The expulsion of evil spirits from a person and a house. The best conspiracies and charms from evil spirits

Often, in life we ​​are haunted by misfortunes and worries. Sometimes it seems like there is no end to failure. This is a reason to think that some kind of evil spirit lives around you. Protective amulets and conspiracies of our ancestors will help to get rid of which.

In every house lives a huge number of entities, most of them harmless. But it happens that an evil spirit will wander into the house from the street or from the cemetery. You will immediately realize the presence of otherworldly, evil spirits and evil spirits in the apartment. The devil spawn will give themselves away.

If you are haunted by a black streak, constant quarrels, despondency, which covers upon arrival home and a series of failures. And in the apartment they quickly fade houseplants and strange noises are heard at night: rustling, stomping, laughter - be sure that an evil spirit lives in your house, and maybe not even one. Then either he will drive you away, destroying your whole life, or you will get rid of him.

Protect from evil spirits

Many protective amulets are at your fingertips, you just did not pay attention to them. The most important thing is to know what things have protective properties and be able to properly use your amulet from evil spirits and evil.

Horseshoe. Protect your home from the machinations of evil spirits will help the old Slavic amulet in the form of a horseshoe. Be sure to hang it above the front door. It is known that the horseshoe brings happiness to the apartment and expels all evil spirits, negativity and evil spirits. The most important thing is that it be with nails - this will enhance protection.

Ring one of the main and the best talismans, which can protect you from failure. It will drive away evil spirit that surrounds you. Any ring can become a talisman. The main thing is to charge it correctly. Rings can be inherited, from one family member to another. But rings do not always carry positive energy. A conspiracy can also be made on a new ring that will attract positive emotions leaving negativity behind. You should not remove the ring from your hand, it is better to wear it all the time so that the energy does not stop circulating and accumulating. Turn an ordinary ring into strong amulet from evil spirits, you can use the slander:

"Charge my little ring with the miraculous power of nature, serve me as a source of positive and bright energy."

After the plot on the ring is read, you need to throw the ring into a glass filled with water and add a little salt there.

Plants also have protective properties. Among the intercessors, site site experts distinguish lavender, thistle, Bay leaf, nettle and garlic. Evil spirits are scared to death of the smell of these plants. Of course, in the beginning they must be collected and dried. After the plants have dried, small bouquets should be formed and hung in the corners of the apartment.

Rowan. Our ancestors planted rowan trees under the windows. It was believed that the energy of this tree drives away all evil spirits. Even rowan twigs are strong and powerful amulet from any bad interference.

Incense. As you know, more than anything else, demons, evil spirits and otherworldly entities are afraid of incense. To do this, it is necessary to overlay the apartment with pieces of incense, and from time to time fumigate the whole house with its aroma. Even soap with incense will drive away all minions of the devil.

No evil spirits will approach you, and even more so, they will not wander into the house if you put powerful protection not only by means of amulets, but also protective prayers and the best conspiracies.

The best conspiracies from evil spirits

Protective words will help you get rid of evil spirits and failures. The power of the spoken word is legendary. It is known that words can even kill, which will be very useful for you in the fight against the otherworldly forces of evil. Many people resort to protective prayers, however, in critical cases, esotericists advise reading a conspiracy that will help drive away troubles for a long time and get rid of evil spirits. And only then thank the Lord and ask him for protection and protection from repeated cases.

Conspiracy to expel evil spirits:

“Leave, Devil, my house and my body, get out of my doors and from all corners of my hearth. There is no place and honor for you here, the cross of the Lord God is kept here, the Mother of God, the Most Pure Mother of God, all the saints of the Orthodox Church, and you get out of my house, my body, and my soul, unclean spirit! Here is the power of the Divine, the angels are bright and pure. There is no place for you in me, for your insidious and evil deeds. Leave me, unclean spirit, do not harm me and my house, go to hell, where is your place! My word is as hard as a stone! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from the devil and demons:

This conspiracy must be slandered on wax from a candle.

“God’s protection is on me with the holy cross on each side. The cross is upon me, for I am a servant of God. Cross in front, cross behind me. The cross of the devil will drive out the evil spirits that dwell around me. Evil spirits and demons will flee from me, because I am surrounded by the power of heaven and the Lord. Next to me is the son of God Jesus Christ, His Mother the Virgin Mary the Most Holy, all the holy spirits and pure angels! Everyone is surrounded by me and I am under their protection! I will drive away all demons from myself and send the devil to hell, where his true home is! And forever and ever I will cast out the devil that plots me. Amen."

A conspiracy from the power of unclean and evil spirits:

“Holy Spirit, Most Pure Mother of God, Jesus, son of God! Everyone is on my side. My Guardian Angel, save my sinful soul and keep selflessness and grace in my heart! Strengthen my heart and spirit! My enemies, the Devil, evil spirits and evil spirits drive away from me! I will pray before God and atone for all my earthly sins! May I go to the Lord in Heaven! May I not fall for the evil one and drive him away! Amen!"

If you sincerely believe that you are able to get rid of the evil spirit that surrounds you, then you will succeed. And strong amulets and the best conspiracies will help you in this difficult struggle against the machinations of Satan and his evil spirits. We wish you success and good luck. May your faith grow stronger every day. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

You didn’t even know, but in fact, most of the sudden problems that appear in your family can be associated with the evil eye or damage to the house. In the worst cases, this may be due to the fact that evil spirits have "settled" in the house.

