 5-6g of carbohydrates. Moreover, in the morning 1 glass of low-fat milk is added, and in the evening a completely protein dinner, consisting of cottage cheese or eggs;
  • Day 4 mixed, it is also calculated by taking 2g of protein and 2g of carbohydrates for each kilogram of desired weight.
  • After that, the cycle is repeated. It is not recommended to alternate more than 12 times.

Many athletes calculate their own nutrition schedules based on a system of alternating protein and carbohydrate days. They calculate the number of calories they need to keep their body in perfect condition, use double days, alternating them according to their own rules.

Watch video tips on how to use the BUCH diet according to a four-day scheme:

Diet option from Elena Malysheva

The BEA according to the Malysheva system also has some differences. Her system is intended more for emergency weight loss, it is not recommended for long-term use. Malysheva herself calls her diet "Brushed Chicken Alternating". The essence of this diet is as follows:

  1. Day 1: a glass in the morning pure water and one boiled egg; one medium boiled chicken without salt, to be eaten all day before 18:00.
    Note: The chicken must be free of skin and fat. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day;
  2. Day 2: all day you need to eat carbohydrate salad "Brush", consisting of cabbage, beets and carrots, taken in equal proportions (500g each). You can season with lemon juice or a little olive oil. The salad is divided into 6-8 servings and eaten at regular intervals. Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid;
  3. Alternate these two days for 10 days. On this system, you can lose weight by 5 kg in 10 days.

In no case do not abuse this diet, it can only be used once a year, no more than 10 days. Before use, consult a specialist.

Diet Recipes

Here you will find the most easy-to-cook recipes for the BUCH diet menu.

For protein days:

  • Baked fish or meat.
    Peel the fish, beef or chicken, remove the skin from the chicken, cut into pieces. Rub each piece with a mixture of spices: coriander, curry, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground garlic, marjoram. Place the meat or fish in a baking dish, on the bottom of which pour a little water. Cover with foil and press the edges together. This will keep your food juicy. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake until done.
  • Mushrooms stuffed with cottage cheese.
    Rinse large mushrooms, remove the legs, chop them and mix with low-fat cottage cheese. Add salt, garlic, herbs to the mass. Stuff the mushroom caps and bake in the oven.

For carb days:

  • Fruit salad.
    Choose 4-5 available fruits: apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, peaches, apricots, pears, plums. Grind, pour over lemon or orange juice.
  • Fruit porridge.
    Pour rice overnight, pour boiling water over it in the morning, add a pinch of salt and boil for 5 minutes. Then cover with a lid for steaming and bringing to readiness. Add some cold skim milk, a handful of any fresh or frozen fruit.

For mixed days:

  • Chicken with vegetables.
    Wash the chicken thighs, remove the skin, make deep transverse cuts, into which put tomatoes, zucchini, onions cut into semicircles. On each thigh, you can make three cuts and put different types of vegetables into them. Brush with the seasoning mixture, place on a baking sheet and place in the oven. The chicken will be juicier if you cover it with foil.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The main advantages of the BUCH power system are:

  • the ability to use all the useful products on the menu;
  • simultaneous fat burning and muscle building;
  • two hormones enhance each other's action, namely: when carbohydrates are supplied, the hormone insulin is produced, which opens a kind of portal for getting inside the cells, where the necessary substances are subsequently used by the body as an energy source. It supports motor activity, brain activity, good psychological condition; The pancreatic hormone glucagon, which is produced by the intake of proteins, activates the burning of fats, while preventing muscle tissue dystrophy.
  • rapid weight loss, impossible with many other diets;
  • the “plateau” effect does not occur, which has become the scourge of many losing weight, who cannot lose a single gram of excess weight, sitting on monotonous and monotonous diets;
  • constipation does not appear, which are characteristic of the Dukan diet, since there protein days last 3-4 days in the first phase, and then a low-carb menu is used for about a month.

