Mushroom mycelium porcini mushroom cultivation. Not an easy task: technology for growing porcini mushrooms at home

White fungus is called the king of the forest, because even the youngest specimens look quite impressive due to the thick stem and fleshy cap. Unfortunately, in recent times less and less mushrooms are found in the forests. This is also due to climate change, and due to the fact that some mushroom pickers do not collect correctly, which damages the mycelium and reduces yields.

If you don’t have time to go to the forest and look for mushrooms, this does not mean at all that you will have to give up delicious forest mushrooms. You can easily grow them in the country if you use useful tips and the growing instructions given in our article.

The value of white mushrooms is explained by their rarity. Unlike russula and other common species that can grow almost anywhere, boletus requires special soil and climatic conditions for the development of fruiting bodies.

Note: When planning to grow mushrooms in the country, be prepared for the fact that they will have to create the same conditions as in the forest. In this case, you will be able to harvest a rich harvest throughout the season, without leaving the suburban area.

First of all, you should make sure that the fruiting bodies have enough moisture. If the moisture level drops below 60%, they dry out, even if enough moisture is contained in the soil itself.

An equally important role is played by temperature regime. Spores germinate already at +9 degrees, however, for the normal development of fruit bodies, it requires heat - from +19 to +27 degrees. That is why the season for collecting mushrooms most often falls on early warm autumn. Under such conditions, fruiting bodies can germinate and develop within 30 days.

Figure 1. Growing mushrooms in the country

Accordingly, if you manage to create similar conditions on your own suburban area, you can save time and effort by picking mushrooms right in the garden or in the garden (Figure 1). In addition, when planting mushrooms, you will be sure that you are collecting edible specimens, and not toxic doppelgangers, which are very skillfully disguised as real porcini mushrooms.

How to grow boletus mushrooms in the country

The temperature and humidity regime is far from the only condition for the successful cultivation of mushrooms in the country. Since in nature these mushrooms are found mainly in pine forests, birch, oak and aspen groves, at home you should try to reproduce such conditions.

Note: The choice of wood plays an important role because it is the above tree species that have a positive effect on the growth and development of the mycelium.

It is advisable to plant in those places of the site where they grow similar trees. The advantage should be given to conifers, as they not only contribute to the development of mycelium, but also have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, destroying pathogens.

It is important that the boletus mycelium cannot stand the proximity to fruit trees and absolutely does not take root. Therefore, if there are no oaks, aspens, pines or birches on your site, just place the mycelium near any wooden building, preferably from conifers. Naturally, you can’t count on huge harvests in this case, but you can quite easily collect enough mushrooms for eating.

How to grow porcini mushrooms in a cellar in the country

The advantage of growing mushrooms is that they practically do not need special conditions lighting. Accordingly, you can cultivate them even in the basement of a private house.

Such growing conditions will allow you to get absolutely full-fledged porcini mushrooms. The only difference will be that due to the lack of sunlight, the hats of such mushrooms will be slightly lighter than those grown in the forest (Figure 2).

To grow porcini mushrooms in the cellar, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. The floor, walls and ceiling must be concreted so that pathogens do not get into the mycelium. In addition, it is desirable to whitewash the walls with slaked lime to prevent the spread of infection indoors.
  2. In the basement, it is necessary to equip high-quality natural or supply and exhaust ventilation, with which it will be possible to regulate the temperature in the room.
  3. The optimal temperature for growing porcini mushrooms is + 12 + 15 degrees. Under such conditions, not only the mycelium will sprout, but the fruiting bodies will evenly develop.
  4. In the basement, it is necessary to maintain a stable humidity of 80%. Only in such conditions will porcini mushrooms be large enough and fleshy. If the room is too dry, water containers placed around the perimeter will help increase the humidity.

In addition, it is desirable to equip all ventilation openings with a mosquito net so that insects that can damage the crop do not accidentally get inside.

Figure 2. Growing mushrooms in the basement

When the room is ready for planting, you need to additionally prepare equipment and inventory for the cultivation of mushrooms. First of all, you will need a substrate. It can include sunflower husks, dry corn stalks and sawdust of deciduous or coniferous trees. It is impossible to use only sawdust of fruit trees as a material, since the boletus mycelium does not get along with them.

