Earnings on freelance: how to break through to a novice freelancer and reach a high income. How much can you earn freelancing - a test for yourself


Nowadays everything more people Interested in making money online.

Online jobs are usually found on special web resources where Internet entrepreneurs and regular companies post job ads for remote workers.

These web resources are referred to as . For the completed order, the customer gives the contractor money, which, depending on the desire of the latter, goes either to him or to his bank card.

For people unfamiliar with, this work seems to be something complicated, although in fact everything is very simple and if you show perseverance and diligence, you can earn decent money without leaving your home.

In this article, I will tell you about how a beginner can make money freelancing.

Areas of activity of freelancers

On freelance exchanges, you primarily sell your work. To be successful on these projects, you must be proficient in one of the most sought-after professions on the World Wide Web. Freelancers can be divided into two groups:

  1. Requiring certain qualifications and experience.
    These are the most highly paid and demanded areas. These include photo, video, advertising banners, texts, illustrations, design, software products.
  2. unqualified directions. This, for example, writing comments, reviews, searching the Web for information, transcribing audio files, typing, and so on. These orders are carried out very simply, but also paid cheaply.

The most popular freelance exchanges

Today, freelance platforms such as:

  • weblancer
  • Kwork
  • Work Zilla
  • Free-lance.ru
  • text sale
  • Advego
  • Etxt

You can find out more about the above exchanges in my article "".

So, we figured out the stock exchanges. Now you need to find out how to start making money for a beginner on these resources.

What does a beginner need to work on a freelance exchange?

  • First of all, you need to register on one of the exchanges.
  • Complete your profile in as much detail as possible. Write your real first and last name, provide all contact details, add your photo. Customers, as a rule, most of all trust performers with a detailed profile.
  • Purchase a professional test account. In principle, this is not necessary, but with a paid account you will have more advantages: you can leave applications for an unlimited number of orders, see contacts of other users, write private messages to customers.
  • Every two days, track tasks that match your qualifications. The most “delicious” projects most often go to those who first make an application.
  • Always respond to projects relevant to your area of ​​specialization.
  • The applications you submit for assignments must be unique. Do not limit yourself to specifying the terms and cost of your services. Tell us what you can do to improve the project.
  • Be persistent and active. Even if you do not have enough experience, but you know for sure that you can make this order, then act: write to the customer by e-mail, Skype and offer your services. If they refuse you, don't be upset. This is a kind of game, the more often you declare yourself, the more likely it is that you will be offered a job.
  • Fulfill orders with the highest quality. When you are selected as a contractor, carefully study the terms of reference (TOR) again to eliminate any misunderstandings. Always keep in touch with the client, do not be afraid to ask questions.

Responsible approach will create good impression about you and increase your chances of continued cooperation.

Finding Your Calling

If you do not have any special skills, then it is better to take on simple orders, for example, such as writing comments, articles, and so on. This will allow you to gain experience and decide what you will do in the future.

After you “fill” your hand on simple tasks, start improving your skills by working in your chosen direction.

Freelance exchanges will help you find your “path”. Especially for beginners, they have tips and tricks. Also, after registration, you will be prompted to choose your professional profile from the list of specialties in demand on the Internet.

At first, your income will be low. However, as you improve your professional skills and increase your rating in the system, you can significantly increase it.

I think you have understood all the tips and you will succeed.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

The fact of the existence of remote work has not surprised anyone for a long time, and all sorts of “crisis periods” only push people to look for alternative ways to earn money. Quite logical, because freelancing for beginners is an attempt to get a "dream job" that can be turned into a very profitable business. However, there are no fairy tales here, and the level of potential success depends entirely on simple human qualities: diligence, perseverance, the ability to develop and control oneself. Least. However, let's briefly understand the main nuances.

Benefits of working from home

Freelancing has become a multi-billion dollar market due to its maximum accessibility - absolutely anyone with a computer, Internet access and free time. Of course, knowledge is also indispensable, but it can be obtained in advance and even along the way.

