Sunset and its features. How to predict a beautiful sunset or sunrise Sunset and sunrise


Article text updated: 12/28/2017

About two years ago, in the middle of June, I could not sleep, so I got up at 3 am, took a tripod, a photo backpack with a camera, and left by car for 40 kilometers from Yekaterinburg to a forest swamp. I wanted to shoot a gorgeous sunrise: the bloody rays paint the mist creeping scarlet over the black water. However, the expectations turned out to be too high: the nondescript sun painted the gray sky with a barely noticeable dawn and that was it. Yes, and it got up not at all in the place where I expected, and where I wanted to build the composition. Added to my disappointment was annoyance at mosquitoes: I forgot to take repellents with me, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, which these little vampires did not fail to take advantage of. Returning home, scratching his bites, he thought about the fact that it would be nice to know some signs that would allow him to predict when the sky at dawn or at sunset would be especially beautiful.

1. Have you come to shoot the sunset? But he’s not there ... Shot on a Sony DSC-W15 soap dish

The question of how to find out in which direction the sun will shine at sunset or at dawn was solved quickly and easily. There is a great site that provides indispensable services for photographers ( You see a Google map, choose a shooting point. According to the scheme, you can judge where the sunrise will happen, where the sunset will happen, how the luminary will change its position during the day. We also see when morning and evening twilight begin and end. As we know, the golden hour of photography lasts approximately half an hour at dusk and 2 hours in the morning and evening.

With how to determine whether a sunset or sunrise will be beautiful, it turned out to be more difficult. Break a bunch of Russian-language resources, I did not find the answer. And recently I came across information in the English-speaking segment of the Internet, where professional photographers share their observations. In today's article I will try to systematize what I read.

Note. I started taking pictures with a DSLR at the end of 2011. During this time, I was only a few times lucky enough to catch more or less beautiful sunrises and sunsets. More often, a heavenly extravaganza happens when there is no camera with you ...

And, unfortunately, I could not photograph beautiful landscapes. I looked in my archive for illustrations for this article - there are no decent photos. Therefore, sorry, dear site guests, the pictures will be repeated (you have seen some of them in other photography lessons), and they are not masterpieces, unfortunately.

Magnificent Sunrise and Sunset Forecast

All children at the “why-why” age ask the same question: “Why is the sky blue?” But we, as photographers seeking to photograph our masterpiece, are interested in why it turns red when the sun sets.

At dawn, light can paint the sky in all the colors of the rainbow. When the sun's rays enter the Earth's atmosphere, short wavelengths of blue are scattered in all directions, more than all other colors, making the sky blue during the daytime. But during the morning or evening dawn, due to the low position of the sun, the light travels a longer path across the sky, through a thicker layer of the atmosphere, in which short-wave colors are scattered more strongly, and only red and yellow waves, as the longest, break through this barrier.

It is safe to say that both professional photographers and beginners who are just beginning to be interested in photography would dream of having a magical formula at their disposal that allows them to predict whether there will be a beautiful sunset tonight. I don’t have such a gift for you, but you can pay attention to some signs that can increase your chances of success.

Let's take a closer look at some of the other factors that predict a bright sky at dawn. Scottish shepherds have a saying that could be translated into Russian like this: “A scarlet sunset is a shepherd’s joy, a red sunrise is a reason to worry.” Well, that is, if the sky turns red in the evening, then there will be no rain at night, and if the dawn turns red, it will rain during the day. This folk wisdom can help us predict sunset (and sunrise) beauty if we also look at the weather forecast. Look at the red sky at dawn before a thunderstorm and at sunset after a storm. Being able to predict the weather is key to choosing the right photography conditions, so the first thing we need to do is find a good weather site or smartphone app.

Usually I use the site, on which it is quite accurate, on an hourly basis, you can see important indicators: cloud type, temperature, humidity and wind speed.