Note: Before use, the substrate must be processed hot water and dry. Only under these conditions will you be sure that the soil will not be infected by pests or pathogens.

You will also need porcini mycelium, and it is better to use not self-prepared material, but products produced in a special laboratory. You can also use the mycelium brought from the forest, but in this case there will be no exact guarantee of a positive result.

You can grow mushrooms in the basement in ordinary boxes or flower pots filled with substrate. Naturally, this process also implies direct sowing of mycelium, which can be carried out in several ways. Since each of them has its own characteristics, we will consider the main ones in more detail.

Planting mushrooms with mycelium

If the vegetation on your site is quite diverse, and includes not only fruit, but also coniferous and deciduous trees, you may well try to grow mushrooms using a mycelium brought from the forest (Figure 3).

Note: It is necessary to plant a mycelium only under the tree of the breed under which it grew in the forest. Otherwise, it will not take root and harvest will not work.

To plant mushroom mycelium in your own summer cottage, follow these instructions:

  1. In the selected area under the tree, remove the top layer of soil within a radius of 70 cm from the trunk.
  2. The depth of the removed soil layer should be 26-28 cm.
  3. The resulting recess is filled with a nutrient substrate. It should include soil removed under the tree, some leaves and pine needles, as well as the bark of the tree under which the mycelium will grow.
  4. On top of this mixture lay out the mycelium and sprinkle it with a layer of sand and coniferous needles.

Figure 3. Growing from mycelium

After that, you just need to water the area from a watering can and you can expect the appearance of the first mushrooms.

Solution dilution

If you do not know how to properly extract the mycelium from the soil in the forest, you can easily prepare a special planting solution from overripe porcini mushrooms or their caps.

To do this, finely chop the overripe mushrooms, add a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of gelatin to the mixture. Then water is added to the mixture, it is thoroughly mixed and the soil is watered around deciduous or coniferous trees. In this case, mycorrhiza (mushroom root) with the root system of a tree is formed from such a mushroom mixture in the soil, and the first crop of mushrooms can be harvested in two years.

If you use only hats, they need to be washed and filled with spring or rain water for a day. After that, the water is drained, and the caps are ground to a homogeneous mass. Unlike sowing with a solution, when using the slurry of their hats, the soil under the selected tree must be loosened, poured with water that remains after soaking the hats, and after absorbing moisture, evenly distribute the slurry and sprinkle it on top with loose and light soil. Further, the landing site should be regularly, but moderately watered. When using this method, mushrooms germinate much faster than when sowing with a liquid solution.

Burying mushrooms in the field

If you have collected big harvest forest mushrooms, you can always leave a few young specimens to create your own beds. To do this, young porcini mushrooms need to be finely chopped and bury the gruel in the ground near a coniferous or deciduous tree on the site (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Planting a mushroom bed

After this, the area must be watered abundantly. On average, one tree should have about 40 liters of water. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you should not expect a quick crop when using this method, since the first young mushrooms will appear only in the next season. At the same time, the obvious advantage of this method is its high efficiency combined with minimal labor costs.

Growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium

Much more effective method Growing porcini mushrooms on site is a method that uses special mycelium produced in the laboratory. It is possible to plant such mycelium in the garden already in May, and sowing work can continue until September.

The technology for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium is as follows:

  1. We choose a well-lit and moderately humid area under a tree. In this area, you need to remove the top layer of soil. As a rule, one package of mycelium is designed for an area of ​​​​3 square meters.
  2. At the bottom of the formed hole we lay out a layer of pine needles, leaves and tree bark, under which the mycelium will be located. It is important to take into account that the layer of such a substrate should be about 10 cm thick. Sprinkle the substrate with humus on top.
  3. We take out the mycelium from the package, mix it with clean sand and evenly distribute it over the substrate. It is also desirable to sprinkle it on top with a layer of humus, since otherwise the planting material can be washed away by rainwater. On average, the top layer of humus should be 4.5 cm.
  4. The sown area needs to be watered. To do this, you can use both drip irrigation and a minimal watering can.

