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Any kind of cabbage, be it white, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, if grown without the use of harmful additives, includes a large number of elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. In some people, this vegetable provokes flatulence, but this is more likely due to the peculiarities of their digestive tract - high sensitivity or some kind of disease. Many mothers during breastfeeding are afraid to use cabbage in their diet, associating the occurrence of colic in a child with it.

There is an opinion that if cabbage provokes fermentation in the stomach in a mother, then the child will have the same reaction. This judgment has the right to exist, especially if the woman is going to start feeding the baby with cabbage. But basically, colic is the baby's body's response to the activity of bacteria in the digestive system that have entered it from the environment.

How to properly introduce the product into the diet

The likelihood of an allergy in an infant to cabbage is negligible, but it is still not worth considering the possibility of its manifestations.

- Introducing this vegetable into the menu of a nursing woman, like any other product new to her child, should be done with extreme caution.

- It is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the skin of the baby and his stool.

- Healthy skin, mucous membranes, the normal functioning of the excretory system will tell the mother whether she can eat this vegetable.

- A rash, indigestion or constipation in a child indicates the fact of a food intolerance and, in all likelihood, an allergy.

Fresh cabbage with HB

Fresh white cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C and various nutrients. However, it should be used with caution while breastfeeding. Both fresh and stewed it causes the most bloating. Juicy cabbage leaves, beaten off before the juice is released, can quickly relieve breast conditions at the first sign of mastitis or reduce the inflammatory process associated with poor breast emptying after feeding or pumping.

Sauerkraut with HB

Sauerkraut is the main restriction when breastfeeding, although it includes an abundance of healthy ingredients, including natural antibacterial agents. But in this case, an adverse effect on the child's digestion may be detected. This is due to the entry into the dish of acid and all kinds of seasonings used for fermenting vegetables.

It will be better for the baby if the mother postpones sour and salty foods for a while until the feeding is completed. And if the mother nevertheless decided to eat a little sauerkraut, then it is better to add a pinch of cumin to it. This will add spice to it and will reduce the likelihood of gas formation in the intestines.

Cauliflower while breastfeeding

Cauliflower has a delicate texture and contains virtually no hard fiber. This explains its good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, both for the nursing mother and the baby. Its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the biliary system and liver, as well as assist in the normalization of stool.

When the baby is 2-3 weeks old, mom can cook cauliflower soup for herself - due to the low fiber content, this dish is perfectly absorbed by the body. A dish of boiled cabbage inflorescences baked in the oven will turn out delicious. But frying while breastfeeding is not the most successful means of heat treatment of any dishes.

Seaweed with HB

This product will undoubtedly be useful to the child and mother, if they have an iron or phosphorus deficiency. Laminaria, like all seafood, is rich in iodine, which is the main element for the activity of the thyroid gland.

Keeping in mind that an excess of iodine is no less harmful than its deficiency - no more than 150 grams of kelp per week should be included in the diet of a nursing mother. Besides sea ​​kale during breastfeeding can provoke an allergy in a child.

Brussels sprouts with HB

Brussels sprouts have many health benefits. These are sugars that provide energy for the body, proteins, many vitamins and minerals. She is not able to harm the baby if there is her, boiled or extinguished.

Brussels sprouts should be included in the diet carefully, starting with a small portion, which can be gradually increased in the future, if the baby has no problems.

When breastfeeding, eating this type of cabbage for mom is not recommended until the baby reaches three weeks of age.

It is permissible to connect other types of cabbage to the menu: kohlrabi, savoy, Beijing, broccoli.

There is no need to be afraid to consume cabbage, but you should not abuse it either. When deciding to introduce a separate type of cabbage into a woman’s menu, first of all pay attention to the well-being of the baby and his reaction. If, nevertheless, the child has colic and allergies, then the consumption of the vegetable should be limited for the duration of breastfeeding.

Video about the benefits of cabbage

Good morning girls!
Yesterday I went to a meeting, a seminar "To Raise a Human Child" and talked with one mother, she also has a small child, about relative methods of education. And so, in a conversation, she mentioned situations when completely intelligent parents grow up scum children who then do not respect anyone, commit crimes or become drug addicts. Is this a social protest or the bad influence of friends?

