How Valentina Mazunina Valya from real boys lost weight, photos before and after losing weight. Get thin, dancing! Losing weight with pleasure from the "real tomboy" Valentina Mazunina Mazunina's favorite plum pie

Valentina Mazunina is a Russian theater and film actress, the star of the comedy series Real Boys and a number of full-length comedy films, including the New Year's film New Year Trees, the comedy melodrama Odnoklassniki and the sequel to this film and other popular comedies.

Valentina Alexandrovna Mazunina was born in April 1988 in the Perm region. Baby and youth the future actress took place in the town of Vereshchagino, which is 100 kilometers from Perm.

Recipe for water with ginger and lemon for weight loss

famous actress, Valentina Mazunina lost weight, thanks to this addition to the diet. To begin with, you need to prepare your body so that it is ready to part with unbearably acquired property and become more discriminating in the assimilation of calories.

And here ordinary boiled or distilled water comes to the rescue. Scientists have long proven that every morning on an empty stomach, a person should drink a glass of water to supplement the volume of brain fluid.

Taking this into account, you will very soon begin to notice that it becomes easier and easier for you to get up each time, and the morning does not start with coffee, but long before breakfast.

Details about the properties and use of ginger for weight loss in the following article: How to drink ginger to lose weight, recipe, reviews

So, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is a must. It is water, not tea, juice or smoothies.

And in order to make this water work for itself, i.e. in order to lose weight, you need to add a little ginger and lemon to it. The recipe for this drink, which I will describe below, came to us from antiquity.

Previously, this drink was made for healing and removing toxins from the body. Much was also known about the healing power of ginger root, which is able to restore and strengthen the immune system much better than all the vitamins in the pharmacy combined.

Sometimes, due to a busy work schedule and not always having the opportunity to eat well, a diet is simply impossible in itself, but despite this, Valentina Mazunina lost weight and lost weight very noticeably.

Read more about lemon and how to use it to lose weight in the following article: How to lose weight with lemon, reviews

So here's the recipe. You need to buy ginger root.

Finding it is not difficult. In supermarkets in the vegetable section, this healing root is always present, carefully packed in a film.

It is brought from Asian countries, because due to climatic conditions, it does not grow in our territory. Arriving home, the root must be thoroughly washed and blotted with a towel.

Then you should clean it by cutting off the top layer and finely chop. Some rub it on a grater, but then all the juice flows out and less useful substance remains.

After cutting the ginger root (believe me, one root will be enough to start), you should pour it with 1 liter of boiling water. It is advisable to do this in a thermos, as daylight is not very useful for this drink.

Lemon is added there either in pieces or squeezed juice. Having prepared this "explosive" mixture.

You need to let her persevere. Ideally, this should be done in the evening so that the next morning the drink is ready for use.

But in principle, if free time is running out, then judging by how Valentina Mazunina lost weight, she will limit herself to an hour so that the ginger gives everything to the water beneficial features.

The effect that ginger creates is akin to the effect of a thermos. It warms you from the inside, helping you not to catch a cold in the cold season, and killing all microbes and bacteria in the bud.

And since it warms, the breakdown of food and, accordingly, the metabolism accelerates, and as a result, everything unnecessary comes out much faster, not having time to slagging the body. Adding to this drink physical activity, You are for a short time you can see that body fat melt right before your eyes, and during the classes themselves, you will lose twice as many calories.


In the Youth Theater and began creative biography Valentina Mazunina. The debut was the role of a bunny in a children's play. But soon the artist began to trust more serious images. She played one of the main characters in the production of "Vaudeville Evening".

  • 2013 - "Bitter!"
  • 2010 - 2013 - "Real boys"
  • 2013 - "Eternal Tale"
  • 2013 - "Ninka's Love"
  • 2015 - "The best day!"
  • 2016 - “Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova! »
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2016 - "Superbad"
  • 2016 - "Man from the Future"
  • 2017 - "Arrhythmia"
  • 2017 - "Classmates: New turn»
  • 2017 - New Christmas Trees

Personal life

Moving to Moscow was given to the actress hard. But her friends-colleagues, who appeared after filming in the series "Real Boys", lent her shoulder. These are Alexey Bazanov and Vladimir Selivanov. And with her best friend, actress Maria Shekunova, Valentina met back in Perm, where they played together on the stage of the theater.

