Stanislav Bondarenko his new girlfriend Nastya. Stanislav Bondarenko: biography, filmography, photo, personal life. Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Stanislav Gennadievich Bondarenko. Born on July 2, 1985 in the city of Dniproprudny, Zaporozhye region (Ukraine). Russian theater and film actor.

Stanislav July 2, 1985 in the city of Dneproprudny, Zaporozhye region near the Kakhovka reservoir, which locals called "sea".

Therefore, in his interviews, he repeatedly stated that he loves big water, a "the inhabitants of sea cities are very close and understandable to me".

As a child, the family often went to rest on the Azov coast.

At the age of 11, he and his parents moved to Moscow, where he still lives.

He studied at Moscow schools No. 141 and No. 721, was a three-year student.

I didn't even think about an acting career. He planned to become an engineer - to follow in the footsteps of his parents.

As a child, he was engaged in ballroom dancing and karate. By the way, I went dancing because I was carried away by a girl - I wanted to be closer to her. And then it got hooked.

After school, Stanislav was going to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute. However, his fate changed the case.

Together with the dance studio, he performed at the GITIS evening theater. And one of the artistic directors of the institute drew attention to him, offering to come to the audition. Bondarenko agreed, and soon he was already a student of GITIS.

According to him, the parents were sympathetic to the choice of their son. And later, when Stas had already become famous actor, and they became quite proud of him. "She is delighted and proud of her son" he says of his mother.

In GITIS he graduated from the workshop of Teplyakov and Chomsky.

He was responsible for his studies and was one of the the best students course, for which he was awarded an increased mayor's scholarship.

Until the third year, Stanislav Bondarenko did not act in films.

Stanislav Bondarenko dancing

Acting success for him was the role in the series "Talisman of Love". The casting of the actor was campaigned by his agent. And he, unexpectedly for himself, was approved for one of the main roles - the carefree and carefree womanizer Pavel Uvarov. It was after this series that the actor became known to the general public, he gained particular popularity among girls.

GITIS Stanislav Bondarenko graduated in 2006 and at the same time was admitted to the Theater. Moscow City Council. He played the roles of Renzo in The Betrothed, Zbyshko in Pani Dulskaya's Morals, Marcello in His Mistress's Sons, and others.

In 2006, he starred in the film "From Flame and Light" by Nana Dzhorzhadze and Irakli Kvirikadze, where he played Nikolai Martynov, the killer of the great poet Mikhail Lermontov.

Enjoyed success with the audience and subsequent series in which Bondarenko played - the role of Denis in the film "Captain's Children", Viktor Zavyalov in drama "Sin", Mikhail Volobuev in the series "Trap".

In 2008, Bondarenko starred as Mark Gorin in the TV series "Provincial", where he played a witty, good-natured son of wealthy parents, accustomed to easily getting everything from life. When love breaks into his life, it changes the hero, awakening in him such qualities as responsibility and purposefulness.

In 2014, the series gained wide popularity "Give My Love Back", in which Stanislav Bondarenko played the main character - Vlad.

"Vlad and I are similar in kindness and attitude towards a loved one. But Vlad has a tougher character, like my father", - the actor tried to compare himself with his movie hero.

In the film, he does not have stunt doubles. "Jumped through the hood of the car, drove a little reckless". In general, Stanislav often performs stunts. And not only stuntmen. You can remember, for example, how at the presentation of the series "Talisman of Love" he swallowed fire "I dared to become a fakir for a while. In general, I like all sorts of tricks", he said.

In 2016, a new series featuring Stas was released - « golden cage» . One of the main characters he plays, the millionaire Farhad, is badly injured in a car accident. He has a nurse Alina (she is played), a relationship is established between them ...

Stanislav Bondarenko in the series "Golden Cage"

Among other successful roles in 2016 is Sergey, Ella Pogodina's young lover in a detective melodrama "Three Queens" directed by Karine Foliyants.

Stanislav says about himself: "I do not like gambling especially for money. I have passion for a mobile lifestyle. I love everything that involves risk extreme views sports. But most of all I like speed and cars".

He admits that he wants to get rid of bad habit- smoking.

He loves Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, but he cannot stand Chinese and Japanese.