I just take my family, my mother had three of us, why it was, the older brother (my mother's son) died. So he was, I don’t know how to put it mildly, and he was ashamed, but he wasn’t, he was a drug addict and he was in jail, his younger brother is also now. But we are not intelligentsia, of course, I have already written many times about my problems in the family before. So, I’m very scared to the point of missing something in raising a child, sometimes I think, but suddenly, maybe I shouldn’t have gotten involved in it.

Well, here's a topic. I will be glad to advice!


Hello People

And let's remember and laugh (if we can). Tell us about your ridiculous black eyes and other injuries.

I'll start with myself.
the husband on the eve of the wedding bit his cheek and could not cover it up, because it was hot and raining and the cosmetics "flowed". But he rules Photoshop lovingly) but many giggled at our passion at the wedding))

And my son slapped me in the eye with his heel, I was lying in bed, he was spinning nearby. Proudly went to work without explaining the reasons and fed on the energy of curiosity and intrigue from colleagues)



good afternoon. daughter is 12 years old. yesterday afternoon the head teacher for educational work called and called to the school urgently, announcing that her daughter was rude to the teacher. I call my daughter, she is crying in hysterics. the teacher asked her name and class. The bell rang. We went to the lesson. On the next break, the social teacher flies into the class and starts yelling at her. That she is boorish. on the window sill of the window in the corridor. the daughter said that she was not rude to anyone and began to sob. ". Classmates began to intercede that this did not happen. Yes, they were spinning near the toilet. But there were boys and girls nearby. She came. The daughter tells how it was. That teacher says: "Everything is clear, the girl sincerely believes that everything was so I have no words. I am mature and I will not make excuses ". And she went to the exit. I asked her to voice her version of what happened, but what did she repeat that she would not voice anything. And she left! The social worker said that her daughter was running, did not respond to remarks. Which was made three times. The daughter says that she did not hear. She heard only when she asked her last name, she answered. I asked: "What was the rudeness?". The answer was emotional that there are 10 steps of rudeness. and the daughter is boorish. due to the fact that she did not respond to remarks .. which she did not hear. Yes, she is not right that she ran. but there were 50 people there, and I can imagine the noise. With a window in general .. The window sill is at the level of her chin. She physically showed me that she couldn’t climb on it, and classmates said that she didn’t climb, but the social teacher saw it with her own eyes, so it was. .maybe someone was in a similar situation when they slandered a child. how did they do it?. I scolded that I was running.



So ... if you remember, I have two children, a loving husband, and I was a fool interested in an employee who was recently accepted to us ... I wanted to forget everything, live as a family again (we didn’t have anything, I just silently fell in love), I wanted to do everything to make everything calm down, and then ... damn it, well, even a blind man can see that he cares about me. He also has a child, a wife ... Well, what can you do, it probably happens in life. Again I will write here - I will never cheat on my husband, never! And I'm not going to get divorced because of someone and leave the children without a dad. It’s just that sin lies on my soul, I can’t forgive myself for this ... no, love is love, but! I can't deceive my husband, well, I can't. Yesterday I wanted to confess to him that I liked someone, and I wanted him to save me from this situation. Yes, I am like that, I can’t lie, I hate it when I look my husband in the eyes and another is spinning in my mind. I have a great husband, and I can’t say that I don’t have feelings for him. Yes, I liked the other one, so what ... For the fact that my husband will not have anyone else, and sits with the children, and helps at home, and brings money home and everything for me ... In short, I don’t even understand why I’m writing here, probably I want to free my thoughts. I don’t want to do something secretly, well, I don’t want to, that’s all, then I won’t forgive myself for deceiving my husband, he’s a saint, he does everything for me, and I’m happy with him. Flirt ... I don’t know ... Yes, we see each other, we smile at each other and everything passes, and again I’m waiting for him to come, just to smile at him. I don't see a way out....




I wanted to ask you, maybe someone knows and who heard what, maybe there are teachers here and they will also tell you. I didn't find any information on the Internet.
2 years ago, after rumors that there will be a mandatory English exam in grade 9 from 2020, I hired a tutor. Now the tutor wants to increase the fee and I have a question to continue classes or not. This English is completely purple to the child, and to be honest, most likely all these 2 years I had money down the drain ... So I don’t know whether to cancel or not, if there is no compulsory English, then I would cancel if there is , then you have to go further - money down the drain (if there is an exam, then in any case I will pay for the tutor, maybe at least something will be delayed) ... Maybe someone heard something?


