Cats of all breeds with photos, names and character traits. The most amazing and rare representatives of the animal world of China Tibetan eared pheasant

The fauna of China is interesting and varied. Unfortunately, the growth of the country's population, fragmentation of the environment, pollution and drying up of water bodies, poaching and much more, have a negative impact on the fauna of China. Over the past 50 years, the population of some species has declined significantly, while others have become completely extinct. However, the government of the country is currently engaged in the conservation of many endangered species and creates various conservation areas where animals can breed and restore their populations.

This article introduces some of China's most famous and rare animals.

Roxellan rhinopitecus

This animal is common in the mountain forests of Southwestern China at an altitude of 1500-3400 m above sea level. Of the three species of rhinopithecines in China, rhinopithecus roxellans is the most widely distributed throughout the country.

Snow is often found within its range, and it can withstand colder average temperatures than any other primate. Its diet varies greatly with the seasons, but it is primarily a herbivore that spends about 97% of its life in trees. Population estimates range from 8,000-15,000 individuals. The main threat to the extinction of the animal is habitat loss.

Chinese tiger

The Chinese tiger is a subspecies of tiger that has historically been distributed in southern China. This animal is on the verge of extinction because they have not been seen in the wild since 1970. Currently, about 20 individuals can only be found in captivity in China.

The weight of these tigers can reach 110-150 kg, and the body length is 2.3-2.6 m. This subspecies has short but wide stripes. Chinese tigers are believed to be the fastest of the tigers and excellent hunters, and are capable of chasing prey for many hours.

Brown eared pheasant

The brown-eared pheasant is a large, dark brown bird endemic to the mountainous forests of northeast China. This species is the rarest in the genus Eared Pheasants, its diet consists mainly of roots, bulbs and vegetation. Although they are protected by Chinese law, these animals, due to fragmentation, deforestation and hunting, are in a vulnerable position, according to the IUCN. The species is also listed in CITES Appendix I.

Chinese alligator

The Chinese alligator is endemic to eastern China and does not breed well in captivity. In the wild, according to scientists, there are about 150 individuals left, and this indicates that the species is on the verge of extinction. The main threats to the extinction of the animal are the reduction of the natural habitat and poaching.

To solve the problems of captive breeding, the scientific and technological staff dug out a pond, planted trees around it, and built an island that mimics conditions in the wild. Under the supervision of specialists, these animals began to breed in captivity in 1980. Currently, these alligators live in this comfortable environment with their brood. The population is gradually increasing.

black-necked crane

China has the largest populations of this animal. The crane has a large body size and a characteristic gray-black color. The population of the species in the wild ranges from 8800 to 11000 individuals. The main threats to Black-necked Cranes are: loss and degradation of habitat, drying up of lakes and expansion of agricultural land. In many areas, herding dogs pose a huge threat to young birds. This species, according to the IUCN, is classified as vulnerable and is listed in Appendix I of CITES.

Little panda

Also called red panda. This animal is a mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. The red panda has tawny fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to shorter front legs; it is a little more than homemade. It is an arboreal species that typically feeds on bamboo, but also eats eggs, birds, and insects.

The red panda has been classified as endangered by the IUCN as its wild population is estimated to be less than 10,000 adults and continues to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching and inbreeding despite being protected by national laws .

Indian elephant

The Indian is a subspecies of the Asian elephant - the second largest land animal in size, after the African bush elephant. There are only small populations of elephants in China (about 200-250 individuals), but most of them are found in Myanmar and Thailand.

This subspecies lives in grasslands, dry deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. The main threats to animals are: habitat degradation and fragmentation, conflicts with people, poaching. Since 1986, these mammals have been listed as endangered by the IUCN, as more than 50% of the total population has been lost in the last 3 generations (60-75 years).


Orongo is a representative of the bovid family, which is widespread in the Tibetan Plateau, Xinjiang and Qinghai. Less than 75,000 individuals remain in the wild, and in recent years they have been threatened with extinction due to poaching. Their soft and warm coat is very desirable for hunters.

These animals prefer to live on flat, flat terrain with sparse vegetation, at an altitude of 3250 to 5500 m.

