What suras to read on Friday. Islamic library. The text of the sura "al-Juma" in Arabic, transcription and translation into Russian

P I tnitsa ( Juma) in the life of Muslims

Who on Friday (preferably in the morning) reads the entire Sura Al-Kahf (Cave, Sura number 18), then the reward for this will be as if a person gave 10 thousand dinars (gold coins) for sadaqah. It is also recommended to read Sura Al-Ikhlas (Kulha) a thousand times.

And the one who reads the entire Durud Sharif 1,000 times (salavat to the Prophet (peace be upon him), or rather the 2nd part of the tahiyat, then this person will see his place in Paradise during his lifetime.

What to do Thursday night

1. Preparation for Juma. It is recommended to wash clothes for Friday prayers (on Thursday evening it is also recommended to wear clean clothes), apply fragrant atar (itr) on men's clothes, cut hair, trim beards (for men), remove hair from the pubic and armpit areas.

2. After the Maghreb prayer, perform 2 rak'ahs of nafil. Al-Ashahaani narrated the words of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Who performs 2 rak'ahs after Maghrib on the night from Thursday to Friday, while reading Sura Al-Fatih 1 time in each rak'ah and Sura Zulzal (99 Sura) 15 times (fifteen times), then Allah will ease such a person's death throes, save him from punishment in the grave and make it easy to cross the Syrat Bridge on the Day of Judgment.

4. Read Sura number 44 (Ad-Duhan). Hadith: “To the one who reads Sura Ad-Duhan on the night from Thursday to Friday, until the morning, 70 thousand angels will ask Allah to forgive this person. (narrated by Tirmidhi).

5. It was narrated through Hasan Al-Basri - Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with them) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Who reads Surah Yasin (36th sura) and Ad-Duhan (44th sura) on Friday night sura), he will wake up in the morning among those who have been granted forgiveness.

6. Repeat the Beautiful Name of Allah Ya Darru 100 times. It is transmitted that the one who pronounces this name in the evening (night) from Thursday to Friday will be protected from all physical and moral (spiritual) troubles. And this will bring the reader closer to Allah spiritually.

7. Name Ya Baakyy 1.000 times.
Whoever reads this name a thousand times, all his good deeds will be accepted.

8. Read, if possible, Surah Bakara and Al-Imraan. There is a huge reward for this. It is said in the hadith that “Whoever reads Surah Bakar and Al-Imraan on Friday night will receive a reward equal to that which is between the seventh earth and the seventh heaven. (transferred to Targib Asbahani).
Whoever is not able to read these two surahs on Friday night, let him at least try to read Surah al-Imraan on Friday. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “On Friday before sunset, Allah and His angels will send mercy to the one who recites Surah Al-Imraan on Friday.”

10. In general, the hadiths mention a lot about the significance of reading (Zahrawein) of these surahs.
(not only on Fridays)

1) Zahravein on the Day of Judgment will appear as 2 clouds, and by the Will of Allah they will protect the reader from the tormenting heat of this Day.
2) Shaitan runs away from the house where Surah Bakara is being read.
3) On the Day of Judgment, Zahravein will protect the one who read them during his lifetime.
4) Reading these surahs brings a huge barakah, and neglecting to read these surahs will cause grief on the Day of Judgment.
5) In one of the hadiths it is said that everything has its “elevation”, and the “elevation, the highest point” of the Koran is Sura Bakara. And the heart of the Quran is Sura Yasin. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that Sura Bakara was given as a special favor.
6) In another hadith it is said that for three nights the shaitan will not enter the house where Sura Bakara was read at night. And, accordingly, the shaitan for three days will not enter the house where Sura Bakara was read in the daytime.

All small sins will be forgiven to those who on Friday morning, before the morning Fajr prayer, read the following dua 3 times. "Astaghfirullaha llazi la ilaha illa huvwal-hayyul-kayyum wa atubu ilyayhi."

What to do Friday morning

1. Ghusl (full ablution)
2. Use miswak
3. Use attar (itr, non-alcoholic perfumery (for men).
4. put on the best and clean clothes (of course, which is in accordance with the sunnah).
5. Read Sura number 18 "The Cave" (Al-Kahf).
6. Read Sura Al-Imran
7. To ask for forgiveness from Allah is to read istighfar many times.
8. Perform tasbih prayer
9. Read salawat to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
10. Perform ishraq prayer and Spirit prayer.
11. Hizbul-Azam.
12. Visit a Muslim cemetery. Read Sura Yasin and dua, asking Allah to forgive the buried.
13. Give more sadaka (alms).

1. Ghusl - Hazrat Abu Amama (RA) narrated the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “Sunnah ghusl on Fridays uproots the sins of a person.” (Tibrani)

2. Miswak. The use of miswak especially on Fridays is khukuk (right of Friday). The reward for prayer is increased by 70 times if miswak was used before.

3. Itr - Ibn Sabaak narrated the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "Allah made Friday the Day of the Muslims, the day of the Muslim holiday, so make a ghusl, use itr and miswak." (Muatta).
4. Better (and clean) clothes. Wear your best clothes, which don't have to be new or nearly new. But let it preferably be white, since Allah loves the white color of clothes. (Kimiya-e-Sadaqa). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that Allah and His angels bless those people who wear a turban on Friday. (Ihya).

5. Reading Sura number 18 - Al-Kahf. Read this sura before Juma-prayer or at least after it. For reading this sura on Fridays, a great reward from Allah is promised - reading this sura will become nur (divine light) for the reader, which will shine from heaven to earth, all small sins committed since last Friday will be forgiven and the person will be protected from fitna by 8 days. And if a person memorizes the first and (or) last 10 verses of this sura, he will be protected from the fitnah of Dajjal (Antichrist). (Nisai).

6. Reading Surah Al-Imran. It is recommended to read on Friday if you did not have time to read on the night from Thursday to Friday. Hadith: “Whoever reads this sura on Friday (jumah), then Allah with His angels will send mercy to the reader before sunset on this day.”