Such phenomena are very dangerous, since in most cases they lead to death, serious illnesses, divorce and poverty. Today I will show you how to get rid of it and how to recognize it. I advise skeptics to also read the Conspiracy, because it does not have the opposite effects and applies exclusively to white magic. I assure you that if you have spontaneous problems, they will disappear in an instant.

How to recognize?

“You need to know that any evil spirits will play dirty tricks and actively show their aggression when the inhabitants of the house are as vulnerable as possible. In this unprotected state we are in a dream. Attention should be paid to worrisome scary dreams or nocturnal abnormal movements or sounds in the house, ”said Yana Pasynkova.

“For most people, evil spirits are mythical mermaids, demons or devils. But in reality this is far from the case. Otherworldly forces, manifesting themselves in real life, can bring a lot of trouble and misfortune. Pets are great at reading information - they behave strangely or aggressively, ”added the psychic.

According to the clairvoyant, if you feel something is wrong, you should take a church candle and go around the apartment three times with a prayer. This will help detoxify Negative influence otherworldly forces.

How to get rid of evil spirits

This magical ritual Be sure to do it in the evening when it's already dark outside. AT left hand take a handful of ordinary salt, it is better that it be coarsely ground, and, slowly, go around the whole house. During this, reading prayers and a conspiracy: “Let everything bad, dark, witchcraft go into this salt: illnesses, curses, misfortunes, and leave my house forever.” Next, you should pour the salt used for the ritual onto the road, away from your home. The ritual must be repeated three evenings in a row.

Herbs can also be used to get rid of evil spirits. Poppy or plakun-grass is best suited. The above herbs should be placed in front of the threshold. If you use poppy, it must be wild. Pre-consecrate it and scatter it throughout the house.

So that evil spirits do not disturb you and your family, you can make yourself a charm. good amulet can become a pillow of herbs that will drive away evil spirits. Take the leaves of thyme, birch, mint, plantain, and cornflower flowers and place them inside the pillow you made. She will not only protect you while you sleep, but also soothe nervous system because no one will disturb your sleep.

Conspiracy to get rid of the unclean

Eternal God, deliver us from the captivity of the devil, deliver Thy servant (name) from any action of unclean spirits, and let the demons depart from the soul and body, from Thy servant (name), and let them not abide, lower hidden in him, or on attacking him, but may he flee in the name of Your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and Life-Giving Cross, and Thy Holy and life-giving Spirit from the creation of Thy hands, may it be cleansed from all devilish action, slander, reverently and righteously, and piously live, we vouchsafe and life-giving mysteries, You are the Only Begotten Son and the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with him blessed are you and glorified, with the most holy and good and life-giving Spirit of Thee - always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Let them flee and depart from this house and from this place!

And as if entering every way and traveling, in eating and drinking, from the servant of God (name) - all the devilish circumstances and sorcery magical action by sprinkling prayer and sowing water by sprinkling, disappear all the devilish forces. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The plot must be repeated 3 times with an interval of 3 minutes.

Every evening you need to light a new candle, even if the old one has not yet burned out. When all 30 candles are used, collect them in one place and keep them in the house at all times, do not throw them away. Hide in a secluded place.

I am sure that everything will work out for you!

As you know, darkness thickens before dawn. So the evil spirit tends to roam especially on the eve of the main Christian holidays. Christmas Eve- the very time when all evil spirits are especially dangerous. This is how our ancestors believed (see: at least, "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" by N.V. Gogol). Therefore, my post today will tell everyone who is interested about the so-called UNCLEAN, about what they are, and also about what to do if you are not lucky enough to meet one of them.

Unclean or evil spirit among the ancient Slavs and among the ancestors of modern Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples it was customary to name in general all otherworldly creatures harmful to man, all evil spirits and deities. For many centuries, Christianity in Russia and in Russia, under the prevailing system of dual faith, did not in the least interfere with believing in the reality of the existence of this entire innumerable host of evil spirits.
It is deeply rooted in the popular consciousness that there are very few such reserved places into which the unclean would not dare to penetrate; even Orthodox churches were not exempt from their daring invasions. These incorporeal beings, personifying evil itself, were the primordial enemies of the human race. They not only filled the entire space of the Universe, not only penetrated dwellings, making many of them uninhabitable, but even moved into people, pursuing them with incessant temptations.
How numerous these unclean people are can be judged by the richness of the most diverse nicknames for this undead, crafty and evil spirits. So, more than forty names of only one trait are in " explanatory dictionary alive Great Russian language"V. I. Dal: undead, evil spirits, evil spirit, demon, satan, devil, prince of darkness, king of hell, thief, crafty, difficult, trouble, dashing, jester, shaitan, black power, demon, and so on and so forth .

Since an uncountable multitude of evil spirits was overthrown to the earth, she, in order to avoid enmity and quarrels among herself, outlined her possessions in certain circles. These circles had a special effect and power: anyone who got into them and crossed the trace of the unclean will definitely wander in them and without the help of special means will not get out, will not get rid of the devilish induction.

