Excursion to the area of ​​the river Bazaikha. Geological essay - museum of geology of Central Siberia Nearest bus stations, railway stations, bus stops

- the right tributary of the Yenisei. Presumably, its name comes from the ancient Kamasin language. "Abazai" means "iron" and "aha" - "river". Subsequently, the suffix "aga" was Russified and began to be used in speech as "ikha". According to linguists, this hydronym needs additional research. ("Toponymy of Siberia and Far East". Kr-sk: "Letter C", 2008).

Until about the middle of the last century, the river was raftable, with large quantity dams. Numerous logs accumulated at its bottom, and the current carried wood debris.

Bazaikha originates on the Krasnoyarsk ridge (Kusuymsky mountains) at an altitude of 660 meters above sea level. Its length is about 126 km, and the basin area is 1000 km2. The fall of the river is about 3.3 m per 1 km. The width of the floodplain is from 38 to 252 m, and the channels are 12-35 m. The depth is from 0.5 to 2.5 m. With the onset of frost, the river freezes, and by the end of winter, the ice thickness in some places reaches 80 cm. Water temperature in May it reaches +3+10 degrees, in July and August +17+19 degrees, and in September +11+13 degrees. Fish such as grayling, pike, lenok, dace live here, and taimen is found in its upper reaches.

In the middle and, especially, in the lower reaches, branches and islands formed in some places of the channel. Bazaikha has 34 main tributaries: left - 21 and right - 13. The largest of them include such streams and rivers as: Yakhontov, Mishkin, Voskresenka, Kiprin, Korbik (21 km) Mokhovoy (5 km), Kaltat (20 km ), Sytkul, Namurt, Big Inzhul (13 km), Tartun, Zhistyk.

Almost the entire Basaikha basin is located in the mountains. Its left-bank part is the rocks of the Takmakov region: Ermak, Storozhevoy, Maly Berkut, Chinese wall, Sparrows, one of the many bizarre syenite formations known to the whole world as "Pillars". The right bank is adorned by the Tograshensky ridge.

The right and left parts of the Bazaikha valley look unusual and beautiful in contrast. The southern side of the Torgashinsky ridge attracts with steep and rocky treeless slopes, creating the impression of a harsh mountain landscape, and the Kuysumsky mountains are gentle, covered with taiga forest.

The Bazaikha river valley is one of the most beautiful and amazing places not only Krasnoyarsk, but, perhaps, all of Siberia. Here you can see bizarre shapes of rocks, outcrops of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. In the limestones of the Torgashinsky Range there are fossils of ancient marine organisms that lived many millions of years ago, such as archaeocyath, trilobite. Here on the ridge there is the famous Arch (Through Cave) and the rock formation "Red Comb". Both objects are included in the list mysterious places Russia.

On the river there are such settlements as Erlykovka, Upper Bazaikha, Zhistik. It is no coincidence that it is in the Bazaikha valley that there are many recreation centers, health resorts and hotel complexes.

The nearest viewing points, where magnificent views of the river valley open up, are Mount Vyshka and Divan Gora, which complete the watershed of the Yenisei and Bazaikha.
And from a bird's eye view, you can look at these beauties thanks to the chairlift, which operates all year round on the territory of the world-class sports and recreation park located nearby - the Beaver Log Fun Park.

At the mouth of Bazaikha in the second half of the 17th century, a village of the same name was formed, included in 1931 within the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk. By the way, it should be added that most of the sights and objects described are located within the city limits of Krasnoyarsk or in close proximity to the city. You can get here by city bus route No. 37, reaching its final stop, and then we recommend walking along Bazaiskaya Street. You can go to these wonderful places by car.

Along the river Bazaikhe

Due to the specifics of the Eastern region, we will first consider it as a whole, and then lay the most interesting trails along it. And we will begin our acquaintance with the Torgashinsky Range and the Bazaikha River, with the tributaries of the Berezovka River, originating in the Torgashinsky Range. The Bazaikha River begins in the Mansky district of the region near the village of Novoalekseevka. It flows in a general direction to the northwest, winding strongly between the mountains that form the sides of its valley. River loops of this type are called meanders in geography, after the Meandros River in Asia Minor (now the Great Menderes River in Turkey), which is characteristic of such bends. Bazaikh meanders have been preserved since ancient times, when there was almost a plain here. Gradually, over millions of years, the whole area was slowly rising, and the river had time to wash out its bed in it, preserving the flat bends. Meanders of Bazaikha, as well as Esaulovka and Many, are their good sights.

