Interesting stories associated with the name Dmitry. The meaning of the name Dmitry. Personal life and family

short form named Dmitry. Dima, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Demi, Dede, Deme, Mikha, Dimsho, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakh, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya.
Synonyms for Dmitry. Dimitri, Dimitrios, Demetrius, Demetrio, Demetri, Demeter, Dmitro.
Origin of the name Dimitri The name Dmitry is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Dmitry is common Russian name Greek origin meaning "dedicated to the goddess Demeter". Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of the earth and fertility, therefore the name Dmitry is often given the meaning of "farmer".

Folk forms of the name Dmitry in Russian: Mitriy, Mitrey. The feminine form of the name is not often used - Demeter, Demetrius, Demetrius. The diminutive address Micah is also used to address Michael.

Every time you find out that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that you are facing an unusually kind, active and will-to-live person. Although it is difficult to break Dmitry in life, he can withdraw into himself under the weight of problems that have piled on. He is unable to enter into the position of another person and can be unnecessarily harsh. Dmitry looks at all events "from his bell tower", and if he does not like what is happening, Dmitry's reaction may be too explosive.

Dmitry is faithful to friendship, but living with him is not easy. You can communicate with him for a long time at a distance, but strong will and stubbornness will not give rest at home. Dmitry can be very talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve anything in life until he stops his talkativeness. For mothers, Dmitry is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

Dmitry also quickly falls in love, as he cools down. In relationships, he boldly goes to the intended goal and often succeeds. But successes in the life of this man, as a rule, are followed by failures, after ups and downs. Stability is not characteristic of men with this name.

In business, Dmitry relies on logic and completely forgets about diplomacy. He is willing to take risks the main objective- to be the best, not to be surpassed. Although Dmitry is not devoid of intuition, he sometimes forgets about it. His main assistant in business is his cold and rational mind.

Dmitry refers to men with a heightened sense of morality. He won't let anyone joke about it. It is not surprising that the first woman in his life does not appear early.

With women, Dmitry behaves like a real man, although he sometimes lacks the ability to seduce. Dmitry enters into marriage more than once.

Dmitry has good chances to achieve a lot in the technical field. He can be both a researcher and a programmer. At the same time, he is a very businesslike person. He is quick to make decisions, always remembers the necessary things. Dmitry easily fits into any team, knows how to communicate well with people. Although he is not eager to become a leader, he is moving up in the service rather quickly.

sound. Dmitry is a name of medium length, consisting of two syllables. The vast majority of people pay attention to his masculinity. In addition, the strength (91%), beauty (90%) and majesty (86%) of the sound of the name are often noted. The names close in phonosemantic profile are Ruslan, Alexander and Vladimir.

Dmitry's name day

Dmitry celebrates name day on January 4, January 8, January 21, January 31, February 7, February 9, February 11, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23 , April 26, May 2, May 28, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 15, June 16, June 18, June 26, July 3, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, 20 August, August 25, September 8, September 9, September 13, September 19, September 24, September 28, September 30, October 4, October 10, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17.