And now consider limitations alternation of protein and carbohydrate days:

  • the need to always keep the right products on hand, take with you to work what you can eat today so that there are no breakdowns;
  • it is easy to get confused in the alternation of days, so it is better to write down everything that you ate during the day;
  • some find protein days difficult;
  • it is necessary to have good health and the absence of contraindications;
  • many note the fact that with the promised rapid weight loss, during the carbohydrate days, the spent fat returns again, and the diet resembles a pendulum: - 2 kg per protein day, +1.5 per carbohydrate. To avoid this, you should not eat rolls, sweets, pastries on carbohydrate days.

Diet Contraindications

  • Contraindications to the BUCH diet mainly concern those people who have kidney problems (see diet No. 7 for kidney diseases). The abundance of only protein dishes will negatively affect their work.
  • Also, do not eat only protein for those who have a tendency to constipation. It is better to add non-starchy vegetables to the menu (see the table of foods that do not contain starch), even on protein days there are foods containing fiber.

Heidi Powell experiment

American trainer Heidi Powell has developed her own BUCH nutrition system, which lasts 12 weeks and is suitable for those who actively train in the gym. With the support of researchers from the University of South Manchester, an experiment was conducted in which exercising women participated. They were divided into two groups:

  1. combined training with the Mediterranean diet.
  2. training was carried out with simultaneous nutrition according to the BUCH system. Three times a week, they significantly reduced the intake of carbohydrates.

According to the results of the experiment, participants in the first group lost up to 2.5 kg per month. The second group lost an average of 3-4.5 kg.

Thus, the "classic Powell cycle", scheduled for a week, involves the use of such a nutrition scheme:

  • carbohydrates are present on the menu daily, but in a ratio of 30/70.
  • on the first day, 2500 kcal is eaten, which helps to start the metabolism.

Then the following scheme is applied:

Physical exercise

  • If you want faster results, be sure to exercise your body. Take up any available sports: aerobics, running, cycling, swimming (see video workouts online). Leave maximum loads on carbohydrate and mixed days.

In anticipation of the summer season, many people are facing the problem of fast and effective remedy For weight loss, the BEACH diet is an excellent tool to achieve just such a result. Being a lightweight type of drying, it is based on a diet that is as close as possible to a balanced menu. In addition, the protein-carbohydrate alternation avoids the feeling of hunger that constantly haunts most diets.

The essence of the diet

The BUCH diet is built on alternating days on which it is allowed to consume only proteins, only carbohydrates and containing a mixed diet. The alternation of food should occur in this order throughout the entire diet.

Justified by the functions human body: with a sharp exclusion from the diet of carbohydrates, it loses the ability to draw energy from external sources(which are carbohydrates), becomes forced to consume it from internal reserves. For this, the glucose contained in the muscle tissue is used, when it ends, the breakdown of body fat begins - this happens already on the third day of the diet.

Carbohydrate-only days put the body even more stressed as it continues to burn fat while replenishing muscle glucose.

Mixed days bring organs and systems to a state of rest, allowing you to relax and recover.

How to exercise while dieting?

Getting rid of excess calories occurs due to the competent combination of the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates with training. Great importance has a training schedule - if possible, you need to protect yourself from classes on protein days. If this happens, then it is better to give preference to cardio, and on a carbohydrate day, focus on strength exercises.

The optimal number of workouts is three times a week.

What is the duration of the diet

The duration of the BEA diet should depend on two factors: the desired result and the state of health. Relying on them, you can build a menu, given that strict cyclicality must always be observed. These cycles should always contain either more days of protein, or distribute proteins, carbohydrates, and mixed meals at equal intervals. For example:

  • 2 days of protein - 1 day of carbohydrate - 1 mixed;
  • 2 days of protein - 2 days of carbohydrates - 2 mixed;
  • 5 days of protein - 2 days of carbohydrates - 2 mixed.

Depending on this, the alternation can last several days, a week or a month. The longest period should not exceed 2 months.


As before starting any diet, you should pay attention to the state of your health before embarking on BEA. Contraindications to it are as follows:

  • problems with the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • liver problems;
  • diabetes;
  • people with a lot of excess weight should choose a different nutrition system. As soon as the fat layer in the body is less than ¼ of the muscles, you can move on to BEACH.