7. Read istighfar (ask Allah for forgiveness) many, many times. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “There is such an hour on the day of Juma that if a person reads istighfar at this hour, then Allah will forgive him.” (Ibnus-Sunni). Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Verily, I will forgive Allah 100 times a day.” (Ibnus-Sunni). May Allah give us inspiration to repent more often and recite istighfar sincerely and more, especially on Jum'ah Day. And may Allah save us from falling into great sins. Amen.

8. Namaz-tasbih. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Perform this prayer 1 time on Fridays, if this is not possible, then at least once a month, and if it is impossible, then at least once a year or at least once in a lifetime. If you perform this prayer, Allah will forgive your sins, old and new, open and secret, intentional and erroneous, large and small. (hadith).

9. Read the Durud Sharif many times (preferably a thousand times). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Read salawat many times on Fridays.” (Ibnus-Sunni).ABUNDANT DUROOD SHARIEF: (1000 times)
Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Increase the reading of salawat to me on Fridays, and on the night of Thursday to Friday, whoever does this, I will be his witness and intercede for him on the Day of Judgment.” (Baykhaks). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Read salawat many times on Fridays, as it is the one who reads especially a lot of salawat who will become closer to me.” (Baykhaks). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “He who reads a thousand times Sharif-Durood on Friday (2nd part of the tahiyat) will not die without seeing his place in Paradise (in a dream.)” (Targib, Asbahaani ). Reading a thousand times is also recommended. Durood: "Allahumma sally ala Muhammadi wa Aalihi alpha alpha marra," or "Sallalalahu alayhi wasallam"

11. Hizbul-Aazam (Friday part) is a collection of reliable duas, the collection is divided into sections for each day. 12. Visiting a Muslim cemetery on Fridays is highly rewarding. Read a dua for the dead so that Allah forgives them and rewards them with Ray-Firdous. Also read the dua so that Allah takes (your) soul also on Friday, since in accordance with the hadith it is said that “There is no such Muslim who dies on Friday or on the night from Thursday to Friday, without Allah saving him from punishment in grave." (Tirmizi). It is also noted in the hadith that the son who visits the grave of his father on Fridays and reads the dua will be recorded as an obedient son.

13. Increase alms and any good deeds, since on Friday this is rewarded more than on other days of the week.

14. Performing charitable deeds on Friday. (come to the funeral, visit the sick, etc.). It is said in a hadith narrated from Ibn Habban that “There are 5 such good deeds that if a person does them all on the same day, then Allah will include this person among the inhabitants of Paradise. These deeds are to come to the funeral, visit the sick, hold a prayer, perform namaz-jumah and free a slave.”

Departure for namaz-Juma in the mosque

14. Leave early.
15. Perform ablution (wudu) at home.
16. Walk (where possible) on foot.
17. Perform 2 rak'ahs Tahiyatul-Masjid prayer.
18. Listen to Khutba.

1. Go to the mosque as early as possible. "The sooner you go, the greater the reward." (Bukhari).

2. All affairs must be left as soon as you hear the first call for namaz-Juma (adhan). It is haraam to sell or buy something or do something else at a time when you need to prepare for the Jumah prayer after you hear the first adhan.

3. Perform wudu (small ablution) at home, if possible. It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever performs the perfect (according to the Sunnah) wudu at home and goes to the mosque for fard prayer, he will be like the one who goes to Hajj in Ihram. (Abu Dawud).

4. Goes to the mosque on foot, if possible, as there is a great reward in this. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that for each step a reward is given as for a year of fasting, insha-Allah.

5. Perform 2 rak'ahs of Tahiyatul Masjid. For this, too, a special reward is given. 1. Khutba. One should try to listen attentively to the khutba, even if one does not understand the language. It is forbidden to talk and even warn others not to talk during the khutbah. And between two khutbas, you can make dua, but without raising your hands and to yourself (not out loud, without moving your lips, but in your heart). (Adab Zindagi).

1. The one who reads the next 7 times. Suras - Fatiha, Ikhlas, Falyak and Nas, Allah will protect this person from many troubles and evil to the next. Friday. And the famous Islamic Enlightener said that such a person will be protected from the devil until the next. Fridays.

2. The one who, after Juma-namaz, before getting up, reads the next 100 times. Dua, then Allah will forgive 100 thousand of his sins and 24 thousand sins of his parents. (Kanzul-Ummal, Ibnus-Sunni.) DUA: Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi va subhanallahil-Azyym va bihamdihi Astagfirullah.

3. Repeat the Beautiful Name of Allah "Yya Basyyru" 100 times. Whoever repeats this name regularly after Juma-namaz, Allah will give him nur, illuminate his heart and improve his eyesight, insha-Allah.

4. Repeat the Beautiful Name of Allah "Ya Ghaffar" 100 times. Forgiveness will be granted to those who sincerely read this name after Juma-namaz.

Sheikhul-Hadith M. Zakariyya in the book “Values ​​of Salawat” narrated a hadith from Abu Hureyra that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “He who reads the following salawat 80 times after Asr prayer on Friday before getting up from the place of prayer , Allah will forgive 80 years of (minor) sins of this person and grant him 80 years of Ibadah. Salavat - "Allahumma, sally ala Muhammadanin Nabiyil-Ummiyi wa ala Aalihi wa sallim taslima." Read dua after Asr prayer and especially before Maghrib (before sunset), as it is narrated in the hadith that on Friday there is such a period of time when all dua are accepted. This interval is called Saatel-jabat. Some scholars are of the opinion that this is the time between Asr and Maghrib prayers, while others believe that these are the moments between two khutbs. However, it is especially recommended to read the dua before sunset (at the last hour, in the last minutes).)