Notable people named Dimitri

  • Demetrius of Thessalonica (Christian saint of the 3rd-4th centuries)
  • Dmitry Donskoy ((1350 - 1389) Grand Duke Moscow and Vladimir)
  • Dmitry Shostakovich ((1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). Laureate of five Stalin Prizes and one State Prize of the USSR.)
  • Dmitry Pozharsky ((1578 - 1642) prince, Russian national hero, military and political figure, Chapter Two People's Militia who liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders)
  • Dmitry Laptev ((1701 - 1767) navigator, member of the Great Northern Expedition, the strait is named after him - Dmitry Laptev Strait)
  • Dmitry Mendeleev ((1834 - 1907) Russian encyclopedic scientist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; corresponding member in the category of "physical" Imperial Petersburg Academy of Sciences.Among the most famous discoveries is the periodic law chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, inalienable for all natural science.)
  • Demetrius I Poliorket ((336 - 283 BC) king of Asia, king of Macedonia)
  • Demetrius I Soter ((c.187 - 150 BC) king of Syria)
  • Demetrius II Nicator ((161 - 125 BC) king of Syria)
  • Dmitry Sautin ((born 1974) Soviet and Russian diver, two-time Olympic champion, the only winner in history of 8 Olympic medals in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).)
  • Dmitry Sychev ((born 1983) Russian football player. The bronze medalist of the European Championship in 2008, the champion of Russia in 2004, in the same year was recognized as the player of the year in Russia, both according to a poll of players and a poll of journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008). According to the VTsIOM poll, he twice became the most popular football player in Russia (2005, 2006).)
  • Dmitry Kabalevsky ((1904 - 1987) an outstanding Soviet composer, conductor and pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Laureate of Lenin (1972), three Stalin (1946, 1949, 1951) and the State Prize USSR (1980), Doctor of Arts (1965), Full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1971).)
  • Dmitry Malikov ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2010).)
  • Dmitry Kharatyan ((born 1960) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2000), National artist Russia (2007), was also awarded the medal "Professional of Russia".)
  • Dmitry Bibikov ((1792 - 1870) Russian statesman, member of the State Council, Minister of the Interior of the Russian Empire (1852 - 1855), member of the Russian-Turkish and Patriotic War 1812, Governor General, Freemason)
  • Dmitry Merezhkovsky ((1866 - 1941) Russian writer, poet, critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure. The husband of the poetess Zinaida Gippius. D.S. Merezhkovsky, a prominent representative Silver Age, went down in history as one of the founders of Russian symbolism, the founder of a new genre for Russian literature of the historical and philosophical novel, one of the pioneers of the religious and philosophical approach to the analysis of literature, an outstanding essayist and literary critic. Merezhkovsky (beginning in 1914, when he was nominated by Academician N.A. Kotlyarevsky) repeatedly applied for the Nobel Prize; was close to her in 1933 (when I.A. Bunin became a laureate). controversial philosophical ideas and radical Political Views D.S.Merezhkovsky caused sharply ambiguous responses; nevertheless, even opponents recognized him as an outstanding writer, genre innovator and one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century.)
  • Dmitry Nelyubin ((1971 - 2005) famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion)
  • Dmitry Alenichev (football player, midfielder)
  • Dmitry Likhachev ((1906 - 1999) Russian philologist, art critic, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Author of fundamental works on the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of works (including more than forty books) on a wide range of problems in the theory and history of ancient Russian literature, many of which have been translated into different languages. Author of 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of ancient Russian literature and art. The range of Likhachev's scientific interests is very extensive: from the study icon painting to the analysis of prison life of prisoners. Throughout all the years of his activity he was an active defender of culture, a propagandist of morality and spirituality. He was directly involved in the preservation and restoration of various cultural objects of St. Petersburg and its suburbs.)
  • Dmitry Astrakhan (theater and film director, Honored Art Worker of Russia)
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak ((1852 - 1912) real name- Mom; Russian prose writer and playwright)
  • Dmitry Kryukov ((1960 - 2009) creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler)
  • Dmitry Ustinov ((1908 - 1984) Soviet political and military figure, Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Soviet Union, The hero of the USSR)
  • Dmitry Ilovaisky (historian, author of a popular pre-revolutionary textbook on the history of Russia)
  • Demetrio Aguilera Malta ((1909 - 1981) Ecuadorian writer and film director)
  • Deme Stojai (real name - Dimitrie Stojakovic, Hungarian politician of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary (1944))
  • Dimitrios Kalergis ((1803 - 1867) Greek military and political figure, general)
  • Dmitry Medvedev ((born 1965) Russian statesman and politician, tenth Prime Minister Russian Federation(since May 8, 2012), the third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Law.)
  • Dmitry Karbyshev (lieutenant general engineering troops, a victim of the Mauthausen concentration camp)
  • Dmitry Ushakov ((1873 - 1942) Russian philologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), editor and co-author of one of the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language - the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.)
  • Dmitry Pevtsov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Dmitry Kholodov (Soviet and Russian journalist)
  • Dmitry Furmanov (Russian prose writer, author of the novel "Chapaev")
  • Dmitry Senyavin ((1763 - 1831) naval commander, admiral)
  • Demetrio Paernio ((1851 - 1912) Italian sculptor)
  • Demetrio Albertini (Italian football player)
  • Demetrio Alonso Castrillo ((1841 - 1916) Spanish politician)
  • Dimitar Dimov ((1909 - 1966) Bulgarian writer)
  • Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu (Romanian cosmonaut)
  • Dumitru Braghis (Moldovan politician)

It's no secret that the name determines not only the character of a person, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Dmitry: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by him. The name Dmitry does not lose its popularity to this day. And there are several reasons for this, which you can get acquainted with in our article.

Name Dmitry: origin, meaning, as well as the character and fate of a boy with this name

Origin and meaning of the name Dmitry

Dmitry: the meaning of the name, the character of the guy with this name.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the origin and meaning of the name.

The name Dmitry comes from the ancient Greek, which means "dedicated to Demeter" or "farmer". Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture.

Of the Orthodox saints, St. Dmitry Donskoy, the great Moscow prince, is more revered, patronizing the protection of the family and home, as well as healing from mental and bodily diseases. Each Dmitry needs to have an icon with this saint with him.

This is one of the reasons why many prefer the name Dmitry, the origin and meaning of which is associated with hard work, wealth. Consider what character traits this name gives to its owner.

What character can Dmitry have?

The characteristic of the name Dmitry is based on the influence of the planet Pluto.

A man named Dima is a cheerful kind man. Very often a calm, balanced, unforgiving person, he has a strong unshakable will and it is almost impossible to convince him. It is difficult to be friends with him, because of his stubbornness and pride. Therefore, in his entire life he has one or two of the most devoted friends. D. often resembles his mother and is spiritually very connected to her. Only he can sometimes listen to the advice of his mother.

Dmitry is smart, he is well versed in people and rather deftly wins the favor of people significant to him. He aspires to luxury and wealth.

It will not be easy for D.'s wife to get along with him. She will have to come to terms with his grouchiness, and with age this quality will prevail in him more and more. Dmitry is moderately jealous. He can have a mistress, but Dmitry will carefully hide this from his wife, thereby giving no reason for jealousy on her part. The mother will be the authority for him all his life, so the wife must definitely find with her mutual language. D. loves children and pampers them in every possible way, instilling a love of luxury. In the house, coziness and comfort are important for him, the wife must take care of herself.

Dmitry is attracted by everything new and the most fashionable. He can be fond of hunting and fishing, loves to travel to exotic countries.