In clothes, he prefers convenience.

"Romantic. I can watch for my beloved and invite her to unusual place, unexpectedly present her with an expensive gift or an immense bouquet of scarlet roses, shower her with compliments and kisses. Passion is in my blood, he says.

"When I seriously fell in love with someone, I was faithful to my chosen one"- says Stas.

He defines his life credo as follows: "Do no harm to anyone - only good. People are different. Someone has a lot of envy, someone is evil. I am always happy for the people who are around. And this helps a lot in life, believe me".

Growth of Stanislav Bondarenko: 190 centimeters.

Personal life of Stanislav Bondarenko:

He was married to actress Yulia Chiklieva.

They met in student years when she was in theater studio, and he studied at GITIS. True, the first time he took her phone from her and ... lost it. But fate brought them together again at the birthday party of a common friend. And this time, Stas did not miss the girl he liked.

In 2008, Stanislav and Yulia officially became husband and wife.

Stanislav Bondarenko and Yulia Chiklieva

The couple had a son, Mark.

The actor loves his son very much.

“It is difficult to judge which of me is the father. I will say this: I try my best to give my son a good upbringing, so that when he grows up he can do it himself right choice Who to be and how to live- says Stanislav.

with son Mark

In early 2015, Bondarenko and Chiklieva divorced.

Stanislav Bondarenko himself announced this in social networks: “Friends, I want to dot the “and” and close the issue regarding my personal life - since the beginning of 2015, we are no longer together with Yulia Chiklieva. Our decision to leave was mutual, we just did not want to advertise it. Thanks to Yulia for everything , and, of course, for our beloved son Mark. I am very glad that we managed to save good relationship with Yulia. We hope for your understanding and that this news will not make you think badly about me or Yulia. All good and happiness!".

They maintained a good relationship and in the fall of 2015 together took their common son Mark to the first grade.

In 2015, it became known that the actor was dating the former Miss Russia 2010 actress Irina Antonenko. The romance between them arose on film set series "Golden Cage". However, marriage did not come to pass.

Stanislav Bondarenko and Irina Antonenko

In 2016, Stanislav began an affair with Aurika Alyokhina, the art director of the fashion club.

Filmography of Stanislav Bondarenko:

2005 - Loneliness of love - Evgeny Cherdyntsev
2005 - Talisman of love - Pavel Uvarov, youngest son
2006 - From flame and light - Nikolai Martynov
2006 - Captain's children - Denis
2006 - Beware, blondes! - fashion designer
2006-2008 - Happy together (episode 199 "Evening of meetings - with whom to lie") - Dima Morozov
2007 - Waiting for a miracle - Marat Bordovsky, "model"
2007 - Sin - Viktor Zavyalov
2007 - Kapkan - Mikhail Volobuev in his youth (voiced)
2008 - A woman not prone to adventures - Andrey Kornev
2008 - Beauty requires ... - Zhenya Lushin, photographer of the delegation
2008 - Street racers - Docker
2008 - Plato - Banderas
2009 - Provincial - Mark Zorin
2010 - Looking for you - Roman Delyanov
2010 - From Heart to Heart - Roman
2010 - Nanolove - Artem Evgenievich Skvortsov
2011 - Random witness - Pavel Borsky
2011 - Unloved - Igor Samokhin
2011 - Kiss of Fate - Anton Gorelov
2011 - Kamenskaya 6 (series "A Simple Combination") - Konstantin, Mila's husband
2012 - Four Seasons of Summer - Evgeny Belkevich
2012 - Lyuba. Love. (Idealist) - Nikolai Kirsanov
2012 - Changeling - Vitaly, killer
2012 - Lucky in love - Konstantin Kupavin
2013 - What men want - Alexey Rybakov
2013 - Step sister - Alexey Kuznetsov
2013 - Illusion of happiness - Yuri Vasiliev
2013 - It will be a bright day - Daniel
2014 - Return my love - Vlad
2014 - Beauty - Maxim Evgenievich Annensky
2014 - Wild-4 - Spit
2015 - My mother is against - Pavel, postgraduate student
2015 - In the name of love - Andrey
2015 - Moms - auto repair worker
2015 - Anka from Moldavanka - Nikolai Vasiliev
2015 - uninvented life- Gorsky
2015 - Provocateur - Alexander Terekhov
2015 - Catherine
2015 - Bride
2016 - Do not offer intimacy - Ivan
2016 - Golden cage - Farhad
2016 - River of memory - Andrey
2016 - Three Queens - Sergey
2017 - - Nikita
2017 - Selfie#Selfie
2017 - - Viktor Lebedev
2018 - - Dima Poluyanov
2018 - - Dima Poluyanov
2018 - - Dima Poluyanov
2018 - On the other side of death - Igor Zhdanov, captain
2018 - Dawn on Mount Adam - Stas
2018 - Two comrades served

