Crimea in early June where it is warmer. Rest in Crimea in June: weather, features, pros and cons. Where better to relax: the warmest place on the sea

Since May, Crimea has been hospitably welcoming all those who dream of a vacation by the sea. However, at this time, mainly climbers and tourists come here who are determined to actively spend time, going around all the sights of the peninsula. After all, usually in spring the weather is not yet conducive to swimming in the sea and doing nothing on the beach. But a vacation in the Crimea in June may well come down to a lazy pastime on the coast under the hot sun. It is in the first summer month that all cafes, restaurants, hotels and guest houses open on the peninsula. Everywhere, wherever you look, tourists are greeted with hospitable smiles and friendly greetings. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, then plan your vacation in the Crimea at the beginning of summer. In June you can get much more pleasant experience from vacation than at any other time of the year. And we will prove it to you now.

A few words about Crimea

The Crimean coast offers tourists many options for recreation. You can go to the Black Sea or the Sea of ​​Azov, choose pebble beaches or sandy, wild or well-equipped ones, and you can stay in small cozy villages or recognized resort centers for accommodation. In any case, you will experience a lot positive emotions, because, for example, if you have your own car, all the cherished corners of the peninsula will be available to you. And you, based on your own experience, will choose the most suitable resorts and settlements.

In Crimea, there is a fairly wide choice of housing - for every taste and budget. Among tourists, guest houses and renting rooms in the private sector are very popular. This is usually not too expensive, especially at the beginning of summer, when there are not so many vacationers yet. Another category of travelers prefers to stay in modern hotels or health resorts with full range services, including healing procedures. There are also budget tourists who break on wild beaches and enjoy their piece of freedom.

You can come to Crimea at any time of the year, you can always have a great rest here, despite the weather and the calendar. But still, it is summer that is the very season during which the peninsula receives several million tourists. Many people are afraid to come here at the very beginning of summer, but in fact, a vacation in the Crimea in June has a lot of advantages, which we will tell you about now.

Crimean peninsula in the first pluses of rest

Those who are thinking about when to go on vacation should take an interest in how experienced travelers describe their vacation in Crimea in June. Reviews, I must say, are extremely positive and enthusiastic. Thanks to these comments, you can easily identify the advantages of such a holiday:

  • Minimum number of vacationers. Mothers with small children have not yet arrived at the resorts, who will begin to occupy all the beaches starting from mid-summer.
  • Low housing prices. Since the season only opens in June, the cost of living remains extremely low. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of the month, when you can rent a room in a decent guest house for only five hundred rubles a day. Closer to July, the price may increase two and a half times.
  • Pure water. Everyone knows that by August the sea water becomes very cloudy due to the constant presence of a large number of people in it. A vacation in the Crimea in June will give you a crystal clear and transparent sea, which will be so nice to plunge into.
  • No sweltering heat. In the first month of summer, you can comfortably see all the main attractions, because you will not be disturbed by the heat. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to go to the mountains and other interesting places where it is difficult to be at a temperature of forty degrees above zero.
  • Great tan. Yes, don't be surprised. During a holiday in the Crimea in June, the weather will definitely surprise you with an incredibly gentle sun, which will give you amazing beautiful shade sunburn without burns and redness.

Of course, we have not listed all the benefits. Crimean holiday in the first month of summer. But we think that they are enough to show how beneficial such a vacation is in all respects.

Where to go to Crimea at the beginning of summer

Despite the fact that the peninsula is quite small, the climate in its different parts differs significantly. Therefore, it is worth choosing those places where it is warmest in June.

If you are planning a vacation in Crimea with children in June, then go to the Sea of ​​​​Azov, where the water warms up much faster than in the Black Sea. You should stay in Kerch or Schelkovo - there is an excellent choice of boarding houses and guesthouses at quite affordable prices.

Traditionally, in the southern part it is milder, and the real summer comes already at the end of May. Therefore, it is worth going on vacation to Feodosia or, for example, to Here in June there will be even quite hot weather with little rainfall.

