Delicious protein shake recipe. How to make a protein shake at home. Protein smoothie for lean muscles with cocoa

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Every athlete knows about the benefits of protein or protein shakes, because this is an excellent way to enrich the body with a shock dose of protein and complex carbohydrates. Also, this drink is ideal for full-fledged muscle growth, to maintain shape while working on simulators and for weight loss. The thing is that the protein mixture speeds up metabolic processes in the body. It is easy to prepare this health drink at home.

Types of protein shakes

Based on the goal pursued, different ones are considered. For example, after an exhausting workout, whey, egg, milk or soy protein is perfect for a shake. But people who are not actively involved in sports require a small amount of protein - no more than 30 grams at a time, because otherwise the liver or kidneys will be harmed.

For muscle growth and weight gain

Powerful muscles cannot be built without a protein shake, but many men and women want to have beautiful relief muscles instead of fat. For weight gain or muscle building, there are two types of cocktail:

  1. A fast protein that is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. It is taken throughout the day - in the morning and after training.
  2. A slow protein that is not immediately absorbed by the body, and when it enters the stomach becomes a gel-like mass. Nutritionists recommend drinking such a drink before bedtime or during a long abstinence from food.

If your goal is relief, then you should consume fast protein 5 times a day, and if you gain mass, then it is better to drink slow protein at night.

For weight loss

For those people who are overweight, a protein shake will give a feeling of fullness, thereby limiting the intake of excess calories. To do this, you need to replace one or two meals with a cocktail and work towards losing weight: eat right, exercise. Energy shakes that contain high-protein and calcium-rich foods will not only help you get rid of excess fat, but also reduce the risk of osteoporosis. These products include:

  • skimmed milk;
  • yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • cocoa.

Check out recipes on how to cook.

How to make a protein shake at home

Sports stores sell specialty protein powders, but they are expensive. However, healthy protein shakes can be made at home from natural products. To prepare such a drink (gainer) we need:

  • mixer or blender;
  • special foodstuffs;
  • free time.

If you want to gain muscle mass, then you need a carbohydrate gainer. The following products are suitable for these purposes: nuts, honey, milk, eggs, oatmeal. For weight loss, you need a protein drink, for which you should eat foods: berries, eggs, milk, yogurt, carrots, apples, kefir. The ingredients of the cocktail are mixed into a homogeneous mass and immediately drunk.

What time should I take

Be sure to take a protein drink after training, and the rest of the time - at the request of the athlete or depending on the goal. It is better not to rush and not exceed the dose, especially if you are a beginner athlete. Over time, you will feel both your dose and your time for taking a gainer. If you are building muscle, then:

  • in the morning, for example, you should eat protein foods with carbohydrates (eggs, fish, meat),
  • after lunch or before training, drink a cocktail (volume is calculated depending on weight and calories),
  • Dinner is replaced with another portion of the gainer.

Best Homemade Cocktail Recipes

Protein drinks, especially those prepared at home, are useful for girls after 30, because during this period muscle tone begins to weaken. A natural protein shake for muscle growth with cocoa is perfect for maintaining muscle tone. Compound:

  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Skimmed milk - 200 ml.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g.
  • Water 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 hour. the spoon.

Beat everything with a mixer or whisk and drink immediately. The energy value of such a cocktail is 730 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, an energy cocktail should be replaced with one meal per day. For example, a strawberry protein drink contains only 210 kcal, and it includes:

  • Strawberries - 100 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g.
  • Milk (1.5%) - 200 ml.

Such a breakfast will be tasty and healthy, even capricious girls will be happy to replace their usual muesli with milk or yogurt.

After trying one cocktail, you will want to expand your knowledge and find new recipes. Another version of the gainer is offered to us by a professional fitness trainer V. Molodov, watch our video:

The benefits and harms of protein shakes

Benefits of protein drinks:

  • For fitness enthusiasts, gainers help increase protein, which is necessary for muscle growth.
  • For tourists, protein drinks are useful when traveling when it is impossible to eat regular food.
  • For weight loss, protein blends help replace one or two meals.

