Super protein omelet. Diet protein omelet in the oven. Steamed protein omelet

How to cook a steam omelette in a slow cooker, double boiler, in a water bath? What are the features of each method? Consider the intricacies of steaming eggs, as well as recipes for healthy meat and vegetable omelets for children and adults.

Steam omelette is a dish recommended for children and diet food. It is often used when feeding children from one year old, as well as in the diet of people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers. It is in the steamed omelet that all the useful substances of the egg dish are preserved as much as possible - vitamins B, A, D, E, lutein, lysine, arginine, aspartic, folic acid and others.

The steam product does not contain carcinogens, slags, an abundance of cholesterol and calories, making the dish suitable for the prevention of obesity, premature aging and diseases of the cardiovascular system in people over 45 years old. Being the basis of proper nutrition, scrambled eggs are often present in protein diets for weight loss.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Milk can be replaced with chicken broth or boiled water. This is most relevant for people suffering from milk protein intolerance.
  • Add seasonings to the dish already on the plate. Sprinkling plenty of spices on an omelet before cooking will neutralize most of the spices in the hot steam, resulting in a loss of taste.
  • For a strict diet, prepare a protein omelette. A dish of whipped proteins will provide a more gentle meal in the active phase of the diet for weight loss and with acute pancreatitis.
  • When baking in a double boiler, check the liquid level. In a unit without a water level indicator, it is necessary to check its presence every twenty minutes. The same is recommended when cooking in a water bath.

The calorie content of a steam omelet is 136 kcal, thanks to which nutritionists welcome the inclusion of a dish in the diet of those who lose weight as a morning and afternoon meal.

In a double boiler

Classic recipe

The recipe for an omelette in a double boiler can be called a classic: it is in it that a light and airy steamed omelet is traditionally prepared. It is not customary to include fried sausage, ham and spicy cheese in a diet dish, but low-fat cottage cheese and steamed carrots will be appropriate. When cooking scrambled eggs in a double boiler, exclude milk from the recipe.

You will need:
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • salt.
  1. Mix eggs with salt and milk.
  2. Pour the mixture into an oiled bowl and lower it into the unit, bake for twenty minutes.
How to cook a steam omelet without a double boiler? Organize a water bath: pour water (up to half) into a container with a thick bottom and, placing a bowl with egg mass in it, simmer for 25-35 minutes over low heat with the lid closed. It is better to take a metal form for an omelet and pre-lubricate it with oil. Important: the bottom of the bowl should touch the surface of the water, and not sink into it.

A steamed omelette without a double boiler turns out to be fluffy and tender due to the uniform heating of the dish, and due to the effect of low temperatures (no more than 100 ° C), all useful substances will retain their properties.

It is easy to prepare a steam omelette using a plastic bag: pour the omelette mixture into it and, after tying it carefully, send it to a pot of boiling water. Cook the omelette over low heat for 15 minutes, then cut the bag and serve the dish to the table.

With meat

The recipe for a steam omelette with meat is not forbidden to be supplemented with minced or finely chopped onions and breadcrumbs. Without losing the taste of the dish, beef can be replaced with boiled chicken breast or lean pork.

You will need:
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • beef - 200 g;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • butter - a teaspoon;
  • spices, salt.


  1. Boil the meat and grind in a blender.
  2. Mix spices, salt, eggs, milk.
  3. Pour the third part of the omelet mixture into the double boiler bowl and bake for 10 minutes until set.
  4. Mix another third of the mixture with meat and pour into the first layer. Cook for 10 more minutes.
  5. Pour the remaining mixture on top of the mass and bake for another 10 minutes until cooked through. The omelette is ready to serve.
The result is a hearty and delicate puff omelet with meat for the stomach, which can be served for lunch as a second course. If time is running out, all the ingredients can be mixed and baked in one layer - it will be appetizing, but less refined. To cook a steamed omelette in a multicooker, use the Baking or Multicooking mode with the cooking time indicated in the recipe.

