How to know and see the true feelings of a woman. How to know if a girl loves you. Communication with a girl

If you meet eyes, you need to detect about 40 seconds. And if during this time she no longer looks in your direction, then most likely the look was accidental. In the event that she likes you, she will most likely look at you again. This is how the psychology of women works. They really do take a second look within a short amount of time.

Another test can be applied when you are sitting in the same audience at a lecture or in a lesson, and you have the feeling that she is watching you very closely. Then just noticeably yawn. If in the next few seconds the girl yawns too, then you can be sure that she was looking at you carefully.

Method 2.

When the girl you like is talking to another guy, just walk up and say hello to her. Next, look at her reaction. If she is embarrassed (lowers her eyes or looks away) or just says "hello" with a stone face, then she likes the person she is talking to more;

It is quite another matter if she will be very glad to see you and actively greet you. This will mean that she is not indifferent to you.

Method 3.

Try to mention cheerfully in her presence, for example, about the premiere of a movie, about some kind of concert or other event. Then just watch.

If the girl is interested in this and she positively and enthusiastically responds to your words, then you can safely invite her to go to the event with you. This is a very convenient and painless method.

Method 4.

This method is suitable if you have not yet communicated with her, but are in some one room. You should just take and "stare" with your eyes at some object. And if in the near future she also looks in that direction, this will mean that she is really interested in you. This works for both girls and guys.

If the object you are concentrating on starts looking at some other object, then you automatically start looking there too.

Method 5.

Start touching her. But first, the touches must be unobtrusive. You can just give her a friendly pat on the shoulder, hold her waist as you let her through the doorway. Pay attention to how she reacts to these touches. You will instantly determine whether she likes it or not.

Method 6.

If you are in a friendly company, and you like some girl, then say a simple bait phrase. For example, "Hmm, I had plans tonight."

And if a girl is interested in you, then she will most likely ask: “What are your plans?”, “Who are you meeting there?” or something like that. It's just that her instincts and jealousy will immediately work, and she will want to know if you have someone or not.

Method 7.

This method is well suited for a friendly company. Human psychology is so arranged that if everyone starts laughing at one joke, people instinctively look at the person they like. Pay attention to the girl in this case: she looked at you or not.

Method 8.

In an unobtrusive setting, let her know about your interests. For example, you play the guitar, you are interested in a certain sport, you are fond of books, you name it. Tell her about it and watch.

If a girl likes you, then she will very soon begin to be interested in this too, will raise these topics in a conversation with you.

Method 9.

Pay attention to her friends. They usually know who she likes. And if a girl likes you, be sure that her friends know about it.

Method 10.

A great way to test a girl for sympathy is gesticulation. Just make a noticeable gesture and see if she repeats it or not. It is important that the gesture is comfortable both physically and psychologically. For example, you are sitting at the same table, and you all have a glass. You can take it by the leg and start twisting. You can also, for example, take a writing pen and start playing with it. If she likes you, then the girl at the level of instinct will begin to repeat these simple actions.

These methods can really "give out" a girl. Apply them, and it will be easier for you to "read" the girls.

For every girl, the most important thing is to feel loved. But sooner or later, each of them wonders how to test a guy for feelings. To find out the answer to a question of interest, many girls use all sorts of ways, some of which are better not to put into practice.

According to statistics, men are less likely to ask how to check the feelings of a girl. This is primarily due to the fact that men are more confident in themselves. In women, doubts about feelings arise in the following cases:

  • The girl has low self-esteem, she constantly needs proof of love;
  • The acquaintance of a guy and a girl lasts quite a long time, but on his part there are no hints of a more serious relationship;
  • The girl is not sure about the feelings of her young man, and wants to know whether to continue the relationship or end it;
  • In case the guy behaves ambiguously, without showing affection, but also does not break off the relationship.

How to check the feelings of a young man

Do you want to know how the man you like feels towards you? Look at it from the side. Look at how he treats you, how he shows his feelings. Every little thing is of great importance, for example, he is interested in whether you are warmly dressed, what you ate for breakfast, how are you at work or at university. If you are eager to learn how to test a man for the sincerity of feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists.

