Uninvented life stories. Incredible life stories

Good true stories from the lives of ordinary people that inspire and make life happier and more fun!

90s. I will not write that they lived poorly (but that's how it was). I am a teenage girl. My elderly neighbor began to give me her clothes and jewelry from her youth when she wore the same size. They were surprisingly in perfect condition, did not look old-fashioned. After some time, I began to notice similar things on other girls. Only now I realized that a neighbor bought new things and gave them to me under the guise of old and unnecessary ones, because she understood how important it is to look beautiful at this age.

One summer I went home angry and tired, got caught in the rain and got soaked to the skin, so much so that the light dress began to shine through, and the cosmetics spread. I go, I catch the persistent glances of passers-by and get annoyed. What, you yourself have never been in such a situation ?! No, they are still looking at it, condemningly. In general, she reached the entrance and realized that she had been walking all the way, tightly clutching her purse and ... umbrella to her chest.

Standing with my daughter in the store. She was then three years old. She is wearing a white fur coat, a fluffy hat, high boots with beads. The eyes are big, big, the cheeks are burning from the cold. I turn around at the whimpering of a five-year-old boy: “Mom, I want such a girl! Such a beautiful one! I can't live without her!" We laughed with his mother, the kids met, grew up. They are getting married this year.

I'm on the bus. It got boring, I remembered the old joke. Staring at the girl, I look at her for a long time. Then I take the phone and say: "Chief, I found her." And this person, not at all lost, grabs her phone and says: “I slept, I demand an urgent evacuation.” I'm shocked. The whole bus was laughing.

After a car accident I can’t talk, literally, so I carry a notebook with a pen with me to somehow communicate with people. When I was in the hospital, my childhood friend came to me every day and discussed various topics with me. He began and patiently waited for an answer from me while I wrote it on paper, and then he began to challenge or support. I appreciate it, I appreciate this moment.

I like to sing in the bath, but only when my parents are not at home, since my singing is more like a howl of a sick dog. So, I stand once in the shower, I sing, I forgot that all my relatives are at home. When I left the bathroom, in front of me in the corridor I found my parents and sister sitting on chairs, clapping for me. Dad even dug up an artificial flower somewhere.

As children we lived in poverty, so my parents didn't have the money to take me to the hairdresser and cut the ends of my hair. This function was performed by my father. At school, I was terribly embarrassed about this, but now I understand how stupid I was, because not all daughters can boast that their father sews well on a sewing machine, knows how to sew shoes, cut, paint, build, change plumbing, cook food ... I'm proud of him.

In the 90s when I was five years old, and my brother is eight, my parents calmly left us alone at home and went to work. They didn’t give money, there were no sweets / chocolate / sweets. But we are children, we can’t live without sweets))) Then my brother took out my mother’s cookbook, we chose a simple recipe, went to the neighbors, collected the necessary ingredients and baked goodies ourselves!))) And then again we went to the neighbors and treated everyone, who shared. It was cool)))

I came up with the Five Minute Tenderness in my family. One has only to say: “And now the Five Minute of Tenderness,” as the husband and son drop their business and go to hug me, taking the cat along the way (he also participates in the Five Minute of Tenderness).

I work as a nurse in a psychiatric clinic. Yesterday a patient brought me a flower, I replied that it was wonderful and asked where I got it and he replied that there are many more of these on Mars. Well, aren't you cute?)

We had a fire in our apartment. One fucker wanted to surprise his wife: he laid out a romantic phrase on the LINOLEUM floor with two hundred candles, lit them and went to meet his wife from work! Returning half an hour later, they found the apartment in black smoke, since nothing had time to burn down. But! The walls and ceiling are covered in soot, the floor is burnt to the boards, everything in the cabinets is covered with a layer of black dense dust. Now it's time for a major overhaul. And you know what's the most annoying thing? That this unfinished romantic who inadvertently set fire to the apartment is my husband!

My future husband left me pregnant. All the time there was a good friend nearby, she recovered and let go of the situation quickly enough. He began to call to marry, but I said, they say, let me give birth, and then we'll see what we will do. And then he gives out: - well, yes, you will give birth, you will hand over the child and we will live! - the man was quite seriously sure that I would give up the child and the two of us would live together together. When I told him that I was not going to give up the child, I made such a face as if I had opened America to him. There are simply no words!

Married for two years. The husband sometimes likes to say, like, but my mother does it differently. She gave birth to a son, named Denis. Now I answer my husband's claims "And Deniskin's mother does just that"!