In the professional sphere, D. can successfully realize himself in politics and in the field of finance. He is comfortable where he is needed. public performance, while he does not prepare a speech in advance, he is excellent at improvising. He has the gift of persuasion, always achieves his goals. It's hard to compete with him. For Dmitry, status and a constant increase in income are important.

Dima may have metabolic problems, so he is predisposed to be overweight since childhood. It is necessary to monitor nutrition and lead a mobile lifestyle. And Dmitry has just problems with this: he loves to eat deliciously and is an absolute opponent of sports. Either his mother or serious health problems can affect his lifestyle.

The character of a child named Dmitry, depending on the time of year of his birth:

  • spring - stubborn and unpredictable, fond of art and collecting.
  • summer - narcissistic, irritable and amorous, he is attracted by fame and fortune, he may be interested in journalism, acting, directing.
  • autumn - thrifty, since childhood knows the value of money, he can be carried away by the sphere of finance.
  • winter - by nature a leader and a fighter, he will be interested in Scientific research in chemistry and biology, will achieve great success.

What fate awaits Dmitry?

Now we will consider what impact the name Dmitry can have on a person’s life, the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name endows its owner with willpower and the gift of persuasion. Other features will be formed under the influence of the situation and the people around.

Dmitry is a minion of fate: in his life he will have practically no shocks.

D. will definitely get higher education and most likely not even one. Due to the fact that Dmitry is able to understand people well, he will intentionally surround himself only with successful and helpful people, he will have few friends, mostly friends and companions.

D. is characterized by several marriages, due to his excessive exactingness and uncompromising nature, not every woman will be able to endure him. Nevertheless, Dmitry will love all his children from previous marriages very much and will gladly take part in their upbringing. They often have girls, but the most desirable child for him will be a son, to whom he will pass on his accumulated knowledge and connections.

Dmitry will leave his family early and start earning money on his own. But he always maintains a connection with his mother and consults with her throughout his life. Almost every door is open to him. The area in which he decides to be realized will bring him big money.

D. decides to retire only because of his state of health. As a rule, by the age of 60, he accumulates a whole bunch of joint diseases, of cardio-vascular system, digestive system and nervous disorders. By old age, he will surely have time to make a good fortune and choose a quiet life in the bosom of nature.

What will be the child named Dmitry?

Parents pay great attention to choosing a name for their child. What is the character of a child named Dmitry?

Consider the features and character traits of a child named Dmitry, the meaning of the name for the boy will be reflected in his main character traits.

Dima is a very capricious child, he will constantly demand increased attention to himself. It will be difficult for him to get along with other children. Will be greedy and not let them play with their toys. It is common for him to shout at the whole store that he wants something, thereby attracting the attention of others and causing himself pity. It is important from childhood to let the child understand what is good and what is bad.

To school years Dima's nervous system will stabilize, he will become a more obedient and calm boy. There is every chance to become an excellent student. He will win the hearts of teachers with his childish prudence and seriousness, but there may be problems with physical education. If you notice Dmitry's tendency to be overweight, sound the alarm, do not start this condition so that it does not worsen in the future.

AT adolescence Dima will not be interested in girls, like most of his peers. If the boy has a hobby, for example, drawing, playing the violin, a programming circle, then he will be completely immersed in it. Even walks with friends will not attract him. As a rule, Dmitry already at this age begins to make useful acquaintances, for example, with excellent students in those subjects in which he is a little behind, with some hooligans who can protect him, and tries to ingratiate himself with teachers and even the headmaster.

Dmitry comprehends love relationships quite late, perhaps because of his constant employment, perhaps because of complexes or excessive demands. All his life he will be in search of the perfect woman.

Notable people named Dimitri

  1. D. Medvedev (born 1965) Russian statesman and politician, tenth Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (since May 8, 2012), third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Law.)
  2. D. Pevtsov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
  3. D. Mendeleev (1834 - 1907) - Russian scientist encyclopedist, professor at St. Petersburg University;
  4. D. Kharatyan (1960) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2000).
Published: 2016-05-23 , Modified: 2016-11-20 ,

AT official biography Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich it is written that he was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. His parents were teachers: his father was a professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet, his mother was a philologist, she taught at Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen, later worked as a guide in Pavlovsk. All of his ancestors are from Central Russia, so he is Russian by nationality.

Dmitry Anatolyevich studied at school No. 305 in Kupchino. In 1983 he entered the law faculty of the Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov, from which he graduated with honors in 1987. After graduating from university, he entered graduate school, which he completed in 1990. At the university, D. Medvedev became a member of the Komsomol, and then the CPSU (remained a member of the party until 1991).

Career prior to the 2008 presidential election

From 1990 to 1999 he taught at Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg State University), at the same time being an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council people's deputies A. Sobchak, then an expert of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, headed by V. Putin.

Then he moved to Moscow, where he became Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Kozak.

After the victory of V. Putin on presidential elections(He headed his campaign headquarters) in 2000, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. In 2003 he became the head of the Presidential Administration and a member of the Security Council. Since 2005, he began to oversee all priority national projects, became a member of the party " United Russia” and took the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

From 2000 to 2008 (with interruptions) Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.

2008 presidential election and presidential term

AT short biography Medvedev stated that since 2007 he became an official participant in the presidential election "race" from the United Russia party. Medvedev's campaign headquarters was headed by S. Sabyanin, who temporarily left the post of head of the presidential administration. The elections were won and on May 7, 2008 the inauguration ceremony took place.