Stanislav Bondarenko - young and talented Russian actor, born in Ukraine, in the Dnepropetrovsk region, 07/02/1985


Stanislav's early childhood passed in Ukraine in Dneprorudny. His mother broke up with his own father when the boy was very young. But soon she got married again, and Stasik immediately succeeded big family. The stepfather also had a son who lived with his father, and now became his half-brother, and a little later, twins also appeared in the family. His mother gave birth to sisters from his stepfather.

Growing up in such a noisy company is always difficult, especially when parents are constantly at work, and children must independently build relationships with each other. But such a life school was only beneficial, as it gives excellent communication skills, which are very important in adulthood, and in school life too.

My stepfather worked in a construction company, and when he was offered a move to Moscow, he did not hesitate to go to a new place, and very soon moved the whole family there. It is always difficult for provincial children to adapt in the capital. But then my mother, who works as a stylist, came to the rescue. She helped the children dress stylishly and behave properly, so they quickly became familiar in the new environment.

Stas happily enjoyed all the advantages of metropolitan life. He enjoyed visiting the ballroom dance studio. And in adolescence I also became interested in karate. In addition, he managed to study well and take Active participation in school life: performed at concerts, competitions and skits. At the same time, the boy did not think at all about the acting path, but was going to become an aircraft designer.

Actor career

But very often a single event changes the whole life. The same thing happened with Stanislav. During one of his dance performances, a GITIS teacher was present at the concert. He immediately noticed a handsome handsome guy, who was also very musical and moved well.

After the speech, the teacher met Stanislav personally and asked why he should not try to pass the qualifying rounds at GITIS. In case of failure, it will not be too late to submit documents to the MAI. But if everything works out, then the guy is probably waiting for a brilliant actor career. The teacher was so convincing that Stas agreed to try. And, quite unexpectedly for himself, but quite naturally, he became a student of the best theater university in the country.

Accustomed in childhood to take studies seriously, Stanislav quickly became one of the best students in the course. He was also pushed to this by the fact that many of his classmates already had serious theatrical training, but he simply did not want to be lagging behind. Perhaps that is why until the third year he did not even think about serious work in the theater or cinema. But then friends persuaded him to at least register on the acting exchange.

The first offer came pretty quickly, which is not surprising, given the artist's excellent external data. And his film debut took place in 2005 - he got one of the main roles in the melodramatic series "Talisman of Love". There he played almost himself - handsome and heartthrob Pavel Uvarov. Naturally, the role was a success brilliantly.

Immediately after the release of the first episodes on the screen, a whole heap of similar proposals rained down on the young actor. And as soon as he received an acting diploma, he was invited to the theater team. Moscow City Council, where he very quickly became one of the leading actors, embodying on stage the images of all the same heroes-lovers.

Over the past 10 years since the end of GITIS, the actor has already starred in several TV series, and today he is one of the most sought-after young artists and a favorite of the female audience. At the same time, he no less successfully performs on the stage of the theater that has already become the second home. His work schedule is filled to the limit, but this does not prevent the actor from leading an equally stormy personal life.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Stanislav always enjoyed the favor of the girls, he created a family in enough early age. Fateful acquaintance with the beautiful model Yulia Chiplieva happened during his studies. But then the relationship did not go further - everyone lived their own lives, and it was only a fleeting meeting. Stas wanted to call her in a few days, but did not find a phone number.

With Yulia Chiplieva

But when they met for the second time at the birthday party of a mutual friend, the romance flared up with might and main, and in 2008 the couple formalized their relationship. Long time they were the most beautiful and happy couple Russian cinema especially after the birth of a son. But after a few years, the marriage cracked, and in 2015 they divorced.

