What is the liquid in chickens. The main diseases of broiler chickens and their treatment by various means. Acidifier: dosage and treatment regimen

Farmers periodically face the fact that the birds in his chicken coop suffer from diseases of various categories. Dropsy in chicken is one of the most popular diseases affecting individuals on farms of any type. According to statistics, about ten percent of birds across the planet suffer. This forces poultry farmers to think about how to learn to recognize the problem and what methods of treatment to apply if it occurs.

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The chicken suffers from a specific type of disease. This is dropsy of the abdominal cavity (ascites). In this situation, serous-type fluid accumulates in large quantities.

The disease manifests itself with such signs:

  • The size of the bird's belly is increasing.
  • The shape of the abdomen is unnatural.
  • The birds are lethargic and move little.
  • The movements are strenuous, for short distances.
  • No elevated temperature.
  • Determining dropsy is simple, press on the tummy with your finger and feel its tension.

This disease is not contagious, however, a sick chicken will suffer from endless pain. Therefore, her lifestyle changes radically. She moves a little, there is stagnation of blood. As a result, the bird dies.

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Farmers have long believed that dropsy in birds appears as a hereditary disease if there is a predisposition to it.

Breeders sent forces to develop a breed that would be resistant to dropsy. But they did not succeed, the stagnation of fluid in the stomach continued to bother chickens around the world.

It is a known fact that dropsy is a secondary disease. The reasons for its appearance will be as follows:

  • Imbalance of water and salt in the body.
  • Sequelae of past bowel disease.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Problems with the proper functioning of the heart.
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys.
  • All chickens are at risk, regardless of gender and age.


Currently, there is no specific method of therapy that will guarantee undoubted effectiveness.

Treating the disease is not easy. The easiest way to solve the problem, which is practiced by many farmers, is to slaughter the sick bird.

But not all owners are ready to apply this technique, so the degree of chicken suffering can be reduced through the use of modern and traditional medicine methods.

Therapy with medicines

When the disease appeared after the bird coped with a bacterial disease, for example, salmonellosis, acidifiers are used to treat dropsy.

This group of drugs makes it possible:

  1. Eliminate the bacterial environment and microorganisms that enter through food and drink.
  2. Restore the proper functioning of the digestive process.
  3. Restore the microflora in the intestines.

You should contact your veterinarian who will prescribe a specific type of acidifier. Most often used:

  • Medicines from the Drsintec category.
  • Animalcyd in any form of release.
  • Feed additives Mixodek.
  • Liquid Novibak.
  • Baracid.

This is just a short list of all kinds of drugs. The use of funds from this section makes it possible to minimize the suffering of the chicken, but does not completely cure the disease. The use of these medicines prevents the occurrence of intestinal diseases in the entire livestock.

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Folk ways

Among the means and methods of traditional medicine, there are such as:

  • Puncture of the abdominal cavity of a sick bird.
  • The bird should be fed herbal diuretics. Apply St. John's wort, milk thistle, bearberry.

Each of them implies the need to increase the amount of vitamins in the diet of birds. You must enter the following elements:

  1. Vitamins of group C. To do this, enrich the feed with tomatoes, citrus fruits or cabbage.
  2. Vitamins of group K. In this situation, broccoli, lettuce, apples or celery are added to the feed.
  3. Calcium. You can raise the level of calcium with peas, oatmeal or barley groats.

In order for all the components to be assimilated as best as possible, in the winter season they are added to food in their pure form. You can buy these additives in specialized stores.

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Treatment regimen

During treatment, it is important not to worsen the health of the chicken. For this, each stage of treatment is studied separately.


On the box with each type of acidifier, the manufacturer prescribes a clear scheme for using the drug. Most often, the methods do not differ from each other, the difference is only in dosages and minimal features. The generalized scheme for using an acidifier is as follows:

In summer, no more than three kilograms of dry matter are added per thousand kilograms of ready-made bird feed. From this dosage, you can calculate the amount of acidifier per kilogram of food.

In winter, the level drops, adding no more than two kilograms per ton.

When using the product in liquid form, it is added in the following dosage: 1 milliliter of the substance falls on one liter of water.

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There are no contraindications for the use of an acidifier, it is not prone to accumulation in the tissues and organs of the bird. Therefore, it can be added to food without any concerns. In addition, a bird that is sick with dropsy can be used for food, it does not harm human health.

