Tree frogs. The most dangerous animals in the world: poisonous tree frogs tree frog tree frog

Nycticorax nycticorax see also 5.2.5. Genus Night heron Nycticorax Common tree frog Nycticorax nycticorax Medium-sized heron with big head, relatively short legs and beak. The top of the head and back are black, the wings are rounded, gray, ... ... Birds of Russia. Directory

The next family of mobile-thoracic amphibians are tree frogs, which, in addition to the peculiar pectoral bone belt, which we have already talked about, are distinguished by the presence of teeth in the upper jaw, wide triangular lateral processes ... Animal life

The tree frog family is one of the most extensive families, 416 species of which are grouped into 16 genera. Inhabits Europe, Southwest and South East Asia, North Africa, Australia and adjacent islands, South and North America. Gross… … Biological Encyclopedia

Due to the wide variety of conditions, both on land and in the seas, and with a significant stretch of territory from north to south and from west to east. animal world The USSR is very diverse. However, due to the northern position of most of the territory ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Or Batrachia (Batrachia, see tables. Tailless reptiles I, II and III) the first and top squad class Amphibians, or naked reptiles (Amphibia). Tailless reptiles (BATRACHIA). I. 1. Suriname Pipa. 2. Green or edible frog. 3. Brown frog. four.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Hylidae), a family of tailless amphibians. Length from 2 to 13.5 cm. Most K. lead tree image life, which caused special structure extremities: the phalanges of the fingers at the ends have complements, intercalary cartilages and suck. disks. Coloring K. ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Tree frogs, a family of anurans. Length from 2 to 13.5 cm. About 580 species, in Eurasia, America (tropics) and Australia; common tree frog, or woodworm, in the south of Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus, 1 species per Far East. Many… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Tree frogs Common tree frog (... Wikipedia

The fauna of Israel is one of the main components of the nature of Israel. Israel is home to over a hundred species of mammals, over a hundred species of reptiles, more than 200 species of birds (only permanently nesting species, with more than 500 migratory species) and about ... ... Wikipedia

Includes species of the class Amphibians, common in Russia. Currently, about 30 species have been recorded in Russia. Contents 1 List of species 1.1 Order Tailed (Caudata) ... Wikipedia

Many of us dislike amphibians - snakes, toads, frogs. But among them there are very nice, bright, extraordinary creatures. However, just they, usually, are really dangerous. Among them, a well-known representative of the amphibian family - tree frog , or, simply, a tree frog.

tree frog appearance

Tree frogs belong to the family of anurans, and include more than 800 species of tree frogs. The main difference between these frogs and the rest is the presence of special suction cups on their paws, thanks to which they are able to move vertically.

Such suction cups on the fingers are equipped with additional muscles that relax them and allow them to cling more tightly to the substrate. In addition to such Velcro, there are also sticky areas on the skin of the abdomen and throat.

The second difference between trees is that many species are brightly colored, this can be seen in the photo. Outrageous neon green, bright yellow, green-orange, red colors highlight this amphibian, warning those who want to dine with it that this dinner will be the last not only in the life of a frog, because they are usually very poisonous.

Tree frogs are most often brightly colored.

But, there are less noticeable types - gray or brown, for example, American tree frog. And the squirrel tree frog can even change color, adjusting to the world.

The size of these amphibians depends on the species, and the largest of them are only up to 14 cm in length. On average, their size is only 2-4 cm, and pygmy tree frogs a little more than an inch.

This is not surprising, because big weight climber frogs will not withstand thin branches and leaves of trees. Males are smaller than females, but they have a leather bag under their neck, which they can inflate beautifully and make sounds to them.

The eyes of tree frogs usually protrude from the head, providing binocular vision. Pupils are most often located vertically. The tongue is long and sticky, very handy for hunting insects.

Special mention should be made of poisonous tree frog- not everything is so scary for a person. Some even just disguise themselves as dangerous. To get poisoned, you need to allow the poison to enter the body.