Clouds and cloud cover

The presence of clouds is a decisive factor in predicting a dramatic sunset, because without them there is not much to see. A common misconception for photographers who want to capture a colorful sunset is that clouds form colors. In fact, the clouds serve only as a canvas on which the sunlight paints its pictures.

High and mid-level clouds are the most suitable canvas, as they reflect the light of the setting sun. Lush clouds on the horizon, most likely, will not let the sun's rays through their thickness, which will muffle the colors.

This photo was taken during the first tryout of the Samyang 14/2.8 width after purchasing it. Can .

Low clouds, such as black clouds full of rain, are also not very good helpers, as they reflect little light. If the clouds on the horizon are too low and too thick, the sun's rays won't get through. Also, you should not expect a beautiful sunset if only a few clouds are flying in the sky, or vice versa - the sky is covered with a very large number of clouds: a gorgeous photo will not work. In general, cloud cover at sunset should cover 30-70% of the sky.

4. There will be a thunderstorm ... Before sunset. Sample photo taken with Nikon D5100 and Samayng 14/2.8. HDR from three frames

We look at the sky in the afternoon and if it looks promising, we hope that the clouds will not go anywhere in the evening. Of course, no one will give guarantees, but if the wind is not strong, maybe the clouds will circle around and contribute to a beautiful sunset.

I was surprised: it turns out that there is an international atlas of clouds and there are dozens of them. Here is a brief description of the main types that can show a grand sunset:

  • Cirrocumulus (cirrocumulus)– look like flakes or ripples on water. Behind them, usually, always blue sky.

5. Sunset with cirrocumulus clouds. Shot on Nikon D5100 KIT 18-55 VR. Photo - HDR of three shots.

  • Altocumulus (altocumulus)- often look like plates or flakes, sometimes merging into a wavy, rounded mass or rolls, like small cotton balls. They are usually white or gray in color and appear after a thunderstorm.

6. An example of HDR from 3 shots taken on Nikon D5100 KIT 18-55. Different types of clouds can be present in the sky at the same time. Here, it seems to me, above are altocumulus clouds, below are cirrocumulus.

  • Cumulus (cumulus)- well recognizable, huge, white and fluffy, often with a flat base.
  • Pinnate (cirrus)-thin as a haze strands. Such clouds appear before the weather deteriorates. However, this type of cloud cover is best for capturing gorgeous sunsets.

If you type Latin names into Google Images, you can see what a particular type of cloud looks like. .

Clear air and sunset beauty

Clean air effectively scatters blue light. For this reason, one of the best times to capture a gorgeous sunset is just after a rain or hurricane. In the tropics and in the open ocean, clouds often hang over the horizon, they do not reflect bright colors well (as mentioned above), but below them the atmosphere is especially transparent. It lets through pure color, which is why photographers bring back so many shots of gorgeous sunsets from vacations in tropical countries.

Humidity and sunset sky

The color of the sunset sky is also affected by the amount of air humidity. Lower values ​​produce more saturated colors. At high humidity, the color is muted due to the water content in the atmosphere. Typically, air humidity is lower in autumn and winter than in the warm season.

How does the wind affect the beauty of sunset and dawn

This is such a factor that can help to capture a beautiful sunset or sunrise, or maybe completely destroy all the hopes of the photographer. A change in the direction of movement of air masses can lead to the formation of "ripples" and "waves", on the crests of which the sunset light is beautifully reflected in red. In addition, as noted above, colors are more vibrant in clear, clean air, so a gentle breeze at sunset helps to clear the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the wind can also have a negative impact on the beauty of the sunset, when, for example, we saw beautiful clouds in the afternoon, and the moving atmospheric front blew them away from the sky, leaving the photographer with clear skies at sunset.

Here is another example where a good weather forecast on a home computer or smartphone app will let us know when a front will pass through the area above us.