Chinese sturgeon

The Chinese sturgeon is on the verge of extinction and is a "national treasure" of China. It is strictly protected by Chinese law. Due to habitat disturbance, several hundred of these fish remain in the Yangtze River, although even 50 years ago their population number exceeded several thousand.

Adults are predators and will consume any aquatic animal they can swallow. These fish can grow up to 500 kg and have a body length of about 4 m.

Big panda

Also named ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca). This animal is common in the bamboo forests and mountains of southwestern China. Giant pandas are one of the rarest animals in the world. It is estimated that the total population in the wild is 1000-2000 individuals, and about 200 pandas are in zoos and research centers. Once they lived in the lowlands, but the expansion of human activity forced them to move to the mountains.

bactrian camel

The modern habitat of wild two-humped camels is limited to the area of ​​Lake Lopnor. These animals are migratory and able to survive in difficult conditions, including: sparse vegetation, limited water sources and extreme temperatures - up to +40°C in summer and down to -40°C in winter.

According to the IUCN, the Bactrian camel is critically endangered. Several hundred individuals remain in the wild, and the further survival of the species is in great doubt, even despite measures to preserve camels.

Eared pheasants are considered the largest representatives of their kind and stand out among other brethren with a bright non-standard appearance. Their decorativeness lies not only in the colorful plumage, but also in the structure of the body. What are the features of this bird, what does it represent in care and maintenance - you will learn further from the article.

General description of eared pheasants

What these exotics look like, only Chinese residents and tourists know for sure. There are very few of them in the zoological fund of the planet, therefore birds are considered rare. In addition, according to scientists, there are no intersections of the ranges of individual species.

Eared pheasants are visible from afar in many ways. They are characterized by:

  • large and elongated body;
  • short but strong red legs with long spurs;
  • lush brush-like tail, consisting of 20-24 long and soft feathers;
  • monophonic plumage color, which depends on the type of bird;
  • powerful oblong beak;
  • medium-sized wings tightly pressed to the body;
  • red leathery areas framing the eyes;
  • black short feathers on a small head;
  • big eyes;
  • light ear plumage of a specific shape, which begins under the beard and extends beyond the head.

By examining these birds, botanists were unable to distinguish the female from the cockerel. And all because they lack sexual dimorphism. You can only notice the difference between them in terms of weight parameters.

Pheasant varieties

In nature, there are only 4 types of eared pheasants. Among themselves, they differ in features and color of plumage, tail structure, weight and length. Let's take a closer look at these amazing representatives of the fauna.

Did you know? Buddhists enroll eared white pheasants as sacred birds, and therefore took them under their protection..

white eared

The defining feature of this species is the snow-white or bluish-white plumage. In a bird, a black tint is present only on the head, where velvety brush-like feathers grow, on the wings and tail. The interweaving of classic black and white tones harmoniously combined in a gray outline.
The head of a pheasant does not have long ear-like feather processes. The large red leathery area that frames the yellow-orange eyes is separated by dense, slightly elongated feathers.

The beak of the birds is light. The length of the wing is 33 cm. The tail is small and, in comparison with other species, less magnificent. It consists of only 20 straight-growing feathers, up to 58 cm long. The female weighs 1.4–2.0 kg, and the male weighs 2.3–2.7 kg, with a corresponding body length of 86 and 96 cm.

Did you know? During winter snowfalls, white-eared pheasants move by relying on outstretched wide wings and lowered tail. The trail left after the feathered one often confuses hostile crows.

The distribution area of ​​​​the representatives of the species is the western regions of China, as well as Tibet and northeast India. In the wild, you can see such living creatures in rare mountain forests of a mixed type. Pheasants also prefer oak and pine plantations. The bird hibernates in the cultural landscape zone, and in summer it does not cross the snow line in the mountains.
To date, the geography of distribution of this species has not yet been fully studied. According to zoologists, the determining factors for the location of white pheasants are the availability of water and food, as well as the absence of predators.

In the wild, exotics live in flocks, which in winter can number up to 250 individuals. They feed on the roots of mountain vegetation, and are characterized by a friendly disposition. They do not like to fly and hide from hunters by flight, although nature has in them the ability to climb several hundred meters.