Part 1 ::: part 2 :::

Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on the day of Friday, he will be illuminated by light between two Fridays!”
al-Hakim 2/399, al-Bayhaqi 3/249. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, Hafiz Ibn Hajar in Tahrij al-Azkar, Sheikh Ibn al-Qayyim in Zad al-ma "ad" 1/375 and Sheikh al-Albani in "Sahih al-Jami'" 6470 .
Another version of the hadith says:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on the day of Friday, the light will overshadow him, which on the Day of Judgment from his feet will reach the tops of heaven, and this will serve him as an atonement for the sins committed between two Fridays.” al-Hakim 2/368. Hafiz al-Munziri said that the isnaad of the hadith is not bad, and Sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Arnaut and Shuayb al-Arnaut called the hadith reliable.
And another version says:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on Friday night will be illuminated by the light that will be between him and the Holy House (Kaba).”
ad-Darimi 3450, al-Bayhaqi 2444. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Hafiz al-Suyuty and Sheikh al-Albani.

Sura al-Kahf (The Cave).

al-Kahf (The Cave)

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

1. Praise be to Allah, Who sent down the Scripture to His servant and did not allow unrighteousness in it,

2. and made it right, to warn unbelievers from severe torment from Him and to inform believers who do righteous deeds of the good news that a beautiful reward has been prepared for them,

3. in which they will abide forever,

4. And to warn those who say: "Allah has taken Himself a son."

5. Neither they nor their fathers have knowledge of this. Heavy words come out of their mouths, and they speak only lies.

6. Can you destroy yourself from grief in their footsteps (mourning that they turn away from the truth) if they do not believe in this story?

7. Verily, We have made everything that is on the earth an adornment for it, in order to test people and determine whose deeds will be better.

8. Verily, all that is on earth, We will turn into lifeless sand.

9. Or did you decide that the people of the cave and Rakim (the name of the village from which the young men came out, or the stone on which their names were inscribed) were the most amazing among Our signs?

10. Behold, the young men took refuge in a cave and said: “Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Yourself and arrange our business in the best way.

11. We sealed their ears (put them into a deep sleep) in a cave for many years.

12. Then We woke them up to find out which of the two parties would more accurately calculate how long they stayed there.

13. We will tell you their story truthfully. These were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased their adherence to the straight path.

14. We strengthened their hearts (strengthened their faith and resolve) when they stood up and said: “Our Lord is the Lord of heaven and earth! We will not invoke other deities besides Him. In that case, we would say excessive.

15. This people of ours began to worship other deities instead of Him. Why do they not give this clear argument? Who can be more unjust than the one who slanders Allah?

16. If you have moved away from them and from what they worship besides Allah, then take refuge in a cave, and your Lord will spread His mercy on you and make your work easy.

17. You would have seen that the sun at sunrise turned away from their cave to the right, and at sunset it turned away from them to the left. They were in the middle of the cave. These were some of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides to the straight path follows the straight path. The one whom He leads astray, you will not find either a protector or a guide.

18. You would think they were awake even though they were asleep. We turned them over to the right side, then to the left. Their dog was lying in front of the entrance, paws outstretched. If you looked at them, you would run away and be horrified.

19. So We awakened them so that they would question each other. One of them said, "How long have you been here?" They said, "We stayed a day or part of a day." They said, “Your Lord knows best how long you stayed. Send one of you into town with your silver coins. Let him see which food is better and bring it to you to eat. But let him be careful that no one guesses about you.

20. If they find out about you, they will stone you or convert you to their religion, and then you will never succeed.

21. So We made people aware of them so that they would know that the promise of Allah is the truth and that the Hour cannot be doubted. But now they began to argue about them and said: “Raise a building over them. Their Lord knows better about them.” And those who defended their opinion said: "We will certainly erect a mosque over them."

22. Some say that there were three of them, and the fourth was a dog. Others say there were five of them, and the sixth was a dog. So they try to guess the secret. And others say that there were seven of them, and the eighth was a dog. Say: “My Lord knows best of their number. This is unknown to anyone but a few." Argue about them only openly and do not ask any of them about them.

23. And never say, "I'll do it tomorrow."

24. Unless Allah wills it! If you have forgotten, then remember your Lord and say: "Perhaps my Lord will lead me in a more right way."

25. They spent three hundred years in the cave and nine more.

26. Say: “Allah knows better how long they stayed. He has the secrets of heaven and earth. How beautifully He sees and hears! They have no protector besides Him, and no one makes decisions with Him.”

27. Read the Scripture of your Lord, revealed to you. There is no substitute for His Words, and you will not find refuge other than Him.

28. Be patient with those who cry out to their Lord in the morning and before sunset and strive for His Face. Do not avert your gaze from them, desiring the adornments of this world, and do not obey those whose hearts We have made negligent to Our remembrance, who indulge their desires and whose deeds will be in vain.

29. Say: “Truth is from your Lord. Whoever wants, let him believe, and whoever does not want, let him not believe.” We have prepared a Fire for the transgressors, whose walls will surround them on all sides. If they ask for help (or rain), they will be helped by water, like molten metal (or oil sediment), which burns the face. A vile drink and a filthy abode!

30. And as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then indeed We do not lose the reward of those who do good.

31. It is for them that the gardens of Eden are prepared, in which rivers flow. They will be adorned with gold bracelets and dressed in green robes of satin and brocade. They'll recline there on couches, leaning back. A wonderful reward and a beautiful abode!

32. Give them a parable about two men. For one of them We made two vineyards, surrounded them with date palms, and placed a cornfield between them.

33. Both gardens bore fruit, and none of them wasted, and between them We made a river.

34. He had fruits (or wealth), and he said to his companion, talking with him: "I have more property and helpers than you."

35. He entered his garden, doing an injustice to himself, and said: “I do not think that he will ever disappear.

36. I do not think that the Hour will come. If they return me to my Lord, then upon my return I will find something even more beautiful there.

37. His companion, talking to him, said: “Do you really not believe in Him Who created you from the earth, then from a drop, and then made you a man?

38. As for me, my Lord is Allah, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord.

39. Why, when you entered your garden, did you not say: “So Allah willed! There is no power except from Allah!” You think that I have less wealth and children than you

40. But my Lord can give me what is better than your garden, and send punishment from heaven on it, and then it will turn into slippery earth.