Harm gainers:

  • You can not completely replace protein mixtures with food intake.
  • Gainers, when consumed excessively, easily convert energy value into fat, as they have a large number of calories.
  • Excessive consumption of protein often leads to failure of the liver or kidneys.

Protein shake is an important element of the sports nutrition system. It restores the strength of athletes after grueling workouts, promotes muscle growth, and helps fight excess weight.

A complete protein drink can be made at home, with your own hands, using a simple set of products and a blender.

Sports have long become an integral part of the lives of most people. Everyone chooses the volume of loads personally, based on the goals pursued: normalization of health, burning extra pounds, giving the body vigor.

Professional athletes devote almost all their time to training, developing the body, improving performance for the sake of new records.

To achieve significant results in sports, it is necessary to follow a number of rules, including the organization of a healthy diet, which implies the consumption of a certain amount of healthy foods.

The benefits and importance of protein shakes

The traditional diet is not enough to saturate the body with constant physical exertion.

Sports nutrition is designed for those who go in for sports intensively, worry about their appearance, and want to have a flawless body without compromising their health.

The system of sports nutrition includes protein (or protein) cocktails, which are considered the best product for the nutrition of athletes and people who strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A protein shake is a water-soluble protein extracted from egg white, whey, protein-rich plant foods such as soy.

Protein shakes include multivitamins, minerals that replenish the loss of salts, potassium and sodium that come out with sweat.

Energy shakes, also called gainers, contain fats, some sucrose or fructose. Protein drinks are very convenient because they can be consumed even in the process of exercising.

Protein-rich foods such as cheeses, meats, legumes cannot be eaten before a workout because they are slowly digested.

Situations in which a protein shake is indispensable:

  1. Long workout, reaching more than three hours. The product saturates the body with the necessary nutrients during training, without overloading the stomach, reducing fatigue, reducing the recovery time after strength training.
  2. Long and difficult hike. The cocktail will support the body in conditions of significant physical exertion, combined with a lack of wholesome food.

In addition to increasing muscle mass, a protein product brings many benefits to the human body:

  1. Strengthens the immune system, helps protect against viruses, infectious diseases.
  2. Protein is an active participant in metabolic processes that controls metabolism; its deficiency can lead to injury during physical exertion.
  3. Carries hemoglobin throughout the body, saturating the organs with oxygen and useful elements.
  4. Renews connective tissues, strengthens muscles, facilitating their regeneration. Pain in the muscles that occurs due to excessive stress and the production of lactic acid is less intense and stops faster.

Rules for admission and preparation

The highlight of the protein shake is the high concentration of protein in it, which is necessary for muscle rehabilitation. One cup contains about 40 grams of protein, vitamins of group B, as well as A, PP and C.

The product is perfectly absorbed by the body, its recipe depends on the goals.

Protein shakes are:

  1. Serum. Their basis is whey - a natural product, well absorbed by the human body.
    Drinks are suitable for active training, promote rapid recovery. They should be used several times a day with an interval of 4 hours.
  2. Casein. Such a cocktail is absorbed by the body for a very long time due to the amino acids it contains.
    Professional athletes drink it in the evening before going to bed so that the body rests and fills with energy during the night. In a casein drink, protein is present in a high concentration - up to 80% of the total volume.
  3. Soy. The cocktail is indispensable for those who cannot tolerate milk protein for medical reasons, vegetarians. The quality of vegetable protein is in no way inferior to the animal, it is absolutely safe.
  4. Egg. Biologically active product with a high concentration of protein.

The method of drinking a protein drink depends on its purpose. There are two systems.

1. With intense training, the desire to build muscle mass

In an effort to improve performance in sports, to have a relief, attractive body, you need to take cocktails a few hours before the start of a workout or right before it, in the morning. The exact time of consumption is affected by the composition of the drink, since different components are not absorbed at the same rate.

2. Slimming

In this case, the rules for drinking the drink are different. To get rid of excess weight, the daily amount of food should be divided into 5 meals, while some of them should be replaced with a protein shake. The product promotes weight loss due to the minimum calorie content.