At home, exotic birds demonstrate extreme endurance and activity. They are not afraid of cold and snow, but they do not tolerate intense heat and direct sunlight, and, therefore, require protection in the heat. For comfortable keeping in captivity of such living creatures, you will need a spacious, dry and clean aviary.

Blue (cyan)

The variety stands out among its brethren with a rich blue or grayish-ash shade of the feather. The bird has a velvety black “cap” on its head, gray eyes, white elongated ear feathers that cover the chin and throat.

A dark border protrudes from under them on the neck. The same color appears on the lower part of the tail and is characterized by a harmonious smooth transition to the main tone.

Important!In cramped conditions, pheasants, for unknown reasons, begin to pluck their feathers and peck their legs.

The beak of representatives of this species is dark brown. The length of the wing is 30 cm. There are 24 feathers in the tail, the length of which varies from 49 to 56 cm. Bright bluish-green blurry dots are clearly visible on the tips of the longest of them. Females weigh 1.5–1.7 kg, and males 1.7–2.1 kg, with a corresponding body length of 92 and 96 cm.
In the wild, blue-finned pheasants are found in the central and western regions of China, as well as in eastern Tibet. They prefer juniper mountain thickets, mixed forests (mainly birch and oak) and stone slopes. According to scientists, blue pheasants can choose the area for themselves without reference to water bodies.

In summer, you can see them at the level of the upper outline of pine forests, and in winter, eared birds fall below. They tolerate cold and snow well, but react painfully to heat and dampness.

Did you know? The meat of brown-eared pheasants is highly valued in cooking, as a result of which the species was on the verge of extinction.

In the natural environment, they lead a flock of life, collecting up to 60 individuals. And with the onset of spring, when the nesting season comes, they form pairs. Sexual maturity is reached in the second year of life. During oviposition, no more than 12 eggs are collected.

Video: blue-eared pheasant in the DonZoo nursery


You can recognize a brown pheasant among other brethren by the brown plumage of the main part of the body and wings. Its neck, as well as the tip of the tail, are characterized by a clear bluish-black border, the back is distinguished by a cream tint, which smoothly flows to the tail feathers and merges with brown tones.

Important! At home, eared pheasants can be offered peanuts as a treat. But for such purposes, you need to choose only high-quality products. Do not forget that peanut beans are often a source of a carcinogen - aflatoxin, which destroys the liver of birds and animals. Unfortunately, roasting is not able to completely destroy the fungal toxin. Therefore, immediately discard fruits with dark dots of unknown origin.

The bird has a traditional black velvet cap on its head, and its white ear feathers protrude beyond the top of its head. The eyes are orange-yellow. The beak is distinguished by a yellowish-brown base and a red ending. The wing length is 32 cm. The tail consists of 22 lush feathers, up to 54 cm long. Females weigh 2.5 kg, and males 2.7 kg with a corresponding body length of 96 and 100 cm.
Under natural conditions, birds prefer the northeastern zones of China with moderate climatic conditions. They do not tolerate heat and withstand cold well. Very afraid of rain and excessive humidity. For habitat, pheasants choose mountain mixed forests, shrub undergrowth and dense grassy meadows.

The brown pheasant feeds on plant foods, which make up to 70% of its daily diet. In the wild, a bird in search of food is able to turn over huge stones with its beak in order to get the desired root. This feature should be taken into account by breeders and landscaping enclosures with edible non-toxic vegetation.

The brown pheasant leads a flocking lifestyle. In captivity, it is non-confrontational, well tamed and amenable to training. During the mating season, roosters are characterized by increased aggressiveness. Laying hens lay about 8 olive-shelled eggs.

Video: brown eared pheasant in the DonZoo nursery


This variety of exotic birds is not much different from the white species. The birds also have velvety dark plumage on the head, short white ear feathers, yellow-brown eyes and a light body feather. The wings are characterized by a brownish tint.

The main distinguishing feature of Tibetan pheasants is a narrow dark tail, which consists of 20 feathers up to 35–40 cm long. Chickens weigh about 1.9 kg, and males - no more than 2.4 kg with a corresponding body length of 88 and 92 cm.