41. Otherwise, its waters will go underground, and you will not be able to get them.

42. His fruits perished, and he began to beat his hands, regretting what he had spent on the vineyard, the branches of which fell on the trellises. He said: “It would be better if I didn’t associate anyone with my Lord!”

43. He had no people who would help him instead of Allah, and he could not help himself.

44. In such cases, only True Allah can provide support. He has the best reward and the best outcome.

45. Give them a parable about worldly life. It is like water which We send down from the sky. Terrestrial plants mix with it (or because of it), and then turn into dry blades of grass, scattered by the wind. Verily, Allah is capable of all things.

46. ​​Wealth and sons are the adornment of worldly life, but imperishable good deeds are better for reward before your Lord, and it is better to place hopes on them.

47. On that day We will make the mountains move, and you will see that the earth will become flat. We will collect them all and we will not miss anyone.

48. They will appear before your Lord in rows: “You have come to Us as We created you the first time. But you assumed that We did not make an appointment with you.”

49. A book will be laid down, and you will see how sinners will tremble because of what is in it. They will say: “Woe to us! What is this book! It does not miss any small or great sin - everything is calculated. They will reveal before them all that they have done, and your Lord will not deal unjustly with anyone.

50. Behold, We said to the angels: "Kneel before Adam!" They all bowed except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn and disobeyed the will of his Lord. Do you really recognize him and his descendants as your patrons and helpers instead of Me, while they are your enemies? This is a bad substitute for the wicked!

51. I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creation of themselves. I do not take as assistants those who mislead others.

52. On that day He will say, "Call on My associates, whose existence you supposed." They will call to them, but they will not answer them. We will erect a destructive place (barrier) between them.

53. Sinners will see the Fire, and it will become clear to them that they will be thrown into it. They will not find salvation from him!

54. We have explained to people in this Qur'an any parables, but man is most inclined to quarrel.

55. What prevented people from believing when the right guidance appeared to them, and asking for forgiveness from their Lord, if not the desire for the fate of the first generations and the torment that will appear before them face to face?

56. We send messengers only as good heralds and warning warners. However, the unbelievers argue with false arguments to refute the truth, and mock My signs and what they are warned against.

57. Who can be more unjust than the one who was reminded of the signs of his Lord, and he turned away from them and forgot what his hands had done? We have thrown a veil over their hearts so that they do not comprehend it (the Qur'an), and their ears are afflicted with deafness. Even if you call them to the straight path, they will never follow the straight path.

58. Your Lord is Forgiving, Possessing Mercy. If He began to punish them for what they have gained, He would hasten their torment, but a time has been appointed for them, and they will not find salvation from it.

59. We destroyed these cities when they began to do injustice, and we fixed a period for their destruction.

60. Here Musa (Moses) said to his servant: "I will not stop until I reach the confluence of the two seas or until I spend many years traveling."

61. When they reached the place of their confluence, they forgot their fish, and it set off on its way through the sea, as if through an underground passage.

63. He said: “Do you remember how we took refuge under a rock? I forgot about the fish, and only the devil made me forget about it. She set out on her journey by sea miraculously.”

64. Musa (Moses) said: “This is what we desired!” and they went back in their tracks.

65. They met one of Our servants, whom We bestowed mercy from Us and taught from what We know.

66. Musa (Moses) said to him (Khadir): “Can I follow you so that you teach me about the straight path that which you are taught?”.

67. He said: “You will not have the patience to be near me.

68. How can you be patient with what you do not embrace with knowledge?

69. Musa (Moses) said: “If Allah wills, then you will see that I am patient, and I will not disobey your command.”

70. He said: "If you follow me, then do not ask me about anything until I myself tell you about it."

71. Together they set off. When they boarded the ship, he made a hole in it. He said, "Did you make a hole to drown people in it? You have done a great deed!"

72. He said, "Didn't I say you couldn't be patient with me?"

73. Musa (Moses) said: "Do not punish me for what I have forgotten, and do not place a heavy burden on me."

74. They continued on until they met a boy and he killed him. He said: “Have you really killed an innocent person who did not kill anyone?! You have done a reprehensible thing!"

75. He said, "Didn't I tell you that you couldn't be patient with me?"

76. Musa (Moses) said: “If I ask you about anything after this, then do not continue on the path with me. Your action towards me is already justified.”

77. They continued on their way until they came to the inhabitants of one village. They asked its inhabitants to feed them, but they refused to accept them as guests. They saw a wall there that was about to collapse, and he straightened it out. Musa (Moses) said: "If you wished, you would have received a reward for this."

78. He said: “Here I will part with you, but I will tell you the interpretation of what you could not bear with patience.

79. As for the ship, it belonged to the poor who worked at sea. I wanted to damage it, because in front of them was the king, who by force took away all the intact ships.

80. As for the boy, his parents are believers, and we feared that he would oppress them because of his iniquity and unbelief.

81. We wanted their Lord to give them instead of him someone who would be purer and more merciful to his loved ones.

82. As for the wall, it belongs to two orphaned boys from the city. Under it is their treasure. Their father was a righteous man, and your Lord desired that they come of age and retrieve their treasure by the grace of your Lord. I didn't do it on my own. This is the interpretation of what you could not bear with patience.

83. They ask you about Dhul Qarnein. Say: "I will read you an instructive story about him."

84. Verily, We endowed him with power on earth and endowed him with all kinds of opportunities.

85. He set off.

86. When he arrived where the sun was setting, he found that it was setting in a muddy (or hot) spring. He found people around him. We said: “O Zul Qarnayn! Either you punish them or you do them good."

87. He said: “He who does wrong, we will punish, and then he will be returned to his Lord, and He will subject him to severe torments.

88. The one who believes and does righteousness will have the best reward, and we will tell him our easy commands.

90. When he arrived at the place where the sun rises, he found that it was rising over people for whom We did not establish any cover from him.

91. That's it! We embraced with knowledge everything that happened to him.

93. When he reached two mountain barriers, he found in front of them people who hardly understood speech.

94. They said: “O Zul Qarnein! Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) spread wickedness on earth. Perhaps we will pay you a tribute so that you will establish a barrier between us and them?