The real benefits of remote work:

  • Independence in many ways.
  • Flexible schedule (get up and rest whenever you want).
  • The absence of a number of daily expenses (for example, for a subway ride or for another coffee from a machine).
  • The opportunity to fulfill yourself in what you like to do.
  • Income in most cases does not depend on fluctuations in the exchange rate.
  • The amount of theoretical earnings can be several times higher than the options available offline.

Popular freelance professions

Work with text

Copywriting and rewriting has become a developed niche due to high demand from customers and guaranteed income, completely dependent on the amount of work. But the main thing is that any person who can competently, uniquely and interestingly express their thoughts in a text editor can become a copywriter. Already at the start, 1000 characters (2-3 small paragraphs in 12 font) of copywriting will bring you from $ 1 ($ 0.5 for rewriting), but in the long term, even $ 5 for 1000 characters will not be the maximum limit.

Working with text may involve more narrow specializations. Services are popular proofreaders(correction of grammatical and semantic errors), translators(text or sound, various languages), typesetters and decoders(those who manually type the test from scanned or multimedia sources), content managers(publication of texts, filling online stores) screenwriters, namers and many others. Experienced professionals in any of these areas can receive decent pay for their work.

Working with graphics

Web design and verst– unequivocal leaders of the category, because thousands of websites are created every day and over them appearance there is always someone to work with. You can start simple - drawing individual elements like headers, logos and banners, and as qualifications increase, move on to full-fledged website layouts with valid and up-to-date code.

Hereby artists there is also work on the web. The creation of illustrations, collages, graphic creatives is in demand. Yes, and web design often requires original approaches to creating corporate identity project.

Experienced and skillful designers can work to create graphics for games. This is one of the highest paying niche options. However, this often requires additional knowledge in 3 D- modeling and practice of working with the appropriate software.


Finding a well-paid job for a good programmer is quite easy. The leader in the number of vacancies is Web programming(PHP, JavaScript, HTML+CSS, etc.), which is most often associated with creating unique functionality on websites, writing various scripts, plugins for CMS. The advantage of working as a programmer is that any customer can always become a regular customer.

Application programming requires knowledge and experience in Delphi, C++, C#, Java, etc. 1 Cprogramming, which is not difficult from a technical point of view, but requires additional knowledge in accounting. There are many other, narrower specializations - from program testing before writing macros for Excel.


If the above options do not suit you, there are others. It all depends on the level of knowledge, experience and ability to find customers. There is always a demand on the Internet marketers, PR people, accountants, SEO-specialists, managers, engineers and designers. However, such specialties require additional training and the ability to select suitable vacancies.

Where to look for remote work?

There are not so many options - either use intermediary sites (exchanges), or interact with customers directly. It is almost impossible to come to the second one without using the first one, because all beginners usually start with exchanges.

The following freelance exchanges are popular in the Russian-speaking segment:, Weblancer, Freelance, Freelansim. These are real leaders, where thousands of customers and specialists from various fields of activity gather.

Depending on your specialization, it will not be superfluous to be present on specialized resources of a narrowly focused focus. For example, it is important for copywriters and rewriters to know about Textsale, eTXT, Advego and TextBroker. Specially for designers, Russiancreators and LogoPod platforms have been created, for illustrators - Illustrators, and 1C programmers can try themselves on 1CLancer. By the way, a lot of customers of services gather at specialized "webmaster forums" (in commercial sections).

If you know well English language, try yourself on foreign freelance exchanges. Wages there, in most cases, significantly exceed the market of post-Soviet countries. Popular resources are Freelancer, UpWork, Guru.

