What you can and can not eat with pancreatitis: a list of products. What you can and can not eat with pancreatitis: a list of products Diet food pancreatitis

It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other diets. About what is typical diet for acute pancreatitis This post will tell about the peculiarities of nutrition in diseases of the pancreas.
Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas caused by the activation of digestive enzymes.

There are many causes of acute pancreatitis, but most often acute pancreatitis occurs in people who abuse alcohol and people with diseases of the biliary system - chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

An attack of acute pancreatitis occurs, as a rule, suddenly and is manifested by unbearable pain and other symptoms characteristic of this disease.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis is conservative:
they purify the blood from pancreatic enzymes (Kontrykal, Trasilol, etc. - destroy enzymes that have entered the blood)
hunger is prescribed for several days,
then a strict diet - diet number 5p - the first option,
then a gradual transition to the second version of the diet No. 5p.
Pain relief (narcotic or non-narcotic)
If the patient's condition does not improve, then surgery is performed to remove necrotic areas of the gland.

Hunger for 2 days(Hunger may be prescribed for up to 4 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Fasting for more than two days is carried out in a hospital). During this period, the patient is only allowed to drink rosehip broth, weakly brewed tea and from which gases are removed - Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 20, Smirnovskaya or Slavyanovskaya, one glass 4-5 times in a day. In order to eliminate intoxication of the body, nutrition and prevent dehydration, parenteral nutrition is used (i.e. droppers - sodium chloride with 5% glucose).
Since nutrition does not enter the esophagus, therefore, gastric and pancreatic juices are not produced, enzymatic activity decreases, which contributes to the regeneration of the pancreas.

Diet for acute pancreatitis, starting from day 3.

Day 5 Calories increase to 600-800 calories
Fats are excluded. Proteins - 15g. Carbohydrates - up to 200 g.

6-9 day. Calories increase to 1000 calories
Fats - 10g. Proteins - 50g. Carbohydrates - up to 250 g.
Breakfast. Dairy-free semolina (or rice), apple (or orange), tea with sugar.
Lunch. Mashed potatoes (or carrots), 50g. Low-fat chicken meat (or low-fat fish), rosehip broth with sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable broth, vegetarian - 100-150g, boiled fish (or beef) - 30-40g. with mashed potatoes, mashed apple.
afternoon tea. Fat-free cottage cheese with sugar - 50-60g. Tea with sugar or jam
For the night. A glass of boiled water, honey - 1 tablespoon (or a glass of curdled milk)

10-15 day. Calorie content exceeds 1000 cal

Proteins - up to 60 g, fats -20 g, carbohydrates - 300 g.

Two weeks after the attack diet for acute pancreatitis

After an attack of acute pancreatitis, the strictest diet No. 5p should be followed for 6-12 months. The calorie content gradually increases.

Proteins - up to 100 g, fats - up to 40 g, carbohydrates - up to 450 g, the content of water-soluble vitamins increases.

The food is still mashed, without salt.

Table. List of permitted and prohibited foods and dishes. Diet number 5p - 2 option.

  • oatmeal and rice soup pureed,
  • vegetable puree,
  • porridge mashed from cereals: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat,
  • apple mousse and jelly
  • drinks and fruit drinks from, black currant, cranberry.
  • tea with milk and beetroot juice.
  • CAN: vegetarian soups, lean and non-fat meat, meat dishes, boiled fish, homemade cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, cereal and vegetable dishes (cereals, puddings), fruits and berry juices, sugar, jam, honey.

    Product Allowed Forbidden Limited use
    BreadWheat dried or yesterday 200-300 g per day or in the form of crackers; savory biscuitsRye and fresh bread; sweet and puff pastry productsNot sweet dry biscuits
    SoupsVegetarian pureed with allowed vegetables; groats (except millet) mashed, with pasta, ½ portion (250 ml) with butter (5 g) or sour cream (10 g)Meat, fish soups and broths, decoctions of mushrooms, milk soups, with millet, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetrootDuring remission, soups on weak meat or fish broth 1-2 times a week (if tolerated)
    Meat, poultryLow-fat varieties (beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken) chopped. During the period of remission, perhaps a pieceFatty sinewy meats, skin of birds and fish; offal. Sausages, canned food, smoked products, friedNon-rigid meat, chicken, rabbit, turkey are allowed in a boiled piece
    FishLow-fat cod, perch, pike perch, ice, etc. boiled in pieces and chopped (meatballs, dumplings, soufflé, cutlets)Fatty species (catfish, carp, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, etc.), fried, smoked, stewed, salted, canned food, chum caviarJellied fish
    EggsProtein omelets from 2 eggsWhole egg dishes, especially hard-boiled and fried. raw eggsEgg yolks per meal up to 1 per day
    Milk, dairy productsAll low fat foods. Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese, calcined or from kefir - natural and in the form of puddings. Sour-milk drinks for one dayHigh-fat dairy products with added sugarMilk if tolerated. Sour cream and cream in dishes. Low-fat and non-spicy cheese (Dutch, Russian)
    VegetablesPotatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, green peas, baby beans, in the form of mashed potatoes and steamed puddingsWhite cabbage, eggplant, radish, radish, turnip, onion, garlic, sorrel, spinach, sweet pepper, mushrooms. Raw uncooked vegetablesPeelless tomatoes, fresh peeled cucumbers - mashed, green salad
    cerealsKashi from various cereals (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, rice), on water or in half with milk. Cereal souffle, puddings with cottage cheese. Pasta, homemade noodles, vermicelliCereals: millet, legumes, crumbly cereals
    Fruits and berriesFruit only sweet varieties, non-acidic apples, baked or mashed without peelRaw unmashed fruits and berries, grapes, dates, figs, bananas,Apricots, peaches - without peel, fruit and berry juices without sugar, diluted with water
    Sweet dishesKissels, jellies, mousses on xylitol or sorbitol, without sugarConfectionery, chocolate, ice cream, jamSugar up to 30 g per day or honey 20 g per day
    The drinksWeak tea with lemon semi-sweet or with xylitol. A decoction of wild rose, blackcurrant, compoteCoffee, cocoa; carbonated and cold drinks, grape juice
    SaucesDairy, fruit and berry, on a weak vegetable broth. Flour is not sautéedSauces on broths, mushroom broth, tomato. All spices, snacks
    FatsButter up to 30 g per day, refined vegetable oils (10-15 g per day) - in mealsMeat and cooking fatsButter and vegetable oil in dishes 5 g per 1 serving

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    Pancreatitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the pancreas. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. The main signs of acute pancreatitis are: a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium, encircling the entire left side, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help and call a team of doctors.

    The therapeutic diet for this pathology is considered the basis of therapy, since the synthesis of digestive enzymes carried out by the zymogenic tissue of the pancreas directly depends on the composition of the food.

    All clinicians agree that in the first days of illness (after an attack), the patient needs hunger. Many doctors like to say that the pancreas loves "cold, hunger and rest."

    Dietary nutrition for pancreatitis is compiled in such a way as to achieve maximum chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Frequent and fractional intake of warm food in small portions over a long period of time reduces the load on the digestive tract as a whole and allows the pancreas to fully recover and normalize its functions.

    The basic principles of the diet for pancreatitis:

    • 5-6 meals a day;
    • A single serving should not exceed 350 gr;
    • Dishes are served only in grated form;
    • All products are subject to mandatory culinary processing by boiling or steaming;
    • It is unacceptable to eat raw vegetables, fruits or berries, even from the permitted list;
    • The amount of table salt in the diet should not exceed 5 g / day;
    • Be sure to use pure and mineral table and medicinal table water (as prescribed by a gastroenterologist), drinks based on rose hips (infusions, decoctions);
    • All dishes are served only warm, the use of both hot and cold food is contraindicated;
    • Under the ban are fatty, fried, canned, pickled, salted, smoked foods, fast food and convenience foods;
    • The slightest violation of the diet can provoke inflammation of the pancreas and a new attack;
    • Dishes are prepared only from the list of allowed products;
    • An individual diet, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient (age, condition of the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence / absence of other chronic diseases, etc.), is prescribed exclusively by the attending gastroenterologist or an experienced nutritionist.

    Therapy of acute pancreatitis is carried out in a hospital. For the treatment of the acute phase of the disease, a diet for pancreatic pancreatitis during exacerbation is necessary, which has significant limitations, and compliance with which is the key to achieving stable remission.

    Diet for acute pancreatitis - nutritional features

    Depending on the stage of the course of the disease, the diet for pancreatic pancreatitis and the approximate menu differ significantly. During an attack, the patient is prescribed complete fasting for 1-3 days to maximize sparing of the organ. At this stage of the pathology, normalization of enzyme production is necessary.

    It is permissible during this period to use alkaline degassed mineral water such as Borjomi in a warm form, ½ cup 6-7 times a day. Starting from 3-4 days, the diet is gradually expanded due to carbohydrate nutrition, including slimy soups on the water, mashed cereals, potato, carrot, pumpkin and squash puree, semi-liquid jelly, weak tea with wheat bread crumbs and a small amount of sugar, infusion wild rose.

    From 5-6 days, protein food is added to the carbohydrate food: steamed scrambled eggs, semi-liquid mashed cereals in skim milk, meat and fish steam soufflés, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, cottage cheese with 0% fat content. When the patient feels well, fats are gradually introduced into the diet: unsalted natural butter, which is seasoned with ready-made dishes, for example, cereals.

    A strict diet, which has a name, is applied for up to 2 weeks. Next, the patient is transferred to a diet for patients with pancreatitis in remission.

