Distant work. Is there a real work at home? People's reviews

Enough an interesting activity is work at home. Reviews of this type of employment of the able-bodied population can now be found absolutely everywhere. But which ones are real and which ones aren't? To tell the truth, it is very difficult to judge this. After all, each person at home can perform completely different tasks. And with all this, he may not be able to do what others do. This is where disagreements arise. Plus, work from home, reviews of which we are now learning, includes various vacancies. And all sorts of scams. Let's try to understand how real the dreams of earning money from home are.

Assembly of handles

The first option that can only be found is the work of assembling handles at home. Reviews of this vacancy are now literally overflowing the World Wide Web. But before we get to know them, let's figure out what we have to do with you.

Our only task is to collect ballpoint pens at home. And then send them to the customer. Working as a pen assembler at home, reviews of which we will learn a little later, as a rule, guarantees quick and good earnings without stress. It is enough to work only 4 hours a day. All materials are sent to your home, and you collect them into a finished product. Next - send to the return address and wait for payment.

That's all. This is the job of assembling handles at home. The reviews here are, frankly, negative. After all, we are dealing with a very subtle fraud. The first thing the employer will ask is to pay an insurance premium (from 250 rubles). He will justify his demands by the fact that unscrupulous workers have already taken orders and then disappeared. You will also be reimbursed by insurance with the first job. And so every time. But as soon as you transfer the money, the employer disappears. Thus, work at home (pens) reviews are extremely negative. They are written exclusively by deceived users. So scammers make money on the naivety of people.

Of course, the work of the picker at home sometimes receives suspiciously strange and positive reviews. You should not believe such words - they were written either by the employer, or the scammer paid someone to form a whole "package" of flattering words about the vacancy. As you can see, work at home (assembly) received not very good reviews. But there are still so many vacancies! Which ones? Let's try to figure this out.

PC operator

For example, the second very popular vacancy is a PC operator at home. Similar announcements can be found now everywhere and everywhere. So, let's try to figure out what's what here.

The job is said to require simple typing at home with editing. You will have to retype the handwritten text (or photographed, printed on paper), then edit it according to the rules and send it to the customer. Such work at home received mixed reviews. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

The thing is that the material for work will be sent to you at home. Doesn't it remind you of anything? And, of course, you will again have to pay an insurance premium. How do you think it will all end? Of course, deceit. After all, working as a PC operator is another scam.

However, not always. You can try contacting the print media and ask if they need a typesetter. If the answer is yes, then you can get a job with them. No investments are required there, and earnings will be credited quickly and on a card (or in cash). If the publishing house is in your city, you can personally pick up the printed text or order courier delivery. As a last resort - to receive by mail. And that is why reviews about PC operators are mixed. But mostly negative. They are also written by deceived people. In general, it is better to refrain from this vacancy, so as not to be "with a nose".

Sales Manager

The truth is, remote work exists. For example, a sales manager is a very popular job among all ages. You will simply have to look for customers and make purchases on specialized sites (online stores). And your employer will pay a small salary for this (about 5,000 - 6,000 rubles), as well as 10% of the order amount.

Such remote work at home reviews are already positive. True, the user's income will depend solely on the intensity of work and the search for customers. Can you sell? Then this activity is right for you. If there is enough salary, then you can simply place several orders per month - and all problems will be solved.

Sales managers usually meet at in social networks- there they have working pages redirecting to an online store. To be honest, it's very convenient. Only some workers complain about the big competition. Nevertheless, reviews in general still remain positive. No investments are required from you, and, as a rule, they give a discount on the purchase of employer's goods.


There is also such work at home, reviews of which are available on almost all review sites. This is nothing but an operator at home. To be honest, this job is not for everyone. In particular, such work is carried out by those who have the opportunity to talk with the help of a computer during the day. And they usually hire girls for this position.

You go through a little training, and then do your job using Skype. This is either making "hot" or making "cold" calls in order to advertise and sell any services. Quite often, you simply inform customers about new products, as well as ongoing promotions. It is the operator without sales that is the most profitable and successful offer. True, you can earn in this way, as people say, about 15,000 rubles.

But in cases of working as an operator for the purpose of selling services, in addition to the salary, you will receive 10% of the order amount. So some manage to earn 50,000 rubles a month. This is work at home without investment, reviews of which are only encouraging. However, it is not suitable for shy people, as well as those who do not want to "shove" a product into a potential client. Plus, if you do not have the opportunity to talk using a computer, you can forget about the vacancy.

Sale of "handmade"

There is also a job that involves selling your own product. In other words, needlework. This is called "handmade". All you need to do is to create a sellable product yourself, and then find buyers. As a rule, sales work well using social networks.

Such work at home received good reviews. If you have "golden hands", then you can easily make furniture, dishes, jewelry, toys, clothes, works of art and interior design, and then sell them via the Internet. Plus, if things go uphill, you can always produce something specific, to order.

True, you should not expect mountains of gold here right away - it takes time to make good money. Although the average initial income, as a rule, for people in this business is about 10,000 rubles. Not much, but stable. And with great success, some are able to receive both 50,000 and 60,000. It all depends on you. And there is no deception here.

How much to work? People say that it also depends on each person, individually. Maybe the work will take you 4 hours, or maybe a week. Depending on the nature of needlework and its value. Nevertheless, many generally engage in this activity, not looking up from everyday affairs.

Sale of cosmetics

Cosmetics is what every woman needs. And so our next fairly successful vacancy is a cosmetics salesman. This is a very popular work from home job. Reviews about it are spread all over the Internet. Moreover, they are positive.

You will have to place orders for cosmetics of a certain company. Usually, social networks are used to simplify the search for customers. After you place an order, you get about 10% from it in your pocket. Plus salary. It ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. And, of course, the total earnings per month depends only on you.

It should also be taken into account that the employee will receive a discount when buying a product that he sells himself. This makes a lot of girls happy. Sometimes the discount is very big. You only need to work about 4 hours a day. The work does not require any investment. True, some sellers complain about competition and the difficult process of finding customers. I usually use this job as a part time job. In case of huge success - as the main source of income.


And here is another work at home without cheating. Reviews about it, as a rule, leave a few. And this is done only because you don’t really want to make competitors for yourself. After all, we are talking about the work of a translator.

The thing is that this vacancy is very successful. In the World Wide Web now you can find quite a lot of "free places". Translations are usually required either from English or from German. And the salary of a translator varies from 25,000 rubles to 60,000. Some work 4-6 hours to get the specified amount per month. And, of course, no one wants to make competitors.

In this way, this work rarely receives reviews at home. But positive. The main thing here is to know languages, as well as to have perseverance. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can try. It's not as scary as it seems.


Editor is another very popular job on the World Wide Web. And, to be honest, it does not require any investment from you. Also, this "place" receives the most good reviews. After all, all that is required of you is to edit the text, and then send it to the customer.

The salary here is usually about 20,000 rubles. And this is taking into account the work of about 4 hours a day. A very good vacancy for women on maternity leave, or those involved in education. A with modern means to work with text on a computer, working as an editor becomes more than simple. Most applications automatically correct errors and also offer you possible scenarios. In addition, some simply underline suspicious passages of the test, drawing special attention to them.

Payments occur once a month. The only thing you can see complaints about is that you really have to work these 4 hours. That is, "kicking the bulldozer" will not work. After all, you will be paid for the work done. However, for a conscientious worker, this is not a problem.


Teachers and lecturers are needed everywhere now. So this vacancy has become available even remotely. Distance education is just what gave the main impetus to the creation of such vacancies.

There are two options: a private teacher or a hired one. The second option, according to users, is mainly used in universities. You get exactly the same salary as a teacher, but you give all the lectures at home. Very convenient for both you and the students. But a private teacher has great opportunities. After all, he can lead not only academic subjects, as well as different circles. Here and needlework, and carpentry, and the study of languages, and cooking - everything your heart desires.

To be honest, reviews of private teachers say that it is best to recruit whole groups of students. This way you can work less and earn more. If a teacher in educational institutions receives about 15-20 thousand rubles, then a private trader is able to earn 2 times more.


The next vacancy is a webmaster. This worker, as a rule, must create and maintain sites in working order. This used to be a pretty common office job. But now there is an opportunity to work remotely.

This is work from home without cheating. She gets mixed reviews. As many users emphasize, the main difficulty here is writing the site code. If you are a pro in this business, then you should not even start to worry.