Show feigned indifference

To find out how a guy feels towards you, play some coldness and indifference, just don't overdo it! This can be done in the following ways: be late for a meeting, do not call a couple of times at the appointed time, or do not respond to correspondence. If a young man really feels sympathy for you, he will want to know the reason for your indifference. But do not forget, each person has his own limit of patience, do not get carried away.

Check how serious his intentions are

If a guy is set up for a long-term relationship, he will not be afraid to introduce you to his friends and parents. Inviting you as a couple to a birthday or wedding is a clear sign of seriousness.

Take a closer look at how seriously the guy takes your personal life

When a young man pays attention to everything that happens in your life, this is a good sign. He will rush in when you suddenly fall ill, come to see you off on a business trip, in a word, he will not stand aside during serious events in your life. Sudden surprises also indicate strong feelings towards you.

The guy remembers your phone number by heart and all joint memorable dates.

A person remembers only the information that is very important to him. If a young man remembers your favorite color, the date of the first meeting or the moment of the first kiss, then you are not indifferent to him.

The young man does not disregard any change in your appearance.

An excellent sign in the sincerity of male feelings is the increased attention to the appearance of the girl. A new piece of clothing, a changed hair color do not go unnoticed, and this clearly indicates an increased interest in the girl. Agree, only a man in love pays close attention to any little things related to the object of his adoration.

Manifestation of jealousy

Male psychology is arranged in such a way that each representative of the strong field feels like an owner in relation to a woman with whom he has a certain relationship. The manifestation of jealousy is difficult to ignore - the guy's face changes if you turn your eyes to other men.

The combination of some of these signs clearly indicate that the young man has tender feelings for you. Be observant, and if you notice that a guy constantly wants to touch you, hug you, you often catch his eye on you - most likely, you will hear a declaration of love in the near future.

How not to test feelings

However, there are a number of actions that should not be used to test the feelings of a young person.

Extreme Checks

Don't make up stupid tasks, like if you walk on this roof, then you love me. Each person has his own degree of manifestation of love, and not every guy is ready to risk his life in order to prove something to you.

Jealousy test

Another stupid idea how to check the feelings of a man. A young man who is too jealous of his girlfriend is likely to have a sense of ownership over her, rather than a trusting relationship. Therefore, you should not set up a “sudden” meeting with an ex-boyfriend, or write love SMS from another number, this is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

Temptation check

Many girls try to find out the feelings of a young man with the help of a girlfriend, and as a result, they risk being left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always the possibility that he will be led to other prey.

To find out how a man treats you, you do not need to weave ingenious intrigues, be sincere in your relationship, and you will receive the same attitude in return. Love is always visible from a distance, truly close people do not need to check their feelings.

When not to continue a relationship

So, you are dating a guy, or just planning to do it, but you don’t know how he treats you. If there is no time and patience to observe his behavior for a while, but you really want to know, come up and ask directly. It is up to you to decide whether to be in the unknown or hear the bitter reality. You can also find out information of interest from mutual friends and acquaintances, let someone be in the know.

A guy has no serious intentions towards you if:

  • When meeting with you, he continues to wander around with his eyes. He feels free and pays attention to all female representatives.
  • The tone of his conversation does not change with your communication, that is, he does not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • A man spends little free time with you. From friends and acquaintances, you often hear about his adventures in clubs, but he does not invite you with him.
  • A young man does not give you flowers and nice trinkets.
  • In your presence, she devotes too much time to other pretty girls.
  • The guy does not want to communicate with you by correspondence - on social networks or by phone.
  • In a difficult situation, you have to rely only on your beloved, there is not even a hint of help from a young man.

If you find several matches in the list, do not have any illusions, the young man is absolutely indifferent to you, and he does not plan to start a serious relationship with you. Try to forget about him, and then a really worthy person will appear on your horizon who will love you and provide all kinds of support.