So, to catch a beautiful sunset, you need a coincidence of the following factors:

  • Clouds float in the middle or high
  • Cloud cover covers 30 to 70 percent of the sky
  • transparent air
  • Low humidity
  • windless weather

And finally, when photographing a sunset, one should not forget that sometimes after sunset there is a residual glow in the sky. It happens 15-20 minutes after the star hid behind the horizon. And such a dawn can look much more beautiful than the sunset itself.

In general, all these rules for predicting sunset by weather apply to photographing dawn. But visual cues are more difficult to recognize because it will be dark at the survey point before sunrise. A good time to shoot sunrise is in autumn and winter, as during these seasons the sun rises much later than in summer and spring.

Examples of photos of sunsets taken on a cropped Nikon D90 DSLR with different lenses

As you can see, I wasn't very good at taking beautiful sunset or sunrise photos. I had to turn to colleagues for help. Let's show landscapes taken by an advanced amateur Nikon D90 SLR camera by a photographer from Moscow named Svetlana. And at the same time I will try to write a comparison of the parameters of this camera with more modern models of the Nikon D3xx, D5xx, D7xx series and an expensive camera from a competitor - Canon EOS 70D.

Local time for the specified locality
DaySunriseSunsetmoon riseMoonset

Calculation of sunrise and sunset times

On this page you can get the calculation of the time of sunrise and sunset of the Moon and the Sun in any geographical point

You just need to choose the date for which you need to calculate the tables +10 subsequent days and the name of the settlement.

Sunrise and sunset- the moment in time for an observer on Earth when the upper edge of the Sun or Moon is exactly at the level of the true horizon. At sunrise, the Sun / Moon moves up (crossing the horizon line) in relation to the observer, and at sunset, it moves down (further beyond the horizon)

The geographical point of observation is determined through the Geographic coordinates service. In addition, the time zone is automatically determined for a given date (offset relative to Greenwich Mean Time)

You can also calculate the azimuths of sunrise and sunset of the luminaries using the link Azimuth of sunrise, sunset and moon. This will be useful for lovers of astronomy, photography and lovers of romantic walks :)

What else might be of interest to you? And, here you are, a service that calculates how much daylight hours (before sunset) remain after the end of the specified working hours. Light day after work in different cities

It will be useful to all inquisitive readers, as well as members of the government :), for a more equitable distribution of time zones in our country.

Of course, you know that the moments of sunrise and sunset (and, consequently, the length of the day) are not the same in places with different geographical latitudes and change during the year due to changes in the declination of the Sun.

Therefore, when starting to determine the moments of sunrise and sunset on a certain day, first of all, find out with the help of the "Astronomical Calendar" the declination of the Sun on that day. The latitude of the place where you live, you determine by polar star with the help of any goniometric tool (you can also use homemade). Because the the height of the celestial pole at any point on the Earth is equal to the geographical latitude of this point, and the North Star is located almost exactly at the pole of the world (its distance from the pole of the world is less than 1 degree), then by measuring the height of the North Star, you will thereby obtain the geographical latitude of the place ()

Latitude can also be determined from an accurate geographical map.

Now proceed to the calculations, using the formula to determine

Where does the fraction 0.0145 come from in the numerator? The fact is that the "Astronomical Calendar" indicates the declination of the center of the solar disk, and sunrise is the moment when the upper edge of the solar disk appears above the horizon. At this moment, the Center of the Sun has not yet risen above the horizon and is 15 "(arc seconds) below it.

In addition, sunrise is observed somewhat earlier, and sunset later than the moment when these phenomena occur in reality, due to astronomical refraction that raises the heavenly bodies above the horizon. This fraction takes into account the influence of the two described effects on the results of your calculations.

If t is expressed in hours (15 degrees -1 hour; 15 "- 1 min), then the moments of sunrise and (in hours and fractions of an hour) of sunset, expressed in local true solar time, will be:

Note that the calculation of the bot is carried out according to other, more accurate and more complex formulas. And the above formulas are needed to understand the essence of calculating the time of sunrise and sunset.