From the village of Erlykovka on the road Maganskoye - Beret to the pioneer camp "Swallow", which is already within the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk, there are no settlements along the river. Only a few cordon houses of the Stolby reserve stand within the protected area. From the mouth of the Bolshoy Inzhul to Kaltat, the northern border of the Stolbov passes along Bazaikha, and along the entire course of this section, Bazaikha enters the protected zone of the reserve. The strip - Bazaikha from Erlykovka to the mouth, and nearby the Bazaikha forests covering the Torgashinsky Range and the mountains near Magansk - stretched for fifty to sixty kilometers, reaching a width of ten to fifteen kilometers. The northern border of this strip is Krasnoyarsk, the eastern - Railway. Mountains rise along the axial line of the strip, and many peaks have marks of more than six hundred meters above sea level, and the highest mountain in this area - Chernaya Sopka, or Karatag, reaches almost seven hundred meters. To match her and her southern neighbor - Mount Kamala.

The mountains are covered mainly with coniferous forests, in some places there are birches along old clearings, along streams - spruce and fir forests. Torgashinsky Ridge and Bazaikha river(its meadows and floodplain areas) have a remarkable flora: here there are plants that are not typical for this taiga zone, plants that seem to have come from more high zone mountains: edelweiss, mountain poppies, Kuril tea, catchment areas, some orchids and lilies. And there are plants that are characteristic of West Siberian Plain, - spring adonis, evenings and others, there are plants of the steppes, especially along the southern, sun-drenched slopes of the Torgashinsky ridge above Bazaikha. Of course, you can not tear these plants left here from other geological eras. Such plants are called relict.

The forester's house on Bazaikha near the glade of rallies

For the first acquaintance with the Bazaikhsko-Torgashinsky site, we will go by boat along the Bazaikhe River during the spring flood of waters, we will try to discern the Bazaikhsky bends and the Bazaikhsky urmans. We could make the same trip on foot in August-September, when Bazaikha becomes shallow and here and there you can ford along it, bypassing the river clamps.

From the Maganskaya platform we will get by bus to the small village of Erlykovka and from there we will set sail on a comfortable tourist boat. It can be PSN-6, PSN-10, kayak, small raft. If we go along the river, without mooring to the shore, go by self-rafting, then the whole journey will take us twelve to fourteen hours.

Bazaiha at Near Camels

At Yerlykovka, a bridge crosses Bazaikha. Here is the road to Manu, to the village of Beret. This is the bridge we start from. On the left bank of the river lies a fairly large meadow. Below the bridge, the river becomes narrow, the sides of the valley rise above the river by two hundred - two hundred and fifty meters. After a kilometer and a half - a sharp left turn - one of the famous Bazaikha bends begins. The river goes around the hill, flows as if in the opposite direction and again turn - right. Soon after the turn on the right, a gentle log with mowing meadows appears. Here, at a time when wood was flowing along Bazaikha, there was a dam that helped deliver wood to its destination. This log on the right is called Gentle (and also - Duryndin log, or Ilkin key). You can come here from Magansk in a little over an hour. Most often from here, from the mouth of this log, Bazakhi travels begin.

There are paths along the banks of Bazaikha, and in summer time we still use them. There are trails, as a rule, even on both banks of the river - the remains of the trails of timber rafters. The trails go not only near the water, they sometimes climb the coastal steeps.

Shortly after the Gentle log on the right we will see high banks with rocks along their tops - these are Far Camels, and immediately after turning to the right on the left bank a log is again visible - the Veseliy stream. From it to the mouth of the Big Inzhul, from where the Stolby reserve begins and where the first cordon of the reserve stands, the river flows straight, giving space to narrow meadows on the left.

It must be said that in the straight sections of the river valley, Bazaikha is quite radiant, therefore, when rafting on a boat, there is a danger of jumping out from behind a turn right onto a tree that has fallen into the water. So you have to go by boat according to the rules of an unfamiliar river: sticking to the short bank in the loops of the river, crossing the current on the riffles to the short bank. This reduces the speed of the alloy, but increases safety. River loops begin again from Inzhul, the mountains near the river seem to become smaller, recede to the sides, but the forests still surround the river. When you quietly swim alone, not in a group, you often see waterfowl, water-loving birds: ducks, waders, kingfisher, and in summer the fisher eagle - osprey.

Sometimes there is such a clean, park-like section of the forest along the shore that you want to get off the boat and take a walk along it. Left turn, right turn, left again - a small straight section, and we come to the Yakhontova glade, to the mouth of the Yakhontov log.

If you wander through the forest in the mountains near the Yakhontov log, you can find old road, in the rut of which pine trees grew in half the girth of the arms, half a hundred to a hundred years to such a tree. It turns out that there used to be some kind of economic life here: mowing, forest preparation, fishing, tar was driven, tar. When it was? Who will tell now?

Behind the Yakhontova Polyana, a long bend of the river begins; at the base of the loop, the river is divided by a very narrow mountain spur, crowned at the top with bizarre rocks - the remnants of the summit denudation. These are Near Camels, there is a path to them from the city. The townspeople used to often go to the Camels to relax, swim, fish, admire the rocks. As a rule, they went from overnight - from Friday to Sunday evening.