Freelancing Disadvantages

Nothing in the world is perfect, and freelancing is no exception. Working from home seems "sweet" only to those who have never done it before. I will highlight the main disadvantages:

  • Difficulties at the start. Employers must evaluate the experience, credibility, reviews, portfolio of a potential contractor. If all this is not there, the chances of getting a project become small (but not zero).
  • Loss of potential earnings. Beginners without "examples successful work» you can only attract attention by dumping the price (compared to competitors or the employer's original offer). This can go on for several months until you earn yourself a portfolio.
  • Weak self-control. When working from home, it is very easy to relax, reduce personal efficiency, or even postpone a task “for later”. No boss in sight - no potential "whip", and this often has a strong psychological impact for a freelancer.
  • distracting factors. Social networks, random links, a review of yesterday's match, errands like "you're still sitting at home", small children - the list is endless.
  • Routine. It can be a difficult test for which not everyone is ready.
  • Declaration of income. In our country, it is easier to be a freelancer "in the shadows" than to officially declare it.

What to do at the very start?

Read this article in full and start working not so much for profit, but for the sake of becoming your credibility. This doesn't have to be done all the time. It is acceptable to sacrifice potential earnings until there are real (skills) and formal (reviews, portfolio) arguments to increase the cost of your services.

How to deal with dishonest clients?

Take care. Exchanges allow you to conduct transactions through intermediaries, you can take payment for work in advance (at least partially), and profile analysis / Email employer in search engines often gives interesting results.

How to deal with competitors?

As elsewhere, either the highest quality or low price. It's probably not worth talking about self-development.

How not to stand still?

Look for new clients, increase the cost of your services, open up new sources of employment. Search new job sometimes it pays to spend as much time as the work itself.

How to organize a working day?

So that you always do business, do not get distracted by trifles and manage to hand over all your orders on time. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain normal health and morale.


Each freelancer has his own rules and "chips", but becoming successful without effort will not work. Put your personal reputation above all else. Try to do any work "as for yourself", but in accordance with all the requirements of the client. Your good name over time will become main reason constant flow of orders. The reputation of a freelancer is what allows you to win the competition and earn good money.

Finally, don't try to do more than you can physically do. Realistically evaluate your strengths, because one successfully completed project can bring much more benefits (both financially and for the image) than three “problematic” ones. Can you? Then everything will work out for you!

It is believed that freelancing does not bring big money, but only gives freedom of movement and a flexible work schedule. But is it?

Maria Lobanova, PR-manager of RuBrain.com, decided to briefly become Yuri Dudem and ask several freelancers about their earnings.

Alexander Zhulin, graphic designer: “I almost never look for projects myself, but I earn about 200,000 rubles a month.”

I take orders in the field of design, engineering and interfaces. Worked both with start-ups and large companies (Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Sberbank).

Regarding the maximum amount for the project - complex issue, because if everything is shifted to months, then the rating is not obvious. But if you calculate the monthly profit for the time of working on just one project, then this is a little more than 200,000.

I almost never look for projects, instead I actively develop networking. Therefore, it is difficult for me to say for sure which order search channels are better and which are worse.

The same about money - you can agree on good conditions both in start-ups and large companies. The big ones only have more bureaucracy, approvals and reporting, but in financial plan everything depends on you.

Work steadily, quickly and develop networking.

Anatoly Semenov, IT developer: “Once my friend earned 2.5 million rubles on a freelance project.”

Freelance developers earn the most in Russia. The most demanded areas: back-end, mobile development, front-end, web design, testing.

The highest paying freelance project I know of, my friend managed to get his hands on. He earned 2.5 million rubles. He was paid that kind of money for developing an electronic document management system for an investment company.

Where is it worth looking for such cool orders? Of course, first of all on foreign platforms or in those companies that work with foreign clients.

In addition, word of mouth works well - if the customer liked the performance, you can ask him to recommend you as a freelancer to partners and friends.

Natalia Novikova, product marketer, IT developer: “My friends and I earned millions of rubles on freelance projects.”

In my opinion, the highest-margin freelancers are designers. But I’m not talking about garbage: landing pages, websites for small businesses, any services for small businesses - they don’t have money.

Regarding my large earnings on one freelance project. My developer friends and I implemented platforms for a large Russian bank and a Canadian marketplace. They received very solid sums in millions of rubles.

Such orders, of course, come through connections and recommendations, you just won’t find them on the freelance platform.

