How many terrorist organizations are there in the world. Extremist and terrorist organizations: a list. Active terrorist organizations

Terrorist organizations never sit still, they are in constant motion and do not have a fixed location. One of the most important principles of such an organization is secrecy. For this reason, only leading persons always aware of the goals of certain actions and the territory in which they will be undertaken. Our today's list is an attempt to describe the ten most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, their goals, what made them famous and other interesting information. People often use the term "terrorism" as a general term for violent acts carried out by militants in the Middle East, but they miss the many other organizations that operate in the rest of the world. The most famous terrorist attack to date is the September 11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York, for which al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. To prevent further tragedies, the governments of many countries are trying to do everything possible to curb the unbridled terrorist groups.

10. PKK

The PKK is an abbreviation for the Kurdistan Workers' Party and operates in Turkey. The main reason for their destructive activities is the desire for independence from Turkey, which makes their goals purely political. The radical group arose as a result of years oppression of the Kurds. They strive for a socialist political structure and universal gender equality. The organization has been active since 1984 and currently has over 7,000 members. Unfortunately, very often members of the organization resort to violent measures to achieve their goals, as a result of which they were blacklisted by NATO and a number of other countries.

9 Revolutionary Armed Forces Of Colombia

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is a left-wing rebel group in Colombia, also known as the FARC. And although they were not officially recognized as a terrorist organization, the group was seen in a number of human rights violations and was blacklisted by some countries. The organization has been operating since 1946 and promotes an ideology similar to Marxism, socialism and nationalism. FARC participate in trafficking drugs, kidnappings, the use of child soldiers, executions, and many others misconduct.

8. Hamas

The Hamas group is an Islamist anti-Semitic movement spreading throughout Palestine. Members of this group support the ideas of neo-Nazism. Many of the actions of Hamas were perceived as war crimes, among which the use of weapons against Israel occurs on an ongoing basis. One of Hamas' worst practices is their habit of using children as human shields and also as suicide bombers. They are notorious for massive violations of human rights and are considered one of the deadliest terrorist organizations active in our time.

7. Al-Shabaab

The Al Shabab organization got warm place on our list due to the fact that he practices recruiting children into his ranks, works closely with Al-Qaeda and engages in poaching, exterminating tens of thousands of elephants every year. In pursuit of valuable ivory, they kill both animals and their protectors. This group operates in Somalia and monitors the observance of Sharia law in rural areas. According to some estimates, about 6,000 people are involved in the organization.

6. Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan, commonly abbreviated as the KKK, is one of the oldest terrorist organizations on our list. Founded in the United States in 1865, the KKK initially promoted the superiority of the white race over the rest and did it in a rather bloody way. Although the KKK has undergone great changes after so many years, its core ideology has remained the same. Currently, about 8,000 people are involved in this organization, for comparison, in 1920 it included 4 million people. However, one cannot deny its enormous influence on the history of mankind and the promotion of racism.

5. Jabhat al Nusra

The Jabhat al Nusra movement was formed in 2012 in response to the Syrian war. It quickly gained momentum and became one of the deadliest in the world. Jabhat al Nusra seeks to restore the Caliphate and return legitimate power to Muhammad's heir. Many note the close connection of this organization with al-Qaeda. The group is known for its rejection of non-Islamic countries and individuals. They regularly train suicide bombers and carry out mass executions of infidels.

4. Taliban

The Taliban use terrorist tactics to achieve their goals of spreading Sharia. In 2012, over 80% of the civilian casualties in Afghanistan were the result of their activities. The Taliban are known for massive human rights abuses, killings of civilians, targeted destruction of food supplies, and spreading gender inequality. And although their regime was overthrown in 2001, it quickly recovered and today their ranks include more than 60,000 people. The Taliban are also known for their links to other terrorist organizations.

3. Boko Haram

The Boko Haram group operates in Nigeria. In every terrorist attack they organize, at least 7 people die, which puts them in third place on our list, based on lethality. Literally, Boko Haram translates as “Western education is prohibited.” The main goal of the organization is the introduction of Sharia throughout Nigeria and the eradication of the Western way of life. Boko Haram chooses its victims based on their degree of separation from Sharia. The organization is responsible for the kidnapping of 200 schoolchildren in June of this year. From June 2009 to July 2014, the number of victims was 5,000. The organization continues its activities to this day, seeking to eliminate all forms of education and enlightenment in the world.

2. Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is synonymous with the September 11 tragedy when the Twin Towers in New York City collapsed. Osama bin Laden became a household name overnight, and although he was assassinated in 2011, al-Qaeda still retained its power and influence. She is currently under the direction of Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor who has a $25 million bounty on his head. On the this moment al-Qaeda has even more power in its hands than under bin Laden. The organization operates primarily in the Middle East. Its population numbers in the thousands. Supporters of al-Qaeda preach the observance of radical Sharia and its promotion through terrorism and other violent methods. The actions of this particular organization unleashed a war with the United States, which led to hundreds of thousands of victims.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is the most active terrorist organization on our list. Formed in 2004, this organization advocates a return to the original interpretation Islamic texts promoting Sharia and the forcible spread of Islam. Their latest victims include journalist James Foley, as well as numerous acts of executions of women and children. The organization regularly shoots videos of executions and puts them online, instilling fear and horror around the world.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Palestine). Exists since 2000. According to the Israeli intelligence services, this organization has several leaders, including international terrorists Nasser Badawi and Maslama Thabet. "Brigades" organize bombings using suicide bombers, including women. The organization is financed from the budget of the Fatah party. Yasser Arafat denies his involvement in the activities of the "Brigades", however, according to the assumptions of the special services, it is from his foreign accounts that money is transferred to finance the movement. Thus, in June 2002, Israel provided exhaustive evidence of the direct transfer of 20,000 US dollars from Arafat's account to the account of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

"Armed Islamic Group" (GIA, Algeria). In 1992, a bloody civil war began in Algeria, during which the GIA tried to defend its interests and fight for power in the country. The main goal of the organization is a military coup in Algeria and the establishment of an Islamic state. Antar Zuabri has been the leader of the GIA since 2002. On the account of the GIA there are terrorist attacks both in Algeria and in France. So, in 1994, members of the group seized an Air France plane, in 1995 they organized several explosions in France. In December 1999, at the US-Canadian border, police managed to detain GIA member Ahmed Ressam, who, according to some reports, is also involved in al-Qaeda activities. According to American intelligence officials, the GIA is one of the cells of the Al-Qaeda global network and supplies its militants to carry out its goals. The group is financed mainly by robberies of the population of Algeria, as well as monetary donations from Algerians living in Western Europe.

"Aum Shinrikyo" (Japan). The religious sect professes the cult of their leader Shoko Asahara and the ideas of the apocalypse. The sect was classified as a terrorist organization only after it carried out a gas attack using sarin on the Tokyo subway in 1995. The largest terrorist attack in the history of Japan was organized in order to "bring the end of the world closer." After the attack, many members of Aum Shinrikyo were imprisoned. Among them was Shoko Asahara, who was charged with 17 crimes by the Tokyo police at once, including terrorist activities, drug trafficking, murders and kidnappings. After 1995, the organization changed its name to Aleph. At the moment it consists of two thousand sectarians, whose donations are the main source of funding.

ETA (Spain). The terrorist organization "Basque Fatherland and Freedom" is a left-wing radical movement of ethnic Basques. the main objective pursued by the terrorists is the creation of an independent Basque state in northern Spain and southwestern France. ETA was formed in 1959 by a group of young activists in response to General Franco's dictatorial measures against the Basque population. The members of the ETA chose the teachings of Marx as their official ideology. The target of the Basque separatists are officials and government agencies in Spain. "Corporate style" ETA became explosive devices with a clockwork or remote control, about which the terrorists warn the police in advance. The latest high-profile terrorist attack in Spain, in which ETA was suspected, was the Madrid train bombings. However, after the leaders of Al-Qaeda officially claimed responsibility for organizing these attacks, ETA was cleared of suspicion. There is no single leader among the Basque separatists. The main sources of funding for the organization are funds received as a ransom for kidnapped people, drug trafficking, as well as interest from banking operations carried out in the Basque Country.

Hamas (Palestine). As a movement of Palestinian Islamic fundamentalists, Hamas acts as the main opponent of peace and the achievement of agreements between Palestine and Israel. Hamas is a powerful opposition to the Arafat government. Professing fundamentalist ideas and adhering to a policy of hardline nationalism, members of Hamas are among the most implacable enemies of Israel. Hamas was formed in the wake of the Palestinian uprising against the Israeli authorities in late 1987. The group's activists immediately launched terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip. In total, they are responsible for more than 200 killed and thousands injured as a result of suicide bombings. Until recently, Hamas was led by the ideological leader and inspirer of all Islamic fundamentalists, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. After Yassin was eliminated as a result of an Israeli intelligence operation, Hamas was led by a new leader, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi. He previously served as press secretary terrorist group.

Cash flow, annually received for the needs of Hamas, is estimated at an average of 30 million US dollars. This money mainly comes from the organization's supporters in Saudi Arabia and other oil-exporting countries in the Persian Gulf.

Hezbollah (Lebanon). A group of Lebanese Shiites fighting for the creation of a fundamentalist Islamic state modeled on Iran. The name of the group is translated as "the party of Allah." Unlike other terrorist organizations, Hezbollah even has its own political representation (its members occupy 128 seats in the Lebanese parliament) and from time to time makes agreements with its opponents. In particular, in January of this year, by mutual agreement, Hezbollah and the Israeli government held an exchange of prisoners. A period of particularly active terrorist activities organization dates back to the 90s, when members of the group managed to organize a series of explosions in Lebanon and Argentina, as well as regularly kidnap American citizens. The leader of the organization is Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, and the US State Department names Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah as its spiritual leader. The main sponsors of the movement are the governments of Syria and Iran.

Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya (Egypt). The "Group of Islamists" has existed since the 70s of the last century and is the largest radical Islamic organization in Egypt. On account of her attacks on American citizens, the Egyptian government and Christians in the country. So, in 1993, Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya carried out several explosions of houses in Cairo, and in 1997, militants of this organization killed 71 foreign tourists in Luxor. The spiritual leader of the group is Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who is being held in an American prison. The organization's sources of funding are unknown, however, according to the US State Department, "it is covered by the Sudanese and Iranian governments."

Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK, Turkey). It has been operating since 1973. Using Marxist slogans, the party pursues as its goal the formation of a single communist Kurdish state. Since 1980, the PKK has been actively cooperating with the Syrian government, which provided Kurdish separatists with ideological and material support. In the mid-80s, the Kurdish uprising against the Turkish government turned into bloody battles. PKK militants and guerrillas organized suicide bombings, kidnapped tourists and terrorist attacks against Turkish embassies in Europe. The wave of violence that swept Turkey at that time turned into the death of more than 30 thousand civilians. Throughout the 1990s, PKK activists used all possible forms and methods to deal with the Turkish government. Explosions of resort places, attacks on Turkish embassies and representative offices in six countries of Western Europe at once, acts of vandalism against state symbols Turkey continued until the capture in 1999 of the leader of the Kurdish terrorists, Abdullah Ocalan. After the latter fell into the hands of the Turkish secret services, the party officially renounced terrorist activities.

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka). The organization originated in 1976 on the island of Sri Lanka, its activists seek the creation of an independent Tamil state. Since 1983, the Tigers have been waging a bloody civil war with the government, using guerrilla and terrorist methods. During this time, guerrillas and suicide bombers killed 60,000 people. In the early years of their existence, the Tigers trained in the camps of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Now the number of supporters of this organization is 10 thousand people. The organization receives money from the drug trade and from the numerous Tamil diasporas scattered around the world.

Irish Republican Army (IRA, Northern Ireland). The organization has been fighting for 85 years against the "illegal British occupation" and the Unionists (or Loyalists - Irish Protestants loyal to the British crown) of Northern Ireland and advocates its unification with the Irish Republic. The IRA began its activities on January 21, 1919 with the murder of two Irish royal constables, accused of having agreed to serve the British. On the same day, the political party of the Irish nationalists "Sinn Fein" at a general meeting adopted the "Declaration of Independence of Ireland". One of the main milestones in the history of the IRA is considered July 21, 1972, when 21 explosions thundered in Belfast alone, as a result of which 9 people were killed and several hundred more were injured. In 1984, the IRA organized an assassination attempt on British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Terrorists blew up the Grand Hotel in Brighton, where the Iron Lady was staying, but Thatcher was not injured. The IRA currently has 1,000 fighters. The terrorists receive financial and political assistance from the Irish diaspora in the United States, Libya and the PLO supplied weapons and explosives to Ireland. According to the world intelligence services, the IRA is part of the so-called "red belt", a community of international separatist organizations, which also includes ETA (Basque Country), FARC (Colombia) and some others.

In 1998, Sinn Féin and the Unionists signed a peace treaty (the so-called "Good Friday Treaty") on the joint administration of Northern Ireland. In 2002, four members of Sinn Fein even became members of the British Parliament.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN). FARC, the largest Marxist terrorist organization, has 18,000 fighters who control almost half of the territory of Colombia: the jungles of the south and the foothills of the Andes. The forces of the ANO are much smaller, with 8,000 fighters in its ranks, whose bases are located in the north. The militants of these two organizations annually abduct more than three thousand people. Of all the abductions that occur in the world, 60% are committed in Colombia. In particular, the revolutionaries kidnapped and killed former minister Culture of Colombia Consuelo Araujo Noguera, Senator Marto Catalina Daniels, Green Presidential Candidate Ingrid Betancourt, Antioquia Governor Guillermo Gaviria, and former Defense Minister Gilberto Echeverria. Hostages are needed by the rebels in order to exchange them for comrades-in-arms who are in government prisons; they are also a constant source of income for terrorists. In addition, according to the Economist magazine, Colombian guerrilla groups earn from drug trafficking and racketeering, receiving up to 250-300 million dollars a year from the latter. In 1998, the US Congress passed the "Plan Colombia", which allocated $1.7 billion to Bogotá to eliminate the drug trade.