The personal life of Valentina Mazunina is still a blank page. Her career is rapidly developing and employment in filming is huge. But Valya admits that she dreams of meeting young man, whose main qualities should be kindness and strong character. And if at the same time he turns out to have a good sense of humor, then this will be the ideal of a man in the understanding of the actress.

Valentina has always considered herself a lover of food, and was truly addicted to food. Even in school age she always endured ridicule from her peers, which severely hurt the teenage girl. This fact resulted in a girl and a young actress in extra pounds, which began to cause a lot of problems and during adult life. The desire to lose weight was always present, but there was no way to achieve a positive result.

She tried on herself a huge number of different diets, which even nearly took her life.. I also had to use a coding technique, psychological impact but it was all for nothing. The weight has gone on and on. She is long time I could not find a way with myself because of the constant feeling of hunger, which prevented me from thinking adequately and playing sports. And the kilograms did not recede.

After the directors from the TV series Real Boys liked her candidacy and she was offered the role, the girl decided, by all means, to pull herself together and do everything to lose weight. And, there is a way!

Way to lose weight Valya Mazunina

Valya from real boys I lost weight and that's what happened. Suddenly, Vali's eyes caught an article in a magazine that talked about the method of losing weight with the help of ginger root. This method has the approval of even Alla Pugacheva, which could not but influence the choice of Valentina from "Real Boys". Besides, appearance The prima donna is very impressive and incomparable, and dispelled all the doubts of the girl. In this case, it is black ginger that is important, and not any other and viewing special program "Slender +", which exclusively suited such a busy actress as Valentina Mazunina.

Details on how to use ginger for weight loss in the following article:

The main advantages of ginger are its ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, and it speeds up the metabolism in the body. And to achieve a positive effect, you don’t have to spend time and effort on training, it’s enough to drink ginger drinks and…

Photo by Valentina Mazunina "before and after"

Valentina shared her results and the way to achieve it

First you need to prepare a drink from ginger. It takes about eight hours to prepare. 10 g of ready-made ginger powder is poured into 750 ml of boiling water. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add ingredients such as lemon or honey.

This drink is consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Watching the program on the Slender+ disc is considered as an addition to drinking a drink. Depending on how much extra pounds needs to be reset, there is a certain period of viewing the program. Valentina used this method on herself, and the result was simply shocking, the results began to appear after the first week of viewing. Thus, Valya from real boys lost 20 kg. Experienced happiness knew no bounds!

Such a transformation of the girl naturally did not go unnoticed by others. A huge number of questions began to arrive about this miraculous method, and Valentina did not hide that the reason for everything was ginger drink and Slender+. To date, Valentina's weight loss is 24 kg and she assures that this is not the limit.

Until recently, there were dancing classes in my life, and now I have a different hobby, Valentina Mazunina told the Woman’s Day correspondent. - I participate in the project "Slimyashki" of the TV channel "Friday!" And for the first time in my life, I'm seriously working out with a coach! When they offered it, I thought: “Why not, if it is interesting and specialists are working on you?” And I made up my mind! Just got back from training.

I have a healthy interest in the project (Elena Letuchaya became its host after leaving Revizorro, - ed.). I will not say that I do it in order to lose weight to some incredible size. I don't need it. I want everything to be nice and neat. I like that I'm plush, but everything should be in moderation.

It's hard to start exercising! I am the most unathletic person in the world. Yes, I like to dance, stretch, swim in the pool... This, of course, is also a sport, but it does not shape the body. How I left the gym for the first week! It was terrible. And how I woke up ... On the first morning after training, I felt like a beaten penguin. Couldn't move. But it's been three weeks and now I'm starting to enjoy it. Not during training (this is still far away), but after: when you leave the gym, you feel a little tired and understand: “What a great fellow I am! I took it and got over it. And take care of your health." In general, I like it! I am a beginner, I try not to overload myself, I work out 3-4 times a week, not more often. In order not to bring yourself to the point where you want to spit on everything and say: “Yes, you go to the forest with your workouts!” And the body will be hard.