You need to go to specialized conferences, communicate with the right people, for example, with those who are responsible for IT in large companies. Although I personally prefer to work with startups - there are fewer hemorrhoids (read - approvals) with them.

If you take small projects, find them on freelance exchanges, then, whatever one may say, you won’t earn more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Alexander Nikolaev, blockchain developer, CEO of startup Forseti: “The biggest freelance earnings are in development and consulting.”

Daria Suvorova, journalist, copywriter: “Copywriting is a side job, you won’t earn much”

Freelance projects are usually in the field of copywriting if I take them. I had experience with the Sleepy Gnome company. The fee was calculated in a standard way - by the number of characters. I seemed to have 200 rubles for 1000 characters (among stock market copywriters this is considered a lot, usually the rate is 30-40 rubles for 1000 characters).

Tasks - filling the site, designing product cards, selling texts, turnkey texts. For me it was a part-time job, 2000-3000 rubles came out a month. Yes, we worked very slowly, but this pace suited everyone.

My opinion: in most cases, successful and normally paid options are found through acquaintances. It happens that you are lucky with "Jobs for good people” or Head Hunter, but this is rare.

Kirill Bragin, head of the Internet technology agency GoodSellUs: “You can earn up to $10,000 programming for banks.”

Prior to opening my agency, I had been doing freelance web development for about 7 years. In my practice, I managed to earn the most not on projects with large budgets and deadlines, but on a stream of many small orders.

One of the largest orders I received in 2013. It was necessary to write an ERP system for the management of a small American company providing repair services. household appliances. In total, three months were allotted for work and a budget of $ 3,000 was allocated. It seems like a big amount, but already three months of work! And if you count on working hours, then generally a trifle.

As a result, it turned out to be much more profitable to sell their services on small projects. Almost always, I found orders thanks to word of mouth, that is, the projects themselves found me.

Since there were always more orders than I could fulfill, all 7 years of freelancing were my main job, which I provided for my family.

The most profitable thing for web development was to work with startups who understood exactly what they needed and understood the cost of work, while they periodically visited ordinary companies unpleasant situations when they made the decision to change the developer, because I do expensive. Usually, after six months, such a client returned with a project in which chaos occurred.

Web development is not the most profitable way to freelance and is often nerve-wracking. In terms of income and nerves, it is much more pleasant to work with application programming for banks and large projects - monthly fees may well reach up to $ 10,000 or more.

AT modern world each person has great and wide opportunities for earning. New firms and enterprises, professions and specialties constantly appear. Due to this, you can choose and develop in the direction that brings the most pleasure and good income. And this applies not only to ordinary work, but also to the Internet sphere. For many, the World Wide Web has become a source of stable income, which, with due effort and diligence, can easily exceed wages in the office, in the factory and any other company.

There are a lot of ways to earn income online, among which earnings on freelancing stand out clearly. Anyone can do freelance work from home. Of course, it is desirable to have certain skills and knowledge in any areas, but even without them, you will find a considerable amount of work for beginners. And in parallel, no one bothers you to learn and gain precious experience.

To make it easier for you to get comfortable in a new direction for yourself, in today's article I will tell you in detail what freelancing is, how to become a freelancer and how much you can earn from it. And also we will consider the available ways to find customers.

What is freelancing and how to become a freelancer

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the terminology and all organizational moments in freelance work.

Freelance- This distant work, which a person performs in any place convenient for himself (usually at home). You can also say that this is work for yourself.

freelancer- This is a specialist in a particular field who has a certain set of knowledge and is ready to fulfill the order of the customer for a specific payment.

How it works? For example, a person or company needed to complete a certain amount of work. They do not have such knowledge or do not want to hire a temporary employee in the state, so they are forced to seek the services of freelancers. With the help of Internet resources, as a rule, freelance exchanges, they communicate with each other and agree on the performance of work, payment and other details. As a result of cooperation, the customer receives a high-quality work performed on time, and the freelancer receives money, experience, and reputation.