Hand touching can be unpleasant and painful, but not fatal. It is believed that toxicity is not innate quality frogs. Studies have shown that the poison is adsorbed from insects, which are contained in minimal doses.

tree frog habitat

Tree frogs live in temperate climate zone Europe and Asia. The Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine - this is their habitat. In our country they live in the central part.

Pictured are American tree frogs

Many species live in Korea and China, Tunisia, Japanese islands and northwest Africa. Northern and South America, Turkey, Australia, caribbean islands are also the home of these amphibians.

Over time, they were settled in New Caledonia, New Zealand. The red tree frog has been found in the jungles of Panama and Costa Rica. Simply put, these amphibians live everywhere except Antarctica.

Tree frogs love to settle in humid tropical, mixed forests. The banks of reservoirs, swamps, large wet ravines are also suitable for them. They live both in trees and in the forest floor, and some species in lakes and ponds. This species of amphibians chooses hot and humid thickets for life, where there are a lot of insects.

tree frog lifestyle

Tree frogs lead both daytime and night image life. Frogs are cold-blooded and their body temperature depends on environment. Therefore, they are not afraid of either cold or heat.

Tree frog with swollen throat pouch

When the air temperature becomes critically low, these amphibians fall into suspended animation, burrowing into the ground. Tree frogs also live in the hot desert, and can do without water. long years. No wonder these creatures survived for 200 million years.

The poisonous mucus that forms on the skin of these frogs protects them from viruses and bacteria. And also, secretions are formed on the skin at times of danger. As usual, poisonous creatures can be both useful and healing.

So out tree frog fat preparing medicines for diabetes, hypertension, blood clots, to increase immunity and much more. Even in medicine, oil from the caviar of a tree frog is used. Based on it, drugs are made to treat stroke and increase libido.

tree frog nutrition

Baby tree frog tadpoles feed on plant foods. Adults are insectivorous. Any and living in this ecosystem are suitable as food.

They eat frogs, caterpillars,. They use a long and sticky tongue to catch prey. There are cannibals in the family - golden tree frog, instead of insects, it eats its own kind.

Beautiful and unusual representatives of amphibians are also kept in home aquariums, where they feed live insects such as worms, ground beetles, and other small invertebrates with tweezers.

Remains of food should be periodically removed from the terrarium, put clean water in a drinking bowl and for bathing, as well as remove mucus harmful to frogs from the walls.

Reproduction and lifespan

Males use their secret weapon- songs with a throat bag. Different species sing differently, so only the “necessary” brides react.

As regards behavior in mating season, it is also different for different species. Representatives living in trees descend to the ground, where they call for a female. Most often, direct mating occurs in the water.

The female tree frog lays its eggs in the water, and the male fertilizes it. There are species that mate on the ground, and the eggs are hidden in twisted leaves or even worn on themselves until the tadpoles hatch.

There are about 2 thousand or more eggs in one clutch. They ripen in completely different ways in different species. There is “early” caviar, it turns into larvae after a couple of days, and there is one that needs two weeks to mature.

Pictured is a red-eyed tree frog

The larvae gradually turn into adult frogs, and this happens within 50-100 days. They become sexually mature only at 2-3 years of age. live different types different amount of time. There are those who do not live longer than three years, and some live 5-9 years. In captivity, some individuals live up to 20 years.

The red-eyed tree frog is an unusual amphibian of rich light green color with a bright expressive look. The tree frog is nocturnal. It lives in forests in the leaves of trees, but can swim.


This representative of the tailless detachment comes from Central America and warm regions of Mexico.

Prefers damp tropics located in the lowlands, although it is found in the low foothills.


It has a very modest size, the length of the calf is from six centimeters to eight. The head is rounded. Distinctive feature- large red eyes with vertical pupils.

leathery upper eyelids and almost transparent lower ones are necessary for protection: while resting, it observes what is happening around through the membranes. With a possible attack in a tree frog, the skin folds descend, bright red eyes scare predator, this gives the opportunity to escape. Active in the dark.