You come to visit: the apartment is licked to a shine, not a speck of dust or trash, at least call the auditor, and the hostess, running into a compliment, says, they say, don’t pay attention, I have such a mess here. At such moments, I always answer: "do not worry, I always have the same srach at home." For nefuy vyezhivatsya! You're pissed off!

I was sitting with my grandmother in a cafe and I saw how she collects small long bags of sugar in her bag. I often watched her like this, but I didn’t ask why, but then I was curious ... It turns out that she collects them in case a diabetic’s sugar drops. She saved so many people! Now I also always carry a bag of sugar with me.

Recently I moved in with a girl, we have been together for a long time, we decided to start living together, we rent an apartment, it’s a common thing. Like everyone else, we have quarrels and disagreements, on one such day, when we "did not talk", a tap broke off in our house. “Yeah,” I thought, “now someone will beg for help” ... Yeah ... Right now, she calmly turned off the water supply valve at home, took the gas key, unscrewed the mixer, went out, went somewhere, returned with a new set of gaskets (and I’m not talking about Libress), checked one of the new gaskets with a rotten gasket, changed it, took a whip, wrapped it around, screwed the mixer back on .... To say that a ** ate, to say nothing

I work in a fairly popular clothing store. Sometimes I realize with horror that the girls are still pigs. One left a used tampon in the fitting room. The other one is in the fitting room... Shit! And this is provided that all toilets are always open and are within walking distance! How do such women live in the world?

People who grew up in large cities are incredibly enraged and are sincerely surprised that everything is there in small ones. Wow, you have a swimming pool in your city, people drive Porsches, do you have a movie theater? No, damn it, we live in the forest, no cinema, no Internet, I fry deer meat on a fire, which my boyfriend killed with an onion. In the yard of the 21st century, a city of 100 thousand people, and yes - everything is there!

Last summer I overdid it with a tan. A burn, and, as a result, the skin will peel unevenly in pieces. The look is not very aesthetic. In order not to be ashamed to walk in open clothes with "rags" on the skin, I took a sticky roller for cleaning clothes. Result: smooth skin without peeling :))

I always thought we were the perfect family. Recently I realized that for a long time we have been talking with my husband exclusively about children and solving everyday issues. Each in his own world and to another does not climb. I tried to talk to him on abstract topics. Bottom line: we quarreled, disagreed, we haven’t talked for almost a week ...

I am a boy. I have a super stretch. I almost sit on the twine, I can throw my legs over my head. Everyone thinks that I did gymnastics, and they laugh. And I just in childhood and adolescence, coming home, did all sorts of tricks, turned off the light with my foot, posed as Bruce Lee: D

I dream of being given sick leave to care for pets. I have a dog after surgery. She now needs close care: feeding on a schedule, changing diapers, as she walks by herself, and there is no way to walk her yet, injections and medication at a certain time. And I have no idea how to do it all, if the work is from 9:00 to 18:00...

For the first time in 15 years of marriage, she decided to cheat on her husband. And since I myself am a doctor and I know a lot about the situation in our city with venereal diseases and AIDS, I directly asked a potential lover about this. As a result, they looked at me like I was a fool, my mood immediately changed, I quickly said goodbye and did not appear again. I sit and think: what did I say? Probably, cheating on your wife is normal, but thinking about the consequences is not.

My daughter is 4 months old and loves lively conversations. Lies, listens and is silent. And it should not be just an ordinary conversation, but an emotional one. When I'm too lazy to entertain her, I ask my husband about what he is fond of. And voila! A lively conversation for two hours is guaranteed. The daughter is calm, the husband is glad that his wife is interested in his hobby/opinion, and the wife herself is satisfied, who can do nothing))

When I was 7 years old, my friends and I found a porn cassette at my house. We were shocked by what we saw. And one day my mother caught me masturbating, scolded and slapped my hands, then asked where I learned this, and I told in tears that it was all thanks to the tape. She beat me even more. Now I'm 28, and I still don't understand why I was beaten. They themselves did not hide the cassette.

It infuriates when girlfriends give their VK password to their boyfriends. Then figs you will understand with whom you communicate. And also, when you write them something personal or something that they hide, they immediately start calling with claims: “Why are you writing such a VK to me now? My boyfriend is sitting there now!” Do I know that your boyfriend is sitting there now? And why the hell did you give him your password from VK, what kind of kindergarten is that?!