Libra scales strife

Lena Letuchaya will tell the project participants how to make the figure perfect

Before the start of classes, we went with the coach to a nutritionist. I ate as prescribed, honestly went to practice. But she got on the scales and was terribly upset. Plus 200 grams! - the actress shared her experience. - I started to get hysterical - because I tried so hard! But the nutritionist and trainer reassured me: they explained that it was most likely muscle mass. And since the muscles are heavier, the weight can be added. But at the same time, the sculpture of the body will change in better side. The nutritionist has special scales that show how much fat has decreased, how much muscle mass has arrived. She weighed me on this scale and said that with muscle mass I'm fine. I thought: "Well, okay!" And now, three weeks later, I look at myself in the mirror: after all, it seems that the volumes are starting to subside. But she vowed to get up on simple scales. Why jump on them every five minutes and panic when it's better to wait and then weigh yourself normally at the doctor's?

The main thing is that the sun shines!

Photo: Frame from the film "The Best Day"

I can’t wait for the summer, because my mood depends very much on the weather, ”Valya admitted. - When the sun peeps out, the mood immediately begins to rise up. Rain and be sad? No. I want the sun to shine!

There are many plans for the summer. Be sure to visit my parents for two weeks. And at sea with my sister and nephew. The choice of the sea is up to the sister, because the most main man in this matter - the five-year-old nephew Sasha. Let's see how comfortable he is. And I'll adjust.

Bought a bike last year. Yes, sometimes I am attacked by this: “We need to play sports!” Biking is a great activity to get to know Moscow. For two or three years, I have not yet begun to navigate it well. I live not so far from the center, I have to go to Red Square for about twenty minutes. But there are some difficulties with the great: I’ll skate, I’ll skate, and returning home makes me a little hover. When she worked on the channel "Friday!" host, even thought about cycling to work. But I was afraid that I would look tired in the frame. Why is this? Therefore, I have a bike only for recreation and entertainment.

Valentina Mazunina was born in the city of Vereshchagino, in the Perm Territory. There, at the Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture, she studied acting (and worked part-time at student years chocolate packer in a confectionery shop). After graduation, Mazunina began performing on the stage of the Theater for Young Spectators, and three years later ... “Real Boys” happened on TNT in her life. Now Valya lives in Moscow, and very soon she will have two full meters at once. About whether the role of the “girl from the district” interferes acting career, haters and ambitions, the actress told PEOPLETALK.

When "Real Boys" was released (in 2010), I still continued to play in the Perm Theater. And at one of the performances, during a children's fairy tale, I went on stage in the role of Daryushka, and the children began to shout: “Where is Kolyan?” Then I realized: yes, they recognize me. Then my friends and I celebrated the end of the theatrical season - we had fun at the Opera and Ballet Theatre, and the guys (very similar to the characters from The Boys) came up to us and gave us roses. And in stores, when they find out, they often offer discounts.

Although there was another side of the coin. The first time I faced criticism was after the premiere of The Real Boys. I was then completely unprepared for the fact that people would pay attention to me. Some shouted: “Wow, you are so good,” while others “spewed” such things from themselves! Then I realized that I would not read any comments, good or bad. I managed to do it. I don't run Instagram, although it's a necessary thing these days.

Before moving to Moscow, I did not think about my weight. We moved to Moscow, I got better, I started buying pants two sizes larger, but it didn’t break me off. In my family, everyone is “strong”, only my sister has a chiseled figure, so I have always been calm about this issue. And then I came to the premiere of "Bitter", saw myself on the screen and thought it was too much. I feel like a kisul, and then I look - the kisul has such a pelvis. I joined the gym, started going to dances, consulted with a nutritionist. Losing weight is very difficult for me, but no need to moan. If you have any claims to yourself, work.