    Diet for pancreatitis, what is impossible and possible, table 1

    Food and dishes Approved for use Forbidden to use
    Bread Dried and dry wheat bread, dry biscuits, dry unsweetened biscuits Rye bread, fresh pastries, muffin, fresh biscuit
    Soups and broths Vegetable soups on the water (ground), lean soups, slimy soups from allowed cereals, puree soups, in remission, it is permissible to include soups on a secondary low-fat broth (meat, chicken, fish, but not from bones) in the menu several times a week) Meat, mushroom, fish and strong vegetable broth, do not add onion, garlic and white cabbage, any spices and seasonings to the soup
    Milk products Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, curdled milk, sour cream, cottage cheese (fat-free) Homemade milk, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheese, sweet yoghurts, glazed curds
    Meat Lean meat: poultry fillet, rabbit, veal All fatty meats and poultry, poultry skin, lard, pork, lamb, beef and mutton fat
    Fish Low-fat river and sea fish (pike, pike perch, carp, crucian carp, bream, hake, hoki, pollock) Fatty fish, herring, red fish, canned food, pickles and smoked products, semi-finished products, offal, sausages (any)
    Cereals and pasta Hercules (oatmeal), buckwheat, rice, semolina (cereals are subject to boiling and grinding) Pasta and vermicelli, barley, corn and millet groats
    The drinks Herbal teas, herbal infusions, rosehip infusion, chicory drink, mineral alkaline water, weak green tea and mate, jelly, compotes from non-acidic fruits Lemonades and any carbonated drinks, all types of alcohol, energy drinks, strong tea, coffee, cocoa
    desserts Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallow (limited), steamed cottage cheese casseroles and puddings, jam and honey (no more than 2 teaspoons per day), soaked dried apricots and prunes, but no more than 1 handful per day Ice cream, sugar, pastries, cakes, pastry and puff pastry, sweets (all types), cocoa, chocolate, nuts and seeds
    Mushrooms Under a strict ban for patients with chronic pancreatitis, there are all types of mushrooms, as well as broths based on them. In the acute phase, fungi are strictly contraindicated
    Fruits and berries Baked apples of sweet varieties (without peel), boiled (poached) peaches, apricots, plums, berries (in the form of mashed potatoes) Acid fruits and berries with stones and small grains, all fresh fruits, citrus fruits
    Vegetables Potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, parsley and dill (add greens to soups 5 minutes before the end of cooking). Beets (added 3-4 weeks after the exacerbation). Fresh cucumbers are administered only in the summer for 2-3 months after an attack. Radishes, radishes, horseradish, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers, spinach, legumes, sorrel, turnips, mustard, garlic, onions, cabbage, celery roots, parsley, parsnips. All fresh and canned fruits, as well as red sauces and ketchups, are strictly prohibited.
    Fats Unsalted creamy meat and unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils are introduced into the diet gradually from 2-3 weeks after the exacerbation Cooking oil, spread, margarine, ghee, refined oils, all types of products containing trans fats, mayonnaise
    Eggs It is allowed to use protein omelettes on water or diluted milk from chicken or quail eggs, include the yolk in the diet no more than 2-3 times a week Fried eggs, hard boiled eggs
    Spices and seasonings Dried dill and parsley (in hot dishes) All hot and spicy herbs and plants that enhance the secretory function of the stomach

    Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas: a sample menu

    Delicious and varied dishes are prepared from the permitted list of products. Try to include as many foods as possible in your daily diet.

    We offer several healthy food recipes for patients with pancreatitis:

    Steam beef pudding

    Puree 120 g of boiled beef (without fasciae, fat and sinews) in a blender, mix with 10 g of semolina, add whipped protein to the minced meat, and then the yolk and a third of a glass of water, lightly salt.

    Put the thoroughly mixed mass into the form of a multicooker or double boiler, greased with butter and bring it to readiness in the kitchen unit.

    Fish dumplings

    Pass 0.3 kg of low-fat sea fish fillet through a meat grinder, add ¼ of a dry loaf previously soaked in half a glass of whole milk to the minced meat, add 2 whipped proteins to the mass, add a pinch of salt and dried parsley.

    Boil quenelles (small balls) formed from minced meat in lightly salted water for at least a quarter of an hour.

    vegetable puree soup

    Boil 2 peeled potatoes, 1 carrot and ½ zucchini in water until cooked, drain the broth, puree vegetables, mix liquid and puree, add finely chopped parsley sprigs (2 pcs.), Boil over low heat for 3 minutes.

    Serve the soup warm, seasoned with low-fat sour cream (1 teaspoon or natural yogurt).

    banana dessert

    Dilute 2 packs of gelatin in a glass of hot water until it is completely dissolved, cool slightly. Introduce ½ l of low-fat natural (without additives and sugar) yogurt into the jelly mass. Steam 2 bananas and 2 peaches (no peel). Line the bottom of an enameled bowl or cake mold with foil, lay out the dessert in layers: crushed biscuit cookies, yogurt-gelatin cream, banana and peach puree. There are several such layers (depending on the diameter of the mold). Send the cake to the refrigerator to set the jelly.

    Sample menu for pancreatitis per day (table number 2):

    Meals Dishes and drinks
    Breakfast Steamed omelette from 1 egg in water, buckwheat porridge (small portion), chamomile tea
    Lunch Semolina pudding, baked apple
    Dinner Potato cream soup (200 ml), 100 g of boiled turkey fillet, pureed in a blender with 1 large boiled and peeled carrot, apricot jelly
    afternoon tea 100 g fat-free cottage cheese and slightly poached pulp of 1 banana
    Dinner Stewed vegetable stew of carrots, potatoes and pumpkins, seasoned with olive oil and dill (add fat and dill before serving), pike perch baked in foil (portion 120 g), cottage cheese casserole with semolina, weak green tea
    Before bedtime A glass of low-fat fermented milk drink of your choice: kefir, acidophilus, bifiliv, acidophilus yogurt, natural yogurt

    An exemplary diet menu for pancreatic pancreatitis is intended to show that even in this case, you can eat varied and interesting. I am sure that using a table of products (what you can not and can eat) and some recipes for dishes, it will not be difficult to create your own interesting menu.

    Dietary nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas is not only the most effective method in the treatment of this organ, but also a way to prevent the development of chronic pancreatitis, as well as achieve stable remission.

    Be healthy!

    With a disease such as chronic pancreatitis, dieting is necessary for all patients, this will help prevent an exacerbation of the disease. For people suffering from this disease, a special therapeutic diet No. 5 has been developed, which is recommended for patients during remission of chronic pancreatitis, as well as during the recovery period after an exacerbation of the disease.

    The diet for chronic pancreatitis is aimed at normalizing the function of the gland, preventing its fatty infiltration, and the intestines, which to some extent also suffer from pancreatic pathology.

    The content of proteins, vitamins and minerals is increased in the diet, the amount of fats and carbohydrates, especially easily digestible, is reduced, coarse fiber, refractory fats, and essential oils are sharply limited. Every day the body should receive 60–120 g of proteins (60–65% of which should be proteins of animal origin), 60 g of fats (at least 15–20% of vegetable), 300–350 g of carbohydrates (no more than 30–40 g of sugar) , not more than 10 g of table salt and not less than 1.5 liters of liquid. The calorie content of the diet should be on average 2500-2700 kcal, depending on the individual characteristics and type of activity of the patient, the energy value may decrease or slightly increase.

    Recommended methods of cooking: boiling with steam or water, baking in foil or in a special bag in the oven, stewing. Fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods are categorically excluded, because they increase the production of pancreatic secretions, which is undesirable in case of its diseases. The food taken should be warm, the use of very cold and hot dishes and drinks is contraindicated. The diet is fractional, food should be taken 5-6 times a day, in small portions, preferably at the same time every day, overeating is unacceptable.

    Allowed foods and dishes

    In chronic pancreatitis, you can eat steamed vegetables.
    • dried or yesterday's bread from wheat flour of 1 or 2 grades, crackers from it, dry biscuits, yesterday's pastries;
    • boiled cereals from buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal, boiled in water or with the addition of milk (the ratio of water and milk is 1: 1), pasta;
    • low-fat fresh dairy and sour-milk products (non-acidic cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks, sour cream, and in dishes if tolerated, cream for adding to dishes, milk sauces, low-fat and non-spicy cheeses);
    • meat and poultry of low-fat varieties in the form of cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, soufflés, in stews, in a boiled piece, you can eat veal, rabbit meat and low-fat chickens;
    • low-fat varieties of fish in boiled form, in the form of cutlets or aspic;
    • soups cooked in a weak secondary broth or vegetarian, it is recommended to give preference to mashed soups;
    • vegetables that do not contain coarse fiber in boiled, baked or mashed form, salads from vegetables boiled in water or steamed (potatoes, cauliflower, beets, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, green peas);
    • ripe non-acidic fruits and berries, it is allowed to use them raw in a pureed form, in the form of compotes, jellies, mousses, soufflés (when cooking, you should use as little sugar or sorbitol as possible);
    • eggs in the form of omelettes, no more than 2 proteins and 1 yolk per day (you must also take into account the eggs used in cooking);
    • butter no more than 30 g per day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons a day;
    • drinks (tea with xylitol, lemon or milk, herbal teas, rosehip broth, if tolerated, non-acidic fruit and berry juices are allowed, always diluted with water, mineral waters only as prescribed by a doctor).

    Foods and dishes that should be excluded in chronic pancreatitis

    • rye and fresh white bread, muffins, puff pastry products;
    • soups on strong meat and fish broth, mushroom broth, as well as milk and cold soups, such as okroshka or beetroot;
    • fatty meats and poultry, offal, pates, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, fatty fish, salted fish, caviar;
    • fatty and sour dairy products, especially those high in sugar;
    • hard-boiled and fried eggs;
    • sauces on mushroom, meat or fish broth, tomato sauce, ketchup, mustard, spices and spices;
    • crumbly cereals, rarely allowed to eat barley, millet, corn and barley groats;
    • vegetables containing coarse fiber (white cabbage, turnip, radish, bell pepper, eggplant), as well as legumes, mushrooms, onions and garlic;
    • unrubbed raw berries and fruits, grapes, bananas, dates, figs are excluded;
    • chocolate, jam, ice cream, confectionery, especially with fatty creams and cream;
    • coffee, cocoa, grape juice, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

    The program "Be healthy" on the topic "Chronic pancreatitis: symptoms, treatment, diet."

    There are acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is based on an enzymatic lesion of the pancreas. Often occurs when taking medications ( methyldopa, Azathioprine, 5-aminosalicylates, tetracyclines, Furosemide, Cimetidine, Metronidazole). In half of the cases, it is caused by gallstone disease, and 25% are associated with alcohol abuse.

    Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the degree of damage to the gland and intoxication. mild degree ( serous edema) is characterized by moderate pain, single vomiting, nausea and, in general, a satisfactory condition of the patient.

    The average degree of intoxication (small-focal necrosis of the gland) is characterized by persistent pain in the epigastrium, repeated vomiting, pallor of the skin, and a rise in temperature.

    Severe degree (widespread necrosis of the gland) is manifested by excruciating vomiting, severe pain and severe general condition. Often appears jaundice and symptoms peritonitis.