The webmaster earns decent. Usually for 1 order they take from 10,000 rubles. And with all this, about 60-80 thousand are released per month. Plus site support - about 5,000 rubles. A very lucrative but difficult business. It doesn't suit everyone. But most importantly, this work is safe. And that is why the vacancy receives, for the most part, positive reviews.

Writing texts

The last common job on the net is writing texts. Usually limited to copywriting and rewriting. What's this? Let's try to understand this difficult question.

The first term means writing your own original articles on a specific topic. The second is the processing of the finished text into your own, with high uniqueness. In other words, we are talking about writing articles to order. Such work at home reviews are extremely positive. After all, there is no deception, contributions or any special conditions. Just find a customer, agree on payment (they usually charge 30-40 rubles for 1,000 printed characters), and then do your job.

How much is required for this lesson? From 4 hours. This time is enough to earn 15,000 per month. It is possible and more. People advise looking for orders on special sites. They are called freelancing or copywriting/rewriting exchanges.

As you can see, work from home exists. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to. Finding something suitable for yourself is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Set a goal and move towards it - you will definitely succeed. The main thing - remember that work as a picker at home gets negative reviews and is a hoax. And also do not forget about other types of virtual fraud. And then you will succeed.

These are people who are not ready to spend two hours a day on the road to and from the office, who do not agree to listen to idiotic instructions from their superiors, who are sober on Friday evening and sleep in their beds on Monday morning - as long as they want.

    • Who are freelancers?
    • How to become a freelancer and how to earn money?
    • 5 essential things you can't live without as a freelancer
    • Choosing a specialization: what can you earn?
    • Where can beginner freelancers make money and what kind of remote work on the Internet is most in demand today?
    • Pros and cons of specialization
    • What ways to make money on the Internet should be avoided?
    • How to recognize "scam"?

No, these are not lazy people with reduced social responsibility, on the contrary, these citizens work hard and selflessly. These are freelancers - those who are used to spending time not in the office, but rather work at home or on the beach in Goa. Why not? The freelancer chose not to work "for his uncle" or a corporation selling genetically modified cases for smartphones, but for himself personally.

In the West, a more correct and broader name for this social group people are self-employed. In Western countries, there are all sorts of concessions for self-employed citizens, because such citizens do not require unemployment benefits from the state, they do not need to create expensive jobs - they have already come up with remote work at home, found and created their own workplace themselves.

In Russia, all self-employed, whether it is a freelance IT specialist or “golden hands” in garages, are considered by the authorities as a very, very big threat to the well-being of the state…

A freelancer is a person who does some work for a commission. This social category includes both stove-makers with artists and mothers who do nail art at home, but nevertheless, we usually call freelancers those whose work is somehow connected with the Internet - people for whom remote work at home has become basic.

How to become a freelancer and how to earn money?

Let's be honest: a lot of people become freelancers (often very successful!) due to circumstances, not of their own free will and not from a good life. The reasons are as simple as the corner of a house and as numerous as the sand on a Goan beach: it is maternity leave, long-term unemployment and lack of money, the inability to realize one's abilities in a company or within the framework of a corporate mode of operation, an inability to build communications with colleagues (any and in general), hatred of morning trains - whatever!

There are two paths to freedom and work from home. First way , as follows from the above, this is getting pregnant (not suitable for everyone), publicly poisoning your favorite fish in the boss's aquarium, catching Pokemon at an important meeting, and so on.

Second way remote work on the Internet is more difficult, it takes time and effort. You need to know yourself, soberly evaluate your professional quality, personal strengths and weaknesses.

The second path requires the utmost honesty with oneself and the willingness to take risks, to destroy the usual way of life. Going free-floating is always dangerous and in 99% of cases is initially associated with a decrease in income, a decrease in social status, a change in the rhythm of life. You are ready? What about your loved ones?

There are also third way . Often a good specialist in his spare time begins to "cheat on the side." Sometimes it happens that the income from freelance activities begins to exceed the size of the salary, and then a simple question is asked: isn't it time for "free bread", that is, for freelance? Adyu, colleagues, corporate dress code and crappy coffee from a grunting coffee machine!

5 essential things you can't live without as a freelancer

  1. burning desire achieve success, courage and bravery.
  2. self-discipline. There is no more control over you. This means that you yourself must put yourself in a tight grip and strictly observe the deadlines for the implementation of any order, otherwise you will not have customers.

How and where to make money, build your working day (or night) - everyone decides individually, but there can be no concessions here. In practice, freelancers work much longer than the usual 8-hour day in the "office". Laziness is a freelancer's worst enemy!

  1. Professionalism. No comments here: you should strive to become as expert in your field as possible. Over time, you will not be chasing orders, but customers will beg you to take the job.
  2. Since most freelancers make their living from computers and the world wide web, you must have the right hardware and competencies.

For designers, a professional monitor and the latest official version of Photoshop are important; for a copywriting ace, a mechanical keyboard; good speed the Internet.

  1. Comfortable workplace, silence, walks on fresh air or exercise stress, positive perception of the world, understanding of relatives. Without this - nothing.

Choosing a specialization: what can you earn?

The easiest way is to do what you already know how to do and continuously improve your professional skills and abilities, learn new things every day in order to become an even more sought-after professional in the market and sell your services as expensive as possible.

Well, how can you make money on freelancing for beginners or people whose labor specialty is far from the Internet? You need to choose the specialization, the business that you like.

Freelance work should be loved, you should look forward to the awakening of the monitor from hibernation after turning it on.

Only a passionate person can easily develop motivation to move forward! You can make money on a real job on the Internet in any narrow area - more on that below. The main thing is the desire to become a professional in the chosen field and the desire to learn, including from your own mistakes.

Where can beginner freelancers make money and what kind of remote work on the Internet is most in demand today?

Text transcription

Every second, thousands of seminars and webinars are held on the Internet, interviews are taken online and offline, and programs are filmed. "Talking heads" need their words to be transferred "on paper" - that is, translated into a finished text.

A freelancer takes an audio or video file and types in all the smart and stupid thoughts that he hears, verbatim and honestly, while not forgetting the rules of the Russian language. Surprisingly, the profession of a stenographer has been revived in a new quality!

Cold calls

A common work at home without investment, popular not only among housewives. Thousands of domestic companies are not ready to maintain their own call center: it is easier to hire freelancers to offer goods and services, surveys.

In addition to the phone, you will need iron nerves, the ability to communicate and convince, to respond to objections. Innate sociability is a valuable gift for a freelancer working in this field.

Writing texts or copywriting

All sites need large and small articles, comments, product reviews, product cards, news. Text content is written by copywriters: this is one of the most common freelance work-from-home specializations.

Again, as with transcribing a text, you need impeccable knowledge of grammar, a good vocabulary, a sense of style and a willingness to fulfill everything, even strange customer requirements for the text. You need to master the basics of SEO, be fluent in text editors.

Making articles on websites

This lesson requires knowledge of content management systems sites - CMS. There are many of them, but they are all built on the same principle, and the vast majority of sites are written in just a dozen of the most popular CMS - WordPress, Joomla, MODX and others.

How to earn money? A freelancer is required to place text, pictures, videos, links and everything else on the site page in right order, save the design and style of the page, fulfill the requirements of search engine optimization.

News rewriting

One of the easiest freelance jobs to do. It is required to convert the text given by the customer into a unique one, that is, to say the same thing, but “in other words”.

A rather boring occupation, but this is a real job on the Internet for money, even if it is small.

Public Administration

Suitable for those who feel like a fish in water on social networks and are ready to enthusiastically communicate with hundreds and thousands of visitors. Many companies and organizations, online publications and online stores create publics to promote their goods, services, news, and products.

How to earn money? The task of the administrator is to make the public exciting, to achieve an increase in the number of visitors loyal to the brand, the ability to create "information noise" around an event or product.


A highly paid area of ​​work for a freelancer, even if he is an ordinary self-taught coder.

How to earn money? You need to know the programming environment, be able to find bugs and test programs, and follow the deadlines for the task very carefully.


Freelance designers are common. How can you earn?

On the initial stage they create banners, icons, gifs, as professionalism grows, you can take on the creation of a unique website template.

Refinement of Internet projects

An interesting direction, which consists in adding functionality to the site, eliminating layout problems, optimizing content, creating a mobile version, and so on.

Traffic arbitration

Earnings on affiliate programs, attracting a flow of visitors to the site. This is a quiet work on the Internet without investments and deceit, payment is guaranteed every day.

Management and management of Internet projects

The pinnacle of a freelance career. You can manage several sites on your own, but sooner or later you will have to learn management skills and recruit employees and assistants - the same freelancers specializing in their particular field.