The unclean force is omnipresent, but it especially prefers the so-called unclean places: wastelands, wilds, thickets, bogs, impenetrable swamps, abandoned churches and crossroads (hence a little advice: is it worth shopping on Christmas Eve in a store called "Crossroads"?). She loves bridges, the borders of villages and fields, all sorts of caves and earthly failures, uncovered vessels with water, wells. Trees such as aspen, dry willow, walnut and pear are especially loved by unclean people.

As already mentioned, evil spirits are especially dangerous in the unclean time of the year and day: on Christmas holidays, on the night of Ivan Kupala (Trinity Day in Christianity), at dead midnight and at noon, immediately after sunset and before sunrise. The time of a special revelry of evil spirits, except for Christmas Eve, Good Friday before Easter, when all evil power indulges in unbridled rejoicing. Especially at this time have fun witches. Beware of them!

One should beware of evil spirits during the periods from the birth of a child to his baptism, and especially from the birth itself to the visit of a young mother to church. Otherwise, be in trouble!

All unclean people love to change their appearance and fool a person’s head even with their appearance: mermaids fish tail, water sometimes too, and his body is covered with scales, and his beard is green, and brownie covered with wool. Also, evil spirits can appear in the form of a heap of hay or a rolling ball, a dusty pillar, a wheel, or a blue wandering light.

As a rule, evil spirits are hostile to a person, but sometimes, some of the evil spirits, due to long-term communication with people, can become kinder and even provide various services to people. For example, a brownie is almost always attached to the owners of the house in which he lives, although if he gets angry at something, he starts doing such dirty tricks that you even run out of the house. Varieties of the brownie are bannik, ovinnik and other spirits.

Of course, since the evil spirit has magical powers, there are many who want to enter into an alliance with it. So hunters strive to make friends with goblin so that he catches them with game in snares, and fishermen with water, hoping to increase their catch. Lovely guys often fall under the spell mermaids or mutants, although their love is extremely dangerous.

It should always be remembered that any attachments of evil spirits are short-lived, and those who have contacted evil spirits after death are sent directly to hell.

In general, every unclean person strives to draw a person into sin. He brings shameful diseases, tempts and confuses with temptations, induces suicide (and this is especially pleasing to the devil), forces him to curse disobedient children, after which it is easier for him to kidnap them and bring his own instead. exchangers.

In order not to succumb to the unclean, you should be careful in every possible way. For example, do not swim in the river before the Trinity and after Ilyin's day (otherwise the water one can drag you to the bottom), do not leave your home at midnight, and even more so do not go to the crossroads at this time. Do not leave open dishes with water or food (the unclean person will definitely spit there). Be sure to curtain the cradle, otherwise kikimora will replace the child, and also close the windows at night, otherwise ghoul, the living dead, will look into them and scare them to death. At funerals, you need to hang mirrors so as not to see a crying dead person in them, who can return, but already as undead.

Very helpful also prayers-amulets especially your guardian angel. spit over the left shoulder, since it is there that the evil spirit always stands, more often overshadow oneself with the sign of the cross, and when meeting with the unclean, say: "Amen, amen, crumble!" . In case of immediate danger, one should outline oneself in a magic circle (however, as we remember, all this did not help Gogol's Home Brutus in the end).

You should also know that evil spirits are afraid of the cock crow, even numbers, thistles, poppies, wormwood, all metal cutting and piercing objects (for example, it is useful to wear a pin on clothes). The fishing net also has a great protective value against evil spirits, since every unclean person has an influence only on known objects and generally likes to count, and if he does not know exactly how many knots and cells in the network, then while he is counting, you can get rid of him with the help of prayer or conspiracy.

by the most strong conspiracy from evil spirits, which needs to be slandered on wax, and then stick this wax to the pectoral cross, is the following (recommended for memorization and daily repetition):

"Be known, servant of God (name), with the Life-Giving Cross, right and left, front and back. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me, the cross is the devil and all enemies defeated. Yes, the demon runs, all the power of the enemy from me, the servant of God (name), who saw, like lightning, the power of the cross scorching.Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, archangels and angels, beginnings, authorities, thrones, the Lord's powers and indestructibly terrible seraphim and saints guardian angels, devoted to me to keep my soul and body from Holy Baptism. And far away from me, with its dark-like strength, stands, and with all the people, the angels became God's angels. Prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, Lord Jesus Christ, Son God, have mercy on me, your sinful servant (name), always and now and forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for attention.

Sergei Vorobyov.

If someone has been possessed by a demon, then this person should not be reprimanded by someone who is younger than him in years, who bears the same name. They do not report on the days of the waxing moon and on the week when someone in the family has a birthday, wedding or christening. The one who did not keep a weekly fast, whose birth number has zero, in whose house there is a woman with menstruation or a baby, does not reprimand from the demon. Otherwise, the one who reprimands the demoniac will fall ill himself. When deducting, one should not make mistakes, scare and skip words, stop in mid-word. The reader must be baptized and have a cross on him. The patient is seated on a chair, having previously removed all sharp and piercing objects, since the demoniac, when reading a prayer, can fall and beat on the floor. Sometimes, if a person is very violent, they tie him up. One should not frighten a possessed person with a person suffering from seizures (epilepsy). For the deduction, you need a new icon of the Savior. This deduction is the greatest, i.e., very long, but the power in it is also considerable.