    Treatment solves the following problems:

    • fight with shock and toxemia;
    • elimination of pain and spasm;
    • suppression of the activity of gland enzymes (hunger, proton pump inhibitors, aspiration of gastric contents).

    Patients with a severe form require fluid therapy, continuous feeding with tubes (mixtures for enteral nutrition).

    Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term, progressive disease and each episode of exacerbation causes the replacement of pancreatic tissue with fibrous tissue. As a result, exocrine and endocrine insufficiency of the organ develops. Signs of exocrine insufficiency are steatorrhea and manifestations of malnutrition (lack of weight, disorders of calcium metabolism).

    Therapeutic nutrition (5P Diet according to Pevzner) plays an important role at all stages of the disease and helps to reduce stasis in the ducts, suppress hyperenzymemia, reduce the excitability of the gallbladder. With symptoms of pancreatitis, treatment with Diet No. 5P has a positive effect not only in the acute period. In a chronic course, it helps to improve metabolic processes in the pancreas, restore its function and impaired nutrition of the patient, and helps prevent relapses and progression of the disease.

    Allowed foods in the first week of the pancreatitis diet

    Basic Diet 5 with pancreatitis, it changes somewhat and is called Diet 5P. In acute and exacerbation of a chronic disease, it has a number of features, and the leading principles of diet therapy for pancreatitis are:

    • hunger during the period of pronounced clinical manifestations and autolytic processes in the pancreas (only parenteral nutrition is carried out);
    • in the shortest possible time, the transition to a complete diet is carried out (since the patient needs a complete protein);
    • gradual expansion of the diet to include new foods and dishes;
    • when expanding the diet, a gradual increase in the volume and calorie content of food is carried out;
    • compliance with the maximum mechanical and chemical sparing of the pancreas.

    Diet Table number 5 for pancreatitis is determined by the patient's condition and depends on its severity, and therefore has 2 options.

    The first option is indicated for acute pancreatitis and a sharp exacerbation of chronic. The nutrition of this table creates maximum rest for the pancreas and helps to eliminate pain. This most benign diet is prescribed after hungry days from the third day of illness, but since it does not meet the physiological norms of nutrition and human needs, it is prescribed for 3-7 days. It is characterized by a low-calorie diet containing proteins - 60-70 g, fats - 50 g and carbohydrates - 200-250 g.

    Vegetables allowed for pancreatitis

    Since liquid and carbohydrate foods are the least stimulants of pancreatic and gastric secretion, after hunger they begin to eat with carbohydrate:

    • mucous soups based on different cereals (millet, corn grits are excluded) or on vegetable broths;
    • mashed liquid cereals on the water;
    • weak tea with sugar;
    • kissels, jelly and mousses from fruit juice on xylitol;
    • vegetable purees without oil (potato, carrot, pumpkin, squash) and steamed vegetable puddings;
    • mashed dried fruit compotes;
    • white, yesterday's bread, dry biscuits and crackers.

    1-2 days after a carbohydrate meal, it is allowed to introduce protein products:

    • cream soup from boiled meat;
    • 1-2 eggs in the form of a steam omelet, soft-boiled and in the form of a protein omelette;
    • souffle, steam cutlets, beef, chicken, fish, turkey dumplings (before cooking, the meat is freed from fat, tendons, fish and chicken from the skin);
    • cottage cheese paste and soufflé, steamed cottage cheese puddings from unleavened cottage cheese (preferably calcined);
    • butter - in ready meals, vegetable oil is not yet introduced into the diet.

    After the removal of acute symptoms and a decrease in pain, as the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the diet gradually expands and the 5P Diet according to Pevsner is prescribed the second option, which is also indicated for a non-sharp exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. It is recommended for a long time (up to a year) and is designed to prevent exacerbations in the future. It also retains the principles of thermal, mechanical and chemical sparing, which reduces the nutritional stimulation of the diseased organ. All dishes are boiled or steamed, at first they are used in a pureed form, and a little later - crushed.

    Depending on the severity of the phenomena and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food can be used in a mashed and not mashed form. With a favorable course of the disease, the wiped variant is prescribed on average for up to 2 months, and then the degree of grinding of the products is reduced and the volume of food is gradually increased. When the state of health worsens, they again return to the first version of the table with a reduced energy value. In case of exacerbation, rest for the digestive organs also provides a sharp restriction of products with juice and choleretic effects: fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, vegetable oil, sugar, jam, honey and egg yolks.

    Fruits and berries allowed for pancreatitis

    In the presence of constipation the main pancreatic diet changes - the amount of vegetables and fruits increases, the content of carbohydrates decreases (mostly digestible to avoid fermentation and bloating).

    The tendency of chronic pancreatitis to a progressive course, the presence of periodic pain and dyspeptic syndrome necessitates a constant diet. It is important to stop drinking alcohol.

    Approved Products

    The 5P diet for pancreatitis includes:

    • Potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, zucchini, green peas, cauliflower and beets can be eaten boiled and grated. After a while, with good tolerance, the use of raw grated carrots and pumpkins, tomatoes and cucumbers is allowed.
    • Cereals are preferably buckwheat, rice, semolina, oatmeal and oatmeal. Porridges are boiled in water and ground, as a result of which they become a semi-viscous consistency. You can make semolina and rice soufflé, as well as porridge from buckwheat and rice flour, which speeds up the cooking process.
    • Usually barley, millet, corn and barley groats are worse tolerated by patients, and they are limited in the diet.
    • Soups cooked only in vegetable broths with grated vegetables. You can cook puree soups and cream soups, milk soups (milk is diluted with water). You can put cereals in soups (semolina, rice, oatmeal, but they are good to boil or wipe). It is allowed to chop vegetables very finely (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini), but they cannot be fried for dressing soups.
    • Soups are seasoned with sour cream, milk, cream, butter or simply dried flour.
    • Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken. The meat of young animals and birds (veal, chickens) is consumed in a limited way, due to the high content of purines. Meat is recommended in boiled and steam form, and only chopped products (cutlets, soufflé, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings). Boiled chicken and tender rabbit meat and beef can be eaten in pieces. From the boiled pulp of a bird, previously crushed, mashed potatoes and soufflés are prepared.
    • Low-fat fish, steam and boiled, in the form of cutlets and lumps. The ideal choice would be cod, pike perch, hake, carp, pollock, perch, pike, blue whiting. Cook fish whole carcasses or portioned pieces. Poached fish is not allowed (cooked in a saucepan with a small amount of water), because it contains more extractives than boiled.
    • Wheat bread (grades I and II) is allowed only stale to prevent bloating.
    • The diet is expanded by the introduction of lean cookies.
    • Low-fat dairy products: kefir, acidophilus, yogurt. Milk is poorly tolerated, so it is allowed to add it to dishes (omelettes, cereals, sauces, soups). You can eat bold cottage cheese in its natural form and as part of casseroles, soufflés, puddings. Sour cream goes only as a seasoning for dishes. It is allowed to use mild cheese, but in grated form. With calcium deficiency, calcined cottage cheese is indicated.
    • Omelettes are mostly protein, soft-boiled egg is allowed (1 pc. per day).
    • You can use sauces on vegetable broth and mucous broth of cereals with the addition of sour cream and milk. Flour during their preparation is not fried.
    • Ripe sweet baked apples. From fruits and berries you can make boiled, jelly, kissels and mousses. Dried fruits are used pureed. Jelly and xylitol mousses are made from fruits. You can eat marshmallow, jelly marmalade. Raw fruits and berries are allowed in pureed form.
    • Fats are gradually introduced into the diet after an exacerbation, first - butter in cereals and mashed potatoes (15-20 g per day), and then refined sunflower oil (5-15 g).
    • Drinks: weak tea with lemon, sweet fruit juices diluted with water, rosehip infusion, fresh and dry fruit compotes (pears, apples, apricots), still table water. Xylitol can be added to tea. Dried fruit compotes and carrot juice are useful for patients with potassium deficiency.

    Vegetables and greens




    Nuts and dried fruits

    dried apricots5,20,351,0215 apricots5,00,450,6213 prunes2,30,757,5231

    Cereals and cereals

    buckwheat (ground kernel)12,63,362,1313semolina 10,31,073,3328oat groats12,36,159,5342rice6,70,778,9344

    Bakery products

    wheat bread8,11,048,8242


    jam jelly2.70.017.979 marshmallow fruit and berry marmalade marshmallow maria cookies 8.78.870.9400

    Raw materials and seasonings

    honey0.80.081.5329 sugar0.00.099.7398

    Milk products

    kefir 1.5% 3,31,53,641 yogurt 1% 3,01,04,140 acidophilus 1% 3,01,04,040

    Cheese and cottage cheese

    cottage cheese 1%16,31,01,379 cottage cheese 1.8% (low fat)18,01,83,3101

    Meat products

    beef18,919,40,0187 rabbit21,08,00,0156


    boiled chicken breast29.81.80.5137 boiled turkey fillet25.01.0-130


    chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

    Fish and seafood

    flounder16.51.80.083 pollock15.90.90.072 whiting16.10.9-72 cod17.70.7-78 hake16.62.20.086 pike18.40.8-82

    Oils and fats

    butter 0.582.50.8748 sunflower oil

    Soft drinks

    water0.00.00.0-mineral water0.00.00.0-

    Juices and compotes

    apricot juice0.90.19.038carrot juice1.10.16.428peach juice0.90.19.540pumpkin juice0.00.09.038rosehip juice0.10.017.670

    Wholly or partially restricted products

    • Rye bread and fresh wheat bread, cakes, pastries with cream, puff pastry, muffins, yeast pies.
    • Soups on meat, mushroom, and fish broths, borscht and cabbage soup, cold soups (okroshka, beetroot).
    • All fried dishes, fried pies, cheesecakes, pancakes and pancakes.
    • Fatty meat and fish (sturgeon, salmon, halibut), goose and duck meat, smoked meats, caviar, salted fish, sausages, canned food, fried and stewed fish. Offal (liver, kidneys, brains), because they contain a lot of cholesterol.
    • Loose cereals (restrict or completely exclude barley, millet, corn, barley groats).
    • Vegetables with coarse fiber (radish, turnip, radish, swede, white cabbage, eggplant), legumes, mushrooms in any form. The exception is soybeans.
    • Raw vegetables and fruits are introduced very carefully. At the initial stage of the diet, they are recommended only in boiled or baked form.
    • Cooking fats and lard (pork, beef and lamb) are excluded.
    • Fruits containing a large amount of simple carbohydrates (bananas, grapes, dates), which can cause bloating.
    • Milk soups.
    • You can not eat hard-boiled and fried eggs, fatty milk, cream and fatty sour cottage cheese and salty, spicy cheese.
    • Hot seasonings and spices: horseradish, herbs, mustard, pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise.
    • Black coffee, chocolate, jam, honey, ice cream, cocoa, grape juice, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are also excluded.