Host of webinars and online trainings

If you have something to say and offer people, a good source of income is the creation of your own webinars and trainings, in which you are the main actor. There is a second option, when the presenter invites some specialist or several and organizes communication while simultaneously broadcasting video content to a network audience.

The task of webinars and seminars is not only to teach new skills and competencies, sometimes it is explicitly or implicitly related to the promotion of services and goods. Unfortunately, now in the segment of trainings, webinars and courses, complete chaos reigns ... But why not fish in troubled waters?

Video editing

The task of a freelance video editor is simple - to turn a long video shot into a logical beautiful video or presentation, remove unnecessary things, add titles and intros.

Voice acting

Sounding video presentations, cartoons, advertising, games, recording audio books will require some acting skills from you. There are a lot of vacancies for work at home for voice acting on the network.


Skype tutors are very popular and in demand, especially when learning foreign languages.

Where to earn money? Look for students on social networks and on specialized forums.

Private consultations

Private consultants can answer a variety of questions and get real money for advice. What can you earn? There are a lot of lawyers, computer technology specialists on the Internet, mobile communications, even fishing.

Everyone earns - from culinary specialists to aces catching perch on a bare hook. The basis of monetization is the growing popularity of your own YouTube channel, well-established communications with visitors.

Pros and cons of specialization

Direction Required Skills Advantages of earning money Cons of earning money Approximate income
transcription Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, the ability to quickly type text. Develops attention and memory Monotonous uncreative work 5-50 rubles per minute of transcription of the recording
Cold calls Emotional stability, intelligible speech, persuasion, formal logic and objection handling. Develops communication skills, forms the habit of keeping records. On the other end of the wire there are boors and simply inadequate interlocutors. You can lose faith in people. 10-30 rubles for a dialogue, up to 1000 for a lead, sometimes you pay for the result. 100,000 rubles a month or more.
Copywriting Unconditional knowledge of the rules of the Russian language and punctuation, an extensive vocabulary. You constantly learn something new Job of the same type From 20 to 300 rubles for 1000 characters of text
Making articles on websites Good knowledge of one or more CMS, attentiveness Pretty simple job Customers don't always know what they want An average of 50 rubles for the design of one article
Public Administration Knowledge of the basics of marketing, quick response, competent and quick writing skills Often this work becomes an exciting pastime. Need to be constantly in touch From 5000 rubles for one public
Programming Knowledge of a programming language, ability to work in a team, knowledge of project management systems High income Need a good education From 50000 rubles per month
News rewriting Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, a large vocabulary At least you'll be up to date Boring job From 20 rub. per 1000 characters
Designer Good taste, knowledge of graphic editors creative work Some customers are hard to please Depending on the work and its complexity, the cost can reach several hundred thousand rubles.
Refinement of Internet projects Proficiency in CMS, SEO basics, Internet marketing, design You can take the site for maintenance in the future and earn money on it Requires knowledge in many areas, you have to involve third-party specialists From 3000 rubles per project
Traffic arbitration Possession of advertising tools, Yandex Direct, knowledge of marketing, perseverance You can get valuable gifts! Routine activities From 100 to 1000000 rubles per month
Management and management of Internet projects Extensive knowledge in the field of Internet marketing, finance, ability to work in a team You definitely won't have free time. High responsibility From 5000 rubles per project
Host of webinars and trainings You need to be able to turn yourself into a brand. It requires good diction, photogenicity, the ability to work “for the camera” and, most importantly, an idea. An exciting activity! You may need the services of a make-up artist, cameraman, editor, recording engineers Up to several million rubles per month
video editor Knowledge of special programs - video editors such as Sony Vegas Making a real movie is always fun The customer's intention is not always clear From 1000 rubles for 1 minute
Video dubbing clear diction, correct pronunciation, mastery of intonation, acting skills An easy way to earn money for talented and sociable people An error in the voice acting will cause the entire task to be executed from the beginning From 3000 rubles for voice acting of a video less than 5 minutes
Skype tutors Knowledge of the subject, teaching skills You can earn much more than they pay for a lesson at school Difficulties in scheduling classes if there are many students From 500 rubles for a 45-minute lesson.
Private consultants Expert level in any field, own YouTube channel It's nice when people turn to you for advice and pay money for it. They are not here Depends on the number of consultations

What ways to make money on the Internet should be avoided?

Are you looking for work from home online? Be on the lookout: work-from-home jobs often offer dubious ways to make money… What should you avoid?

They ask you to invest money - goodbye!

This applies to investments in dubious projects at allegedly fabulous interest, numerous FOREX platforms, stock trading and other pyramid schemes. Rely on your strengths, knowledge and skills, and not on the empty promises of strangers to make you rich "for no reason", or just buy a lottery.

Miracles do not happen: any work at home - without investment! In fact, it is possible to make money in the stock and currency markets, but only if you understand this topic and clearly understand what you are doing. If you are offered an income that does not require any action from you, then this principle is called "invest, forget and do not call."

Don't be fooled by outsourcing production

Do not take orders for growing mushrooms or sewing suits for astronauts at home.

If you have posted an ad anywhere looking for work at home, you will be quickly bombarded with similar offers. By the way, here, too, you may be required to pay for seeds, samples, or something else.

Do not participate in online battles

Today, numerous Internet wars are raging on the network, the basis of which is dirty politics. Do not accept tempting Internet job vacancies from "internet troll factories" and do not sign up for "couch troops" if you want to maintain your sanity and clarity of mind.

How to recognize "scam"?

I have for you the bad news, my friends: sooner or later you will definitely be “thrown” and will not be paid for your difficult and hard work. You don't have to be afraid of it! Try to turn defeat into victory and learn from your mistakes.

Almost always, freelancers are paid after the work is done “after the fact”, contracts are not concluded in most cases, and in this case no one will give guarantees of the integrity of customers.

There is work on the Internet without investments and fraud with payment every day, but there are also scammers.

There are almost no reliable ways to recognize scammers when working remotely “on trust”, but here are a few tips that will help you:

  1. Before agreeing to an order or a job vacancy on the Internet, collect information about your employer. It’s not difficult: they have ratings on freelance exchanges, “black lists” roam the forums and social networks. Spend a little time, but save money. Avoid those about whom you have not been able to find out anything.
  2. Discuss with the customer the payment schedule for remote work at home in the case of a large order, break the work into stages and demand payment for each one in turn.
  3. Be wary of overly generous offers, clearly higher than the prevailing rates for this type of work.
  4. try to get it right trusting relationship with good regular customers, appreciate them.

Freelancing is not an easy way to earn a living, but it gives you real freedom to realize your abilities. Are you ready to try?

We are a new generation of homeless people and there are many of us. It is obvious. Apartments in Russia cost half of life. It is clear that people without noodles in their ears will not give up half of their lives for the opportunity to live the other half in the same place as the first. Renting a house in other cities and countries is even cheaper than where a mortgage is waiting for us, so it makes no sense for us to live in one place. And we're going on a journey! We work where we want right now and look for new places to live when the soul asks for it. We do not have permanent residence and do not feel chained to one place, we are homeless and it is so gratifying to realize it .. And washing your hair or not always depends on the height that you manage to climb the career ladder.

This is just a trend of modern society that is becoming everyday. Most of my friends work remotely and there is nothing supernatural about it. After all, in fact, in most professions, there is no need to come from home to work and pretend that you are working diligently. This is the last century, the strange habits of society not to think about their actions, but to perform them mechanically.

It's time to drop them and start working hard to really become more conscious. And for this it is not necessary to buy books and pay for seminars that tell about "how to make money online"- it's time to open your eyes and see for yourself this very Internet, in which everything has already been written and told (at least read this free page). The Internet is not YouTube and Vkontakte is a huge library that is quite easy to navigate - you just need to start, not be afraid to press the keyboard buttons and take responsibility for your life.

Advantages of remote work: freedom from the schedule and in the choice of residence. All responsibility lies solely with you. You can raise your salary indefinitely.

Disadvantages of remote work: it takes time and real effort to transition from regular work to remote work. All responsibility is on you. You can live in poverty indefinitely.

The key word is responsibility. It's like nobody's apple on the table. You can take it and eat it, but then the entire responsibility for satiety or diarrhea will lie with you. Or you can look at this apple and decide that it’s too early for you to take it, but you need to go through a couple of trainings first. According to statistics, most of these people, probably the way it should be).

Who can work remotely

Actually, anyone. Popular remote professions, which only the laziest people don’t already know about: Programmer, designer (any), artist, SEO (site promotion), seller (online stores), writer (texts to order), editor, translator (translations to order), advertiser, publicist, manager.