“We put on the one Christ and the word of God. Fear, devil, get away from the servant of God (name). Christ is risen by His will, by His power I cast out thee, terrible and unclean devil, by the power of the Most High God, the invisible Father. Christ was buried; Christ is risen, flee, devil, by the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go from west to east. The king of the thundercloud rises, and under the thundercloud the king of thunder rushes about with the queen of lightning. As from the king of thunder and the queen of lightning, the devil-enemies run: forest, water, yard and every unclean creature - to their dark estates: under the stump, under the deck, into the pools and lakes, so they would have fled from those living in these mansions, from me , servant of God (name). All sorts of human enemies would run: forest devils, water devils, yard devils: under a stump, under a deck, into lakes, into muddy water, into the whirlpools, into the dry bushes, under the broken untrodden bridges. They would run recklessly and irrevocably, century after century, now and forever. Amen.

Christ was born and crucified, and resurrected on the third day, giving life to the whole world and to me, the servant of God (name), the cross. Amen. By the cross man was born, God was glorified, Satan is bound by his strong demons from now on and forever, and until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, sit in the highest, walk on the thunder, overshadow with the power of heaven, call on the water of the sea to spill on the face of the whole earth, the righteous himself judges our enemy the devil. Amen.

Lord God, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the yard to the gate, into the open field behind the doors, under the morning dawn and under east side, to the true Lord of Hosts, Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, six-winged cherubs and seraphim and other incorporeal heavenly powers, and the holy honest prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, and the holy four apostles and evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, the holy prophet Elijah Thezvitian. Create, Lord, your God's great mercy, from the Throne of the Lord, a formidable cloud of dark, stone, fiery and fiery. From that dark cloud, send frequent rain. In Heaven, from the Throne of the Lord, God's mercy and a formidable cloud, strong thunder and lightning are conceived and rise. And the true Lord of Hosts, God, Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, sent down His Divine great mercy from the Throne of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the king of thunder, the queen of lightning. The king of thunder struck, the queen of lightning lowered the flame, sanctified everything around, all sorts of unclean spirits fled. And as from that God's mercy, from a formidable cloud, from strong thunder a formidable thunderous arrow flies out from lightning, and how menacingly, fiercely and ardently it drives out the devil and the unclean spirit of the demon K., S., S., N., and the mammoth messenger and who is with me, the servant of God (name), drives out of the yard , stone and tree breaks, and just as from that formidable thunderous arrow a stone cannot fly into one place, a tree can not grow again, and so would the damned devil and unclean spirit, the demon K., S., S., N., and the mammoth the messenger and the finder would have fled from me, the servant of God (name), from this place away for distant lands, for distant cities, for distant villages, for distant seas and could not see me, the servant of God (name), and could not would hear. And how are you a formidable, fiery, thunderous arrow, the devil, you are afraid, and with you the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., S, S, I., and the mammoth messenger and finder, and also the servant of God (name) would be frightened and afraid my enemies and adversaries (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits, jumped and fled from me, a servant of God (name). The water one, go into the water, and the forest one, go into the forest, under a dry, creaky tree, under a dead root, under a bush, under a hill, and a yard mammoth messenger and a found and damned devil and an unclean spirit, a demon, go to your old, former place, to your dark dwelling. And how the Lord makes wise, the blind do not see, but everyone knows, so make wise, Lord, me, a servant of God (name), go to the unclean demons with a prayer. The voice of Your thunder in the chariot, Your lightning will illuminate, the Universe will move, and the earth would tremble, the unclean spirits would also tremble from me, the servant of God (name), and as our parents lie in the earth, they do not feel the ringing of the bell, nor the singing of the church , and so my conspiracy-sentence would be strong, strong at all times and until the next century, forever and ever. Amen.

Cross on me, on God's servant(name), the cross at the servant of God (name). With the cross of the devil I curse and cast out. Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, a servant of God (name). Depart from who you are sitting in, from the servant of God (name). Step back, move away from these doors, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim are sitting here, here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, who gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven. By the power of Christ, the devil and the unclean spirit be damned by all seven councils, now, forever, forever and ever. Amen. The cross is the guardian of the entire Universe, the cross is the beauty of the church, the cross is the power of the kings, the cross to drive away the devils from the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The cross is the baptist, the guardian of Christ, the cross is glory to the angels, the cross is the power of the king. The cross is the affirmation of the whole firmament, the cross is a plague to demons, the cross is a banisher to enemies, the cross is a deliverer to the world. Keep the cross of me and the servant of God (name) always, in the old and in the young, and in the redrawing of the month, from every enemy, adversary, from every evil person, from grief, illness, hating and offending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the door to the gate, from the gate to the open field. I will submit and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the six-winged cherubim and seraphim, the evangelists Matthew and Mark, Luke and John the Theologian. How the demonic power is afraid of you and how the heavenly arrow and lightning and thunder confuse you, so that the unclean spirit is afraid and afraid of me, the servant of God (name). And stands near me, the servant of God (name), the true Lord God of Hosts, our Savior, Jesus Christ with His Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, with saints and with heavenly doctors, with unmercenaries, with great martyrs, martyrs and martyrs, with passion-bearers and with the martyrs, with the saints and the righteous, and with all the saints. Indestructible iron tyn, copper gates, damask ropes, the castle of bright paradise, the key of the Kingdom of Heaven from earth to heaven. From heaven to the Throne and on earth, from east to west, from west to north, from north to south, from all four sides, the true Lord God of hosts himself, Jesus Christ our Savior, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, save and save me from every evil, dashing person and adversary: ​​from the acne-prone, sulky, mangy, from the old man and the old woman, from the middle and last, from the blueberry, from the married and widower, from the bachelor, black, red and gray-haired, from the schemer and from the schemer , from the maiden and the widow, from the motley and from the pockmarked, from the healthy and from the sick, slanting and lame, from the sorcerer and sorceress, from the sorcerer and sorceress, from the whisperer and whisperer, from sorcerers and sorceresses, from the poor and rich vicegerents, oterets and heretics, from dumb and dashing tongues, from spoilage, from diseases, from pinches and aches, from the daughters of Herod and from kamukh, from crowbars and chills, from an evil shaking, from a hot fire, from a demon in the body, from the power of the dark and save the evil one, Lord, and be with me. Peter and Paul close the gates with strings, help to cast out the devil from the servant of God (name). Do not be evil on earth and in heavenly paradise. These words the Lord speaks, and I speak after him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Unfortunately, the introduction of evil spirits into people occurs not only in films, but also in real life. So that you can protect yourself and your family, we have prepared for you detailed instructions how to exorcise a demon from a person at home. Strictly follow all the rules of exorcism, so as not to become the next victim yourself.