Al Qaeda. An international terrorist organization with autonomous underground cells in 50 countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, and France. Even if its founder, Osama bin Laden, is captured or destroyed, it is unlikely to cease to exist, since it is “magnificently created to function without a head” (opinion of Michel Flournoy, an expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. - GAZETA). A native of Saudi Arabia, the son of a millionaire and a millionaire himself, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, bin Laden created his organization in 1988. To do this, he used all the experience and connections gained in Maktab al-Kidamat, a network created with the direct participation of the CIA to recruit volunteers around the world who want to take part in jihad against the USSR. During the years of the war in Afghanistan, a large group of professional soldiers capable of waging an effective guerrilla war has been formed. Afghan veterans became the backbone of bin Laden's new organization. Since 1994, Sudan has become the main base of Al-Qaeda, where Osama bin Laden creates a developed infrastructure and training bases for his offspring. His firms are involved in road construction, banking, export-import operations, satellite communications. These enterprises bring in tens of millions of dollars in income, which allows you to support and train a small army. In May 1996, under US pressure, the Sudanese government forced bin Laden to leave the country, and he had to move to Afghanistan. The Taliban gave al-Qaeda safe haven, and the terrorist organization in turn provided the fledgling regime financial support.

Al-Qaeda's main goal is to establish an Islamic order around the world based on Sharia. According to the leaders of the organization, not only the United States and the entire Western world, but also moderate Islamic regimes are among the enemies of Muslims. In 1998, bin Laden announced the formation of the Islamic World Front Against Jews and Crusaders. It included terrorist groups: Islamic Jihad, Gamaat al-Islamiya, the Yemeni Islamic Army of Aden, the Kashmiri Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Abu Sayyaf Group and others. However, each of these organizations acts absolutely independently, and the general goals of the Front are determined by the "shura", headed by bin Laden himself. The attacks planned and carried out by Al-Qaeda include: August 7, 1998 - the bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; October 2000 - the explosion of the US Navy destroyer Cole; September 11, 2001 - the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the west wing of the Pentagon building in Washington.

The most famous terrorist of the 20th century, Ilyich Shakal, received another term April 8th, 2017

You think now the explosion of terrorism in the world. However, it is not. was the period from 1973 to 1991. Somehow, with the collapse of the USSR, the number of terrorist attacks sharply began to decline, and even after 2001 the level remained quite low compared to that intense period. In addition to the Palestinians, terror was carried out by militants trained in Moscow/Berlin/Sofia/Prague from different countries peace. They came to all sorts of universities like Lumumba, and returned as graduates of terror. One of these was Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, better known by the pseudonym Carlos Jackal.

international terrorist Carlos Jackal born in Venezuela, name " Ilyich"he was given by his Marxist father in honor of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He received his education in Moscow at the University of Peoples' Friendship (now - RUDN University). In 1970, he was trained in the camp of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Nickname " Jackal " Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez received from journalists: during a search in his room, they found a book by the writer Frederick Forsyth "Day of the Jackal" - it described an attempt to kill the President of France Charles de Gaulle by the hands of a hired killer, and the underground right-wing radical group acted as the customer.

About myself Carlos Jackal told that " killed more than anyone in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and took responsibility for the deaths of 80 people.

In 1994, Sudanese authorities arrested and extradited Carlos France. Where he received a life sentence.

And the other day another trial was held on one of the episodes of his activities. Sanchez he was accused of throwing a grenade into a cafe on September 15, 1974 - two people were killed and 34 were injured.

Carlos Jackal sentenced to life in prison for the third time.

At the beginning of the hearing, the defendant stated that " the absurdity of the process, which takes place 43 years after the actual events".

During the trial, when asked what his profession is, Carlos Jackal replied that he professional revolutionary". He said that after 20 years in prison he had " everything is fine".

For two decades Carlos Jackal was directly involved or was the organizer of terrorist attacks, including the hijacking and hijacking of an Israeli airline and the hostage-taking at OPEC headquarters in Vienna. He allegedly planned an attack on Radio Liberty's office in Munich in 1981.

"Yes, I'm sorry - since I'm kind, I didn't kill the people I should have killed.", - he answered the judge's question about remorse for his deed.

He participated in the activities of not only terrorist cells associated with Palestine, but also helped other terrorist organizations. The verdict handed down by the Paris court is connected with one of these episodes.

In September 1974, the group " Japanese Red Army "captured the French embassy in The Hague. The terrorists demanded the release of one of the members of the group, a million dollars and a plane, but the negotiations stalled.

To convince the French side to accept the terrorists' demands, Carlos Jackal went to the popular Drugstore cafe, went up to the balcony and threw a grenade into the hall. Two people died, another 34 were injured. The requirements of the embassy invaders were partially satisfied - they were given $300,000 and provided with a plane, which eventually landed in Syria. One of the participants in the seizure of the embassy is still officially on the international wanted list.

First life sentence Carlos Jackal received in 1997, the second - in 2011. He was found guilty of killing three policemen in 1975, organizing four bombings in Paris and Marseille, and attacking trains that killed 11 people and injured about 150.

Carlos Jackal suspected of receiving money as from the late leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein, and from the dictator of Libya Muammar Gaddafi. These links have never been proven.