Many people, including famous athletes, make their own protein shakes at home from milk, low-fat yogurt, with the addition of berries or fruits, protein powder and special crystallized acids.

In addition to the composition of the cocktail, its correct reception is very important. For example, if you use it for muscle growth before training, during long continuous exercises, in the morning, then the effect will not be long in coming.

protein shake recipe for muscle gain

Promotes intensive growth of muscle mass protein drink, which is easy to prepare at home. To do this, carefully mix the following components:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 4 egg whites (raw or boiled are fine)
  • banana;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

The cocktail contains:

  1. Belkov - 45
  2. Carbohydrates - 55 g.
  3. Zhirov - 13 g.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss

Just one serving per day of a special protein shake that replaces traditional meals helps to reduce weight. It is advisable not to limit yourself to one glass of drink, but to drink two or three.

Watch the video to learn how to make a protein shake at home.

At home, you can make various variations of a tasty and healthy drink that burns kilograms.

Option 1

Mix vigorously:

  • any berries - 100 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • low-fat kefir - 200 ml;
  • water - 100 ml.

The product contains:

  • proteins - 33 g;
  • carbohydrates - 25 g;
  • fat - 3 g;
  • energy value - 280 kcal per 100 g of product.

The drink is not only healthy, but also has a pleasant taste.

Option 2

Grind and mix with a blender:

  • any nuts - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • egg.

Add a glass of fat-free yogurt. The drink is low-calorie, only 60 kcal per 100g of the product.

Option 3

Mix products:

A healthy, pleasant-tasting drink is ready.

Champion Protein Shake Recipe

Famous athletes willingly share recipes for their own protein shakes that promote muscle growth and endurance.

Arnold Schwarzenegger offers the easiest protein product to prepare.

It is enough at home to intensively mix in a blender a couple of glasses of milk, half a glass of milk powder, half a glass of ice cream and an egg.

A high-calorie cocktail suitable for use before and after intense exhausting workouts.


Given the fact that the product is supersaturated with proteins, it is not recommended to use it:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children and adolescents;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus at any stage;
  • people with dysfunction of the kidneys and excretory organs;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail.

Before using protein shakes, it is advisable to consult a doctor, if necessary, undergo an examination. After assessing the state of health, the specialist will decide whether it is possible to switch to special nutrition or not.

A protein shake is a great alternative to a large amount of food, fully saturating the muscles.

It is worth remembering that he will never replace a full diet, remaining only an assistant.

The process of making a cocktail is shown in detail in the video.

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Greetings dear readers! What do you think, what homemade cocktails can you gain muscle mass or reduce subcutaneous fat? This is where protein is best. But in order to achieve the effect, they need to be prepared correctly. Let's figure out how to make a protein shake at home. What components are needed for this. And also what must be included in such a mixture.

  • How does a protein shake work?

    I want to note right away that drinking such drinks just like that does not make much sense. But in tandem with sports and a protein diet, they are very out of place.

    Usually for weight gain drink at least 3 cocktails on the day of training. Proteins and carbohydrates stimulate the production of growth hormone and insulin in the body. The latter performs a transport function. Thanks to him, glucose and amino acids enter the cells and muscle tissues. Due to this, muscle mass does not collapse, but rather grows.

    Growth hormone is responsible for protein synthesis by the body. But it is he who is the main building material for muscles. Simultaneously with protein synthesis and muscle growth, fat burning occurs.

    For muscle building Experts advise consuming a protein supplement immediately after a workout. Ideally, the mixture should contain not only protein, but also fast carbohydrates. How exactly does such a cocktail affect the muscles? Everything is very simple, for active muscle growth, a certain hormonal background is necessary. This is where the protein-carb mixture helps in the post-workout window.

    For weight loss you can replace one of the meals with such a mixture (except for lunch). If you have a workout today, then you can drink another cocktail immediately after it. It is better to use fat-free products with a minimum of carbohydrates for making a drink.

    As you can see, the scheme of the cocktail is quite simple. Yes, if you are actively involved in sports, read about when is the best time to drink protein. This will help you make your classes even more effective.