Every woman always wants to know what the young man she likes thinks about her, what feelings he feels. Sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at it, and everything immediately becomes clear. If the situation does not seem so simple, and you want to use additional methods of checking feelings, be prudent, do not overdo it. Attempts to cause excessive jealousy, seduction by a girlfriend, or correspondence on behalf of someone else from a dating site can only harm your relationship. Be honest and sincere with your chosen one and then in return you will receive the same feelings and emotions.

Whether we're in a long-term or just-started relationship, we all think from time to time about how to test our feelings. What do psychologists think about this? The first thought is this: if such ideas come, the relationship in a couple is no longer as harmonious as you would like. In strong and loving unions, no one seeks to subject each other to tests. Why do you have doubts? They are not born in the soul just like that: for every doubt there is a trigger. This topic is large, and therefore it is impossible to cover everything in one publication. Let's focus on a few important points.

Listen and try to hear

Often the problem manifests itself even before the woman or man suspected something was wrong in the relationship. Just listen to the person next to you. If he is dissatisfied with you for any reason, and this has never happened before, this is no longer a bell, but even a bell. Not such a figure, tasteless dinner, too loud laughter, stupid girlfriends or friends, unworthy work - do you listen to this day by day? Then it's too late to ask about how to check a man for sincerity of feelings. It is unlikely that the feelings remained, and if they did, it would be difficult to renew them.

If your man, knowing that you're sick with a cold, goes to a bar with friends (but talks about love), do not console yourself with vain hopes. All promises and compliments you hear should be carefully filtered based on what is being done. The same applies to women who promise one thing and do another. A loving person is not obliged to belong to you, but in difficult times he chooses you instead of entertainment and other things. Thinking about how to test a man for feelings? Create an artificial situation in which he will have to make a choice between you and the next trip to the gym, to a club with friends. But do not get carried away: if you decide to do this, do it only once, and it will be enough for the correct conclusion.

How to check a guy for feelings: is it worth looking through the phone and instant messengers?

Psychologists advise: if you want to maintain emotional calmness and in general a couple, you should not do this in any case. Respect the personal space of a person - you have no right to violate it. And the correspondence does not always reflect the real state of affairs. Your partner may be joking with a work colleague, classmate, or longtime friend with no intention of cheating or hurting you. But an offended person is able to twist the situation to the point of absurdity and believe in it. But after a stormy scandal, when your act is revealed, the problem will worsen. We highly recommend not taking that risk.

Correspondence from a stranger: another popular method

Often, girls think about how to check a guy for feelings by correspondence. This is a less complicated and dangerous method. At the very least, you can go for it. Having created a fake page, get to know your young man on someone else's behalf. But don't go too far either: in the first stages, find out everything that interests you, and immediately leave. If a man refuses to date you, speaks of the fidelity of his beloved, do not try to develop the situation. There are frequent cases when a person falls in love by correspondence, and this will no longer be his fault.

How to check a girl for feelings: financial issues

Often, questions about girls' feelings are based on a fear associated with money. Guys think that a new lover is only interested in a bank account and a car brand. This is where various checks begin, such as lowering your status, cheap gifts on an important day, requests to pay for some things, etc. Psychologists do not recommend creating an image that has nothing to do with you. You are guided by a simple idea: how to test a girl for feelings. At the same time, you think that over time everyone will open up and the other half will be delighted that your status is much higher, and the opportunities are much greater. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for women to leave after such discoveries: they understand that they have been lied to for a long time, they were treated like scammers - and this is unpleasant for many.

Deception of feelings is one of the most cruel deceptions, especially when it comes to the vulnerable male soul. Therefore, cunning tricks, insidious tactics and strategies are often resorted to to test the sincerity of a woman. They can be very resourceful, and sometimes cruel, in their choice of verification methods. Not becoming an object of testing or being ready for testing will help to expose male tricks designed to test a woman for feelings. So we reveal the secrets - a cunning male test!

Loyalty check

The ability of a woman to be faithful is one of the fundamental qualities that a man wants to see in his chosen one. Being the only one is inherent in his psychology and genetics. He is ready to forgive a woman for the lack of beauty, intelligence, good manners, but never the lack of fidelity.