Bazaikha below Erlykovka

Several trails leave Yakhontovaya Polyana: along the Yakhontov Log to Magansk, along the Dry Log to the Petryashino stop and to Zykovo, past the high mountains of Kamala and Chernaya Sopka. And again interesting fact- once there, along the eastern slopes of Kamala and Chernaya Sopka, bypassing the river valleys was wheeled road to a city of which only old traces remain.

And the third path - it crosses the river loop in a narrow place, goes to another slope of the spur and goes along the Uchasvenny log to the Sredny log, to the northern slopes of the Torgashinsky ridge, to the village of Kuznetsovo, to Krasnoyarsk Cheryomushki.

A strange feeling almost always overtakes me in these places on Bazaikh. I know that not far from here, behind these mountains, our city of a million people is noisy, and here - like centuries ago - primitive silence, only the river rustles, the birds sing. The southern slopes of the right bank are filled with the sun, and it is warm from them, like from a stove. It smells of fir, the kingfisher catches fish, orange flames blaze on the frying lawn, along the hidden watercourse a strip of blue mountain catchments blooms, aliens from the high Sayan.

The hourly log has several surviving names, among them are Uskovin, Krestovy, Khairyuzovy, as if reflecting some toponymic layers of time in these places of tourist loneliness. However, on May weekends, in early June, whole fleets of Krasnoyarsk water tourists pass here, up to a hundred tourists in two days, up to five thousand a month. In winter and closer to spring, there are only occasionally chains of skiers from Magansk to Krasnoyarsk, or even only two or three people. How quiet it is in winter!

Behind the Uchasenny Log, on the left, near the Medvezhka River, there is a cordon of the Stolby Reserve. And on the right, a rare river terrace on Bazaikha with unexpected light forest - old fellings, after which for some reason the forest did not want to grow. This terrace is called Veranda. Behind it, mountains again rise above the river, cut by rare ravines-logs - Malaya Vaila and below - Big Vaila. Dry slopes, overgrown with dry-loving steppe grasses, bluish in appearance, are also a foreign inclusion in vegetable world taiga.

On the left is the mountain-taiga massif of the high mountain in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk - Abatak, the top of which goes into the sky for a mark of eight hundred meters. She is in protected areas strict regime, where the path is closed for tourists.

At the end of the straight stretch, which began from the mouth of Bolshaya Vaila, the river enters the technically most difficult section of the rafting - the Abatak threshold near the rocky pressure of the right bank. This is a typical rapid on the river, with stones in the channel, with a clamp on the turn, with a large shaft along the core of the current, while some of the empty shafts carry a capsizing moment. The length of the nut is about two hundred meters, of which the most dangerous are seventy to one hundred meters. Inspection before passing can be done both on the left and on the right bank of the river, while the right bank is rocky and high, and the left one is gentle and low. With some skill in passing such rapids-shiver, with knowledge of your boat and its driving performance, with a working crew, the threshold is nothing dangerous.

Bazaikh "Alps"

In previous years, Krasnoyarsk water tourists held their first season kayak competitions on whitewater here. The camp was usually located on the right bank below the threshold on the terrace of the river.

At the head of the rapid, the river enters a narrowness, making a turn to the left almost at a right angle, and at the end of the rapid, it again changes the direction of the flow - to the right. After the threshold - a direct current to the Davydov log, from which a small stream flows. The river is quite calm, but shallow, at low water there is a knee-deep ford.

And again a tear downstream on the banks of Bazaikha is a dense dark coniferous forest, and on the right is the dry slopes of the Torgashinsky Range of southern orientation, plant communities they are also characteristic not for the taiga, but for the steppes of Khakassia. In early spring - coltsfoot, in summer - thyme, veronica, carnations. Behind the cape, its left tributary, the Namurt River, flows into Bazaikha. Behind Namurt, the Bazaikha valley expands somewhat, wide meadows appear with spruce groves on them, galleries along the river - willow, alder, bird cherry thickets in a narrow strip along the water. Here, in the widening of the Bazakhi valley, there are even oxbow lakes.

The river in the section from Namurt to Synzhul makes many meander loops, which look especially beautiful from the steep right bank.

Below the mouth of the Namurt, in the Bazaikhi valley, there is a beautiful, memorable rocky remnant with a grotto facing the river. And on the right you can see the Barn Log with mighty alluvial fans overgrown with grass, pine and rare birches.

At the mouth of the Synzhul, at the cordon of the reserve, clearly visible from the river, Bazaikha again enters the narrowness, its banks converge again, but it still winds, although its current here is free, fast, unhindered.

To the left, dark coniferous forests are again on the slopes of the mountains, and to the right ... On the right, we come to an interesting section of the river, to weathered ancient rocks, which, like statues, stand above the slopes of the valley. Look at them from the river. You should definitely go there on foot and see it all up close.