    How to prepare a cocktail correctly

    The basis of any protein drink should be protein, plus it's good to add fiber there. And for weight gain and quick recovery after training, carbohydrates are needed. If you want to lose weight, you can skip the last component.

    Here are the main variations of products that contain the substances we need:

    • Squirrels- milk, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt without additives. Protein is also found in nuts, seeds, eggs. You can use protein sports supplements.
    • Carbohydrates- we are interested in those that are quickly absorbed. Such polysaccharides are found in sweet fruits and berries, honey, ice cream, juice, baby purees.
    • Cellulose- there is a lot of it in cereals. You can use pre-steamed or flour. Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, soy, etc. are best suited. Do not forget about oatmeal and bran, as well as vegetables.

    Now for some general cooking tips. The simplest protein shake is from eggs. I advise you to wash them, as you can pick up salmonellosis. After all, it enters the egg from the shell. Each egg contains approximately 5 g of protein. You only need 4 eggs to make a 20g serving of protein.

    If you use kefir or milk as the basis of a cocktail, take not completely fat-free. 2.5% is enough. The fact is that skimmed milk or kefir contain few nutrients. Our goal is to start the mechanism of active muscle growth and fat burning. And skimmed dairy products contain only water. Such products can only be used for weight loss.

    I once tried to get cottage cheese from 1% kefir. From two liters of the product, I received about 200 g of a gray, sour, tasteless mass. This is why I never use fat-free kefir or milk for the base of a protein shake.

    Tip: Try adding one tablespoon of lecithin to your protein mix. It will help to absorb all the nutrients, and also provide the body with phospholipids.

    Each drink will give your body energy and recover after a tough workout. So go to the kitchen and teach your blender new tricks 🙂 By the way, for cocktails, a stationary blender is best, like this:

    The most effective cocktail recipes

    With the help of these drinks, you can tune your body to a natural set of muscle mass. And the first cocktail I'll show you is easy to make at home. You will need 400 ml of milk, a couple of eggs and one teaspoon of honey. All ingredients should be mixed in a blender. The mixture contains yolk and full fat milk, so it is not suitable for relief. It is also not suitable for those who are going to lose weight.

    Schwarzenegger Protein Supplement

    This recipe can be found in Arnold's Education of a bodybuilder. which he wrote in 1993. By today's standards, it may seem to many that the cocktail is useless. I don’t presume to judge, if you look at Arnie, the result of taking the supplement is undeniable. Which means it's worth a try. This mixture contains up to 43 g of protein and 45 g of fat.

    Take ½ cup of powdered milk and mix with ½ liter of whole milk. Add one raw egg and 125 g of natural ice cream to the mixture. The cocktail will turn out liquid with a taste of eggs and milk powder.

    POWER MONKEY Protein Blend

    This protein supplement was developed by experts specifically for muscle growth. The beauty of this protein shake is that it stays smooth throughout the day and doesn't separate from the liquid.

    The mixture contains 140 g of protein, 120 g of carbohydrates and 70 g of fat. You will get a large volume that you need to drink during the day. It is best to store the mixture in the refrigerator. So the recipe:

    • 3 handfuls of almonds;
    • a large bunch of spinach (or kale)
    • 1 mango or ripe pear;
    • yogurt without fillers and sugar;
    • 400 ml of almond milk;
    • 1.5 bananas;

    Mix all ingredients in a blender. Drink in portions throughout the day. It will nourish, support and delight you with its unusual taste.

    A brutal dose of protein

    This recipe is suitable for those who are intensively working on muscle mass. There is a huge amount of protein here. Although I advised using full fat milk, here it is low fat.

    For a cocktail, mix 400 ml of skimmed milk with 400 g of homemade soft cheese. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. natural fat-free yogurt and 64 g whey protein powder. For taste - one ripe banana and 200 gr. raspberries. Berries can be used frozen. The supplement is sweet and nutritious. Watch an interesting video about her.

