Area 51 on the map Unusual places on Google maps. Conclusions Glenn Campbell

Area-51 (Area-51) - a secret military base, it does not appear on any map, and until recently it was an absolute secret. A remote unit of the Edwards Air Force Base is located in the United States, in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Lake. The airspace around it is restricted for flights, and experimental aircraft and weapons systems are rumored. Is it so?

The base's secrecy, the very existence of which the US government has reluctantly acknowledged, has made it the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, especially about unidentified flying objects. Area 51 is often used in popular culture as a symbol of a secret kept by the military and the government of the United States of America. Air travel over Area 51 is prohibited.

Part of the information about Area-51 was declassified in the summer of 2013. The historian managed to achieve the publication of a report on the famous secret military base, where, as follows from conspiracy theories, the American authorities hid the aliens. In reality, Area 51 was used to test a number of aircraft, including the U-2.

Zone-51 is not an ordinary air base: a new type of aircraft is being developed and tested there. Once their designs are approved by the US Air Force or other agencies such as the CIA, they are used on conventional military bases. Soviet spy satellites photographed Area 51, and civilian satellites produced detailed images of the base and its environs. However, it is impossible to obtain significant information about the range from them: only unremarkable bases, hangars and dry lakes are visible. According to unofficial data, the main part of the working part of the base is underground.

15. Mysterious lights

Asking not to be identified by their names, Nellis Air Force Base specialists said that they repeatedly observed on radar screens how objects flying at unimaginable speeds over Area 51 suddenly, as if on command, stopped and hovered in the air. The same was observed by Mark Barnes, a powerful radar operator from Las Vegas. Here are typical statements of people who worked in Nevada: "We have things there that are literally not from our world."

A passenger on an American Airlines flight from San Jose, California to Houston, Texas, captured mysterious lights and a giant disk on the ground near the top-secret Area 51, which is located in southern Nevada, a British newspaper reported. Daily Express.
An eyewitness took a series of photographs that were published by the publication. The man said that everything happened on October 30, 2015.
"During the flight, I suddenly noticed a blinding bright light in the desert. A large silver disk caught my eye, several luminous balls were visible above it. I grabbed the phone and started filming. At first I thought it was a satellite, but then I doubted it," - said an eyewitness. According to him, other passengers most likely did not see anything. Pilots and aviators interviewed by an eyewitness said that they had not seen anything like this in their practice.
In the absence of official explanations, rumors begin. Of course, it is understandable that some information must be kept secret to keep the public from rioting through fear and speculation, but honesty is always the best policy.

14. The crash of the "secret plane"

While flying over the Mojave Desert in April 1955, a CIA officer drew attention to a suitable stretch of 20 kilometers northeast of Las Vegas. It served as a training ground for military pilots during World War II. In addition, there was a landing strip on the salt lake Groom Lake. In other words, it was the perfect place to test the U-2 and train pilots in the strictest secrecy. The Atomic Energy Commission, which owned the site, agreed to cede it. President Eisenhower included this sector of the desert under the cartographic name "Area-51" among the Nevada polygons.

In 1955, newspapers in the United States reported on a "secret plane" that had crashed at Area 51 on a "secret" flight. 14 people were on board the plane when it hit the ground, probably scientists and military officials leading the Groom Lake project (another name for the zone) from California. Information about the crash was reported to a minimum, and it is not clear who exactly was on this plane, and for what purposes. Why, of all possible places, did the crash happen there, why so close to the destination? There are many questions left.

Coincidentally, in 1955, exactly at the same time, the Vietnam War began. Whether there is any connection between these events is unknown. Since the Vietnam War started on November 1st and the plane crashed on the 18th, there's a chance it could be related, but who knows today?