There are analogues of demons in any culture of the world, which confirms real existence forces hostile to man.

What are they

In Christianity, a demon is an angel who was expelled from heaven for his deceit and pride. The supreme demon was called Lucifer, he wished to gain the same power and strength as that of God. For his envy and arrogance, Lucifer with his intermediaries was tied to the earth, and they became those whom we call demons, demons and devils.

The demon is weaker than the demon, but smarter and more insidious than the devil. His appearance is very similar to the devil, but he is larger. The demon can take on a completely different appearance, be invisible, pass through closed doors.

In order to express yourself in physical world, the evil spirit needs a human body. An evil spirit can enter a person through:

  • fright;
  • Weakening of energy;
  • By inheritance, if the person's ancestors were warlocks.

Symptoms of Possession

Obvious signs of a demon in a person:

  • Aggression for no reason;
  • Depression;
  • insomnia;
  • foul language;
  • Craving for suicide;
  • Frequent convulsions;
  • Voice change;
  • Guilt.

Exorcism ritual

Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

A ritual that casts out demons and all unclean things with the help of sacred prayers called an exorcism.

It appeared around the first centuries AD, when there was a persecution of Christians. Many ministers of the church hid in the catacombs, adherents who suffered for the sake of their faith, could perform miracles, expel evil spirits.

In the beginning, only Jesus Christ could cast out evil spirits, later the apostles acquired such a gift. At the founding of the church, this gift passed to the priests

In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could exorcise the demon decreased significantly. The ministers of the church have repeatedly made grave sins, and could not help the possessed, but were confident in their strength. They justified their failures by saying that the demon was very strong and additional rituals were needed.

Cruel rituals were performed on unfortunate people, they were fumigated with disgusting odors, they were not given food and water, they burned their bodies with hot metal. It was believed that the evil spirits could not withstand such torture and would soon leave the body, but the patient himself could not stand the cruel torture. The scammers claimed that the demon left the deceased, and his death was justified.

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Exorcist Requirements

Exorcising a demon is a difficult and dangerous job; a person who reads a prayer over an obsessed person must follow certain rules, otherwise he himself will get sick:

  • He must be older than the demoniac;
  • His date of birth must not contain a zero;
  • The accountant must wear a cross and fast;
  • He should not seek fame and take money for his help;
  • In the room where the prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to tie the demoniac to a chair; When the demon comes out, a person may not control himself.
  • In the week when the stonecrop will be performed, there should be no birthdays, weddings and births of children;
  • In the house where the ceremony is held, a woman with menstruation should not be present;
  • When reading a prayer, one should not make mistakes, skip words.


Stonecrop is an Orthodox exorcism. (It should be understood that believers of other faiths have their own similar rites) The report is used on people in whom the demon has settled, this is a request for help from God through prayer.

There are similar rituals in people of any religion.

Prayer that casts demons out of a person:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We put on the one Christ and the word of God.

Fear, devil, get away from the servant of God (name).

Christ is risen by His will, by His power I cast out thee,

Terrible and impure devil, by the power of the Highest God, the invisible Father.

Christ was buried; Christ is risen, run

the devil, the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

The cross is on me, on God's servant (name), the cross is on the servant of God (name).

With the cross of the devil I curse and cast out.

Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, a servant of God (name).

Depart from who you are sitting in, from the servant of God (name).

Retreat, move away from these doors, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim are sitting here,

Here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ever-Virgin, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven,

She gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven.

By the power of Christ, the devil and the unclean spirit be damned by all seven councils, now, forever, forever and ever.

Amen. The cross is the guardian of the whole universe, the cross is the beauty of the church,

The cross is the power of the kings, the cross to drive away the devils from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

How to remove damage yourself?

Good day. Advise strong rite to remove the damage yourself. My neighbor in the dacha and I have been at odds for more than one year ....

What is the difference between evil eye, corruption and curse

Hello. Tell me, please - damage, evil eye and curse are the same or different phenomena? If yes, how...