Continuing to maintain relations with his son, Stanislav began to twist stormy romances with other models. Most of them were short lived. Irina Antonenko lingered next to him longer than others, but less than a year later, the hostess of the nightclub, Aurika Alekhina, replaced her. Well, let's see how long this romance lasts.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Stanislav.

What does the name Stanislav mean?

The name Stanislav means - the most glorious (Polish)

The meaning of the name Stanislav - character and fate

A man named Stanislav young age mentally unbalanced, flares up unexpectedly, in situations where there is no reason for this, and completely calm when a frank challenge is thrown to him. The fact is that a person with this name does not always react correctly to the current situation. Praise with sarcasm can be taken seriously, but in a cautious good joke, I am ready to see almost an insult, a catch. Stanislav is stubborn and unrestrained, straightforward and impudent. He is often biased, does not know how to admit mistakes, his guilt, he can offend a woman with a harsh word if his pride is hurt. Easily vulnerable, distrustful. Careful in choosing a wife. Stanislav meets with many women, but he is not completely sincere with any of them, he treats their feelings with suspicion. If he does not marry his first love, then he will not marry very soon. A man named Stanislav is a little clumsy in courting, can be ridiculous when he proposes. Most often he marries a timid, flexible woman, fearing that he will not get along with a domineering and capricious woman. However, the choice is wrong. Domineering and capricious is really not his woman, but timid, resigned does not suit him either. Over time, he realizes that he needs an energetic, cheerful, cheerful wife with a strong character. And if he meets such, he rushes headlong into the pool of love. Then only a miracle can stop him, not allow him to leave his family. Stanislav loves children, but even they cannot force him to give up his long-awaited happiness. Moreover, he still does not forget the children.

The meaning of the name Stanislav for sex

Sexual life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness. In the hierarchy of values, the ability to live a full-blooded sexual life, experiencing the fullness of sensory sensations, is given one of the first places. Sex for him is an excellent mystery, which he raises almost to the level of a cult. Stanislav loves emotional experiences, in which not only the body is involved. Appreciating physical pleasure, he always longs for something more. A man named Stanislav receives complete satisfaction if he can plunge headlong into his experiences and feelings. His emotionality does not allow him to have several partners at the same time, he opposes new hobbies and strives, as far as possible, to remain faithful to one girlfriend. "Winter" Stanislav is somewhat cold and reserved compared to "summer", he is able to be a good partner for only a few women. "Autumn" Stanislavs often in their youth experience the tragedy of unrequited love, which remains in their memory for a long time, which greatly interferes with their relationship with women.

The nature and fate of the name Stanislav, taking into account the patronymic

Name Stanislav and patronymic ....

Stanislav Alekseevich, Stanislav Andreevich, Stanislav Artemovich, Stanislav Valentinovich, Stanislav Vasilyevich, Stanislav Viktorovich, Stanislav Vitalievich, Stanislav Vladimirovich, Stanislav Evgenievich, Stanislav Ivanovich, Stanislav Ilyich, Stanislav Mikhailovich, Stanislav Petrovich, Stanislav Sergeevich, Stanislav Fedorovich, Stanislav Yurievich explosive and unpredictable. Easily offend anyone, which he later regrets. He is not confident in himself, in relations with women he is timid and indecisive. Positioned to fullness, still in young age becomes obese, which affects his relationship with the weaker sex. A man named Stanislav marries early, more often a school friend soon after graduation, or later, already in adulthood. In the first case, the marriage is stable and prosperous, but hardly happy. The wife, who did not have time to get a decent education due to the early appearance of children, household chores and worries about her spouse, soon ceases to interest him. He certainly achieves some success in professional life and can leave the family, having met a woman equal to her position in society. And it is better not to disturb him. With her, he will gain self-confidence, become cheerful, his pride will cease to be so wounded as it was before. Left with his first wife, he can break down, drink. If Stanislav marries late, then the marriage develops more successfully and divorce does not threaten him. Stanislav - good host, loving father and reliable husband. He brings up children in severity, gives them a good education, develops them physically. Stanislav himself in his youth is engaged in boxing or wrestling, he tries to captivate his sons with these sports.