Abu Nidal Organization (OAN)

Abu Nidal Organization (OAN), also known as Black September, Fatah Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims.

Abu Saifa Group (GAS)

The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), also known as Al Harakat al Islamiyya.

Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Also known as Groupman Islamic Arm, AIG, Al-Jama, and al-Islamiya al-Musalla.

Aum Shinrikyo

"Aum Shinrikyo", also known as "Aum Supreme Truth".

Basque Organization for Homeland and Freedom (ETA)

Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA), also known as "Euskadi ta Askatasuna".

Gama a el-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IS)

"Gama a al-Islamiya" ("Islamic group", IS), also known as "Al-Gama at".

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)

Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), also known as "Harakat al-muhawama al-islamiya", "Ayyash students", "Engineering students", Yahya Ayyash units, "Izz al-din al-hassim" brigade, forces " Izz al-din al-hassim, Izz al-din al-hassim battalions, Izz al-din al-hassam brigades, Izz al-din al-hassam forces, Izz al-din al-hassam battalions.

Harakat al-Mujahedin (HAM)

Harakat ul-Mujahideen (HUM), also known as Harakat ul-Ansar, HUA, Al-Hadid, Al-Hadith, Al-Faran.

Hezbollah (party of the Almighty)

Hezbollah (God's Party). Other names: Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad Organization, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, Organization of the Faithful Against the Infidels, Ansar Allah, Followers of the Prophet Muhammad .

Japanese Red Army (JKA)

"Japanese Red Army" (JKA). Other names: Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB), Nippon Sekigun, Nihon Sekigun, Holy Military Brigade, Anti-War Democratic Front.

El Jihad

Al Jihad. Other names: "Egyptian al-Jihad", "New Jihad", "Egyptian Islamic Jihad", "Group of Jihad".


"Kah". Other names: "Suppression of traitors", "Wild Bogdim".

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)

Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). Other name: Karkeran Kurdistan Party

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE)

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Other names: Tamil Tigers, Ellalan Group. Operates under the guise of organizations such as the World Tamil Association (WTA), the World Tamil Movement (WTM), the Federation of Canadian Tamil Associations (FACT), the Sangillan Group

Mujahideen Khalq Organization (OME, OMX, NSSI and many others)

Other names: "Mujahedin-e Khalq", National liberation army Iran" (PLA, militant wing of the IEC), "People's Mujahideen Organization of Iran" (NMOI), "National Council of Resistance" (NRC), "People's Sacred Warriors Organization of Iran",

National Liberation Army (NLA)

"National Liberation Army" (ELN). Other name: "Echercito Liberation Nacional"

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PID) Shakaki Group

"Palestinian Islamic Jihad" - "Shakaki" group. Other names: "PID" - the group "Shakaki", "Palestinian Islamic Jihad" (PID), "Islamic Jihad of Palestine", "Islamic Jihad in Palestine", "Abu Ghunaima Detachment" as part of the Hezbollah Bait al-Maqdis organization "

Palestine Liberation Front - Abu Abbas Group

Palestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas group. Other names: "Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (FOP), "FOP-Abu Abbas".

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), also known as the Red Eagles, the Red Eagles Group, the Red Eagles Group, the Halhoul Group, the Halhoul Command. General Command of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (GC-PFLP). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP - GC).

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), also known as Fuerzas Armadas Revolutionarias de Colombia.

November 17 Revolutionary Organization (November 17), also known as the Epanastatics Organosi November 17.

Revolutionary People's Liberation Army/Front (RNLA/F)

Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front also known as Devrimchi Sol (Revolutionary Left), Devrimchi Halk Kurtulus Partisi-Sefesi (DHKP/S), Dev Sol Silahli Birlikleri, Dev Sol SRB, Dev Sol armed revolutionary groups.

Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA)

Revolutionary Struggle of the People (ELA), also known as Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas, Revolutionary People's Struggle, June 1978, Organization of Revolutionary International Solidarity, Revolutionary Core, Revolutionary Cells, Liberation Struggle.

Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso, JV)

"Shining Path" (Sendero Luminoso), also known as Partido Komunista del Peru en el Sendero Luminoso de José Carlos Mariategui ( communist party Peru on the shining path of José Carlos Mariatega), Partido Komunista del Peru (Communist Party of Peru), PKP, Socorro Popular del Peru (People's Aid of Peru), SPP, Ejército Guerillero Popular (People's Rebel Army), EGP, Ejército Popular de Liberation (People's - Liberation Army), EPL.

Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (RDTA)

The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), also known as the Movimiento Revolucinario Tupac Amaru.

Al Qaeda

Also known as Qaeda, "The Base", Islamic Army, World Islamic Jihad Front against Jews and Crusaders, Islamic Army for the Liberation of Holy Sites, Osama Bin Laden System, Osama Bin Laden Organization, Islamic Salvation Foundation, Holy Site Protection Group.