95. He said: “What my Lord has given me is better than this. Help me by force, and I will place a barrier between you and them.

96. Give me pieces of iron. Filling the space between the two slopes, he said: "Inflate!". When they turned red like fire, he said, "Bring me molten copper to pour over him."

97. They (the tribes of Yajuj and Majuj) could not climb it and could not make a hole in it.

98. He said: “This is a mercy from my Lord! When the promise of my Lord is fulfilled, He will raze her to the ground. The promise of my Lord is the truth."

99. On that day We will let them (the tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj) pour on each other. And they will blow the Horn, and We will gather them all together.

100. On that day We will clearly show Gehenna to the disbelievers,

101. Whose eyes had a veil that separated them from the remembrance of Me, and who could not hear.

102. Did the unbelievers think that they would make My servants their protectors and helpers instead of Me? Verily, We have prepared Gehenna as an abode for the disbelievers.

103. Say: “Shall I tell you about those whose deeds will bring the greatest loss?

104. Of those whose efforts have gone astray in worldly life, although they thought they were doing well?

105. These are those who did not believe in the signs of their Lord and in the meeting with Him. Their deeds will be in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection We will not let go of them any weight (we will not attach any importance to them; or we will not place a single righteous deed on the cup of their good deeds).

106. Gehenna will be their reward because they disbelieved and mocked My signs and My messengers.

107. Verily, the abode of those who believe and do righteous deeds will be the gardens of Firdaus.

108. They will abide in them forever and will not want changes for themselves.

109. Say: "If the sea became ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would dry up before the Words of my Lord dried up, even if We brought the same sea to help him."

110. Say: “Indeed, I am the same person as you. I have been inspired by the revelation that your God is the One God. Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do righteous deeds and not worship anyone along with his Lord.

Details September 21, 2018 17:07 Views: 2114 The story of the prophet (s.a.s.)
  • Previous Hearing this, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lost consciousness and fell
  • Next Mi'raj according to a hadith from sahih al-Bukhari

“Has the story of the Covering One (the Day of Resurrection) reached you? Some faces in that day will be humiliated, exhausted and weary. They will burn in a hot fire. They will be given water from a boiling spring and fed only with poisonous thorns, from which they do not get better and which do not satisfy their hunger. Other faces will be joyful that day. They will be pleased with their efforts in the Upper Gardens” (Quran, 88:1-10)

One of the suras read by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on Fridays was the sura "Covering" ("Al-Gashiya"). This is one of the final suras of the Qur'an and is familiar to many of us.

But why did the Prophet choose it for frequent reading? What is it about, and why did the Prophet love her so much? And in general, what purpose did most of his sermons serve? What were they supposed to say to his companions?

Reminder of the End

First of all, this sura of the Qur'an opens with a reminder of the Day of Judgment. She speaks of those who will grieve on this day, and of the punishment that lies ahead of them.

These lines sound both expressive and oppressive. Allah warns us so that we do not put off our good intentions and start working right now in order to avoid a terrible outcome - torment in the afterlife.

“They will not hear verbiage there. There is a current source. There, a bed was erected, bowls were placed, pillows were laid out, and carpets were spread out ”(Quran, 88: 11-16).

At the same time, Allah talks about those who will be happy on the Day of Judgment and about the wonderful blessings that will be bestowed on them.

This is a reminder for us to strive for this place of grace and to do our best to avoid the punishment of the fire. But how to imagine heaven and hell if a person has never seen them? For this it is worth…

Take a look at the world around

“Do they not see how the camels are made, how the sky is lifted up, how the mountains are planted, how the earth is stretched out?” (Quran, 88:17-20)

That is, in order for us to really understand what heaven and hell are, Allah invites us to look at the miracle of His creation. Just look at the world around you, try to examine it in detail, and you will understand that this is the fruit of the Creator's creation. Now understand that heaven and hell with all their components are also His creation. In this way, Allah connects in our minds thoughts about death with thoughts about the world around us.

Thinking about the greatness of this world, we understand that it could not have arisen without the Creator. Look at the camel: such a fragile, but such a strong animal, capable of carrying heavy loads for many days. And go without water for a whole month! Isn't it amazing that such a creature exists?

And can the sight of the sky not strike? Here it is, clear and blue, but as soon as the clouds come, the color changes. At night, the stars and the moon shine on it, and all this is just tiny particles of the universe.

And is it not surprising that Allah erected mountains and along with them opened up endless valleys? Terrestrial landscapes amaze with their contrast.

All this should remind us of the balance of creation and that Allah will balance all the injustice that surrounds us in this life.

“Teach, for you are the teacher, and you have no power over them. And those who turn away and disbelieve, Allah will subject them to the greatest torment. To Us they will return, and then We will demand from them an account ”(Quran, 88: 21-24).

Thus, looking at the world around, a person gets an idea of ​​heaven and hell. Moreover, Islam is not a religion of abstractions, it combines theory with practice, spirituality with reality, and reflection with action.

Thinking about the greatness of Allah, we understand that heaven and hell are not just symbols, and we try to remind people of what awaits them all in the afterlife. Knowing about the coming danger, we try to warn others. So did the Prophet. People were not indifferent to him, and we should not remain indifferent either. Don't we want others to go to heaven too?

Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on the day of Friday, he will be illuminated by light between two Fridays!”
al-Hakim 2/399, al-Bayhaqi 3/249. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, Hafiz Ibn Hajar in Tahrij al-Azkar, Sheikh Ibn al-Qayyim in Zad al-ma "ad" 1/375 and Sheikh al-Albani in "Sahih al-Jami'" 6470 .
Another version of the hadith says:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on the day of Friday, the light will overshadow him, which on the Day of Judgment from his feet will reach the tops of heaven, and this will serve him as an atonement for the sins committed between two Fridays.” al-Hakim 2/368. Hafiz al-Munziri said that the isnaad of the hadith is not bad, and Sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Arnaut and Shuayb al-Arnaut called the hadith reliable.
And another version says:“Whoever reads Surah “The Cave” on Friday night will be illuminated by the light that will be between him and the Holy House (Kaba).”
ad-Darimi 3450, al-Bayhaqi 2444. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Hafiz al-Suyuty and Sheikh al-Albani.