How to determine if I have damage or evil eye?

Hello. My situation is this: I have a mother-in-law who doesn’t love me and her grandson very much. She is all the time...

bible parable

The ancient holy writings say that several demons can be infused into a person. This is mentioned in the Gospel.

One of the stories says that Jesus Christ once, while healing a sick person, asked an evil spirit: “What is your name?”. In response, the demons said: "My name is Legion."

The Savior drove out the evil spirits and instilled them in the pigs, then the real animals could not stand the neighbors and rushed into the abyss.


If for some reason you decide to get rid of an unwanted neighbor without the help of priests, you should know how to exorcise a demon from yourself on your own:

  • You must remain alone, the demon can quickly find a new victim;
  • The presence of icons and a pectoral cross is obligatory;
  • You must be aware that in all obscene deeds you are directed by an evil spirit;
  • When the stonecrop passes, the demon will resist, you must not stop believing in God and in his help.

Prayer that casts out demons:

Lord God, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the courtyard to the gate, into the open field behind the doors, under the morning dawn and under the eastern side, to the true Lord of Hosts,

I will save Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven and the holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, six-winged cherubim and seraphim and other incorporeal heavenly powers, and the holy honest prophet,

Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, and the holy four apostles and evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, the holy prophet Elijah the Thezvitian.

Create, Lord, your God's great mercy, from the Throne of the Lord, a formidable cloud of dark, stone, fiery and fiery. From that dark cloud, send frequent rain.

In Heaven, from the Throne of the Lord, God's mercy and a formidable cloud, strong thunder and lightning are conceived and rise.

And the true Lord of Hosts, God, Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of Heaven, sent down His Divine great mercy from the Throne of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, the king of thunder, the queen of lightning.

The king of thunder struck, the queen of lightning lowered the flame, sanctified everything around, all sorts of unclean spirits fled.

And how from that mercy of God, from a formidable cloud, from a strong thunder from lightning, a formidable thunderous arrow flies out, and how menacingly, fiercely and ardently it casts out the devil and the unclean spirit of the demon K., S., S., N., and the mammoth messenger and he who is with me, the servant of God (name), is driven out of the yard, he breaks the stone and the tree, and just as from that formidable thunder arrow the stone cannot fly into one place, the tree will grow again, and so would the damned devil and the unclean spirit, the demon and the messenger mammoth and the finder would have fled from me, the servant of God (name), from this place away for distant lands, for distant cities, for distant villages, for distant seas and could not see me, the servant of God (name), and could not hear.

And how are you a formidable, fiery, thunderous arrow, the devil, you are afraid, and with you the unclean spirit is afraid, the demon K., S, S, I., and the mammoth messenger and finder, and also the servant of God (name) would be frightened and afraid my enemies and adversaries (names), and all sorts of unclean spirits, jumped and fled from me, a servant of God (name).

The water one, go into the water, and the forest one, go into the forest, under a dry, creaky tree, under a dead root, under a bush, under a hill, and a yard mammoth messenger and a found and damned devil and an unclean spirit, a demon, go to your old, former place, to your dark dwelling.

And how the Lord makes wise, the blind do not see, but everyone knows, so make wise, Lord, me, a servant of God (name), go to the unclean demons with a prayer.

The voice of Your thunder in the chariot, Your lightning will illuminate, the Universe will move, and the earth would tremble, the unclean spirits would also tremble from me, the servant of God (name), and as our parents lie in the earth, they do not feel the ringing of the bell, nor the singing of the church , and so my conspiracy-sentence would be strong, strong at all times and until the next century, forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go from west to east. The king of the thundercloud rises, and under the thundercloud the king of thunder rushes about with the queen of lightning.

As from the king of thunder and the queen of lightning, the devil-enemies run: forest, water, yard and every unclean creature - to their dark estates: under the stump, under the deck, into the pools and lakes, so they would have fled from those living in these mansions, from me , servant of God (name).

All sorts of human enemies would run: forest devils, water devils, yard devils: under a stump, under a deck, into lakes, into muddy water, into whirlpools, into dry bushes, under broken bridges.

They would run recklessly and irrevocably, century after century, now and forever. Amen

Signs of release

When an evil spirit comes out, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • Cold;
  • body trembling or shaking;
  • physical pain;
  • Increasing pressure;
  • yawning, coughing, or slow breathing;
  • Abdominal pain, heartburn, urge to vomit;
  • Migraine;
  • involuntary movements;
  • Body breaking;
  • Squeal and scream;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • Strabismus;
  • Escape;
  • Hiss;
  • Stench;
  • scratching movements;
  • Wriggling.

Other rites

Apart from Orthodox prayers exist and folk rituals to help cast out demons human body that can be used at home.

An example of how to cast a demon out of a person:

The demon-possessed person needs to sit on the threshold anywhere, inside or outside the living quarters. At the same time, it should not have any decorations, except for the cross. He needs to put a snow-white towel under his feet, throw a trifle on it, but do not count it, and pour seeds next to him, and he should begin to comb his hair and click the seeds.

The demon will start asking: "What are you doing?".

You need to answer freely and without fear: "I comb my hair, but I click lice."

The evil spirit will ask: “Do people eat lice?

"Does the dead inhabit the living?"