The western coast of the peninsula is also ideal for a June vacation in the Crimea. Here the water usually warms up very quickly, and the lack strong winds does not allow it to mix with the deep layers. It is better to have a rest in Evpatoria or Tarkhankut.

Keep in mind that wherever you go, you can swim and sunbathe everywhere. However, it is worth considering some nuances, which we will now tell you about.

Rest in Crimea in June: weather reviews (air temperature)

In the first month of summer in Crimea, it is already significantly warmer than in May. During the day, the sun heats the air up to twenty-six degrees, and in the evenings it is still quite cool, which, however, makes walking in cafes and restaurants comfortable.

Those tourists who prefer to come to the peninsula in June say that the first summer month is best time for recreation in the Crimea. The weather allows you to sunbathe, swim and spend time comfortably in the city, as well as on various excursions. Years are known when the air temperature in June reached the mark of thirty-five degrees Celsius. But this is more of a weather anomaly than a common occurrence. But, judging by the reviews, tourists can count on an air temperature of 25-30 degrees above zero.

Water temperature

In the first month of summer, vacationers quite often swim in the sea, but keep in mind that during a holiday in the Crimea in early June, the water temperature will not rise above twenty degrees. Usually it ranges from eighteen to twenty degrees Celsius. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that swimming will be a little refreshing, but this has its own special charm.

By mid-June, the Black Sea warms up to twenty-five degrees, and in Azov the water temperature can reach twenty-eight degrees above zero. Therefore, experienced travelers are advised to go with the kids to the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, especially at the beginning of the month.

Rain in June

On the entire coast of Crimea, rains in June are a fairly common occurrence. However, they are never long and cold. Usually it's raining a few hours, and after it warm and sunny weather sets in.

AT different parts the peninsula has its average number of rainy days. For example, in Yalta there are about six of them per month, and in Feodosia - four. It rains the least in Sevastopol - only one day, and the rainiest June is in Alushta and Gurzuf. Here, showers last nine and ten days, respectively.

Water runoff

If you want to go to the Crimea, then do not forget about such a phenomenon as "water runoff". This is due to frequent strong winds in some parts of the peninsula. Thanks to the winds, the heated water mixes with the deep cold layers, and it becomes simply impossible to swim. Usually during this phenomenon, the sea temperature drops by ten degrees. The water run-off lasts no more than six days, during which time the sea warms up again, and tourists start swimming with pleasure.

What to do on the Crimean peninsula in the first summer month?

For those who are planning a vacation in the Crimea in early June, the reviews analyzed by us will help you make a list of things to do in case of adverse weather. So, what to do if you caught a surge of water or the sun does not want to peek out from behind the clouds?

Definitely walk and go on excursions. Vacationers can go for a ride on horseback or decide on a hiking route through the mountains. It is also interesting to travel around the resorts of Crimea by bicycle. You can rent this transport in various offices that rent sports equipment.

AT cloudy weather good for excursions. For example, in Sevastopol you can go to Balaklava, and in Koktebel you can master a hang glider and admire the surroundings from a bird's eye view. If you are lucky enough to be in Sudak, then the mysterious Meganom, the Royal Beach and at any resort you will find how to have fun and usefully spend time if the weather brings you down for a few days.

Conclusion: is it still worth going to Crimea in June

There are quite a few reviews of tourists about their vacation on the peninsula at the beginning of summer. Therefore, it is easy to form an opinion whether it is worth going here in June. Based on numerous comments, we can say that in the first summer month you can go to the Crimea to people who prefer leisure and strive to get maximum amount impressions. Mothers with children should go to the Sea of ​​Azov in the second half of the month, when the water temperature will be most comfortable for babies. But for those for whom the purpose of the vacation is swimming and sunbathing, it is necessary to postpone the rest until the end of June or the beginning of July.

Isn't it too early to go to rest in Crimea in June? This question invariably worries those who have a vacation in the first summer month. Won't a vacation in June at sea be spoiled by the vagaries of the weather and won't you have to overpay for hotel services? For those who are going to visit Crimean peninsula in the first month of summer, do not worry about these and many other troubles. Crimea in June is beautiful!