13. More about plane crashes

On May 1, 1960, CIA pilot Francis Powers began his planned flight from Pakistan and soon approached the border of the USSR. The purpose of his flight was the territory of the Soviet Union: shooting objects and recording radio broadcasts. The route was supposed to pass through the Aral Sea, Sverdlovsk, Kirov, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, and the plane was scheduled to land at the Norwegian airport Bodø.
The plane was not destined to land. It was discovered already while crossing the border in the area of ​​modern Pyanj. A little over three hours after that, he was shot down by the very first missile fired from the S-75 complex. For greater certainty, the air defense forces then fired eight missiles (and accidentally shot down a MiG-19 raised to intercept. The MiG pilot, Senior Lieutenant Safronov, died).
Much better was the fate of Powers. The missile was fired in pursuit of the aircraft and exploded near its tail. As a result, the cabin was not damaged, and Powers waited for a height of 10 km and left it. On the ground he was detained by local residents. As a result, he was sentenced to 10 years in the camps, but less than two years later he was "changed" in Berlin for the Soviet intelligence officer William Fisher (Rudolf Abel).

In 1984, Deputy Commander of the Air Force Command System, Lieutenant General Robert Bond, died while flying a Soviet MIG. The accident occurred in the mountains close to Groom Lake. The authorities could not hide the death of the general, but they did not want to admit that the United States had a Soviet fighter. The official report stated that Bond had crashed in a "specially modified USAF aircraft". Experts immediately appeared, "figuring out" the plane - "a prototype of a top-secret stealth fighter." Apparently, it is from those media reports that “legs grow” about the involvement of the MiG-23 in the F-117 development and testing program. Probably, such flights were carried out, as well as they were carried out under other programs, for example, the F-15E, but they were purely "evaluative" in nature. It is not clear on which MiG-23 Bond crashed. After the accident, the area around Groom Lake was classified, guards were posted on the road leading to Area 51.

12 Bob Lazar Testimony

When we imagine aliens, they most likely have a huge head, giant black eyes and a very thin body, right? This typical alien image was created by none other than Bob Lazar.
In 1991, he began his report this way: "From the end of 1988 until the spring of 1989, I worked on the propulsion systems of alien aircraft. The development of this problem was carried out for the US government. My place of work was the faculty, located on the territory of the Nellis Air Force Base in Central Nevada, in a region known by the code name S-4.Region S-4 is about 15 miles south of the infamous Groom Lake Test Site 51, where the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes were developed.My work here was paid by the US Air Force. "

Lazar was a physicist; about the aliens, he literally reported the following: "The height of the creatures is 3-4 feet, weight - 25-50 pounds. They have grayish skin and large heads with large almond-shaped eyes, long and thin noses, mouths and ears. Hair is absent. Creatures They said that they had been periodically visiting Earth for a long time, and as evidence they presented photographs that, according to them, were more than 10,000 years old.

Unfortunately, it turned out that the physicist Lazar, as allegedly established, was somewhat idiosyncratic and his memory was quite blurred. He claimed that the government erased his memory, and he himself said that he could not prove everything he told the world. But he drew a lot of attention to Area-51 and brought closer the solution to the mystery of this place.

11. Conclusions Glenn Campbell

Some politicians are demanding to know what exactly is going on in Area 51 today. But, apparently, the US military does not intend to hold an open day. Workers are strictly forbidden to even talk about where they work at all, but Glenn Campbell, director of the Area 51 Research Center (a private organization), said that six unmarked planes are transported weekly from the Las Vegas airport to Area 51 about 600 employees, while using a secret radio frequency for communication. According to him, hundreds of workers and employees of various specialties work in the zone.

10 The Boyd Bushman Case

Former Site 51 engineer Boyd Bushman became famous for his dying confession about the time at the military base. He spoke in his dying 33 minute video about aliens who arrived on Earth long ago and made contact with the earth race, and stated that he was from the video at Area-51.
In his rather strange interview, the scientist also stated that anti-gravity has become one of several working technologies that the government is now hiding. The much-hyped video appears to have been taken shortly before the 78-year-old Bushman died on August 7, 2014. It was made public only recently.
Bushman claimed that some Americans work for aliens 24 hours a day. According to him, the aliens arrived from the planet Quintumnia, 68 light years away from Earth. These creatures need only 45 minutes to cover such a huge distance. Boyd also claimed that there was a special flight path to Area 51 from space.