Puncture of the abdominal wall

Novice farmers are skeptical about the process of piercing the belly, and do not want to do the manipulations on their own. Therefore, seek the help of veterinarians.

When there is no possibility of contacting a doctor, the puncture is performed on its own:

  • Take a large diameter needle and sterilize it thoroughly.
  • Calm down the hen. Ask for help from loved ones. One person holds the chicken while the other makes a puncture.
  • The puncture is introduced carefully, then, using a syringe, the liquid is pumped out from the inside.

After the end of the procedure, the bird is isolated from the chicken coop for several days. Let the chicken rest and recuperate. Diuretic components are added to the drinking water.


Therapeutic measures have a short effect. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to completely cure dropsy. If a broiler is sick with this disease, then it can be eaten, it does not harm people. But many refuse, because they are squeamish.

In general, treating a chicken for dropsy does not make sense. The cost of treatment will be many times higher than the cost of buying new individuals and caring for them. In most cases, laying hens are sent for slaughter.

What is pullorosis?

Domestic birds are susceptible to the disease: chickens, turkeys, ducks (primarily young animals), as well as wild birds: quails, pheasants, guinea fowls. The most acute outbreaks of the disease are observed in chickens from birth to 2 weeks of age.

Pullorosis typhoid was first discovered in the United States (Connecticut) in 1900 by Retger. Over time, this disease has become widespread in the United States and other countries.

In the USSR, the disease was discovered in 1924 by academician Ushakov. Pullorosis typhoid was introduced in alliance with imported chickens, breeding hens and turkeys, and their eggs.

The infection is currently registered in many poultry farms and industrial factories for the production and supply of poultry meat, chicken eggs to markets and shops.

Treatment Methods

Intervention in the form of a puncture of the abdominal cavity is not for everyone. Therefore, the suffering of a broiler is alleviated with the help of drugs and unconventional methods.


If water in the abdominal cavity of the bird accumulates after a bacterial disease experienced, such as salmonellosis, then it is necessary to begin treatment of dropsy with acidifiers.

Medicines are used for:

  1. Destruction of bacteria and microorganisms in feed and other food.
  2. Improvements in the digestive system.
  3. Restoration of intestinal microflora.

A suitable acidifying agent is selected on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The dosage is determined depending on weight and age.


There are only two folk remedies that help overcome dropsy, and both of them are effective:

  • piercing of the abdominal wall;
  • Soldering feathered diuretic herbs: horsetail, St. John's wort, milk thistle, bearberry and others.

When using one of the methods, after the procedure, vitamins and microelements should be added to the animal's diet:

  • Vitamin C (cabbage, tomatoes, fresh peppers, lemon peel);
  • Vitamin K (green foods: cabbage, lettuce, celery, apples);
  • Calcium (ground eggshell).

Use as additions to the main menu. In the cold season, when there are no vitamins in their pure form, they are purchased at a store for the household or for animals. There are separate groups of goods for chickens, geese, ducks.

Treatment algorithm

It is important not to bring the situation to a critical point. Therefore, each method of treatment should be separately prescribed for each of the animals. There are two types of treatment.

Acidifiers with dosage and treatment

Manufacturers of this group of drugs on the bag prescribe a scheme for adding the drug to the animal's food. The scheme is the same for all individuals, but the dosage is different.

In most cases, the instruction looks like this:

  1. In the summer months, add 1-3 kg of dry acidifier per 1000 kg of ready-made food for broilers. According to the calculations, it can be seen that this is 100-300 grams per 1 kg.
  2. In the winter months: no more than 2 kilograms per ton of prepared food.
  3. Aqueous acidifier is added in proportion to 0.5-1 liter per 1000 liters of liquid. Estimated 50-100 ml in one liter.

Application is not limited. Organs do not suffer from the use of an acidifier, no matter how much it is. The course of treatment is also not limited.

Perforation of the abdominal cavity

Novice poultry farmers are not always able to pierce the wall of the belly of a broiler on their own. For this procedure, it is better to call a veterinarian.

If there is no such possibility, then the punctures are carried out personally by the owner.

For this:

  1. You need to take a diametrically large needle.
  2. Sterilize it in boiling water or antiseptic.
  3. The chicken needs to be brought to a state of calm. To do this, the animal must be tied up, or one person must hold it, and the second at this time will make a puncture in the abdominal wall.
  4. With the help of a syringe, the accumulated water is pumped out.
  5. The wound needs to be treated.