Birds live in the southeast of Tibet, as well as in Indochina. For life, mountain forests with dense thickets of rhododendron are chosen. They prefer to nest at an altitude of 2800-4700 meters above sea level. They live in flocks, which break up into pairs in spring. Between April and June, females begin laying eggs.
Birds react painlessly to harsh winters, can withstand frost and snow. Along with this, they do not tolerate high temperatures and can not stand the rain.

Many people have met representatives of the pheasant family throughout their lives, but only residents of China or people who have visited this country can confidently say that they have seen eared pheasants. In the modern world, only 4 types of eared pheasants are distinguished. Representatives of this species are considered the largest in the entire family and stand out among other breeds with a powerful beak, strong legs and an elongated body shape. By coloring, it is almost impossible to distinguish a female from a male.

Representatives of Buddhist culture consider these birds to be one of the sacred ones, so they took them under their protection.

This variety of pheasants is characterized by the presence of white plumage, while the upper wing and a small area above the tail have a gray color (it is by the intensity of this color that it is determined which type of eared pheasants the bird belongs to). On the head of a representative of birds there is a black cap, which to the touch resembles velvet. The area around the eyes is not covered with feathers and has a rather intense red color.

The tail color is bluish-black and contains 20 feathers. The legs are red, the beak is pink and powerful. The eyes are orange-yellow.

Unlike other representatives of this species, white pheasants have small ears and a tail, the latter is also less fluffy than their counterparts.

Males and females can be distinguished by their smaller size.

Regarding the content of white pheasants, they are characterized. They feel quite comfortable at low temperatures. As for keeping them in hot climates, these birds need protection from extreme heat and exposure to direct sunlight. In addition, they do not get along well enough in rooms with excessive dampness.

Enclosures must have a roof so that the pheasants have the opportunity to hide from the rain, and the litter does not get wet. This is a very important point, because with excessive dampness, birds can even die.

It is preferable to locate enclosures on drained soils, which have a thick layer of fine-grained sand.

Only 2 pheasants should be kept in one separate enclosure.

White pheasants are among the vegetarians, when kept in captivity, their food should contain:

  • 75% feed for pheasants;
  • 25% greens and fruits.

This breed is best chosen if you live in a temperate climate.

Tibetan eared pheasant

This type of pheasant is almost identical to the white-eared pheasant, therefore it is widely used for.

As in the case of the white pheasant, there is a black “cap” on the head that resembles velvet to the touch, the area near the eyes has no feathers and is characterized by the presence of red.

Flight feathers are brown. The main difference from other types of pheasants is a narrow and dark tail. The average size of a male is about 92 centimeters. The female is smaller.

Brown eared pheasant

The use of the meat of this species of pheasant has led to the fact that it is on the verge of extinction.

This type of pheasant is characterized by the presence of brown plumage, which has a bluish-black tint on the top of the body, shoulders and wingtips. There are elongated feathers in the throat and chin area. In the area of ​​​​the ears, the feathers are white in color.

The tail of a pheasant is characterized by the presence of 22 tail feathers that have a purple-blue tint. The beak is quite large, its base is yellow, and the tip is red. The legs are red and have small spurs. The average body length of a male is 100 centimeters. Females are smaller than males.

This type of eared pheasant endures exposure to low temperatures and is much worse than heat and dampness. Areas with a temperate climate are preferred.

To breed brown eared pheasants at home, they need to prepare a large enclosure, at least 19 m2. The aviary must be installed on well-drained soil. Inside the enclosure, it is worth planting a few tall plants to create shade.

Brown pheasants are able to dig up vegetation with their powerful beak, so you should not opt ​​for poisonous plants during the planting process.

Feeding pheasants should include 75% granulated feed and 25% greens.

This breed should be chosen if you have a site with well-drained soil, and financial resources will allow you to provide a pheasant.

Blue (blue) eared pheasant

This type of pheasant is good. The characteristic features for this species of the pheasant family are the following:

  • the presence of a black hat on the head;
  • the front mirror has a bright red color;
  • have slightly reddish legs;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears are white tufts of feathers;
  • the body and wing area are characterized by the presence of a gray-blue color;
  • at the end of the wings there is a brown edging;
  • feathers in the tail area are white with dark ends.

The average body length of a blue pheasant is 96 centimeters.

The main difference between females and males is in smaller sizes.

