Merciless Boko Haram. The terrorist group Boko Haram. Help Who Created Boko Haram

At present, the threat of terrorist attacks from representatives of the radical movements of Islam is acquiring enormous proportions, having already become a global problem. Moreover, criminal organizations that profess and propagate Salafi Islam operate not only in the Middle East. They are also present on the African continent. In addition to the well-known Al-Shabab and Al-Qaeda, these include, in particular, the radical Boko Haram group, which has already become famous all over the planet for its monstrous and horrific crimes. One way or another, but the plans of the leaders of this religious structure are quite large-scale, therefore, in order to achieve the “great” goal, they will continue to kill innocent people. The African authorities are trying to counter Islamist terrorists, but this does not always work out. What is the radical structure of Boko Haram? Let's consider this question in more detail.

History reference

The founder and ideologist of the above organization is a man who is known as Mohammed Yusuf. It was he who in 2002 created a training center in the city of Maiduguri (Nigeria).

His offspring was named "Boko Haram", which translated into Russian means "Western is a sin." The principle of rejection of Western European civilization was the basis of the slogan of his grouping. Soon, Boko Haram transformed into the main opposition force against the Nigerian authorities, and the ideologist of the radicals accused the government of being a puppet in the hands of the West.


What did Mohammed Yusuf and his followers want to achieve? It is natural that his native country should live according to Sharia law, and all the achievements of Western European culture, science, and art should be rejected once and for all. Even wearing a suit and tie was positioned as something alien. It is noteworthy that Boko Haram does not have any political agenda. All that the radicals know how to do is to commit crimes: kidnapping officials, subversive activities and killings of civilians. The organization is funded by robberies, hostage ransoms, and private investment.

Attempt to seize power

So, with the question of what is Boko Haram in Nigeria today, much is clear. And what was the group a few years ago?

She was just gaining strength and power. At the end of the 2000s, Mohammed Yusuf tried to seize power in the country by force, but the action was severely suppressed, and he himself was sent to prison, where he was killed. But soon Boko Haram had a new leader - a certain Abubakar Shekau, who continued the policy of terror.

Scale of activity

Currently, the Nigerian group refers to itself as the "West African province of the Islamic State." The number of the organization that controls the northeastern lands of Nigeria is about 5-6 thousand militants. But the geography of criminal activity extends beyond the country: terrorists operate in Cameroon, and in Chad, and in other African countries. Alas, the authorities alone cannot cope with the terrorists: they need help from outside. In the meantime, hundreds and thousands of innocent people are suffering.

Not so long ago, the leader of radical terrorists swore allegiance to the criminal organization "Islamic State". As proof of their loyalty to ISIS, Boko Haram sent about 200 of its men to Libya to wage war.

Mass terror

The crimes committed by Nigerian radicals are striking in their cruelty, thereby terrifying civilians. Police killings, terrorist attacks and the destruction of Christian churches are just some of the atrocities committed by extremists.

In 2015 alone, Boko Haram militants in Cameroon abducted people, during the pogrom of the city of Fotokol, they killed more than a hundred people, initiated a terrorist attack in Abadam. In addition, they killed civilians in Njab and abducted women and children in Damascus.

In the spring of 2014, the UN Security Council announced that the radical Nigerian Islamist organization Boko Haram had been designated a terrorist group.

Another egregious atrocity was committed by terrorists in the village of Chibok. There they captured more than 270 schoolgirls. This case immediately became widespread. Law enforcement agencies carefully thought out the operation to free the captives. But, alas, only a few were saved. Most of the girls were converted to Islam, after which they were forcibly married off.

Killing children

A shocking and monstrous crime occurred in the village of Dalori, located near the city of Maidaguri (north-east of the country).

It was found that members of the Boko Haram group burned 86 children. According to eyewitnesses who miraculously managed to escape, militants on motorcycles and cars broke into the village, opened fire on civilians and threw grenades at their homes. The bodies of children burned alive turned into a pile of ashes. But it just pissed off. The criminals destroyed two refugee camps.

Control measures

Naturally, the authorities could not but respond to a whole series of terrorist attacks by radicals. Moreover, not only in Nigeria, but also in Cameroon, Niger and Benin, they pledged to punish them. Consultations were held at which the problem of countering extremists was discussed in detail. As a result, a plan was developed for the deployment of the Mixed Multinational Force (SMS), which was supposed to eliminate the militants. According to preliminary estimates, the strength of the army of security forces should be almost 9 thousand soldiers, and not only the military, but also the police took part in the operation.