Taking care of the health of the baby, young mothers are always interested in what foods can be consumed during breastfeeding. A nursing woman often hears a lot of advice and contraindications about the use of a particular product. Pediatricians from around the world cannot agree. One side is sure that with the milk of a nursing mother, all the nutrients are transferred to the child. Other doctors claim that the baby's nutrition does not depend on the mother's diet.

You should not worry about your diet while breastfeeding only if the child does not feel discomfort and pain. In case of violation of the stool, the appearance of colic and increased gas formation, the mother needs to pay attention to her menu. Excessive consumption of fresh cabbage or dishes prepared from this vegetable (shchi, salads, sauerkraut, stew), according to many doctors, can be considered the cause of colic in a baby. This opinion is not fully substantiated from a medical point of view, the causes of colic in a child during breastfeeding can be completely different.

Causes of gas formation in infants

The digestive system of infants has not yet been formed, therefore, failures in the form of regurgitation, loose stools and colic are often not only with breastfeeding, but also with artificial feeding. Gases are released due to the high content of carbohydrates in food. Gas formation in the intestines of a nursing mother is in no way associated with possible colic and bloating in a baby. Milk is formed from blood and lymph, and the contents of the intestines or stomach have nothing to do with this.

The breast milk of a nursing woman contains starches and sugar. Their splitting in the intestines of an infant leads to gas formation, which is an integral process of the digestive tract. If you notice a whole "bouquet" of digestive disorders in infants, this may be a reaction to a certain product in the diet of a nursing mother. Often women blame it on vegetables from the cabbage family for gas formation. In the first month of feeding, pediatricians recommend carefully compiling the menu, and from the second month, gradually introduce all foods into the diet.

Gas formation can occur not only from the composition of milk, but also for many other reasons:

  • excessive amount of milk;
  • inappropriate mixture;
  • wrong bottle;
  • swallowing air when feeding or crying.

The diet of any person should include all products without exception, but in acceptable quantities. If the child does not have visible disorders in the digestive tract, you can eat fresh cabbage, cabbage soup, and even some chocolate.

Cabbage in the diet of a nursing mother

Many young mothers are afraid to eat cabbage during the feeding period. Scientifically, such a ban is not justified. Bloating in the mother's intestines cannot be transmitted to the baby. Moreover, not all varieties cause bloating. If white cabbage really provokes increased gas formation, then broccoli is not famous for such properties. It should not be excluded from the diet even when breastfeeding, because it is rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.

  • rich in phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, calcium. Green leaves contain vitamins C, groups B and U (the latter is indicated for gastritis). Cabbage fibers are rich in fiber and protein. This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the stomach and intestines, and prevents the absorption of cholesterol.
  • low-calorie, but contains many useful substances, supporting the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. One of the most beneficial components is omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Chinese cabbage considered a storehouse of vitamins to ensure longevity. From it you can cook cabbage soup, tender cabbage rolls and delicious fresh salads.
  • Broccoli is the "queen" of the cabbage family. It contains vitamins of groups B, E and PP. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains folic acid, ascorbic acid and carotene, which takes care of healthy vision.

Should a nursing mother give up all the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables of the cabbage family? The idea that gas production in the mother will cause the same reaction in the child is a stereotype. Harm to the child's body can only be done if there is an allergic reaction to the vegetable. If you are not ready to take risks, then choose the most “tender” types of cabbage. These include broccoli and Brussels sprouts. These varieties do not cause bloat, but their consumption should be limited.

white cabbage while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, do not rush to introduce a raw vegetable into the diet. Start eating stewed cabbage, you can cook "weak" cabbage soup. Wait until the baby is 4 weeks old, and only after that supplement your menu with "forbidden" foods. Some pediatricians advise waiting until the age of 3 months. Portions of stew or cabbage soup should be small. Closely monitor the behavior of the baby after feeding. If he's worried, burping, or having a bloated tummy, don't rush to supplement his diet with cabbage.

If you add cumin to a plate of sauerkraut, it will not cause discomfort and bloating.

A raw vegetable can be eaten in the fourth month of feeding. Mom should abstain from sauerkraut for up to six months. It is rich in folic acid, vitamin C and is beneficial for the body as a whole. But you need to start with small portions, because it provokes bloating and gas formation. There is one secret that reduces discomfort after eating this dish. A pinch of cumin added to a serving of sauerkraut reduces subsequent bloating.