A few years ago, I adopted a kitten with my boyfriend. When parting, he left the cat with a fight. She moved back to her mother, out of grief she took another kitten. After some time, she decided to live separately - her mother, with tears in her eyes, begged to leave the cat to her. Then I started dating a man, he moved in with me already with his cat. Now we are on the verge of parting. Guess who is left without a cat again? ..

When a four-year-old daughter can't or "doesn't want" to fall asleep, we catch a dream. I explained to her that when a child enters the bedroom, sleep is already waiting for him. It must be caught and held or put under the pillow. Then you will fall asleep quickly, and you will see a good dream. Either the power of self-hypnosis, or it really catches, but falls asleep in two minutes :))

My grandmother is old, her legs hurt, but as soon as a thunderstorm begins, she runs faster than all champions to close all windows and doors. Just about 40 years ago, during a thunderstorm, a luminous ball flew into their house through the window, made a circle around the room and flew back. She says she's never been so scared.

In early childhood, birch sap was always collected in the spring, but the older guys were ahead of us and carried away all our work, leaving us empty containers. Until one of us, the bravest, peed in their bottle...

Today there was a strong wind with wet snow. I was driving along the road, listening to music, when suddenly from the window in front of the driving car a gasket flies to my windshield .. USED GASKET!!! Your mother!

My husband thinks he's a super lover! Because I end up with him several times. But it's not about him at all! I will end with any man. The main thing is that he has a penis, and that during sex he sucks my nipples. Some invisible thread connects my chest with the uterus. As soon as a man starts sucking her, being in me, the uterus immediately begins to orgasm!

I noticed an oddity in my husband's behavior when it comes to his laptop. I struggled for a long time, but curiosity won over me and I decided to ask the missus what he was hiding from me. Reluctantly, I was told that, it turns out, this fool created a female account for himself in order to participate in mother's fights on all sorts of forums about children. He lets off steam like that ... Now he walks and sniffs offended for my rzhach, but I just can’t calm down! And the female account - because this way his word will have more weight.

Five years ago, a shop gave me a hundred-ruble note. It had T+D written on it. My handwriting. Mine! I recognize my handwriting (rather peculiar) from a thousand. I told my relatives, they didn’t believe me: “Yes, this can’t be. And when did you write? ", and I could have written this on money. Yes, and my handwriting!!! So since no one believed it, I put a signature and a date on this denyuzhka. Just to be sure. And today this money has returned to me again))) )

She was in the hospital in a double room. I am with a one year old son and a seven year old boy. Seemingly normal. The first day showed interest in new guests. Actively helped with the baby. On the second day, he began to make noise, climb onto the windowsill, say obscene words. But, what surprised me most of all, when I warned that I was hitting my lips with mats and beat him, he laughed. And on the ass beat he laughed. I realized that he lacked attention. Mom came to him. Rough woman in tracksuit. She brought the child clean clothes, juices, and so on. It seemed to me that her concern was feigned, but I decided that she was no mother. And it's none of my business. The day before he was discharged, the boy said that he did not want to get well, but wanted to be sick with us. It turned out that after the hospital he returned to the shelter. Mom visits him on request. The issue of deprivation of parental rights is being decided, because the mother poked the father twice with a knife. Not fatal, but dad has scars on his leg ... By the way, the child is smart. I read fairy tales to him, together they counted up to 129, I prompted. We lived together for 6 days, and by the fifth day he consciously helped, not because I was an adult, but because we were equals. He gave me diapers and I gave him books and a phone, he put the plates on the table, and I took them away. We have become one team. I even downloaded a song for him, with his words "Stas Mikhailovich - we fall to the ground together we" and listened to it, even though I can't stand chanson. But it was worth seeing how he smiles and sings along, and I didn’t care anymore. This was a story about the fact that you can give love and attention even to other people's children so that their gloomy world becomes a little brighter.

Somehow I was drinking with my friends in karaoke, a strange area, far from home. I go out for a smoke and I feel someone stuck to my legs. I look at a puppy in a collar - obviously homely. Well, she pushed me away and went on a walk. In the morning I called a taxi, drove home, went out to the car, and this puppy again runs to me, maneuvering through dozens of other, walking up, legs. What should I do? - took. The bear has been with me for 4 months and during this time everything has changed for the better in my life! And yes, she is a girl - Michelle! The smartest and most loyal dog!

