What is geodesy and what questions does it solve. The engineering geodesy. Geodetic works and their types

The earth at all times has been a key interest of man, its presence made him rich and influential, therefore all actions related to the study and calculation of this natural resource are included in a single science. What is geodesy, what types is it divided into and why is it necessary. We will talk about everything in detail.


This is a science that studies the surface of the planet Earth, characterizes its properties, using a variety of methods and methods. If we translate the word from the Greek language literally, then we get agriculture, since “geo” in Greek means “land”, and “desia” means “to divide”.

In the days of Ancient Greece, when this term was born, it fully reflected the essence of science, because the land was then constantly divided between countries and empires. Today, the direction includes many more processes and tasks, so the exact translation is not used.

It is important to know! The Egyptians, long before the beginning of our era, were engaged in complex geodetic measurements for the construction of pyramids and irrigation canals.

Today, geodesy includes land surveying in its various manifestations and all methods of measurement, the purpose of which is to determine the size and shape of land plots. Scientists who work in this field are called surveyors.

Their field of activity is very extensive:

  • application of new ways of creating land maps;
  • the use of various methods for measuring space: on the surface, under water, above the ground, in space;
  • measuring objects that are on the earth's surface and plotting them on maps.

The scientist Witkowski believed that this is one of the most useful and necessary sciences, since the existence of mankind is limited by the space of the Earth, and it is necessary to study its structure and structure.

Tasks and types of science

With the development of technology, this science is also changing, as are its processes and tasks, for example, today all data must be passed through computer systems. To answer the question of why geodesy is needed, it is necessary to understand that the tasks assigned to it are divided into fundamental and applied.

All processes associated with the study of the planet and its gravitational field as a whole are fundamental.

This group of scientists is engaged in:

  • transfer of data and parameters of various land plots to maps and topographic plans;
  • the study of tectonic plates and their movement;
  • creation of a unified coordinate system and its display on the surface of the Earth.

The applied group is engaged in solving practical problems that allow carrying out various land works:

  • creation of geographic information systems and their use;
  • work with cadastral plans (creation and processing);
  • accumulation of accurate topographic data.

Measuring processes, working with coordinate systems, creating topographic documents - all this is applied geodesy, and all actions with the earth are geodetic works.

Due to the vastness of the tasks of science, it was divided into types:

  1. Higher geodesy is the main branch of science that studies the structure of the planet Earth, its characteristics, as well as its coordinates and characteristics in space. It also includes: geodetic astronomy - which collects astronomical data from the planet; gravimetry - observations of the movements of the earth's crust, tectonic plates and rocks; space geodesy - the use of spacecraft to study the characteristics of the Earth.
  2. Topography - this includes all actions for working with maps: transferring the terrain to paper, as well as drawing real objects on it. This industry deals with the measurement and description of land on paper, both on a global scale (atlases, maps) and on a smaller scale (measurement of the area and preparation of cadastral plans, construction assistance).
  3. Cartography - this branch can be attributed to topography, given that cartography is engaged exclusively in the creation of maps of any scale.
  4. Photogrammetry - shooting the Earth's surface with photographic devices installed on aircraft, satellites, to create documents (maps, atlases, cadastres).
  5. Engineering or construction geodesy is the most popular, modern branch of surveying for the construction of any structures.
  6. Mine surveying - is engaged in the study of underground resources, on the basis of these studies, then underground work is carried out by miners.
  7. Hydrography - mapping and methods for studying the surface of the earth's crust in the seas and oceans.

All processes associated with the study of the land resource are necessary not only for a better understanding of the structure of the planet Earth, but also for everyday earthworks.

Geodetic works and their types

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what geodetic work is, since there are many different definitions of this concept. The definition closest to the truth is all the work that is carried out in the process of erecting various engineering and hydraulic structures.

They are divided into two types:

  1. Field - measurement and description of the earth's surface on the ground.
  2. Cameral - subsequent processing of data received on the ground.

Such works can be preliminary, or started before the start of construction, and incidental, which are carried out during the construction process. Regardless of the deadlines, passing control is carried out in the form of monitoring the deformation of soils and measuring the necessary parameters.