Sura al-Kahf (The Cave).

al-Kahf (The Cave)

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

1. Praise be to Allah, Who sent down the Scripture to His servant and did not allow unrighteousness in it,

2. and made it right, to warn unbelievers from severe torment from Him and to inform believers who do righteous deeds of the good news that a beautiful reward has been prepared for them,

3. in which they will abide forever,

4. And to warn those who say: "Allah has taken Himself a son."

5. Neither they nor their fathers have knowledge of this. Heavy words come out of their mouths, and they speak only lies.

6. Can you destroy yourself from grief in their footsteps (mourning that they turn away from the truth) if they do not believe in this story?

7. Verily, We have made everything that is on the earth an adornment for it, in order to test people and determine whose deeds will be better.

8. Verily, all that is on earth, We will turn into lifeless sand.

9. Or did you decide that the people of the cave and Rakim (the name of the village from which the young men came out, or the stone on which their names were inscribed) were the most amazing among Our signs?

10. Behold, the young men took refuge in a cave and said: “Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Yourself and arrange our business in the best way.

11. We sealed their ears (put them into a deep sleep) in a cave for many years.

12. Then We woke them up to find out which of the two parties would more accurately calculate how long they stayed there.

13. We will tell you their story truthfully. These were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased their adherence to the straight path.

14. We strengthened their hearts (strengthened their faith and resolve) when they stood up and said: “Our Lord is the Lord of heaven and earth! We will not invoke other deities besides Him. In that case, we would say excessive.

15. This people of ours began to worship other deities instead of Him. Why do they not give this clear argument? Who can be more unjust than the one who slanders Allah?

16. If you have moved away from them and from what they worship besides Allah, then take refuge in a cave, and your Lord will spread His mercy on you and make your work easy.

17. You would have seen that the sun at sunrise turned away from their cave to the right, and at sunset it turned away from them to the left. They were in the middle of the cave. These were some of the signs of Allah. Whoever Allah guides to the straight path follows the straight path. The one whom He leads astray, you will not find either a protector or a guide.

18. You would think they were awake even though they were asleep. We turned them over to the right side, then to the left. Their dog was lying in front of the entrance, paws outstretched. If you looked at them, you would run away and be horrified.

19. So We awakened them so that they would question each other. One of them said, "How long have you been here?" They said, "We stayed a day or part of a day." They said, “Your Lord knows best how long you stayed. Send one of you into town with your silver coins. Let him see which food is better and bring it to you to eat. But let him be careful that no one guesses about you.

20. If they find out about you, they will stone you or convert you to their religion, and then you will never succeed.

21. So We made people aware of them so that they would know that the promise of Allah is the truth and that the Hour cannot be doubted. But now they began to argue about them and said: “Raise a building over them. Their Lord knows better about them.” And those who defended their opinion said: "We will certainly erect a mosque over them."

22. Some say that there were three of them, and the fourth was a dog. Others say there were five of them, and the sixth was a dog. So they try to guess the secret. And others say that there were seven of them, and the eighth was a dog. Say: “My Lord knows best of their number. This is unknown to anyone but a few." Argue about them only openly and do not ask any of them about them.

23. And never say, "I'll do it tomorrow."

24. Unless Allah wills it! If you have forgotten, then remember your Lord and say: "Perhaps my Lord will lead me in a more right way."

25. They spent three hundred years in the cave and nine more.

26. Say: “Allah knows better how long they stayed. He has the secrets of heaven and earth. How beautifully He sees and hears! They have no protector besides Him, and no one makes decisions with Him.”

27. Read the Scripture of your Lord, revealed to you. There is no substitute for His Words, and you will not find refuge other than Him.

28. Be patient with those who cry out to their Lord in the morning and before sunset and strive for His Face. Do not avert your gaze from them, desiring the adornments of this world, and do not obey those whose hearts We have made negligent to Our remembrance, who indulge their desires and whose deeds will be in vain.

29. Say: “Truth is from your Lord. Whoever wants, let him believe, and whoever does not want, let him not believe.” We have prepared a Fire for the transgressors, whose walls will surround them on all sides. If they ask for help (or rain), they will be helped by water, like molten metal (or oil sediment), which burns the face. A vile drink and a filthy abode!

30. And as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then indeed We do not lose the reward of those who do good.

31. It is for them that the gardens of Eden are prepared, in which rivers flow. They will be adorned with gold bracelets and dressed in green robes of satin and brocade. They'll recline there on couches, leaning back. A wonderful reward and a beautiful abode!

32. Give them a parable about two men. For one of them We made two vineyards, surrounded them with date palms, and placed a cornfield between them.

33. Both gardens bore fruit, and none of them wasted, and between them We made a river.

34. He had fruits (or wealth), and he said to his companion, talking with him: "I have more property and helpers than you."

35. He entered his garden, doing an injustice to himself, and said: “I do not think that he will ever disappear.

36. I do not think that the Hour will come. If they return me to my Lord, then upon my return I will find something even more beautiful there.

37. His companion, talking to him, said: “Do you really not believe in Him Who created you from the earth, then from a drop, and then made you a man?

38. As for me, my Lord is Allah, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord.

39. Why, when you entered your garden, did you not say: “So Allah willed! There is no power except from Allah!” You think that I have less wealth and children than you

40. But my Lord can give me what is better than your garden, and send punishment from heaven on it, and then it will turn into slippery earth.

41. Otherwise, its waters will go underground, and you will not be able to get them.

42. His fruits perished, and he began to beat his hands, regretting what he had spent on the vineyard, the branches of which fell on the trellises. He said: “It would be better if I didn’t associate anyone with my Lord!”