But it's too easy. Let's see what might happen next:
journalist, photojournalist (normal publications, especially English-language ones, have long since switched to freelancers),
video editor,
musician (composer)
photographer ( , ),
teacher (anything - tutor via Skype),
accountant (this profession has long been outsourced - remote hiring),
manufacturer of hand-made clothes, jewelry, etc.,
manager, project manager, etc.

And of course trading (cryptocurrencies, securities). interesting direction)

There are people who make money playing poker, playing on the stock exchange,
on your youtube.com channel (although in Russia it’s not very good yet),
on your own websites (relevant if you are an IT specialist and can make and promote them yourself).

And, of course, you can come up with your own projects, produce your products and sell it online (through your website or local forums and online flea markets like e-bay.com for example). Lists of in-demand remote professions can be viewed directly on freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges- These are sites where freelancers and customers register. Freelancers post their portfolio and look for suitable orders that customers place. I give links to freelance exchanges in the following paragraphs↓

Remote work - where to start

And now the most important thing: these lists of possible professions - in fact, you do not need them at all. Your new profession should be interesting to you. Do not settle for less, otherwise it will turn out that you are changing the awl for soap.

© Olga Saliy. Copying material.

Step 1: Stop Watching TV

Let's clear our lack of apartments from zombies forever! For self-development, we have youtube, google, books and communication with like-minded people. It seems that this is the topic of a separate article - if you are interested - write in the comments that yes, and I will make a review: what I watch, what I read and where I find like-minded people.

Step 1.0 Find your favorite thing

For example, make your own list: what you really love to do. A person who does what he loves is doomed to success in any case. After all, then he puts all his energy and inspiration into the business. And even if he can’t make money on it, he will do what he loves all his life). If, in choosing a profession, we proceed from what others are successful in, then this is a deliberate loss - after all, this is another unconscious step. And we just need awareness.

By the way, before making all these lists of your favorite professions, think: is it really necessary to be where you are with your current specialty? Maybe it's just a habit of going to work, but you can do it anywhere?

Sometimes an important criterion that this business is really “yours”: when you see how others do it (or try to do it yourself for the first time), you internally feel that you can potentially do it better than anyone else.

Step 2. Study and professional growth.

Even if you don’t understand anything in your favorite business, but you feel that you can do it better than others, this is already cool. Any profession needs to learn and it's never too late. You can spend a couple of years of your life on active study, which in itself will bring you pleasure, and after that you will forever become a person free from routine. Start right now! Various courses or free video lessons can be searched on the Internet (or in your city).

It is also VERY useful for studying to get acquainted with people who are engaged in the same business and communicate with them.

For freelancers, vacation is when you can finally sit at home and work hard while taking a break from traveling.

Step 3. Getting Started

So, you have determined for yourself the desired and favorite activity and have begun to master it (or have already mastered it). The most important thing remains: start working (and not stop) and along the way create and develop your portfolio, your style and your own image. Because now you will not go to the office for interviews, and others can see what a cool specialist you are only through the Internet.

For maximum effect, you need to show your advantages in a quality way: on your personal Facebook page, Vkontakte, register on freelance exchanges, forums, make your own website, etc.

In order to start working in your chosen specialty right now, you need to conduct a small but painstaking study on the topic “How to work in my specialty on the Internet”.

For example, you know 2 or more languages. Now you just need to open a search engine - Google for example - and enter the phrase in the search: "How to start working as a translator remotely." Or you are a photographer: "How to sell your photos on the Internet." Or an artist: "How to work as an artist remotely" and so on. The Internet is already full of information with detailed instructions, or ready-made vacancies in your favorite specialty.

Take your time - collect information painstakingly and do not stop at what you have learned, get to know those who are already working remotely in your specialty. It is this exploration and new acquaintances that will connect you to your work.

If you want to work remotely, it means you are becoming completely independent now. You act on your own and find your own solutions in any situation. And now the pitfall of remote work, or rather the transition to it: you are unlikely to be able to receive full-fledged profits for the first six months. But all you need to start getting it is your perseverance, constant professional development (Google to the rescue), self-discipline and confidence even with temporary setbacks. If you like the chosen business, then you will have confidence.

Those who work remotely usually have an irregular working day, they can work seven days a week, with a break for 7 hours of sleep and food. This often happens - after all, we are so passionate about work that does not burden us at all that we can forget about everything else.

Freelancing is not relaxation at all. This is the maximum dedication - both in work and in leisure.

Scammers in remote work

Unfortunately, this is enough, but if you turn on the brain in time and evaluate the vacancy (or better not turn it off at all), then everything is obvious.

The main sign of a non-existent vacancy and fraud: an offer to make a monetary contribution (for registration on the site or whatever).

Popular scam jobs: typesetters, packing anything, assembling beads, envelopes, etc.

That is, a lot of mind is not needed, which is apparently what scammers are counting on when creating such vacancies.

Where and how to look for remote work. Freelance exchanges

This item is very useful if you have already decided on an activity, and it belongs to the service sector. There are special sites freelance marketplaces and employers. Russian-speaking and English-speaking. For programmers, designers and translators, for example, it will be much more profitable to look for employers directly on the English-language exchange - working there may be more difficult, but much more profitable. In addition, this is your independence from the ruble exchange rate.

On freelance exchanges, freelancers can first find small orders (for example: draw a kitten, or write a text about fireproof safes, or make a toolbar for a website, etc.).

Important from the very beginning, gradually (working through freelance exchanges and in other places) to accumulate portfolio and reviews from employers - put in a folder, publish texts (if you are a copywriter or translator), IT projects (if you are a programmer), drawings (if you are an artist), etc. on your pages of freelance exchanges.

Over time, working through freelance exchanges, freelancers usually find themselves one or more regular customers. By this time, having already reached good level wages and stability.

All freelance exchanges have their own forums where people share the secrets of successful work through this exchange. Be sure to study them and communicate on these forums with colleagues.

English-language freelance exchanges for various specialties

If you know English, you can start right away with high level, Congratulations. English-language freelance exchanges are much cooler than Russian ones, and it's not just about the dollar salary. Here we need programmers, translators and everyone else. This is the normal world level of freelancing. There are no freebies here, you need to work at full strength, but the salary is in dollars.

www.upwork.com is the No. 1 site among English-language freelance exchanges. It alone may be enough for a full-fledged work.



It is enough to register and work on 1-2 freelance exchanges. Choose the one that suits you best.

Russian-language freelance exchanges

✔Universal largest exchanges for freelancers of various professions:

www.fl.ru - I once started on this site and worked only on it (copywriter and editor). A very large resource (once was No. 1), but for full-fledged work you will have to buy a paid Pro account.

freelance.ru is another large exchange site for freelancers of various specialties.

www.weblancer.net - here I also once found customers. Large freelance marketplace.



✔ Exchanges for copywriters:

The above plus for example these↓






✔Exchanges for programmers:




✔For lawyers and accountants:




✔For artists and designers:




✔For architects and interior designers:




And much more appears on Google all the time - google the exchanges in your specialty and find new and suitable ones for you.

How to find a job in another country

To find a job in the country where you are going to go, you just need to google this topic on the Internet. I can do it for you, of course, but I can’t google for all countries. Just write a query in the search engine, for example: “Cook required in Pattaya” (if you are a cook) or “Work as a DJ in China” (if you are a DJ and cannot live without China) and so on.

Or you can just come to the place where you want to live, get to know everyone and find out where and who you can work here. The main thing is intention and activity and work will be found.

You can watch work in Thailand for example here: vk.com/jobthai vk.com/thaiwork

It will be a big plus if you speak English - questions to the search engine can be asked in English and interesting options there will be more for sure. By the way, Russian DJs and soloists are in demand in China - my friend successfully worked there under contracts for some time. The search engine will definitely give you several forums and sites where there will be ads on your topic.

The ability to google (use a search engine) in our era is invaluable, believe me - always look for everything yourself - the Internet already has answers to all your questions.

How to work as a hairdresser, photographer, instructor and anyone in different countries

Now this is more difficult, even if you take care of it in advance:

✔ make and promote your website about services,

✔ light up on all possible forums as a cool hairdresser or yoga instructor, etc. - anyway, immediately upon arrival you will not have enough customers to secure your accommodation in a new place.

In such cases, the more you live in one place, the more your income will be. And often travel and move from place to place will not work. But if you are planning to live in another country for several years, then you just need to choose your locality in advance in order to settle immediately and for a long time.