In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the site does not dry out, and the crop can be harvested from such a bed for five years.

Reproduction by spores

This breeding method is suitable for those who have already managed to grow a few mushrooms on the site. To increase the colony of porcini mushrooms, their spores should be used. To do this, leave one mushroom so that it is overripe. After that, all the pulp should be selected from its cap (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Cultivation of mushrooms from spores

It should be finely chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder to form a slurry of a uniform consistency. We spread this mass in a jar or bottle, add 3 teaspoons of sugar, 20 grams of yeast and fill it with spring or rain water. The mixture should be in a warm place for about 2 weeks.

After that, we dilute 150 grams of gruel in 10 liters of water and filter through several layers of gauze. With the resulting liquid, you just need to pour the soil around the tree or in the beds with strawberries. In order for the spores to penetrate deep into the soil, after such a peculiar sowing, it is necessary to additionally irrigate the site. With this method, the crop will appear in about a year.

What to do so that the mycelium takes root

It often happens that even if all technological recommendations are followed, the mycelium does not take root on the site.

To speed up the healing process, follow these tips:

  1. If you are going to bring mycelium from the forest, choose mycelium that grows near the types of trees that you plan to use for planting on your own site.
  2. When using the sowing technology from overripe mushrooms or their caps, immediately after harvesting, the mushrooms should be soaked. From the moment of collection to soaking, no more than 10 hours should pass, since both the mushrooms themselves and their spores quickly decompose. Growing a mushroom bed from frozen mushrooms will not work.
  3. When soaking the future seed in water, it is advisable to add sugar or alcohol, since these substances contribute to the rapid engraftment of the mycelium. When using alcohol, it is first mixed with water (3-4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) and only after that hats are laid out in the finished mixture. If you use sugar, then for 10 liters of water you will need 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Landing is possible from May to September. If you carry out the procedure later, the mycelium, most likely, will not take root, as it will not have time to grow and get stronger before the onset of autumn frosts. In addition, it is advisable to treat the area where you will plant mushrooms with a disinfectant solution in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the soil.

How to grow porcini mushrooms outdoors

Despite the fact that many summer residents prefer to grow porcini mushrooms in boxes or pots placed in the basement, cultivation in the basement can be no less successful. open field(Figure 6).

The success of this venture depends on several factors:

  1. Choose an area with little shade. It is desirable that the light be diffused: this way the fruiting bodies will develop more evenly.
  2. The soil must be kept constantly moderately moist. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water the site, install a drip irrigation system on it.
  3. In order to improve the quality and quantity of the crop, it is advisable to introduce a growth activator into the soil in the spring.
  4. In order for the mycelium to form high-quality mycorrhiza with the root of a tree, it is advisable to plant the mycelium no further than half a meter from the trunk.

Figure 6. Outdoor cultivation

In addition, so that the mycelium does not dry out, planting is best done on a cool day, from May to September. It is also important to remember that growing porcini mushrooms in open ground near fruit trees will not work. For this purpose, only forest coniferous or deciduous species are suitable. If there are no such plantings on your site, you can always sow mycelium near wooden buildings or stacked logs.

An effective way to plant porcini mushrooms in a summer cottage is shown in the video.

Many people love mushrooms, but often there is not enough time to go to the forest for them. You can, of course, just buy them. But there are some doubts: it is not known where they were collected and whether they are poisonous. Yes, and expensive. Therefore, you can learn how to grow mushrooms in the country. And try to do it yourself. This not only saves time and money, but is also an interesting activity.

The necessary conditions

On a regular bed by themselves Forest mushrooms will never grow. There must be at least one tree on the site. This is prerequisite for the growth of many types of fungi, the myceliums of which are formed by introducing a mushroom root into the root system of a tree. From there it receives amino acids and carbohydrates. In return, it gives minerals that protect the tree from diseases and insect pests. A place for planting mushrooms should be chosen away from berry, fruit and vegetable plantations. It should be as close as possible to the natural forest environment.