Mom divorced dad 10 years ago. Grandmother (former mother-in-law) comes to visit her every year (mother is married), helps in every possible way. They are generally best friends with my father's sister ... I met my husband for 10 years, and I always thought that I would have the same friendly family .... I imagined how I would keep secrets with his older sister))) I have been married for three years and. ... they hate me, and all because, after the birth of a child, he stopped supporting his sister's family ... her husband does not want to work. They do not understand that now we have our own family, a child and he does not owe them anything ...

My husband is sitting at home pissing. Therefore, I have no problems with the splashed floor, the toilet bowl and the smell because of this) And all because he lived alone for three years and he had to clean the toilet himself.

Unfamiliar numbers periodically call me on Viber, I, as a typical introvert, never answered, until one day a contact called with a surname, like a colleague, quite rare. I thought maybe I lost my phone, I called back. And ta-dam, the secret is revealed: his daughter wanted to talk with Tigra, who is on my ava)) now not only do I answer all calls, but I also start the conversation with "u-hu-hu-hu"

Yesterday evening I was going in a minibus, full of people, everyone is sitting silently, who is thinking about what. At the stop, a seat is vacated, which is immediately behind the driver, on which a young mother, 22-23 years old, sits down with a girl, 4 years old. That is, she sits with her back forward, and facing all the people. As soon as the minibus started moving, the girl began to whine on the topic: “ma-ma, well, buy me a barbie,” and in different ways, very drawn out and mournful.
To which mommy whined in her tone “why do you need a barbie, you already have three pieces, it might be better to buy a coloring book, etc.”
“All this whining put on not only me, but all the passengers. About three stops later, the girl’s strategy changed. She pouted and fell silent, apparently harboring a terrible resentment. I’ll tell my grandmother something about you!” Mom: "and what are you going to tell me about me" Girl "I'll tell you, I'll tell you something. I saw something ..."
The whole minibus tensed up and listened - what did she see there.

” Mom - “Well, what did you see?”

Daughter "And I saw how you kissed your father's pussy yesterday."

We all lay down with laughter, mother stopped the minibus, grabbed her daughter under the arm, and jumped out.
Do you think it's the end? Nevermind. A guy sat in her place, and with a small son. Years 8.
Everyone continued to laugh, the guy naturally did not understand why, but he also smiled stupidly. And then his son gave“Dad, buy me soldiers”! The minibus was shaken by such laughter that the driver had to stop, as he was laughing with us. After the driver laughed, he turned to the salon and said“Man, you better buy soldiers - away from sin”The guy drove another four stops. Everyone was laughing, and he was sitting in complete bewilderment, probably thinking that he got into a minibus full of idiots. Well, really, what's funny in the phrase “pa-pa, well, buy soldiers”?

Minibus with the final stop "Sagarny village". Everyone sat down, all the seats were occupied ... The driver started the car ... Then the grandmother opens the door ... And then he asks the driver:"Milok, do you have a Sugar End?". A slight giggle passed along the minibus ... The driver, without hesitation, answered: "I don't know, I haven't tried it!".

An open rzhach went along the minibus! The grandmother, having examined the salon with a hawkish look, realized that there were no empty seats ... And holding out 20 rubles to the carrier, she said:"Take me standing!". The driver falls out of the cab into a snowdrift and is shaking in hysterics.

We traveled with my mother in the bus. Bus - Ikarus. The driver is completely fenced off from the cabin by a booth, there is a window in it to pay for the fare. At the next stop, a woman gets on the bus and, as in a joke, with eggs.

There are a lot of people, well, she slipped a bag of eggs through the window, so as not to be crushed. At the next stop, people began to get off, the passage is narrow. And then, loudly, it is heard:

- "Don't push me, I'm keeping the driver's eggs!"

We did not immediately start from the stop, at first we laughed properly ...

November 28, 2012 - about 8:30 in the morning, trolley bus, flea market, but not yet a crush. A man (M) is sitting on one seat, and next to him he put a box of eggs, a box of 50 pieces. The indignant conductor (K), that there are no places anyway, and he still occupies these eggs, every time passing by him, said:- Man remove the eggs, this went on for 4 stops.

Once again, climbing through the crowd, indignant to the limit, she pulls him by the shoulder and irritably:- Man, are you going to remove your eggs or not??!!!A completely different man turns around (he already left like a couple of stops ago) and says:- What about me? More than others??!!!The whole trolleybus lay.