Upon completion of the procedure, the chicken is placed in a separate place where it can rest for several days. It is advisable to drink it with a diuretic.

All treatments have only a temporary effect. Full health will not be restored. Therefore, farmers are thinking, is it possible to eat a sick bird? In this case, dropsy is not transmitted from one animal to another. This does not spoil the meat.

From the above, the conclusion follows: before treatment, you need to think about whether it is worth it. Perhaps it would be better to kill the animal.

Degree of danger and damage

Without taking effective measures to eliminate acute outbreaks of pullorosis-typhoid, the disease affects all birds, the incidence of young offspring reaches 70%, for them pullorosis-typhoid is the most dangerous.

The lethal outcome for poultry is 80% if therapeutic and preventive measures are not taken in time.

Salmonella, which enter the human body through the meat of sick birds, cause acute intestinal poisoning, accompanied by high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and intoxication.

Patients with salmonellosis are subject to hospitalization in infectious diseases departments.

Abdominal dropsy

The very name of the disease means that in broilers, fluid in the abdominal cavity accumulates in an increased amount. It is characterized by the accumulation of a large amount of serous fluid, which is located in the abdomen of the bird.

The owners notice in the first stages the main symptomatology: the abdominal cavity of the bird becomes larger, unnatural in shape. Overt signs begin a few weeks after progression.


The abdominal cavity of the broiler is significantly enlarged: the bird practically does not move and sits more often. If you palpate the belly, it will be tense all the time. This, in turn, negatively affects the activity of the domestic broiler. As a result - stagnation of venous blood.


Veterinarians believe that the disease of abdominal dropsy in chicken appears due to a genetic predisposition. When trying to breed the breed genetically, the chances of getting sick have decreased significantly. It has been proven that dropsy of the abdominal cavity in poultry is a secondary disease.


The disease is caused by Salmonella pullorum-gallinarum (Salmonella pullorum-gallinarum) - bacteria that are short (1-2 microns long and 0.3-0.8 microns thick) motionless rods, they do not form capsules or spores.

In the litter of sick birds, bacteria persist for up to 100 days, in soil for more than 400 days, in water for up to 200 days, and can also persist in the corpses of sick individuals (up to 40 days).

Bacteria at room temperature in the room retain their biological properties for 7 years, but high temperatures destroy them. So at a temperature of 60 ° C, bacteria are destroyed in half an hour, up to 100 ° C - after 1 minute, when boiling chicken eggs - after 8 minutes.

Salmonella, resistant in the natural environment, are extremely sensitive to chemical attack, they are destroyed by solutions of formaldehyde, bleach, carbolic acid.

Diseases of broiler chickens: symptoms and treatment

In the acute course of the disease in birds are observed:

  • excretion of white feces;
  • depression;
  • diarrhea;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • nervousness;
  • coma;
  • lethargy;
  • refusal to eat;
  • glued fluff near the cloaca;
  • drooping of the wings.

Subacute symptoms:

  • poor plumage;
  • inflammation in boilers of the joints of the legs;
  • disturbed digestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • elevated temperature up to (45 ° C).

Chronic course:

  • growth retardation;
  • developmental delay;
  • peritonitis (bilious or fibrinous);
  • salpingitis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • thirst;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness.

The incubation period is up to 20 days. The peculiarity is that the birds that have suffered the disease receive immunity and are not re-infected.

Diseases of broiler chickens and how to treat at home

During the breeding and rearing of broilers, it should be borne in mind that the bird is highly susceptible to various diseases, especially in the first days of its life up to a month old. First of all, attention is drawn to the suspicious behavior of the bird - lethargy, loss of appetite, apathy.

Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon and after a certain period the bird will regain its appetite and mood. But not always.

Sometimes this condition worsens and causes severe symptoms. So how do you determine if a bird is sick or not?

Chickens suffer from many diseases, in addition to dropsy. You also need to know about them in general.


Diagnosis is complex, all symptoms, data are taken into account, the overall clinical picture is analyzed, all the changes that occur in the body of sick individuals.

But the final diagnosis is made only according to the results of a bacteriological study, when a culture of the pathogen is isolated in its pure form. The objects of this study will be:

  • corpses of sick birds;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • kidneys;
  • a heart;
  • spleen;
  • blood;
  • eggs of sick animals.