Nature lovers will be pleased with the lush flowering of trees, and fans of beach holidays will be pleased with the already warmed sea ​​water. It is important to note that in June there are not so many tourists visiting Crimea as in the following summer months. Schoolchildren and students have not yet completed their studies, so popular resorts quite a bit of noisy youth and vacationers with children. Thousands of experienced tourists note that holiday in june at sea is the best, this period can be safely called the second "velvet season". Clean and not yet overcrowded beaches will definitely appeal to travelers who prefer to spend most of their time on the coast. Like rest in the Crimea in June and those who love hiking. In the first summer month, even at the height of the day, there is still no sweltering heat, so you can stroll through the picturesque places of the Crimean peninsula and explore local attractions in an atmosphere of complete comfort. Are you still wondering if it is worth visiting Crimea in the first summer month? Holidays in June are guaranteed to be comfortable, eventful and full of new experiences.

Prices and reviews for holidays in the Crimea in June.

Travelers traveling to the Crimean peninsula in June will be pleasantly surprised by affordable prices for the services of local hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses. Traditionally, prices reach their peak level at the height of the summer season - July and August, when the most tourists rest in the resorts and it is not easy to find a free room even in an expensive hotel.

Numerous positive reviews about holidays in Crimea in June are another confirmation that the rest at this time of the year is not only comfortable and interesting, but also affordable from a material point of view. Negative Feedback about the rest, which can be found on various travel portals, are usually associated with a relatively small selection of entertainment venues. Indeed, not all restaurants, nightclubs and discos are still open at this time of the year; Crimea in June is very calm and harmonious.

Weather in Crimea in June

The weather for the upcoming vacation is specified by literally all travelers going to the Crimea. The weather in June on the Crimean peninsula is never too hot. During the daytime, the average air temperature is 23°C, and at night the temperature rarely drops below 14°C. Weather in Crimea in June always dry and sunny, so don't worry that a sudden rain or cold snap will ruin your vacation plans.

Sea water temperature in Crimea in june

Many mistakenly believe that temperature sea ​​water in Crimea in June still uncomfortable for a full beach holiday. In the first days of the summer month, it really is about 20 ° C, but the sea at this time of the year warms up literally by leaps and bounds.

Every summer, millions of vacationers come to Crimea, and not only from countries former USSR but also from Poland, Germany. Since the beginning holiday season Crimea comes to life: entertainment centers, summer cafes and bars, souvenir shops, etc. are opening. The beaches are gradually filled with excited vacationers, wines flow like water.

In large resort towns, such as Yalta, Alushta, discos are open until the morning. Of course, such a holiday will appeal to young people.

Of the shortcomings summer holidays in Crimea, it is worth noting the prices, which already at the end of May begin to grow rapidly, and literally for everything.

Weather and water temperature in Crimea in June

Even at the end of spring, summer holidays are established in the Crimean resorts. warm weather, and June continues to delight vacationers with pleasant warmth. Toward the end of the first summer month, the thermometer slowly rises to 30-23 degrees. It should be noted that until the middle of summer it does not rise higher. Excessive heat has not yet set in and it is still easy and comfortable to breathe.

In early June, everything is still green around, grasses and trees are blooming. June is a popular time for hiking, but hats and sun protection should be taken care of. Also, when you go hiking, take plenty of drinking water with you.

In the second half of the month, it begins to enjoy special popularity. beach holiday. The water in the Black Sea has managed to warm up to 22 degrees, which is conducive to water activities and swimming.

The advantage of a holiday in June will also be a relatively small flow of tourists, especially at the beginning of the month. If you have the opportunity to go to the Crimea at the beginning of summer - use it!

Weather and water temperature in Crimea in July
The most popular month for holidays in Crimea is July. The ruthless sun and humidity do not frighten those wishing to spend their holidays on the Black Sea coast. The weather in Crimea in July is really very hot. During the day, the thermometer column calmly stays at around +40, and by the end of the month this temperature is already in the shade, and even higher in the sun.