Freelance earnings have a mass positive qualities, among which it is worth highlighting the following:

  • a freelancer gets complete freedom of action - he can independently set a convenient work schedule, take only orders he likes, work in a particular area;
  • work will be carried out in a convenient and comfortable atmosphere for you - there is no need to go to the office, follow the dress code, reckon with employees and management;
  • you significantly save your time and money - you do not need to spend money on travel, lunch in the canteen, a variety of clothes, and also spend hours stuck in traffic jams;
  • it is possible to organize earnings on freelancing from scratch - on the network you are not required to provide a “crust” on education, for many types of work you do not even need experience. And get everything necessary knowledge you can use free video lessons, courses and other available materials from the Internet;
  • if you take a responsible approach to your work and constantly develop, in the future you can receive a very large income. In fact, earning money on freelancing is not limited to anything - how much work you did, you got so much;
  • at any time you can change your field of activity, or even develop in several directions in parallel.

Despite these really enticing advantages of working, freelancing on the Internet does have its downsides:

  • First of all, in order to have a stable amount of work and, accordingly, income, it is necessary to constantly search for customers. Sometimes, due to high competition, lack of experience or unsuitable conditions, this is quite difficult to do;
  • the organization of the workplace and the purchase of all the necessary items for work fall entirely on your shoulders. You must have a computer (and quite powerful for certain orders), Internet access, a set of programs, additional equipment if necessary;
  • self-discipline plays a very important role - if you are lazy, perform orders poorly and are constantly distracted, then good results you will not achieve;
  • freelance earnings for beginners may not seem high enough. This is not surprising, because in order to receive large and expensive orders, you need to prove yourself, earn positive reviews and rating, to have several successful works in the portfolio.

If you want to start making money on freelancing, then for a start I recommend treating it as an additional source of income. Freelancing is famous for the fact that both experienced professionals and beginners can do it. You just need to choose the right specialty and develop in it.

Who can freelance

As I said above, anyone can make money on freelancing, without any restrictions. Now absolutely all categories of society are involved in this area - from to.

To find a freelance job, you need to have at least some knowledge. For example:

  • be able to work with text - write / correct /;
  • create / promote websites;
  • to program and develop applications/games/programs, etc.;
  • engage in advertising and PR on the Internet;
  • administer various web resources;
  • and much more.

Beginners will think about how to make money on freelancing, if they have never encountered it before? What to choose from the proposed options if there is no experience? There is a way out - freelance exchanges have a lot of simple and routine tasks especially for novice workers. These include filling online stores with goods, calling the customer base, converting documents, audio recognition, cropping images, and much more.

Even such simple orders can bring about 500-1000 rubles a day. If you want to earn more and have development prospects, then you should pay attention to more popular areas of activity.

The most in-demand professions in freelancing

I have compiled a list of the most popular freelancing destinations. These include niches in which there is always a large amount of high-paying work:

  • web developers;
  • programmers;
  • PR managers;
  • SMM managers;
  • SEO specialists.

All these professions, one way or another, are connected with the creation, development and monetization of Internet resources (websites, online stores, blogs, etc.). Since the World Wide Web continues to develop rapidly every day, people in these specialties will always be able to find work.

How much can you earn freelancing

To answer this question, you need to take into account your field of activity, experience as a freelancer, the presence of certain skills, etc. As I said above, if you are just starting your career with small and simple orders, then your earnings will be from 500 rubles per day. If you have chosen a certain profession, then here the numbers may be as follows:

  • copywriters(people who write articles), earn from 150 rubles per hour of active work;
  • designers with work experience for one order can receive from 5-10 thousand rubles (for example, a high-quality designer logo has such a cost). Templates for websites can be paid for several tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles (but the skills must be appropriate);
  • translators with foreign languages in Russian and vice versa, they can easily earn from 20 thousand rubles a month, and with a high load, even more;
  • labor of experienced programmers is highly valued, so often the salary of freelancers in this area starts from 100 thousand rubles;
  • people who are doing advertising on the Internet, for one project they can gain from 10 thousand rubles. And in a month there can be several such orders.