For in vivo establishment of the disease, a serological method is used - a blood-drop agglutination reaction (CCRA) on glass and a blood-drop reaction of indirect hemagglutination with erythrocyte pullor antigen (CCRNHA).

Treatment and prevention

Main measures:

  • transfer of sick individuals and weakened chickens for slaughter.
  • isolation of young individuals from infected.
  • proper feeding of poultry, appropriate for their age and species.
  • therapeutic and preventive measures in relation to healthy individuals, namely, the use of a complex method, which consists in combining furan preparations (sulfanilamide) in combination with antibiotics (chlortetracycline hydrochloride, tetracycline and others). The most effective drugs are furazolidone and furaltadone.
  • monthly blood drop agglutination reaction until a negative result is obtained.
  • maintaining the hygiene of the premises where the birds and incubators are kept, their regular cleaning and disinfection.
  • carcasses of bacillus carriers can be used in the food industry if they do not show clinical signs.

The disease of birds with pullorosis-typhoid causes damage to poultry factories and farms, meat and egg industries, leads to an increase in the mortality rate of young offspring (embryos and hatched chickens) and adults, reduces fertility, and poses a threat to people.

To prevent and eliminate infection, complex therapeutic and prophylactic measures, bacteriological studies and the destruction of infected individuals should be carried out.

Broilers are popular with both farmers and owners of small farmsteads. The rapid growth rate and ease of maintenance attract many. It will be useful for future owners to know what diseases can appear in chickens, what are their symptoms and treatment.

Broiler disease resistance

Day-old broilers are very vulnerable and require special attention. The digestive system of such chicks is not yet developed, the process of heat transfer of the body has not been established. Therefore, the immunity of chicks (and adults) directly depends on human care.

Like any fast growing bird, it needs oxygenated air. The musty "atmosphere" provokes the appearance of pulmonary edema, dropsy in the abdomen (ascites), accumulation of fluid near the heart (hydropericarditis). Be sure to provide ventilation to the chicks.

A decisive factor for the health of a bird is its “home”. The bedding material should be warm so that the abdomen does not get cold. Before “settlement”, the cage is heated to 24-33 ° C (in small farms, a lamp is hung over the box). In the future, this can get rid of the problem than to treat diarrhea in chickens.

When there are several hours left before the arrival of the young, warm water (approximately + 25 ° C) is collected in the drinkers with the addition of ascorbic acid and glucose at the rate of 2 and 50 g, respectively. This reduces the risk of developing putrefactive processes in the intestines. For the prevention of intestinal infections, preparations such as "Biomos" are suitable.

Important! The shelf life of "Biomos" does not exceed one and a half years. "Factory" is considered packing in paper bags of 25 kg.

For weak-looking chickens, vitamin and mineral preparations are added to the water. In the first two weeks feed is served in the form of small cereals, this food should contain a minimum of complex protein and fat. Such "starts" are sold in large quantities.

Unfortunately, there are also poor quality feeds on the market. After their use, diarrhea in chickens begins, and its treatment requires new drugs. These are probiotics and enterosorbents added to feed. Before using them, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

And, of course, water. Used vacuum drinkers should be cleaned regularly, and then carefully put in place - it is simply dangerous to plant a "swamp" around the watering place.

All these measures will protect the young, but they will not give one hundred percent confidence in health. Therefore, each owner of broilers should know at least the main symptoms of diseases of their pets and how to treat them.

Did you know? For breeding on an industrial scale, White Plymouthrock and Cornish breeds are used.

Infectious diseases of broilers: description and treatment

An experienced farmer knows that during the growth process there are periods when the risk of disease is especially high. This is also confirmed by experts, naming such dangerous intervals: 0-5, 20-25 and 35-40 days. At this time, the bird needs an eye and an eye. Consider the most common broiler diseases, their symptoms and proper treatment.

The disease is caused by unicellular (eimeria) that affect the mucous membrane. Because of this inflammation, other infections can also occur, so the danger of coccidiosis should not be underestimated.

The carrier of the disease can be in crevices, bedding, drinkers and feeders. Any chicken over the age of 10 days can become infected.


  • general weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • small gain;
  • unsteady gait;
  • thirst;
  • diarrhea with red or orange extracts. Black or dark cherry inclusions with mucus are possible. In some cases, such manifestations may not be, which only increases the risk of infection.
Coccidiosis in broilers, its symptoms and treatment depend on the conditions of the poultry. A large accumulation in itself is a convenient environment for infections, especially with irregular ventilation. The disease enters the house with things brought in or from shoe soles. Sticky litter is the most favorable environment for its development.