Broccoli on the menu of a nursing mother

Mom is allowed to start pampering herself with broccoli from the second month of feeding. From broccoli, you can cook a dietary vegetable stew or cook light cabbage soup. When breastfeeding, portions should be small. Do not include these dishes in your daily diet: it is better to eat them every 2-3 days. This type of cabbage does not cause excessive gas formation, not only in the baby, but also in the mother. Monitor your child's stool and digestion. At the slightest violation, refuse to use a suspicious product.

Cauliflower while breastfeeding

Unlike the white-headed relative, it does not provoke increased gas formation. Some women are not afraid to eat light cabbage soup from cauliflower already 3 weeks after the baby is born. When breastfeeding, it is better not to take risks and wait up to 2 months after childbirth. Recipes suitable for a nursing mother: cabbage soup, steamed or oven-baked inflorescences, stewed mixture of vegetables with cauliflower. Although it should not affect the quality of the milk, keep an eye on the baby's stool and consult with your doctor.

Brussels sprouts during lactation

Scientists have proven that eating Brussels sprouts cannot adversely affect the health and digestion of a small child. When breastfeeding, dishes from this vegetable should be introduced into the diet gradually and in very small quantities. The first dishes allowed to a nursing mother are light cabbage soup (without white cabbage) or stewed stew.

When breastfeeding, a young mother should pay special attention not only to her diet, but also to her lifestyle. Light dishes from vegetables of the cabbage family are not capable of harming either your intestines or the health of your child. Steam vegetables, boil broccoli soup, eat in small portions, and be sure to consult your doctor.

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Breastfeeding is a natural way to give your baby all the micronutrients he needs to live. The composition of mother's milk varies depending on the needs of the growing body of the child. But a woman herself must receive enough nutrients to feel healthy and energetic. That is why it is so important to provide a nursing mother with a balanced diet. Some types of foods doctors strongly recommend not to eat while breastfeeding. Other species, on the contrary, are strongly advised. Let's see if it is possible to color it. After all, this vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins, besides it is very tasty and satisfying.

How to choose and store

Broccoli and cauliflower are very healthy for breastfeeding due to their protein content. They can easily replace meat dishes for vegetarians. But it is necessary to be able to choose the right culture in which all useful properties are preserved.

Judging by the reviews of cauliflower lovers, its leaves should be green and not sluggish, without traces of insect activity, any spots, yellowness. This suggests that the vegetable was plucked quite recently, and it is fresh. The inflorescences themselves can be white, yellowish or greenish. Dark spots on them are a sign that the cabbage has begun to deteriorate. This vegetable should not be eaten. It is not advised to store cabbage in the refrigerator for more than a week. But you can freeze the inflorescences. Moreover, all the useful qualities will be preserved even after defrosting by a wonderful vegetable - cauliflower.

When breastfeeding, the recipe for its preparation must necessarily contain a heat treatment step. Inflorescences can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker or steamed.

with cheese

  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese;
  • 3 art. l. mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Divide the cabbage into inflorescences, wash thoroughly and place in boiling and salted water. Cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat covered. Drain the water, cool the cabbage and put on a greased baking sheet with the inflorescences up in one layer. Beat the egg, add sour cream, grated cheese, finely chopped greens. Pour the cabbage with the resulting mixture and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The dish is ready when the cheese has melted and the cabbage has acquired a beautiful golden crust.

light soup

You will need:

  • 1 head of cauliflower;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rice
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Wash and clean vegetables. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes, carrots into strips, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Rinse rice and cover with cold water to remove excess starch. Throw potatoes, half of the carrots and onions, rice into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Pour oil into the pan, put the remaining half of the onion and carrots, stirring, sauté for 10 minutes. Pour the roast into the broth, salt, pepper, put greens and cauliflower. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes over low heat under the lid. Serve hot with chopped herbs.

Stewed inflorescences


  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 1-2 heads of onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • herbs, salt and spices.

Boil washed cabbage florets for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil. Put the cabbage in the pan, stirring, fry for another 5 minutes. After that, salt the dish, add spices and 300 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid. Simmer until cabbage is soft.

Cauliflower during breastfeeding is an essential product in the mother's diet. Pediatricians recommend using it for the first feeding. This will help the baby get used to adult food faster. Experts note that children who receive cauliflower regularly rarely suffer from intestinal disorders, colic. Cauliflower is also very tasty, especially if you know how to cook it correctly. But even inflorescences simply boiled in salt water can bring a lot of pleasure and energize the body for the whole day.

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