For those users who work with XMPP client: sun<населенный пункт>;<время>

Time input format: Day/Month/Year

The result is given for your area, local time. Or rather, for the time zone that you specify

You only need to enter the following data:

The name of the locality. Can be written in English or Russian. If such a city name is repeated and not your region is shown, try after the name of the item, add the name of the region / region / country

Example: Paris + Russia

If you know the geographic coordinates, then enter the latitude and longitude. If the locality is known, then these fields are not required.

The date you would like to receive the invoice. If the field is not filled in, the data for the current date will be calculated.


For example, you want to know the exact data on the sunrise and sunset and the moon in the village of Chelyabinsk on June 1, 2013

The request is simple:

If this is done through the site, then we fill in only three fields city - Chelyabinsk, and date 01/06/2013

If this is done through Jabber, then the request is - sun Chelyabinsk; 01/06/2013

We get the following response through the site:

How beautiful is the answer? Firstly, you do not need to know the offset relative to the Greenwich meridian, and secondly, the time presented in the table is the local time used in the indicated settlement

the date Sun sunrise Sunset Moon rising moon setting Locality Latitude Longitude
27/05/2013 05:26 22:16 07:42 Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia 55.152009 61.40857
28/05/2013 05:28:14 22:18:22 00:23 09:01 55/152009 61/40857
29/05/2013 05:27:06 22:19:46 01:02 10:23 55/152009 61/40857
30/05/2013 05:26:00 22:21:08 01:33 11:43 55/152009 61/40857
31/05/2013 05:24:57 22:22:28 01:58 13:04 55/152009 61/40857
01/06/2013 05:23:58 22:23:46 02:20 14:20 55/152009 61/40857
02/06/2013 05:23:02 22:25:01 02:39 15:35 55/152009 61/40857
03/06/2013 05:22:09 22:26:14 02:58 16:46 55/152009 61/40857
04/06/2013 05:21:20 22:27:24 03:19 17:58 55/152009 61/40857
05/06/2013 05:20:34 22:28:31 03:43 19:04 55/152009 61/40857
06/06/2013 05:19:52 22:29:35 04:10 20:10 55/152009 61/40857

You can always check the correctness of the calculations by visiting for example

If our planet did not revolve around the Sun and was absolutely flat, the celestial body would always be at its zenith and not move anywhere - there would be no sunset, no dawn, no life. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to watch the sunrise and sunset - and therefore life on planet Earth continues.

The Earth relentlessly moves around the Sun and its axis, and once a day (with the exception of the polar latitudes) the solar disk appears and disappears behind the horizon, marking the beginning and end of daylight. Therefore, in astronomy, sunrise and sunset are the times when the upper point of the solar disk appears or disappears above the horizon.

In turn, the period before sunrise or sunset is called twilight: the solar disk is not far from the horizon, and therefore part of the rays, falling into the upper layers of the atmosphere, are reflected from it to the earth's surface. The duration of twilight before sunrise or sunset directly depends on latitude: at the poles they last from 2 to 3 weeks, in the subpolar zones - several hours, in temperate latitudes - about two hours. But at the equator, the time before sunrise is from 20 to 25 minutes.

During sunrise and sunset, a certain optical effect is created when the sun's rays illuminate the earth's surface and the sky, painting them in multi-colored tones. Before sunrise, at dawn, the colors are more subtle, while sunset illuminates the planet with rays of rich reds, burgundy, yellows, oranges and, very rarely, greens.

The sunset has such an intensity of colors due to the fact that during the day the earth's surface warms up, the humidity decreases, the speed of air flows increases, and dust rises into the air. The difference in colors between sunrise and sunset largely depends on the area where the person is and observes these amazing natural phenomena.

External characteristics of a wondrous natural phenomenon

Since one can speak of sunrise and sunset as two identical phenomena, differing from each other in saturation of colors, the description of the sunset over the horizon can also be applied to the time before sunrise and its appearance, only in reverse order.