Name Stanislav and patronymic ....

Stanislav Alexandrovich, Stanislav Arkadyevich, Stanislav Borisovich, Stanislav Vadimovich, Stanislav Grigorievich, Stanislav Kirillovich, Stanislav Nikitich, Stanislav Pavlovich, Stanislav Maksimovich, Stanislav Romanovich, Stanislav Timofeevich, Stanislav Eduardovich, Stanislav Yakovlevich energetic, temperamental, restless. Self-confident, proud and selfish. He loves women very much, often gets carried away, but quickly cools off, not caring too much about how the women abandoned by him experience it. Such Stanislav marries late, always out of love, although there is always a calculation. A man named Stanislav needs a temperamental woman, without prejudice in intimate relationships, affectionate and kind, but always smart, energetic, able to become an assistant and support in professional activity. Her appearance is also irrelevant. And, oddly enough, he manages to find one, the marriage is developing quite successfully. Divorce for such Stanislav is very rare and can only happen on the basis of sexual incompatibility. With children, he is harsh, but loves them immensely. He tries to provide for the family so that the children do not need anything.

Name Stanislav and patronymic ....

Stanislav Bogdanovich, Stanislav Vilenovich, Stanislav Vladislavovich, Stanislav Vyacheslavovich, Stanislav Gennadievich, Stanislav Georgievich, Stanislav Danilovich, Stanislav Egorovich, Stanislav Konstantinovich, Stanislav Robertovich, Stanislav Svyatoslavovich, Stanislav Yanovich, Stanislav Yaroslavovich- an impulsive person, but knows how to manage his emotions. Purposeful, independent, freedom-loving. It cannot be in the role of a subordinate, but it is also difficult to withstand such a Stanislav as a leader. He is impossible to please, his mood is changeable, and his desires are fickle. Because of this, he is often referred to as an eccentric. Closed, overly vulnerable and secretive. In relations with women, he is cold and reserved. However, his secrecy attracts lovers of the unknown to him, who, encountering his iron restraint, often feel deceived, they are seized by a desire to avenge the defeat. Therefore, rumors often circulate around such Stanislav that he is afraid of women and the reason is in his low potency. This is completely false. A man named Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of sexual pleasure, you just need to give him the opportunity to open up, assure him of the sincerity of feelings, instill in him faith in himself. Stanislav is a good family man, he thoroughly approaches the improvement of life, the material security of the family and the upbringing of children. Stable and reliable in marriage. Marries, as a rule, a balanced, intelligent and outwardly attractive woman. If there is a calculation in his choice, then not for material reasons. He needs a girlfriend, like-minded person and assistant in business. Stanislav is not picky in everyday life, he can be content with sandwiches. However, peace in the family, a sense of stability and confidence in the future are vital for him.

Name Stanislav and patronymic ....

Stanislav Antonovich, Stanislav Arturovich, Stanislav Valerievich, Stanislav Germanovich, Stanislav Glebovich, Stanislav Denisovich, Stanislav Leonidovich, Stanislav Lvovich, Stanislav Mironovich, Stanislav Olegovich, Stanislav Ruslanovich, Stanislav Semenovich, Stanislav Filippovich, Stanislav Emmanuilovich good-natured and sympathetic, but stubbornness and nervousness prevent him from communicating with others. Intemperance manifests itself too often and in harsh forms. A man named Stanislav does not think that he offends his neighbor and looks unsightly at the same time. Freedom-loving, does not tolerate dependence, does not tolerate any restrictions, resists any coercion or pressure. Conflict, avid debater. This Stanislav himself is not happy with his character, every time he promises himself that he will be restrained, but he constantly breaks down. Proud, vain, high opinion of himself. With age, he manages to re-educate himself, but at the cost of heart disease up to a heart attack. It is difficult for such Stanislav to marry. Not a single woman suits him and does not like him so much that he wants to connect his life with her. However, he has plenty of sexual partners. But if he marries, then his wife - ideal woman: patient, condescending, generous and immensely devoted to him. Stanislav's marriage is strong, his family is friendly. The wife feels confident and reliable with Stanislav and considers herself lucky with her husband. Stanislav is strongly attached to the family, everything he does is aimed at satisfying the interests of the family, material wealth and the improvement of life. Children are a little afraid of him, but they respect and love him very much.