Bushman's footage was immediately the subject of criticism and ridicule. Several people noted that Bushman's photographs of the aliens look very similar to the alien dolls sold in stores. Was Bushman delirious or was he telling the truth? No doubt Bushman himself believed what he was saying. Back in 2008, he passed a lie detector test. During the test, he claimed to have worked on anti-gravity projects, extraterrestrial technology, and even met and photographed aliens. He claimed to have researched at least eight different types of alien spacecraft. Boyd's video is called the delirium of an old man who has lost his mind. But what could have prompted a scientist of this level on his deathbed to start inventing fables?

9. Canadian Hellier

Paul Hellier, the former defense minister of Canada, told the world: "Two aliens are working for the US government." The sensational confessions were made at the "Civil Hearings on Declassification" conference in Washington. A video of his speech has gone viral on YouTube. His speech as a whole boils down to the postulate: aliens exist, the military knows about them, and there are living aliens living on Earth at the present time. At least two of them work for the US government.

Paul said: "My interest is in full declassification. The only caveat is that it should probably be 95-98% disclosure. I know of one or two things that should not be spoken openly, at least for now."

Unfortunately, the sources from which Hellier draws his confidence about the aliens are rather murky and often just fake. UFOs certainly exist, but it is unlikely that things have gone as far as Hellier believes. But there is certainly truth in his words.

8. Special developments

The evidence collected to date about the mysterious "Area-51" allows us to get a general idea of ​​​​the highly secret work being carried out there. There are many claims that the CIA is testing alien DNA on humans, and may be working to develop a human hybrid. While this sounds completely absurd, there is something that could be a little less crazy. According to whistleblowers, there are cases of reverse engineering.

Initially, in 1955, the Lockheed Aircraft Concern chose Area-51 to test its top-secret creation, the legendary U-2 spy plane. At the beginning of 1977, here, ten years before the official publication, the F-117A stealth attack aircraft, developed using the Stealth technology, was first launched into the air.

According to Lazar, the program in the S-4 region consisted of three projects. The "Sidekick" ("Assistant") project, within the framework of which a beam weapon was developed on neutrons focused by special gravitational lenses. Project "Looking Glass" ("Mirror"), allowing you to look into the past. And the project "Galileo" ("Galileo"), about which Lazar knew the most. It was about the technology of anti-gravity engines, which belongs to beings from the Zeta Reticuli star system.

In 2004, Dan Burish (alias Dan Crane) claimed to have been working on cloning alien viruses at Area 51, as well as on the J-Rod device, which is designed to teach people how to use telepathic communication. Burish is the subject of much debate.

7. Weather control

One of the most implausible theories about Area 51 has to do with weather control experiments. In other words, the suppression, transformation and purposeful creation of certain natural phenomena. A more fantastic story about weather control was told in 2006 by Dr. Hendrix. According to him, this technology became part of a secret war between Russia and the United States: “The hurricane season in 2005 was Russia's first major success. Think for yourself. Not only was the number of tropical storms this year the highest ever, all of these major hurricanes have seemingly inadvertently damaged our oil production and refinery centers. I'm afraid this was just the beginning of a raging weather war." He also shared that in America, the weather is controlled by power lines (and the auroral antenna field pictured above) and that this is the main cause of global warming.

6. Film studio

Long before the cult television series The X-Files, in 1980, the fantastic thriller Hangar 18 was released on American movie screens, telling about the accident of an alien spaceship, which the government hid in an underground bunker under hangar No. 18 at the secret base Area 51. There are other variations of the hangar 18 myth. One of them says that it contains the real remains of an alien aircraft that crashed near Roswell in 1947. Another claims that it is here that the underground film studio is located, in which Stanley Kubrick filmed the famous landing of the Americans on the moon, where no one actually landed. Well, according to the most dramatic version, it is in Area 51, precisely in hangar 18, that the unfortunate aliens who have ever been shipwrecked on our planet are languishing in captivity.

5 Classic: The Roswell Incident

The Roswell incident is an alleged crash of an unidentified flying object near the city of Roswell in New Mexico, USA in July 1947. The wreckage of the ship was discovered by local farmers. Since the late 1970s, this incident has been the subject of fierce controversy and conspiracy theories, primarily due to the unexplained nature of the discovered object. According to the official position of the US Air Force, the discovered object was a weather balloon used as part of the secret Mogul program.