There are the following types of geodetic works:

  1. Topographic and geodetic - this type includes the creation of all possible cartographic schemes, as well as the definition of the construction of the future structure. Calculations are carried out during the construction of residential complexes, large engineering structures, as well as the reconstruction of cities. At the same time, all surveys take place on a certain strict scale, corresponding to objects, whether they are settlements or industrial zones with transport hubs.
  2. Staking is the division of the area into squares with fixed vertices, the installation of geodetic markers and the development of layout drawings, which are made in generally accepted state formats and facilitate construction processes, as well as provide guaranteed quality control. After the breakdown has been carried out, the results are sent to the building contractor along with the drawings.
  3. Executive survey - is carried out during the entire construction and captures the objects under construction and their exact location. Shooting refers to the control processes and provides timely receipt of information about the ongoing construction, as well as the compliance of the future building with the requirements of GOST. At the same time, those parts of the buildings that ensure the stability of the entire structure are especially closely monitored.
  4. Deformability monitoring is another control process, which consists in carefully monitoring possible deviations in structures from the established parameters during construction. Monitoring is carried out in stages, as well as the construction process: when pouring the foundation, for each five floors rebuilt, after the construction is completed. During monitoring, they especially closely monitor the foundation (if there are any deflections and rolls), the draft of the building itself and its roll, as well as deviations of parts from the monolith.
  5. Control of underground networks - carried out before, during and after the construction of structures. Control over the subsidence of the building must be constant, since this process is influenced by many factors, both human and natural. By shooting, all communications (wells, drainages) and their parameters are recorded, as well as docking with other previously laid networks and communications.

Geodesy in construction is a necessity and a guarantee of safety, therefore it cannot be neglected in general or any process should be abandoned. Savings in this case can be tragic.

It is important to know! Geodetic work is necessary both for the general development of settlements and the construction of large engineering structures, and for private small-scale construction.


How measurements are taken depends on their type, but in general, any construction is carried out according to a certain scheme.

The technology of geodetic works is as follows:

  1. Selection of a territory for construction: conduct geological surveys, consider the relief, composition and characteristics of the soil, and the surrounding territories.
  2. Linking the future object to the already built one. This point is especially relevant in large cities, where development is carried out in cramped conditions. The task of surveyors is to correctly plan the placement of the future object.
  3. Transfer of terrain on topographic maps. At this stage, a detailed building plan is created and a display of all existing objects on it.
  4. The study of the movement of the earth's crust: seismically stable areas of the earth are determined, the dependence of shifts on natural conditions and other factors. Based on the results of the study, construction plans are developed and appropriate technologies are applied.

During measurements and calculations, special, often electronic, instruments are used, including:

  • level - the tool helps to measure the height of the points of the object;
  • tachometer - with the help of this device, builders measure the angles and heights of points in space;
  • theodolite - available in two varieties: optical and electronic, helps to correctly measure angles in space.

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Summing up

Geodesy is a science that is in demand in construction and other industries. With its help, humanity can rationally use an invaluable resource - the earth.

In contact with

Surveyor- a specialist in compiling terrain maps, making calculations necessary to describe the terrain.

Features of the profession

Geodesy is associated with astronomy, geophysics, astronautics, cartography, etc., and is widely used in the design and construction of structures, navigable canals, and roads.

The main task of geodesy is the creation of a coordinate system and the construction of reference geodetic networks that make it possible to determine the position of points on the earth's surface.

Geodesy is divided into higher geodesy, topography and applied branches of geodesy. Geodetic work is usually carried out by government services. International geodetic research is organized and directed by the International Association of Geodesy, acting on the initiative and within the framework of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union.

With the help of geodesy, projects of buildings and structures are transferred from paper to nature with millimeter accuracy, volumes of materials are calculated, and compliance with the geometric parameters of structures is monitored. The position of a point on the earth's surface is determined using three coordinates: latitude, longitude and altitude (for example, mean sea level).

Geodetic data is used in cartography, navigation, etc. Geodetic measurements are used in seismology and in the study of plate tectonics, and gravity surveys are traditionally used by geologists in the search for oil and other minerals.

Three levels of geodetic works:

The first level is planned shooting on the ground, i.e. determining the position of points on the earth's surface relative to local control points for compiling topographic maps necessary for construction and land cadastre.