    Cocktails for weight loss and relief

    Protein blends for weight loss are less caloric than for weight gain. Be sure to calculate the daily caloric content of the diet, include the calorie content of cocktails in it. For weight loss, a mixture of kefir with cinnamon and honey is well suited. This addition can be made without a mixer. It is enough to pour all the ingredients into a container, close it with a lid and shake well.

    Kefir with berries and low-fat cottage cheese is also well suited for relief. You can add oats or bran to these ingredients.

    A simple slimming cocktail

    This blend has 0g of fat, 25g of protein and only 10g of carbs. Take 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese and mix with 200 ml of low-fat kefir. For flavor, add half a jar of fruit baby food. You can do without it by adding fresh fruit. Also, the mixture can be supplemented with bran, they will help the body to better absorb protein and give greater saturation.

    Feijoa Protein Supplement

    This mixture helps to lose weight if it replaces one meal. The cocktail has a pleasant unusual taste. It is also suitable for those who work on relief.

    Whip a glass of ryazhenka with a few feijoas and half a banana in a blender. If you need more protein, fermented baked milk can be replaced with 1% cottage cheese.

    A mixture with curdled milk for relief

    To prepare this protein mixture, you will need:

    • 200 gr. fat-free curdled milk;
    • ½ banana;
    • protein of one egg;
    • ½ tangerine;
    • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.

    The tangerine needs to be peeled and chopped in a blender along with a banana. Add cottage cheese and other ingredients to them.

Every athlete knows the feeling when after a workout it seems that there is no strength left at all. Beginners often wonder why this is so. The point is to support your body with nutrients every day. Regardless of whether you take sports nutrition or not, it is extremely important to monitor your diet and get the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food.

This aspect is especially important in the process of gaining muscle mass or, conversely, working on getting rid of extra pounds. You can quickly and effectively replenish the deficiency of proteins in the body with the help of a protein shake. We are sure that you will also easily find protein at home, because it is found in the most common foods.

The level of protein intake is highly dependent on physical activity and stress to which we subject our body. So it will be the norm from 1 to 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight . If a person weighs 100 kg and regularly engages in strength training, he needs to consume 250 g of protein daily. This amount is divided into servings throughout the day. Homemade protein will also be a real salvation if, for some reason, your sports nutrition has abruptly ended or there is no way to purchase it yet.

Cooking Protein at Home, Basic Ingredients

  • Milk. This is the main ingredient of any protein shake, in addition, other powders and mixtures can be dissolved in milk. As part of milk up to 3% protein, 2-3% animal fat.
  • Powdered milk. To prepare homemade protein, you can use whole or skimmed milk powder. For active athletes, we recommend using skim milk.
    • Whole milk powder: proteins - 25%, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 36%;
    • Skimmed milk powder: proteins - 36%, fats - 1%, carbohydrates - 52%.
  • Egg powder. It contains egg protein, but at the same time it contains fats. Compound: proteins - 45%, fats - 37%, carbohydrates - 7%, water - up to 8%.
  • The cheese is fat free. Absorbed quickly. Composition: - proteins - 18%, fats - 1-5%.
  • Bananas. The perfect product to give a protein shake a sweet taste and the right amount of carbohydrates, fiber. Composition: 1.5% protein, 21% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat.
  • Nuts. Nuts contain vegetable protein, which is not inferior in importance to the animal.

The whole cooking process comes down to the optimal combination of ingredients and the removal of the desired proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Products are mixed with a blender until smooth.

Delicious protein recipes at home

Protein recipes at home do not contain any exotic ingredients that would be difficult to find in the supermarket. By knowing how to make protein from available foods, you can always have a protein shake on hand for post-workout recovery.

Protein from a protein drink will strengthen muscles and also speed up metabolism. That is why recipes for making cocktails should be remembered not only by ectomorphs (people with a thin physique who find it difficult to gain muscle mass), but also those who want to lose weight. Women over 30 are advised to pay special attention to recipes with protein, as muscle tone begins to weaken at this age.