Growing mushrooms with a special solution

For a small but constant harvest, summer residents often use a special solution. It is made from overripe mushrooms (which are crushed into dust), one tablespoon of flour and gelatin powder. This mixture is slightly diluted with water and watered over moist soil under the trees. Fungal spores germinate, forming a fungus root. After two seasons, abundant fruiting begins.

at the cottage by instillation

The collected young mushrooms are heavily crushed and buried in the ground next to the tree, which consists of enveloping threads of mycelium. Then you need to keep this area moist. In a year there will be several mushrooms. You can just scatter small pieces and cover with fallen leaves.

Breeding honey mushrooms and butter

The optimal, but rather inconvenient and time-consuming way, is to transplant young trees along with mycelium from the forest to a summer cottage. Most of all, it is suitable for breeding butter and mushrooms. On the site, you need to prepare a place in advance, if there is not enough lime in the soil, then fertilize it. Trees should be planted in such a way that they get enough sunlight. Young specimens easily tolerate transplantation and take root well. The soil must be watered regularly, and in a year or two an overgrown mycelium will appear, giving a good harvest.

Cultivation of mushrooms in the country

First, you need to find old mushrooms in the forest. Then put them in a bucket filled with rain or well water. Mushrooms should be in it for several days, but always in the house, at room temperature. During this time, they will "spread" along the threads. You get a mixture, which, after stirring, water the area near the tree.

Growing with mycelium

How to grow mushrooms in the country with the help of mycelium? First you need to find it in the forest. The earth is carefully cut off in a small layer and transferred to the summer cottage (so that it does not crumble). It is necessary to plant the brought myceliums to a new place immediately. To do this, you need to prepare a small hole in advance. Such a transplant is done only in the morning or in the evening. Most best time for her - the transition from summer to autumn (plus or minus one week). At this time, there is still enough moisture and heat in the ground.

It is necessary to water the place where the mycelium was transferred daily, even in inclement weather. If everything is done correctly, then in a year you can expect a harvest. To maintain it, you need to throw pieces of mushrooms into this place every year.

Growing white mushrooms with mycelium

Grow porcini in the country it is possible with the help of mycelium. Before planting under a tree, the top layer of earth is removed. Compost is laid on the bare area, and the pieces must be laid out on top in a checkerboard pattern. Then put the removed sod on top and water well. One tree needs 3 buckets of water. But you need to water carefully so as not to erode the soil.

To achieve a better and faster result, the place is covered with fallen leaves or straw. This helps retain moisture, as the mycelium should not be allowed to dry out. It is best to add fertilizer to the water with which the plot is watered. In the cold season, the mycelium is covered with branches, straw and fallen leaves - a thick layer so that the soil does not freeze much. In the spring, this "veil" must be removed. White mushrooms will appear as soon as the mycelium takes root. And they will grow on this site up to 4 years. When watering with fertilizers - up to 7 years.

Sowing porcini mushrooms

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country is not such a difficult task. The main thing is that deciduous or coniferous trees. Mushrooms are soaked overnight in a bucket of water. Then they are kneaded by hand until smooth. Water is filtered through a rag or gauze. The remaining liquid is poured onto the roots of the tree, and a cloth with the mushroom mass remaining in it is placed on top, covered with turf and watered abundantly. Then the humidity is constantly maintained. A year later, you can get the first harvest.

Cultivation of chanterelles

How to grow mushrooms in the country if there are no trees on the site? In this case, they must first be planted or transferred from the forest. Mushroom with chanterelles forms mycelium (mycorrhiza), which grows into the roots of trees. These mushrooms love pines and spruces. And also they can be found near beeches, oaks. But they do not grow near garden plantings. Therefore, there should be young forest trees in the summer cottage.

One of the most favorite mushrooms of many gourmets is that you can grow it in the country in two ways: sow spores or transfer mycelium from the forest. In this case, it is best to grab a little land on which the mycelium was located. It is the most reliable and fast way grow chanterelles in the country. Spores are sown in the ways described just above.