Checking through correspondence in social networks. A man sets up a fake profile on social networks and begins to communicate with his girlfriend under a false name. He provokes her to flirt, asks provocative questions, invites her on a date. Any reaction of the girl will "speak" more eloquently than her words. And even if for a girl this communication is just meaningless correspondence, then a man can already draw conclusions. It is better to immediately admit the perseverance of a new acquaintance, so that later you do not have to make excuses and prove your loyalty.

Checking through friends. The guy, being in cahoots with a nice friend, appoints a date for the girl and safely "late" for him. While she is waiting, looking at her watch, a "mishandled Cossack" approaches her and tries to charm her in every possible way, swindle her into a phone number, etc. Another option is also possible. A guy asks his buddy to openly or secretly flirt with his girlfriend at a party. Yes, it's not fair, but the girl's true attitude is revealed quickly.


Checking through courier delivery. A lover of checks anonymously sends flowers or a gift to a girl by courier. If she hurries to thank him for the surprise, it is obvious that she has one man. If the girl shuts up the situation, or finds out the facts with careful questions, the conclusions of the man will not be in her favor.

Check for reciprocity

A man tests a girl for reciprocity of feelings when he wants to make sure that the chosen one is truly passionate about him, cherishes, loves and is afraid to lose.

A man disappears after a long happy relationship or a successful date. He stops calling, writing, ignoring any communication attempts. Probably, a man expects active actions from a girl, steps and actions that prove that he is dear to her, and she wants to return the relationship.

The provocation of jealousy often becomes a tool for testing a girl for reciprocity of feelings. Jealous means love. Guided by this attitude, the guy flirts, jokes, flirts with another / other girls at a party, asks a friend or colleague to write him love messages from an unknown number, is late from work, etc.

Check for commercialism

A man, especially an accomplished and wealthy one, fears that a woman will not love him, but his success and financial capabilities. Therefore, checking for a thirst for money is one of the most popular:

A man deliberately gives inexpensive gifts, takes him to modest restaurants, arranges romantic dates without gloss and chic. His goal is to check the girl’s reaction: will she be capricious when she receives jewelry as a gift; how much will it cost to order in a restaurant; dare to reproach for the lack of expensive entertainment?

Wealthy men arrange more serious checks for commercialism. They hide their expensive cars, temporarily switching to cheap or public transport; conspicuous clothing brands are exchanged for affordable secondhand; guests are invited not to the penthouse, but to a rented Khrushchev.

Checking through tricky questions

To test a girl, it is not necessary to arrange trials or artificially create testing situations. Some men choose a more honest and gentle way to “bite” a girl in order to understand her true motives in a relationship. These are provocative questions. Testing takes place in the form of a casual dialogue. A man asks tricky questions and during the conversation he looks at what strategy the girl chooses in her answers, whether she is cunning to please the man she likes, wants to seem or be real. It is better to prepare for uncomfortable questions in advance.

Here is some of them:

- Do you allow white lies?
What act do you regret the most?
What quality would you never forgive a man?
What qualities of character would you like to improve in yourself?
What do you think about male polygamy?
Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
- Should your man be handsome (rich, smart, generous)?
What act will you never forgive the man you love?
-Would you agree to paradise in a hut with your beloved?
-How do you feel about sex without commitment?
- Are you ready to go for your beloved man in difficult living conditions?
What do you consider proof of love?
What are you willing to sacrifice for love?
What are you willing to do to keep a man?
- Do you think a man's maternity leave is acceptable?
If you could give yourself advice about the past, what would it be?

-Which of the now deceased people would you like to meet, if it were possible?
If you could choose any place and time, where would you like to be right now?
- How do you imagine your own old age?
Do you allow your parents to interfere in your personal life?
What would you do if you could become a man for one day?
If you suddenly win a million, what will you spend it on?
What gift would you give and to whom if you had unlimited possibilities?
What do you think is the best gift you have received?
For what and to whom do you feel the greatest gratitude?
-What book, movie, meeting turned your life upside down or changed your world?
- Which of the real or fictional men do you consider real?
-Which celebrity life would you like to live at least one day?
How would you spend your day if you knew it was the last day of your life?