The particular danger of this ailment is in the survivability of the carrier. It is unrealistic to completely get rid of coccidia, in small quantities they always reside in the intestines of chickens. Therefore, even the most thorough disinfection will not give the expected result.

Important! Coccidia adapt well to different drugs, producing new strains. Therefore, once every one or two years, it is advised to change coccidiostats.

However, not everything is so gloomy. For prevention, along with traditional methods (airing, cleaning), so-called coccidiostatics are used. Such drugs are divided into two types. The stores offer lasalocide, salinomycin, narasin, monensin. These are ionophores designed specifically for the prevention and development of immunity. They are gradually added starting from the 10-day period. About the same time before slaughter, they are excluded from the diet.

Directly for treatment of acute forms"chemistry" is used: totlazuril, nicarbazine, robenidin, amprolium (both concentrate and 20%) and similar products are added to the water. Carefully study the dosage, as these are potent substances.

The medicine is drunk with water for three to five days (depending on the type of drug and the intensity of the infectious outbreak)

The mentioned disease is one of the main reasons why broilers die at the age of one month. Another “antidote” is ready-made medicinal premixes. They are rare in small packaging, but worth looking for.

Did you know? The first incubators appeared in antiquity - they were used by the Egyptians. True, for the industrial breeding of poultry, such structures began to be used only at the end of the 19th century.

The causative agent of the disease is a soil fungus that enters the body from contaminated surfaces, bedding and feed. Aspergillus is especially dangerous for day old chicks.

For sick young animals, an acute form of leakage is characteristic, while in adult chickens, aspergillosis acquires chronic forms. Symptoms also differ for different ages..

For the young:

  • slow growth;
  • difficult and rapid breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • "Swallowing" air, the broiler pulls its neck up.
In adult chickens:
  • a sharp reduction in egg production;
  • mucus coming from the eyes and nasal openings;
  • complete exhaustion;
  • death of embryos;
  • difficult breathing.

If broilers sneeze and wheeze, the question arises, what to do and how to treat? The first step is to clarify the diagnosis.

For an experienced person, this is not difficult - when cutting a sick bird, whole colonies of an infectious fungus (yellowish grains) are found on the lungs. You can also determine by the eggs - these products from sick laying hens are literally populated with aspergillus. Having broken an egg, it will become visible as a brown-green or black spot.

If there is no such experience, then contact a specialist. True, the tests may be delayed due to the peculiar life cycle of the infection.

Antifungal antibiotics and iodine-containing agents are used for treatment. But first they ventilate the premises - the disease, as we know, is transmitted in the air.

Chickens are injected with nystatin, itraconazole, instatin, mycoplasma and similar antibiotics. Potassium iodide is diluted in water (0.2 - 0.3 mg per chicken). Copper sulphate is also a solution, it is drunk for up to five days (in a ratio of 1/2000).

Important! The incubation period for an aspergillosis carrier is two weeks.

Often vaccination does not work, so it makes sense to switch to chicken coop treatment. To do this, you need the following solutions:

  • Iodine solution (1%), take 5 - 10 ml / cu. Exposure - 1.5 hours;
  • 2% boric acid in the form of a solution. Same dosage and exposure;
  • Chlorine composition. 0.2 ml of lime and the same amount of turpentine are taken per cubic meter;
  • Monochloride iodine. 0.5 ml/m.cube for a sealed room. After pouring the liquid into a galvanized or plastic container, add aluminum powder in a ratio of 1/20. Exposure - up to 40 minutes with further airing. The usual course of treatment is three in three days.
  • Revolin and nystatin are sprayed, 300 units are needed per cubic meter;
  • One percent berenyl: up to 10 ml / m. cube At least half an hour of exposure, 3 - 4 days of processing.
It is not worth delaying the treatment - the death of young animals in acute forms usually exceeds 50%. Therefore, having determined why broiler chickens are dying, take up treatment.

Did you know? In Europe, chicken meat accounts for about 80% of the total poultry meat consumption. And broilers confidently hold leadership among the presented breeds.

A dangerous and widespread disease that occurs in various forms. The predisposition of broilers to this disease is not a secret for farmers and veterinarians. Risk group - chickens in the first days after hatching, when infection occurs. The insidiousness of this disease lies in its late manifestation (obvious signs may appear at the age of 2-3 months).