Oyster mushrooms: cultivation, care and collection

Oyster mushrooms grow very quickly and give a good harvest. . How to grow wild mushrooms at home and in the country? First you need to choose a room that will be used for growing mushrooms (garage, basement, cellar, etc.). It is disinfected with a 4% solution of lime. Then it closes for two days and then it is well ventilated until the smell goes away. Two such premises should be prepared: prosprostnaya and vegetative.

Prepare the substrate. It can be made from sunflower seed husks, corn cobs, sawdust, straw or cereal plants. You can use several of the materials listed at once. Substrate preparation:

  • the mixture is poured warm water for 20 minutes;
  • dirty water is drained, the mixture is squeezed out and poured for 7 hours, oppression is placed on top;
  • water is drained again, and the mass is squeezed out;
  • superphosphate, urea and a little ground limestone and gypsum are added to the resulting mixture.

Next, bags are prepared on which oyster mushrooms will grow. Any polyethylene will do. Holes with a diameter of 2 cm are made in them, through which mushrooms will then sprout. The distance between them should be 15-20 cm.

The bags are filled with ready-made wet substrate. First by 15 cm, then - a layer of mycelium, etc., until the bag is 2/3 full. Then it is tied up and transferred to the room. The bags can be either suspended or simply placed in rows.

The temperature in the growing room should be maintained between 22 and 24 degrees. In bags - no more than 28. Humidity in the room - from 90 to 95%. Lighting is not required. The bags are transferred to the growing room as soon as the substrate is overgrown with mycelium. Put or hang them at a distance from each other for good ventilation.

In the plant room, humidity should be maintained from 90 to 95%, and the temperature should be from 12 to 18 degrees. You can install automatic sprayers or leave water containers indoors. But it must not be allowed to fall into the bags. Lighting should work only 12 hours a day. Conventional fluorescent lamps are used. Good ventilation is required.

As the oyster mushroom begins to grow, the holes get larger. Mushrooms can be cut already on the eighth day. They are stored in special containers or plastic bags. The second crop appears in two weeks.

Oyster mushrooms can also be grown right in the garden. For this, a base is selected - logs or pieces of wood. Then holes, grooves are made in them and the wood is moistened. Mycelium is filled into the holes and covered with bark. Then these pieces of wood are placed in small holes in the ground (on a layer of sawdust) and covered with foil. Good humidity is constantly maintained. Oyster mushrooms will appear in the second month and will bear fruit for several years.

What increases the chances of survival of the mycelium

If the site already has deciduous or coniferous plantations, then it is better to take mushrooms that grow in the forest near the same tree. You can store them after collection for no more than 10 hours. Mushrooms cannot be frozen. After defrosting, it is useless to plant them - they will not grow. When soaking, alcohol is added to the water (4 tablespoons per 10 liters) or sugar (50 grams per the same number of liters).

The place of the future mycelium is watered with a disinfectant solution 3 hours before planting. Solutions from tannins or black tea are mainly used). Let them cool before watering. Mushrooms take root well if planted before mid-September. If later, they may not grow at all or the mycelium will not take root. The landing site in the heat is watered once a week with four buckets of water.

Many are interested in how to grow mushrooms in the country so that there is a good harvest. Here are some tips to help you get good results:

  • it is better to choose a landing site in the shade;
  • if the soil lacks moisture, you need to water additionally;
  • mushrooms are planted no further than 1.5 meters from the tree, in the cool time of the day;
  • Mushrooms do not take root well near fruit trees.

Now you know everything to successfully grow mushrooms.

White fungus is the most famous mushroom in Russia. Every person has heard about it since childhood, seen it in fairy tales and cartoons, ate it. The taste of this product is excellent. It is used to prepare a huge number of dishes, some recipes of which have been tested for generations. However, picking porcini mushrooms in the forest today is a very troublesome business, and for many it is impossible. Therefore, savvy gardeners have found a way to grow them on their own in their backyard.

White mushroom - the most famous representative of the genus Borovik, from where its second name, boletus, comes from. But he has many other names that have come down to us from antiquity: bear, belevik, belevik, korovik, cowshed, pechura. It is impossible to confuse it with other mushrooms due to the brown spherical cap and the “pot-bellied” white leg.