It was a couple of years ago - they just started issuing licenses for shooting game. As a lover of this business, I really needed this very piece of paper ... The nearest hunting inspection is located in a neighboring city and works only half a day on weekdays. I can’t get to them, because there is no way to break from work.

He cheated, persuaded his wife to go instead of me, they say, dear, keep the documents, you will show them to the hunter there, and he will issue a license. In general, she arrives there, stands in a long line - of course, the only girl among the crowd of bearded men.

Her turn came, she gave the documents to the hunter. He started typing something into the computer, writing down something in a notebook, and then he asked the usual (and quite logical) question:“Who do you need a license for?”. Well, the wife was confused and said:"On the husband!"

In line tantrum 15 minutes.

I work in the call center of Sberbank. Once a colleague (she is on outgoing calls) told a joke - they were instructed to call disgruntled (complaint) customers and ask if their problem was solved. Like, check the quality of the work of the relevant department ... Further dialogue (P - girlfriend, M - man):

P - Hello, my name is Svetlana, I represent Sberbank of Russia and I would like to talk to Vasily Anatolyevich.

M - But we don’t have such ... Except maybe a cat! Do you want to talk to him?

A friend is lost, but still continues: - And your cat some time ago did not file a complaint with Sberbank regarding advice and quality of service?

M - Wow! Have you complained to Sberbank? (a cat's meow can be heard in the background)

M - He says that he did not file any complaints!

P - Sorry to bother you. Have a nice day!

The other day I went to court, listened to a story from my life there, it shocked me.

In court, a lot of time is wasted. Here is the case. The court is open from 9 am, I have a case at 9-30. Well, I think. good - there will be no delays. So no. I come to court, and I have FOUR cases before me. At 9-00, 9-10, 9-20, 9-30. It is clear that each listens not for 10 minutes, but for an hour, two, three. As a result, having business at 9-30, we enter the hall only at the third hour. However, I digress. So, while waiting, I heard the story of one lawyer. Very interesting.

In short, there lived a man, a Muscovite, he had an apartment. Not an alcoholic, but he drank periodically, like everyone else. And he did not work anywhere, but lived on the fact that he rented two rooms to Tajiks. I don’t know how many rooms in the apartment, but judging by I’ll tell you, since I rented “rooms”, it means three-room, or even four, because the owner himself lived there. In general, a rather big apartment and not cheap.

And so, the Tajik woman, who rented from him, being pregnant, says to the peasant - “we will give you money, and you become the father of the child so that my child receives Russian citizenship. Born in Russia, father is a citizen of Russia, like they should give citizenship. Well, the man agreed, money is needed. And he became a father. They gave him money. Here the question may arise, where does the Tajik money come from? Apparently, those Tajiks were not those who live in basements and work as janitors, but more "advanced". Relatives gathered there, or something like that.

After some time, it suddenly turns out that the child must be registered in this apartment, with the “father”. Well, they registered. A mother has the right to live with her child. In general, this Tajik woman with a baby has every right to live in this apartment, and through this she is no longer obliged to pay for rent. And the owner can not write them out in court. Because the owner of the premises can discharge anyone in court, except for the next of kin. And the child according to the documents is his son. And the Tajik woman is the owner of nobody, but the mother has the right to live with the child. Do you think this is the whole ambush in this story? No, this is just the beginning.

In general, the owner of the apartment became sad, and the Tajik woman told him: “We will not leave you, we will help you earn money. Let's do business, come to our share. Well, he was delighted, he asked: “what to do?”. And she replies: “Yes, nothing special needs to be done. Help us get loans. You are a citizen of Russia, you have real estate, they will give you. And we will expand the business.” In general, he took out loans in his own name. Naturally, the money went somewhere sharply. And you have to give. Several months pass, the Tajik woman says to him: “We will not leave you, you have done so much for us. My wise relatives from Tajikistan will come now, and we will come up with something.”

Her relatives come, they come to this apartment to meet a man. And they “come up with something”, namely, such a plan: “you give this apartment to your supposedly child. We will pay off all loans for this and you will not have problems with banks. You will remain registered in the apartment and you will live like the father of a child. Well, man, understandably shocked by such an offer. But, on the other hand, if you do not agree, the bank will take away the apartment and move it to a hostel. So, it turns out, there is no way out. Well, the man thought, and agreed. Gave an apartment to a child who is not his at all.