Founded by Osama bin Laden around 1990 to unite the Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion. Rendered financial assistance, recruited and trained Sunni Muslim extremists for the Afghan resistance. Currently, he pursues the goal of "restoring a Muslim state" throughout the world. Collaborates with allied Islamic extremist groups to overthrow regimes it considers "un-Islamic" and remove Westerners from Muslim countries. In February 1998, she released a statement under the heading "World Islamic Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders," arguing that all Muslims are obligated to kill American civilians, both non-military and military, and their allies everywhere.


On August 7, bombed the American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing at least 301 people and injuring more than 5,000 others. Claims to have shot down U.S. helicopters and killed U.S. troops in Somalia in 1993, and carried out three bombings against the presence of U.S. troops in Aden, Yemen, in December 1992.

The organization is linked to plans for attempted terrorist operations, including the plan to assassinate the Pope during his visit to Manila in late 1994, the simultaneous bombings of the American and Israeli embassies in Manila and other Asian capitals in late 1994, the mid-air explosions of a dozen aircraft, flying from the USA over Pacific Ocean, in 1995 and the plan to assassinate President Clinton during his visit to the Philippines in early 1995, the explosion shopping center in New York and the Pentagon buildings in Washington on September 11, 2001.

After the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2006, al-Qaeda became interested in establishing cells in the region. Disagreements between these organizations led to a large-scale clash on August 15, 2009 in Rafah, in which at least 24 people died and more than 120 were injured.

According to the Libyan authorities, al-Qaeda is involved in the riots in Libya.

In June 2011, al-Qaeda appealed to Muslims around the world for "individual jihad".

Osama bin Laden (killed on May 2, 2011) was considered the leader of Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri was his right hand. The latter took over the leadership of this organization in June 2012. In the fall of 2012, Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Muslims around the world to wage a holy war against the United States and Israel in retaliation for the film Innocence of Muslims, which "insults the Prophet Muhammad." At the same time, Al-Zawahiri described the Islamists who attacked the US embassies in Cairo and stormed the US consulate in Benghazi as "honest and zealous Muslims", he welcomed the attacks on the embassies and the murder of the American ambassador and three other employees of the US diplomatic department in Libya.

Al-Qaeda is led by a shura (council). Below in the structure of the organization are eight committees (religion, military, public relations, financial, and others). According to the CIA, from 25,000 to 100,000 recruits passed through al-Qaeda's training camps in Afghanistan between 1989 and 2001. Similar camps were created and functioned in Sudan, in the Caucasus, in the Balkans, in many states of the Middle and Far East. As a result, members of Al-Qaeda come from virtually all Muslim states and regions of the world. Al-Qaeda cells have been found in 34 countries around the world.

The organization continues to train, fund and provide logistical support to terrorist groups that share these goals.

Internal armed conflicts will cease to be dangerous for countries and peoples only when the practice of using these conflicts by third countries to solve their major geopolitical and other tasks is ended.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Islamist organization, created in 1996 by former members of a number of political parties and movements banned in Uzbekistan, including Adolat Uyushmasi (Justice Society), Islamic Renaissance Party, Islamic Party of Turkestan, Islom Lashkorlari (Warriors of Islam) and others. Takhir Yuldashev became the political leader of the movement, and Juma Khodjiev (Namangani) became the leader of the military unit.

The IMU is considered a terrorist organization by many countries around the world, including Russia and the United States.

The activities of the IMU are persecuted by the authorities of Uzbekistan, so most of the leaders and ordinary members of the movement are in exile. The headquarters before the start of the counter-terrorist operation in Afghanistan was located in Kandahar (Afghanistan).

Many of the IMU members took part in civil war in Tajikistan on the side of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO). During the process of intra-Tajik settlement field commanders The IMU refused to comply with the terms of the agreement signed between the government and the UTO. In August 1999, IMU detachments (numbering almost 1,000 people) invaded the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan from the territory of Northern Tajikistan (Batken events). In October of the same year, the detachments of the movement left the territory of this republic.

During the counter-terrorist operation in Afghanistan, members of the IMU took part in resistance to the combined international forces; during the bombing in November 2001, the military leader of the movement, Juma Khodjiev (Namangani), was killed.

Forced to leave Afghanistan, the armed groups of the IMU, led by Takhir Yuldashev, settled in the Pakistani provinces of North and South Waziristan, where they took a direct part in the Waziristan wars on the side of the Taliban against the army of Pakistan.

In December 2002, the IMU organized a terrorist attack in Bishkek. In May 2003 - in the city of Osh. Around the same time, the group changed its name to the Islamic Movement of Turkestan.

Information about the destruction of T. Yuldashev was repeatedly disseminated both by representatives of the international coalition forces and by the Afghan police. According to last post, the IMU leader was seriously injured as a result of missile attack inflicted by an American drone aircraft in August 2009 and subsequently died in the hospital, but representatives of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan denied this information until 2010.