    Vegetables prohibited in pancreatitis

    Table of prohibited products

    Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    canned vegetables 1,5 0,2 5,5 30
    eggplant 1,2 0,1 4,5 24
    swede 1,2 0,1 7,7 37
    peas 6,0 0,0 9,0 60
    cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
    onion 1,4 0,0 10,4 41
    chickpeas 19,0 6,0 61,0 364
    pepper salad 1,3 0,0 5,3 27
    parsley 3,7 0,4 7,6 47
    radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 19
    white radish 1,4 0,0 4,1 21
    dill 2,5 0,5 6,3 38
    beans 7,8 0,5 21,5 123
    horseradish 3,2 0,4 10,5 56
    spinach 2,9 0,3 2,0 22
    sorrel 1,5 0,3 2,9 19


    bananas 1,5 0,2 21,8 95


    grape 0,6 0,2 16,8 65


    mushrooms 3,5 2,0 2,5 30
    marinated mushrooms 2,2 0,4 0,0 20

    Nuts and dried fruits

    nuts 15,0 40,0 20,0 500
    raisin 2,9 0,6 66,0 264
    seeds 22,6 49,4 4,1 567
    dates 2,5 0,5 69,2 274

    Cereals and cereals

    corn grits 8,3 1,2 75,0 337
    millet groats 11,5 3,3 69,3 348
    barley grits 10,4 1,3 66,3 324

    Flour and pasta

    pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
    dumplings 11,9 12,4 29,0 275

    Bakery products

    buns 7,9 9,4 55,5 339
    Rye bread 6,6 1,2 34,2 165


    confectionery cream 0,2 26,0 16,5 300
    shortbread dough 6,5 21,6 49,9 403

    Ice cream

    ice cream 3,7 6,9 22,1 189


    chocolate 5,4 35,3 56,5 544

    Raw materials and seasonings

    mustard 5,7 6,4 22,0 162
    mayonnaise 2,4 67,0 3,9 627

    Milk products

    milk 4.5% 3,1 4,5 4,7 72
    cream 35% (fatty) 2,5 35,0 3,0 337
    whipped cream 3,2 22,2 12,5 257
    sour cream 30% 2,4 30,0 3,1 294

    Cheese and cottage cheese

    parmesan cheese 33,0 28,0 0,0 392

    Meat products

    fatty pork 11,4 49,3 0,0 489
    salo 2,4 89,0 0,0 797
    bacon 23,0 45,0 0,0 500


    sausage with/smoked 9,9 63,2 0,3 608


    smoked chicken 27,5 8,2 0,0 184
    duck 16,5 61,2 0,0 346
    smoked duck 19,0 28,4 0,0 337
    goose 16,1 33,3 0,0 364

    Fish and seafood

    smoked fish 26,8 9,9 0,0 196
    black caviar 28,0 9,7 0,0 203
    salmon caviar granular 32,0 15,0 0,0 263
    salmon 19,8 6,3 0,0 142
    canned fish 17,5 2,0 0,0 88
    salmon 21,6 6,0 - 140
    trout 19,2 2,1 - 97

    Oils and fats

    animal fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
    culinary fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897

    Alcoholic drinks

    dry red wine 0,2 0,0 0,3 68
    vodka 0,0 0,0 0,1 235
    beer 0,3 0,0 4,6 42

    Soft drinks

    soda water 0,0 0,0 0,0 -
    cola 0,0 0,0 10,4 42
    dry instant coffee 15,0 3,5 0,0 94
    sprite 0,1 0,0 7,0 29

    Juices and compotes

    the grape juice 0,3 0,0 14,0 54

    * data are per 100 g of product

    Menu for the week (Meal mode)

    As mentioned above, the diet involves a gradual expansion of the diet. At the initial stage of diet therapy, dishes in the diet are present in pure form and vegetables only in boiled form. During this period, wheat bread is allowed - 200 g per day and sugar - 20 g.

    When switching to an extended version of the diet, the main dishes remain, but the use of raw vegetables in the form of salads is allowed. The amount of bread is increasing (100 g of rye and 200 g of wheat can be used), sugar up to 40 g and butter up to 20 g-30 g per day. Below are menu options for pancreatitis of a wiped and not wiped table.







    This menu can be used for children.

    Recipes for dishes of the Diet No. 5p table for every day

    Table 5P, especially the extended version of the diet, contains a variety of dishes, so it is not difficult to plan a diet for a week. Stew of chopped vegetables and lumpy meat of tender varieties are allowed. You can even cook beef stroganoff from pre-boiled meat, and all steamed minced meat and vegetable dishes can be served with milk or sour cream sauce. Milk sauces are prepared in various consistencies: thick ones are added to minced poultry when preparing cutlets and dumplings, and semi-liquid sauces are added to cereal, vegetable and meat dishes. They are cooked in milk diluted with water.

    Since recipes may vary slightly (different vegetables in soups or different meat supplements), it is not necessary to have a large supply of them. The dish will look different, their taste and nutritional value will also be different. Here are the recipes for the most common dishes.

    Milk soup with meat puree

    Boiled beef is passed several times through a meat grinder or whipped in a blender and rubbed. Mashed rice and slimy broth are added to the meat puree, salted, boiled, allowed to cool slightly and seasoned with lezon (a mixture of beaten egg and milk, which gives the soup a delicate taste). When serving, add butter.

    Prepared from a mixture of carrots, potatoes and zucchini.

    Carrot and squash soup

    Potatoes and carrots are boiled, zucchini are cut and stewed until tender. Then all the vegetables are rubbed hot with a decoction, diluted to the required consistency with a decoction of vegetables or milk. While stirring, bring the soup to a boil and add salt.

    Chicken dumplings with cottage cheese

    Pass chicken meat through a meat grinder several times, add grated cottage cheese. Mix well, add beaten egg, butter, salt. Cut quenelles are steamed. You can serve with milk or sour cream sauce.

    Eggs are introduced into the ground beef, salted, mixed well. Minced meat is laid out 2 cm thick on a wet towel, a steamed omelette (egg and milk) is laid on top.

    Beef roll with scrambled eggs

    Using a towel, roll the minced meat, giving it the shape of a roll, and transfer it to the grate of the double boiler, make a few punctures and cook for 25 minutes.

    Boil viscous semolina and add peeled grated apples, egg yolk and sugar. Mix well and fold in the beaten egg whites. Pour into molds and steam for 30 minutes. Serve at the table, watering with fruit jelly. The finished pudding should retain its shape well, be fluffy and porous, retain the taste of apples.

    Reviews and results

    Therapeutic nutrition loses its meaning if it is not carried out strictly and if the patient is not convinced of the need for its implementation. This dietary table is complete in terms of protein content and can be observed by patients for a long time. The reviews note a quick relief of the condition: pain and bloating are eliminated, the stool is normalized. Many note that they are forced to constantly adhere to dietary nutrition in view of their state of health, since the expansion of the diet causes deterioration. Also, the reviews indicate certain difficulties: individual cooking requires knowledge of the technology of its preparation and time.

    • “... I was hospitalized with acute pancreatitis. They found stones in the gallbladder and said that they were the cause of pancreatitis. The condition was not very serious, but all the same, she spent 3 weeks in the hospital (surgery, then gastroenterology). Therefore, I know the diet very well - I went through all its options. After discharge, I continue to perform, they said 6 months and painted approximately what foods and how to introduce when expanding the diet. I do everything very strictly, because I'm afraid of exacerbation. I don't want to have surgery - I'd rather eat right. I feel good: there is no pain and bitterness, my stomach does not swell, and food is digested well. Of course, it is difficult to fulfill it - tired of steam, grated and almost tasteless food, not familiar to a healthy person. But I have nowhere to go with my diseases”;
    • “... In chronic pancreatitis, I strictly monitor nutrition and follow the main diet all the time (almost all products can and do not need to be ground, and this is already good). But even from the permitted products, I do not tolerate everything well. For example, pearl barley and millet porridge are heavy for me - immediately bloating and pain in the intestines (probably also colitis). For so many years, I have already adapted to cook the necessary dishes. At first, a simple double boiler helped out, and now I have acquired a slow cooker - it helps a lot and you can cook much more dishes in it. I teach the whole family to proper nutrition”;
    • “… I have chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Diet number 5 is the main one for me and has studied it very well. Once a year I am treated in a hospital (usually an exacerbation in the spring), and the rest of the time - only diet food and periodically drink enzymes. Only this allows you to feel good (without pain and heaviness under the ribs). For a long "experience" of the disease, she adapted to quickly make steam dishes and soufflés. Of course, I don’t have the opportunity to cook every day, so I make cutlets and quenelles for 2-3 days, and then I heat them up for a couple. When there is no exacerbation, nutrition is complete and healthy (without fried, spicy and fatty foods). My family supports me."

    This health food includes affordable products, but given that it has an increased protein content, protein products must be present at every meal, the cost of the diet increases to 1400 - 1500 rubles per week.

    The essence of the diet

    This diet was developed in a specialized nutrition institute under the guidance of physicians for people suffering from pancreatic damage, both acute and chronic.

    Table number 5 is a generalized nutrition technique that has its own subtypes:

    • Table No. 5a is assigned to people diagnosed with acute hepatitis and / or cholecystitis (exacerbation of a chronic course).
    • Table No. 5sh is prescribed for patients with a diagnosis of postcholecystectomy syndrome, a period of exacerbation.
    • Table No. 5 l / f - lipotropic-fatty diet - is prescribed to patients with the diagnosis of pathological changes in the liver, in the presence of congestion.
    • Table No. 5 r - is prescribed to patients after removal of the stomach due to its ulcerative lesions.
    • Table No. 5 p - is introduced into the protocol for the treatment of a patient with a diagnosis of pancreatitis.