We come to the mouth of a small stream that flows in from the right, having washed out for thousands of years a huge log, branched in its top part. Both the brook and the log are called Bolgash, there is another name - "the log of the village of the Marble Quarry." Before the war and after it, not far from here, on the left bank of Bazaikha, within the boundaries of the present reserve, marble tiles and marble chips were mined for construction needs. The quarry was closed only because of the substandard qualities of marble, and not at all because it was in the reserve. The settlement where the workers of the marble quarry lived was located in the Bolgash log. When the quarry finished its work, the village also died out. However, some residents did not leave their homes, and the houses of the village are still standing.

At the mouth of the Bolgash, the first bridge across the Bazaikha, on low-lying sports courts in not very large water, passes under the left bank of the river.

Here, to the mouth of the Bolgash, there are many trails from the Torgashinsky Range, here is the node of the tourist network of weekend hikes along the Torgashinsky site. This is discussed ahead.

From the mouth of the Bolgash again a straight and clean section. Here the river valley expands somewhat, on the left and on the right there are narrow terraces with meadows, birches, shrubs: bird cherry, viburnum, willows; pine is also found in separate specimens. Ahead is one of the Pillars of the reserve - Kovrizhki. The pillar is real, manhole, but rarely visited, although it is located near the road itself.

From Kovrizhek the river turns to the right, leaving behind a large beautiful meadow with groves of birches, individual pines, with meadow flowers. This is a glade of rallies and competitions of Krasnoyarsk tourists. Gatherings of tourists of the RSFSR are also held here. Almost every year Bazaikha hosts the first slalom kayaking competition of the season.

On the left bank of the river opposite the glade of rallies - a wall of rocks, between the rocks and the river - the road to the village of Bolgash, to the cordon on the river Synzhul. There was a heavy concrete bridge at the end of the rally clearing. A few years ago it was demolished by ice drift, and concrete blocks are still in the water. They are a source of danger for small craft. Behind the broken bridge - Shiverka, shallow place, immediately behind it is a new bridge, high and safe, and next to the bridge on the right bank is the forester's house. There is a nameless log near the forester's house in the massif of the Torgashinsky Range, and in it the path, on a low saddle, diverging into three sides: to the left steeply upwards - to the road along the high Bazaikha spur of the Torgashinsky Range, the path goes straight on a gentle ascent to the non-torque road to the pass in the Torgashinsky Range at the top of the Blooming log, and the third path descends from the saddle along a small log into the valley of the Bolgash stream and goes there above the houses of the village. These trails will be useful for hiking along the Torgashinsky Range.

Below the bridge begins the territory occupied by pioneer camps. They are located on the left bank, and on the right - a high slope of the ridge with steep ravines. Below the left tributary of the Bazaikha - the Kaltat River - rocky outcrops - limestones - are visible along the ridge. Kaltat flows from the Stolbov Highlands, its network of streams permeates all the Stolbs: Aesthetic and Wild regions, Kaltats stones.

From the mouth of the Kaltat to the Bazaikha there is a fast swaying current. A terrace begins on the right, on it is the pioneer camp "Grenada" of the Krasmash plant, and in front of the camp there is a bridge. Tourist boats pass easily under the bridge. It happens that the bridge is destroyed by spring waters. In general, where are the bridges at small river, there are surprises. There is again a bridge behind the pioneer camp, but this is already a stable road bridge, and for rafting it does not present any difficulties in any water.

Below the bridge, the river in its course cuts through river floodplains, on which willows, birches, viburnum, turf, shrub layer grow densely. And after a kilometer from the bridge, it again approaches the root bank. On the right, a red rock rises above the river - Cape Goat. At Cape Goat and below it, coastal booms have been preserved, a dam near the coast, the current beats into it. Immediately below this section, there is a right turn and behind it is a bridge. The bridge stands low above the water and is impassable in high water. For kayaks and PSN. The current here is very strong, and the danger of falling under the bridge is very great.

From this bridge to the mouth of the river five or six kilometers. The river here, as it were, becomes smaller, becomes, as it were, less watery, dries up. Here, within the city, within the boundaries of summer cottages, the river is very cluttered.

In narrowness, near the rocks of the right bank, along middle water you can finish your journey through Bazaikhe. On high water, the rafting can be continued to the Krasnoyarsk Divnogorsk auto bridge.

We passed along one of the borders of the Bazaikha travel region. It takes two days for such a trip, and if you don’t rush and stop in some places for an hour and a half, then it’s better to leave on Friday.

Brook Bolgash

Bazaikha, Mana, Mansky and Bazaikha coasts, rocks are extremely interesting. They are located at the junction of physical and geographical countries, at the junction of different geographical formations. Everything is mixed up here: rocks, plant communities, the world of birds and even the weather. Bazaikha, its valley, its logs are good for spring-winter ski trips. In the wind-sheltered valley of Bazaikhi, on some days of the end of winter it is so warm that we used to ski across it without shirts, as in a ski resort.