As you can see, freelance work is incredibly profitable. And most importantly - you do not have any framework, limits and boundaries. At active search customers and quality work you will receive an excellent income.

How to start making money freelancing + ways to find customers

We decided on the choice of profession. Now let's talk about how to make money freelancing - what actions should you start with, how to find customers on the Internet.

First you need to register a working email address, an electronic wallet and communication programs.

  • the new e-mail should be used only for registrations on freelance exchanges and communication with customers. This will allow you to read and respond to important letters in a timely manner;
  • as an electronic wallet, I recommend choosing, or. They can be tied to bank card and cash out the earned funds without any problems;
  • working with customers directly, in addition to mail, you can use social networks, telegrams, skype, etc.

Then you can go directly to finding customers and completing tasks. To make this task easier for you, I have selected some excellent and proven options.

1. Freelance exchanges - services that collected tens of thousands of orders of varying complexity and cost. On each exchange, you will be able to “pump” your profile - a rating will be awarded for completed orders, satisfied customers will leave reviews, you can add a resume and portfolio, write about your skills. All monetary transactions here under the control of the administration of the exchanges, which allows you to avoid deception on the part of customers and performers.

That is why these services are ideal for beginners. Not only will you find a job to your liking here, but you will also be guaranteed to get paid for it. From myself, I can recommend the following freelance exchanges:

1.) - a very popular exchange, in particular among newbie freelancers. Here you can easily find simple, but at the same time well-paid orders. Each new user has to pass a small test to prove that he knows how to handle a computer and the Internet.

2.) - a project where you sell your services in the form of "kworks". In one such workbook, you put a certain amount of work and set a fixed price for it - 400 rubles.

3.) is a major freelance exchange that is used by a large number of customers. Most of the work is contained in the categories "texts and translations" and "web programming and sites".

4.) – a very functional and convenient exchange with various features. Here you can really build your career from scratch.

5.) - a great freelance exchange for remote work. It is very popular, due to which millions of freelancers and customers use it. Both experienced specialists and beginners can work here.

6.) is a rather interesting freelance exchange for remote work, which allows you to monetize almost any of your skills. With its help, absolutely everyone can earn, even a novice freelancer. To understand what and how much you can earn, just register on the exchange and check out the work (services) offered by other users. Well, then, based on your skills, create your own work (offer your services). At first, of course, it will be better to set minimum, so to speak, competitive prices for your services, this will allow you to find customers interested in your services much faster. Well, when you earn good reputation and you will have several in your portfolio good work, you can safely, but gradually, raise prices for your services.

7.) , - These are the most popular content exchanges that will allow you to find customers to write articles for money. With their help, you can also sell the finished articles you have. To do this, you just need to go to the store and put them up for sale.

2. Social networks - you can find customers in thematic groups and publics. It is enough just to place your ads for the provision of certain services. No one is safe from "freeloaders" here, so try to take an advance payment or split payments into several parts.

3. Own website - will serve as your business card with an indication of all services, price tags, an example of work and other information. This option should be considered already by freelancers with experience, since financial investments will be required to create and promote the site.

4. Networking is a search for orders using a circle of Internet acquaintances and colleagues. In other words, you are establishing communication with people who are close to this area. Exchange knowledge, advice, contacts and other useful information. And then, if necessary, they turn to you for your professional services.

5. Other job search option - post your mini-resume on thematic forums, message boards, services such as Avito. Often, large customers look for freelancers directly so as not to perform unnecessary actions through exchanges and not pay a commission for this.

How to ensure yourself a stable income on freelancing and how to earn more on it: useful tips for freelancers

When working as a freelancer, it is very important not to stand still and constantly develop in the direction you have chosen. What does it mean? For example, you are engaged in (remaking articles from the Internet) and charge 25 rubles for 1 thousand characters for your services. With due diligence, in a couple of months you can easily try yourself in quality (write articles on your own) and already earn from 50 rubles. And after a while you can master (optimized, selling articles), for which they pay from 100-150 rubles for all the same 1 thousand characters. And similar examples can be given for every profession.