In a slow cooker

Thanks to the “Steam” mode, a steam omelette in a slow cooker turns out to be no less airy and tasty than in a water bath. For cooking, you will need products, a form (smaller in size than the bowl of the unit), as well as a steam grill. The mold can be metal, ceramic, plastic or glass. It is not necessary to cover it during cooking. To cook a protein omelet for a couple in a slow cooker, you will need 2 times more eggs: separate the proteins from the yolks and, whipping with a dairy product (kefir, cream, milk), cook similarly to the recipe.

You will need:
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.
  1. Cut the tomato into small cubes.
  2. Whisk eggs with salt and milk until smooth. Add tomato and stir again.
  3. Lubricate the mold with a thin layer of butter.
  4. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, place the grate and the omelette mixture inside.
  5. Bake in Steam mode for 20 minutes. After cooling the form, turn it upside down and put the omelette on a plate with light shaking movements.
If the dish seems too pale to you, decorate it with green peas and fresh herbs. You can also add vegetables, mushrooms and boiled meat to a diet omelette in a slow cooker. If there is no “Steam” mode in the multicooker, it can be replaced by the “Stew” or “Baking” mode with the same cooking time.

To cook steamed eggs in a slow cooker, beat the eggs into a mold, salt and, without mixing them with each other, send them to the unit for 7-10 minutes.

Now you know how to cook a steamed omelette - you can use a double boiler, a slow cooker, and a water bath - in any case, the dish will be appetizing, tender and dietary. Taking note of the recipes for steamed dishes, it is always easy to feed the family healthy and tasty.

A steamed protein omelette in a slow cooker comes out deliciously tender, and, contrary to popular belief about diet dishes, really tasty. If you want to cook a protein omelette, then there is no better way than using a slow cooker, and you can’t think of it.

It remains only to figure out how to properly cook a protein omelette in a slow cooker.

There are two options for making a protein omelet in a slow cooker. One express method, the other - for those who are in no hurry :). The result is slightly different, so I recommend trying both and deciding which one you like best.

And to make it easier, a protein omelette in a slow cooker recipe with a photo will help you.

Omelette protein steam recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare a protein omelette, you need at least two proteins, milk and salt. We take milk from the calculation: for every two proteins - 50 ml.

Mix proteins, salt and milk in a bowl. Shake with a fork until smooth.

Pour into a suitable size mold. Best of all, steamed omelette and in the oven work out in thin-walled metal forms. So, if you like to cook an omelette, get a suitable small baking sheet or form (you can use aluminum or stainless steel). It is also acceptable to use a regular plastic bag.

Pour 500 ml of water into the multicooker bowl. When preparing an omelette in a quick way, select the Steam mode (Steam cooking) and the time of 10-15 minutes. As soon as the water boils, we set the grate for steaming, in which we place the mold with the omelet. The second method involves using the Multi-cook mode (if not, then Extinguishing). We set the time to 30-35 minutes and the temperature to 90 degrees. The omelette is ready when the slow cooker gives us a signal.

We set the time depending on whether it starts immediately in the multicooker or when the desired temperature is reached. If you take more proteins and cook in one form, then increase the time a little. Or distribute into several small forms.

Sprinkle an omelet from proteins in a slow cooker with fresh herbs and serve.

step by step recipe with photo

An omelette from some proteins turns out to be thin and especially juicy, if it is not overdried and the egg mass is thoroughly beaten. In a well-heated pan, it can be quickly fried on both sides, gently prying with a spatula.

Whey can be used instead of milk. Airy lace omelette pancake can be rolled up into a tube or an envelope, filled with any filling. A snow-white protein omelette with bright inclusions of greens and spices is very nutritious and looks spectacular in any form.

It is served immediately after preparation with spicy sauce, hot garnish and pickled vegetables.


  • chicken proteins - 270 g (from 9-10 eggs)
  • milk - 100 ml
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • greens
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.