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According to Bazaikha On the scale of tourist complexity, the Bazaikha river is half a point more difficult than the Mana from Bereti to the mouth. On Bazaikha there is a threshold, perhaps of the second or third category of difficulty, depending on the water level in the river. This circumstance complicates the campaign along Bazaikha. In the chapter

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Bazaikha - river in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the right tributary of the Yenisei, about 160 kilometers long, flowing into it within the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk, in the microdistrict of the city with the same name. Originates from non-residential locality Dry Bazaiha.

The average water consumption is 5.0 m³/s. The largest tributaries are Namurt, Kaltat, Dolgin, Zhistyk and Korbik.

There are fish species in the river: taimen, lenok, grayling, pike, perch, ruff, dace, gudgeon, burbot, etc.

The river flows through a canyon-like terrain, both banks are steep.

On the bank of the river, at the confluence with the Yenisei, in 1640 the village "Bazaikha" was founded. The village was adjacent to a high mountain ledge, which was called Gorodishche, or Mount Divan. The highest point near Mount Divan is called Vyshka. A hundred years ago, wealthy citizens of Krasnoyarsk went to HSE on certain holidays to drink tea from a samovar, enjoy the spring air, listen to larks.

In the 17th century, on the flat top of Mount Divan, there was a Tatar fortress, which the Russians called the “Serpent Settlement”.

In 1883, during a school excursion to the river, I. T. Savenkov discovered the burial of a man of the New Stone Age. In 1884, systematic archaeological research began in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk, including on the Bazaikha River.

In the 19th century, the inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk built their dachas on the banks of the river.

In 1931, in the area of ​​the river mouth in the village of Bazaikha, the construction of a woodworking plant began, after which the village was included in the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk.

On the left bank of the Bazaikha, near the Bolgashov log, on the territory of the Stolby reserve, a marble quarry worked.

The river is suitable for tourist rafting during the spring flood. A tourist route the second category of difficulty started from the village of Erlykovka.

We will start our journey along the Bazaikha River with a wonderful folk legend that is passed down from generation to generation. It was recorded by the Krasnoyarsk writer Nikolai Stepanovich Ustinovich.

... It was in ancient times. The wayward mighty king of the Yenisei lived in Siberia. On a proudly raised head he wore a beautiful ice crown of the Saiyans.

The Yenisei had many daughters, but the most beautiful were Bazaikha and Laletina.

One day, a hero, Prince Takmak, came to the king with his retinue to woo Laletina. And the Yenisei wanted to extradite Bazaikha - she was the eldest daughter. But Prince Takmak flatly refused such a bride - she was reputed to be too grumpy and capricious.

Then the king of the Yenisei got angry, rising to his full heroic height, and said: “If so, be to you, Prince Takmak, and to all your heroes, stone pillars. I will make my daughters rivers, and you will stand by them forever and ever.”

He said, and so it happened. But the king raised his proud head too high to the sun. Its ice crown melted from the sun, and the Yenisei itself turned into mighty river…»

Yenisei is the father of two beautiful daughters, now one of the greatest rivers the globe, the largest water artery in Russia. The beginning of the Yenisei is considered to be the confluence near the city of Kyzyl of the rivers Biy-Khem (Big Yenisei) and Ka-Khem (Small Yenisei), flowing from the southern slopes of the Western Sayan and the northern slope of the Sangilen highlands.

The length of the river before flowing into the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea is 3487 km.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who visited our city in 1890 on the way to Sakhalin, dedicated the following lines to the Yenisei: “No offense will be said to the jealous admirers of the Volga, in my life I have not seen a river more magnificent than the Yenisei ... A powerful, frantic hero who does not know where to put his strength and youth ... "Yes, of course, the Yenisei, this is the main attraction of Krasnoyarsk.

And Bazaikha, the eldest and capricious daughter, is the right tributary of the Yenisei, originates on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan within the Kuysum mountains. Its length is about 128 km, and the catchment area is 1000 km2. The catchment area is the area from which surface and groundwater flows into the river. The average water consumption is 6 m3/s. is the volume of water flowing per unit of time. The river has four left tributaries: Mokhovik, Kaltat, Inzhul, Korbik.

In winter, the river freezes, and by the end of winter (March) the thickness of the ice reaches 80 cm.

Relatively recently, Bazaikha was a raftable river with numerous dams. The water was muddy, carried a lot of wood debris, and at the bottom accumulated sunken logs. All this created a unique hydrochemical regime that was harmful to fish.

A large rocky left bank and curly wooded right banks, a deeply incised valley, along the rocky bottom of which its waters rush, now clean river, has attracted and still attracts citizens to relax in these places.