The official name of the fungus was due to a characteristic property: in the process of heat treatment and drying, its flesh retains its natural white color. The average weight of one mushroom is 200-300 g, in some specimens - up to 2-3 kg.

White fungus tends to change its appearance as it grows. While he is young, his leg is low and shaped like a white barrel surrounded by a tubular layer of the same color. The hat is small, rather convex, light brown or milky white. The pulp is juicy, fragrant.

Gradually, in the process of aging, the leg stretches up to 10-20 cm and is covered with a fine mesh of veins a tone lighter. The cap becomes darker, flat, spreading, reaching a diameter of 25-30 cm under favorable conditions. It is velvety to the touch, covered with a thin layer of mucus in wet weather. In dry weather, roughness and cracks form in the surface. The flesh acquires a yellowish color and a fibrous structure.

What varieties exist

White mushroom as a species includes edible subspecies, grouped by appearance and growing conditions:

There is another interesting viewboletus bronze, also called copper or hornbeam. His Latin name– Boletus aereus. it rare representative, which occurs in mixed forests in the south of our country. In countries such as Denmark and Norway, it is listed in the Red Book. It has a very dark hat with a whitish coating. The grayish tubular layer turns yellow over time. The leg is slightly wrinkled, hard, with a brown mesh.

How white mushrooms grow

Boletus belongs to those mushrooms whose growth is based on symbiosis with tree roots. In this they are helped by mycorrhiza or mushroom root. This existence is beneficial for both parties. Thanks to trees, amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and other substances are available to mushrooms. Trees, in turn, extract mineral and nitrogenous compounds, water through mycorrhiza. Without mutual support, their growth and development may stop.

These or other subspecies of porcini mushrooms are tied to specific tree species. This explains their "varietal" differences: spruce, pine, oak ... The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe whole species is very wide and affects four continents, except for Australia. In Russia, boletus is found in the middle and southern strip, affecting the northern regions of Siberia and the European part of the country, the Far East.

When they grow

The time of active growth of porcini mushrooms is associated with their place of growth. The first mushrooms appear in May, and the collection lasts until October-November. But it's in the south. In colder regions, the mushroom season continues from June to September, and the peak of the collection falls on August, when ideal weather without temperature fluctuations.

The growth phase of boletus is quite long. In summer, when daylight is long, it is 6-8 days, which is twice as long as in other families. However, at the end of summer and autumn, this period can increase to two weeks, as a result of which the fungus can grow to enormous sizes. Mushrooms with a cap diameter of only 4 cm are of the greatest value.

What soils do you prefer?

It is known that the growth of boletus stimulates the tree itself when it needs the necessary minerals from the soil. Therefore, despite the fact that the white fungus itself prefers fertile, warm, drained soils, it is able to grow on poor sandstones. The main thing is the absence of waterlogging, although the presence of moss and lichen is only welcome.

White fungus does not grow well in the vicinity of ferns and hooves.

Mushrooms usually grow under trees that are over 20 years old. But in the summer they can be seen in a relatively young pine forest or birch grove. In autumn, mushrooms grow mainly in the deep forest, along paths and paths. If the summer is rainy, they appear in lighted areas where the soil warms up under the sun.

Ways to grow white mushrooms at home

All of the above gives general idea about the growth of mushrooms and the necessary natural conditions. To grow these mushrooms on your own land, you will have to independently recreate the conditions, the main basis of which will be the symbiotic tree-mushroom relationship.

There is also another way to grow porcini mushrooms, namely, in greenhouses and other enclosed spaces. But then, most likely, you will have to use climate equipment to maintain optimal humidity, temperature and lighting. This method will require some financial investments, but no business can exist without investments.