The second level - conducting surveys on a national scale. In this case, the area and shape of the surface are determined in relation to the global reference network, taking into account the curvature of the earth's surface.

The third level is global. This is the highest geodesy, which studies the figure of the planet Earth, its gravitational field, determines the points of the earth's surface, used as reference points for building a geodetic network, a reference for all other types of geodetic work.

The main directions of geodesy:

  • Higher geodesy - studies the dimensions of the Earth, its gravitational field, carries out work on the transfer of coordinate systems accepted in the world to the territory of a particular state. This area also includes work on the study of the movements of the earth's crust - modern and occurred many millions of years ago.
  • Engineering geodesy is an applied geodetic direction. Engineering and geodetic work is associated with the development of methods for conducting geodetic measurements carried out during the operation of various engineering structures, their design and construction. It is engineering geodesy as a tool in the hands of competent specialists that makes it possible to verify the degree of deformation of structures, to ensure the construction of structures in strict accordance with the project.
  • Topography is the scientific discipline where geodesy and cartography intersect. Topography includes geodetic work related to the measurement of the geometric characteristics of objects on the surface of the Earth.
  • Space geodesy - has been developed since the moment the first artificial satellite was launched from the Earth. This area of ​​science is the prerogative of the state, measurements in space geodesy are made not only from the territory of our planet, but also from satellites.
  • Mine surveying direction of geodesy - responsible for geodetic work and measurements in the bowels of the earth. Experts in this industry are needed for any underground survey: the construction of tunnels, laying the subway, conducting geological exploration expeditions.

Engineering geodesy has been widely used. Geodetic work in construction is an obligatory and most important part of the process of designing and erecting structures.

Geodetic works in land management are also in demand. They are carried out when preparing any land management projects, changing and clarifying the boundaries of land plots, planning land in agriculture, and many other cases.

Geodesy is used in mining to calculate blasting and rock volumes, etc.

The work of a surveyor consists of two stages:

  1. Special measurements using geodetic instruments.
  2. Processing of results using mathematical and graphical methods and drawing up maps (plans).

To survey the terrain, the surveyor uses levels, theodolites, rangefinders, compasses, etc. Recently, special laser scanners have been used to scan the terrain. These devices make it possible to capture absolutely all the features of the relief, quickly obtain a three-dimensional visualization of even hard-to-reach objects (bridges, flyovers, elements of overhead communications).


Topographers, land surveyors can work in the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI), agricultural, rural administrations and other organizations that need surveys and measurements in a particular area.

Geodetic engineers and topographers work in companies engaged in the construction and installation of communications, oil and gas pipelines, water utilities, and subway lines.


Salary as of 04.07.2019

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 50000—150000 ₽

Important qualities

Technical mindset, mathematical ability, attentiveness. In addition, hardening and good physical preparation are very important, because. A surveyor spends a lot of time in the field.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know the basics of cartography and geodesy, different methods of surveying the terrain, mathematics, drawing, methods of using geodetic and photogrammetric instruments.

Surveyor training

(SNTA Moscow) has been implementing educational programs in the direction of "Geodesy" for many years. Educational activities are conducted on the basis of a state license. Distance programs for retraining and advanced training comply with the professional standards of the Ministry of Labor and the requirements for programs of the Ministry of Education. All documents on education are of state standard, and are issued personally by courier service.

Exact sciences play an important role in human life. For example, without seemingly primitive geometry it is impossible to build a house, and without mathematics it is impossible to calculate the amount of materials needed. The same applies to geodesy, because people began to deal with the marking of land plots since ancient times.

Geodesy: scientific definition and stages of development

Geodesy is a scientific field directly related to the improvement of civilization and the environment. The word itself came from two ancient Greek words, and if we translate this word in its entirety, then we get “agriculture”. Initially, this interpretation of the word was fully consistent with the truth.
Geodesy originated many years before our era. Even then, the Egyptian people carried out the most complex geodetic measurements and, on the basis of the data obtained, erected complex structures.

Geodesy in the modern world

In modern conditions, geodesy is a scientific field that studies methods for measuring the earth's surface and determining the area of ​​​​its individual sections, as well as their shape. It is worth noting that it is these specialists who are developing methods for drawing individual layers of the earth on a geographical map.