During his presidency, Medvedev paid great attention to innovation, the fight against corruption and national projects. Also during his presidency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was reformed, there was financial crisis, the responsibility for which was assumed by the head of the Government V. Putin, and the so-called Five-Day War (Georgian-Ossetian conflict).

Career at present

By refusing to participate in the 2012 presidential race and supporting V. Putin, Medvedev secured the position of prime minister (head of the RF Government).

On May 8, 2012, his candidacy was approved by the deputies of the State Duma. On May 26, he became chairman of the United Russia party.

Personal life and family

D. Medvedev is married (since 1993) to Svetlana Linnik (wife former president RF comes from the city of Murom Vladimir region; it is she who is the initiator of the annual holiday - the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity). In 1995, the couple had a son, Ilya (currently a student at MGIMO).

My aunt, Svetlana Afanasyevna Medvedeva, is a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Russia, the author of 9 collections of poetry.

Other biography options

  • From his youth, the future president was fond of hard rock (the favorite Russian group is Chaif).
  • At the university, he became interested in weightlifting and even won competitions.
  • During his studies, being an excellent student, he worked as a janitor and received 120 rubles a month (+50 rubles of an increased scholarship), and also worked in the summer in the paramilitary guard of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR.

The origin of the name Dmitry is associated with the name ancient greek goddess earth and fertility of Demeter. Together with the spread of Christianity from ancient Byzantium, the name came to Russia and quickly gained popularity among different segments of the population.

FROM Greek name Demetrios, from which the name Dmitry originates, many other names are connected, such as Mityuk, Dmitr, Dimitri and others, as well as such popular surnames in Russia as Dmitriev, Dmitrievsky and so on.

The moderate popularity of the name Dmitry has been maintained for many centuries, and today this popularity is only growing.

And this is not surprising, because the name is amazing rich story, it was worn and is worn by many prominent personalities. Among them are chemist Dmitry Mendeleev, composer Dmitry Shostakovich, actors Dmitry Kharatyan and Dmitry Pevtsov, singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, writer Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak, navigator Dmitry Laptev and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Of all the saints, Christians most of all honored the faithful Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy - the defender of the faith and the fatherland. It was under his command that the Russian army won the Battle of Kulikovo, the outcome of which decided the fate of Russia. The victory on the Kulikovo field, although it did not lead to complete elimination Tatar-Mongol yoke, but a tangible blow was dealt to the dominance of the Golden Horde, which subsequently led to its complete collapse.

Dmitry Donskoy was a deeply religious person, he fervently prayed and supported Christian faith. For all his great deeds - military, political or civil, the commander took the blessing of the Church. Lived this great person not for long - only 39 years old, but forever entered the history of Russia.

At baptism in Orthodox Church the name Demetrius is used. All Dmitry can celebrate the day of the angel, coinciding with his birthday, or the next right after it. Name day dates: 4, 8, 21 and 31 January; 7, 9, 11, 17, 19 and 24 February; 4, 22, 23, 25, 28 and 31 March; 1, 23 and 26 April; May 2, 5, 22 and 28; June 1, 10, 15, 16 and 26; 3, 17 and 21 July; August 1, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25 and 30; September 8, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24 and 28; 4, 9, 10, 15, 17, 21 and 28 October; October 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 21 and 28; November 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 22, 25, 27, 28 and 29; December 2, 10, 14, 15 and 17.

Name characteristic

Dmitry is a true perfectionist, striving for perfection in everything he undertakes. The main features of his character are will, perseverance, desire for leadership, the ability to insist on his own. He is well versed in any environment, converges well with people, knows how to impress.

Dmitry has all the qualities to achieve great success in life, but on condition that he will be able to overcome natural laziness and love for empty chatter. It is difficult to find a person more talkative, Dmitry can talk for a very long time and about nothing. In his environment there are always a lot of friends and buddies with whom you can have a good time or just hang out. For all his sociability and enterprise, Dmitry may never use all his talents, forever mired in empty conversations.

This person very often lives on the principle of "make or break", taking risks and not thinking about the consequences. To his credit, it must be said that Dmitry does not give up in case of failure, if necessary, he can show amazing endurance and efficiency. Optimism, resourcefulness and a great sense of humor help him survive any trouble.

Dmitry loves and appreciates comfort, it is difficult for him to deny himself pleasure, he is not averse to eating well and drinking hard. Leisure prefers active - fishing, hiking, trips.

All the shortcomings of Dmitry's character are more than covered by his kind heart, responsiveness and generosity. If possible, he tries to smooth out conflicts, never starts them himself. He does not like to complicate life for himself or others, preferring to simply enjoy it.


Little Mitya usually looks like his mother, and he retains this resemblance for the rest of his life. In childhood, he can often get sick, so he can grow up as a capricious and spoiled child. With age, diseases disappear, but capriciousness can develop into stubbornness. Usually he does not let anyone offend himself, as well as his friends, and fights are a common thing for him.

At school, Dima studies averagely, he does well only in those subjects that he likes.

In adolescence, a young man is subject to someone else's influence, so his further fate will largely depend on the environment. At this age, it manifests itself leadership skills the ability to get along with people.

It is important to direct Dimin's activity in the right direction, to allow his talents to develop. He grows up as a man with a heightened sense of morality, so in no case should his pride and pride be hurt.