The tree frog has a frightening coloration, but it is not poisonous. The skin is smooth. Has a good sense of touch. The size and coloring depend on temperature, illumination and other parameters. The body can be either light green or dark. The sides of the tree frog are deep blue, the stripes on them are:

  • purple
  • brown
  • yellow

They are directed vertically or diagonally, the number of stripes is not the same in different populations (from 9 to 5-6). The belly is pure white or light cream. Her shoulders and hips are blue or orange. Bright orange fingers (and pads too) vary to light yellow.

The paws are equipped with suction cups, because of this, it climbs more than it is in ponds. There may be faint whitish spots or dark green lines on the back. Tree frogs change color from greenish (during the day) to brownish red (at dusk).


The tree frog constantly stays in the trees, sleeps and feeds there. Likes heat (above 20 degrees).

The green frog wakes up at sunset, yawning and stretching, then stays awake. Moves by leaps for an impressive distance. In the heat it hides in the foliage.


Amphibian - is a carnivore, its diet consists of small insects that fit in the mouth (, spiders, flies, etc.).


The main danger for tree frogs is snakes (parrot, cat-eyed, etc.), as well as lizards, birds, the bats and small mammals. Eggs are eaten by reptiles, etc.

They suffer from fungal infections. Fish, arachnids, and arthropods can destroy tadpole fry.


During the rainy period of the tree frog, the most suitable weather for the appearance of offspring. Intensive mating occurs in June and October evenings. Males make different sounds: frightening - for competitors and inviting - for future partners. Due to the resonator bags, the sound is loud.

The frog begins to croak intensely before sunset the sound gets louder as the humidity rises. Female tree frogs spawn on branches hanging above the water surface, 35-45 eggs. They are protected by a gelatinous shell, which makes the eggs inconspicuous. By the time of hatching, each increases one and a half times. Incubation woody green frogs - one week.

tadpoles red-eyed frog appear at the same time, and they are washed into the reservoir. The fry grow up to 40 millimeters. After 2 and a half months, they turn into frogs. one of the largest inhabitants of the water element.

The common tree frog, a member of the order of anurans of the tree frog family, is a miniature frog with a body length of about 5.5 cm, long hind legs and a glossy skin surface. The tree frog is remarkable for its variability in the color of the skin. This change can take place literally before our eyes: it all depends on the color of the surrounding substrate and the emotional state.

The usual color of the frog is green, but it can acquire all shades of white, gray and brownish-brown. Common tree frog (class of amphibians) is a peaceful and clean creature. This article will tell about her, her habitation in nature and the peculiarities of keeping at home.

Lifestyle in the wild

The tree frog (the second name of the tree frog) is found on almost the entire European territory. Usually calm, she sits on stones, plants, trunks or leaves of trees, in the grass. You will not immediately notice it in nature - in its appearance, the tree frog resembles a leaf of a tree, and besides, it is well camouflaged under the surrounding entourage. So she hunts, waiting for insects. Common tree frog is an active animal: it swims excellently, easily jumps on plants. In nature, the activity of tree frogs increases with the onset of twilight, it is at this time that the real hunt begins. Darkness does not prevent the frog from looking for prey - it has excellent eyesight. The vast majority of its diet is made up of flying insects: mosquitoes, flies, butterflies. But she does not disdain catching small, mobile living creatures. Her weapon is not only a sticky tongue, but also her jaws, with which she can capture flightless prey. Is the common tree frog poisonous? No, this is a harmless species, the tree frog honestly captures prey without paralyzing it. The protection of the frog from external danger is its ability to hide, merging with the outside world.

In summer, during the active season, tree frogs do not hide in crevices or burrows. They rest and hide from danger and bad weather in the foliage of shrubs or grass. They wait out the winter underground, climbing into holes left by other animals, under stones, into crevices of rocks, hollows of trees, they can go to the bottom of the reservoir for wintering.

Tree frog breeding

For breeding, frogs need to choose a suitable place - a stagnant pond surrounded by banks with high vegetation (trees, shrubs, reeds). Males, sitting in water or on bushes, attract females with rhythmic calls, thanks to the available throat resonators. We have all heard the croaking of frogs. It is the developed resonators that nature has provided males that allow them to make very loud sounds. On the spawning pond, where all the district males gather, an impressive choir is spontaneously organized, reaching its climax, as a rule, in the evening hours. Females come to the breeding site only to lay their eggs and leave, and males do not leave here for the entire spawning period, so they are always in the majority in the reservoir and females can choose.