  • Weight loss and general weakness;
  • limping gait;
  • Sore eyes (changed pupil shape in laying hens);
  • Neck constantly rolled to one side;
  • Dehydration (with a mass disease).
As you can see, chickens do not die here immediately, and what to do is sometimes unclear. Prevention comes first, not cure. Maintaining cleanliness, changing coatings, vitamin supplements can prevent the death of a bird. A separate plus is vaccination at a daily age (this is the question of whether it is worth taking young animals directly at poultry farms - there are usually such drugs there).

Re-vaccination is carried out between 10 and 21 days. Vaccines and products like Nobilis are used. In this case, it is better to contact the veterinarians.

This disease is difficult to treat because of its unusual timing. It is difficult for a semi-paralyzed bird to move away. If other symptoms are detected, about 30% of infected chickens die.

The most common disease. Caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma. Infection occurs through the air, and chickens pick up the disease while still in the egg. Differs in slow (up to 20 days) course. Approximately at the same age, it can manifest itself in chickens. The risk zone is the age from 20 to 45 days, but adult chickens are also susceptible. The most obvious sign of illness is chickens sneezing and wheezing, and how to treat, we will consider in more detail further.


  • wheezing;
  • dyspnea;
  • slow growth;
  • lack of appetite.
  • swollen eyelids (rare, but it happens).

In adult chickens, the same symptoms are observed, and in addition, a decrease in egg production. All these signs can suggest other diseases (hemophilia, infectious bronchitis, pneumovirus). Mycoplasmosis is easily transmitted to healthy individuals, even a few patients can infect the entire livestock. So let's get treatment.

Important! The treatment of mycoplasmosis will require some funds - a number of drugs can be called conditionally available, and sometimes it is not easy to get them in rural areas.

For small livestock, injections are used. Chickens are injected with intramuscular agents such as:

  • "Thialong" (0.1 g / 1 kg of weight);
  • Tilanik (both 5% and 20%);
  • Farmazin (50,200);
  • "Tylokolin AF" (0.5 g / 1 kg);
  • "Tylobel" (50,200).
When broilers wheeze in a large chicken coop, special attention should be paid to how to treat them. Drugs based on enrofloxacin, tiamulin or tilazin are added to the water. The most available are Farmazin (1 g / liter), Pnevmotil (0.3 g / l), Tilsol-200 (2.5 g / l). Preparations with an enrofloxate element are diluted at the rate of 1 g/l.

A separate issue is the treatment of obscure signs.
Here, complex preparations are in favor: Biopharm, Hydrotriprim, Eriprim, Tilokol, Macrodox 2000, Denagard. Most of them are mixed into drinking, but a considerable part is also intended for feed. Accordingly, the dosage is also different. In order not to get confused when choosing, consult with the seller or veterinarian.

Did you know? The maximum of nutrients contains, of course, fresh broiler meat. Up to five days - the most chic for a gourmet.

Having dealt with the problem of wheezing in broilers and having learned how to treat, we will focus on disinfection. The choice of means for spraying is small:

  • "Monclavit" (3 ml / m. Cube);
  • 30% lactic acid (10 ml);
  • "Ecocid" (0.15 ml);
  • Iodine triethylene glycol (0.7 ml).

Newcastle disease

Another name is pseudo-plague. It is dangerous for birds of all ages, and both animals and people can act as a carrier. The infection is very tenacious - it can disperse within a radius of 10 km.


  • severe exhaustion;
  • convulsions;
  • twitching of the head;
  • diarrhea;
  • mucus from the mouth and nasal openings;
  • cough;
  • clouding of the pupil;
  • wheezing.
Specialists regularly record the emergence of new strains of this disease, so the course of the disease may be different. Chickens that have not been vaccinated die from an acute form in 2-3 days. Diarrhea with blood is characteristic of the so-called subacute course, when the intestines of vaccinated chickens are affected, and in general it is more effective to carry out preventive measures than to treat.

Unfortunately, treatment of such an ailment is impractical - this endangers healthy chickens. Disinfection, diet, cleaning and remoteness from sick livestock. Don't forget about vaccines. Industrial livestock are vaccinated without fail, but this measure will also be useful for poultry.