    In this article, we will try to consider table No. 5 in more detail. The essence of the diet is its gentle effect on the organs of the digestive tract, including the secretory functions of the pancreas. The developed combination of products makes it possible to prevent the development of fatty infiltration. Restriction in nutrition allows you to prevent the onset and progression of dystrophic processes in the cells of both the liver and the gland of interest to us.

    A carefully designed diet with allowed and prohibited foods helps to reduce gallbladder irritation.

    The basis of the diet of such a patient is made up of light, pureed dishes, which are served only warm. The temperature indicators of food should be close to the temperature indicators of the human body. Such a set of measures is designed to protect the patient from increased stress and irritation of the mucous membrane of a physical, thermal and chemical nature.

    Type of food processing - cooking, steam processing, in rare cases - baking.

    Daily changes in the diet are associated with an increase in the amount of protein foods, a decrease in the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed.

    From the diet of such a patient, products that can stimulate the increased production of secrets of the digestive glands are necessarily excluded. These mainly include foods high in coarse fiber, as well as spices and spices.

    The daily volume of products is divided into four to six meals, with an interval of three to four hours.

    But this diet has its own subsections:

    • Part one is entered into the pathology protocol for acute pancreatitis or at the time of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.
    • Part two is introduced into the protocol for stopping the problem in the chronic course of the pathology, during the period of remission, as well as in the case of an improvement in the condition after an exacerbation of the disease.
    • The first version of the diet is prescribed to the patient from the third to fourth days after the onset of relief of the attack, when the main severity subsided.

    The energy value of consumed products per day is reduced to 1.5 - 1.7 thousand kcal.

    In this case, it is allowed:

    • Proteins - 80 g. Of these, the third part is given to proteins of animal origin, the rest - vegetable.
    • Carbohydrates - 200 g. Of these, only about 25 g of sugar can be taken throughout the day.
    • Fats - about 50 g. Of these, a quarter of plant origin.
    • Salts - from 8 to 10 g.

    This diet has more stringent restrictions. Allowed products include:

    • No more than 50 g of wheat crackers per day.
    • From meat preference is given to poultry, rabbit meat and beef. In this case, pieces devoid of fascia, tendons and films should be selected.
    • Non-greasy pieces of fish, crushed into a homogeneous mass. On their basis cutlets, meatballs, dumplings and so on are prepared.
    • A steam protein omelette is allowed on the menu. But no more than one or two proteins per day. When entering into a dish, only half of the yolk can be used daily.
    • Fresh cottage cheese or dishes from it: curd mass or soufflé.
    • Milk only for cooking other dishes.
    • Easily digestible porridge is allowed. These are mashed cereals or slurry (buckwheat, oatmeal).
    • From the first courses, soups and cream soups are allowed, but cooked in water or light meat broth. They are prepared on the basis of such cereals as semolina, oatmeal, rice, barley, buckwheat.
    • Of the sweet dishes, fruit and berry sauces can be called, but not sour.

    The second variant of the diet is prescribed to the patient in the phase of a subsiding exacerbation in a chronic state of the disease from the fifth to seventh days after a more stringent diet in the form of the first variant of stopping the exacerbation. Or against the background of remission of the disease - for two to four months.

    The energy value of consumed products per day becomes more attractive and approaches the norm - up to 2.45 - 2.7 thousand kcal. In this case, it is allowed:

    • Proteins - up to 140 g. Of these, the sixth - seventh part is given to proteins of animal origin, the rest - of vegetable origin.
    • Carbohydrates - up to 350 g. Of these, only about 40 g of sugar can be taken throughout the day.
    • Fats - about 80 g. Of these, a fifth of plant origin.
    • Salts - up to 10 g.
    • During the day, the amount of fluid consumed should reach the level of one and a half liters.

    In this diet, the restrictions are somewhat softer. They affect the period when the patient gradually comes out of a serious condition or, in a chronic illness, maintains his digestive tract in a state of remission. Allowed products include:

    • Bakery products made the day before or two or three days ago. Wheat flour. Bad cookie.
    • From meat preference is given to poultry, rabbit meat and beef. In this case, pieces devoid of fascia, tendons and films should be selected. The skin is not used in the cooking process.
    • Mostly sea fish (not fatty varieties). The fillet is crushed to a homogeneous mass. Cutlets, soufflés, meatballs, aspic, dumplings and so on are prepared on its basis.
    • A steam protein omelette is allowed on the menu. But no more than one protein per day. When entering the dish, you can use both protein and yolk.
    • Fresh low-fat cottage cheese or dishes from it: curd mass or soufflé.
    • A little milk, if the patient's body perceives it normally. For cooking other dishes.
    • Lactic products.
    • From fats in food, a small amount of refined vegetable oil is allowed, as well as butter, which are introduced into ready-made meals.
    • Easily digestible porridges cooked in pure water or with the addition of a portion of milk are allowed. These are mashed cereals or slurry (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice).
    • Of the vegetables in the diet of such a patient, only potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini and carrots are allowed. But their reception in raw form is excluded. Mandatory heat treatment with further grinding into a homogeneous mass.
    • From the first courses, cream soups and classic soups are allowed, but cooked with water, milk diluted with water, or light meat broth. They are prepared on the basis of such cereals as semolina, buckwheat flour, oatmeal, rice, barley, buckwheat.
    • Sweet dishes include sweet fruits and berries, fruit and berry sauces (not sour), marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade.
    • From drinks: mineral water without gas, mashed compotes, weak tea, fresh juices, mousses, rosehip broth, jelly or jelly. When preparing them, it is desirable to replace sugar with its analogues: xylitol or sorbitol.

    Cholecystitis is a disease caused by an inflammatory process that affects the tissues of the gallbladder. At the same time, doctors quite often note that subsequently this process also affects the pancreas, provoking the development of pancreatitis.

    In principle, dietary nutrition in the presence of a person's history of one or another disease is almost the same. Diet 5 for pancreatitis and cholecystitis has its own list of food products allowed for consumption, the same list is available for prohibited foods and foods.

    From drinks, a decoction of rosehip berries, warm weak tea, juices made from fruits and berries that do not have a sour taste are allowed. The predominant volume in the diet should be occupied by proteins.

    Soups are allowed - mashed potatoes and porridge - mash, mashed meat and fish dishes, slightly dried white bread, protein steam omelet.

    Fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods should be removed from the diet. We do not allow fresh pastries, including muffins, cakes with butter creams, and other confectionery products.

    Method of thermal processing of products: steam, boiling in water.

    In some cases, when the disease is in a chronically severe condition, the patient has to diet for the rest of his life.

    At the same time, the products that fall on the patient's table must be fresh and of high quality.

    Therapeutic nutrition is the basic component of a number of therapeutic protocols. It's no secret that food can both heal and lead to serious complications in human health. It deserves special attention in a situation where dysfunction affects one or more organs of the digestive system. Diet 5 for chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) is aimed at providing a reduced functional load on the biliary system.

    It involves the exclusion of a number of foods and dishes from the patient's diet. At the same time, the taboo extends to the way they are processed. No fried, smoked and salty foods. In the first days after the attack, the attending physician may prescribe to his patient a complete fast with the consumption of a small amount of water, mineral water without gas or unsweetened tea, rosehip broth.

    Further, after removing the pain syndrome and improving the condition of the mucosa, the list of dietary products can be expanded, but dietary restrictions, all the same, must be followed further. In any situation, the patient must listen to the doctor and accurately follow all his requirements and recommendations. This is the only way to achieve the expected result as soon as possible.

    When diagnosing any pathology associated with the digestive process, the patient is corrected nutrition. A diet of 5 p is prescribed for pancreatitis. At the same time, the main indication for its use is an acute, chronic form of the disease, as well as an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

    The essence of the restrictions in the appointment of low-calorie, easy-to-digest food, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, diet is the basis of treatment. Without fulfilling the necessary restrictive requirements, one cannot speak of effective treatment.

    To overcome the disease or return it to a state of remission, you should follow all the recommendations of your doctor with accuracy.

    In the acute phase of the disease or at the time of exacerbation, the patient will have to starve, taking only the liquid allowed by the doctor. This will relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, will unload the digestive system. Only a few days later (from one to four), after the exacerbation has subsided, the patient is allowed to expand the range of dishes and products on his table. That is, from diet number 5 (first option), the patient is transferred to diet number 5 (second option). If the patient has a period of remission, table number 5 (second option) may be recommended to him initially. Their differences from one another have already been described above in this article.

    The main postulate is that products that can provoke increased gas formation, consisting of a large amount of coarse fiber, substances that irritate the mucosa of the tract, are subject to exclusion. The taboo also includes dishes and products that cause the activation of the production of pancreatic secretion and other secrets.

    What products are allowed to be taken, and about which you will have to forget, and for a long time, we will recall in more detail below.

    The purpose of this restriction is to bring, if possible, the function of the pancreas and the entire human digestive tract back to normal.

    If chronic pancreatitis is diagnosed in the patient's history, then with the help of nutrition, the patient is able to independently maintain the state of his body in the remission phase. But if for any reason there was a failure, a relapse occurs and the disease returns.

    In order to quickly stop the problem that has arisen, the patient is prescribed, with an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, diet 5.

    At the same time, on the first day, two patients are kept on a "starvation diet", allowing them to drink only water (warm tea) or a decoction of rose hips. To maintain the level of minerals in the human body, it is allowed to take such mineral water as Borjomi or its analogues. One has only to remember that the liquid taken should not contain bubbles of carbon dioxide.

    Only if the doctor is convinced that the patient's condition has stabilized, he allows you to switch to the selection of products specified by the diet No. 5 p (the first option) and only later, with the planned course of treatment, the doctor gives the go-ahead to receive the dishes allowed by the diet No. 5 p (second option). ).

    Gradually, a person moves from mashed food to non-mashed food, but for about a year (if there are no new exacerbations), the patient needs to deny himself muffins and cakes, fatty, fried, smoked and a number of other dishes.

    If the diagnosis considered in this article is made to a still small growing organism, then, naturally, its treatment protocol, and especially nutrition, should be selected in such a way as not to slow down the small patient in development and growth. It's no secret that what a child eats largely depends on his state of health and level of development.

    Therefore, diet 5 for pancreatitis in children is designed with these factors in mind. Feed such a baby should be in small volumes, but often.