Operation plan

The zone of operations for the destruction of militants was divided into three parts, in each of which a state is based. One is located in Baga (on the coast of Lake Chad), another is in Gamboru (near the border with Cameroon), and the third is in the border town of Mora (northeast Nigeria).

As for the headquarters of the Mixed Multinational Force, it will be located in N'Djamena. Nigerian General Illiya Abaha, who had experience in destroying militants, was appointed to lead the operation.

The authorities of the countries hope that they will be able to eliminate the Boko Haram group by the end of this year, believing that the war with the radicals will not take long.

What can slow down the process?

However, not everything is as simple as we would like. For the operation to be successful, SMS governments need to address domestic social issues as soon as possible. The militants use for their own purposes the dissatisfaction of Islamist citizens with a low standard of living, corruption and the arbitrariness of the authorities. In Nigeria, half of the inhabitants are Muslims.

One more circumstance that can negatively affect the speed of the operation cannot be discounted. The fact is that the authorities of many states of the African continent have been weakened by civil wars that have been going on for more than a year.

The government has simply lost control over part of its territories, where real anarchy reigns. This is what the radical elements take advantage of, swaying the Muslims, who are unstable in their choice of political orientation, to their side.

One way or another, but the security forces have already managed to carry out a number of successful operations to destroy terrorists. For example, militants were liquidated in the forest, not far from the city of Maiduguri. Also west of the city of Kusseri (northeast Cameroon), the SMS army eliminated about 40 members of Boko Haram.

Unfortunately, the Western media today rarely pay attention to the crimes against civilians committed by Boko Haram on the African continent. All attention is focused on the Islamic State, although the threat posed by the Nigerian group is also very serious. Newspapers and magazines in Nigeria simply do not have the power to tell the world about their problems. One can only hope that the situation will someday change, and the West will not ignore the problems of terrorism in South Africa.

Means "Western education is a sin") - an extremist group of radical Islamists that arose in Nigeria and operates mainly in Nigeria and its neighboring countries. The official name is "Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad", which in Arabic means "Society of adherents of the spread of the teachings of the prophet and jihad".

Mohammed Yusuf (1970–2009) is considered the founder and spiritual leader of the group. After his death, the organization was headed by Abubakar Shekau.

The headquarters of the group is located in the north-east of Nigeria, in the city of Maiduguri, the administrative center of the state of Borno.

Supporters of Boko Haram belong to the Salafi sect. “Salafis” and “Wahhabis” are supporters of the same trend in Islam, which calls for the purity of early Islam: to focus on the example of the prophet, his companions and righteous ancestors (as-salaf as-salihin - the first three generations of Muslims), to be completely subordinated to religious tradition and the provisions of the Revelation, which is accepted in the form in which it is expressed in the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Members of the sect in mosques pray separately from other Muslims.

The goal of Boko Haram is the complete eradication of the Western way of life and the creation of an Islamic state based on Sharia law in northern Nigeria. Any person, even if he is a Muslim, but does not follow the laws of the sect, is considered "infidel."

The total number of the group reaches, according to some estimates, 30 thousand people.

The main sources of funding for the organization are robberies and funds received as ransoms for hostages. In the structure of the group, there is a detachment that specializes in kidnapping people for ransom.

Only for the period from 2009 to 2013, about 4 thousand people became victims of the group.

The list of Boko Haram atrocities is constantly growing.

On account of extremists explosions in Christian churches, police stations, shopping centers and military facilities. For example, only for one Christmas night from December 24 to 25, 2010 in the Plateau state militants carried out 9 explosions, as a result of which about 80 people died and about 200 were injured; January 20, 2012 as a result of almost 20 explosions in the second largest city of Nigeria Kano killed about 215 people.

Boko Haram carries out assassinations and kidnappings of politically significant figures: on October 6, 2010, the leader of the ruling People's Democratic Party, Avanna Ngala, was killed; In May 2013, former Nigerian oil minister Shettima Ali Monguno was kidnapped in Borno state. He was released after the militants received a ransom of 240,000 euros.

On April 14, 2014, extremists from Boko Haram attacked a school in the city of Shibok in pc. Borno and abducted 276 teenage girls from 12 years old. 53 of them managed to escape, the rest remain in the hands of bandits. On July 6, 2013, they set fire to a boarding school in the state of Yobe. The militants opened fire on the children running out of the school, killing 42 of them.