In various journalistic sources, a version is popular, according to which the object was an extraterrestrial ship, and its pilot was an alien that the US government captured and classified. This event has become one of the most famous elements of American pop culture, and is one of the reasons why the name of the city of Roswell is often associated with UFOs. The incident was quickly forgotten even by ufologists and remained unknown for 30 years. Then, in 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel, who was involved in the 1947 investigation. Marcel was sure that the military had hidden the discovered alien spacecraft. His story has been widely circulated among UFO fans and researchers and has been featured in several documentaries on the subject.

According to other witnesses of the incident, the incident was a major military operation, the purpose of which was to reproduce an alien ship. Some witnesses spoke of intimidation by US government agencies.

4. Toxic waste

Of course, there might be UFOs and aliens out there somewhere in the depths of Area 51, but what about toxic waste? 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl suggested that this is quite likely, and there should be eyewitnesses who could confirm or deny this.

Last year, a former Area 51 guard claimed that for years, the toxic fumes at the facility were causing him breathing problems. According to him, he needs a device that would force air into his lungs in case he stops breathing in his sleep. He hopes his long battle will help other Area 51 employees claim compensation for their health problems.

What are the toxic substances? Which of them can lead to the development of such problems? According to a former employee, these were substances used to coat vehicles. Well, what is the problem - they would help their former employees solve issues with medical insurance. If they are so closed, Area 51, they would have covered their employees with their wing at the same time.

3. NASA was out of business

In 2016, the head of the US National Space Administration, Charles Bolden, said that the famous Area-51 was used only for the purpose of exploring foreign lands. Bolden denies the information that the discovered representatives of other planets are being investigated in this zone. He emphasized that the only task solved in the legendary place is the study of samples of foreign lands. The expert added that despite the significant number of foreigners, they can hardly be called aliens. The NASA chairman noted that he personally visited Area 51. He connects rumors about the presence of aliens in it with very long experiments in the field of aeronautics that took place here. Bolden himself did not see any UFOs or aliens there. The head of NASA also shared his opinion about possible life outside the Earth. The specialist believes that alien creatures will sooner or later be discovered by man. Bolden believes that if the find is not made in the solar system, it is possible in billions of other similar systems.

2. Second site?

Many say there is a new facility built in Dulce, New Mexico. It's one of the most confined and secluded places on Earth - even more so than Area 51. After all, if Area 51 failed and couldn't stay in the shadows, it might have made more sense to build a new facility...

1 Area 51 And Stealth Technology

At least once a month, there are reports in the Middle East that the US military is using this kind of technology. From grainy CCTV footage of soldiers blending in with their surroundings, to eyewitness accounts from the Iraqi military to Russia's outlawed ISIS, chameleon soldiers feature as military folklore. But where could such technology have come to the US? According to reports leaked to the Internet, the Quantum Stealth project is aimed at developing it - one of the most ambitious attempts to copy alien technology ever undertaken in Area 51. The goal of scientists is to recreate the electro-optical camouflage that the aliens use for themselves and their ships.

This story, like many of the previous ones, was declared a rumor about ten years ago, but as reports from the war zones confirming it and statements about the reality and success of the project from the base personnel continue to appear, it can be considered one of the most plausible stories about Area 51. .

FUNCTION: Area 51 is a secret military base. This place is located near the city of LV, in the desert. Air travel over Area 51 is prohibited. One person who worked at Area 51 gave up classified information. Secret Area 51 is a base on Earth where the remains of aliens and what is left of their spaceships are supposedly located. According to official data, experimental aircraft and weapons systems are being developed in Area 51.

LOCATION: Area 51 is located in southern Nevada, northwest of the casino city of Las Vegas. There is a place in the Nevada desert that cannot be found on any map of the world. This is the secret base "Area-51" ("Zone-51"). The most ridiculous rumors are connected with this zone: aliens and unidentified flying objects are being studied here.

The entire territory under this zone is occupied by extensive bunkers, crossed by kilometer-long tunnels. Finding the base is quite difficult, since there are no signs, and only when approaching the zone, you can see large signs indicating that the entrance to the facility is strictly prohibited. The entrance to the zone is monitored by a special patrol, numerous video and thermal sensors. At night, the zone is guarded by black helicopters, without any identification marks.