After some time, the man was asked to leave the apartment under the back of his knee. Under what circumstances is unknown, the narrator is silent about this. At the same time, no one thought to pay off loans. In general, the moment of insight came - the man realized that something had gone wrong in this whole story. And it's time to turn to lawyers. And so, he came to the lawyer who told me all this in the corridor of the court.

Oddly enough, the problem turned out to be quite easily solved. That is, of course, not in five minutes, but the chances are very high. Recognition of paternity as invalid → recognition of the donation agreement as invalid → restoration of the peasant's ownership of the apartment. Well, with loans, however, it is more difficult. In general, four lawsuits, four cases, and for each lawyer asked very godly, 80 thousand. 320 thousand for everything. All right, 300. But the peasant has no money at all and nowhere to take it. The lawyer does not want to work in debt, he advised me to find money. On that they parted.

This is how much a person’s brains should liquefy in order to let themselves be dragged into such a story like this? I understand that everything happens gradually, and each step leads to a new hopeless situation. But there is more than one such story... And this, we note, is in Moscow, in the 21st century.

I work in neonatal intensive care. When I go to eat in the sister's room, I ask Nicholas the Wonderworker to look after the children. When I return, everything is quiet, calm, no one was extubated. Today I forgot to ask and just went out for lunch. I'll be back in 15 minutes. , the child is all gray, the heart is below 60, the saturation is about 25 ... Fortunately, there was a doctor nearby and fixed the problem. I don't think it's a coincidence

I watch a program about mysterious places and there, in the state of Georgia, there is a certain monument, such as a message to future generations about the end of the world, etc. At the moment I see records in a familiar language. I look closely, and there "#wow you, we want to live"

My man does not know how to express his feelings. He never says that he loves me, does not give flowers, does not make sudden gifts. But on the other hand, he knows exactly what sweets I like, he always meets me at the bus stop after work, always prepares a light dinner for me if I am late, prepares breakfast if he gets up earlier, and gently kisses me on the forehead when he wakes me up in the morning. And I know that he loves me. Because true love lies not in words, but in the inconspicuous daily trifles of family life.

When I gave birth to a son, I did not communicate with my mother for 2 months (we live in different cities). And all because my mother, when I was 4, took me to my grandmother and left me there. I lived with my grandmother until I was 20, until I left the city. Mom had her own life, she did not give money, but sometimes she took from me, those that my grandmother gave. I thought that I had forgiven, but when I took my son in my arms, it hurt so much ... What kind of monster do you have to be to leave your child? Now we communicate, but I probably won’t be able to forgive.

When I sit too long in the bathroom, my mother knocks on the door and says some kind of joke, hinting that it's time to get out. Once she knocked on the door with the words: "Hey, what are you doing there? If you decided to sign up for suicide, then just not 6 days before my birthday." If only she knew that was the only thing that stopped me that day.

I live in the private sector. A house is being built on the next street, which is "guarded" by a dog. Recently at night this dog attacked a woman. chewed off his head and hand. the whole body is gnawed, no one responded to cries for help. I don’t blame the dog, and even those who didn’t respond to the cries. I think its owner is a complete scum. This freak fed a huge dog every 4-5 days ...

This case was told to me by a social worker (he takes care of pensioners). Grandfather alone from her site was dying. Sitting next to him is his wife, also a grandmother, lamenting that they could not give birth to children. And the grandfather replies to her: "Why did I send you to the south ONE every year to rest, so that you would bring me shells ?!"

I'm 19, I've been working as a cleaner at the station for the second year. During this time, I managed to understand what kind of people are pigs. Not only will they stick chewing gum on the floor and on the railing, they will trample, they will click on the seeds and throw other garbage, but they will also show you "your place". "We have the right to go where we want, we do what we want, and you shut up and mine!" Have a conscience. A person is not born with a rag in his hands, and even more so, he does not go to such a job with a beggarly salary from a good life. There must be at least some respect for the one who cleans up YOUR shit after you.

Like in the 80s. I was given a solid deodorant. Used for three months, and even began to sweat less. Until a friend told me. Under the main cover, remove the additional plug.

Me and my friends from the yard were 7-8 years old. I really liked to watch, hiding behind a dam, how men near the river brought prostitutes in cars and mercilessly fucked on the hood. And we ... We giggled and jerked off in a crowd. This is what I understand, a childhood fetish.