Boko Haram also uses suicide bombers for attacks: on June 17, 2012, in the cities of Zaria and Kaduna, suicide bombers sent cars filled with dynamite at three Christian churches crowded with people on the occasion of Sunday worship.

On May 5, 2014, 300 local residents were killed by militants in armored vehicles in the city of Gamboru-Ngala (northeast Nigeria); On May 21, 2014, Boko Haram militants attacked several villages in the north of the country, killing about 48 civilians; June 4, 2014 in the villages of Attagara, Amuda and Ngoshe pcs. At least 200 people were killed in Borno in northern Nigeria. This is a partial list of Boko Haram atrocities.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau announced common goals with al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other extremist Islamic groups operating in Afghanistan, Iraq Yemen, Somalia, Syria, northern Mali and Niger, Cameroon and Chad .

On May 22, 2014, the UN extended the international sanctions imposed on Boko Haram against Al-Qaeda and its affiliates to Boko Haram.

Boko Haram is an Islamist terrorist group operating in northern and northeastern Nigeria. The organization was founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2002. He built a religious complex, a mosque and a school where future militants were recruited.

The name of the gang can be translated from Arabic as "Western education is a sin", it consists of two words "boko" (translated from Arabic - "false", radical Islamists designate Western education with this word) and haram ("sin").

In 2015, the militants swore allegiance to the Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation - approx. and took on the new name "Islamic State's West African Province."


Supporters of the group consider Western culture, including education and science, to be a sin. According to the terrorists, in particular, women should never study and wear skirts. Also, Boko Haram supporters do not recognize voting in elections, wearing shirts and trousers, and scientific truths (for example, the water cycle in nature, Darwinism, the sphericity of the Earth), which, in their opinion, are contrary to Islam.

The government of Nigeria, from the point of view of Boko Haram, is "corrupted" by Western ideas and consists of "non-believers", and the leaders of the country are only formally Muslims. In this regard, the current government, according to the leaders of the group, should be overthrown, and Sharia law should be introduced in the country.

According to the organization's understanding of Sharia, sinners should face the most severe punishment both in this life and in the life to come. Therefore, the unrighteous, from the point of view of Boko Haram, Nigerians, must be punished with the help of physical violence.

Ethnic composition

The bulk of the Boko Haram militants are representatives of the Kanuri people. There are over 3 million of them in Nigeria. Most of them are Muslims. In addition, among the militants there are representatives of other African tribes: Fulbe and Chaos.

Gang activity

year 2009 - Mohammed Yusuf attempted a rebellion, the purpose of which was the creation of an Islamic state in the northern part of Nigeria. After that, on July 29, 2009, the police stormed the group's base in Maiduguri. Mohammed Yusuf was arrested by the police and later died under unclear circumstances;

2010 - about 50 supporters of the gang attacked a prison in the city of Bauchi, which contained extremists arrested during the rebellion. 721 out of 759 inmates were released;

2011 - organization of explosions in the city of Damaturu. The target of the attackai are police, military and residents of Christian areas. A total of 150 people died;

2012 attack on Christian communities located in Adamawa state, killing at least 29 people;

2012 - Suicide bombers bombed three churches in Kaduna state; according to the Red Cross, more than 50 people died;

2013 - due to the activities of Boko Haram, the Nigerian government declared a state of emergency in the country;

2014 - a group kidnapped more than 270 schoolgirls from a lyceum in the village of Chibok (Borno state). The attack on the educational institution leader of the organization, Abubakar Shekau, explained that "girls should leave school and get married";

2014 - in the city of Jos (Plateau state) a double terrorist attack was committed, as a result of which more than 160 civilians were killed, more than 55 were injured;

2014 - terrorists captured the city of Buni Yadi and announced the creation of a caliphate in the territory controlled by it;

2015 - burned 16 cities and villages in northern Nigeria in the state of Borno, including the 10,000-strong city of Baga on the shores of Lake Chad, captured several cities.

Government position

An attempt by the Nigerian government to negotiate with the Boko Haram group has so far been unsuccessful. The authorities are conducting full-fledged military operations against the militants using aviation and artillery.

Sharia (translated from Arabic - “way”, “mode of action”) is a set of legal, canonical, traditional, moral, ethical and religious norms of Islam, covering a significant part of the life of a Muslim, one of the forms of religious law.

I think many people have heard about this terrorist organization in the news, but not many people know how it operates specifically and what it wants.