Name Stanislav and patronymic ....

Stanislav Albertovich, Stanislav Anatolyevich, Stanislav Veniaminovich, Stanislav Vladlenovich, Stanislav Dmitrievich, Stanislav Markovich, Stanislav Naumovich, Stanislav Nikolaevich, Stanislav Rostislavovich, Stanislav Stanislavovich, Stanislav Stepanovich, Stanislav Feliksovich- a man with a wide, generous soul. He is always lucky, but due to his nature, he often misses lucky chance and then that which itself went into his hands, he achieves for years. A man named Stanislav is loved by everyone, sociable, has a cheerful disposition, although he is overly quick-tempered. He leaves quickly, knows how to laugh at his incontinence. However, he has much more advantages: he is faithful, trusted friend, sympathetic and sensitive. He is not greedy, spends money without regret, loves to show off in front of women, impress them with his exquisite taste, generosity and attention. This Stanislav does not know defeat, he never experiences the tragedy of unrequited love. No woman can resist him. Stanislav has plenty of novels. He marries for love, is not capable of recklessness in such a serious matter as marriage. Having got a family, Stanislav becomes balanced, short-term meetings with other women do not affect his married life, mean little to him and pass without a trace. Stanislav loves children, although he is strict with them.

The name Stanislav is of ancient Slavic origin. With the establishment of Christianity, the name lost its popularity and is not noted in the Orthodox onomasticon. The owner of the name is ambiguous. His life path consists of trial and error. This is a purposeful person who can repel others with his stubbornness. Stanislav is always surrounded by the attention of women, but his family life is not easy to form.

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    Meaning of the name

    The name Stanislav is based on two Slavic words - “stan” and “glory”. The meaning of the name Stanislav is interpreted in different ways:

  1. 1. "Reliable camp", "Glorious fortress".
  2. 2. “Having become glorious”, “Establishing glory”.

In everyday life, short affectionate forms of the name are used: Stas, Stasik, Stanya, Slava, Slavusya, Stasha. Abroad, the name is used with a modified sound:

    • in Germany - Stanistaus;
    • in France - Stanislas;
    • in Spain - Estanislao;
    • in Great Britain and the USA - Stanley.

    AT Orthodox saints the name Stanislav is not included, therefore, at baptism, the boy is called differently. In Catholicism, the name is very popular and is repeatedly mentioned in the list of name days: August 5; November 18th; April 11; May 8 The female version of the name is Stanislava.

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    The meaning of the name Stanislav indicates an ambiguous character. A man is restrained in the manifestation of feelings and emotions, which from the outside looks like indifference. In reality, Stas takes troubles to heart and takes them hard. Responsiveness, generosity, generosity are firmly rooted in his nature. Stas readily comes to the aid of other people and shares with them everything he has.

    On all issues, Stas has his own opinion and is not ready to give up on them. He can be described as a purposeful man who moves towards what he has planned, no matter what.

    Stas can cause hostility among others with his selfishness, stubbornness, arrogance. It's hard for him to admit own mistakes, so he tries to shift the blame for failures to other people. His behavior often provokes conflicts and suffers from them himself.

    People named Stanislav, who were born in different periods years, are dissimilar in nature.

    • Spring: possess leadership qualities and at the same time demonstrate self-love.
    • Summer: are recognized and popular in society, known for their generosity.
    • Autumn: extremely sensitive and vulnerable, cause pity and sympathy in women.
    • Winter: imperturbable and cold-blooded, give the impression of self-sufficient people.

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    The fate of the adult Stanislav largely depends on how his parents raise him. As a child, he shows a difficult character. Little Stasik is often naughty and mischievous. He spends a lot of time with adults, watching them and adopting their behavior. In adult life this will affect the positive and negative sides of his character. The child has low self-esteem. If the parents fail to inspire confidence and encouragement in the boy, he will begin to hide his inner timidity behind superficial rudeness and swagger.