Area 51. UFO base on Earth or a secret facility?

B. Lazar's words confirm that base 51 is testing secret flying objects and storing debris from a UFO crash. Lazar also notes that the development of aircraft in the zone is based on the laws of gravity. A dry lake was found on the territory of zone 51, it was it that was the victim of this weapon, chemical waste was found at the site of this, and it was also stated that this base was a mini-test site.

Often used in popular culture as a symbol of a secret hidden by the military and the government of the United States of America; associated, as a rule, with unidentified flying objects. Presumably used for experimental testing in aeronautics and weapon systems.

SMOKE SCREEN: The 1970s saw a massive new US military project for Groom Lake, the Have Blue/F-117 program. Since 1983, when the F-117s were put into service, the base has continued its work, and gradually expanded. Obviously, they did not want the Russians to know about this base, which is why they hid it so carefully. It was believed that spaceships from other worlds that crashed on Earth and even the bodies of aliens are kept there!

ATTEMPT TO LEARN: Of course, no one was going to disclose all this data. But there was a request from George Washington University, which referred to the freedom of information law.

HANGARS: One hangar contains the most modern aircraft, which are tested and refined here. Military aircraft are being tested here and, according to rumors, unidentified flying objects are being studied here. Pilots Tony Le Veer and Dorsey Kammerier surveyed a dozen godforsaken places in Arizona and Nevada, carefully photographing what they saw.

SECURITY: Today in Groom Lake there is an object that is not marked on any of the topographic maps. They call it "Area 51". Its dimensions are so large that it will fit an airplane together with the space shuttle Space Shuttle. Jeeps are driving around the zone with security guards from a private firm sitting in them. If they find any uninvited onlookers dangerously close to the zone, they will have to pay a $6,000 fine.

Where is Area 51 located? Coordinates, map and photo.

ROSWELL PLATE: There are claims that Area 51 is home to UFOs and aliens discovered in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. What gave rise to the rumors that the American government is hiding "strangers" who have flown to us in "Area-51"? It turns out that at the heart of the rumors are reports of a “flying saucer” that allegedly crashed near Roswell and its dead crew. The United Press Association broke the news that day, and the newspapers carried the sensational news. Popular among supporters of extraterrestrial life was also a certain nurse who visited Roswell immediately after the fall and even saw “strangers”. Recall that at that time the Americans were anxiously waiting for the explosion of the first Soviet atomic bombs. For this, Mogul-type cylinders were also launched.

CONCLUSION: Area 51 is a secret military base that does not appear on any map, and until recently it was one of the best kept secrets of the American government. The zone is located in the USA, in Nevada. Area 51″ has been one of the favorite topics of ufologists, conspiracy theorists and anyone interested in unsolved mysteries for almost half a century.


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Bigfoot Yeti

Bigfoot (Yeti) - a half-monkey, half-man, living most often in high mountainous regions and forests. Unlike humans, this creature has a denser physique ...

Mythology is a very complex and confusing phenomenon. In some cases, myths are the more popular and enduring, the more fantastic they are and the less consistent with facts, evidence, and generally with common sense. In other circumstances, myths are the more attractive, the greater the percentage of reality, real places, events, personalities in them. Apparently in ufology the second principle works better, at least in relation to the myth of "Area 51". The forbidden “Area 51” and the classified events associated with aliens that are happening there are an obligatory item in the program speech of almost any ufologist.

It's no secret where the secret "Area 51" is located...

A rare place that appears in ufologists' theories about a conspiracy of the government (usually American, because other countries of the world apparently do not show any interest in aliens) has specific geographical coordinates. The coordinates of "Area 51" are well and long known: 37 degrees 14 minutes 6 seconds north latitude and 115 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds west longitude. Of course, such a link will tell little to a person who is not a professional cartographer, so the location of this object in more familiar categories is: USA, Nevada, dry salt lake Groom Lake, 130 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas.

Area 51 is the official United States Department of Defense Edwards Air Force Base.