At work, I went to the toilet and I hear a rather strange monologue from the next cubicle: “Are you crazy? Are you completely crazy? Are you bored with life or what? A minute later, a girl from the neighboring department came out, looking at me strangely. After talking with her colleagues, I found out that the girl, visiting the WC, regularly talks to her intimate place after she was accused of not going to the toilet too aptly in a small way. o_o

Today I was at school for the celebration of my eight-year-old son. The teacher announced a white dance. Masha, my son's girlfriend, invited him to dance, and this ghoul crawled under the desk and yelled from there that he was in the house. Masha then sobbed so bitterly from resentment, and this piglet, even if there is no trace of cutting on his face, walks happy like a turkey. I felt very sorry for Masha and very ashamed of my son. What a little bastard is growing. I wanted to go up and give him a slap on the back of the head. It's embarrassing...

Pregnant, 6 months old, daughter is given very hard, the whole pregnancy in hospitals. The husband is caring, he didn’t give a reason for jealousy, but something was still wrong, she decided on a mean act, looked at the phone. He has two "favorite" mistresses, he brought one home when I was in the hospital. I don’t know how to hide, so I told everything, in response - “Well, you’re a rat, I believed you, why did you look at MY phone, I wanted a loving family, you ruined everything.” It's my fault, he said. There is nowhere to go, no parents. Want to die.

After the institute, I worked at a chemical plant, there was an accident and the mucous membrane in my mouth was burned. When the fabrics were renewed, the world became different. Before that, I did not understand the taste of cheese and mushrooms, I did not like sauces. Now I can feel the aromas and aftertaste. I can immediately tell whether there is a powder in milk, whether alcohol is of high quality. I began to cook well, felt the power of spices. I began to feel the smells of people, sometimes outwardly a person is not very good, but from his smell the river flows.

My work involves business trips and my colleagues and I often ride around different cities. I am married, my colleagues are also not free: some are married, some are in a relationship. But in almost every business trip they order "girls". Of course, they also offer me and look like a leper when I refuse. I recently found out that one of my colleagues proves to others that I'm impotent, since I don't fuck women on trips. Apparently the option that my wife and I have been together for 15 years, I love her very much and do not want to change is less interesting

New Year. Incident in a friend's family. With the last money, gifts were bought and the table was set, the wallet was empty. On January 1, the son returns from a walk and happily shows a 500r bill, he found it! !! By evening, a friend with her husband on the street finds 1000 rubles, pants full of joy! Later, the husband went to park the car, comes angry and with furious eyes, from the threshold: "No, well, why do you like the money, and I X @ Y ? ??" And throws a gift bag on the table, and in it is a rubber member from sex shop (someone dropped it while getting out of the car))))))

A friend was a school teacher. Went right after college. What follows is a classic story. High school student, does not give passage, unambiguous hints, dirty tricks. Each unsatisfactory mark was considered as nitpicking of the teacher in the headmaster's office. Last call. High school graduation. By the will of fate, the warring parties collided in a nightclub. "Hello, Ekaterina Nikolaevna, how are you, how glad I am to see you!" "Semenov? FUCK YOU, Semenov!"

As a child, I learned from somewhere that if you say something into the sewer hole in the bathroom (located below the side), it will be heard by the neighbors. And one day, while taking water procedures, I noticed that the neighbors also had someone in the bathroom. Well, without hesitation, I put my face to this hole as tightly as possible and said in a cartoonish voice: "Hello! I'm a brownie!" I have never heard such a clatter and cry "MAMA-A-A" from the neighbors) This is how myths are born.

My daughter is 18 years old, a wonderful girl, I have never been ashamed of her, she studies well, knows several languages, entered a prestigious university on a budget, communicates with a good company, rarely asks me for money, she tries to earn extra money somewhere: then leaflets distributes, then brews coffee, then goes as a teacher to a children's camp. I have NEVER seen her drunk despite the fact that the children of my friends from the age of 12 come home vomiting, my daughter constantly campaigned against smoking and sex despite the fact that she has a boyfriend with whom she has been together for two years. I always thought she was too perfect for me. Today I decided to wash her bag and found weed, condoms and a pregnancy test there. Suddenly.