Food table (permitted and prohibited)

During the alternation of proteins and carbohydrates, you can build a diet based on the table:

Day on protein A day on carbohydrates mixed
Prohibited Products Fats, pastries, confectionery, fried and smoked foods, cereals, bread, vegetables, fruits. Fats, pastries, confectionery, fried and smoked foods, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. Fats, pastries, confectionery, fried and smoked foods.
Approved Products Meat: beef, pork, rabbit, lamb.
Bird: duck, chicken, turkey.
Fish and seafood: white and red varieties with low fat content (pollock, hake, pike perch, trout, pink salmon), mussels, shrimp, squid.
Dairy with low fat content.
Eggs without yolk.
Cereals (porridge with milk is not allowed), durum wheat pasta, rye or whole grain bread, vegetables (except beets, potatoes), citrus fruits. Meat, grains, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products.
Allowed drinks Still water, green tea, herbal drinks without sugar.

Calculator for calculating proteins and carbohydrates

The daily proportion of proteins is based on the ratio: 3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Carbohydrates are calculated according to the formula: 5 grams per 1 kg of weight. During mixed days, you should be guided by the following proportions: proteins - 2-3 grams, carbohydrates - 2-2.5 grams. A calculator will help you more accurately calculate the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet.


The recipes below correspond exactly to the required content of proteins and carbohydrates for BUD.

Protein meals

Chicken soup

Boil skinless chicken breast in boiling water. Remove, cut into small pieces, pour into the broth. Add 2 egg whites, cut into cubes, to the finished soup.

Baked fish

Separate the pollock carcass from the bones. Sprinkle with black pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, mix with finely chopped parsley and basil. Put the cheese on the fish, bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180º C.


In a separate container, stir 3 eggs (1 can be added with the yolk, of the rest, use only the protein). Add a third of a glass of milk, 50 grams of grated cheese and chopped dill. Mix thoroughly, pour the mixture into the pan.

carbohydrate meals

Spaghetti with vegetables

Boil 100 grams of durum wheat pasta. Cut the tomato into cubes, ½ bell pepper into thin slices, chop the onion and eggplant. Stew vegetables in water. When ready, mix with pasta or serve separately as a side dish.

rice pudding

Boil 100 g of white rice until mushy. Grind in a blender. Add a pinch of vanilla and orange cubes.

Lentil soup

Boil 100 g of lentils, 1 carrot, 100 g of pumpkin pulp and half an onion. Grind vegetables and cereals in a blender.

Menu Options

During the alternation, you can take the proposed menu options as a basis. The calorie content of all dishes corresponds to the correct ratio of BJU.

On every day

For a week

Breakfast Dinner Dinner Snacks
Monday Omelet from 2 eggs + a glass of kefir Boiled chicken breast + 3 pieces of cheese Baked cod with cheese Cottage cheese
Tuesday cod soup Boiled pink salmon + a portion of cottage cheese Arugula, shrimp and squid salad 2 boiled eggs without protein
Wednesday 2 pieces of cheese + a serving of cottage cheese Fish soup + baked squid 2 boiled eggs + a piece of boiled beef Cottage cheese
Thursday Oatmeal Pasta with vegetable salad baked vegetables orange, apple
Friday Buckwheat Rice with mushrooms Salad of cabbage, carrots and cucumbers Cereal loaves
Saturday Barley porridge + cheese sandwich Vegetable stew + chicken breast Beet and carrot salad + chicken piece apple, cottage cheese
Sunday Buckwheat porridge + cabbage and cucumber salad Boiled beef with pasta Cucumber and tomato salad + brown rice Sandwich with curd cheese and herbs

For a month

The rules for compiling a menu for a month are completely similar to a weekly one. Each week is built on the principle of a combination of 3 protein days, 2 carbohydrate days and 2 combined days. The set of foods can be repeated from the weekly list or replaced with other ingredients that can be eaten on the BEACH diet.