You can look at the valley of the Bazaikhi river from a bird's eye view thanks to the chairlift. It was built in 1974 by a Czechoslovak company. Its length is 1800 meters. 172 chairs move at the same time with an interval of 10 seconds. Rise time - 17 minutes. Speed ​​- 1.5 m / s, in winter - 10 minutes, speed - 2.5 m / s. The mountain, along the foot of which Bazaikha carries its waters, looks like a sofa. Once, from this natural observation deck, V.I. Surikov created the paintings “View of the valley of the Bazaikha River from the Divan” and “Yenisei, the mouth of Bazaikha”:

Each mountain has its highest point - near Mount Divan it is called Vyshka, a hundred years ago, wealthy citizens of Krasnoyarsk went to Vyshka on some holidays - to drink tea from a samovar, enjoy the spring air, listen to larks.

As the 1911 reference book “Satellite around the city of Krasnoyarsk” assures, “the environs of Krasnoyarsk are extremely picturesque and beautiful. To the east, the Kuysum mountains, outside the city limits, end with the Round or Black hill (Kara-tag). This, according to the definition of Professor K.I. Bogdanovich, is the most high point in the vicinity of the city. (According to modern scientists, in the geological past - dormant volcano. Note. guide) In the western part of the same mountains rises the Takmak granite rock, at the foot of which, at the mouth of the Bazaikha River, which flows into the Yenisei, is the village of Bazaikha, a favorite summer cottage of Krasnoyarsk residents. To the east, the village of Bazaikha is adjacent to the high mountain ledge "Gorodishche". At the foot of the mountains, not far from Chernaya Sopka, lies the village of Torgashinsky, known for the excellent taste of its spring waters.

The surroundings of the village of Torgashinsky are also known for a large number of caves; in terms of relief, this is a ridge. "Torgashinka" is the largest cave, its explored length is 1560m, depth is 176m, it is the most difficult cave in Siberia. Three cascading plumb lines, six skinners, cracks, grottoes and underground lakes, 60-meter system of three wells. It appeared as a result of a karst-forming process - water dissolved part of the carbonate rocks. Over millions of years, caves and labyrinths have formed in the thickness of the rocks. The ancient karst created the unique beauty of the underworld.

If the Torgashinsky Range is the right bank of the Bazaikha River, then the Kuysumsky Mountains are the left. Here is the well-known nature reserve "Stolby", with beautiful rocks and majestic Siberian nature.

Anatoly Zyryanov wrote a poem to all "Entering the Pillars" - in the hope of protecting and protecting this fabulous corner:

Do not tear the flowers from the high rocks,

Don't cut live trees.

Don't touch the fast-footed animals

And don't scare the birds.

Do not burn a fire - you will hurt the earth,

Suddenly the wind: and the fire started ...

Listen - nature listens,

And your every step is like a blow!

I ask you to be careful

Don't disturb the forest cover.

After all, for the earth he is like skin.

And how many worlds are hidden in it?!

I believe these commandments

You will be sacred.

Pillars alone in the world -

We need to protect and preserve them.

A small river Fly, 5 kilometers long, flows along the northern slopes of the Kuysum mountains. Its valley is deeply incised and crosses the Takmakovskiy district "Pillars". In the middle course, rocks are located in a semicircle. The river breaks through the syenite massif, dividing it into two parts, called "Takmak" and "Ermak". The width of the river is 1-2m, the depth is 0.2-1m. Forms ice in winter. The rocks that surround the river are composed of granite-syenite rocks. Granite consists of rather large crystals, "grains" of quartz, feldspar and mica, painted in different colors: gray, white, red, etc. The color is associated with the color of the feldspars that make up most of the rock.

How could mountains appear?

Scientists have established that more than 500 million years ago, a vast sea extended at this place, sediments accumulated at its bottom, from which sandstones, slates and limestones were formed. Later they were lifted and crumpled into folds - the mountains of the Eastern Sayan were formed. Magma intruded into them and solidified into granite massifs. The face of the mountains is constantly changing. Gradually, they collapsed, and a huge hilly plain formed in their place. But then the uplift began again, which continues at the present time. The height of the mountains is increasing, which is accompanied by the destructive work of wind, water, and temperature fluctuations.

Thus, the layers of sandstones and limestones collapsed, and the granites underlying them were exposed. Igneous rocks turned out to be stronger and gradually began to rise above general level, forming various shapes rocks resembling people, birds, animals…

There is another legend that explains the origin of the unique stone statues.

“In ancient times, there lived - there was a fisherman Takmak with his wife Bazaikha and son Kizyam. One day, Kizyam brought home a shiny yellow stone from hunting. Takmak grabbed him, hid the gold on his chest and asked his son to indicate the place where he found it. For three days the old man carried stones with gold veins, burying them in a hiding place. He's definitely been replaced. Greed instilled fear in him, he began to fear that his son would rob him, and began to carry a cobblestone to the foot of a cliff, located not far from their dwelling, to build a wall out of it. Once, when Kizyam, returning from a hunt, passed under this wall, the father pushed one of the blocks on his son, and at that moment an ominous cry of a mountain spirit sounded over the taiga: “Damn you, murderer! From now on, you will forever freeze on this mountain and will sit over the grave of your son, so that people remember your villainy and the dark power of gold! And Takmak instantly petrified. The bitter tears of mother Kizyama, having merged into a stream, washed away a pile of stones and flowed further. This is how the river Bazaikha was formed.