Boko Haram originated in 2002 in the North of Nigeria. Its founder is the Islamic preacher Mohammed Yusuf, who denied the achievements of Western science and culture (in one of the local languages, Boko Haram means “Western education is sinful”). According to this preacher, the idea that the Earth has the shape of a ball, and the water makes a cycle, passing from one state to another, is contrary to Islam.

At the same time, Yusuf believed that all the troubles of Nigeria were connected with the false values ​​that the British colonialists had imposed on his people.

On July 26, 2009, Yusuf launched an uprising aimed at creating a Sharia state. Three days later, the police captured the Boko Haram stronghold, along with its leader, who died the next day under unclear circumstances at the police station.

Well, it would seem that's all?! However, no. The place of the leader was taken by Abubakar Shekau - he made sure that Boko Haram was talked about all over the world. Real terror began - not only Christians, but also overly liberal Muslim preachers became victims of Boko Haram.

Here it is necessary to explain that such countries as Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, Central African Republic and Congo (Brazoville) are very closely interconnected, both economically and culturally. Citizens of these countries freely cross each other's borders. Any event that takes place in one of these countries automatically affects the state of affairs in their neighbors, and, according to Cameroonians, Boko Haram is a real disaster for the entire region.

How does Boko Haram work? I think many people remember the film "Professional" with Belmondo in the title role. There is such an episode when an armed army column enters an African village. Negroes jump out of round houses and run wherever their eyes look. Something like this, leaving all their property, people run away from Boka Haaram, because when the militants enter the village, they kill everyone in a row, without asking who is a Christian and who is a Muslim.

But if someone asks for mercy, they give him a machine gun, from which he shoots his countrymen. Next, the recruit is sent to storm another village. Thus, any member of the group is tied to it by blood.

According to my interlocutors, the Nigerian government did not take any action for a long time, preferring to ignore Boka Haram (all Africans like to accuse their leaders of inaction). People in Nigeria have already taken up their grandfather's spears and bows, and in some cases they themselves rebuffed the terrorists, but their possibilities in this, of course, were limited.

Moreover, even regular Nigerian troops capitulated to the terrorists. There was a case when an entire military unit retreated or rather fled to the territory of Cameroon, where they soon laid down their arms and surrendered to the Cameroonian troops.

As the atrocities escalated into war, the Nigerian government finally approached the militants directly, asking what do you want? Abubakar Shekau rejected the talks without honoring the president with any response. The question is why? The answer means he gets strong and powerful support.

At the moment, his organization is armed with the most modern French and American weapons. The backbone of Boka Haram are notorious thugs who have been well trained.

Northern Nigeria is said to be literally depopulated. The people are fleeing to neighboring Cameroon, whose authorities have set up refugee camps. If earlier people freely went to visit each other, now, if a relative came from neighboring Nigeria, it is necessary to report this to the police, who will send the brother, mother or sister to a special camp where the person will be checked for involvement in Boka Haram.

In some cases, such measures make it possible to identify intelligence fighters or simply terrorists who want to break with Boka Haram. However, by and large, this does not bring results, and it causes terrible inconveniences, such as curfews, for example. After 20:00, local residents cannot get to their hometown, and are forced to spend the night in the fields. At the same time, tourism was completely stopped in the North of Cameroon, due to which many people lived.

The President of Chad expressed the general idea - to create a joint army and start fighting on the territory of Nigeria.

Create a joint army?! Do Africans even have one?

For example, when I had a chance to talk with the commandant of the Faro district in the rank of captain, I found out that the captain belongs to the Airborne Forces, and during his career he has .... scary to think ... as many as two parachute jumps. And this is the elite of their armed forces !!!

Vysotsky was right: How can a schoolboy fight with the best punks?

So the regular military units retreat before the terrorists. Aircraft are already being used. On December 31, 2014, Cameroonian aircraft bombed terrorists who had invaded its territory. Bombed then bombed, reported, but this most likely did not give results.

Subsequently, our driver Bishair told us how on February 19, 2014, terrorists captured his friends - a French family. This case was in the center of world news, which is why the family was released after 2 days (for money).

But Nigerian girls were much less fortunate. In April 2014, in the town of Chibok, about 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped right from the college. Further, in another city, the extremists abducted about 150 more girls (subsequently 57 managed to escape, but they did not understand where they were).

Why were girls kidnapped from college? Extremists believe that women can only be educated in the mosque. In any case, after that, the world was finally puzzled by the problem of Boka Haram.

In May 2014, the United Nations Security Council designated Boka Haaram as a terrorist organization.