In adulthood, there is no trace of Dima's illnesses, but his health will never be strong. A man may have problems with the stomach and intestines, with age, heart problems may occur.

Dmitry should not drink, as there is a risk of becoming ill with alcoholism.


Being a born aesthete, Dmitry can only get carried away beautiful women, sexy and liberated. With women, he is always courteous and gallant, behaves like a true gentleman.

He gets to know his first woman quite late, sometimes it happens that only by the age of forty does he begin to fully understand his sexual capabilities. However, it may also happen that his sexual temperament remains unrealized. Sex is most often interesting to him from the point of view of "talk and listen."

Dmitry has a rather moderate temperament, very often he lacks simple determination in order to captivate the girl he likes. Understanding of female nature usually comes to him with age. Most often, it depends on the woman whether Dmitry will be able to get rid of prejudices and complexes regarding sexual life.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Dmitry takes marriage very seriously, so early marriage is not typical for him. He is very touching towards children, but takes little part in their upbringing, preferring to love them from afar.

He takes care of and provides for the family, but at the same time spends a lot of time with his friends, and his wife often lacks his attention. Dmitry is very stingy with the manifestation of feelings, and his sexual temperament leaves much to be desired.

In everyday life, he is not picky, he does not do housework, preferring to shift everything onto the shoulders of his wife. Not jealous, not prone to betrayal.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Anna, Elena, Svetlana, Polina, Yana, Lyudmila, Natalya and Lilia. Relationships with Irina, Marina, Julia, Victoria, Sophia, Inna and Angelica should be avoided.

Profession and business

Dmitry is gifted far above average, and if he manages to develop the talents given to him by nature, he can easily achieve success in any field of activity. He has a very good entrepreneurial streak, he can communicate and convince, so he can make an excellent salesman, manager, advertising agent or consultant.

Dmitry knows how to show hard work and ingenuity, so he will turn out to be both a good performer and a leader. He easily adapts to any situation, finding personal commercial benefit everywhere.

Dmitri is strong creativity, he can become an excellent artist, writer or politician. In general, he is a team player, and is best when working in a team. A big role for him is played by the location of the authorities, with whom Dmitry knows how to find a common language.

Talismans for Dmitry

  • The ruling planet is Pluto and Saturn.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio. Dmitry is recommended to call boys born under this zodiac sign.
  • A good time of the year is autumn, a good day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Lucky colors are red, orange and blue.
  • Totem plant - elm and chrysanthemum. In the Christian tradition, the elm has always been considered a symbol of dignity, restraint, generosity and strength. Chrysanthemum symbolizes happiness and longevity, as well as a high position in society.
  • Totem animal - tiger and walrus. The tiger personifies strength, speed and power, as well as nobility and good luck. The walrus is a symbol of learning, knowledge, purposefulness and comprehension of the mysteries of life.
  • Talisman stone - opal and lapis lazuli. Opal - semiprecious stone with healing properties. It calms the nerves, helps get rid of depression and insomnia, absorbs all human diseases and negative emotions. Lapis lazuli is a symbol of power, prosperity and success. The stone protects from evil, clears consciousness and mind.


Aries- a person who knows his own worth, purposeful and power-hungry. Dmitry-Aries is prone to rash actions and risks, he can be immoderate in expressing his thoughts and emotions. The enormous energy of Dmitry-Aries can make him restless and even aggressive, he often forgets about the sense of tact. He easily goes against generally accepted norms if his worldview has nothing to do with them. But despite complex nature, this man is surprisingly naive and trusting, deep down he always remains a child for whom the world - Magic world where he is always welcome. Dmitry-Aries has amazing ability quickly bounce back and pull himself together, and his faith in a beautiful future is unshakable. For all his naivete and obstinacy, Dmitry-Aries is a very faithful person, both in friendship and in love. Family life with Dmitry-Aries will never be quiet and calm, as he loves as passionately as he hates. All scandals and quarrels will end with no less ardent reconciliation.

Taurus- the personality is bright, active, businesslike. He is constantly on the move, solves someone's problems, takes part in someone's destiny. Dmitry-Aries may be outwardly imperturbable, but passion always boils inside him, sometimes it can be irritation and anger. He is stubborn, unhurried, conservative, practical, striving for comfort and material security. Pronounced caution and decency can prevent a man from taking advantage of a good chance. Dmitry-Taurus usually stays away from any risks and adventures, preferring honest earnings. He has a huge supply of patience, but when it ends, Dmitry from an affectionate calf turns into an angry bull. In love, this man is incredibly gentle and caring, but jealous, sometimes his jealousy can border on paranoia. He treats jealousy in his address condescendingly, it amuses his pride. Usually the marriage of Dmitry-Taurus is successful, as he is attracted by stability and constancy. In addition, he knows how to be faithful.

Twins- an artistic, charming man, with a powerful intellect and outstanding abilities. Dmitry Gemini can chat for hours, he has a reputation as an unstoppable balabol. He is always surrounded by gossip, rumors and speculation. He likes to be in the center of attention, greedy for flattery and praise. People around him often suspect him of hypocrisy, and for good reason. In his character, practicality and friendliness are combined with such qualities as pettiness, inconstancy and selfishness. Dmitry Gemini is prone to deceit and disorganization. But at the same time, he perfectly knows how to adapt to the situation and people, knows how to please and flatter in time. He is very susceptible to other people's influence, so he has almost no opinion of his own. They usually say about such a person - "seven Fridays in a week." Dmitry Gemini cannot be named exemplary family man and a homebody, because even after his marriage he continues to consider himself a free man and lead a wild life. He knows how to be faithful, but in his personal life he will forever remain an incorrigible egoist. From his chosen one, you will need to show gentleness, loyalty and indulgence to the rampant lifestyle of your spouse.