    In adolescence and youth, Stanislav causes a lot of trouble with the manifestation of incontinence and emotionality. To raise his authority in the eyes of his peers, Stas is ready to fight. School performance is below average. Stasik will study well only in those subjects where teachers pay more attention to him.

    With future profession it's hard for him to decide. Repeatedly changes jobs until he finds one to his liking.

    A distinctive feature of Stas is the numerous mistakes that he makes. His life is like an experiment in which he chooses the right path by trial and error.

Full name: Stanislav

Similar names: Stanistaus, Estanislau, Stanislas, Estanislao, Stanislao

Church name: Stachy

Meaning: from the Slavic words “become” + “glory”, i.e. "established glory", "became glorious"

Middle name: Stanislavovich, Stanislavovna

The meaning of the name Stanislav - interpretation

Stanislav - name Slavic origin. It means "glorified" and has existed since Ancient Russia, that was the name of one of the sons of Prince Vladimir. The name Stanislav was typical for representatives of the nobility, the main task in the life of such a person is to stand out, to become famous.

Astrology named after Stanislav

Favorable day: Monday

Years later

With early childhood Stanislav is impressionable and independent, he does not like to be led by the people around him. This is a hyperactive and inquisitive child who often shows incontinence and stubbornness in achieving his own goals. Quite kind, but quick-tempered and biased, so he often fights, straightforward and rude.

Sensitive, painfully proud, but stubborn, so you should use these qualities of a boy to improve academic performance. If Stanislav is not controlled, he will have serious problems with discipline. Stas has a creative nature, it is worth sending him to a music school or a drama club. Another boy is interested in reading, we recommend choosing the right literature.

Evelina is always a charming and sociable owner of an incredibly “light” character, she is extremely emotional, often self-confident, she is prudent, and sometimes tends to withdraw into herself. Mother nature awarded her simply the most exaggerated sense of decency, and, of course, moral standards for her are really the most important thing. And if Evelina happens to something, she doesn’t agree, she expresses all her emotions rather violently. However, serious failures never disappoint her.

In adolescence, parents have problems with Stanislav. He will have convictions with which he will go against the problems of life. If Stas devotes time to study, then he achieves great success. Energetic and proud, has a great sense of humor, does not go into his pocket for a word. If he himself turns out to be the subject of ridicule, he will take it very painfully.

Stanislav is considered by many to be strange and eccentric because of his dissimilarity to the others. He doesn't behave like that on purpose, he just has a very non-standard train of thought. Because of his excitability, he should not drive a car. Usually unbalanced. Nerves are a tight string. Irritable, but compliant, responsive. Such a character creates difficulties in life. Stanislav has an unbalanced psyche since childhood. He is capricious, tries to achieve his goal at any cost, stubborn and unrestrained. He cannot objectively assess the current situation, hardly admits his guilt.

In his youth, Stanislav often makes mistakes, but in life there will still come a moment when the guy will have to reconsider his beliefs and outlook on life. This usually happens after meeting with his wife. He must curb his irritability, otherwise Stas's success is not expected. If he succeeds, then Stanislav will be a sociable and sociable person, able to support any conversation.

He is somewhat selfish, therefore he can step over an outsider on the way to his own happiness. Not greedy, if possible, freely share with others. In love - sexual life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness. He marries for love, but there is some calculation in his choice. His intimate life always well hidden from prying eyes.

The character of Stanislav

Stanislav is persistent in achieving the intended goal, reliable, always ready to help. He does not try to impose his views on others, is not touchy, does not try to harbor evil. A man with a sharp mind and a sense of humor, it is always interesting to talk with such a man. To successfully communicate with Stanislav, you should always remember that any conflict situation arises from his excessive sensitivity and resentment.

Sometimes he can hide his feelings and seem funny and witty. If you show him attention and warmth, he will take it with great gratitude and become a devoted friend. The name Stanislav is characterized by restraint, noble manners, spiritual aspirations. The name Stanislav is laconic. He does not try to impose his views on others, he knows how to listen to the opinion of the interlocutor, but at the same time remains true to his views.

Proud and wary in everything related to their own success and well-being. In pursuit of his own happiness, he is so selfish that he can trample on everything that hinders him on the way to his goal. This is an egoist, but not a miser. A man named Stanislav is generous, shares everything. The capricious nature of Stanislav in the sphere of love shows completely different features: he is circumspect and constant.