Blue pheasants are also characterized by the ability to tolerate low temperatures, they respond well to snowfall. As for hot weather, they tolerate it a little worse, especially reacting poorly to drought or heavy rains.

To breed this type of pheasant, you will need a fairly large area, and it is advisable to place several logs in it, on which the birds will sit in the future. Be sure to create several shaded areas where the pheasants spend their time in the summer. To protect from rain, it is worth creating a small house for them.

Due to the fact that due to excessive moisture, blue pheasants can even die, it is recommended that their enclosure be located on well-drained soil.

The main thing to pay attention to when setting up an aviary is to have a thick layer of sand, as this type of pheasant is recognized as a good digger and not enough sand will cause the birds to simply dig through the entire aviary.

When organizing blue pheasants, you need to pay attention to the fact that in their natural habitat, their diet consists of 80% plant foods and 20% small invertebrates.

  • Order: Galliformes = Chicken, chicken
  • Family: Phasianidae, or Pavonidae = Pheasants, or peacocks
  • Subfamily: Phasianinae = Pheasants, pheasants
  • Genus: Crossoptilon = Eared Pheasants

    Atbrown pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) the plumage is brown with a bluish-black tint on the upper body, shoulders and wing coverts; underside with a grayish tint. The head is shiny black, the feathers on the chin, throat and elongated feathers in the ear area are white. The tail contains 22 gray-white tail feathers that are dark brown tinged with purple-blue at the ends. The beak is large, yellowish at the base, and reddish towards the tip. The legs are red, with small spurs. The length of the male is 100, the tail is 54 cm. The plumage color of the female is the same, but her head is light brown, her beak is dark red, there are no spurs on her legs and she is smaller in size than the male.

    The birthplace of birds is Western China and Inner Mongolia. They inhabit alpine thickets of shrubs, birch and low-growing coniferous forests. Previously, they also lived in the highlands, but as the forests were developed for agricultural land, their range was reduced.

    Birds feed on fresh herbs, seeds, fruits, as well as insects and their larvae. During the search for food, characteristic diggers up to 25 cm deep are left. The male and female mate in early April. The nest is placed under the roots of large trees, a bush or an overhanging rock ledge. Having finished laying, the female proceeds to incubate, and the male guards the nesting site. The female sits tightly on the eggs, leaves the nest in the middle of the day only for feeding, for about 30 minutes. After the chicks hatch, both parents stay with the brood.

    At white pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) on the head there is a velvety black "cap" and a bright red bare periorbital region. The flight feathers are brown, the tail contains 20 purple-bronze tail feathers. Male length 92, tail 58 cm.

    The birthplace of birds is Southeast Tibet, Sichuan, the eastern part of the Brahmaputra, where 5 subspecies of white pheasant live, differing from each other in plumage color - from pure white to white with a bluish tint. They inhabit valleys and mountain peaks up to a height of 3600-4600 m above sea level, covered with forests of juniper and sessile oak, and do not leave their places throughout the year. Deforestation and human persecution of birds have negatively affected their numbers, at least in the last 30 years. Since 1937, these rare birds have not been brought to Europe, and all white pheasants kept in zoos are bred in captivity. In this regard, it can be assumed that in nature they are rare and inhabit a limited area.

    Blue Pheasant (Crossoptilon auritum) plumage is blue with an ash-gray tint, the head is slate-black, the chin, throat and elongated ear feathers are white, the wing coverts are dark brown with a purple tint, the flight feathers are dull brown. Tail feathers 24, of which a pair of medium ones are bluish-gray, at the tips with dark and very bright green spots; 6 pairs of tail feathers at the base with wide white transverse stripes and at the ends with "mirror". The beak is dark brown, the legs are red, with spurs. The length of the male is 96 cm, the tail is 49-56 cm. The plumage color of the female is the same, but she is smaller and her legs do not have spurs.

    Blue pheasants are common in Eastern Tibet and Western China, where they keep in the alpine zone of mountains, juniper and mixed forests as settled birds. In March, the flocks break up into pairs and the birds start nesting. Clutch 8-14 eggs.

    Currently, brown and blue pheasants are common in zoos, while white is quite rare.

    Pheasants: keeping and breeding. A.I. Rakhmanov, B.F. Bessarabov

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