Growing porcini mushrooms at home is carried out in two ways. Which one to choose will have to be decided based on the goals and available resources.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the garden

When there are sufficiently mature pines, spruces, birches, oaks, hornbeams or beech on the site, you can use one of the proven planting methods. But it is important to remember that under spruces you need to plant those subspecies that are associated specifically with spruces, under pines - with pines, etc. Otherwise, there will be no landing effect. The first year may not bring a crop, or there will be single mushrooms. Mass fruiting will begin only from the second year. Mushrooms are grown in the following ways:

From dispute

This method is good for those who can pick up a few overripe porcini mushrooms in the nearest forest. They take their hats (even with wormholes), soak them in a bucket of water and leave them warm for a day. Optionally, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water to the water. After a day, the caps are crushed to a homogeneous mass and allowed to stand in the same water for several more hours. Then they are filtered, obtaining a separate mushroom mass and water with fungal spores activated in it.

In the old days, mushrooms were placed in wooden tubs and filled with settled spring or rain water, but without the addition of sugar. The optimal time for such planting work is from August to September.

While the hats are infused, prepare the site for planting. The space around trees with a radius of up to 1.5 m is carefully dug up, removing the top layer of soil about 15-20 cm. At the same time, the integrity of the tree roots, which play a leading role in the development of mycelium, is monitored.

Then, a filtered infusion with spores is poured onto the bare roots, counting 2 liters of solution per 1 m 2 of soil. Spread the mushroom mass remaining after straining on top and sprinkle with soil. Be sure to need watering, neat, without erosion of the earth. One tree will take about 3-5 buckets of water.

From mycelium

Mycelium has recently been increasingly bought in specialized stores. But, if possible, it is better to dig up the mycelium on your own, and under the same trees and of the same age that grow on the site. Dig carefully, without shaking the earth from the mycelium. Planting work can be carried out throughout the warm season.

When purchasing mycelium in a gardening store, you need to pay attention to its condition. Healthy material should have a rich reddish color, possibly with yellowish patches. The presence of dark spots, as well as an unpleasant ammonia smell, indicates a spoiled product. Mycelium is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C for no longer than three months.

The landing site is prepared in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. After that, compost from leaves and sawdust is spread on the roots. If the mycelium is brought from the forest, you can put soil taken from under the tree where the mycelium was dug out at the bottom. Pieces of mycelium are placed on top, but no closer than 30 cm from each other. Then sprinkled with earth and watered. In the first year, the area with mycelium for the winter is covered with straw, spruce branches, and moss.

From tubular layer

This method will require mature mushrooms, in which the tubular layer is separated, crushed into 2 cm cubes, and then dried for 1.5-2 hours. When the planting material is ready, carefully lift the top layer of soil in the selected area with a wooden spatula, lay 2-3 mushroom pieces there, then carefully lower it and water it.

How to care

The main care for mushrooms is regular watering. The drying of the soil, as well as its waterlogging, should not be allowed. If the summer turned out to be dry, the area can be mulched with straw or hay to maintain moisture. But you need to water at regular intervals in an equal volume - 1 time per week for 3-5 buckets of water. Well, if there is a drip irrigation system.

To improve germination, experienced mushroom growers recommend using preparations containing cultures of beneficial microorganisms. They significantly improve the quality of the soil, which is reflected in the yield. Plantings can be fertilized coffee grounds with the addition of a mineral complex. You need to calculate it as 1 tbsp. per 1 m 2.

Cultivation of white mushrooms indoors

Growing porcini mushrooms indoors, whether it be a greenhouse, basement or loggia, is much more difficult. Here you will have to artificially create suitable conditions, so it is important that the room allows you to do this. For planting, it is more convenient to use purchased mycelium, although the spore breeding method is also allowed. Popular among mushroom growers is the Dutch variety of boletus, which is resistant to the artificial environment. The whole process of growing mushrooms at home can be conditionally divided into stages.

Room preparation

The first condition for growing mushrooms is a sterile room. This can be achieved by regularly treating all surfaces with a 1% chlorine solution to prevent the appearance of pests and mold. Sanitization must be carried out every day due to the very high humidity - from 90%. All work must be carried out with gloves.

Humidity and temperature control is possible with the use of climatic equipment. But if it is not there, it is recommended to install several open water containers and sawdust boxes around the perimeter. Sawdust is regularly moistened: they perfectly retain moisture and, thus, maintain humidity in the room.