The lower the solar disk descends to the western horizon line, the less bright it is and becomes first yellow, then orange, and finally red. The sky also changes its color: at first it is golden, then orange, and at the edge - red.

When the sun's disk comes close to the horizon, it acquires a dark red color, and on either side of it you can see a bright band of dawn, the colors of which go from bluish-green to bright orange from top to bottom. At the same time, a colorless radiance forms over the dawn.

Simultaneously with this phenomenon, an ash-bluish stripe (the shadow of the Earth) appears on the opposite side of the sky, above which you can see an orange-pink segment, the Belt of Venus - it appears above the horizon at a height of 10 to 20 ° and with a clear sky visible anywhere on our planet.

The more the Sun goes below the horizon, the more purple the sky becomes, and when it falls four or five degrees below the horizon, the shade acquires the most saturated tones. After that, the sky gradually becomes fiery red (the rays of the Buddha), and from the place where the sun disk has set, stripes of light rays stretch upwards, gradually fading away, after the disappearance of which near the horizon you can see a fading strip of dark red color.

After the shadow of the Earth gradually fills the sky, the Belt of Venus dissipates, the silhouette of the Moon appears in the sky, then the stars - and night falls (twilight ends when the solar disk goes six degrees below the horizon). The more time passes from the departure of the Sun below the horizon line, the colder it becomes, and by morning, before sunrise, the lowest temperature is observed. But everything changes when, after a few hours, the red Sun rises: the solar disk appears in the east, the night leaves, and the earth's surface begins to warm up.

Why is the sun red

Since ancient times, the sunset and sunrise of the red Sun has attracted the attention of mankind, and therefore people have tried to explain with all the methods available to them why the solar disk, being yellow, acquires a reddish tint on the horizon line. The first attempt to explain this phenomenon was legends, followed by folk omens: people were sure that the sunset and sunrise of the red Sun did not bode well.

For example, they were convinced that if the sky remained red for a long time after sunrise, the day would be unbearably hot. Another sign said that if before sunrise the sky in the east is red, and after sunrise this color disappears immediately - it will rain. The rising of the red Sun also promised bad weather if, after its appearance in the sky, it immediately acquired a light yellow color.

The rising of the red Sun in such an interpretation could hardly satisfy the inquisitive human mind for a long time. Therefore, after the discovery of various physical laws, including Rayleigh's law, it was found that the red color of the Sun is explained by the fact that, as it has the longest wavelength, it scatters much less than other colors in the Earth's dense atmosphere.

Therefore, when the Sun is near the horizon, its rays glide along the earth's surface, where the air has not only the highest density, but also extremely high humidity at this time, which delays and absorbs the rays. As a result of this, only rays of red and orange colors can break through the dense and humid atmosphere in the first minutes of sunrise.

Sunrise and sunset

Although many believe that in the northern hemisphere the earliest sunset occurs on December 21, and the latest on June 21, in reality this opinion is erroneous: the days of the winter and summer solstices are only dates that indicate the presence of the shortest or longest day of the year.

Interestingly, the further north the latitude, the closer to the solstice comes the latest sunset of the year. For example, in 2014, at a latitude located at sixty-two degrees, it occurred on June 23. But at the thirty-fifth latitude, the latest sunset of the year occurred six days later (the earliest sunrise was recorded two weeks earlier, a few days before June 21).

Without a special calendar at hand, it is quite difficult to determine the exact time of sunrise and sunset. This is due to the fact that while rotating uniformly around its axis and the Sun, the Earth moves unevenly in an elliptical orbit. It is worth noting that if our planet moved around the Sun, this effect would not be observed.

Humanity has noticed such deviations in time for a long time, and therefore, throughout its history, people have tried to clarify this issue for themselves: the ancient structures they erected, which are extremely reminiscent of observatories, have survived to this day (for example, Stonehenge in England or the Mayan pyramids in America).