Crayfish- a vulnerable and dreamy personality, prone to melancholy and depression. He takes all the troubles to heart, while he remains an aristocratic and well-mannered person. The mood of Dmitry-Rak is unpredictable, he is an extremely vulnerable man who reacts very sharply to criticism and comments. This person is belly on the principle of "quieter you go, you will continue", he does not like risk and unpredictability. Dmitry-Rak can be completely helpless in the event of minor troubles, but when it comes to serious problems, he steadfastly and calmly overcomes them step by step. In marriage, he is reliable, as he is impressed by a calm, measured, predictable life. Dmitry-Rak treats women a little condescendingly, does not recognize women's decrees and commands. However, his wife will live with him “as if behind a stone wall”, since it is difficult to find a more faithful and sensitive person.

a lion- proud and determined man, with stormy temperament. He cannot imagine his life without an enthusiastic "entourage" who will extol him in every possible way. Dmitry-Lev is charismatic, always positive, never knowing peace and not wanting to be led by others. This is an imperious and noble person, in whom there is not a drop of meanness and hypocrisy, but sometimes there is vanity and even cruelty. He is a gifted ruler, he is impressed to protect and protect people who depend on him. The man aspires to financial independence, but elementary laziness can prevent him from doing this. Very often, Dmitry-Lev lives beyond his means and gets into big debts, because he loves a luxurious and carefree life very much. As Dmitry-Lev knows how to win the heart of a woman, no one knows how - flattery, compliments and expensive gifts without an account. In marriage, he completely controls his spouse, can be jealous and suspicious. He is an absolute owner, while he himself is not averse to going “to the left”. Life with him will never be calm, so he needs a patient girl with a moderate temperament as his wife.

Virgo- cold-blooded and closed nature, making high demands both on themselves and on others. He has a strong character, he relies on himself in everything and is ready to take responsibility for his actions. Dmitry-Virgo is neat and a workaholic, for whom everything should be perfect. Such perfectionism is manifested in everything - in work, in everyday life, in friendship and love. In general, a man has a calm disposition, but he can be pissed off by rudeness, stupidity and vulgarity. Dmitry-Virgo knows how to make money, he will never be a poor person. You can even call him a miser, as he is used to getting by with the most necessary things and is very reluctant to part with money. In his work, he is, first of all, a good performer, whom you can always rely on. Takes marriage seriously, very reluctant to part with single life. He cannot be called a romantic, but peace and prosperity will always reign in his family.

Scales- a sociable, witty man, pleasant to talk to, but sometimes he has periods when he becomes irritable, capricious and angry. The duality of his nature is manifested in a frequent change of mood: either he is active, or apathetic, or hardworking, or lazy. He knows how to please, find a common language even with the most reserved people. He treats any difficulties with a share of optimism, but as for overcoming his own life obstacles, a man always needs help, advice and tips. Most often, Dmitry-Libra does not know how to work fruitfully alone, he tries in every possible way to avoid responsibility - he is a team player and a good performer. AT love affairs he is a real lucky man, as he is a romantic and knows how to find an approach to a woman. Dmitry-Libra is a man who will never be alone, there will always be a woman next to him. It is easy to go through life with him, as a man tries in every possible way to avoid conflicts, always compromises, is not jealous, caring and gentle.

Scorpion- a sensual and sophisticated person with unbending willpower and an excellent understanding of people. Dmitry-Scorpio cannot stand gossip and gossip, flattery and duplicity. His leadership qualities are best manifested in a leadership position. He is an excellent manipulator, able to hide his thoughts and feelings under the guise of indifference or cordiality. He knows his own worth, and therefore does not accept any criticism addressed to him, and vindictiveness and vindictiveness make him a dangerous person. At the same time, deep down, he is very vulnerable and sensual, like no one in need of understanding and affection. Dmitry-Scorpio is by nature prone to spontaneous actions and adventures, it is impossible to force him to obey or try to control. In love, he is incredibly passionate and jealous, he plunges headlong into feeling, giving himself without a trace and demanding the same in return. Dmitry-Scorpio can become a good spouse who will appreciate and provide for his family. As a wife, he needs a loyal woman, light and unprincipled, but at the same time able to manipulate his emotions.

Sagittarius- a sincere and temperamental man who is not afraid to go against the opinions of others. Easy character and cheerful disposition often help him out of difficult situations. life situations, he buys his charisma and emancipation. Dmitry-Sagittarius is talkative, likes to brag, exaggerate the truth a little. He is enterprising, active, easily involved in work, strives to ensure that his work is appreciated. There are always a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, which most often remain at the project stage. Even if he manages to make good money, the money does not stay with him, since Dmitry Sagittarius is a big spender. Usually in the life of this man there are many women and passionate romances, but he goes down the aisle very reluctantly, because more than anything in the world he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom and independence. However, he can make an excellent family man, but on the condition that the woman does not limit his wide circle of friends and takes over financial support families.