Also, surveyors teach modern people to correctly measure not only surface space, but also water expanses, as well as into space and other planets. In a word, this science is very large-scale and deserves close attention.

Fundamental tasks

The tasks of such a science as geodesy are very extensive and cover new areas every year, as it is constantly developing. This is also facilitated by computerization and the introduction of new technologies in all areas of activity. For example, geodesy is now used in road construction and other areas.
Conventionally, the tasks of geodesy can be divided into two categories: basic and applied type. The first includes the following types of work:

  • designation of the size, constructive form and extent of the earth's surface;
  • distribution of the resulting coordination system;
  • drawing various plots of land on diagrams, maps, plans and atlases;
  • the study of all changes associated with the movement of the earth's crust.

The following activities are classified as applied work:

  • development and implementation of GIS;
  • development and registration of various types of cadastral maps and plans;
  • providing the state with geodesy and topography;
  • demarcation of the state border;
  • development of common standards in the field of digital cartography;
  • formation of electronic satellite maps;
  • development of innovative technologies in the field of satellite determination of the coordinate system and their binding to the terrain plan;
  • development of complex geodetic atlases.

As a rule, to obtain elementary information, it is necessary to perform the following types of geodetic work:

  • breakdown of the area;
  • executive shooting;
  • engineering and geodetic penalties;
  • development of geodetic networks.

Scope of application

As it has already become clear, geodesy is a science that is used everywhere. The data obtained as a result of geodetic work is necessary for all categories of citizens who work with the land or constantly move along it. Also, sailors, geological surveys, cartographers and specialists in the construction field cannot do without geodesy.

In addition, maps and other documents compiled by surveyors are essential for the development of the army, because the same rocket launch is impossible without coordinates. Finally, it is impossible to imagine the strategic planning of military special operations without maps, schematic images and terrain plans. Consequently, the military also needs surveying.

Summing up, we can conclude that geodetic work is not only very versatile, but also very useful in all areas of human activity, especially in construction. Since the strength and longevity of the structure depends on the accuracy and correctness of this type of work.

There are many sciences in the world. One of them is geodesy. What is this science? What is she studying? Where can you learn it? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Geodesy - what is it?

Like astronomy, geodesy is one of the oldest sciences. However, if every schoolchild knows about astronomy, then most people have never heard of such a science as geodesy. And at the same time, without the use of geodetic knowledge, the development of modern society is unthinkable.

Geodesy - what is it? What it is In short, it is the science of studying and measuring the surface of the Earth.

Geodesy is the science of how to make measurements on the surface of the earth, which are carried out in order to study the shapes and sizes of the Earth, as well as to depict the entire planet and its parts on plans and maps. In addition, geodesy deals with special measurement methods that are necessary for solving economic and engineering problems.

Branches of geodesy

Geodesy is a science that is developing dynamically. So, in the process of development of science and technology, it was divided into a number of disciplines.

Higher geodesy studies the dimensions and shape of the Earth, as well as methods by which it is possible to determine with high accuracy the coordinates of points on the surface of the planet and depict them on a plane.

The study of the size and shape of the earth's surface in order to depict it on maps, profiles and plans is carried out by the section of geodesy - topography.

Geodesy and Cartography is the study of the processes and methods of creating and using a variety of maps.

Photogrammetry deals with solving the problems of measuring from space and aerial photographs for various purposes, for example, for measuring structures and buildings, for obtaining plans and maps, and so on.

Applied, or engineering, geodesy studies the whole complex that are performed during the construction, survey and operation of various structures and buildings.

The geometric relationship between points on the earth's surface with the help of artificial earth satellites is studied by space geodesy. Now, due to the fact that new achievements in the field of measurement and observation techniques have appeared, the problems of solving scientific problems of studying the size and shape of the Moon, as well as other planets of the solar system and their gravitational fields, have been added to the number of studies on Earth.

Marine geodesy and cartography are engaged in solving both scientific and applied geodetic problems at sea. The main task was and remains to determine the surface of the Earth and its gravitational field in the seas and oceans. Marine geodesy solves the following series of problems: the construction of hydraulic structures, the exploitation and exploration of underwater resources, and so on. However, the most important task of such support is mapping, which is accompanied by photography, and geodetic reference.