In any case, if you sell any services and do it well, gradually you will be able to receive sufficient income. What should be taken into account in this case is that work on a tourist or student visa for foreigners is prohibited in any country. And in order to work legally, you need to get a work visa and a work permit.

For Thailand, for example, this is very important now - they check everyone and everywhere. And a hairdresser, for example, generally refers to prohibited professions in Thailand. Although my favorite hairdressers work here illegally, having their own clientele. I don’t even know what we would do in Thailand without Russian hairdressers and makeup artists).

Portfolio. Don't throw anything away

Create and improve your portfolio. Never delete the fruits of your labor: photos, texts, codes, drawings, etc. - all this can be useful in a portfolio or gain a second life after a while.

Constant learning and growth

Don't stop to study, improve your skills (and increase the cost of your work) - this can be done every day or all your free time - after all, your well-being now depends on the level of your skill, no one else's.

Continuous increase in the value of your work

Increasing the value of your time is something that needs to be done constantly, of course, while developing and learning and without regret parting with those employers who will pay you less than your rising bar. Without improving the quality of your work, without studying and without increasing earnings, freelancing is useless.

Take on the new and the unknown

Don't be afraid to take on new topics. For example, if you are an IT specialist and you receive a task to do something that you have never done before, or a copywriter and receive an offer to write a text on a topic that you have never heard of, such as "Technique for performing parivritta prasarita padottanasana", then you can just honestly warn the employer that it will take perhaps a little more time to complete this new task for you, but you can handle it. As I already wrote, the Internet has answers to all questions, is full of textbooks and information on any topic.

Deadlines and communication with the employer

Speaking of deadlines- it is better to discuss them in advance with a margin, because it is better to do the work sooner rather than later.

About communication with the employer- it is better to always be in touch and speak honestly about everything right away. Do not have time to do the work on time - do not hide, but write about it first, always staying in touch.

Don't work with people you don't like, look at employers' reviews before you start working with him. Leave without regret those with whom it is difficult and uninteresting to work or who pay less than you would like.

Sports and travel - without them nothing

get busy sports And don't forget to walk - it's very important indeed! Sometimes, while working on interesting projects, we forget to leave the house for days, if it weren’t for morning yoga and constant travel, I would have completely withered away.

As the saying goes: “If you are passionate about doing what you love (for example, sucking a snag), you can even miss the apocalypse.”

Personally, yoga saves me (I love surfing, snowboarding, mountain tracks ...). It especially helps to restart health by periodically attending yoga detoxes, which I wrote about.

Travel! After all, now you are a free person in space and can live anywhere. As romantic as it sounds, it is. Most likely, my constantly updated page with life hacks for independent travelers will come in handy for you (bookmarked:):

By the way, about life on a journey for freelancers, I can see a separate post with photos about the conditions in which freelancers live in different cities of the world (personal photo review) here.

Most of the people who work in offices and have not heard of remote work on the Internet, every day they do a lot of different additional manipulations in order to first get to the workplace, then “serve” the prescribed “term” there, and then spend another certain number of hours to return home.

But you also have to deal with various, not entirely pleasant colleagues, picky bosses and a strict work regime, where every extra cup of tea is perceived as an evil violation of the rules. And compared to such conditions, remote online work at home without investment on a free schedule will look much more attractive.

Of course, removed also have to work and perform various tasks and assignments, but in this case you are free to independently regulate what and how you will do, as well as set your own daily routine and working hours. Here you will not have a boss, and you yourself will select directions and volume work at home. Who is not ready to work - it's better to play, you can also play here, but you don't have to do anything!

And this is the main advantage in the process of remote employment at home.

Add to all this the loss of time for getting up in the morning, collecting, traveling in transport, which sometimes take from 1 to 3 hours one way, and you will understand that it is extremely irrational to waste time when you can use it to good use.

It is worth noting that today remote workers working no more than 3-6 hours a day can easily get earn money on the internet , equal to the amount that they will be paid for a full day in the office.

Very often, remote workers leave a few months after the start of remote work. per income levelfrom 30 to 150 thousand rubles per month . And all that is needed to receive this money is to have constant access to global network.

And taking into account the modern possibilities of wireless Internet connection, it is not even necessary to be at home - you can travel, relax, do what you love, and, by the way, make money online money for such free life. This kind of online work from home is ideal for small towns where there is no hectic life and a wide variety of other activities.

But here we should not forget that most of us from an early age are accustomed to extraneous control and supervision. In this case, it all depends on your internal organization, self-discipline, willpower. After all, now you become in one person both the boss and the subordinate.

The next point is that if you have the main source of income and decide to change the type of activity to remote work in a network at home, you should do this gradually in order to find your direction, get used to it confidently, gain regular customers for your services, and only then accept drastic decisions.

We will not remind you that the newremote work on the Internet should be interesting, stable and bring at least one and a half to two times the income of the previous one. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense to change it.

Advantages of remote work on the Internet and how much you can earn

The emergence of remote (remote) work at home on the Internet is associated with the beginning of the active development of the global network. More specifically, in the early 2000s, when the Internet began to attract more and more users and open up its possibilities to them, the first (remote workers on the Internet) began to appear. Already today, workers who work remotely from home can afford to quit their main job and receive income from the network, living for their own pleasure.

The advantage of remote work in that you do not need to be tied to a specific place, schedule, clearly follow someone else's commands, do what you do not like or even unpleasant. You can work this way even abroad - the main thing is that you always have a computer (laptop) with the ability to access the global network.

Very often, Russian freelancers live and work in Asian countries such as India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, where housing and food prices are low, the gentle sun constantly shines and friendly people (who consider you a foreign tourist) surround you. The range of tasks that can be solved remotely is very extensive and covers almost all areas of modern intellectual life.

In fact, remote work on the network is an opportunity to freely choose personal and financial independence.

And if you understand one or more areas of a certain specialization (for example, programming, design, automotive, construction, tourism, medical fields, translations from one language to another, the ability to write texts correctly and other areas), then you can always become an excellent freelancer and start good money.

It is also worth noting that even if you do not have certain special experience and knowledge, this does not mean at all that you cannot start making money online. It's just that at the first, training stage, your income level will be much lower than that of an experienced professional, but over time you will have a chance to even out this discrepancy.

By the way, the world does not stand still, and many professions that were previously performed directly at the workplace, today are gradually migrating to the network and done remotely. For example, one of the most popular professions in the past and today is an accountant. With the advent of the possibility of electronic document management, accounting, reporting, the need for the constant presence of such a person at the workplace has disappeared.

Quite often, small modern companies hire accountants remotely for several hours or days to sum up their activities. And both sides are ultimately satisfied.

The first step to start successfully and work productively at home it should be sketching out a small action plan with which you can realize your skills. Take a pen and a notebook and write down a few areas of intellectual activity that are closest to you, or practical activities that you understand.

These can be machines, the ability to correctly write texts, translate from one language to another, give practical advice for construction or repair, the ability to concisely, interestingly and in detail describe attractive places for tourists, programming, design skills and others. Don't forget that remote work at home on the Internet is also a job , where you have to allocate up to 6 hours a day to perform various actions, so you should immediately set yourself up for work, even if you plan to move to the shore of the Indian Ocean.

Regarding earnings, even a novice freelancer can freely go to level of incomefrom 20 to 30 thousand rubles monthly. And this, as you understand, is the average salary in Russia, which many today can only dream of.

How and where to look for remote work on the Internet: the best vacancies

It is quite possible to work remotely on the Internet at home and get good money for it online today. General directions, where possible and what is needed for this, we have already outlined above. Now we suggest going down to specific vacancies, and where to look for them in order to choose the right distance whatever you like.

Today, on the network, you can easily find remote employment in one of the 4 most popular areas, namely:

- various Internet sites for free ads;

– registration on freelance exchanges (in most cases, free);

- use of social networks for remote search;

- create your own website and put the necessary information there.

Method 1

To search for remote work, you can use the Avito or Yula sites, where you can leave your resume and wait until a potential employer gets in touch with you. Do not forget to immediately specify the key positions on the time of work and its payment, so that in the future you will not have misunderstandings about this.

Remember, you should never rush to the first job openings that come across. Pick up a few of the same type of offers, choose the best of them and then get in touch with a potential employer. But do not forget, if such an "employer" offers you to pay money for something (training materials, seminars, webinars, an entrance or insurance fee, and others) - bypass him. This is 100% likely a scammer .