Back in 1925, the city authorities, realizing the great importance of the "Pillars" for residents and guests of the city, forbade any economic activity in this district. A mandatory decree was issued on the Stolby reserve, which provided for rules that prohibited: cutting wood, breaking stone, making inscriptions on rocks, hunting, picking berries, and fishing. P.A. Chikhachev, a traveler geologist who visited Krasnoyarsk in 1842, wrote in his research “The pillars attracted our liveliest attention. These are four hilly pyramids, standing in pairs, formed from rounded masses, erected on top of each other with incredible courage ... here is an area of ​​​​exclusively granite, often rising in layered slabs ... " Professor of Geography of Moscow State University N.N. Baransky wrote in his memoirs about the "Pillars": "How a wonderful corner of nature with a one-of-a-kind landscape that leaves an impression for a lifetime - the Krasnoyarsk "Pillars" are famous not only throughout Siberia, but also far beyond its borders.

"Pillars" - the eighth wonder of the world

On the shores of Krasnoyarsk!

We are all envied by the planet,

After all, we hold the fairy tale in our hands! ..

Land of magical giants,

Taiga rivers and mountain paths.

A country where the coast is not visible

South, west and east.

(N. Anishina)

The extraordinary beauty and uniqueness of these places have a beneficial effect on the creation of poetic lines:

Blue boundless distance:

Pine, spruce - green carpet.

At the foot of the ancient cliff

Cedars look like little grass.

Fly around the boundless distance,

And rise on the wings of love

Shine like Sunbeam,

Bringing bright Joy to the world.

(E. Bormotina)

Citizens love to relax in these places and it is no coincidence that many recreation centers and children's health camps are located here. Health-improving complex "Grenada" of the plant "Krasmash" has long been known to Krasnoyarsk residents and residents of the region. "Grenada" accepts vacationers all year round. Everything is here for have a great holiday: cozy buildings, a wonderful club, a video salon, sports equipment, board games, a library. Seminars and gala evenings are also held in Grenada. It was in "Grenada" that the festival of spiritual culture "Rainbow of Hearts" was held

The Arka rock descends steeply to the Grenada camp. It got its name about a hundred years ago, when the people of Krasnoyarsk changed the place of country tea drinking and began to come here. You can even see a through hole in it, for which the rock got its name. Limestone rocks are very indented, they have faults, vertical cracks, grottoes and through holes. Here, in the last century, the Krasnoyarsk teacher A.S. Yelenev made, probably, the very first in the vicinity of the city archaeological excavations that laid the foundation for a number of archaeological discoveries. In the aeolian grotto of the Arch, human tools of the early Iron Age were raised: an arrowhead, crushed bones, burnt iron, coal, fragments of pots and other objects.

The Kaltat River, the left tributary of the Bazaikha, which flows above the Grenada camp, originates in the Kuysum mountains, from the Kaltatsky ridge. Kaltat is larger than the Mokhovik River. Its length is about 20 km. In the upper reaches of the Kaltat River, it flows through swampy areas, crosses the mountain-taiga landscape almost along its entire length, and only in the lower reaches, in a wide valley, on its banks, there are beautiful open glades covered with forest and meadow herbs. On the watershed of Kaltat and Dry Kaltat there is the Wild Pillars region, and in the lower reaches the river crosses the Kaltat region. The width of the river is 1.5-2m, and the depth varies from 0.25 to 1m. The river is home to char, gobies and minnow.

The river is, as it were, bordered by the “Kalta ledge”. "Kalta ledge" is outcrops of sedimentary rocks. Layers of rocks, initially lying horizontally, subsequently turn out to be deformed. The degree of deformation can vary from very weak to strong, and then the layered strata turn out to be crumpled like a piece of paper clenched in a fist.

Most of rocks, has repeatedly changed the conditions of its existence, then plunging into the depths, then rising up. At the same time, the appearance and composition of the rocks themselves changed. Sedimentary rocks, under the influence of changing temperatures, pressures and chemical conditions turn into something completely different from them. As in a kiln, when fired, plastic clay turns into bricks, durable jugs or lovely porcelain items. Changes occur when pressure and temperatures change under the influence of high-temperature gases and solutions. At the same time, the rock does not melt, but recrystallizes, changing its mineral composition, grain sizes, and much more.

On the beautiful banks of the Yenisei

And in the endless taiga forests,

The mountains rise that have become

An island of purity. And carrying

We treasured sparks of radiance,

radiant crystal,

Give us sunshine

Fill your hearts with love.

Staying there is always a pleasure

Admire the beauty of the heights

Admire the mighty river

The blue water that carries

Life's eternal course

Downstreams, giving

The emergence of new origins,

Revival of the Bright Day.