After the death of Yuldashev, the IMU was headed by Usman Adil, at the end of January 2012, information appeared about his destruction in Afghanistan. Subsequently, this information turned out to be false, but already in April, Adil died in Pakistan as a result of an American drone strike. In August 2012, the IMU acknowledged the death of Usman Adil, at the same time it was announced that Usman Ghazi became the new leader of the IMU.

Islamic Movement of East Turkestan - a predominantly Uyghur illegal armed group whose goal is to create an independent Islamic (Sharia) state in East Turkestan and convert the entire Chinese people to Islam. The East Turkestan Islamic Movement has claimed responsibility for more than 200 acts of terrorism that have left at least 162 people dead and more than 440 injured.

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement was founded in 1993 by two people from Khotan. In 1997 it was reorganized and exists in this form to this day.

Suspected of links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In 2002, Hassan Makhsum denied this.

The United Nations, the European Union, China, the US State Department, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan recognize the East Turkistan Islamic Movement as a terrorist organization.

Participation in conflicts

The struggle for the independence of East Turkestan is waging a guerrilla war against the PRC on the territory of the XUAR.

Civil war in Afghanistan (1992-2001) - on the side of the Taliban.

The war in Afghanistan (since 2001) is on the side of the Taliban.

The Waziristan War is on the side of Waziristan.

Activities in XUAR/East Turkestan

Terrorist act in Urumqi - explosion of a warehouse on railway station May 23, 1998.

The Xinhe County Special Operation is a Chinese police counter-terrorism operation on June 18, 1999.

The battle in Akto County is a Chinese police counter-terrorism operation on January 6, 2007.

Terrorist act in Kashgar - attack on August 4, 2008. Component Uyghur unrest in 2008.

Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (Arabic حزب التحرير‎‎ - “Islamic Liberation Party”) is an organization founded in 1953 in East Jerusalem by the judge of the local Sharia Court of Appeal Taqiuddin al-Nabhani.

In a number of states Central Asia and in Russia, Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami is considered a terrorist organization. At the same time, neither in the United States nor in most European states So far, Hizb ut-Tahrir is not among the structures that support terrorism.

After the death of al-Nabhani in 1977, the organization was headed by the Palestinian Abdul Qadeem Zallum. After Zallum's death in 2003, Ata Abu Rashta took over the organization.

The declared goal of the organization is the restoration of a just Islamic way of life and the Islamic state (caliphate) and the embodiment of the Islamic system in it.

Branches of the organization in the Middle East and in North Africa(Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey), in the countries of the European Union (the activities of the organization are prohibited in Germany, Denmark, Great Britain) in South and South-East Asia(Bangladesh, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia) and in Australia. Since 1995, the organization began to operate in Uzbekistan. It is also known about the activities of the group on the territory of the CIS countries (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia).

Hizb-ut-Tahrir has been publicly active in Muslim countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, and others. But despite multiple arrests and convictions against him in many of these countries, none of them of the sentences handed down did not refer to the commission of terrorist acts by Hizb. In these countries, Hizb ut-Tahrir members are arrested because of Hizb's political activities.

The basis of the political doctrine of the organization is the idea of ​​recreating the religious and political structure (Caliphate) of the times of Muhammad and his first four successors, when caliphs were elected from the most worthy. Subsequent Islamic local and regional state associations(for example, the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, "caliphs" Ottoman Empire) are also recognized by the Caliphates.

Islamic activities political party Hizb ut-Tahrir, upon establishing the state, is concentrated in certain Muslim countries identified by it. In the rest of the Muslim, as well as non-Muslim countries, exclusively ideological and ideological and educational activities are carried out.

The biggest threat to any country can come from dangerous terrorists. Many examples of this, such as the September 11 attacks , November 26 in Mumbai, suicide bombings, car bombings and so on, prove this statement.

Terrorists are involved in the seizure of people's property and hostages. Most of these terrorist groups are located in Pakistan, Afghanistan and on the borders of Iran and Iraq. Due to the many negative consequences, governments are taking steps to combat these problems at a very early stage. Despite their efforts, some terrorists continue to pose a threat to humanity and the world.

Most people believe that after the death of Osama bin Laden (he was the biggest terrorist in the world), terrorism came to an end. But this is belied by the continuation of bombings and terrorist attacks around the world even after his death. Explosions involving suicide bombers happen in Afghanistan and Kabul almost every day.

Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri was a great scientist and grew up in a family of doctors. He was born in Egypt and graduated from Cairo University. He firmly adheres to Islamic ideas and theology. He met Osama bin Laden in 1986 during a visit to Peshawar. Later, he joined the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization and organized various terrorist attacks in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He was believed to have been Osama bin Laden's successor after the latter's death. Now he leads al-Qaeda terrorist operations around the world. On June 19, he turned 62 years old. It was reported that he directs all the attacks from the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. If you have any information that could lead to the location of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the US government will pay you $25 million, the highest reward ever.