For 2 week

The 2-week menu is also similar to the one already described. Diet should be distributed according to the scheme:

  1. 5 days on protein;
  2. 5 days on carbohydrates;
  3. 4 days on proteins and carbohydrates.

BUCH according to Malysheva

This type of alternation is considered extreme and is recommended if necessary. fast weight loss in a short time.

Its essence lies in the maximum load of proteins on the first day and a sharp change in diet to vegetables with a high fiber content and low calorie content.

When you need to eat protein, the menu consists of 1 egg for breakfast and boiled chicken breast (you need to eat it 6-7 times a day), the carbohydrate diet includes only vegetable salad - raw cabbage (chopped), beets and carrots (rubbed on a grater ) are mixed and seasoned with a spoonful of linseed oil. Each of the vegetables must be taken in 0.5 kg. The total mass is distributed evenly over the day.

Cycle BUTCH Powell

Many athletes (in particular those involved in bodybuilding) prefer to be guided by a diet complex developed by the Powell coach couple. It is weekly (if necessary, it should be repeated cyclically) and is built according to the following principle:

  1. Day 1 = 3 = 5 - protein. The diet consists of 70% protein, 30% carbohydrates, calorie content 1200.
  2. Day 2 = 4 = 6 - carbohydrates. The diet consists of 70% carbohydrates, 30% protein, calories 1500.
  3. Day 7 - combined. Calorie 2500.

Getting out of the diet

The correct exit from the protein-carbohydrate alternation is the key to the success of the diet and the consolidation of the result. First of all, you should keep the fragmentation of nutrition, adhering to small portions. The return to the usual dishes should occur gradually: first soups and broths, cereals and vegetables are added, then fish, dairy products.

At the same time, it is important to observe the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of water without gas daily), do not eat fried, smoked, pastries and sweets.

How to alternate days?

The duration of the alternation can be any (the limit is 3 months), but the ratio of protein, mixed and carbohydrate days is always built according to the same principle: 2 days of protein - 1 day of carbohydrates - 1 mixed. The 3:2:2 scheme is also quite effective.

Features during pregnancy and lactation

Most nutritionists agree that during the bearing and feeding of a child to the BEACH diet better not to resort.

  1. Such a diet introduces the body into a state of stress, which can negatively affect the general well-being of a woman and affect the child;
  2. a lack of nutrients can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus and result in chronic diseases in the future.


Results with before and after photos

Protein-carbohydrate alternation allows you to lose up to 5 kg per month. Extreme varieties of diet give even more impressive performance - up to 7 kg.

As a more gentle drying option, BUCH can be a transitional step towards proper nutrition. It also helps to accelerate the metabolism with a plateau effect (when the weight does not move from a dead center), showing high results from the first days. The advantages also include a diet based on affordable products and simple recipes.

AT last years The healthy protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss is very popular - a method of getting rid of extra pounds by alternating foods with a high content of proteins and carbohydrates.

It satisfies the daily needs of the human body in all the necessary substances, and the feeling of hunger does not come. Weight is dropped very well, albeit slowly, and then does not return. But how do such miracles become possible?

Action on the body

A fairly balanced and very well-thought-out diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation directs the body to burn its own fat deposits without any starvation, let alone exhaustion. Here's how she does it.

  1. Only fats are burned, but not muscle mass. Due to this, stretch marks are not formed, the skin remains elastic, the body acquires beautiful reliefs.
  2. During protein days, the body spends fat stores, thereby contributing to weight loss.
  3. On a carbohydrate day, he receives the necessary energy, so the diet does not cause depression and does not contribute to a decrease in performance.
  4. Vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body in full. So the condition of hair, nails and health in general does not worsen.
  5. Improves metabolism.
  6. The stomach does not get used to any particular daily food, as there is an alternation of carbohydrates and proteins and their mixing.

A lot of positive aspects, among which the main one is that the body does not experience stress and does not suffer from a lack of nutrients. So the process of losing weight in the framework of a protein-carbohydrate diet proceeds with minimal harm to health. But in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know about the contraindications, in the presence of which this technique cannot be used.

through the pages of history. At first, the protein-carbohydrate diet, developed by the American physician James Hunter, caused bewilderment among his colleagues. How can you lose weight by eating carbohydrate-rich foods that are so high in calories? And only years later his program was recognized as effective.