And what about the captured girls? A wave of protests began in Nigeria and around the world. People demanded that the children be released, even Michelle Obama called for the speedy release of schoolgirls.

However, this did not give any results. The seizures and killings continued. In November 2014, Abubakar Shekau released on videotape announcing that all the schoolgirls had converted to Islam, got married and were now pregnant. According to my interlocutors, when they see this person on TV, each time they note his obvious inadequacy.

And what about the world community? How did the Good Empire respond to the challenge of the terrorists? She proposed to place her military base in Nigeria to fight Boka Haram.

Stop! This is precisely what Africans fear most of all - and here one can draw a devastatingly clear conclusion why the terrorists have the most modern American and French weapons, and why they do not negotiate.

In the former French Africa, everything is very difficult. All these countries are closely connected with France, which used them before as colonies. The inhabitants of central Africa are unusually active politically, in any case, world politics and especially the foreign policy of France, like football, are a favorite topic of conversation.

And if the French show their news in this region, prioritizing good and evil, then the Africans go from the opposite - bad for France, then good for us, they apply such assessments in the state of affairs with Russia. Africa is the eternal opposition of Europe, but there are reasons for this.

Under Sarkozy, there was such a case in Chad. The military of this country blocked the plane ready for takeoff. On board in large numbers were local children, whom the French husband and wife tried to take to France. The thieves were arrested. After 4 days, Sarkozy flew to Chad, asking to extradite his compatriots to him, publicly promising to condemn them in France. The Africans gave up the attackers, but Sarkozy did not keep his word. The Africans continued to resent, but the husband and wife were convicted only under the next president.

Africans are sure that the West is testing their medicines on them, and their children are being kidnapped for organs.

So the question is, will Africans want to host a military base of the French or Americans to fight incomprehensible terrorists? Naturally not.

The situation is clearly at an impasse. There is no clear front line either in Cameroon or in Chad, but the fighting is going on. Boka Haram makes forays wherever he wants, and at the same time, the North of Nigeria is her fiefdom.

As of May 2014, more than 10,000 people have died at the hands of this terrorist organization.
Recently, Boka Haram has also been using suicide bombers. In the first ten days of January in Nigeria, a kamikaze girl entered her classroom and set off an explosive device - 20 classmates died with her.

Now, when we have already returned to Moscow, a message has come from Bishair - Boka Haram is operating already 30 km away. from his house. The people are in a terrible panic. People are leaving everything, trying to move already in Cameroon itself to safer areas.
Thus, another area is being organized in the world where you can make war.

Let's hope for the best!

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحي م

1. Boko Haram is an Islamic movement in Nigeria that was founded by Islamic scholar Muhammad Yusuf in 2002. in the city of Maiduguri, the capital of the state of Borno in northeastern Nigeria. The movement later spread to other northern provinces. In some studies, Muhammad Yusuf is described as a Salafi who was strongly influenced by the thoughts of Ibn Taymiyyah. It is mentioned that Muhammad Yusuf studied under his father, who was a faqih and teacher of Qur'an. Apparently, Muhammad Yusuf is a sincere person who decided to come out for the sake of Islam, he was an influential person, and his followers spread to various provinces of Nigeria. Nigeria's secular regime saw his appeal as a threat to itself.

An observer of Muhammad Yusuf and his followers will see that the name Boko Haram (meaning "ban on Western enlightenment" in Hausa) was not given by Muhammad Yusuf or his followers, but was given by others as a result of the group's call for a ban. Western enlightenment. Some say that the name of the group is "Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa", while others say that the name of the group is "Harakat Ahlus Sunnah li dawat wal jihad" (Movement of Summons and Jihad of the People of the Sunnah), and still others say that the name of the group is - "People dedicated to spreading the teachings of the Prophet." But the political establishment and the media call the group "Boko Haram" because. the group demands Islamic enlightenment, the application of its laws, and works to ban the manifestation of any sin in the country. The influence of Muhammad Yusuf and his followers extends to almost all northern provinces. He and his followers were forced into hiding by threats of attacks from the security forces of the former President Obasanjo's regime. He and his followers began to show themselves after 2006, entering into a bitter confrontation with the secular regime of Nigeria, demanding the implementation of Islam throughout the country. Apparently, Muhammad Yusuf did not call for violence or the use of weapons as a method of his conscription, on the contrary, he insisted that the conscription should be conducted peacefully. This is reinforced by the fact that, although he was arrested, he was released due to the lack of any evidence that he or his group had been involved in the violence. The people openly accepted his call, and he taught them. He stopped calling those infidels who refused his call. He owns the words: "I believe that Islamic law should be established in Nigeria, and throughout the world, if possible, but this should happen through dialogue."