Factory broilers already have immunity, and vaccination in the farmstead is done at the age of 20-25 days (for domestic broilers, this period will be no more than 15 days, drip into the nose or eyes). Adult chickens are treated with inactivates. If the herd is large, then "personal treatment" is dispensed with, giving the so-called live vaccine diluted in water. It is quite aggressive, but does not last long.

Carefully study the data on the composition and dosage of funds - some of them have serious contraindications.

Important! Large grains as food are contraindicated for small chickens.


In another way, this disease is called white typhus. The causative agent is the Salmonella bacterium. Most dangerous for chickens from 5 to 20 days. It is characteristic that in adult broilers it can proceed without pronounced symptoms:

  • diarrhea with impurities of light green mucus;
  • thirst;
  • drowsiness of the young;
  • dyspnea;
  • the comb turns pale (in adults).

In the acute form, a sick chicken can die in a week. If infection occurs in the second or third week, then the disease will have a chronic form. You can determine it: the bird is inactive, often there are problems with the intestines.

Did you know? Broilers are hybrids from crossing different lines of domestic chickens. Such work began to be actively carried out in the middle of the last century and has now reached its peak.

Such diarrhea in broiler chickens and further treatment are of interest not only to the owners, but also to veterinarians. The fact is that there are no clear recipes in the case of pullorosis. In addition, even strong antibiotics do not completely eliminate the infection. Therefore, treatment acquires preventive forms.

The main means are furazolidone and biomycin. They are added to food:

  • furazolidone: 2g/1000 heads (days 1-5), 3g (days 5-15), daily.
  • biomycin: 1 g / 1000 heads from 1 to 10 days, 1.2 g - from 11 to a month.

Do not forget also about the processing of the premises, disinfection will not be superfluous.

Broiler Disease Prevention

Bird diseases require specific treatment measures, but prevention is generally accepted and mandatory for all activities. There are not so many of them, but their importance is obvious.

First point - room and preparation. We already mentioned it at the beginning of the article. We only add that disinfection should be carried out at the same frequency even in a rural yard. You should not forget about the fight against various pests and insects - they are carriers of the most dangerous diseases. If possible, avoid contact with other birds or animals. It is unnecessary to remind about cleanliness - replacing bedding with fresh material reduces the risk of infection.

Important! Straw litter has less moisture, while straw is not so loose and the reproduction of harmful fungi in it is not so active.

Vaccination depends on the age and place of purchase of the bird. Usually day old chicks are taken. If you buy at a poultry farm, they are often vaccinated. Although an additional vaccine would come in handy.

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If the death of chickens has begun in the chicken coop, this is a signal that serious measures must be taken to prevent it. For farmers, this is a real disaster, because many earn money by breeding broilers. The article highlights the main reasons why chickens die, and suggests methods of struggle.

Often, farmers pay great attention to chickens, as they are vulnerable and more susceptible to various diseases. When broilers grow up, little attention is paid to them, and sometimes they start to get sick and even die. This video explains why broilers die.

One of the main causes of death in chickens is malnutrition. But the cause of death of chickens can be various infectious and viral diseases. The most common are discussed below.

Abdominal dropsy

A broiler of any age can get sick with dropsy of the abdominal cavity. With this disease, fluid accumulates in the abdomen. The reason is usually a violation of the water and salt balance, kidney or heart failure. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity occurs due to the stagnation of venous blood.

It is easy to determine dropsy: by pressing fingers in the abdomen. Often the disease is visible visually. Sick birds move little, sit more, not showing activity.

The disease is treated by pumping fluid from the abdomen. To do this, the stomach is pierced with a sterile syringe and excess fluid is pumped out. A large amount of greens should be added to the bird menu and decoctions of bearberry and horsetail should be given.


Young individuals are more susceptible to coccidiosis, but adults can also get sick. This disease is caused by coccidia. A chicken can become infected through food, bedding or water. These unicellular organisms are very tenacious, and can infect chickens for a long time. In the body of a chicken, coccidia are located in the small intestine.


Ascariasis - round worm

The disease is treated with piperazine, giving it with food on an empty stomach. In addition, drugs such as Nilverm and Fenotizian are used.


Similar drugs are used in the treatment of another helminthic disease - heterokidosis. The causative agent of this disease are heterakises with a body length of 0.6-1.5 centimeters. Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease are similar to ascariasis.