Development of geodesy as a science

Geodesy, like many other sciences, arose in ancient times. Progress in the exact and natural sciences, the invention of the telescope, the pendulum and other instruments - all this contributed to its development.

However, it is worth noting that over the past half century this science has achieved greater success than in the entire time of its existence. This is due, for example, to the fact that engineering geodesy can now obtain data from artificial satellites, and also to the fact that many electronic measuring instruments and electronic computers have appeared.

A modern computer makes it possible to analyze a huge amount of information data, to apply new mathematical developments that have given a new impetus to the development of theoretical geodesy, which runs in parallel with the progress of information theory and mathematics.

Applied geodesy: aspects

Geodetic data is used in various fields such as navigation, cartography and land management. What do they let you know? For example, to determine the location on the shelf, the flood zone after the construction of the dam, the exact position of administrative and state boundaries of various kinds, and so on. Strategic guidance systems and navigation are equally dependent on how accurate information about the position of the target and the adequacy of physical models that describe the Earth's gravitational field. The measurements taken by surveyors are used in the study of plate tectonics and seismology. When searching for many minerals (including oil), gravimetric survey is used.

Where to get a profession of a surveyor?

Today in Russia there are a large number of educational institutions that will allow you to get the profession of a surveyor. In the field of this science, at different levels of mastering this rather complex specialty, a specialist who graduated from both a secondary educational institution - a technical school or a college of geodesy, and a higher one - an academy, institute or university, can work.

Education in this area can be chosen to your taste. A future specialist can graduate from a specialized university or institute of geodesy. For example, MIIGAiK is one of the oldest and most prestigious specialized universities in Russia. Or you can get a secondary education: go to study at the St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk technical school of geodesy and cartography.

After graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution with a degree in surveyor, a graduate can count on the position of assistant surveyor or surveyor technician. In addition, if desired, he can continue to improve his knowledge in this area by enrolling in a higher educational institution.

Graduation from the university gives the graduate the right to independent work, and the completion of graduate school allows you to further advance in your career in a scientific and practical direction.

What does a geodesist do?

Among the variety of activities, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • A surveyor may be involved in observing and measuring changes in the earth's surface, both locally and globally.
  • Perform various landscape measurements.
  • Make topographic plans and maps.
  • Create water, forest, land and other types of cadastres.
  • Engage in the definition and designation of state borders.
  • Prepare research reports.

What to take to enter the surveyor?

A student who is going to devote himself to geodesy in the future needs to know as well as possible some general education subjects, such as mathematics, geography, Russian, history, social studies, as well as computer science and information and communication technologies. As a rule, it is these disciplines that are passed at the entrance exams in secondary and higher educational institutions in geodetic specialties.

When entering a specialty related to geodesy, they usually pass some three of the six subjects listed above, but which subjects they will be depends on the educational institution, faculty and type of specialty.

They can take exams based on the results of the GIA or the Unified State Exam, or they can test for applicants in all subjects except history and social studies - they are taken orally.

Some colleges and technical schools do not require entrance exams at all. An example is Novosibirsk or NTGiK. This educational institution trains specialists in the following specialties: applied geodesy (surveyor technician), cartography (cartographer technician) and aerial photo geodesy (aerophoto geodesist technician).

Demand for the profession in the labor market

Specialists in the field of geodesy and cartography are often required in various types of production. Therefore, in the university and secondary specialized training of these specialists, there are different biases, which in the future will determine the practical orientation of the surveyor's work. In addition, this is also influenced by the traditions that have historically developed within the walls of the educational institution.

Not surprisingly, existing universities prepare students in different ways. Any educational institution has its own specifics in the selection of existing specialty areas. However, any university, technical school or college will provide fundamental training, which in the future will make it possible to change the direction of work, retrain and switch to a related specialization.

Thus, we can conclude that today geodesy is one of the most interesting and developing sciences. Every specialist can find himself in it.

Geodetic works are one of the most important components of any construction. They are the process of measuring, designing and calculating in the form of drawings. Thanks to the work on geodesy, it is possible to determine the most accurate and expedient placement of construction objects in accordance with the requirements of legal norms, the violation of which is fraught with serious consequences.