1. Rinse the eggs, break, separate the whites from the yolks. Leave the yolks for other dishes. Place the whites in a deep bowl. Beat until small bubbles form on the surface of the protein mass (use a hand whisk or a fork for this, it is better not to use a mixer).

You can stock up on proteins in advance, keeping them in the freezer, and defrost before cooking the omelette.

2. Pour milk over whipped egg whites. Stir using the same whisk or fork.

3. Add salt and black pepper, as well as spices of your choice. Stir.

4. Rinse the greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, celery). Shake off excess moisture or pat dry with paper towels. Remove the thick stems, chop the rest finely and add to the egg mass. Stir.

Omelet is a popular dish, and there are a huge number of ways to prepare it. But with pancreatitis, only some types of omelet can be included in the menu. A steamed protein omelet is the best variant of an omelet for pancreatitis, approved for use even in acute periods of illness.


  1. Chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  2. Milk - 1/3 cup.


We break the eggs into a bowl.

Separate the yolks by hand.

We add milk. Stir (without whisking) egg whites and milk.

The resulting mass is poured into a plastic or glass container.

We close the container with a lid (we do not twist the lid, but simply put it on top).

Pour water into a deep saucepan - so much so that the container with the protein-milk mass immersed in water does not float up (the water level should be on a par with the level of the egg mass).

We cover the bottom of the saucepan with a cloth towel to protect the bottom of the container from burning or cracking.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, immerse the container with the egg mass in it, cover the saucepan with a lid.

We reduce the fire so that the water does not boil too violently and does not splash over the edges of the container.

We cook an omelet for 20-25 minutes.

We take out the container and cool the finished protein omelet.

The benefits of the dish

Protein steam omelette is a dietary dish rich in animal protein that meets all the criteria for a diet for pancreatitis.

Possible harm to the dish

A steamed protein omelet with pancreatitis is completely safe. It can be included in the diet daily or every other day.

For acute pancreatitis

A steamed protein omelet can be introduced into the menu from the 4-5th day of illness - without salt and oil.

For chronic pancreatitis

During the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, a protein omelette is allowed 2-3 days after the relief of acute symptoms. In the remission phase, salt and butter (butter or vegetable) can be added to the omelette.

Diet compliance score for chronic pancreatitis in remission: 10.0

Acute pancreatitis diet fit score: 10.0

About the author of the material step by step recipe with photo

A protein omelet cooked in the oven with a little oil will be an excellent dietary breakfast, especially when combined with crumbly porridge. This combination saturates, but does not overload the stomach due to the delicate, airy texture of beaten eggs.

All ingredients should be cooled before whipping and add a pinch of salt. To add volume, you can add a little flour and baking soda.

The maximum compactness of the protein mass and the splendor of the finished dish can be achieved when baking in a small form with high sides.

A juicy omelette rolled into a tube is served with any sauce.


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • cream - 50 ml
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil for mold lubrication


1. Rinse the eggs from excess droppings, dirt, dry with a napkin and carefully separate the yolks from the proteins. There are special tools for this, or use the usual method - halves of the shell. Use the yolks in the preparation of other dishes. And place the whites in a deep bowl in which it will be convenient to beat them. Use your kitchen appliances for this step. Take a mixer. Beat them until fluffy foam.

2. Next, add cream with a fat content of 10-25% in small portions. Run the mixer again until smooth. Instead of cream, you can take plain water or milk.

3. Add some salt. Stir. This spice recipe uses only salt, although you can experiment with spices. Perhaps you have a favorite herb that you use to make omelettes.

4. Choose the right size heat-resistant mold, ceramic, glass or disposable. Take a kitchen brush and brush the bottom and sides with a thin layer of vegetable oil. The less oil, the less fat in the finished dish. Use melted butter if desired. Pour the beaten egg whites into the mold.

First, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Send the squirrel mold to the hot oven. Bake for about 10-15 minutes. Since every oven is different, the baking time may vary slightly.

5. Protein omelet in the oven is ready. Serve immediately to the table, garnished with fresh herbs, a slice of butter.

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