True, for decades the government refused to openly acknowledge the existence of this base, but this is not surprising. There was a "cold war", so it was necessary to take care of the secrecy of all military facilities related to secret defense developments and their testing. Therefore, the Department of Defense did not recognize until the 1990s that "Area 51" in the United States even exists. By the way, the name "Area 51" is just one of the codes for the Edwards base, and it is rather strange that this particular call sign has become a cult. For example, callsign bases such as Dreamland or Paradise Ranch are much more effective.

Secrets of "Area 51": a lot of interesting things, nothing supernatural

A feature of the Edwards Air Force Base is that it is an experimental site for testing the latest developments in the field of military aircraft and weapons systems. It is precisely with this that the increased secrecy of this object is connected, including the long-term denial of the very fact of its existence. Keeping the most advanced military developments secret is the primary task of any country in the world that claims to have a serious military role. Here are just a few of the known or alleged aircraft that have been tested or operated in connection with Area 51:

  • high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft Lockheed U-2 - revolutionary for its time (it was built in 1955, began working flights in 1956) aircraft designed to collect reconnaissance information with a constant flight at an altitude of over 20 kilometers. Lockheed U-2 made over 20 reconnaissance flights over the territory of the USSR, until in 1960 one of the aircraft was shot down by a Soviet air defense missile;
  • The Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft is the next step in the evolution of American high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. This model was produced and tested in the early 1960s, and operated until 1968;
  • the most famous of the Lockheed reconnaissance aircraft, the Lockheed SR-71 aircraft, better known as the Blackbird. It had not only an ultra-modern design, but also excellent technical characteristics - thanks to its high speed and flight altitude, it was virtually invulnerable to air defense missiles. Due to this, it was operated for a record long time, from 1964 to 1998;
  • the alleged modern superplane that replaced the Blackbird and has the symbol Aurora. Its existence has not been officially confirmed, but a number of eyewitness observations suggest that the Aurora is real. According to the assumptions of experts, this aircraft, which can be both a reconnaissance aircraft and a bomber, is suborbital, that is, it is capable of flying in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. It also has hypersonic speeds in excess of 10,000 kilometers per hour and is completely invisible to existing radar systems.

Hangar 18 in "Area 51": what mass culture is capable of

People who are skeptical about the numerous ufological theories and legends around Area 51 claim that it is the testing of the latest military developments that is the real basis for such conjectures. Thus, it has been established that a significant part of the cases of encountering unidentified flying objects is associated with the observation of modern supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. This has happened more than once with the Blackbird, perhaps in recent years the mysterious Aurora has been mistaken for flying saucers or "flying triangles". But Area 51 and UFO in the mass American consciousness merged very tightly, in fact, inseparably. And not only in the US: there are more and more speculative attempts to “find” something similar in other countries. For example, a certain “Russian zone 51”, about which no one knows anything and is not able to provide any specifics.

The idea that the government is hiding something and that "something" is necessarily related to aliens has been a hot topic in popular culture for far too long.

Long before the cult television series The X-Files, in 1980, the fantastic thriller Hangar 18 was released on American cinema screens, telling about the accident of an alien spaceship, which the government hid in an underground bunker under hangar No. 18 at the secret base Area 51. There are other variations of the hangar 18 myth. One of them says that it contains the real remains of an alien aircraft that crashed near Roswell in 1947. Another claims that it is here that the underground film studio is located, in which Stanley Kubrick filmed the famous landing of the Americans on moon where no one actually landed. Well, according to the most dramatic version, it is in Area 51, precisely in hangar 18, that the unfortunate are languishing in captivity aliens ever shipwrecked on our planet.

Alexander Babitsky

They say that "Area 51" (Area 51) The most secret place on earth. It is an American military airfield, a remote division of Edwards Air Force Base.

Of course, Nevada, where else in the US is there a place where you can detonate an atomic bomb and not change the landscape? "Area 51" is also called "Paradise Ranch", "Boxing", "Dreamland", "Dreamland" or "Groom Lake".
The secret object is hidden from prying eyes. It is known that it is located in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Dry. It is impossible for the uninitiated to enter Area 51. Of course, there are no signs on the long road to the secret object, and there are no settlements or any buildings at all along it. Not far from the base, you can already see the cordons, which are equipped with motion detectors, heat radiation and video surveillance cameras.