The definition of the science of geodesy refers to the study of the earth's crust, its structure, surface, as well as any changes associated with it. Geodesy has a close relationship with such sciences as mathematics and physics. It is geodesy that helps specialists transfer the coordinate system to the surface and model in real scale, create geodetic networks, and determine the necessary points.

It is customary to distinguish the following stages of work:

  • preparatory;
  • field;
  • cameral.

The first stage is designed to study the available documentation, which is directly related to the territory. Here, in the future, the implementation of the intended goals and the construction of carefully designed facilities are expected. Timing preparation will depend on the size of the facility and the locality in which the study is being conducted.

The engineering and geodetic process falls on the field stage. During this period, all work is associated with direct binding, removal of rocks. Based on the measurements, a topographic map is compiled on a scale. The scale of the map is determined by the tasks. So, if the task is to study the area as accurately as possible and give the most complete description of the rock on which construction is planned, then a three-dimensional topographic map is compiled.

Graphs can be drawn up in the form of drawings, or they can be recorded in a digital medium.

Geodesy of the land plot ends with a cameral stage. The completion of this stage is the preparation of the most detailed report on the actions taken and the results obtained. The document contains catalogs of coordinates and heights, fixing the location of a high-altitude geodetic network or several networks schematically. This stage is considered final, but no less important, since it is at the end that a summary of the information received and decision-making are carried out.

Types of geodesy

Geodetic works are divided into several types. Each of them is responsible for a certain category of measurements, surveys.

Types of geodetic works:

  1. Topography is a description of the earth's surface. This type is engaged in surveys of various scales, updating topographic maps and plans, surveying utilities, underground and surface structures. When shooting, a mandatory requirement is the use of established scales and their observance. It is necessary to carry out such work during the construction of high-rise buildings, if necessary, redevelopment, reconstruction of large-scale engineering and technical structures, and the implementation of landscaping work in parts of the city. The most accurate scale is used for measurements in a settlement, when planning the construction of a highway, transport interchanges, and large industrial production companies.
  2. Engineering or practical geodesy is a set of works consisting of studying and surveying the relief in the territory, area where construction is planned.
  3. Hydrography is a type of work that deals with the description of water space.
  4. Marking work is a kind of activity of surveyors, which involves the placement of specialized signs for linking to the state geodetic network. These signs are placed and preserved until the end of the entire construction. This allows you to control the quality of construction work. When carrying out marking work, drawings are built that are tied to the real area. After drawing up the drawings, the removal to nature takes place. To do this, key points are fixed directly on the ground. The results of the work carried out are sent to the design surveyors with all the schedules and drawings.
  5. Executive surveys are works that are carried out until the end of construction. With the help of filming, you can control the order of building construction and compare it with the planned drawings. Increased attention is directed to that part of the object, which is the carrier and it is the main focus of the entire structure. In other words, this part of the building or structure fully ensures the stability of the entire structure. All possible deviations that occur during the period of work are compared with the established rules and norms of GOST. According to the results of the shooting, acts of acceptance and transfer are drawn up.
  6. Control over the deformation of structures - this kind of measures is carried out not only at the stages of construction, but also after its completion. Monitoring is carried out during the laying of the foundation, and so on every five floors. At the end of construction, a control check is carried out, and then an operational one. The shrinkage of the building, the flexibility of structures and individual parts of the entire monolith are subjected to control. In addition, surveyors conduct research on how the erected building affects the nearby buildings and structures.
  7. Shooting underground networks - there are many factors that can affect the shrinkage of an erected building. It is impossible to predict them all. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly measure the condition of underground networks. This type of control is carried out with the help of shooting, which fixes the position of all communication networks, drainage, wells and sewers. The result of such a study is the preparation of a situational plan.

In addition to the above types of work, mine surveying will stand out, dealing with measurements during the construction of tunnels, underground roads, structures in the mining industry. Also, geodesy is engaged in cadastral work, which citizens who have a plot in land use have to face.