Also in the greenhouse, shelves for bags with the substrate will be useful. Next to each of them, it is necessary to make ventilation holes that provide air circulation in the phase of active growth of mushrooms. The opening, if necessary, should close easily and tightly. If we talk about lighting landings, then it should be muffled. Low power fluorescent lamps can be used.

Substrate preparation

Next milestone- preparation of the substrate in which mushrooms will grow. For him, they take waste wood and plant origin: seed and buckwheat husks, straw cereal crops, corn stalks and cobs, sawdust and shavings of oak, pine or birch. Additionally put oak leaves, pine needles and bark. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and crushed.

Next, the substrate is sterilized, but not by boiling, which will destroy most of the nutrients. The mass is steamed for three hours with hot water at a temperature of 70-80°C. After processing is completed, all excess water is drained and the mass is left to cool to room temperature 22-25°C.

There should be no mold and rot in the substrate!

The cooled substrate is checked for readiness - they take a handful of it and squeeze it. A properly prepared substrate should spring when compressed without releasing water. If excess moisture is present, allow it to drain, even if it takes several days. Overwatering is unacceptable!

The finished substrate is taken to a sterile room, where it is carefully mixed with mycelium. Work must be carried out in sterile gloves, ventilation must be turned off, and doors closed. Then the planting material is placed in sterilized polypropylene bags or specially prepared boxes.

Mycelium is placed in the substrate in the following amount: 3-5% of the total mass of the substrate, if the mycelium is domestic, and 1.5-2.5%, if Dutch.

The weight of the bags can be about 8-12 kg. Small cuts of 0.5-1.5 cm are made in them on the sides with a sterile knife or blade, you can criss-cross. Then the bags are stacked on shelves at a distance of more than 5 cm from each other so that access to the perforation remains open.

mushroom cultivation

When the bags are stacked on the shelves, the process of growing mushrooms begins. Incubation period will be from
10 days, during which the mycelium will take root and grow. At this time, ventilation of the room and lighting are not needed, the temperature should be 22-25 ° C, humidity - above 90%.

As soon as the first mushroom caps hatch, the temperature is reduced to 10 ° C and ventilation is turned on, which is required for the growth of mushrooms. Daylight hours are no more than 5-6 hours. Mushrooms are sprayed with a spray bottle twice a day. The first harvest is taken about 3-4 weeks after planting.

  • It is recommended to disinfect the area where porcini mushrooms will be planted. A couple of hours before planting, the ground is watered with a solution of tannins, which is obtained from black tea (50 g of tea leaves per 1 liter of water) or oak bark (30 g of dry matter per 1 liter of water).
  • You can not freeze the seed, it will not sprout. The collected caps are filled with water in the coming hours.
  • Mushrooms should be planted under healthy trees, without the slightest sign illness.
  • White mushrooms are not planted under fruit trees. They won't take root.
  • In hot weather, you need to monitor the soil moisture, otherwise you can not wait for the harvest.

Growing porcini mushrooms on the site will provide summer residents not only with their own environmentally friendly product, but will also allow them to receive a certain financial profit. In the end, it's just fun to grow mushrooms and enjoy the result.

Mushrooms are an integral element of many delicious and unusual dishes. Most often we buy them or collect them in the forest. This is a pleasant experience, but much more convenient when mushrooms grow in the country or even at home. Want grow porcini mushrooms right on your windowsill? Then edition "So simple!" will tell you how to do it.

Cultivation of white mushrooms

How to grow a lot of white mushrooms at home on the windowsill. Sensational video!

Now you know, that is, just on the windowsill. As you can see, this does not require much time and money. So why not try? If everything works out, it will be possible to treat guests with their porcini mushrooms for the holidays.

If you decided on this adventure, tried to grow mushrooms at home and everything worked out, share your results with us, send us a photo. And also share it with your friends!

Ekaterina Khodyuk's main hobby is literature. She also likes to watch a good movie, enjoy autumn, pet cats and listen to the Spleen group. addicted Japanese culture, thinking and way of life of the Japanese, dreams of visiting this country. Katya strives to live a rich, full of impressions and travel life. The girl's favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.

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