Capricorn- a shrewd person with a strong character, always knowing what he wants. On his way there are no obstacles that he could not overcome with the help of diligence, perseverance and patience. Unshakable faith in himself, combined with excellent organizational skills, provide him with a high position in society. Most often, the profession of Dmitry-Capricorn is associated with intellectual work or scientific activity. He is a realist and life position based on rationalism, practicality and clarity. Dmitry-Capricorn is one of those people who will always be able to provide himself and his loved ones with financial prosperity, no matter what it costs him. With all this, he is a rather sentimental person, but a little timid and cannot always openly admit his feelings. In marriage, he is reliable, like a rock, decent, responsible and faithful. Dmitry-Capricorn knows how to understand inner world woman, her desires and values, knows how to be indulgent to the shortcomings of her partner.

Aquarius- a sensitive and vulnerable person who does not like affectation, flattery and hypocrisy. He feels lonely most of the time, forte- communication. This person knows how to appreciate the accumulated, but is always open to new experiments and knowledge. He is not afraid to go against the grain public opinion, although it cannot be said that there are no authorities for him. He values ​​emotions and new impressions much higher than material values, therefore he is unlikely to ever become a rich person. In building a career, he is often hampered by lack of concentration and some isolation from reality. He is constantly late, forgets everything, leaves important things to the last moment. As a wife, Dmitry-Aquarius needs a female friend who is able to listen, understand and take a sincere part in his life. He is not characterized by responsibility, this man will not understand the intricacies of the female soul. In a relationship, he is honest, does not accept betrayal, and if interest in a woman disappears, he will tell her about it directly.

Fish- extraordinary Attractive man, soft and graceful, a favorite of fate. Often dwells in dreams and dreams, he has many ambitious plans, but most often they remain just plans and dreams. Dmitry-Pisces is naturally endowed with many talents, he is a creatively gifted person, and if he manages to realize himself, he can become very successful person. In life, he is not a fighter, but rather a contemplator, therefore, he needs the patronage and support of a stronger personality. He is vulnerable, picky and touchy, very hard to tolerate criticism. But at the same time, he remains a sincere person who knows how to sympathize and empathize. Next to him there should be a faithful and delicate woman who will be able to support and support her weak-willed husband, who will be able to instill optimism and self-confidence in him. AT family relationships Dmitry-Pisces will show the clarity, gentleness and disinterestedness characteristic of his character.

Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich is a Russian scientist, a brilliant chemist, physicist, researcher in the field of metrology, hydrodynamics, geology, a deep connoisseur of industry, an instrument maker, an economist, an aeronaut, a teacher, a public figure and an original thinker.

Childhood and youth

The great scientist was born in 1834, on February 8, in Tobolsk. Father Ivan Pavlovich was the director of district schools and the Tobolsk gymnasium, he came from the family of the priest Pavel Maksimovich Sokolov, Russian by nationality.

Ivan changed his surname in childhood, being a student at the Tver Seminary. Presumably, this was done in honor of his godfather, the landowner Mendeleev. Later, the question of the nationality of the name of the scientist was repeatedly raised. According to some sources, she testified to Jewish roots, according to others, to German ones. Dmitri Mendeleev himself said that Ivan was given the surname by his teacher from the seminary. The young man made a successful exchange and thus became famous among classmates. According to two words - “to do a change” - Ivan Pavlovich was included in the training sheet.

Mother Maria Dmitrievna (nee Kornilyeva) was engaged in raising children and housekeeping, had a reputation as an intelligent and smart woman. Dmitry was the youngest in the family, the last of fourteen children (according to other sources, the last of seventeen children). At the age of 10, the boy lost his father, who became blind and soon died.

During his studies at the gymnasium, Dmitry did not show his abilities; Latin was the most difficult for him. His mother instilled love for science, she also participated in the formation of his character. Maria Dmitrievna took her son to study in St. Petersburg.

In 1850, in St. Petersburg, the young man entered the Main Pedagogical Institute at the department natural sciences physics and mathematics. His teachers were professors E. Kh. Lenz, A. A. Voskresensky and N. V. Ostrogradsky.

While studying at the institute (1850-1855), Mendeleev demonstrates extraordinary abilities. As a student, he published an article "On isomorphism" and a number of chemical analyses.

The science

In 1855, Dmitry received a diploma with a gold medal and was sent to Simferopol. Here he works as a senior teacher of the gymnasium. With the outbreak of the Crimean War, Mendeleev moved to Odessa and received a teaching position at a lyceum.

In 1856 he was again in St. Petersburg. He studies at the university, defends his dissertation, teaches chemistry. In autumn he defends another dissertation and is appointed Privatdozent of the university.

In 1859, Mendeleev was sent on a business trip to Germany. Works at the University of Heidelberg, equips the laboratory, explores capillary fluids. Here he wrote the articles "On the Temperature of Absolute Boiling" and "On the Expansion of Liquids", and discovered the phenomenon of "critical temperature".

In 1861, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg. Creates tutorial " Organic chemistry”, for which he is awarded the Demidov Prize. In 1864, he was already a professor, and two years later he headed the department, taught and worked on the Fundamentals of Chemistry.

In 1869, he presented the periodic system of elements, the improvement of which he devoted his whole life to. In the table, Mendeleev presented atomic mass nine elements, later added a group of noble gases to the code and left room for elements that had yet to be discovered. In the 1990s, Dmitri Mendeleev contributed to the discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Periodic Law included evidence of the connection between the properties of elements and their atomic volume. Now, next to each table of chemical elements is a photo of the discoverer.