Method 2

Do not forget that in addition to the usual ads, there are many on the network where, after a simple registration, you can start looking for orders to complete. By their nature, they are intermediary platforms where customers and contractors register. Some give tasks, others carry them out. The exchange, on the other hand, acts as an intermediary at the moment when the finished product and money are exchanged for this remote work. There is a small fee for this.

Below we will analyze some of the most popular exchanges today, where tens of thousands of freelancers from all over the former CIS work. You should immediately tune in to the fact that climbing on such exchanges is a very thorny and hard work, because you will have to accumulate not only experience, but also knowledge, prove your skills, increase your rating, portfolio, number of positive feedback for completed orders. For all this will be considered by your potential employers at the time of choosing the preferred contractor.

Method 3

The search for potential employers in social networks is also one of the promising areas for obtaining stable customers. Considering that almost every third active and able-bodied inhabitant of our planet has accounts in social networks, the direction of the choice of a potential customer will be correct. To simplify the task, just search for the word "freelancing", "remote work", "work from home" and you can find a lot of groups and communities where these topics are discussed with specific proposals from potential employers.

Experience and knowledge is not needed here -everything can be learned in the process of completing a task in a short period of time. The main desire and some free time.

Method 4

If these were easy ways search for remote job vacancies on the Internet at home, then we can say a few words about more difficult directions. One of these is the creation of your own thematic blog or website. Here you have to master its promotion on the network, fill the resource pages with interesting thematic material that reveals your talents and capabilities, show your advantages over competitors and indicate how you can be contacted.

True, it takes time to promote your site in the search line, fill it with material, wait for your customer (sometimes it can be several months).

Therefore, if you do not have it, it is better to use the easier and more proven ways to get remote work on the network for your specific requirements.

Popular sites for remote work on the Internet

To make life easier for remote workers today, there are many different freelance exchanges, where it is possible to receive various orders. Today, hundreds of thousands of users work on such exchanges, and such work has become a good alternative to the usual office tedium for the same remuneration.

As an example, quite often a simple typesetter is required on the web. Employmentuncomplicated and not dusty and can be easily make money online from 200 to 500 rubles a day . In fact, you can earn up to 15,000 rubles a month with such remote work. At the same time, you will have to work no more than 3 - 4 hours a day. Quite often, such a vacancy can be found on freelance exchanges.

So why not make an income simply by clicking on the keys, retyping the finished text, or transferring audio recordings to paper?

Therefore, in order to simplify the task of finding the most suitable vacancies, we decided to collect some of the most popular remote home sites- the so-called exchanges, where copywriters, programmers, designers, journalists and translators, as well as other intellectual labor specialists can easily find orders for themselves. By the way, you can immediately create your own portfolio, where you will post orders previously completed and paid for by customers as examples of what you can do.

You can work in such conditions for quite a long time, providing yourself with a stable income, which can reach a mark of100 - 130 thousand rubles monthly . At the same time, if in ordinary life you try to find employment with such a level of pay in an ordinary office, you will be completely disappointed. Here they are simply not ready to pay such money even to a highly qualified specialist. Therefore, there is no need to limit your opportunities if you can fully unleash your potential on the network without any restrictions on the upper limit of earnings.

Remember, initially you start to develop a name for yourself, so that over time your name will begin to pay dividends and begin to work for you. Here it is important to take a responsible attitude to your activities, regardless of to whom, and for what task you perform it.

Remote access can be obtained both from intermediaries and directly from employers. The second option will provide a higher level of earnings, as well as the possibility of long-term cooperation (usually large companies maintain relationships with good specialists far beyond the first order).

The only disadvantage of such exchanges is that initially, until you get a name, a rating, and trust from customers, you will have to work on low-paying orders for some time to show your skills and abilities. And then everything will depend solely on your desire to earn.

Now let's go directly to popular resources for finding remote orders online.

Site for finding remote work on the Internet No. 1: Work-zilla

is a service that has been providing intermediary services to thousands of customers and contractors since 2009. The essence of the work on this site is to perform a wide variety of assignments. To start earning here, you will need to go through a simple registration, during which you indicate your specialization.

In the future, focusing on your skills, the system will offer you to participate in thematic tasks according to your profile, if you agree and your candidacy is approved by the customer, the pre-suggested amount is debited from the customer’s account and frozen on the intermediate exchange account. You can receive this money only after how the customer will approve your remote work.

It is important to note that on average over 40 thousand new tasks are published on the resource per month. The average payment for the task is in the range of 600 rubles. Even temporary performers who take up to 3 assignments per week have the opportunitygetting around 2000 rubles . New tasks on the resource appear in fact every 2 minutes.

By the way, active performers who regularly complete tasks here may well earn $1000 per month online .

Agree not everywhere in real life willing to pay that kind of money. Moreover, you will work in a comfortable home environment on your own schedule.

By the way, according to statistics, beginners who want to make money online and working on the resource for less than one month, perform about 25% of the total number of tasks. So you should not be afraid that all the best will be sorted out by the old-timers - there will be enough tasks for everyone. For completing the tasks, you will be counted (removed for negative reviews) rating, thanks to which potential customers will be able to assess the level of your skill.

Earned funds are withdrawn to popular payment systems WebMoney either Yandex money . Alternatively, you can simply top up your mobile phone account. A commission of 5% of the withdrawal amount is charged for the withdrawal, and the money is credited to your account three days after the application is made and confirmed.

Remote Site #2: fl

Web site for remote work at home considered one of the oldest freelance exchanges. It originated over 10 years ago, and today thousands of customers and contractors work here. It has a simple registration form, a daily updated range of tasks, a modern interface.

The main disadvantage of this exchange is the insistent offer of the organizers to buy a professional account for further activities. All profitable and promising orders are tied to it.

Therefore, you can always buy this option for one month in order to get contacts with potential employers, and only then work with them directly.

By the way, there is an opportunity to protect yourself by choosing a safe transaction, in which the site acts as an intermediary and guarantor of the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations. In this case, you will have to pay a percentage of the income received as a system commission. But this is not a prerequisite. You can always work with customers at your own risk. True, in this case, it is not worth excluding potential communication with scammers - a decent number of them are also registered on the site.

Therefore, before starting cooperation, check out the profile of a potential customer, read what other people write about him, how long he has been on the exchange, what order statistics he has. Be wary of customers who have a low rating and immediately offer huge orders to fulfill.

More than 2,000 people are online every day on the stock exchange. These are the designers, translators, programmers, site owners, journalists, psychologists and other specialties that are in demand remotely.

Site #3: Etxt

- an exchange for remote work at home as a copywriter. It is rightfully considered the oldest in the Russian-speaking segment of the global network. More than 3.5 thousand users work here every day. The conditions here are very simple. Customers place various orders in a common feed (with the possibility of sorting), potential performers submit applications for their implementation, and then a specific contractor is selected.

In the future, the customer has the opportunity to place individual orders for the contractor he likes, which will be available only to him. By the way, it is possible to place orders with automatic confirmation according to certain parameters (rating level, skill, number of positive reviews).

For all paid orders, the exchange charges a commission equal to the amount from the customer and the contractor (5% each). Such a solidarity approach significantly reduces the cost of the commission load compared to other exchanges.

Regarding the withdrawal of funds, here it is divided into a regular (not urgent) wait, which can take up to 10 days, as well as an urgent one, which will cost you 5% of the amount of the withdrawn funds. To withdraw money, several popular payment instruments are connected simultaneously.

The tasks available here have a different format. It could be copywriting , rewriting , SEO copywriting , the need to translate texts, sometimes even the usual typing for money . To receive such orders, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • choose a suitable task and apply for it;
  • after its approval, prepare the material in accordance with the terms of reference (description for the task);
  • hand over the finished material, wait for its approval and get paid for it.

remote work as a copywriter quite interesting, you can work every day around the clock. Ideal for anyone who understands what literacy and coherence of speech is. By the way, in order to remove all restrictions, you will need to pass qualifying test exams for skill (they are free). For their successful passage is assigned from one to three stars (three maximum). If you master it in all categories - get full access to all types of tasks.

Earning on the Internet in the amount of a million rubles a month is real. Looking ahead, I’ll say that freelancing to earn a million a month is much more difficult than creating your own online business. In this article, I will share my personal experience and tell you not only how, but also how much you can earn on the Internet in one way or another. You will learn all the ways that can bring in decent money.

I have been advertising on the Internet for more than 10 years and all this time I have been earning only online, so I know almost everything about it. Remote work and online business is a common thing for me. And when I read articles by other authors about this, two things usually strike me: either how much “water” is in the article so that there is more text, or how much untruth is in the article. I will tell you a secret that most articles about income on the Internet are written by copywriters on order, and often they have no idea about what they are writing about, so choose authors very carefully. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the person who writes the article understands the topic himself, has been doing this for a long time and has achieved some success.