The female lays several portions (from 3 to 21) of eggs, which are attached to aquatic plants lump of different quantity eggs. They can be from 15 to 215 pieces. Embryos develop for one to two weeks, transforming into larvae grow for another 1.5-3 months. It happens that the larvae overwinter and grow into small frogs only in next year. Baby tree frogs at first stay on the banks of their native reservoir, and then, by analogy with the behavior of adults, they look for a place for wintering. Frogs become sexually mature at the age of 2-4 years. AT wild nature common tree frog can live up to 12 years, and when kept in a terrarium - up to 20-22.

Problems: population decline

Common tree frog - a prime example rapid extinction of amphibians. Over the past 100 years, its range within Russian borders has noticeably decreased - in some central regions European part and within Southern Urals this frog species has disappeared. The number of tree frogs is also decreasing in other European countries. The main reason for this trouble is industrial pollution environment, or, as it is customary to say, biotopes of the species.

Maybe that's why tree frogs today have become a favorite object of keeping in home terrariums. Let's talk about the rules for caring for these animals and necessary equipment to provide them with a comfortable life.

What to prepare: vertical terrarium

For tree frogs, a vertical-type aquaterrarium is suitable, which includes a small reservoir, a coastal area and vegetation. The minimum dimensions of a terrarium for 1-2 animals are 20x20 cm at the base and 50 cm in height (excluding the height of the lamp). The container should be equipped with additional downward daylight heating using an incandescent lamp or a mirror lamp. The terrarium is not heated at night. The temperature during the day should be maintained at 23-26 ˚С, at night - 16-20 ˚С.

Inside, imitating the natural landscape:

They place small snags, branches, branches on which the frog will rest.

Bromeliads, anubias, orchids, small ficuses, philodendrons, scindapsus, etc. are planted or installed in containers.

They arrange a shallow (8-15 cm) pond with aquarium plants - echinodorus, cryptocorynes. The bottom is laid out with aquarium pebbles, a large stone protruding from the water is installed near the shore. You can run several snails into the reservoir, providing natural cleaning of the walls.

At the back or side wall of the terrarium, the shore is equipped with a substrate that is necessary for the placed plants. When using potted plants, the shore is lined with sphagnum.

The terrarium is sprayed daily warm water- moss should not dry out. Tree frogs can be kept alone or in a group.

Another type of terrarium

They also use another entourage in the terrarium - without land plants, but only with representatives of the aquarium flora floating in the water. Such an aquaterrarium should be large: at the base - 30x30 cm, height - 40-50 cm. a large number of aquarium plants. Experience shows that tree frogs feel good in such conditions.

Any terrarium needs to be equipped so that it is convenient to clean it. It is necessary to carry out such events at least once every 3-4 weeks.

What you need to know about behavior

The common tree frog, with its peaceful disposition, good appetite and calm behavior, quickly adapts to captivity. As a rule, it does not create problems for future owners, but one should take into account the fact that the male will periodically “sing”. It has been observed that males love to "talk", especially if they hear the sounds of music or conversation. Females are more silent: she can only speak in case of danger.

The predominantly nocturnal natural activity of frogs at home changes somewhat: tree frogs in terrariums are more mobile during the day, and rest at night.

Color change in captivity

If the common tree frog changed the habitual green color skin, you should pay attention to this. Darkening is an indicator for any irritation. The fading of the color indicates that the animals are cold, it is necessary to turn on the heating. It is necessary to carry out ultraviolet irradiation sessions (15 minutes every other day) to destroy pathogens.

Common tree frog: keeping and feeding

In a terrarium, tree frogs are fed brownie/banana crickets, marbled cockroaches, zofobas, etc.

Tadpoles are usually carnivorous. They are also fed with invertebrates (daphnia, bloodworms, cyclops). Juveniles are fed every day, adults - once every 2 days. Once a month, vitamins are added to the feed (in accordance with the instructions) and calcium supplements, crushed eggshells.