    The basis of his diet should be mashed meat and fish dishes. Mostly it should be a rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal is possible. Exclude heavy-to-digest meat (pork, goose, beef, lamb, duck). Method of preparation of all dishes: cooking with steam and boiling in water.

    During the period of exacerbation, the baby can be given a steam protein omelette, if the disease is in remission, then this dish can be prepared from a whole egg without separating the yolk.

    Such a patient should be given natural cottage cheese, it is only necessary to ensure that it is of low fat content. If the child gradually eats this product, this will fill the needs of his body for bone calcium.

    To please a small patient, without causing damage to his body, baked vegetables (for example, carrots, pumpkin) or fruits (for example, apple, pear, peach, apricot) can be added to the curd. Baked fruits, especially an apple, will also be an effective prophylaxis in preventing anemia.

    From fats it is allowed to use only a small amount of butter and vegetable oil, and then only as an addition to the dish being prepared.

    Ideally, the first dish for such a patient looks like a vegetable platter boiled in water and whipped with a blender. As a result, the baby gets puree soup, and thanks to the wide variety of vegetables, by connecting imagination and / or experience, the baby can be pleased with their various combinations. If it is winter outside, then fresh ingredients can be replaced with frozen ones.

    Exclude semi-finished products, sausage, legumes, smoked and canned foods, mushrooms, chocolate and caramel, carbonated and sour drinks from the child's diet.

    To please the baby with sweets, you can offer him marshmallows or marmalade, of course, from natural products.

    The first time after the discovery of the disease, it will be quite difficult for the patient or his relatives to correctly compose the daily menu. To facilitate this process, we are ready to offer one of the options for a weekly diet menu for pancreatitis.

    • Mashed potatoes.
    • Meat steamer.
    • Tea with milk.
    • Zoological cookies.
    • Shredded cottage cheese.
    • Kissel.
    • Meat broth with vegetables.
    • Fish soufflé.
    • Buckwheat porridge.
    • Compote of fresh pureed apples.

    Afternoon snack: fresh juice with crackers.

    • Milk semolina porridge - 300 g.
    • Protein steam omelet.
    • Green tea with biscuits and a piece of soft cheese.

    Immediately before going to bed - half a glass of Borjomi mineral water with released gas.

    • Oatmeal porridge with fruit sauce.
    • A decoction of rose hips.

    Lunch: baked apple.

    • Soup pureed buckwheat.
    • Meat fricassee with carrot puree.
    • Fruit compote.

    Afternoon snack: rosehip infusion with crackers.

    • Mango pudding.
    • Tea with a slice of lemon and a piece of cheese.

    Just before going to bed - a glass of acidophilus milk.

    • Meatloaf stuffed with egg omelet.
    • Boiled beetroot grated.
    • Dry fruit compote.

    Lunch: warm green tea with crackers.

    • Ukha with fish meatballs.
    • Mashed potatoes with sour cream sauce.
    • Pureed apple jelly.

    Afternoon snack: Apple puree with whipped protein.

    • Vegetable puree.
    • Meat dumplings.
    • Rosehip broth with sugar and crackers.

    Immediately before going to bed - a glass of fruit jelly.

    • Liquid pureed rice porridge.
    • Weak tea with a biscuit.

    Lunch: cottage cheese and fruit casserole with tea.

    • Soup puree with noodles and broccoli.
    • Mashed potatoes.
    • Fish cutlet cooked in a steam bath.
    • A decoction prepared on rosehip berries.

    Afternoon snack: milk jelly.

    • Buckwheat porridge.
    • Meat cheese.
    • Fruit jelly with crackers.

    Immediately before going to bed - half a glass of Borjomi.

    • Vegetable puree.
    • Buckwheat pudding with pureed lean meat.
    • Fruit mousse.

    Lunch: milk jelly.

    • Mucous oatmeal soup.
    • Rice boiled mashed.
    • Meat fricassee.
    • A piece of black bread.
    • Compote on dried fruits.

    Afternoon snack: Apple soufflé.

    • Rice pudding.
    • Lightly sweetened tea. You can add a slice of lemon or lime.

    Just before going to bed - a glass of non-acidic fruit juice. The first time you can dilute it with water.

    • Potato and egg casserole with bechamel sauce.
    • Milk jelly with zoological cookies.

    Lunch: apple baked with cinnamon.

    • Vegetable puree soup with meatballs.
    • Boiled vermicelli casserole.
    • Meat dumplings.
    • Mineral water "Slavyanovskaya" without gas.

    Afternoon snack: protein steam omelet.

    • Vegetable puree.
    • Fish snowballs.
    • Lightly sweetened tea with biscuits.

    Immediately before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

    • Vermicelli casserole.
    • Liver paste.
    • A glass of mineral water without gas.

    Lunch: cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole with tea.

    • Dinner:
    • Soup - assorted vegetables.
    • Cauliflower puree.
    • Fish fricassee.
    • Fruit compote mashed with breadcrumbs.

    Afternoon snack: baked fruit.

    • Vegetable puree - assorted.
    • Meat snow.
    • Zephyr.

    Immediately before going to bed - a glass of milk jelly.

    In order to prevent the return of the disease or to promote a speedy recovery, it is necessary to withstand this diet. Recommendations for the preparation of dishes that make up the patient's diet should also be followed exactly. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the nuances of heat treatment of products and study diet recipes for pancreatitis.

    Despite the rather stringent restrictions, the menu for such a disease can be varied. The recipe below can be used both in the case of diagnosing pancreatitis, and in recognizing cholecystitis.

    • Any lean meat - 250 g
    • Butter - 40 g
    • Water - 100 ml
    • Raw egg - one
    • Semolina - 20 g.
    • Boil the meat until done.
    • Grind at least twice in a meat grinder.
    • Add semolina, water and an egg to the minced meat. Mix all ingredients well.
    • Mince beat off.
    • Grease a baking dish with butter and lay out the minced meat.
    • Bring to readiness using a steam bath.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Buckwheat - 50 g
    • Light meat broth - 250 ml
    • Salt with doctor's permission

    Cooking sequence:

    • To obtain a liquid on which porridge will be cooked, meat is boiled in water. To make the broth less heavy, it should first be cooled. Gently scrape off the hardened fat from the surface.
    • Drain the liquid and dilute with water, twice as large as the taken broth.
    • Place the container with the liquid on the fire and wait for it to boil.
    • Rinse the buckwheat well. Introduce into boiled liquid.
    • After the composition thickens, cover the container and simmer the dish on a low flame for about one hour.
    • Before the end of cooking, lightly salt the almost ready dish (if the salt is allowed by the doctor).
    • Cool slightly, pass through a sieve.
    • Before serving, add a piece of butter.

    To speed up the cooking process, buckwheat can be replaced with buckwheat.

    For cooking you will need:

    • One egg white
    • Strawberries or peach (you can choose another fruit to taste, but of the appropriate consistency) - 100 g
    • Wheat flour - 20 g
    • Water - 120 g
    • Sugar - 30 g
    • Vanilla on the tip of a knife

    Cooking sequence:

    • Whisk the chilled egg white into stiff peaks.
    • Very carefully introduce sugar (powdered sugar or substitute) and vanillin. Mix everything.
    • Boil water in a saucepan and put the protein mass into it with a spoon. The lid is closed.
    • After four minutes, I turn the snowball over, and keep it under a closed lid for another four minutes.
    • After that, the finished product is removed from the water with a slotted spoon, allowing excess liquid to drain.
    • Put the snowballs on a dish and top with strawberry sauce. It can be prepared by blending sugar (10 g), strawberries and flour with a blender.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Fruits, for example, black currants (can be dried, can be fresh) - dried - 15 g, fresh - a little more
    • Potato flour (starch) - 8 g
    • Sugar - 10 g

    Cooking sequence:

    • The berries are well reviewed and washed.
    • Moved, pour a glass of water and put on the stove. Cook until the berries are completely softened.
    • Cool the composition a little, separate the liquid.
    • Combine starch with cold water and mix well. The ratio of water and starch should be 4:1.
    • Gently add the diluted starch into the filtered boiling liquid.
    • Sweeten and wait until it boils again.

    Dietary jelly should be prepared only in this way. Adding fruit puree during cooking is not recommended. After the jelly has been poured into cups, it is advisable to crush the drink with powdered sugar. This will protect the surface from the formation of an acid film.

    For cooking you will need:

    • One ripe banana
    • One ripe peach
    • Low calorie yogurt - 250 ml
    • Cracker
    • Gelatin - 15 g
    • Water - 200 ml

    Cooking sequence:

    • Soak gelatin in hot water and leave for a short time to swell.
    • Gradually introduce, stirring, yogurt. Beat the resulting mass.
    • Take the form. Cover it with aluminum foil.

    We begin to form a cake, laying out in layers:

    • Cookies at the bottom of the form.
    • Next, fill the cookies with yogurt. We pour out the third part of the available volume.
    • Lay out the sliced ​​banana.
    • Yogurt cream again.
    • layer of peach.
    • We finish with a layer of yogurt.
    • Place the form in a cold place to harden. For example, in the refrigerator.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Egg (or one protein) - 2 pcs
    • Water - 80 ml
    • Butter - 5 g
    • Salt - 1 g

    Cooking sequence:

    • Lightly beat the contents of the egg.
    • Add water and salt to the mixture. Okay, but mix gently.
    • Throw the composition on a sieve and strain. This will rid the product of protein knots.
    • Place the strained egg in a serving container and cook with steam. The filled layer should be less than four centimeters. The high height of the dish will not allow you to cook normally. Viable microbes may remain in the egg mixture.
    • When serving, drizzle the top of the omelet with melted butter.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Light meat broth - 400 ml
    • Carrot - 4 g
    • Semolina - 20 g
    • Salt - 1 g
    • Onion - 4 g (if desired, you can not put it)
    • Parsley - a couple of sprigs

    Cooking sequence:

    • Prepare the broth by boiling parsley, onions and carrots along with the meat. The liquid can be lightly salted.
    • Cool the broth and remove the resulting fat from the top, drain well. This will make the liquid less oily and lighter.
    • Put it back on fire and boil.
    • In a thin stream, stirring constantly, gradually add semolina.
    • Cook until fully cooked.
    • Before serving, add chopped parsley.