All this clearly indicates that the beginning of this movement was non-violent.

2. It is believed that the formation of Boko Haram was influenced by social and economic factors since, with the participation of England in 1903. The Sokoto Caliphate, which ruled the country for more than 100 years, was destroyed. Nigeria is a country in which Muslims make up 70% of the indigenous population. In the northern region, Muslims make up the vast majority of the population - 90%. The total population of the country is 150 million people. Therefore, the task of various successful Muslim groups and organizations was to prohibit everything that is Western. These goals subsequently expanded to

the spread of Islam in the north and the implementation of Sharia law.

Islamic roots have been firmly established over the centuries. Islam entered the Kano region in the north of the country in the early 7th century and spread to the Hausa and Faulani regions of northern and central Nigeria through trade relations. Islam spread rapidly in the middle of the 10th century through scholars from Spain (Andalusia). In the Sharia courts of Nigeria, the madhhab of Imam Maliki is used, the majority of Muslims are Sunnis. Even today, Muslims proudly remember the Sokoto Caliphate, which was established in northern Nigeria in the 9th century by Osman Dan Fodio, known as Osman ibn Fodio.

It is clear that various Islamic groups and organizations of various orientations have arisen due to the Islamic atmosphere in northern Nigeria. The intense enthusiasm for Islam in the northern provinces forced successive secular federal regimes to agree to the implementation of some parts of the Islamic Sharia in the 12 provinces, even if this implementation was partial.

It was in this atmosphere that the Boko Haram movement, organized in 2002, arose in northern Nigeria. Muhammad Yusuf and a group of students who studied Shariah.

Boko Haram began as an organization opposed to Western enlightenment and working to restore Islam. The organization's spokesman, Abu Abdurrahman, told the BBC on June 21, 2001: “Our goals are wider than those we set out when we created the organization, namely the fight against Western enlightenment. Today we are demanding the establishment of an Islamic state that is not based on democratic rule. In the northern states, Sharia is not implemented in the true sense. In 2004 the group called for the establishment of an Islamic state and the implementation of Islamic Sharia throughout Nigeria.

3. As we mentioned above, their actions were not violent, on the contrary, they called for dialogue and presented their Islamic views using peaceful means. However, the Nigerian secular regime treated them with all the cruelty, and this influenced the change in the group's policy towards violence.

A: After the number of followers of the group in the northern regions increased and they began to call people to Islam by presenting Islamic views to them and entering into dialogue with them, the secular regime was afraid that more and more people were accepting the views of the movement that calls for the implementation of Islam. Therefore, the government began to pursue a cruel policy against the movement. People were shocked by satellite footage showing security forces killing dozens of members of the group in cold blood. Also, the Islamic Ummah was shocked by the news of the murder of Muhammad Yusuf in the dungeons of the security services after his arrest.

The attacks on the groups were extremely brutal and barbaric, in addition to the assassination of the leader of the movement, which revealed the regime's intense hatred of Islam and its followers. At the end of July 2009 Regime forces raided the movement's headquarters and killed hundreds of followers in an extremely barbaric manner. As a result of the mass genocide, 700 people died and 3,500 people were forced to become refugees. The security services arrested Muhammad Yusuf and shot him hours later, claiming he was trying to escape. No one believes the government's claims, even Human Rights Watch, which rarely takes the side of Muslims, protested against these heinous actions, saying: "The extrajudicial killing of Yusuf in the police office is a shocking example of the shameless violation of the law by the Nigerian police in the name of the rule of law."

B: On top of that, Muslims have been denied political rights for many years. The ruling secular "Democratic People's Party", created by former President Obasanjo (1999-2007), an agent of America, has announced a policy of pacification of Muslims. This policy has been abolished by current President Jonathan. The policy implied a rotation of power between the Muslim majority and the Christian minority, which, in fact, equalized the majority and the minority, and this caused the wrath of the Muslims. President Umar Musa Yar'Adua died in 2010. in the second year of his 4-year term, and in accordance with the policy of pacification of Muslims, it was understood that the current president of Nigeria was to be a Muslim. But the ruling "Democratic People's Party" nominated not a Muslim, but a Christian, Goodluck Jonathan, for the presidency. Naturally, Jonathan won the election, because. the ruling party was in power and could influence the outcome of the election. This led to chaos during the April 2011 elections in which 800 people died, mostly Muslims.