For the past few centuries, astronomers have been creating calendars of the Moon and Sun to calculate the time of sunrise and sunset by observing the sky. Nowadays, thanks to the virtual network, any Internet user can calculate sunrise and sunset using special online services - for this, it is enough to indicate the city or geographical coordinates (if the desired area is not on the map), as well as the required date.

Interestingly, with the help of such calendars, you can often find out not only the time of sunset or dawn, but also the period between the onset of twilight and before sunrise, the length of the day / night, the time when the Sun will be at its zenith, and much more.

What could be more beautiful and emotional than a magnificent moment when the sun disappearing behind the horizon illuminates everything around with bright light? I suggest you admire a selection of very beautiful landscapes with sunsets

We continue the series of collections with beautiful photos of sunsets. Earlier we admired photographs of mountain sunsets, now we will tell you more about this phenomenon in general.

Such a beautiful phenomenon is explained by atmospheric diffraction - the refraction of light. This is the process when the rays of light from the sun change their direction, passing through the Earth's atmosphere and colliding with different layers of air. This time of day also increases the brightness and intensity of the rainbow, which appears much brighter than normal.

Light rays are scattered through the layers of the atmosphere into many waves of different lengths and sizes. At this time, violet and blue colors are much more scattered than yellow and red. That is why red and orange hues predominate during sunset.

During the day, the Earth's atmosphere heats up, winds raise clouds of dust - all this affects the passage of sunlight through the atmosphere. The amazing moment is that each sunset is unique in its own way, like a human fingerprint. A sunset cannot be repeated in the same way, just as the same atmospheric conditions cannot be formed each time at the time of sunset.

Surely many of you have wondered what sunsets look like on other planets and whether they are there at all. Something similar can be seen on Mars, but the absence of a real atmosphere inevitably means a lack of light. Thus, on no other planet can you watch the same beautiful sunsets as on Earth. We should be grateful to nature for this splendor and enjoy this beauty every evening.

Exist., Number of synonyms: 3 dusk (3) sunset (15) sunset (9) ASIS Synonym Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

sunset- saulėlydis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Saulės leidimosi metas. Po saulėlydžio prasideda naktinių gyvūnų aktyviosios veiklos metas. atitikmenys: engl. sunset vok. Sonnenuntergang, m rus. sunset, m; sunset, m ... Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

Sunrise at northern latitudes Sunrise and sunset is the moment in time for an observer on Earth when the upper edge of the Sun is exactly at the level of the true horizon. At sunrise, the Sun moves up (trans ... Wikipedia

Attempt, entry; sunset, evening dawn Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sunset see sunset Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

ENTRY, entry, husband. Action under ch. enter 1 in 1, 6 and 7 values. Without entering the harbor. Entry behind enemy lines. Sunset. The unscheduled entry of a steam locomotive into the depot was reduced to a minimum. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Sunset or sunset the disappearance of a luminary above the horizon. Sunset in winter Sunset Yellow sunset over Turgoyak (lake) ... Wikipedia

The moment when the upper edge of the celestial body disappears beyond the horizon, when the height of the luminary is 0 ° (for the Sun and the Moon, the height differs by half the diameter of the luminary). Depending on the name of the horizon in relation to which the phenomenon is being considered, ... ... Marine Dictionary

sunset- The moment of the disappearance of the Sun below the horizon during its apparent daily movement ... Geography Dictionary

Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? entry, what? I go, (see) what? entry what? by the way, about what? about entry; pl. what? visits, (no) what? visits, what? visits, (see) what? entries, what? visits, about what? about entries 1. Entry… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

BUT; m. 1. to Enter (1.Z .; 1 5 zn.). Z. ship to port. The plane went to the second z. when landing. Z. for the boundary line. 2. Sunset (celestial body). Z. Moon. Before sunset. In the rays of sunset, a swarm of midges is visible. 3. Unfold Action,… … encyclopedic Dictionary


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