The role of "Vali from the neighbor's yard" does not interfere with castings, I have many offers, some even have to be refused. Now two full meters are coming out. The first is a new part of the film "Christmas Trees". There I have a completely different heroine: in love, quivering, singing Pugacheva's song to the hero. It was very interesting for me to work, because in this character I see myself more. The second project is "Change", the premiere will take place in early January. My heroine is also in love, but also a very active woman who helps the hero cope with life's hardships.

all slides

The last film that struck me was "Arrhythmia" (I had a small role there, by the way). Working with Alexander Yatsenko, Boris Khlebnikov is such a pleasure! I sobbed so sincerely at that moment when the hero just sat and looked at his wife - the man does nothing, but we see how he loves madly (I'm talking now, and I have goosebumps!). Maybe this story is still so close to me, because my sister works in an ambulance.

But most of all I remember the shooting of the film “Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova” this summer. We starred there with Vitya Dobronravov. And we had to swim in the Moscow River. I will never forget it! I am not afraid of water, I am not afraid of diving, but when I dived into this “mineral-rich” water, I physically felt that my third leg was growing. It was one of the most memorable days - we were in the middle of the river, under the bridge, the camera floated away from us, my third leg was growing, I was handcuffed to Vita and I think only of one thing: "Just not to swallow." I washed myself for a very long time, poured Miramistin even into my ears. ( laughing.)

I have two dreams: to play a girl with a difficult fate - with some kind of physical ailment or, for example, drug addiction. To play such a role, you need to do a tremendous job “before” and get out of your comfort zone. My second dream is to act in a children's fairy tale. Unfortunately, very few children's magical films are being made now, but in our age of technology, such magic can be filmed! I would like to play in such a movie some kind of sharp-witted heroine, for example, a wildly stupid sheep or a witch. ( laughing.)

Valentina Alexandrovna Mazunina. She was born on April 19, 1988 in Vereshchagino Perm Territory. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father - Alexander Georgievich Mazunin.

Mother - Alfira Gabdulkhaevna.

Has a sister, Evgenia.

As a child, Valentina, according to her, was a very shy child. By the way, she had a very thin form. In her native Vereshchagino there was neither a theater nor a cinema. But her mother often took her to Perm to the premieres of performances, to the cinema. It was she who instilled in her a love of art.

The family did not live well. Valentina said: “My parents didn’t spoil me as a child, and when I started working myself, my mother said: “Valya, what a salary, such boots.”

In the 9th grade, in company with a friend, she entered theater studio. Then Mazunina first thought about acting profession. After school, she entered the Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture, studied at the Youth Theater. In the first year, her acting debut took place - in a production where she played the Bunny. "The first rehearsals, the first appearance on the real stage - it was all very exciting, funny and so interesting!", Valentina recalled.

In 2009 she graduated from the Perm State Institute Arts and Culture, specialty "Acting Art", workshop People's Artist Russia M.Yu. Skomorokhov.

In 2009-2011 - actress of the Perm Theater of the Young Spectator, among her works: "Merry Soldier", Viktor Astafiev - Mile; "Home", Lyudmila Razumovskaya - Red-haired Tanya; "Vaudeville Evening", Alexander Shakhovskoy - Fekla Savvishna; "Suburb", Alexander Vampilov - a girl; "The Hunt to Live", Vasily Shukshin - a schoolgirl; "Baby and Carlson", Astrid Lingren - Astrid; "Gilded foreheads", Boris Shergin - the royal daughter; "Ludwig the Fourteenth and Tutta Karlsson", Jan Ekholm - Tutta; “How Baba Yaga married her son”, Vyacheslav Timoshin - Leshechikha.

Since 2012 he has been living and working in Moscow. She played in the Theater "Stage-Hammer": "Wedding" by Robin Houldon - maid.

Since 2010 he has been acting in films. She literally broke into the country's television screens with a comedy television series. "Real boys", in which she played one of the main roles - Valya. The story about ordinary guys from Perm appealed to millions of viewers, the picture turned out to be very vital. They started filming the series in Perm, later the film crew moved to Moscow.

Valentina Mazunina gained wide popularity and recognition, she said: “It is, of course, a shock when someone stops me on the escalator in the subway: “Hey, hello, Valyukha! Where is Kolyan?” But then I understand that people are watching series every evening and we are probably already part of their family.All people are different and manifest themselves in different ways.In general, I am a rather shy person, I try to avoid conflict situations and unlike her heroine, she has never fought in her life."