All this resulted in further rejection of Jonathan in the northern provinces. There were Muslim protests, which the regime brutally suppressed. Special forces battalion killed 23 people in an explosion in a store in the center of Maiduguri on July 24, 2011. Amnesty International noted that "special forces were brought into the city before the explosion, and they brutally killed many people" - and demanded that President Jonathan stop breaking the law, violating human rights, and not allowing the police and military to do what they whatever they please. There are indications that the regime was involved in these bombings and fabricated stories to achieve a goal in the service of American interests. It is appropriate to mention here that the newly elected President Jonathan on July 7, 2010. signed a strategic agreement with the United States on issues of homeland security, economics, development, health, democracy, human rights and cooperation in the field of regional security.

4. All these events - the persecution of a peaceful Islamic organization that engages in conscription, the murder of its leader in the most malicious way in the police office, the persecution of Muslims protesting against the regime's violation of the presidential rotation agreement, and much more - led the group to resort to to violence, especially after the special forces raid in July 2009. and the assassination of its leader Muhammad Yusuf on July 30, 2009.

The group has been portrayed in the media as violent:

In September 2010 hundreds of prisoners who were members of this group were released from Maiduguri prison.

Thus, participation in these explosions of international forces along with the Jonathan regime is not excluded, and the blaming of Boko Haram is done to justify security agreements and plunder the country's oil wealth under the pretext of providing support in the face of terrorism.

As we have already mentioned, a representative of the movement stated that most of the murders attributed to the organization are not actually connected to it.

6. In fact, the brutal crimes committed by the state against the movement caused acts of violence. Moreover, sometimes the state itself carried out these explosions, and so on. And after that, they blamed Boko Haram to justify the intervention of the colonial powers in Nigeria. In the future, these colonialists began to declare that the organization was associated with Al-Qaeda. In fact, it was they who presented Boko Haram as a threat to the world, as if the group had a fleet, military aircraft and tanks!

For example, General Carter F. Ham, commander of US forces in Africa (Africom troops; created in 2008) stated on August 17, 2011. during a meeting with Nigerian military and security officials: "Many sources say that Boko Haram is coordinating with al-Qaeda in West African Muslim countries." He added that this coordination poses a serious threat not only to Africa but to the entire world. In another statement, he said: "In fact, Boko Haram's links with other separatist organizations in Africa are of great interest to us" (AFP, 05/20/2011). Echoing the Africom commander, a Nigerian government spokesman, pointing to the type of bombs that were used last month, said that while there was no concrete evidence, he was convinced that Boko Haram had links with al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb” (AFP, 05/20/2011).

In an interview broadcast on the Internet on August 24, 2011, William Strausberg, a US State Department official, said: "It is well known that the Obama administration has made a decision to help the Nigerian government counter the illegal activities of terrorist groups in the country." Other countries such as Britain and Israel have also offered assistance to the Nigerian military. All this is being done to strengthen the position of these countries, in particular America, in order to maintain control in Nigeria under the pretext of helping in the fight against terrorism.

7. Superpowers lie when they assure the world community that they are helping Nigeria. All they care about is the country's oil wealth. It was oil that caused the artificial intensification of the conflict by these countries, especially America, to justify their influence in Nigeria. Nigeria is the 12th country in terms of oil production among OPEC countries, the 8th country among the largest exporters and the 10th country in terms of oil reserves. The American Petroleum News Agency suggests that Nigeria's oil reserves range between 16 and 22 billion barrels, while other studies put the figure between 30-35 billion barrels. Since 2001 Nigeria's oil production is 2.2 million barrels per day, while it can be as high as 3 million barrels per day. Oil exploration in Nigeria plays a significant role in the country's economy and accounts for 80% of income. Nigeria is a member of OPEC. Oil is located in the state of Delta, which is 20 thousand square meters in area. km. Oil plays an important role in the economic and political life of the country. The land of Nigeria is rich, located in the tropical zone and abundant in water resources, as well as offshore islands. 90 percent of oil is exported from this region. Along with this, Nigeria has three times more gas reserves than oil reserves.