When taking protein shakes, it is important to remember that the body also receives protein from food. Drink them slowly, slowly. Sweet ingredients will give you strength, ensure the supply of endorphins and are guaranteed to cheer you up.

Eliminate ingredients from the recipe that can provoke an allergic reaction in you. Some people have an individual protein tolerance. Do not replace a full meal with a protein shake. Of course, you can't ignore training. By itself, muscle mass after taking the protein will not increase.

Complete protein drinks occupy an important place among the elements in the sports nutrition system. They restore the athlete's strength after grueling workouts, help fight excess weight, improve potency, and also promote muscle growth. Using only a blender and a simple set of products, you can easily prepare a protein shake at home.

Sports have recently become very popular among most people. At the same time, each person chooses the volume of loads for himself personally, taking into account his goals: burning extra pounds, normalizing health, giving vigor to the body.

At the same time, professional athletes devote almost all their free time to training, improving performance for the sake of new records, developing their bodies.

In order to achieve any significant results in sports, it is recommended to follow several rules, which also include the organization of a healthy diet, which implies the use of a specific amount of healthy foods.

The usual diet is not enough to saturate the human body with constant physical exertion. For those who go in for sports intensively, want to have an impeccable body without harming their health, and also worry about their appearance, a special sports nutrition has been developed.

The system of such nutrition includes protein shakes, which are optimal product in the diet of athletes and people seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Protein shakes are water-soluble proteins extracted from eggs, protein-rich plant foods such as soy, and whey. These drinks also include multivitamins, minerals that make up for the loss of potassium, salt, sodium, coming out with sweat.

Gainers, also called energy shakes, contain fats, fructose or some sucrose. Protein shakes are convenient in that they can be consumed even during sports.

Food that is rich in proteins, such as meats, cheeses, legumes is not recommended use before sports because they digest too slowly.

  • Long-term sports for more than 3 hours. This drink saturates the human body with the necessary nutrients during physical exertion, while not overloading the stomach, reduces the recovery time after strength exercises, and helps reduce fatigue.
  • Difficult and long hikes. Protein shakes are able to support the body in conditions of physical exertion, which are combined with a lack of a complete diet.

In addition to the fact that protein products are aimed at increasing muscle mass, they can also bring many other benefits to the human body:

  1. The drink protects the body from various infectious diseases and viruses, strengthens the immune system.
  2. Proteins are active participants in metabolic processes that control metabolism, a lack of proteins in the body can lead to injuries during physical exertion.
  3. Protein shakes carry hemoglobin throughout the body, while saturating human organs with useful elements and oxygen.
  4. The drink renews connective tissues, strengthens muscles, and also facilitates their regeneration. Muscle pain that occurs during intense physical exertion and due to the production of lactic acid will be less intense and will stop faster.

Beverage classification

The main highlight of cocktails is the high concentration of protein in them, which is so necessary for the rehabilitation of muscle tissues.

One cup of the drink contains 40 g of protein, vitamins of groups B, PP, A and C. This drink is able to well absorbed by the human body, and its recipe will depend on the goals.

Cocktails are divided into the following types:

  • Serum. These are drinks based on whey, which is a natural product and is well absorbed by the human body. Such cocktails are suitable for active training, contribute to rapid recovery after physical exertion. It is recommended to use them several times a day, every 4 hours.
  • Casein. These drinks are absorbed by the human body for quite a long time, since they contain amino acids. As a rule, professional athletes use these cocktails in the evening before going to bed, so that during sleep the body rests and is filled with energy. In casein drinks, protein is contained in a high concentration, up to 80% of the total volume.
  • Soy. These cocktails are indispensable for those who are contraindicated in milk protein. The drink is also suitable for vegetarians. In terms of quality, vegetable proteins are in no way inferior to animals, they are considered absolutely safe for the body.
  • Egg. These protein shakes are bioactive foods that are high in protein.

Ways to drink cocktails

How to take drinks correctly depends on their purpose. There are two main systems, described below.

For muscle building. In order to improve performance in sports, as well as to obtain a sculpted, attractive body, these cocktails should be taken a few hours before or right before training, as well as in the morning.