Early in the morning, the husband gives out: Someone lives with us! It turned out that he woke up at about three in the morning and decided to smoke. On the way to the balcony, I stumbled, cursed and suddenly heard in response. He stopped, looked around, listened, silence. He decided that he had heard and out loud again scolded himself. And again, frightening Realizing that these are not glitches, but reality, he changed his mind about smoking and ran into the bedroom. Now my husband doesn’t get up at night to smoke, and I removed the self-spraying air freshener away so that I don’t scare anymore))))

Now I live with my family in Germany. Children know two languages, study well, my husband and I earn a lot. It's all good now. And there was a time when I starved for days on end, shared an apartment with an alcoholic mother, studied and worked wherever I had to. My husband (then a boyfriend) worked around the clock to help me. When we saved up some money and left, everyone abruptly turned away from us (there was only one friend in Russia). I remained bad because I left my mother. That's why my children don't know their grandmother who is an alcoholic.

I have my own gazelle. There is not enough work now, because of this he put it up for sale. Yesterday an order was received, it was necessary to load at a construction site and take the goods. I arrived at the construction site, went to find out what was happening. I found out, they showed me where to get up for loading. But the car refused to start. I wanted to climb under the hood, but I didn’t have time, my attention was diverted by an emergency: from a height of about 30 meters, a plate weighing 7 tons fell. Fell on my pickup. After that the car started up. I will never sell my car.

My dad went to university and left home. Since money was tight, the first time he came home only on New Year's Eve. From the scholarship, he brought gifts to everyone, the most important gift was deodorant (they had just appeared on sale, in the village from which dad came, they had not heard of such a thing). Situation: winter, Siberia, -40 outside, Dad brings this deodorant. His brother's only reaction was: "Thanks, of course, but it's like we're sweating here."

The large family was against linguistic education. Mom and stepfather told me not to listen to anyone and gave me money for a year of study. And from the second I went to self-sufficiency. Work in a children's center, private tutoring and freelance. I was just ashamed to take money from my mother. And now, all those who were against my education demand that I work with their children. For free. We're a family. But fuck them. I will never forget how many nights I cried because of these bastards.

My ex and I knew each other's VK passwords, and he liked to write any x-nude on my behalf there. I freaked out, changed the password, and nothing came to my mind like the word condom. The password was so easy to remember that I put it everywhere, including my work email. And one day I had to blush, I got sick and dictated to a colleague the password from the mail on the phone. By the way, she checked out the password, said the original one!))

I was 7 years old, my brother was 5, we walked with him in the yard. Summer, a lot of children, everyone is running, screaming. I played with a friend and lost sight of my brother. I look around and see how my brother is taken away by the hand by some woman. I’m in shock, I can’t scream, and no one would pay attention to me. In general, I take my baby doll the size of a real baby, catch up with the thief and throw it at her. My aunt is in shock, I grab my brother and run. I still don’t know who she was, but I’m glad that I had my baby doll at hand!

When I was 13 years old, I met a girl on the Internet. At first we corresponded, then we chatted on Skype, then we sent real letters to each other, drew pictures, gave gifts for the holidays. Living in the same country, we never met. After high school, I went abroad. Then she moved to live in a neighboring country. I turned out to be the closest person to her in a 4-hour drive. She took the ticket and came to me. We met seven years later, and our friendship still lives to the detriment of all skeptics.

My best friend is getting married and I love her very much, but these new-fangled foreign trends piss me off. Arrange a bachelorette party for the bride - throw off (3000 minimum), give a gift and at least 5000, so you also see the dress of the color that the couple chose the color of the wedding and don’t care that it doesn’t suit me, that I don’t have such a dress - buy it, and if you refuse, you will be an enemy of the people. And all this, provided that my salary is below average, so get out as you like.

I worked as a waitress. There are a lot of things to do before the opening of the restaurant: wipe the furniture, and prepare all sorts of tubes / napkins, and beautifully lay out the cutlery on each table, in general, there are a million things to do, and only an hour, usually two open. One day my colleague fell ill, and of course I overslept. There are 15 minutes before the opening, I run and think how will I manage to do everything? I run in and see an oil painting - our healthy, stern uncle guard meticulously lays out the forks parallel to the knives, and the hall shines. Reciprocity :)

I started working at 15, earning a lot. Now I have found another job, they pay twice as much. But the work is not easy either. There are 4 children in our family, there is a father. The family is complete. But every time they demand my salary from me, despite the fact that I live do not take it off. I do not refuse to help them, but they do not allow me to start living on my own. I want to create my own family, I want to live, not survive, I have my own goals. My father does not want to work, he decided that if I work, then he has no reason to, I have to support everyone. Infuriates. Boy, 20 years old

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