The territory of "Area 51" at night is illuminated by powerful searchlights. In addition, the range is also surrounded by mountains. In 1995, they were privatized to expand the territory of the secret facility, as well as in order to prevent the possibility of penetration into the private property of the US Air Force.

Why does Area 51 attract ufologists? "Area 51" as an amazing object declared itself in January 1951. Then a nuclear bomb exploded here. Subsequently, according to official data, 928 explosions were carried out at the test site. The Army scientist Desert Rock, who was in charge of the operation at the time, made sure that the troops were several miles from the epicenter during the explosion, and on his orders, a detachment of infantry was sent directly under the mushroom in order to determine the effect of radiation radiation.
Until 1955, this zone was part of the US Navy test site, they were engaged in conducting underground nuclear tests, as well as testing the latest models of the aviation industry.

Then a rumor began to spread that Area 51 was keeping the secret of a secret US government project called Red Light. This military project was engaged in testing a flying saucer that crashed in this place and restored. Eyewitnesses say that they often observe UFOs. Many scientists and ufologists claim that the "Area 51" contains the wreckage of aircraft and the bodies of aliens.
The secret base consists of 15 levels that are underground. It is assumed that scientific research and testing of ultra-modern aircraft are being carried out there, which are allegedly created together with aliens. Thus, ufologists believe that Americans are using extraterrestrial technology. Numerous witnesses who saw aerobatics and perfect maneuvers say that such opportunities are not available for earth technology.

Area 51 is sending UFO signals. Numerous eyewitnesses, as well as statements by former employees of the secret facility, fully confirm the fact that something is wrong in Area 51. One of the employees, Oliver Mason, told how in 1994 a sparkling ball hovered in the air, and then disappeared at great speed. It was illuminated by a powerful beam of light from the Earth. And in 1997, residents of the town of Austin could observe several unnaturally bright flying objects. The objects crossed the Nevada desert from north to south.

The Heavy Burden of the Initiates - "Area 51" . Everything secret, as you know, always becomes clear. The activities that take place in the hangars of Area 51 are no exception. Bob Lazar told the whole world about a secret UFO laboratory in the Nevada desert. According to him, he was driven to this by circumstances that threatened his life. Bob's friends and his wife were very interested in what the former Area 51 employee was doing at work. So Bob Lazar took his friends and wife to Area 51 for three nights in a row. Then those who came "on a tour" were noticed. Lazar experienced threats of physical and mental violence, shelling of a car, and as a result, a reduction. Therefore, Bob Lazar chose a way out of this situation - to tell about the secrets of Area 51.
Bob told how in 1988 he worked on a secret project that studied the issue of the design of UFO engines, as well as changing the space of the gravitational field around UFOs. This project was supposedly started in 1979 with aliens. Then there was a conflict and 44 people were killed. The aliens also killed a specially trained scientist, so the Americans were forced to continue studying on their own.
The US authorities declared Bob Lazar insane, and all documents that confirmed the existence of such a program were destroyed. And the reality of the facts was confirmed only by Lazar's old office phone, which was found in an old directory.

Despite the fact that now "Area 51" is considered to be a non-operating object and it has been officially announced that all activities here have ceased, it still remains an unsolved mystery of our time. And the question that if there was no ufological zone, then why every day the plane delivered 1,500 workers to Area 51, and took them back in the evening, remains unanswered.
It remains to be hoped that soon "Area 51" will reveal all its secrets!

Area 51 has been the subject of a variety of conspiracy theories. in works of popular culture . The most famous works in the plot of which she plays a significant role: the films "Hangar 18", "Independence Day", "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Gender: The Secret Material"; series "Stargate", "Doctor Who" "X-Files"; cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; video games Area 51, Fallout of Nevada, Tomb Raider 3, Mercedes-Benz World Racing, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Deus Ex, World of Warcraft and UFO: Aftermath. Also in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops there is a multiplayer map of the same name. In the literary project Ethnogenesis there are books "Armageddon-2" (with the same subtitle) and "Armageddon-3", the action of which takes place here. References to it exist in many other works.

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