You can not go on a protein-carbohydrate diet for those people who have serious health problems of the following nature:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • allergy to foods that form the basis of a protein-carbohydrate diet.

Moments of separate nutrition, when the diet involves the separate use of proteins and carbohydrates, require the body to work hard. All systems have to participate in it, and if they are in a state of illness, this can lead to poor health and subsequent treatment, and not weight loss. So be extremely careful not to end up in a hospital bed.


For a protein-carbohydrate diet, there are two lists that will help you create a menu and lose weight with maximum results. These are permitted and prohibited products.

Allowed products:


  • Fat-free dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without dyes, milk, yogurt, hard cheeses;
  • lean fish: pink salmon, flounder, pollock, tuna;
  • seafood: shrimp, squid, crabs;
  • beef, rabbit;
  • chicken, skinless turkey;
  • legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas;
  • egg white;
  • nuts.


  • Bread, confectionery, pastries;
  • sweets: chocolate, halva, sweets, refined sugar, honey, jam, jam;
  • peas, beans;
  • dried fruits: dates, raisins;
  • pasta;
  • all cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley, millet;
  • fruit;
  • potato;
  • pasta.

Prohibited products:

  • dairy products with a high fat content;
  • vegetable oils;
  • pork, lamb;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • margarine, butter;
  • fatty fish: halibut, mackerel, herring, burbot, sturgeon, etc.;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • cream cakes, pastry;
  • pizza, chips, french fries, fast food.

When compiling a carbohydrate-protein diet menu, always keep these lists in front of you so that you don’t inadvertently eat a piece of cake on a carbohydrate day, counting it as ordinary pastries, while these are fats that are banned. You also need to know the scheme - how exactly the days of separate and mixed meals alternate.

It is interesting! The protein-carbohydrate diet has gained particular popularity among athletes, for whom it is so important to keep their muscles in good shape.

Basic principles

The basic principle of this diet is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, that is, it resembles the principle of separate nutrition, if there were no 1 mixed day. In addition to this point, in this method of losing weight there are a few more nuances, the knowledge of which will allow you to achieve better results.

  1. Nutrition scheme: 1 day mixed (proteins + carbohydrates), 2 and 3 days protein, 4 days - pure carbohydrate.
  2. Go in for any kind of sports, as carbohydrates will give the body the energy it needs to do this. Physical exercises They will speed up the metabolic process and help the body digest the huge amount of protein that it receives faster.
  3. Portions: for breakfast - 150 gr, for lunch and dinner - 200 gr. Drinks - a glass (250 ml).
  4. On carbohydrate days, it is advisable to eat all dishes with bread.
  5. Sugar in the protein diet should be absent.
  6. You can add salt to dishes, but only slightly.
  7. You can’t fry food: stew vegetables, meat, fish, bake, boil or steam.
  8. Drink plenty of clean water.
  9. Walk outdoors more.
  10. Eat at the same time.
  11. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

In order for the protein-carbohydrate alternation within the framework of such a unique diet to contribute not only to weight loss, but also to improve health and overall well-being, it is imperative to adhere to these useful tips. The results will also depend on how correctly you can get out of it.

Cryptography. The protein-carbohydrate diet in many sources is listed as BUCH, which stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Getting out of the diet

After the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet allows you to get to the coveted figure on the scales, you do not need to immediately rush to fried pork skewers or cream cake. So you can seriously harm the stomach, which will not be ready for such a collapse of fats, and in a couple of days you can more than return both the tummy, and the sides, and cellulite.

To prevent this from happening, the exit must be careful, gradual. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists:

  1. On the first day after a protein-carbohydrate diet for lunch, eat 100 grams of fatty fried fish.
  2. On the second day, increase this portion to 150 gr, for dinner, season the salad with olive oil.
  3. On the third day, include pork dumplings in the menu.
  4. On the fourth and fifth days, cook meat - pork, lamb or mackerel.
  5. On the sixth drink wine.
  6. After a week, return to your normal diet.