(E. Bormotina)

The Bazaikha River runs noisily, surrounded by beautiful hills covered with pines, firs, cedars, to its father, the Yenisei. We hope - who was on the Krasnoyarsk land - if possible, will wish to return again. And who was not, - you are welcome!

We will meet everyone with Love and Joy.

Guide Elena Bormotina

The country

Russia, Russia

Region K: Rivers in alphabetical order K: Water bodies in alphabetical order K: Rivers up to 500 km in length K: River card: fill in: Coordinates of the river source over a hundred km Bazaikha (river) Bazaikha (river) K: River card: correct: Source height

Description of the river

Average annual water consumption - - 5.0 m³/s. The largest tributaries are Namurt, Kaltat, Dolgin, Zhistyk and Korbik.

On the bank of the river, at the confluence with the Yenisei, in 1640 the village "Bazaikha" was founded. The village was adjacent to a high mountain ledge, which was called Gorodishche, or Mount Divan. In the 17th century, on the flat top of Mount Divan, there was a Tatar fortress, which the Russians called "Snake Settlement".

In the 19th century, the inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk built their dachas on the banks of the river.

In 1931, in the area of ​​the river mouth in the village of Bazaikha, the construction of a woodworking plant began, after which the village was included in the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk.

On the left bank of the Bazaikha, near the Bolgashov log, on the territory of the Stolby reserve, a marble quarry worked.


The river is suitable for tourist rafting during the spring flood. The tourist route of the second category of complexity started from the village of Erlykovka. At the threshold of Abatak, competitions of kayakers were held.

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  • Velichko M.F. Small trips around the big city. - Krasnoyarsk: Prince. publishing house, 1989. ISBN 5-7479-0148-6



An excerpt characterizing Bazaikha (river)

Arriving home, Pierre gave an order to his coachman Yevstafyevich, who knew everything, who knew everything, known throughout Moscow, that he was going to Mozhaisk at night to the army and that his riding horses were sent there. All this could not be done on the same day, and therefore, according to Yevstafyevich's idea, Pierre had to postpone his departure until another day in order to give time for the set-ups to leave for the road.
On the 24th it cleared up after bad weather, and on that day after dinner Pierre left Moscow. At night, changing horses in Perkhushkovo, Pierre learned that there had been a big battle that evening. It was said that here, in Perkhushkovo, the ground trembled from the shots. To Pierre's questions about who won, no one could give him an answer. (It was a battle on the 24th at Shevardin.) At dawn, Pierre drove up to Mozhaisk.
All the houses of Mozhaisk were occupied by troops, and at the inn, where Pierre was met by his coachman and coachman, there was no room in the upper rooms: everything was full of officers.
In Mozhaisk and beyond Mozhaisk, troops stood and marched everywhere. Cossacks, foot soldiers, mounted soldiers, wagons, boxes, cannons could be seen from all sides. Pierre was in a hurry to move forward as soon as possible, and the farther he drove away from Moscow and the deeper he plunged into this sea of ​​\u200b\u200btroops, the more he was seized by the anxiety of anxiety and a new joyful feeling he had not yet experienced. It was a feeling like that, which he also experienced in the Sloboda Palace during the arrival of the sovereign, a feeling of the need to do something and sacrifice something. He now experienced a pleasant feeling of consciousness that everything that makes up the happiness of people, the conveniences of life, wealth, even life itself, is nonsense, which is pleasant to cast aside in comparison with something ... With what, Pierre could not give himself an account, and indeed he tried to make clear to himself for whom and for what he finds a special charm to sacrifice everything. He was not interested in what he wanted to sacrifice for, but the very sacrifice constituted for him a new joyful feeling.

On the 24th there was a battle at the Shevardinsky redoubt, on the 25th not a single shot was fired from either side, on the 26th the Battle of Borodino took place.
Why and how were the battles at Shevardin and Borodino given and accepted? Why was the Battle of Borodino given? Neither for the French nor for the Russians it made the slightest sense. The immediate result was and should have been - for the Russians, that we approached the death of Moscow (which we feared most in the world), and for the French, that they approached the death of the entire army (which they also feared most of all in the world) . This result was obvious at the same time, but meanwhile Napoleon gave, and Kutuzov accepted this battle.
If the commanders were guided by reasonable reasons, it seemed, as it should have been clear to Napoleon, that, having gone two thousand miles and accepted the battle with the probable accident of losing a quarter of the army, he was going to certain death; and it should have seemed just as clear to Kutuzov that, accepting the battle and also risking losing a quarter of the army, he was probably losing Moscow. For Kutuzov, this was mathematically clear, as clear as it is that if I have less than one checker in checkers and I change, I will probably lose and therefore should not change.
When the opponent has sixteen checkers, and I have fourteen, then I am only one-eighth weaker than him; and when I exchange thirteen checkers, he will be three times stronger than me.

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