The exact time of drinking the drink will depend on its composition, since different components are not able to be absorbed at the same rate.

For weight loss

If we talk about losing weight, then there are other rules for drinking a cocktail. To get rid of extra pounds, the daily amount of food should be divided into 5 meals, while some of them will have to be replaced with protein shakes.

This drink promotes weight loss because it has a minimum calorie content.

Many famous athletes prefer to make their own cocktails based on milk, low-fat yogurt, with the addition of fruits or berries, protein powder and special crystallized acids.

Also of great importance proper cocktail reception. For example, for muscle growth, the drink should be consumed before training, during long continuous exercises, in the morning, and then the effect will not be long in coming.

Homemade protein shakes can serve as an alternative to expensive sports nutrition.

This diet option is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty. On the Internet you can find many protein shake recipes.

First of all, you need to stock up on patience, inspiration, the necessary utensils for storing drinks and the desire to acquire the figure of your dreams. To do this, you can prepare some incredibly healthy and tasty drinks. Let's take a look at the most popular tips on how to make a protein shake at home.

Banana coctail

Protein shakes for muscle and mass gain include this banana drink. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

The above ingredients must be placed in a blender bowl, after which it is intensively beat for 2 minutes. After that, the resulting drink is poured into bowls, consumed throughout the day in two doses, between lunch and dinner.

Natural cocktail with cottage cheese

Curd drinks are the easiest to make at home and the most nutritious for the human body.

To prepare a drink, you will need the following products: 300 g low-fat cottage cheese; 250 ml of milk; 100 g of berries, for example, blueberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries.

All products must be carefully beat in a blender for 2 minutes then pour into a storage bowl. The drink will be considered ready only when the milk and cottage cheese acquire a homogeneous mass. If desired, a few teaspoons of cocoa can be added to the resulting cocktail.

milk drink recipe

Milk protein shakes are pretty easy to make. For this you will need:

All products except lemon juice put in a blender and beat well. Add lemon juice to the resulting mass. The cocktail is taken one hour before exercise or as a snack. This shake for weight gain at home will contribute to high-quality muscle building.

Ice cream drink for mass gain

Sweet lovers can try a rather unusual drink with the addition of ice cream. Every athlete knows that even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself was engaged in the architecture of his body and often took this particular drink.

Cocktail composition: 300 ml of milk; 3 teaspoons of powdered milk; 100 g ice cream; 1 chicken egg. The above products must be well whipped in a blender or mixer. Received drink consumed 1 hour before sports.

When preparing such a drink at home, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances due to which you will achieve the best result in losing weight or in acquiring muscle mass.

For example, morning drinks are allowed sweeten with honey or glucose, evening cocktails should contain a minimum of carbohydrates.

Another secret lies in the temperature of the drink. He shouldn't be cold. The optimum temperature is 37 degrees. Thanks to this temperature, the drink speeds up the metabolism and the work of the stomach. It is also necessary to monitor the calorie content of the cocktail while adding the ingredients.

When is the right time to drink to lose weight?

Protein drinks for weight loss are quite often consumed instead of breakfast in the morning. Some prefer to drink it neat, while others drink it with vegetables, fruits or a slice of bread.

Thus, the body is provided with the necessary amount of protein in the morning, and is also fulfilled by the amount of protein lost during the night. This action prevents the loss of muscle mass, which is quite often observed during the diet.

Protein drinks, speeding up the metabolism, make the human body work as hard as possible and spend a large number of calories on it. It is also worth remembering that protein-rich drinks are only useful if they consume the required amount of water per day. If you do not drink enough water, the body will experience stress.

If you drink protein drinks before bed, it will contribute to a slow but physiological weight loss. Eating them before bed instead of dinner blocks the feeling of hunger, and also eliminates occasional snacking.

Drink contraindications

Given that this product is supersaturated with proteins, it is not recommended to use it in the following cases:

Preferably before drinking consult with experts, if necessary, it is necessary to undergo an examination. After evaluating your general health, the doctor will decide whether you can switch to such a diet, or whether it will be harmful.

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