In order to maintain control over Nigerian oil, the superpowers stage acts of violence and blame Boko Haram for this, and then, under the pretext of what they call terrorism, sign agreements with Nigeria in the military and security spheres in order to pave the way for the actual intervention and obtaining control over oil wealth. Consequently, not all acts of violence committed both before and after the elections are necessarily committed by Boko Haram. Many of these may be related to conflict between local parties associated with outside forces, while some may be related to anti-terrorism policies. In order to create a military foothold in Nigeria, the US announced a policy of combating terrorism in Africa during the Bush Jr. period, similar to how it was done around the world, under the pretext of which Afghanistan and Iraq were occupied. In Nigeria, things follow a similar pattern. This is not done for the sake of establishing peace in the country or the prosperity of the Nigerians, on the contrary, Nigerian oil and only oil is in the first place. In addition, Nigeria is a strategic region, because. is the most populous country on the African continent. From Nigeria, these superpowers can spread to neighboring countries to provoke unrest among the peoples in accordance with their policy of creating "militant warring factions" and then controlling these countries.

The least that these countries are burdened with is aid to Nigeria. On the contrary, their goal is to plunder its resources and wealth.

8. As stated above, Boko Haram's appeal was originally peaceful and remained so during the time of Muhammad Yusuf (may Allah have mercy on him). As a result of his brutal murder and inhumane attacks on Muslims in general, and this group in particular, the group was forced to take up arms. She was forced to do it, and fundamentally she is not violent. If the government stops violence against this group, it will most likely return to its original non-violent appeal.

However, the Jonathan regime, which is effectively acting on behalf of the US, is stepping up its bloody attacks on the group to further provoke them. Moreover, in order to serve American interests, the regime is holding Boko Haram responsible for the bombings of its own, in order to justify injecting US influence instead of British influence, and establishing hegemony over the country's oil wealth, some of which is pocketed by Jonathan and his entourage.

In conclusion, we want to give the group two pieces of advice:

First: Learn the Sharia way of establishing an Islamic state, namely the Righteous Caliphate, and follow the method of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in this matter and return to non-violent invocation, so as not to leave any reason for the superpowers, in particular for America, and the government of Jonathan, which cooperates with these powers. With this, Boko Haram will be able to thwart the plot of the US, Britain and the Nigerian government against Muslim land, who want to make it the theater of their intervention and plunder its riches.

Second: We advise Boko Haram to carefully screen those who join the ranks of the organization in order to close the door on proteges of America or England who, having entered the group, commit violent acts, and the blame for them falls on the entire group.


1. This group was formed in 2002. Islamic scholar Muhammad Yusuf (may Allah have mercy on him) who wanted to work on the path of Islam in Nigeria with the help of this group.

2. The group began with a call to ban Western enlightenment, and later expanded its activities to call for the implementation of Shariah.

3. The group began as a peaceful organization until the authorities intensified attacks on this group, starting from the period of the reign of Jonathan, who hates Muslims and Islam, just like America. As a result of these attacks on July 30, 2009. the Amir of the group was killed. All this prompted the group to use violence.

4. The group was accused of acts of violence and explosions. Some of them were carried out by the group in self-defense, while others were staged by the state and agents of the superpowers, in particular the US and Britain, who are vying for influence in Nigeria. This was done in order to justify their intervention in Nigeria under the pretext of helping to fight terrorism, to establish peace and protect the country.

5. The Jonathan regime is trying to create the conditions for a civil war between Muslims and Christians by attacking mosques and churches. This is supported by his statement on January 8, 2012, given that the current leader of Boko Haram, Abu Bakr Muhammad Shekau, clarified on January 12, 2012 that "the group is not involved in these attacks" and added that "they are killing Muslims and Christians and blame it on the group to turn the Nigerians away from us.”

6. The superpowers, especially the United States, which has established hegemony over Nigeria due to the fact that Jonathan is their agent, as well as Britain, which previously controlled Nigeria, are not interested in helping Nigeria, nor in establishing peace. They compete with each other for control of the country's oil and turning Nigeria into a foothold for mastering the entire African continent.

7. We advise our Boko Haram brothers to study the Sharia path of establishing an Islamic State Caliphate contained in the Sirah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and return to a non-violent method so that the superpowers and the Nigerian regime have no reason to exploit these violent acts and justification for intervention in Nigeria, which will increase their influence in the country.

We also advise them to carefully check the people who join their ranks so that they are not infiltrated by agents of the superpowers to carry out violent actions. So that this does not give rise to the subsequent accusation of violence against the group.

Indeed, Allah (Holy and Great is He) helps those who help Him, He is the Almighty.


It seems to me a very interesting article, analysis and information. The situation was approximately similar with the "Ikhwans" in Egypt and with many other Islamic movements.

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