That's it, pretty girls! Be vigilant, and best of all, love sincerely!

How does a man test a woman for feelings for him and for loyalty? What guides the opposite sex when choosing a partner, and what qualities do they prefer? If you want to successfully pass the test and enter into a long-awaited alliance, then you ask certain questions. Find out how to do it right now in this article.

When does a man think about his wife's fidelity?

Many women do not even know what thoughts visit a loved one, and in what ways he tests you for fidelity.

Any couple sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​marriage and the consolidation of a love union. According to statistics, about 76% of men begin to think about a woman only when she begins to dream of a white dress and a ring on her finger.

It is quite difficult to understand why men check the girl at this very moment, and not before. So how do men test women? Psychologists have long proven that the male version of the test is as complex and intricate as the female one.

It has been proven that a man can test a woman for fidelity if there were prerequisites for treason.

What kind of woman do men choose: method number 1, or the help of friends

Do men check women at all? Of course, every man considers his partner according to the criterion of "accessibility", and focuses on her qualities, manners.

In a civil marriage, many girls relax and cease to match the image that the guy has chosen. This is argued by the fact that the girl is already counting on the consolidation of the union by marriage.

To begin with, you will need to pass a kind of loyalty test, which will be prepared by a partner. Each question and activity will be unique and therefore cannot be considered in general terms. But there are several verification methods that men use most often.

Step 1: Get to Know Playboy

How do men test women for availability? With the help of your friends. Most often, the first way to check is getting to know the guy's friends, and paying special attention to one of them.

As a rule, this guy is the most prominent and handsome. He can flirt with you, kiss you on the cheek. At that time, your boyfriend will monitor the reaction of his beloved.

Remember that this is a test and you should never fail it. You can transfer to your partner, or gently refuse the local "playboy". If the guy continues the game, then go up to the future husband and say that you want to leave.

Step 2: meeting with the "playboy"

The next stage of how men check women for availability is a meeting with a guy who previously molested and "glued" to you. This is done in several steps:

  1. The man tells you that his friends are having a family reunion again and they are inviting his wife as well. Or the guy tells you to take a walk with him.
  2. On the way or in a cafe you will see a friend of your future husband, as if by chance.
  3. If this happens in a cafe, then your boyfriend will rush out of it, leaving his future wife alone with the "playboy". The same thing will happen on the street.
  4. You will stay with your main friend alone and should not upset your partner.

Your task is to hurry away. In no case do not linger for a long time with a guy who, after the meeting, will tell everything to a friend. Quickly come up with a trick similar to your boyfriend's and leave.

If they insist on escorting you, then allow it, but without stupid questions and scenes. Just go ahead and answer the questions briefly: yes, no, maybe, don't know. In no case do not accept too close gestures of courtship. When attempting a kiss or more romantic contact, don't hesitate to give a light slap if the man doesn't understand what you're saying.

Step 3: new friend

A man can test you with the help of his friends, whom you do not even know about. While walking down the street, in a cafe or at work, a pleasant young man will want to meet you. He will communicate nicely and follow the reaction of the woman.

The key factor that shows the availability of a woman in this case is the phone number. If you make contact, and even give a phone number, then your chosen one will lose confidence and offer to wait until the wedding for at least a few months or years.

Step 4: Chat Online

In addition to friends in the real world, you may receive a message with a desire to meet online. Do you think how a man checks a woman on the Internet if his acquaintances cannot write, since they are friends with the chosen one? Special groups come to the rescue to check the wife. This communication is not expensive, but there are enough advantages in the profile of a young and charming guy.

If you successfully pass the first stage of the test, then the man will be able to justify his thoughts about the unavailability of the chosen one. But it is worth remembering that these are only the first steps.

Questions about the past

Most men who fail to intrigue you with their friends move on to the next step: asking about ex-boyfriends and relationships.