Khalili Sheikh Mohammed

Khalili Sheikh Mohammed was born in Kuwait and is a member of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda . Before the September 11 attacks, he smuggled explosives and blew up several gas stations and rocks. He was one of the organizers of the September 11 attacks. After the attack, he was arrested. One of the investigators in the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in prison said that the terrorist did not say anything during the interrogation. CIA used various means such as waterboarding (about 183 times), causing him to feel shame in front of other officials, and other physical methods of treatment. Neither of them got a word out of him. Finally, the CIA kept him awake for 180 hours (5 ½ days). This helped to extract information from him about future terrorist attacks planned on US soil.

Dawood Ibrahim

Dawood Ibrahim is the only Indian on this list of dangerous terrorists. He was born in Maharashtra in 1955 and, interestingly, was the son of a police constable. He assembled a gang that was engaged in organized crime, smuggling, illegal trade. His gang was called Company D. He ran it from the United Emirates. He also had control over the hawala system, which is used to transfer money illegally into the country. He was responsible for the 1993 Mumbai bombing and is also believed to be behind the November 26 attacks. Now it seems "Don" has moved on to illegal betting activities. He has been reported to only bet if he is confident in the outcome of the match.

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri

Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri is a citizen of Saudi Arabia, and one of the 16 most significant detainees. He joined al-Qaeda in 1988 and rose to the position of team leader on missions in the region. Persian Gulf. He is believed to be the mastermind behind the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 and was convicted for it. He was arrested by the Saudi government in 2002. The CIA publicly announced that he was one of three prisoners who went through waterboarding during interrogation.

Ahmed Khalifan Ghailani

Ahmed Khalifan Ghailani was one of the most important participants in the preparations for the 9/11 attacks. Born in Tanzania in 1974, he was an itinerant preacher who brought him to Pakistan through this occupation. He was responsible for the embassy attacks in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998. Then during the attack on the Twin Towers, he was one of the conspirators. He was arrested by the US government in Pakistan after the attack. He insisted on his stance of innocence and claimed that he was tortured by the CIA. But his argument was not accepted, and he was found guilty of all charges. He was sentenced to life in prison. Later in 2009, he was transferred from Guantanamo to a new prison in New York.

Abu Zubaiyadh

Abu Zubaiyadh was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. After the attack, he was arrested in Pakistan and then moved to American prison. He was the first terrorist to be tortured during interrogations. He was reported to have been Osama bin Laden's second-in-command and was on assignment to recruit and train bombing candidates. Then in 2006 he was transferred to Gauntanamo Prison. In September 2009, the US government acknowledged that Abu Zubaiyadh was never part of al-Qaeda, in contradiction to the commission's 9/11 report in 2002.

Riduan Isamudin

Riduan Isamudin, also known as Hambali, was born in Indonesia. As a teenager, he joined an Indonesian terrorist group, the Jemaah Islamiya, and traveled to Afghanistan to fight against the invasion. Soviet troops in 1987. He was reportedly in command of al-Qaeda operations in Southeast Asia. Therefore, he was also known as Osama bin Laden of Southeast Asia. Other reports indicate that he was also an independent partner. His dream was to create a Muslim state and govern it. But the fact is that he is the link between al-Qaeda and the Jemaah Islamiyah, an organization that was already well known. He was arrested in 2009 by the Indonesian government.

Walid bin Attachash

Walid bin Attash is a resident of Pakistan, he served as Osama bin Laden's bodyguard. He is believed to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, and was arrested by the FBI after the attack. He was also involved in the 1988 attack on US embassies in East Africa. In addition, he trained hijackers who were then assigned to the Twin Towers. In 2006, he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay along with 13 other high-profile detainees.

Ramzi Binal al-Shibh

Ramzi Binal al-Shibh - his homeland is Yemen. Like any other child, he had a normal school life. In 1997, he applied for a German visa and got it. After living in Germany for two years, he made contact with al-Qaeda through his roommate Mohammad Atta. Then in 1999, he was trained by al-Qaeda and was one of those selected to carry out the November 26 attack. After the attack, the FBI recognized him as one of the 20 terrorists who carried out the operation, he was detained on September 20, 2002. He has been imprisoned since 2002.

Majid Khan

Among the most dangerous terrorists, Majid Khan was the only legal resident of the United States. Prior to joining the terrorist group, he served as an administrator in the Maryland government office. It has been said that the death of his mother and his visit to Pakistan after her death turned him into a religious fanatic. Then he became actively involved in the life of the Islamic traditional group. He and his family were arrested in Pakistan in 2003 by security agents for espionage, assassination and assassination. A few days later, all members of his family were released. It was reported that he was transferred from the FBI prison in Guantanamo Bay in 2006. Now he is in a military prison.

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