After these words, the demon will leave. In order for him not to return, all the items from the ceremony must be wrapped and taken to the cemetery, put there on any grave and say:

"I return, I should be alive, and you should lie in the ground.

The moon and the sun walk together in the same sky and do not converge, so we will not meet with you again.

Cross yourself three times and leave without looking back.

Forum "Fortuneteller's House": active discussions on the topic

Cursed houses

An evil force can take root not only in the human soul, but also live in a residential area. The ideal home for demons is the one where murders and suicides were committed. Often, evil spirits move into apartments where drunken alcoholics and drug addicts live, where they often swear and quarrel.

If you have purchased a home with otherworldly neighbors, they must be cast out, otherwise the demons will push you to drunkenness and suicide. Do not expect a pleasant life with them.

Where do they go

When the demon leaves, it is necessary to immediately move into a new soul. If he does not find another victim, then he returns to the person from whom he was expelled. If a person leads an immoral lifestyle, the demon returns with seven more evil spirits and enters into it. Therefore, it is so important after the rite to take communion and observe a decent lifestyle. When Jesus cast out demons, he did not tell them where to go. The demons themselves asked him to infuse them into the animals.


If you have any questions or need help with a life situation you can consult with our experts.


Where can evil spirits appear in your home? And how to expel evil spirits from the house?

Damage to your house is most often done by your neighbors, while the main motive is, of course, envy. Often, damage to the home is made even during the period repair work. If you have purchased a new home and started a renovation in it, envious thoughts, views and gossip from the neighbors are provided to you. And if there are “knowledgeable” aunts among your neighbors, soon there will be specific garbage under your doorstep, and soap marks on the doorknob, and puddles of water near front door and God knows what else. Therefore, before you move to new apartment it is highly desirable to carry out an energy cleansing of the home.

Sometimes damage in the house can be left to you "inherited" from previous owners. I mean the situation when someone was engaged in black witchcraft in order to exterminate the family from whom you purchased a home. When choosing a new home, I would recommend to all my readers to be very picky and carefully analyze: who lived here before and what happened here in general?

Finally, you can get witchcraft damage to your home from people who have some kind of bad feelings for you and your family members: envy, resentment, malice, etc.

I have already outlined the main signs that give reason to suspect witchcraft aggression against your home: garbage and puddles at your doorstep, greasy or soapy marks on your door or on the doorknob, etc. You should be alerted by images of unknown origin on the doors and walls of the apartment. From time to time, ask if you have any foreign objects in secluded places (for example, behind furniture). Many of my patients were at my appointment precisely after the discovery of suspicious things and garbage in their houses and apartments.

How to remove the lining? Rather, how right remove lining? The recommendation is this: do not touch anything that was discussed above with bare hands! To remove suspicious debris from your doorstep, use gloves, bags, paper. It is desirable not to throw away the garbage, but to burn it, spraying it with something flammable. Returning home, do not talk to anyone, do not say hello. If one of the neighbors comes to you soon and asks you for something, refuse harshly and adamantly. And, in general, try not to give anyone anything from home after sunset, especially in inclement weather.

One of the traditional signs of damage is the sudden activity of a brownie in your home. If you hear in your house some kind of crying, sobbing or howling, reminiscent of a cat's howl; if at night there is some fuss, noise, this means that the brownie is trying to resist witchcraft aggression. Unfortunately, as a rule, the brownie fails to remove serious witchcraft damage from the dwelling and the brownie can even leave this house, and the owners urgently need to take countermeasures.

Details about all the nuances associated with bringing damage to your home are described in my book. Here I will give my readers practical advice regarding the diagnosis and elimination of witchcraft aggression in your home.

If you suspect that damage has been brought to your home, I recommend that you perform a simple test. Buy a wax candle in the church and walk around the house with it clockwise, starting from the threshold and ending there. Your suspicions about damage are certainly justified if the candle crackles, flares, smokes, fades, etc. However, keep in mind that if the candle burns evenly and stably, this is not yet a 100% guarantee that there will be no damage to your home. There are very specific types of damage to the house, which "leave" the diagnosis with a candle. However, if there is "obviously something wrong" with the church candle, you will need the help of a specialist for energy cleaning at home, or you can try to deal with witchcraft negativity on your own.

And I will remind my readers of the banal remark that says that damage is more reasonable and easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later. We are talking about all kinds of "amulets" for your home. In this regard, in the literature and periodicals there are many special recommendations, many of which work well with the proper approach to their execution.

Light a wax candle and go around each room in a clockwise direction, moving towards the front door. With the flame of a candle, baptize all corners and doorways. The following conspiracy is pronounced on each of the thresholds in the house:
"Go away, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners. No for you, devil, part and participation, place and rest; here is the cross of the Lord, mother of Christ, Holy Mother of God, St. Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ugasiel, Ehudiel, Verachael. The powers of heaven rejoice here, here are the holy cherubim and seraphim, St. Michael is now all over the universe, St. Peter holds the regiments along them, holding the club; here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here for you, devil, there is no part and participation, place and rest, do not do dirty tricks, devil, to the whole place and house, and man, and cattle, and all God's servants; run away from here to hell, where your real shelter is, and stay there! My word is strong like a stone, amen, amen, amen".