Paw inflammation

With inflammation of the crumbs, chickens begin to limp, tumors and purulent formations form on their paws. There may be keratinization of the skin in some parts of the paws, suppuration and even disintegration of the skin tissue. The reason may be in a diet that is oversaturated with protein, an uncomfortable perch, a rocky surface in places where birds walk. To treat inflammation, compresses with Vishnevsky ointment are applied to the paws. In addition, a cabbage leaf, motherwort are applied to sore spots, the lesions are smeared with iodine.

fowl cholera

Pasteurellosis has a second name - avian cholera. The disease proceeds very quickly and almost 100% of chickens die. It is very important to prevent the disease. If it has turned into an acute form, then the temperature rises strongly in the chicken, discharge from the nose in the form of mucus is observed, the scallop turns blue, the bird breathes heavily with wheezing. Litter has an unnatural color: green, gray or yellow. Birds with such symptoms live no more than 5-6 hours.

If the disease is detected before it takes an acute form, then the chicken can be cured with strong antibiotics. They need to be administered by injection as soon as possible. Birds with a sharp form should be killed and buried as deep as possible in the ground.


A common disease in laying hens is inflammation of the oviduct (salpingitis), especially in breeds with early egg production. The disease can be identified by the following signs: laying hens either do not rush or carry eggs that are devoid of shell. Without proper treatment, prolapse of the oviduct is possible.

The disease is treated by changing the diet. Vitamin supplements are added to the menu of laying hens, the protein content is reduced. If a prolapse of the oviduct is found, you need to contact a veterinarian to set the prolapsed organ.

Newcastle disease

Newcastle disease, called atypical or pseudo-plague, since chickens die from it in 100% of cases, causes a disease of the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems. infect relatives through drinking, food and excrement.

The disease manifests itself in the form of the following external signs:

  • mucous discharge from the mouth and nose;
  • unnatural twitching and eversion of the head;
  • blue scallop;
  • elevated temperature;
  • impaired coordination of movements and swallowing reflex.

No cure has yet been found for this disease. Chickens die within 3 days. If the disease affected the birds, they should be destroyed. It is possible to prevent the disease in the form of a special vaccine that can be administered internally, aerosolized or enterally.

When raising chickens, you need to carefully monitor their health, especially broilers are prone to diseases.

The main diseases that chickens suffer from are as follows:

  1. Salmonellosis. Chickens of various ages are susceptible to this disease, sometimes even death is possible. The disease is dangerous because it can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms of the disease: conjunctivitis with pus, loose stools, reduced activity - chickens mostly sit quietly. The disease is treated with the following medicines: Sulfadimethoxine, Tetracycline, Ditrivet and Mepatar. Prevention is hygiene and good nutrition. Rodents are carriers of the disease, so they need to be dealt with in the chicken coop.
  2. Dyspepsia. This disease most often affects broiler chickens. The disease causes disorders of the digestive system. Boilers should receive quality feed. If greens and grass are given, they must be pure. Chickens should not be overfed, as they may begin putrefactive processes due to stagnation in the intestines. This causes intoxication and can lead to death. The disease manifests itself in a decrease in activity and loose stools in chickens. This disease is easier to prevent by adding ascorbic acid and glucose to the drink. To form the correct environment in the gastrointestinal tract, fermented milk products, such as yogurt and cottage cheese, must be present in the feed.
  3. Pullorosis affects chickens that have not reached the age of 20 days. The risk of disease in such chickens is 60%. Signs of the disease: lethargy, white feces, difficult, heavy breathing, most of the time the eyes of the chickens are half open. The disease can be caused by improper diet, lack of vitamin A, unsanitary conditions. In order to prevent the chickens from contracting the disease from adult broilers, they must be kept in a separate cage and disinfected in it. In the diet of chickens, there should be a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which is abundant in carrots.
  4. Arthritis, tendovaginitis is one of the diseases that broiler chickens are often prone to. They have weak joints, which is associated with rapid growth and a set of muscle mass. The joints do not cope with their function, therefore they become inflamed, and the tissue adjacent to them also becomes inflamed. Most often, chickens get sick at the age of 3-5 weeks. Causes the disease incorrect content, genetic predisposition. Affected chickens have enlarged joints that are hot to the touch. Chickens do not stand well on their feet, limp. The course of treatment lasts 5 days and consists in the addition of Sulfadimethoxine, Benzylpenicillin, Ampicillin, sodium or potassium salts to the feed.
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