Therefore, you can not read other articles. I have read almost all of them - 99% of them are scams and a waste of time. All you need is this article, patience and 15 minutes of time to read it. As a result, you will get a clear idea of ​​what is true and what is not, decide what you should do and you will understand what difficulties await you, how they are deceiving you and what to do.

I either checked all the information in this article from my own experience, or received it from my friends, who have also been doing what I write about for many years and who make decent money on their sites. I will try to write clearly, specifically, to the point. You can also read the section of the site " ", which describes many examples of people who have earned huge money online.


There are only two ways: remote work or your own online business

As in ordinary life, you can earn money online in only two ways:

  • finding a job on the Internet;
  • building your internet business.

Everything, there are no other options!

Everything else is a money scam

All other methods, for example, entering captcha, getting money for likes, joining groups on social networks, watching videos, installing applications on mobile phone, taking surveys and other such methods take a lot of time and bring in very little money, so I consider them to be a scam.

Let me explain using the example of earning by entering captcha using the rucaptcha.com service.

This service allows you to earn 30 rubles in one to two hours. There are an average of 160 working hours per month. Thus, it is clear that by working for a whole month, five days a week for 8 hours a day, you can earn 2400-4800 rubles per month.

Do you want to earn 2400-4800 rubles per month working full time?

Working at McDonald's is much more pleasant and profitable!

I have never heard that someone not only made a fortune on such services (and even their owners!), but I am sure that you can’t even earn a living on them. By the way, I asked a girl I know to work on all these services.

She worked for a month and earned 248 rubles during this time!

Read more about all these services and her experience in her article ““. Of course, I will not write about such methods in this article, because they are not worthy of our attention. But the ways that can bring a million a month are discussed in detail here.

It is impossible to make money online without investments!

Recently I came across a headline on some site: "Real earnings on the Internet without investment and deception." I laughed a lot when I read this. After such a headline, you can not read further, because the headline already contains a deception that you can get income without investments! The purpose of the headline is to attract naive people who do not understand the topic at all.

As in ordinary life, you won’t be able to get income without initial costs, you need to invest either your time or money, and most often you need to invest both, and without this, alas, nothing. Unfortunately, you can’t easily catch a fish from a pond, and there are no formulas for magical enrichment. Next, I will tell you in more detail how to find a job on the Internet, and what types of Internet businesses exist, how to create them, how much you can earn, and what investments are required.

If a site promises to teach you how to earn money without investments, then immediately close it! This is a lie!

It's like starting a business without investing money and your labor, or getting paid without going to work and doing nothing. In any case, you will have to invest either money or your time and your labor, and your labor costs money. There is no other way...


Remote work (freelancing) on ​​the Internet is no different from working in real life, except for one thing - you do the work from home, you do not need to go to the office. Therefore, there are some limitations, because not all work can be done remotely, for example, a plumber cannot fix a faucet via the Internet. But nevertheless, there are a huge number of professions and types of work that can be performed remotely, here are examples of such professions.

List of retired professions

  • interpreter,
  • programmer,
  • System Administrator,
  • Web developer,
  • designer,
  • copywriter (writer of articles),
  • corrector,
  • online advertising specialist (SEO, SMM, contextual advertising),
  • accountant,
  • Project Manager,
  • Content manager,
  • tutors/teachers,
  • video editor,
  • speaker,
  • audio editor,
  • psychologist,
  • Sales Manager.

These professions are able to provide real earnings without leaving home. There are other specialties that you can look at the most popular freelancing site in Russia: fl.ru. As you probably already know, those who make money remotely are called freelancers. On this site in the section “Freelancers” you can see full list remote professions and choose something suitable for yourself, and in the “Job” section - which job is offered. Many do not like the site fl.ru, including myself, since the administration often behaves inappropriately, nevertheless today it is the oldest and largest freelance resource in our country, and I recommend starting your activity from it.

On freelance, it is realistic to earn from 30 to 300 thousand rubles. per month… It is both simple and difficult at the same time!

How much can you get freelancing?

How much can you earn freelancing? A little, you can’t earn an apartment, only a living. You can earn a million rubles a month, for example, by providing website promotion services by finding 20 large clients who will pay 100,000 rubles a month. But assistants will be required, and this is already freelancing, but more like a service business.

Just like with a regular job, remote earnings are limited by the fact that you sell your time, and time is limited and you cannot spend more than 24 hours a day working online. From my experience, and I hired about a hundred freelancers to work and communicate with them a lot (here is my freelance profile: www.fl.ru/users/Leonhard/ ), you can earn from 1,000 to 60,000 rubles a month or more. It depends on your specialty and ability to sell yourself and negotiate. Programmers earn the most on average.

However, 70-year-old Englishman Len Smith managed to earn $120,000 a year writing articles and selling his book online. And I really look forward to when our copywriters will appear who will be able to earn the same amount and who will be written about in the newspapers.

What is the investment required to become a freelancer?

To make money freelancing, as with regular work, you don’t really need any kind of financial investment, but you will need to spend a huge amount of your personal time looking for work on the freelance exchange, and you will not immediately be able to find regular customers.

Where and how to look for remote work on the Internet?

The two main resources that I recommend for finding remote work are the fl.ru freelance exchange and the hh.ru website. Both resources are the largest in their field, and in order not to scatter, you need to start with them. These two sites focus most of companies offering jobs online. Here is a link to the statistics of traffic to job search sites.

2. Your own online school or selling your video lessons on third-party services

From a technical point of view, it is very easy to create your own online school in our time, it can be done in just three hours on the WordPress platform by purchasing a ready-made solution for $60-100. How to do this is written in the article. You can also upload your video tutorials to third party platforms such as udemy.com.

The hardest part here is creating video tutorials and filling them with valuable content. You can spend a huge amount of time on this. And it's very, very difficult! But it is possible and real...

On online video lessons, you can earn from 30 to 3000 thousand rubles. per month…

How much can you earn by creating and selling video tutorials

Lots of! This is a real way to make money, I read about an Indian guy who created an online MS Excel school in English and who earns $ 10,000 a month from it. When I remember, I will publish a link to his school and articles about him. But by posting video tutorials on udemy.com, you can earn a million dollars a year. Read more about this in the article: Another example: the Englishman Len Smith earns $8,500 a month selling his video lessons.

I myself created video tutorials on how to promote my YouTube channel in English and in the first month I earned $500 by simply uploading a course to the international online academy Yudemi: A Million Subs In A Year: Secrets of YouTube Stars. I didn't even promote this online course!

My earnings on Yudemi in the first month

Unfortunately, I do not have examples of Russian guys or girls who have earned a lot from video lessons, or by creating a video school. But I'm sure there are a lot of guys like that out there. If you know of any, please share in the comments. And I hope that you will become the first Russian who earns a million dollars from video lessons.

3. Own YouTube channel

Creating your own YouTube channel is very easy. From a technical point of view, it will take no more than 5 minutes. It will take approximately one day to decorate it beautifully. But creating high-quality videos and promoting your YouTube channel are complex and very time-consuming tasks that you will have to solve if you decide to make money on YouTube. Creating a vlog on YouTube is very promising direction because watching videos is more interesting than reading texts. However, I think that creating your own WordPress blog is a more reliable way to make money than creating your own YouTube channel.

To create high-quality videos for YouTube, you will need a good video camera or smartphone, a good microphone, which costs from $100, and good program for video editing. I already wrote about this in detail above in the section on creating an online school or paid video lessons. For YouTube, you will also create videos, you can even create video tutorials, but you will earn money on YouTube not by selling your videos, but by showing ads while your videos are viewed by visitors to your YouTube channel. YouTube will pay you for clicks on ads or for ad views.

You can earn millions on YouTube, but only a few do it ...

How much can you earn on YouTube

English-speaking YouTube stars earn millions of dollars on their channels, I heard about a Russian schoolboy who bought an apartment by making videos about games. As practice shows, 10,000 subscribers can bring 20,000 rubles a month, and can give 1,000 rubles a year. It depends on the topic, the number of views and how the channel is monetized (affiliate programs bring the most money when the advertiser pays you% of the sale of their product). If you want to know more, then read the article:. To earn substantial income from your YouTube channel, you need to achieve a large number of subscribers and views. If you decide to engage in this business, then put yourself big goals, for example, 1,000,000 subscribers in 1-3 years, then your income will definitely not disappoint you.