The next spell can be cast in addition to the previous one.
"You, damned and forever condemned devils, by the power of the words: Messiah, Emmanuel, Sabaoth, Adonai, Avakatos, Ischiros and the Tetragrammaton, we fetter, weaken and expel you from this place and home. We command you, that you have no power to harm the inhabitants of this house, go, damned ones, to the fiery hell; get wet in the abysses prepared for you and do not dare to come here again! So God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit commands you. Wet you like this, devils, forever condemned, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come again to judge the living and the dead and the whole universe by fire. Amen".

I have always been surprised and amused by TV shows about "drums". Remember that very famous TV epic about the Moscow "drum"? A legion of journalists, researchers and scientists of various stripes abstrusely talked about the nature of this phenomenon and did not come to any conclusions. And at the same time, any village grandmother, at least a little familiar with quackery, is well versed in the nature of these "phenomena" and could explain the essence of what is happening in two ways, and, if necessary, stop the so-called poltergeist. But scientists in occult matters, according to tradition, do not look for easy ways: they are ready to hunt ghosts for years with some ridiculous bulky devices and rack their brains, writing some crazy theories. Just not to delve into the experience of folk healers, for whom all these "barabashki" are as commonplace as making soup. The phenomenon of a poltergeist (noise in the house, fires, movement of objects, knocking, etc.) are attributed to an angry kikimora (a female brownie). It’s good that there is no television in the remote villages, otherwise the inhabitants of these villages would be busy with hysterical laughter from morning to evening: making such a fuss just about a playful kikimora?! What an unseen!
But let's move on to practice. To get rid of this evil, you need to cover the stove and all the corners in the house with a new broom with the words:
"Come out, kikimora brownie, from the homeless house sooner, otherwise they will tear you up with red-hot rods, burn you with a fire-frying pan, fill you with black tar. My word is firm. Amen".
Brownies, in fact, are "liquid for reprisals", and from harsh imperious treatment they droop and calm down, or leave the house altogether. After the described procedure, the house is fumigated with incense and sprinkled with holy water.

Light a fire, throw dried juniper into it and fumigate the whole room with smoke.

If ghosts visit you, causing fear and anxiety, to get rid of such visits, you need to burn the fluff and feathers that fill the pillows, and fumigate the whole house with smoke.

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go from west to east. The king rises - a formidable cloud, and under the formidable cloud the king - thunder, the king - lightning rushes about. As from the king - thunder and from the queen, enemies and devils of the forest, water, and courtyards, and every unclean creature flee to their estates: under the stump and under the log, into the lakes and into the whirlpools; and so they would have fled from those living in this house, and from me, the servant of God (name), all sorts of enemies and devils of the forest, water, courtyards under the stump and under the deck, into the lakes and into the whirlpools, without a trace, irrevocably, century after century, fled, from now on and forever, amen!"

Stand on the threshold of the apartment in front of the door wide open with a lit wax candle in right hand, and say the following conspiracy three times:
"Roll like a boat, poor share, homemaker, gossip. Roll, don't drag, don't spin at the threshold, don't cling to the porch, don't hang on the gate! Dog, Leshova, crow's help, roll from the threshold!"

To protect against evil spirits, you can hang sprigs of buckthorn, juniper, thistle (tatar), Chernobyl (wormwood), nettle, fern, St. John's wort on the windows and doors in the room. The herbs are harvested on Friday before sunrise. The best day for gathering is the night on Ivan Kupala (July 7).

Plants and fruits of red color (the color of Mars - the planet of active protection) help protect your apartment or work space from damage. You can use geranium, sprigs of viburnum, mountain ash, red apples

If you notice that someone has tried to jinx or spoil you, put a piece of charcoal under your bed before going to bed.

Chicory root serves as a powerful means of protecting the home from all kinds of curses. You need to go for the plant on July 7 before sunrise. It is good if there was a full moon recently, which provides the plant with a large supply of protective energy. Kneeling, draw three concentric circles around the plant with a knife, then touch the plant with a gold or silver object, and dig the chicory out of the ground. You need to return home silently, without looking back. At home, separate the root with a knife and dry it, and then hide it near the front door.

A traditional remedy: consecrate willow branches on Palm Sunday and keep them in the house.

If the owner of the apartment finds and digs up a gladiolus bulb, it will become a reliable amulet to protect the apartment from curses.

A horseshoe is a traditional means of protecting one's home from curses. A horseshoe is nailed over the entrance to the house with the ends down. For the same purpose, you can hang horns above the front door.

And here is the ancient magical way protect your home from damage. At the threshold of the house, with chalk or wax dripping from a burning candle, draw a pentagram (a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle), one of the rays of which is directed outward and cover the drawing with a rug.

Three iron nails can be driven into each of the doors in the form of a triangle, the top turned towards the exit.

The following remedy is used when you expect a magical attack on yourself or your home. This technique is able to eliminate the phenomena of the poltergeist and the materialization of spirits. Place a small saucer of highly diluted acetic acid on the table in each room of your living space. If you have pets, place the saucer higher. For the same purpose, you can spread the freshly cut halves of onions and garlic around the apartment. Usually this tool is used at night, and in the morning it all needs to be poured or thrown away. Acid, onion and garlic take the hit and further use of these products is unacceptable.

To protect your home from damage, place a broom with the handle down at the front door.

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