It is very important to remember that when ordering work, you need to take into account the level of skill and experience of the surveyor. If the company is not well-known or has negative reviews, you should not contact this organization, as there is a high probability that the work will be carried out poorly. As a confirmation of professionalism, you can ask a surveyor or an employee of the geodetic service to show a document confirming his qualifications. Geodetic work should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Geodetic measurements, topographic survey of sites are faced not only by construction companies with large objects, but also by individuals. Everyone who acquires a land plot for the implementation of individual construction must issue a cadastral passport for the object.

To systematize all real estate in Russia, a special cadastral registration is carried out. It contains information about all objects, their location, size, and purpose. Each object is assigned a number.

In order to obtain a cadastral passport for an object, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions. First of all, work on the survey of the site should be carried out. A citizen needs to apply to an organization that has a license to carry out land cadastral work.

The cost of performing the work will depend on the method and the region in which the research is conducted.

The total volume of cadastral work carried out by surveyors includes:

  1. Cadastral survey of a piece of land.
  2. Request for information in the cadastral registration. Information is provided in the form of a territory plan.
  3. The surveyor notifies the neighbors in the area about the meeting to agree on the boundaries of the location of the land.
  4. A boundary plan is formed on paper and electronic media. It is necessary to put the object on the cadastral register and obtain a passport.

After carrying out all the necessary geodetic work, the applicant may apply for the production of a cadastral passport. Until January 1, 2013, only BTI was engaged in it. Now the registration is handled by the Cadastral Chamber, which is part of Rosreestr.

There are two ways to get a passport issued by the cadastral chamber: at the MFC or ordered on the Rosreestr website. Sending documents by any of the above methods will be legally binding.

The term for the production of a cadastral passport through the MFC is 5 working days, when applying via the Internet, the period will be 2 working days.

Geodetic and cadastral works are closely interconnected. They cannot exist separately. Without carrying out geodetic work, it is impossible to obtain a cadastral passport. The implementation of this kind of research of territories makes it possible to determine which category the land belongs to and whether the legislation in the field of land use is violated.

If a cadastral passport has already been issued for an object and a cadastral number has been assigned to it, anyone can get information on it. It is freely available. To obtain it, you must write an application indicating the number or find the object on the official website of Rosreestr.

If the object is only put on the cadastral register, then this can be done only after a land survey, which is ordered personally by the owner of the property.

The decision on cadastral registration is necessary both for the owner himself and for the state as a whole. The first is the payment of property taxes. This allows you to streamline taxes and fees. But to perform such actions, you need to have accurate information about the objects. In this regard, the state obliged citizens to draw up cadastral documents. Without them, no transaction is possible.

By assigning a number and receiving a passport in hand, the owner acquires full rights, and the state acquires the full information necessary for calculating taxes.

A passport issued by the Cadastral Chamber is required in the following cases:

  • when making transactions with real estate, this includes both purchase and sale, donation, testament;
  • when redevelopment of the apartment, changing the boundaries of the site;
  • in litigation;
  • according to the requirements of banks.

A cadastral passport will always be required in cases where it is necessary to confirm that an object is included in the cadastre.

A cadastral passport is obtained for the following types of object:

  1. Plots of land.
  2. Houses, buildings, unfinished buildings.
  3. Premises.

The cadastral passport does not have an expiration date, it will be valid until the data entered in the cadastre is changed. It is required to issue a new paper when a redevelopment of the premises has been made or the boundaries of a plot of land have been changed.

The cadastral document received before January 01, 2013 has its own validity period. For residential premises, the document was valid for one year, after which it was necessary to apply again to the cadastral chamber for an extension of the term, for all other structures - 5 years. But after the transfer of authority to the BTI to Rosreestr, such actions are no longer performed.

When working on sites, surveyors use specialized tools. With their help, accurate calculations are made, measurements are made in compliance with the required scale.

These tools include:

  1. A level is a device used to measure the points of an object during construction.
  2. A total station is a tool for measuring heights and angles of points in space. Often an electronic device is used that stores information and then sends it to a computer.
  3. Theodolite is a device for measuring angles. It can be optical and electronic. In order to securely install it, you must have a special tripod.

Geodetic work is a precision design method. Their task is to make the structure as correct as possible in nature. All measurements are entered into special geodetic documentation, which is carried out from the moment construction begins and until the stage of commissioning the facility.

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