Nights, alas, will not give the long-awaited coolness, so when going on vacation, it is advisable to find accommodation with air conditioning. Despite such weather, July is full of tourists. Perhaps they are attracted by the warm sea, which warms up to 24-25 degrees by the middle of summer, so most vacationers prefer to splash in the sea from morning to evening with a break only for lunch. Taking with you sunscreen and an umbrella, you can spend the day in a state of relaxation.

Hiking and excursions in July are almost not popular. Firstly, walking in 40-45 degree heat is a dubious pleasure, and secondly, there is a great risk of getting heat or sunstroke.

Weather and water temperature in Crimea in August

August is considered to be the hottest Crimean month. Most vacationers go to the Crimea, fleeing the city's smog and hot asphalt, and end up in an even stronger heat. In the first half, the air temperature reaches +40 degrees, and at noon it is better not to stick your nose out into the street at all, since you can get burned even in the water. At night and in the shade a little cooler, but only a little. There is no wind during this period and it is quite difficult to breathe.

You can hide from the heat only on the seashore, where the air is still fresher. In August, the water temperature in the Black Sea is 26-27 degrees. Now is the best time to practice water sports sports: diving, water skiing, etc.

Another advantage of resting in the Crimea in August is the abundance of fresh juicy fruits that are sold here literally at every step.

The arrival of summer in Crimea instantly enlivens the peninsula, filling it with tourists from all over the world. It is in June that the establishments of the tourism industry begin to work actively: nightclubs, water parks, thematic museums, and tour agencies. The first month of summer pleases with pleasant weather in all respects: the sweltering heat is still far away, but the spring rains are already behind us. Clear days are setting in with a refreshing breeze.

Characteristic features of the Crimean weather in June

The main difference between June and the rest summer months- the absence of the scorching sun and stuffiness. Thanks to such advantages, tourists come to Crimea in the summer for recovery and their portion. solar radiation without harm to the skin and cardiovascular system.

The weather conditions are generally wonderful, comfortable for all categories of vacationers. The swimming season is open, but the beaches are not yet filled to capacity. The excitement begins by the end of the month, when the sea has time to warm up enough.

Air temperature

The temperature regime directly depends on the area of ​​​​the peninsula where you are going to spend your vacation.

  • - In June, it is hottest in the west and in the resorts of the northern coast. There, the average for the month reaches a mark slightly above 26 degrees Celsius.
  • - The golden mean is the southern and eastern coast, where the average ranges from 24 to 25 degrees.
  • - The coolest is in the steppe and mountainous part of the peninsula, but this area cannot be called popular among tourists.

Water temperature

All tourists who come to Crimea can visit two seas at once during their vacation - the Black and Azov.

  • - Black Sea coast considered colder, as it has more undercurrents, and the depth off the coast is more impressive. The water warms up to comfortable temperature only by the middle of July.
  • - If you want to open bathing season in June, go to the Sea of ​​Azov. Already at the beginning of summer, the water here warms up to 22 degrees Celsius due to the shallow coast.

Humidity and precipitation

In June, the average number of rainy days per month ranges from 1 to 11 depending on the region.

  • - The driest June is observed in Balaklava, Andreevka, Kacha, Olenevka, Orlovka, Sevastopol, Uchkuevka and Cape Fiolent.
  • - If you don't like dry summers and want to catch a couple of refreshing rains, come to the vicinity of Ai-Petri, Kazantip, Primorsky, Ordzhonikidze, Feodosia or Yurkino.
  • - Wetter air and rain every third day await you in Simferopol, Rybachy, Professor's Corner, Partenit, Gurzuf, Belogorsk and Alushta.


The strongest and fastest winds in Crimea occur during winter, autumn and spring, so summer cannot be called windy. The peninsula in summer is characterized by light sea breezes, which arise due to the difference in air temperature on land and at sea. During the day they blow in the direction from the sea to the land, and at night - vice versa. On hot days they bring coolness, and in the evening they subside for 2-3 hours, creating ideal conditions for walks.

Weather forecast for June 2019 in Crimea

The table below shows preliminary forecast air temperature in the Crimea for June 2019. Since this time is still a few months away, the figures are calculated based on statistics collected over the past five years.

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