Comparing herself with her heroine, the actress noted: "I personally lack Valya's courage, perseverance, determination in my life. These qualities would be very helpful, especially in work. It is often difficult for me to stand my ground. Sometimes I have to hide shyness and timidity."

Valentina Mazunina in the series "Real Boys"

In 2013, she played a prominent role - Ksenia - in the sensational comedy "Bitterly!". Her heroine is a colorful girl of the groom's brother, who returned from places not so remote. The heroine Mazunina constantly gnawed seeds. As the artist later admitted, for the shooting she had to eat as many seeds as she had not eaten in her entire life. A year later, the continuation of the film "Bitter! -2" was released.

Valentina Mazunina in the film "Bitter!"

Successful was the work in the musical comedy "The Best Day!" (Angela) directed by Zhora Kryzhovnikov.

Comedy released in 2016 "Classmates" directed by Dmitry Suvorov, in which she brilliantly played the role of Dasha. According to the plot of the film, three friends - Vika, Sveta and Dasha - give up their business and go to Sochi for a bachelorette party with a former classmate Katya in order to have a good time there. Fun is in full swing and champagne is flowing like water, but then something happens that no one could have expected - in the midst of the holiday, Katya finds her fiancé with a buxom blonde. The bride is hysterical. She locks herself in the room and says that she is ready to marry the first person she meets, if only not for him. The wedding is scheduled for tomorrow, and the resolute friends have only one night to find Katya a new husband.

In 2017, the comedy received a sequel - "Classmates: A New Turn". A year after Katya's wedding, wedding ring Dasha hurries to try it on, having found her destiny in the face of a bank employee of the "king of loans" Misha. But even in this case, things do not go smoothly. Best friends trying to save Dasha's wedding.

Valentina Mazunina in the movie "Classmates New Turn"

interesting work 2017 was the role of Lenka in the comedy "Lucky Case!" directed by Roman Samgin. According to the plot, the life of a simple Yekaterinburg seller and his friends are turned upside down when they discover that a lottery ticket bought by one of them under forgotten circumstances turned out to be lucky, which brings them fabulous money - 43 million rubles.

Valentina Mazunina in the movie "Lucky Case!"

Valentina Mazunina is a pronounced comedian. She said: "I want to develop, discover something new. But I will never refuse comedy. I'm interested in it. Apparently, this is my nature."

Regarding her desires in the cinema, Mazunina admitted: “I really want to play some kind of“ stupid sheep ”. It seems to be very difficult and interesting at the same time."

Growth of Valentina Mazunina: 158 centimeters.

Personal life of Valentina Mazunina:

Single. Details of his privacy does not publish.

She said about her preferences: “I don’t like male Artists Artists: when there is great pathos, abstruse speeches out of place about the great ... I’m better with people who are not my profession. I like those who are pleasant and easy to communicate with.”

"I mostly sat at home and ate, but you saw what it looked like in the comedy" Bitter! But when I saw myself on the screen, I thought: "Fir-trees-sticks, something needs to be done with this! Urgent! "And bought a subscription to a fitness club. At first I went to the simulators, but since I don’t understand them much, there was no sense in independent training," said Valentina.

She took up group dancing and sought advice from a nutritionist.

"I used to love fried pies, borscht, and more sophisticated. Now I limit myself in nutrition - I refused fried, carbonated drinks, mayonnaise and other harmful products, however, I try to eat less. Thus, 12 kilograms gradually left me, "she told the secrets of her success.

Filmography of Valentina Mazunina:

2010-2017 - Real boys - Valya
2013 - Ninkina love - Valya
2013 - Bitter! - Ksenia
2013 - Eternal fairy tale - bank employee
2014 - Bitter 2
2015 - The best day ever! - Angela
2015 - Rooster (short)
2016 - Man from the future
2016 - Superbad
2016 - Classmates - Dasha
2016 - Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova! (Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova!) (short)
2017 - Classmates: A new twist - Dasha
2017 - New Christmas trees
2017 - Lucky case! - Lenka
2017 - Arrhythmia
2018 - Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova! - Oksana Sokolova
2018 - Night shift

Voiced by Valentina Mazunina:

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