In communication, the name Stanislav maintains a distance. You need to earn a lot of trust so that he opens up completely and reveals his vulnerability. You can always turn to the name Stanislav for help. The meaning of the name considers it his duty to help his neighbor to the detriment self-interest or the interests of your family.

The fate of Stanislav

Stanislav is quick-tempered and overly emotional, and this negatively affects his relationship with others, because he will not have so many friends. Natural data and a sharp mind will make Stas a valuable worker who will be appreciated by his superiors. Stanislav is one of those people who can succeed in various fields of activity. This man is dependent on the opinions of other people, which greatly affects his life. He can only become successful if he gets rid of such dependence.

Stas will be confused by the difficulties of life, therefore he may seem irresponsible and frivolous. But this is only an appearance. Stas always knows what he needs. He is selfish and selfish. This man is not easy to please, as it is difficult to adapt to the peculiar train of his thoughts. In communication, he maintains a distance, looks sarcastic and caustic, a lot of trust is needed for him to open up and show the nature of a vulnerable person. You can always ask this man for help, Stas will try to provide support. You should choose a special approach to him, then Stanislav will make an excellent friend.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Stas chooses the field of activity taking into account the desire to always be in sight. He is trying to choose a job where you have to communicate a lot with people, show active position, decide important questions. The complexity of the character leads to the fact that scandals often arise in communication with colleagues.

Sometimes, due to incontinence, it is not easy for Stas to find a job, whether he manages to gain a foothold in a position directly depends on the loyalty of the leader. Stas - creative person who can achieve success as an actor, musician or writer.

Marriage and family

In the family, Stanislav is also trying to assert himself, because the wife needs a complaisant, quiet and submissive. Otherwise, conflicts are inevitable, as the man will constantly try to present himself as the master of the situation. A rare girl can withstand such pressure, for this reason, divorce in Stas's life is a common occurrence. When he gains experience, he will try to pick up a companion more prudently.

If he finds a kind and modest woman who will see him as a protector, everything will turn out fine. Stanislav is thrifty, he knows how to manage the household wonderfully. He has a strong attachment to his mother, her opinion for him is the law. For this reason, the wife should make an attempt to please the mother-in-law. Although Stas may be a tyrant in family relationships if the wife obeys in everything, he becomes an attentive and caring spouse, trying to please her with surprises and gifts.

Sex and love

Stas is always in the spotlight, many girls will want to see him as a permanent partner. But this man is in no hurry to start a family, such a person attaches great importance to freedom and independence. The main opponent of Stas is the desire for popularity, his relationships often fall apart due to signs of attention given to other ladies.

If Stanislav feels genuine feeling, then the companion will be pleasantly surprised by the behavior of the original boyfriend. Such relationships will be strong, often they lead to marriage registration. Sexual life for Stas is a source of joy and happiness, for him it is very important, this sensual man devotes a lot of time to intimacy.


Kind, capricious, unbalanced. Stanislav is a typical phlegmatic. Possesses logical thinking, artistic taste, extraordinary imagination. Unusually patient, capable of exhausting, painstaking work. It is difficult to please Stanislav, it is difficult to adapt to his often changing mood and peculiar train of thought, which is not clear to everyone.

If Stanislav occupies a leadership position, then subordinates have a hard time. Achieves professional success in painting, cinematography and acting, in medicine, pedagogy, engineering work. He owns himself very well. Only very close people know how hard it is sometimes on his soul. The name Stanislav tends to idealize everything, therefore he hardly adapts to real life. As a rule, he does not have a devoted friend.

Interests and hobbies

Stanislav loves to travel very much, he is interested in learning everything new, traveling to other states. This man strives for independence, therefore he is able to achieve a lot in entrepreneurship. Stas is one of those people who likes to command others, but there is a nuance here. Excessive selfishness negatively affects the abilities of the leader of such a person.

He will make the head of a small firm, surrounded by a small number of devoted subordinates. Stanislav laughs at life's difficulties, which creates the impression of irresponsibility and frivolity. But this is only an appearance. The name Stanislav knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he does not want.

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