    Pancreatitis is an inflammation that affects the tissues of the pancreas, which is involved in the process of digestion. Therefore, diet 5 for pancreatitis is an integral part of the treatment process carried out during the relief of this disease. If you had to hear the diagnosis of pancreatitis in relation to yourself or your loved ones, then you should not ignore the recommendations of the attending physician about adjusting the diet, with the introduction of the necessary restrictions. After all, ignoring the diet will nullify all medical treatment. In this case, the problem may worsen, rewarding the body with unwanted complications. An integrated approach to treatment, against the background of meeting the requirements of the diet, will allow you to quickly cope with the problem and protect the patient's body from negative consequences.

    For people suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, a special diet table No. 5 has been developed. Thanks to the correct selection of ingredients, it is possible to stabilize the condition, gain weight for those who have a rapid decrease in it due to hunger and lack of energy value of the food received.

    This diet is appropriate not only for exacerbations, but also in the treatment of chronic forms. It helps to normalize metabolism and unload the inflamed organ. It involves the use of predominantly protein-rich foods, with a serious restriction of sweet and starchy foods.

    A balanced diet is prescribed simultaneously with medication treatment. It implies the exclusion of products that can lead to complications and reduce the functioning of the pancreas.

    All ingredients should be pureed, finely chopped. They should be boiled or cooked using a double boiler. In this case, useful components are better preserved, cholesterol production and the load on the gastrointestinal tract are reduced.

    The diet has two parts. The first is softer and more gentle. It can be started from the fourth day after the relief of acute symptoms. Assumes a watery or semi-watery consistency. In the second, a greater variety of products is allowed. Relevant during the period of normalization of the state.

    At the stage of manifestation of vivid symptoms and with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the leading principles of diet therapy are:

    • Hunger during the onset of acute symptoms (first days), only parenteral nutrition is possible.
    • Gradual expansion of the diet with the introduction of new dishes.
    • Compliance with the rules for determining the volume and energy value of food.
    • Implementation of all the advice of nutritionists and gastroenterologists to reduce the load on the pancreas.

    The table for pancreatitis strictly prohibits alcohol-containing drinks and smoking, as they irritate the suffering organ. Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants.

    Since liquid and carbohydrate foods pose a minimal danger to the secretory function of the organ, after hunger, you can supplement the diet with dishes that contain carbohydrates in addition to proteins. It can be mucous soups, liquid cereals, kissels, vegetable purees.

    If an acute form is suspected, fasting is prescribed on the first day with the use of water up to 1.7 liters. Liquid should be at room temperature.

    When cooking outside the acute period, it is also recommended to observe the temperature regime. Do not eat hot or too cold food. The sparing diet lasts up to eight weeks.

    In remission, 60% of the diet should be proteins. Their number is 120-130 gr. per day. In this case, the amount of daily fat consumed should not exceed 60 grams. It is contraindicated to use animal fat in its pure form.

    The share of carbohydrates in the diet accounts for no more than 350 grams. in 24 hours. Replenishment of this component can be carried out in the form of fruits, honey, cereals. Even with good health, the patient should not deviate from the principles of the diet and the list of allowed foods. Otherwise, it is possible to get a severe exacerbation.

    • bread: white, stale, crackers;
    • cereals: semolina, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat in a semi-liquid state;
    • meat: in the form of minced meat or soufflé, rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal and beef are suitable;
    • milk: for cooking only;
    • fish: pike perch, pollock, pike, boiled in pieces or used in the form of cutlets;
    • dairy products: without dyes and additives;
    • fruits: thermally processed apples;
    • soups: on vegetable broths with grated ingredients (cream soup, puree soup), it is allowed to put cereals, but they should not be undercooked;
    • omelets: predominantly protein, you can eat one soft-boiled egg;
    • sauces: on a vegetable broth with the addition of sour cream, the flour is not fried in oil during their preparation;
    • berries: for the preparation of jelly, jelly, dried fruits from compotes can be eaten in a small amount in grated form.

    If we talk about drinks, weakly brewed tea, fruit juices diluted by half with water, infusions of rose hips, fruit compotes, mineral table water without gas are allowed.

    Cakes, confectionery and sweets should be excluded from the diet. Soups on meat, mushroom or fish broth are prohibited. Under the ban and all fried foods, including pastries.

    It is not recommended to use fatty meat, salmon, halibut, smoked meats, caviar, sausages, canned food, offal. Vegetables with coarse fiber can cause deterioration. Therefore, the following are removed from the diet: radish, turnip, swede, cabbage and eggplant. From fruits, you should not eat those that are rich in carbohydrates (bananas, dates, grapes). They can cause


    Spicy spices and seasonings, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, grape juice, alcohol and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

    At night every day it is recommended to drink fermented milk products without sugar. Since the diet involves the presence of a second breakfast and an afternoon snack, in between meals you can eat cottage cheese, biscuits, baked apples, drink jelly or diluted juices.

    Delicious and nutritious is milk soup with meat puree. It's easy to prepare.

    First, boiled beef is passed through a meat grinder several times and whipped in a blender. The mashed rice and slimy decoction are added to the puree. The resulting composition must be well boiled.

    Wait for the dish to cool down a bit. It remains to add a mixture of beaten eggs with milk, add to the soup. You will get a soft texture.

    Puree soup has a good taste. Boil potatoes and carrots until fully cooked. Vegetables are rubbed with broth, if desired, add a little milk. Bring soup to a boil, add salt. To enhance the taste, do not add pepper or other seasonings.

    With pancreatitis, clear soups on a secondary broth help well. To prepare the dish, you need to put a piece of boiled meat without fat into a pan with clean water. Bring to a boil and drain. The meat must be put to cook a second time. Then add potatoes and onions. When the potatoes are cooked, add some durum vermicelli. It remains to cook for another 5 minutes, turn off the fire.

    The following recipes are used as second courses:

    1. Chicken quenelles with the addition of curd mass. Turn chicken meat into minced meat, add mashed cottage cheese. Mix well, add a beaten egg, a piece of good butter. Quenelles are steamed and served with sour cream sauce.
    2. Beef roll. Eggs and salt are added to the minced meat. Minced meat is laid out 2 cm thick on a wet towel, covered with a boiled omelette on top. Using a towel, roll the minced meat so that you get a roll. Make a few punctures, cook for 25 minutes for a couple.
    3. Semolina pudding with apples. First you need to cook semolina with the addition of grated apples, egg yolk and sugar. The mass is mixed, whipped proteins are introduced into it. It must be folded into molds, steamed for 30 minutes.

    Thus, diet number 5 is balanced, can be used for a long time. It reduces the load on the pancreas. The disadvantages include the long cooking time of some dishes.

    The diet for chronic pancreatitis plays a crucial role in restoring the normal functioning of the pancreas, and the “5p” table best meets the requirements of such a diet. With this diet, the main rule is its exact observance. The main task of the diet is to exclude from the diet those foods whose digestion requires a large amount of enzyme and causes hard work of the inflamed organ.

    The main task of the diet is to exclude from the diet those foods whose digestion requires a large amount of enzyme and causes hard work of the inflamed organ.

    What not to eat

    Nutrition in chronic pancreatitis has its own characteristics. The list of foods prohibited in the No. 5p diet is long, but this is a necessary measure. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:

    • fatty meat (this category includes pork, lamb, fatty beef, waterfowl meat, game);
    • all types of by-products;
    • all sausages and frankfurters;
    • any canned food;
    • fatty fish (sturgeon, salmon, catfish, Caspian sprat, caviar);
    • vegetables containing a large amount of acid or coarse fiber (white cabbage, radish, radish, beans, corn, peas, sorrel, spinach);
    • sugar and all confectionery products such as chocolate, cakes, cakes, lollipops, sweets;
    • pastry products;
    • fresh bread, both rye and wheat;
    • mushrooms;
    • hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs;
    • sour and too sweet berries and fruits (bananas, figs, gooseberries, cranberries, cloudberries, grapes, dates, and all citrus fruits);
    • salted cheeses;
    • fatty dairy products (thick sour cream, yogurt, fatty kefir);
    • all spicy, pickled, bitter foods.

    Nutritionists do not advise using fresh milk in its pure form, although they allow the addition of this product to other dishes. All meat and fish rich broths fall under the ban. To achieve a therapeutic effect during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, all types of fats must be completely abandoned, and the protein content should be minimized.

    In some cases, starch intolerance may occur. In this case, you will have to give up potatoes, jelly and other dishes containing this product.

    In some cases, starch intolerance may occur.

    Among the drinks on the list of foods prohibited in this diet are:

    • strong tea;
    • cocoa;
    • alcohol;
    • beer;
    • kvass;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • sweet fruit juices.

    When it comes to coffee, nutritionists disagree. Organic coffee should be completely eliminated, but many doctors allow the use of unsweetened coffee without caffeine. If possible, it is better to replace it with a chicory drink.

    Many doctors allow unsweetened, decaffeinated coffee.

    All dishes must be eaten warm: the pancreas cannot stand cold and hot.

    It is a mistake to assume that if you follow a diet, there is absolutely nothing to eat. The number of acceptable products during this period is quite large:

    1. A complete rejection of meat is not required, low-fat, dietary varieties are allowed for use. These include: lean beef, veal, rabbit meat, as well as chicken and turkey meat.
    2. Cereals play an important role in stabilizing the gastrointestinal tract. In chronic pancreatitis, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina porridge on water, boiled rice can be used as a side dish. Oatmeal porridge has the most beneficial effect on the pancreas.
    3. From vegetables, you can use boiled carrots, cauliflower and Beijing cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, potatoes, beets, cucumbers. All vegetables must be chopped: pureed or cooked in the form of a soufflé. Vegetable juices are beneficial.
    4. The diet must necessarily include lean fish: these include cod, carp, pollock, lean mackerel, etc.
    5. Of the fruits in the diet, sweet apples, pears, melons, strawberries, and watermelons are allowed in small quantities. They must undergo heat treatment: you can steam, cook compotes, make soufflé or jelly. In raw form, only apples are allowed, and then only during the period of remission.
    6. From fats with such a diet, you can use refined vegetable oil and unsweetened butter (up to 30 g per porridge and not more than 10 g per day as part of a sandwich).
    7. The list of fermented milk products allowed in the diet includes: kefir, unsweetened yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese. In small quantities, low-fat sour cream is allowed, but it must be entered into the menu carefully, carefully observing how you feel.
    8. From flour products in the “5p” diet, you can eat wheat and bran bread, exclusively dried (stale or in the form of unsalted crackers), unsweetened biscuit cookies, as well as any pasta.
    9. Eggs can be consumed only in the form of lean steamed omelettes, no more than 1-2 times a week. It is best to eat only protein with such a diet.
    10. If the disease has gone into remission, you can occasionally indulge in homemade diet sweets with low sugar content or desserts for diabetics.