Self-organization plays a very important role in freelancing. If you think that working from home is very easy, you are greatly mistaken. The fact is that at home you will constantly be distracted by household worries and problems. Since a freelancer does not have a leader and a boss, it is necessary to force yourself to work, to overcome laziness.

That is why you must make a clear work schedule and stick to it every day. For example:

  • rise - at 8 am;
  • from 8 to 9 - shower and breakfast;
  • from 9 to 12 - active work;
  • from 12 to 13 - lunch and rest;
  • from 13 to 16 - active work.

As a result, you need to work twice for 3 hours (of course, you can do more), and in the remaining time you can do other things. At the same time, it is very important to distinguish between your time and not waste it on any nonsense - empty communication, computer games, social networks, etc.


Freelancing is not an ordinary job "for an uncle" where you sit out certain time and receive a fixed payment. It all depends on you, including the amount of earnings. Therefore, it is necessary to develop your skills, learn new things, make useful acquaintances on the Internet.

I would recommend at least a few hours a week to devote to self-development. Watch training videos on YouTube on your profession, read thematic sites and forums, gain knowledge from communicating with more experienced people.

Working on yourself will directly affect your income. After all, everyone wants to earn even more. You will have such an opportunity, you only need to develop yourself and go towards your goal.

If you have been looking for ways to work for yourself and not depend on anyone for a long time, then feel free to choose freelancing. This is your chance to do what you love that will bring you good money. All the doors are open for you - you just need to take the first step!


Hello! In this article, we will talk about what freelancing is and how to make money on it.

  • How much can you earn: from 1000 rubles per day with a full working day.
  • Minimum Requirements: none, you can learn everything in the process.
  • Is it worth doing: definitely worth it .

General information about freelancing

Freelance - Fulfillment of online orders.

This is an alternative to standard office work. In you work for customers, but you are your own boss. You may well not work with the project, take a day off or just change activities. In this, such work is very similar to. But unlike him, you work without investments. Your capital will be your skills and ability to sell your services.

You can freelance at home, in the office, or even on the train. All you need is an internet connection and a relatively quiet environment. You can work at any time, but only by meeting deadlines. This frees you from many of the conventions of the office and helps you become financially independent.

In this article, we will try to figure out how to make money as a freelancer, what you need to be able to do, what are the most popular professions and how much you can earn.

Who can freelance

The easiest way to make money freelancing is when you know how to do something. For example:

  • write articles;
  • work with advertising campaigns;
  • do design;
  • to program;
  • manage groups in social networks;
  • promote websites, etc.

You can see the full list at. But a newcomer who came to the Internet for money often does not know what he wants to do. And it often happens that people do not know how to do this, but they want to learn.

If you do not know how, but want to earn money, there is another opportunity. For such cases, there are special job exchanges that help beginners earn money while they study their direction along the way. A striking exampleWorkzilla. This service has a lot of routine tasks like calling, transcribing, deleting marks on a photo, etc.

Knowing practically nothing, you can earn from 500 rubles a day if you devote 6 to 8 hours to work. With the growth of your skills, you will be able to take orders from the field of interest to you. The main thing is to choose the direction wisely so that you do not get tired of it after a few months.

How much can you earn freelancing

As I said above, you can earn about 500 rubles a day without knowing how. Of course, the income is small, but just right for the lack of skills. Now let's try to make a small breakdown by profession and earning opportunities.

  • good designer, working 3 - 4 hours a day and regularly arranging weekends for himself, he can earn 40 - 50 thousand rubles a month. Good specialists for one project receive from 10,000 rubles.
  • Literate who writes interesting texts can earn from 2,000 rubles a day. With a load of 20 working days, 40,000 rubles will come out. But I know people who charge from 10,000 rubles for one text.
  • Developers for their work they receive from 60,000 rubles a month. But often their projects require long work and follow-up.
  • Average translators also receive from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, with a load of 20 days. Specialists earn up to 80 thousand rubles if they speak several languages ​​and have a good flow of customers.
  • Advertisers receive from 10,000 rubles for setting up a small advertising campaign. The best specialists take from 50,000 rubles.