If you decide to make money on YouTube, then a series of articles about which you will learn the most important secrets of YouTube stars will be very useful to you.

4. Own online store

Usually offline businesses create their own online store as another sales channel. And large online stores usually have warehouses, offices and all other attributes of offline businesses. Nevertheless, you can sell anything through an online store, without having your own office and warehouse. I myself had an online store selling metal pipeline parts. I started with an office and a warehouse, but then, because of my love for optimization, I abandoned the office and warehouse, and all employees worked from home, and we shipped goods from other people's warehouses.

I personally know online store owners who, like me, travel the world and sell Chinese goods through their online stores. Goods are sent from China to Russia by postal parcels. This is a real working scheme - to sell goods from an online store, without having a warehouse or an office, while the goods are sent by the supplier to the buyer by regular mail from abroad. I personally know several such entrepreneurs, and they are doing very well.

What products to sell in the online store

You can sell either physical or electronic goods. For physical goods, you need to find suppliers either in Russia or abroad and agree on discounts and that they will ship the goods to your customers, or find a delivery service that will deliver your goods from suppliers to your customers. If you decide to create an online store, then it is best to start by applying for a job in a similar online store to see how everything works there and find out the suppliers.

In the case of selling electronic goods, things are even easier. Buyers will download the electronic product directly from your website. An exhaustive list of electronic goods can be found in the article:. True, most often when selling electronic goods, if these goods are not your own production will have to deal with copyright issues.

On your online store, you can earn 6,000,000 per month or more ...

Costs and income of the online store

Creating an online store is a very popular and real way to earn money online. Earnings on the store is not limited by anything. You can earn 6,000,000 rubles a month or more. There is no need for your warehouse and office. You can start a business right from home.

From a technical point of view, there is nothing cheaper and easier than creating an online store. The market is full of free engines that you can simply install on your hosting and you will have a ready-made store. Immediately and at no cost! There are many inexpensive paid engines, many web studios offer the creation of an online store for little money, about 10,000 rubles. You can get beautiful pictures and descriptions of goods from suppliers.

The main expenses are the costs of advertising and promotion of your store. It is difficult and here you will either have to invest a lot of money or spend a lot of your time learning how to promote and promote the store yourself. All the owners of successful online stores that I know are very well versed in SEO and online marketing. Another difficulty is the organization of flawless delivery and order processing. All this is very difficult, nevertheless, it is all real and anyone can handle it. The main thing is that there is a great desire, but the most important thing is that you really like it all, and do not quit what you started.

5. Create an online service

You can create an online service that will solve some other people's problem, which will provide a permanent passive income. An example of such a service is selling recipes from your website. American Alison Schaaf creates a menu for her clients from very simple meals for the week and a detailed shopping list. You go to the store with a ready list and buy groceries. And then cook according to her recipes. The trick is that the recipes are selected in such a way that it will take you no more than 2 hours a week to cook food. The subscription price is $14 per month. She has a lot of followers, and she does what she loves and gets paid for it. I wrote about this in an article:. Alison solves the problem of making a shopping list and deciding what to eat at home this week.

You can earn billions on an online service ...

From a technical point of view, creating such a service costs nothing. You just take a ready-made free engine and make a website on it or order a website in a web studio. Then weekly you prepare menus, recipes and a shopping list. Well, you are promoting your site. Promotion is perhaps the most difficult thing here, but it can be solved, anyone can handle it.

Why don't you think of a problem you can help other people solve while doing what you love? After all, you can do what you love, what you are good at and have fun and money.

6. Write your own e-book

Everyone wrote term papers, theses at the institute and essays at school. So, writing an e-book is as easy as writing thesis: read a few other books on a given topic, read the Internet and sit down and write something of your own better than everyone else. And publishing an e-book is also easy - nowadays you do not need the approval of a publisher for an e-book to be published in popular online stores. All that is required of you is to format your book and upload it to the SelfPub service, and your book will soon appear in such online stores as LITRES, OZON.RU, GOOGLE PLAY BOOKS, IBOOKSTORE and others. If you want to sell the book abroad, then hire a good translator who will translate the book into English and read how to publish your book in the world's leading online stores in the article:. Nothing is easier these days than writing and publishing your own book!

You can earn pennies on an e-book, or you can earn millions ...

Costs and income from writing an e-book

If your book becomes a bestseller, then you can earn millions. Most authors get pennies. I studied for an MBA together with the deputy director of the largest publishing house in Russia, and he showed me the fees of book authors. I was shocked at how little they get. Especially the authors of paper books, which are published in small editions. Nevertheless, there are many examples in history when people became dollar millionaires in a week by publishing their book in an online store. For example, the story of how an English nurse became a millionaire by simply publishing her book online: . As described in this article about Amanda Hawking, on average, English-language e-book authors make $10,000 a year. Why don't you earn the same? You should at least try.

I wrote an e-book in English and published it on the world's largest online store amazon.com. This is described in detail in my article:. It will take about three months to write a small book, you will need to order a beautiful cover from a designer, as the cover has a huge impact on sales, hire a proofreader to correct all errors and typos, and in principle, there are no more expenses besides this. The question arises: “Why haven’t you written and published a book yet?”

7. Selling photos on image exchanges

You can definitely make about $1,000 or more for a living by taking cool pictures and posting them on shutterstock.com and other stock marketplaces. Perhaps you can even earn not only for a living, but also for an apartment in Moscow.

You can earn decent money selling photos…

How not to make money on the Internet: fraud and the most risky ways

Here I will describe all the ways to get income online, about which they write that no investments are required, either money or time, or they write that even a beginner can easily earn. From my point of view, these are the most risky ways to earn money, however, I personally know people who earn a living only in one of these ways. About each of the methods, I will write the whole truth about what difficulties await you and what investments will be required:

  • trading currencies on Forex or securities on the stock market. This also includes trade binary options, conventional options, futures and other high-risk derivative financial instruments. It's not a business, it's a full-time job. Hard work that requires high qualifications, investment of money and a lot of time. I have been doing this for many years and continue to do so now. Attended many courses, read many books. And to be honest, I lost a lot of time and money on this. It's gambling, it sucks, and it's roulette! To earn a stable income here, you need to study a lot and make it your main profession. Here you will definitely need to invest your money and there are huge risks of losing them. Yes, there are pros who have made fortunes in the stock markets and exchange rates, such as Warren Buffett and George Soros. But these people have been doing just that for many years, and there are only a few of them, and there is a huge mass of investors who are constantly losing money. Try to do this only very carefully and do not count on large incomes, most likely you will lose money and time. If someone brags to you about how he made money in stocks, wait a year and ask him a year later how much he made again. In this case, you sometimes earn, but more often you lose. This is roulette, since all these tools give you money if you correctly predicted which way the currency, oil or stock will go. But no one can guess!
  • poker game. This is very similar to earnings in the securities market, which I wrote about above. And I thought that online poker is played by lost people, gamblers and, as a rule, they play for a short time, “lost all the money they earn” in a normal job. In general, I was sure that you would not make money on online poker. However, a couple of years ago, while working in a co-working space in Pattaya, I met a guy who came to the co-working space every day and played poker on his computer for 8 hours a day. As it turned out, for many years now he earns only in this way. He did not become rich, but he has enough for life and travel. It seems to me that this is a very risky way and I don’t like it because you, doing this, do not bring any benefit to this world and people;
  • cryptocurrencies and bitcoins. This is practically the same as trading currencies in Forex. Bitcoin is a high-tech virtual currency. You can buy and pray for it to grow and wait. Some lucky people have made millions of dollars on this, investing mere pennies. I wrote more about this, as well as how else you can make money on bitcoins, in the article:. Many people have made fortunes on bitcoin, but this is a very risky way to make money, you can lose all your investments overnight;
  • domain resale (cybersquatting). We've all read stories of some lucky guy selling a domain name for millions of dollars. About 5 years ago I bought about 100 domain names and put them up for sale on different sites. In my opinion, these are good beautiful domain names. In five years no one has bought a single domain from me. It seems to me that in order to succeed in cybersquatting, you need to purchase at least several thousand domains and actively sell them. But I may be wrong, if you know how to run this business so that it brings a stable income, please share in the comments.

And how much do you earn?

In this article, I have described all the methods of making money online that I know, but I understand that there may be some other, unknown to me, ways that allow you to make good money on the Internet. Please share in the comments what kind of income do you have on the Internet and how did you achieve this (but not advertising!). Thank you in advance and wish you a huge income!

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