    Particular attention should be paid to drinking. You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, not counting soups. It can be a rosehip drink, weak tea (black or with milk), vegetable juices, weak unsweetened coffee, mineral water, sea buckthorn tea, herbal decoctions.

    The diet for pancreatitis severely limits portion sizes. The total amount of food per day can reach 2 kg, subject to 7-8 meals a day. But nutritionists do not advise eating more than 250 g at a time. Accordingly, if the volume of the soup is 100 g, the number of other dishes should not exceed 150 g (excluding drinks).

    In total, the daily diet with such a diet should contain:

    • proteins - 120 - 140g;
    • fat - 60 g;
    • the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 350 g, of which no more than 30 g may be contained in sugar or jam.

    The total calorie content of food for 1 day should not exceed 2700 - 2800 kcal.

    Liquid food must be present in the daily diet. Soups are recommended to be included in the menu in the morning (lunch, lunch).

    The most useful first courses for chronic pancreatitis include:

    • dietary vegetable soups in lean broth;
    • milk soup with vermicelli;
    • lean cabbage soup without adding tomato;
    • potato soup with weak chicken broth;
    • mashed potato and carrot soup;
    • fish soup in a weak fish broth, etc.

    Diet vegetable soup.

    If possible, the first dishes to follow the diet should be in the form of pureed soup or cabbage soup with finely chopped vegetables.

    As second courses, the requirements of the diet are best met by hearty, but low-fat dishes. The most useful with such a diet are:

    • slimy liquid cereals;
    • a piece of meat (boiled);
    • boiled, baked or steamed fish;
    • steam cutlets;
    • boiled chicken breast;
    • dietary egg white omelet;
    • potato and cottage cheese casseroles;
    • boiled or crushed potatoes;
    • egg white omelets.

    Salads can also be attributed to the second dishes. Salads from boiled carrots, beets, zucchini meet all the requirements of the diet. In its raw form, only carrots grated with an apple are allowed, and only during a period of stable remission.

    All vegetables should be finely grated or mashed.

    Diet therapy requires adherence to a diet of 6 to 12 months. An approximate variant of the diet for 1 day may consist of the following dishes:

    1. First breakfast: oatmeal, 1 egg steam omelette, weak coffee.
    2. Second breakfast: grated carrot salad and a portion of boiled beef.
    3. Lunch: dietary rice soup, steamed mashed potatoes, baked apple and dried fruit compote.
    4. Snack: cottage cheese casserole with sea buckthorn compote.
    5. Dinner: boiled fish, beetroot salad, tea with milk.
    6. Late dinner: kefir.

    During an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is better to completely refuse to take any food for 1-2 days of the diet. This will reduce the load on the pancreas and allow it to restore its functions. Fasting for more than 2 days is prescribed only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

    During an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is better to completely refuse to take any food for 1-2 days of the diet.

    But even after the exacerbation is removed, nutritionists recommend, for the purpose of prevention, to arrange a hungry day at least 1-2 times a month.

    The purpose of the diet is to provide the body with foods that contain the least amount of fat and carbohydrates.

    A weakened pancreas can only produce a small amount of the enzyme. Accordingly, food should come in small portions, but often. The best diet option is 5-7 meals a day every 2-3 hours.

    The 5p diet provides the best treatment; it is prescribed with minor changes both during exacerbation and during remission.

    The first step to recovery is the transition to a special diet. This diet is prescribed for a long time, but even with a complete cure, it is recommended to adhere to strict dietary restrictions until the last days of life. What rules should be followed when following a diet for chronic pancreatitis?

    Steamed Dishes - Diet #5

    Often, patients, having received a diagnosis, perceive it as a sentence, which clearly does not improve mood and the ability to set the body for recovery. Another category of patients experiences a feeling of irritation from the need to change their habits and unwillingness to give them up, begins to bully their loved ones. They say about such people - a bilious person.

    Both of them can be understood: the main function of the organism has been disturbed. However, it should be borne in mind that, according to statistics, about 80% of pancreatic diseases are caused by a person’s careless attitude towards his body. This is a constant overeating, an excess of fatty, sweet and salty, fried and smoked foods. Alcohol has the most destructive effect on the body.

    If we talk about changing the diet, then it is aimed at eliminating all of the above destructive factors. Otherwise, the patient's table remains varied and nutritious. As for tasty food, eating habits change over the course of life: having learned to savor the dishes of their new diet, very soon a person recognizes them as truly tasty.

    Diet number 5 for chronic pancreatitis

    • hot and cold drinks and dishes are strictly prohibited, any food should be warm;
      you should adhere to the diet at the same time;
    • the daily intake should be divided into 5-6 meals, it is strictly forbidden to overeat or endure hunger for a long time;
    • the content of protein food in the menu should prevail, the pancreas is restored on it; the amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum, including vegetable oil;
    • the daily intake of salt is limited to 10g;
    • you should be critical of the list of allowed products, focusing on your individual well-being. If you feel unwell while eating any dish or product, it should be immediately excluded from the diet;
    • New foods in the diet should be introduced carefully, in small portions.
    • at the slightest indisposition, it should be abandoned until the pancreas is more fully stabilized;
    • The recommendation for thorough chewing of food is also appropriate for a healthy body, but with a disease of the pancreas, this rule should be observed especially carefully, even if pureed soup is served.

    This significantly reduces the amount of food needed to signal satiety and therefore eases the load on the digestive system.

    Diet number 5 - list of allowed foods

    Fish in a slow cooker - not only healthy, but also tasty

    With pancreatitis in the chronic stage, the use of the following products and dishes from them is allowed:

    • bread - wheat flour from the highest grades of yesterday's baking (if fresh, then dried), crackers from it, unsweetened and low-fat dry biscuits (crackers);
    • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice in the form of semi-viscous or mashed cereals, cooked in water or with the addition of milk; cereal casseroles, puddings, soufflé with cottage cheese and the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream;
    • pasta is allowed only boiled, well-cooked;
    • - low-fat and non-acidic cottage cheese can be consumed in its natural form or dishes from it (casseroles, soufflés, puddings); hard cheese with low fat content and without spicy additives;
    • sour cream, cream, butter is used for dressing soups, cereals; fermented milk drinks are not too acidic; whole milk skimmed, diluted with water - for making soups and cereals;
    • meat and poultry - lean beef or veal, skinless chicken or turkey, rabbit. Consume boiled. Meat dishes: minced or ground in the form of meatballs, beef stroganoff in a low-fat sauce, mashed potatoes, soufflé, quenelles without hot spices;
    • eggs - chicken egg protein is recommended in the form of a steam omelet; it is better to refuse the yolk, you can use one no more than 2 times a week, diluted in half with water;
    • fish - low-fat varieties: boiled in a whole piece or ground in the form of steam cutlets; boiled can be prepared in the form of aspic;
    • vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, cauliflower, green peas: boiled or baked, preferably in the form of mashed potatoes or mashed soup;
    • soups - vegetarian on vegetable broth or weak chicken. Vegetables are prepared in the form of mashed soup, adding half a spoonful of sour cream when serving. Chicken soup is seasoned with vermicelli or well-boiled, grated grits;
    • fruits and berries - ripe, non-acidic can be consumed raw or pureed; apples should be baked. Pureed compotes, jelly, mousses are prepared from dry and fresh fruits, using a little sugar or its substitute (sorbitol, xylitol) for sweetening;
    • drinks - weak tea with lemon or milk without sugar or slightly sweetened, rosehip broth, fruit juice diluted halfway with water without sugar;
    • the daily norm of butter 30 g, vegetable refined 10-15 ml (incomplete tablespoon), are added during cooking.

    Diet number 5 - a list of prohibited foods

    Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment

    In the chronic form of pancreatitis, the use of the following foods and dishes is prohibited:

    1. fresh wheat bread, rye bread, muffins, puff and shortbread dough products;
    2. soups with meat and fish broth, strong vegetable and chicken broth, mushroom soups, dairy soups with undiluted milk, cold soups (okroshka), sour soups (shchi, borscht);
    3. all fatty meats, pork, duck, goose, liver, brains, kidneys, sausages, smoked meats, canned food;
    4. fatty fish, fried and stewed, smoked and salted, canned fish and caviar;
    5. fried and hard-boiled eggs;
    6. all crumbly cereals and limit the use of dishes from millet, corn, barley, pearl barley;
    7. from vegetables, refuse legumes, mushrooms, white cabbage, eggplant, radish and radish, turnip, sweet pepper, sorrel, spinach, onion and garlic, tomatoes and sauces from them;
    8. all spices;
    9. : grapes, banana, dates, figs;
    10. confectionery: jam, chocolate, caramel, ice cream, cake;
    11. drinks: coffee, strong tea, cocoa, grape juice, soft drinks with gas;
    12. alcohol.

    Mineral water consumption

    In chronic pancreatitis, a treatment course of taking mineral water is often prescribed. To achieve the effect, they drink water not to quench their thirst, but according to the recommendations of the reception, certain types of it and according to the indicated system.

    The role of mineral water is huge

    As a rule, it is recommended to take frequent small doses, at regular intervals. The greatest healing effect can be achieved if you drink water directly from the source, but a course of taking at home will also be beneficial. The bottle should be opened no later than 10-15 minutes before taking, the water should be slightly lukewarm. Take half an hour to an hour before meals, drink water very slowly, in small sips.

    For general stabilization of the digestive tract, you can use waters such as Essentuki No. 17, Naftusya, Arkhyz, Slavyanovskaya.

    In chronic forms of the disease with pancreatitis, a course of taking water of the Essentuki No. 4, Borjomi and Smirnovskaya brands, which have a special effect on the organ, is prescribed:

    1. prevent stagnant processes in the bile ducts, in the pancreas itself;
    2. reduce the risk of inflammatory processes;
    3. normalize the work of the stomach and intestines.

    The course of treatment with mineral water lasts from three weeks to six months. or seizures, it is recommended to stop drinking water.

    Diet for pancreatitis Diet for pancreatitis What they should be - see in the video:

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