43. He had no people who would help him instead of Allah, and he could not help himself.

44. In such cases, only True Allah can provide support. He has the best reward and the best outcome.

45. Give them a parable about worldly life. It is like water which We send down from the sky. Terrestrial plants mix with it (or because of it), and then turn into dry blades of grass, scattered by the wind. Verily, Allah is capable of all things.

46. ​​Wealth and sons are the adornment of worldly life, but imperishable good deeds are better for reward before your Lord, and it is better to place hopes on them.

47. On that day We will make the mountains move, and you will see that the earth will become flat. We will collect them all and we will not miss anyone.

48. They will appear before your Lord in rows: “You have come to Us as We created you the first time. But you assumed that We did not make an appointment with you.”

49. A book will be laid down, and you will see how sinners will tremble because of what is in it. They will say: “Woe to us! What is this book! It does not miss any small or great sin - everything is calculated. They will reveal before them all that they have done, and your Lord will not deal unjustly with anyone.

50. Behold, We said to the angels: "Kneel before Adam!" They all bowed except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn and disobeyed the will of his Lord. Do you really recognize him and his descendants as your patrons and helpers instead of Me, while they are your enemies? This is a bad substitute for the wicked!

51. I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creation of themselves. I do not take as assistants those who mislead others.

52. On that day He will say, "Call on My associates, whose existence you supposed." They will call to them, but they will not answer them. We will erect a destructive place (barrier) between them.

53. Sinners will see the Fire, and it will become clear to them that they will be thrown into it. They will not find salvation from him!

54. We have explained to people in this Qur'an any parables, but man is most inclined to quarrel.

55. What prevented people from believing when the right guidance appeared to them, and asking for forgiveness from their Lord, if not the desire for the fate of the first generations and the torment that will appear before them face to face?

56. We send messengers only as good heralds and warning warners. However, the unbelievers argue with false arguments to refute the truth, and mock My signs and what they are warned against.

57. Who can be more unjust than the one who was reminded of the signs of his Lord, and he turned away from them and forgot what his hands had done? We have thrown a veil over their hearts so that they do not comprehend it (the Qur'an), and their ears are afflicted with deafness. Even if you call them to the straight path, they will never follow the straight path.

58. Your Lord is Forgiving, Possessing Mercy. If He began to punish them for what they have gained, He would hasten their torment, but a time has been appointed for them, and they will not find salvation from it.

59. We destroyed these cities when they began to do injustice, and we fixed a period for their destruction.

60. Here Musa (Moses) said to his servant: "I will not stop until I reach the confluence of the two seas or until I spend many years traveling."

61. When they reached the place of their confluence, they forgot their fish, and it set off on its way through the sea, as if through an underground passage.

63. He said: “Do you remember how we took refuge under a rock? I forgot about the fish, and only the devil made me forget about it. She set out on her journey by sea miraculously.”

64. Musa (Moses) said: “This is what we desired!” and they went back in their tracks.

65. They met one of Our servants, whom We bestowed mercy from Us and taught from what We know.

66. Musa (Moses) said to him (Khadir): “Can I follow you so that you teach me about the straight path that which you are taught?”.

67. He said: “You will not have the patience to be near me.

68. How can you be patient with what you do not embrace with knowledge?

69. Musa (Moses) said: “If Allah wills, then you will see that I am patient, and I will not disobey your command.”

70. He said: "If you follow me, then do not ask me about anything until I myself tell you about it."

71. Together they set off. When they boarded the ship, he made a hole in it. He said, "Did you make a hole to drown people in it? You have done a great deed!"

72. He said, "Didn't I say you couldn't be patient with me?"

73. Musa (Moses) said: "Do not punish me for what I have forgotten, and do not place a heavy burden on me."

74. They continued on until they met a boy and he killed him. He said: “Have you really killed an innocent person who did not kill anyone?! You have done a reprehensible thing!"

75. He said, "Didn't I tell you that you couldn't be patient with me?"

76. Musa (Moses) said: “If I ask you about anything after this, then do not continue on the path with me. Your action towards me is already justified.”

77. They continued on their way until they came to the inhabitants of one village. They asked its inhabitants to feed them, but they refused to accept them as guests. They saw a wall there that was about to collapse, and he straightened it out. Musa (Moses) said: "If you wished, you would have received a reward for this."

78. He said: “Here I will part with you, but I will tell you the interpretation of what you could not bear with patience.

79. As for the ship, it belonged to the poor who worked at sea. I wanted to damage it, because in front of them was the king, who by force took away all the intact ships.

80. As for the boy, his parents are believers, and we feared that he would oppress them because of his iniquity and unbelief.

81. We wanted their Lord to give them instead of him someone who would be purer and more merciful to his loved ones.

82. As for the wall, it belongs to two orphaned boys from the city. Under it is their treasure. Their father was a righteous man, and your Lord desired that they come of age and retrieve their treasure by the grace of your Lord. I didn't do it on my own. This is the interpretation of what you could not bear with patience.

83. They ask you about Dhul Qarnein. Say: "I will read you an instructive story about him."

84. Verily, We endowed him with power on earth and endowed him with all kinds of opportunities.

85. He set off.

86. When he arrived where the sun was setting, he found that it was setting in a muddy (or hot) spring. He found people around him. We said: “O Zul Qarnayn! Either you punish them or you do them good."

87. He said: “He who does wrong, we will punish, and then he will be returned to his Lord, and He will subject him to severe torments.

88. The one who believes and does righteousness will have the best reward, and we will tell him our easy commands.

90. When he arrived at the place where the sun rises, he found that it was rising over people for whom We did not establish any cover from him.

91. That's it! We embraced with knowledge everything that happened to him.

93. When he reached two mountain barriers, he found in front of them people who hardly understood speech.

94. They said: “O Zul Qarnein! Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) spread wickedness on earth. Perhaps we will pay you a tribute so that you will establish a barrier between us and them?

95. He said: “What my Lord has given me is better than this. Help me by force, and I will place a barrier between you and them.

96. Give me pieces of iron. Filling the space between the two slopes, he said: "Inflate!". When they turned red like fire, he said, "Bring me molten copper to pour over him."