These can be comparative questions about wealth and sexual relations. Even if you were previously popular with the male sex, try to be calm and balanced in answering questions. Give yourself time to think, reflect on what has been said.

Some men have a feature - to draw a parallel between their girlfriend's ex-boyfriend and themselves. Very often this leads to aggression, which should be avoided.

Put all the connections that were before your loved one in second place. Explain that all your partners were previously just a hobby and you did not have sincere feelings with them. If you say that the relationship with the man you currently have is real, then the chosen one will definitely be happy.

Testing for patience and longevity of relationships

This test is inherent in aggressive people, with an impulsive character and the same signs of the zodiac. How do Taurus men test women? Testing patience.

  1. The future husband will try to annoy you. Will give the wrong gift, put a snarky joke into context, and act aggressively in general, constantly changing his mind.
  2. Flirt. Too cute will start talking to your girlfriend, will use body contact. It will change before our eyes when your friend passes by.

Of course, this is unpleasant and really annoying. On the one hand, a man in this way tests you for scandalousness and aggressiveness, and on the other hand, it becomes unbearable. You can answer him the same, but within reason.

Remember that if this continues for a long time (1-2 months), the guy is worth talking to. Do not scandal, just explain that his behavior is unpleasant and insulting.

How do rich men test women?

If a man suddenly cuts your expenses drastically and began to control the management of bank cards, then this is also part of the test.

Few people like girls who like to scatter money without thinking about the sources of their receipt. This method is inherent in men with good material security. You can understand the partner - he does not want you to be with him solely because of the money.

In addition, some male representatives may give you their bank card and offer to spend some amount (a certain amount or any amount). Your task is to spend money wisely. If the amount was certain, and you have a surplus, then leave it on the card.

What kind of hostess are you?

Many people think why a man checks a woman for domesticity? It would seem that this factor should bother you, and it is the last thing.

But male representatives also think about cleanliness in their room. How will she look after you? After all, marriage means living together, on a common territory.

In addition, men also think about caring for their upcoming offspring. If your apartment is dirty, damp and you simply cannot wash a plate, then what is worth talking about children at all.

How to show a man that you are the mistress?

What needs to be done so that the guy understands that you are worthy of his children and living in a common area? Check the following points:

  1. A man always looks at the cleanliness in your room. It should be not only visual, but also real! It will not be difficult for you to wipe the dust, wash the floor and ventilate the room, right? Then prepare the apartment for the arrival of the future husband.
  2. The interior is not very important, but try not to "litter" the corridor, kitchen and other very first places that your loved one will pay attention to.
  3. Large apartment renovation, ironing and laundry are not so important. A man should not think that all this is for him.

Simple cleaning, which will show you from the best side, will be a big plus.

How does an Aries man check a woman? This zodiac sign tends to dominate, so it can invite you to your apartment. What to do in this case and where should I pay attention? You can also arrange a kind of test for a man for feelings and serious intentions:

  1. Help your loved one clean the dishes or solve some household problem. It’s just worth offering help, thereby showing your habit of cleaning up after yourself and independence.
  2. Check if the man will let you rearrange 1-2 things. Will the chosen one allow the perfume to be moved to another shelf and change the location of the table? If a man is serious, then perhaps reluctantly, but he will allow it to be done. Otherwise, he will not allow anything to be changed under any pretext.

You should not offer your services up to general cleaning. It is enough just to help with light household problems. A man should not use you, you yourself offer help.

Liquor check

How does a man check a woman? Pouring her a few more shots than she asked for. A man wants to see with him a companion who is not particularly fond of alcohol.

You must control the situation. If a man offers you a drink, but you don't drink alcohol, then just refuse.

If a woman drinks alcohol, then she should drink in moderation. Ideally, with such a test, the chosen one should drink 2 times less alcohol than a man. In this case, the beloved will make sure that the girl is calm to alcoholic drinks, and will provide you with a successful and fun evening.


Summing up, it is worth saying that the question of how men check women is individual, and it can only be considered in general. You must go through all the stages of verification, but remember that a man can come up with unique tests for you. So be prepared for them.

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