At the end of wintering, the male and female are placed in a terrarium together. The female lays several portions of eggs, which are attached to aquatic plants. Tadpoles appear after 8-14 days and develop for another 1.5-3 months. They are recommended to be planted separately in specially prepared horizontal aquaterrariums with walkways to exit the water after transformation. Before metamorphosis, the tadpole reaches 4.5-5 cm. The water temperature is maintained at 20-24 ° C, aeration is necessary, carried out with the help of a compressor, as well as adjustable filtration.

rest period

Common tree frog is a reptile with a pronounced dormant period. In winter, it must also be provided to "pets":

For 2 weeks, reduce heating to shutdown;

The tree frog is placed in a breathable, but without access to light, cage filled with wet moss, and placed in a cool place (15-17 ˚С) for 2-4 days;

The container is placed on the shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is maintained at 8-10 ˚С for 2 months (at the same time, do not forget to maintain humidity in the cage).

Exit from wintering is carried out in the reverse order.

Common tree frog, keeping at home

Common tree frog (Hyla arborea) or European tree frog is a small green tree frog measuring 3 to 5 cm in length. The common tree frog is more suitable for keeping in greenhouses and greenhouses, since the frog jumps well and can hit glass in a terrarium, but keeping in a terrarium is possible.


Common tree frog bright green, olive green, grey, yellow or Brown color, smooth. The bottom of the frog is white/cream in color, with a granular structure. A dark stripe runs from the nostrils down the body to the thigh on each side of the frog.

The hind legs of the common tree frog are much larger than the front legs and stronger, which allows the frogs to jump quickly. Frogs have sticky discs on each toe that allow the common tree frog to climb on surfaces. The common tree frog has horizontal pupils and a very distinctive croaking sound. On the Greek Hyla means barking.

Habitat, behavior

Common tree frogs are found throughout Europe and Western Asia. Prefer overgrown areas near water, most life is spent on dry land. During the day, common tree frogs usually sit on wide leaves, basking in the sun (they lose relatively little moisture due to the properties of the skin), and spend the night on the ground in search of insects, spiders and snails. In nature, it feeds mainly on insects, mainly flying, jumping after them.

From April to July, male common tree frogs gather in water bodies for night singing, which can be heard from a kilometer away. Females visit the reservoir only for one night.

AT winter months common tree frog hibernates.

The common tree frog is somewhat similar in content to the herding tree frog, barking tree frog, changeable tree frog, however, the changeable tree frog prefers more high temperatures. It is very easy to keep the common tree frog at home, it is not required optional equipment and heating.

It is best to keep the common tree frog outdoors, in well-ventilated greenhouses and conservatories. They can also spend the winter there if you provide them with a large container with moss and leaves.

Common tree frogs are much less demanding, cheaper and more profitable to keep than tropical tree frogs.

The common tree frog is a small frog, but very active and jumps long distances, so it requires a glass terrarium of at least 45 x 45 x 60 cm. When kept in a smaller terrarium, frogs can hit their snouts on the glass while jumping.

Place the terrarium in a cool place away from direct sun rays. No additional heating is usually required. The heating zone, if done, is with a sufficiently low temperature.

Content temperature: daytime 18-25ºC; night temperature 13-18ºC.

It is useful to use lamps with UV lighting in the terrarium, frogs can rest under it as if under sunlight. But this is not necessary, ordinary tree frogs are nocturnal creatures; ordinary daylight for 12 hours a day is enough for them.

Relative humidity in the terrarium should be 60-90%. The terrarium should have a shallow bowl of water (the common tree frog is not very fond of swimming), and the ground should be sprayed daily.

In the terrarium, you can use live plants, such as philodendron or golden epipremnum, broad-leaved ferns, as well as smooth stones, tree branches (previously boiled for disinfection).


The common tree frog is usually fed with crickets, flies, fly larvae, and grasshoppers. Vitamin and mineral supplements with calcium are offered once a week.

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