97. They (the tribes of Yajuj and Majuj) could not climb it and could not make a hole in it.

98. He said: “This is a mercy from my Lord! When the promise of my Lord is fulfilled, He will raze her to the ground. The promise of my Lord is the truth."

99. On that day We will let them (the tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj) pour on each other. And they will blow the Horn, and We will gather them all together.

100. On that day We will clearly show Gehenna to the disbelievers,

101. Whose eyes had a veil that separated them from the remembrance of Me, and who could not hear.

102. Did the unbelievers think that they would make My servants their protectors and helpers instead of Me? Verily, We have prepared Gehenna as an abode for the disbelievers.

103. Say: “Shall I tell you about those whose deeds will bring the greatest loss?

104. Of those whose efforts have gone astray in worldly life, although they thought they were doing well?

105. These are those who did not believe in the signs of their Lord and in the meeting with Him. Their deeds will be in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection We will not let go of them any weight (we will not attach any importance to them; or we will not place a single righteous deed on the cup of their good deeds).

106. Gehenna will be their reward because they disbelieved and mocked My signs and My messengers.

107. Verily, the abode of those who believe and do righteous deeds will be the gardens of Firdaus.

108. They will abide in them forever and will not want changes for themselves.

109. Say: "If the sea became ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would dry up before the Words of my Lord dried up, even if We brought the same sea to help him."

110. Say: “Indeed, I am the same person as you. I have been inspired by the revelation that your God is the One God. Whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do righteous deeds and not worship anyone along with his Lord.

Sura "Al-Juma" was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his stay in Medina. The name is often translated into Russian as "Day of Friday Prayer" or simply "Friday". There are 11 verses in total.

At the beginning of the sura, Allah says that everything in the universe - in heaven and earth - glorifies and praises Him.

Expand sura description

The Almighty had mercy on the Arabs. Therefore, the Creator sent them a prophet from among them to teach them the religion and the Qur'an. Thus, they could be cleansed of.

The grace of the Creator is bestowed only on those whom He wills. The Creator condemns other nations that have not heeded what the scriptures called for.

For example, He blames the sons of Israel - the Jews for refusing the Torah, despite the fact that they still remembered and knew the covenants. The representatives of this people decided that they are closer to Allah than all other people.

The Almighty challenged them for such deeds, so that they wished for themselves death, if the truth is really on their side. The final part of Surah "Juma" speaks of the great significance of the Friday prayer.

Addressing the believers, the Creator admonishes: When you hear the call to the mosque, you should hurry to pray, leaving for a while all, even urgent, affairs. And at the end of the Friday prayer with the Jamaat, Muslims must do good deeds in order to gain His mercy.

In the verses, Allah condemns those who are distracted from the Friday prayer, carried away or entertainment.




بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ


In the name of Allah the Gracious and Merciful!

يُسَبِّحُ لِلَّهِ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ الْمَلِكِ الْقُدُّوسِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَكِيم

Yusabbihu li-Llahi ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-ardyl-Malikil-Quddusil-’azizil-Hakim

What is in heaven and what is on earth glorifies Allah - the Ruler, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise.

هُوَ الَّذِي بَعَثَ فِي الْأُمِّيِّينَ رَسُولًا مِّنْهُمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُوا مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ

Khuuallazi ba-'asa fil-Ummiyina Rasulam-minhum yatlu 'alaihim Ayatihi wa yuzakkihim wa yu-'allimu-humul-Kitaba wal-Hikmah,-wa in-kanu min-kablu lafi dalalim-mubin

He is the One Who sent a Messenger from among the illiterate people. He recites His verses to them, purifies them, and teaches them the Scripture and wisdom, although before they were in obvious error.

وَآخَرِينَ مِنْهُمْ لَمَّا يَلْحَقُوا بِهِمْ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ

Wa aharina minhum lama yal-haku bihim; wa Khuwal-'azizul-Hakim

And also to those who did not find them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.

ذَلِكَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَن يَشَاء وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ

Zalika Fadlu-Lahi yu-tihi may-yasha; wa-Llahu Zul-Fadlil-'azim

Such is the mercy of Allah. He bestows it on whomever He wishes. Allah has great mercy.

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ حُمِّلُوا التَّوْرَاةَ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَحْمِلُوهَا كَمَثَلِ الْحِمَارِ يَحْمِلُ أَسْفَارًا بِئْسَ مَثَلُ الْقَوْمِ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ

Masalul-lazina hummilut-taurata sum lam yah-miluha kamasalil-himari yahmilu asfara. Bi-sa masa-lul-kaumil-lazina kazzabu bi-Ayati-Llah. Wa-Llahu la yahdil-kaumaz-zalimin

Those who were instructed to adhere to the Tawrat (Torah) and who did not adhere to it are like a donkey that carries many books on itself. How bad is the comparison with people who consider the signs of Allah to be a lie! Allah does not lead unjust people to the straight path.

قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ هَادُوا إِن زَعَمْتُمْ أَنَّكُمْ أَوْلِيَاء لِلَّهِ مِن دُونِ النَّاسِ فَتَمَنَّوُا الْمَوْتَ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ

Kul ya-ayyuhal-lazina hadu in-za-'amtum annakum awliyya-u li-Llahi min-dunin-nasi fatamannauul-Mauta in-kuntum sadikin

Say: “O professing Judaism! If you think that only you among the people are the pleasing of Allah, then wish yourself death if you speak the truth.

وَلَا يَتَمَنَّوْنَهُ أَبَدًا بِمَا قَدَّمَتْ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِالظَّالِمِينَ

Wa la yatamannau-nahu abadam-bima kaddamat aidihim! Wa-Llahu 'alimum-biz-zalimin

But they will never desire it because of what their hands have prepared. Allah is aware of the wrongdoers.

قُلْ إِنَّ الْمَوْتَ الَّذِي تَفِرُّونَ مِنْهُ فَإِنَّهُ مُلَاقِيكُمْ ثُمَّ تُرَدُّونَ إِلَى عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ

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