But when you return to your usual diet, keep it balanced. Products should be in moderation and complement each other. This is the only way to keep a beautiful figure for a long time. And, of course, a lot will depend on how long the protein-carbohydrate diet you choose.


Since a carbohydrate-protein diet involves the exclusion from the menu of only fats that will be replenished by the body from its own reserves, it can be quite long. But for a long-term fasting, you need excellent health and a thorough knowledge of all the nuances of this weight loss technique.

  • A diet for just 4 days is good for an emergency reset of 1-2 kg.
  • Fasting for a week is the best option.
  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation for 10 days will eventually give good results.
  • The 14-day diet allows you to season salads with oil on mixed days.
  • If you decide to fast for 21 days or longer, occasionally, but include fats in your menu: drink coffee with cream, season salads with butter.

The protein-carbohydrate diet is so well-built and balanced in terms of nutrition that people sit on it for 2 months. True, nutritionists do not recommend longer: after such a long fast, you must definitely take a break for 1-2 months.

sample menu

We offer a protein-carbohydrate menu for every day, designed for 2 cycles of alternations. If you plan to lose weight longer, you can simply duplicate them later.

First day (mixed)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits, coffee with cream.
  • Second breakfast: apple, green or yellow.
  • Lunch: lentil-chicken stew.
  • For an afternoon snack: tea with jam.
  • For dinner: curry.

Second day (protein)

  • In the morning: protein omelet, unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: orange.
  • Lunch: spinach soup.
  • For an afternoon snack: kefir.
  • For dinner: chicken nuggets.

Third day (protein)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese casserole, unsweetened coffee with milk.
  • Second breakfast: 2 kiwis.
  • Lunch: salmon in milk.
  • For lunch: yogurt.
  • For dinner: egg salad.

Fourth day (pure carbohydrate)

  • In the morning: oatmeal with fruit pieces and honey. Sweet herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: pomegranate.
  • Lunch: potato and sour cream soup.
  • For an afternoon snack: a handful of dates.
  • For dinner: buckwheat, honey-cabbage salad.

Fifth day (mixed)

  • In the morning: cottage cheese casserole with honey, tea with jam.
  • Second breakfast: banana.
  • Lunch: fish and shrimp soup.
  • For lunch: yogurt.
  • For dinner: protein-carbohydrate salad.

Sixth day (protein)

  • Morning: 2 boiled proteins, unsweetened herbal tea.
  • Second breakfast: 2 tangerines.
  • Lunch: Oriental egg soup with pink salmon.
  • For an afternoon snack: curdled milk.
  • For dinner: kebabs of turkey and vegetables.

Seventh day (protein)

  • In the morning: shrimp, unsweetened coffee with milk.
  • Second breakfast: pomelo.
  • For lunch: protein okroshka.
  • For an afternoon snack: ryazhenka.
  • For dinner: salad with asparagus.

Eighth day (carbohydrate)

  • In the morning: rice porridge, sweet coffee with biscuits.
  • Second breakfast: banana.
  • Lunch: vegetable italian soup(minestrone).
  • For an afternoon snack: any pastries.
  • For dinner: potato and cabbage dumplings.

Now it will be easy for you to independently develop a menu for a week and even for a month, duplicating and repeating cycles. When compiling, the following table will help, clearly showing how to fill protein and carbohydrate days as part of such a diet.

This is just an approximate menu of a protein-carbohydrate diet, which you can focus on when compiling your own diet for weight loss.


Special recipes for salads, first and second courses will help fill the menu of the protein-carbohydrate diet.


Recipe number 1. Protein egg salad


  • bulb;
  • breast 200 gr;
  • squid 200 gr;
  • eggs 4 pcs;
  • powdered mustard 10 gr.


  1. Soft boil eggs.
  2. Boil the breast. Cut into strips.
  3. Boil squid. Cut into strips.
  4. Mix onion, eggs, mustard in a blender.
  5. Fill the salad.
  6. To mix everything.