In general, the approximate earnings of a mid-level specialist is 40,000 rubles with an employment of 20 days with a working day of 4 to 6 hours. This is if you competently look for customers, constantly develop and work directly with the customer.

The most demanded professions

It is difficult to assess which profession is now the most in demand, but it is quite possible to make a TOP of 5-7 positions:

  • copywriters;
  • programmers;
  • designers;
  • advertisers;
  • people involved;
  • translators.

Here are the most sought-after and popular freelance professions. There are always a lot of orders in these directions. Although there are a lot of specialists, at any stage of development you can find your niche, style and separate from.

If we talk about copywriters, people who work with . Talking about the company and the product, promoting services, writing sales texts for - all this is now in demand and popular.

In other areas, everything remains more or less stable, although over the past few years, SMM people who work with the brand on social networks have made it to the top: they do and work in every possible way with “warm” clients.

Where to look for customers

The problem of finding customers is faced by beginners and people who decide to leave freelance exchanges. The former simply do not know how the system works, while the latter have always seen ads for the search for an artist, responded to them, and everything was simple. Let's see where, in addition to freelance exchanges, you can find work.

For beginners though the best option there will be some time to work on stock exchanges and special sites - to fill your hand, earn a portfolio and the first bumps. And only after that go into free swimming.

You can search for orders not only in freelance communities, but also in business groups. Offer your services there and be surprised at how much people are willing to pay.

The second option is . This option is more difficult, suitable for experienced freelancers. You will need to create your own website, fill it and throw examples of work. But in order for it to start attracting customers, you need to work on its promotion. It's already worth the money. A good website + promotion costs from 100,000 rubles.

The third option is networking (in other words, establishing contact with people). Its essence is as follows: you communicate with people, talk about yourself, listen to them, and in which case you help each other. Share contacts, useful materials, give advice on the topic. And friends of your acquaintances or they themselves can already contact you. A very useful skill in freelancing.

And also you can look for work on thematic forums, in and in any places where there may be potential customers. Do not be afraid to talk about yourself, what you do, and help with advice if you really understand the issue. So you can fix business relationship and work with major clients.

How to upgrade your skills

In any field, you need to get better every day, and freelancing is no exception.

By pumping your skills in a certain area, you become a more interesting specialist in the eyes of the customer. Working on style, you become unique. And you are willing to pay more.

In order to improve skills, a beginner needs not only to work hard. On my own example, I can say that this will not lead to anything. You will remain on the same level, especially if your work will be accepted without editing. You have to constantly challenge yourself. Work with larger customers, regularly raise prices and, of course, study materials on your topic from the best specialists.

If you work 8 hours a day, then it’s best to use the time like this: 6 hours directly for the work itself, and 2 for training. So you can earn and constantly develop.

You should not treat freelancing as just a job: hand it in, get paid and forget it. Each completed order should benefit the client, and only then can you grow as a specialist.

Self-discipline for a freelancer

Now a few words about self-organization. This is perhaps the most important skill that any freelancer should develop in the first place. Most people who are just thinking about working on the net have the following picture in their heads: you are sitting at your computer at home, drinking tea, stretching imposingly, leafing through the tape in social network, working only when inspiration comes and consistently earning 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

No, that's not how it works! You either give yourself completely to the profession, love it and try to develop, pumping your skills and meeting deadlines, or you don’t work at all. In fact, forcing yourself is a very hard job. Household chores do not allow you to concentrate, you constantly want to be distracted by something everyday or just postpone the order until better times.

The ability to focus on work, constantly force yourself to work at home and not be distracted by trifles is the most important skill of a freelancer. Working at will is a real prerequisite for . Based personal experience I can say that it is very difficult to deal with it.

That is why along with pumping your professional skills, increase your self-discipline. It is very important.

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