Recipe number 2. Carbohydrate honey-cabbage salad


  • fresh cabbage 300 gr;
  • sugar 10 gr;
  • lemon juice 15 ml;
  • rhubarb juice 40 ml;
  • honey to taste.


  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Grind it until juice is released.
  3. Add all other components.

Recipe number 3. Protein-carbohydrate salad


  • squid 150 gr;
  • cucumber;
  • chicken breast 100 gr;
  • lettuce 2 sheets;
  • dill sprig.


  1. Boil squid and chicken breast until tender.
  2. Chop them with chopsticks.
  3. Similarly, cut the cucumber, add to them. Mix.
  4. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate.
  5. Make a beautiful salad.
  6. Top with chopped dill.

First courses (soups)

Recipe number 1. Protein soup with spinach


  • turkey 400 gr;
  • spinach 100 gr;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • seasonings to taste.


  1. Boil the meat, remove from the water, cool, remove the bones, chop, return to the broth.
  2. Grind spinach, cook with meat for 10 minutes.
  3. Turn the mixture into a puree with a blender, adding milk there in small portions.
  4. Sprinkle with spices.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe number 2. Carbohydrate potato and sour cream soup


  • green onions, dill;
  • potatoes 400 gr;
  • carrot;
  • petiole celery 1 stalk;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • vegetable broth 3 l;
  • sour cream 250 gr;
  • lemon juice 50 ml;
  • seasonings.


  1. Peel vegetables, chop, boil.
  2. Add sour cream.
  3. Cook until creamy.
  4. Season with juice, chopped herbs, seasonings.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe number 3. For a mixed day. Lentil chicken stew.


  • lentils 250 gr;
  • bulb;
  • water 5 l;
  • chicken fillet 400 gr;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • carrot.


  1. Boil the fillet.
  2. Put the lentils into the broth.
  3. After 10 minutes, add chopped vegetables.
  4. After 20 minutes - chicken, cut into strips.

Main dishes

Recipe number 1. Protein chicken nuggets.


  • oatmeal 25 gr;
  • chicken fillet 500 gr;
  • eggs 2 pcs;
  • seasoning to taste.


  1. Make filet nuggets. Hit with a hammer.
  2. Beat eggs, mix with flour and spices.
  3. Roll breaded nuggets.
  4. Bake in the oven until done.

Recipe number 2. Carbohydrate nutrition. Vareniki.


  • potatoes 500 gr;
  • cabbage 200 gr;
  • bulb;
  • flour 250 gr.


  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage.
  3. Put out.
  4. Fry chopped onion.
  5. Boil mashed potatoes.
  6. Mix cabbage, mashed potatoes, onions.
  7. Make, stuff, boil dumplings.

Recipe number 3. mixed food. Curry.


  • brown rice 250 gr;
  • chickpeas 100 gr;
  • beef 400 gr;
  • curry to taste;
  • carrot.


  1. Soak chickpeas for 12 hours.
  2. Boil rice and chickpeas separately.
  3. Cut beef into strips.
  4. Grate carrots.
  5. Stew carrots and beef until half cooked.
  6. Add everything else to them. To fill with water. Put out.

With such recipes, a protein-carbohydrate diet will not look like a hunger strike and will help to transfer the weight loss period easily and tasty.


A protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss gives good results, but only if it is designed for short time- 1 or 2 weeks. If it is stretched for 21 days or months, the effectiveness will gradually decrease.

  • 4 days - minus 1 kg;
  • 1 week - 4 kg;
  • 10 days - 6 kg;
  • 2 weeks - 8 kg;
  • 3 weeks - 10 kg;
  • 1 month - 11-12 kg;
  • 2 months - the weight will be kept at the same level.

Are you afraid of diets because they deplete the body and harm your health? Protein-carbohydrate alternations do not sin with such a flaw, if everything is done correctly. On the contrary: they will help to lose weight, normalize the work of the stomach, make the body embossed and beautiful. Be sure to try this technique for at least 4 days to make sure that it really works.

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