In 1865–1887 he developed the hydrate theory of solutions. In 1872, he began to study the elasticity of gases, and two years later he derived the ideal gas equation. Among the achievements of Mendeleev of this period is the creation of a scheme for the fractional distillation of petroleum products, the use of tanks and pipelines. With the assistance of Dmitry Ivanovich, the burning of black gold in furnaces completely stopped. The phrase of the scientist “Burning oil is the same as heating the stove with banknotes” has become an aphorism.

Another area of ​​activity of the scientist was geographical research. In 1875, Dmitry Ivanovich visited the Paris International Geographical Congress, where he presented his invention, a differential barometer-altimeter, to the court. In 1887, the scientist participated in a balloon trip to the upper atmosphere to observe a total solar eclipse.

In 1890, a quarrel with high-ranking official caused Mendeleev to leave the university. In 1892, a chemist invents a method for producing smokeless powder. At the same time, he was appointed custodian of the Depot of Exemplary Weights and Measures. Here he resumes the prototypes of the pound and arshin, is engaged in calculations by comparing Russian and English standards of measures.

At the initiative of Mendeleev, in 1899, the metric system of measures was optionally introduced. In 1905, 1906 and 1907, the scientist was nominated as a candidate for Nobel Prize. In 1906, the Nobel Committee awarded the prize to Mendeleev, but the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden did not confirm this decision.

Mendeleev, who is the author of more than one and a half thousand works, had a huge scientific authority in the world. For his services, the scientist was awarded numerous scientific titles, Russian and foreign awards, was an honorary member of a number of scientific societies at home and abroad.

Personal life

In his youth, an unpleasant incident happened to Dmitry. The courtship of the girl Sonya, with whom he had known since childhood, ended in an engagement. But the pampered beauty did not go to the crown. On the eve of the wedding, when preparations were already in full swing, Sonechka refused to marry. The girl considered that it makes no sense to change something if life is already so good.

Dmitry painfully experienced a break with the bride, but life went on as usual. From heavy thoughts he was distracted by a trip abroad, lecturing and true friends. Resuming relations with Feozva Nikitichnaya Leshcheva, whom he had previously known, began to meet with her. The girl was 6 years older than Dmitry, but she looked young, so the age difference was imperceptible.

In 1862 they became husband and wife. The first daughter Masha was born in 1863, but lived only a few months. In 1865, the son Volodya was born, three years later - the daughter Olya. Dmitry Ivanovich was attached to children, but he devoted little time to them, since his life was devoted to scientific activity. In a marriage concluded according to the principle of "be patient, fall in love", he was not happy.

In 1877, Dmitry met Anna Ivanovna Popova, who became for him a person capable of Hard time support with a smart word. The girl turned out to be a creatively gifted person: she studied piano at the conservatory, later at the Academy of Arts.

Dmitry Ivanovich hosted youth “Fridays”, where he met Anna. "Fridays" were transformed into literary and artistic "environments", the regulars of which were talented artists and professors. Among them were Nikolai Wagner, Nikolai Beketov and others.

The marriage of Dmitry and Anna took place in 1881. Soon their daughter Lyuba was born, their son Ivan appeared in 1883, the twins Vasily and Maria - in 1886. In the second marriage, the scientist's personal life developed happily. Later, the poet became the son-in-law of Dmitry Ivanovich, having married the daughter of the scientist Lyubov.


At the beginning of 1907, a meeting was held in the Chamber of Weights and Measures between Dmitry Mendeleev and the new Minister of Industry, Dmitry Filosofov. After going around the ward, the scientist fell ill with a cold, which caused pneumonia. But even being very ill, Dmitry continued to work on the manuscript "To the Knowledge of Russia", the last words he wrote in which was the phrase:

“In conclusion, I consider it necessary, even in the most in general terms, to express ... ".

Death occurred at five o'clock in the morning on February 2 due to heart failure. The grave of Dmitry Mendeleev is located at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

The memory of Dmitri Mendeleev is immortalized by a number of monuments, documentaries, the book “Dmitry Mendeleev. Author of the great law.

  • The name of Dmitri Mendeleev is associated with many interesting facts biographies. In addition to the activities of a scientist, Dmitry Ivanovich was engaged in industrial intelligence. In the 1970s, the United States began to flourish oil industry, technologies appeared that made the production of petroleum products cheaper. Russian producers began to suffer losses on the international market due to their inability to compete on price.
  • In 1876, at the request of the Russian Ministry of Finance and the Russian Technical Society, which collaborated with the military department, Mendeleev went overseas to an exhibition technical innovations. On site, the chemist learned innovative principles for the manufacture of kerosene and other petroleum products. And according to the ordered reports of the railway services of Europe, Dmitry Ivanovich tried to decipher the method of making smokeless powder, which he succeeded.

  • Mendeleev had a hobby - making suitcases. The scientist sewed his own clothes.
  • The scientist is credited with the invention of vodka and moonshine. But in fact, Dmitry Ivanovich in the topic of his doctoral dissertation “Discourse on the combination of alcohol with water” studied the issue of reducing the volume of mixed liquids. In the work of the scientist there was not even a word about vodka. And the standard of 40 ° was established in Tsarist Russia as early as 1843.
  • Invented airtight compartments for passengers and pilots.
  • There is a legend that the discovery of Mendeleev's periodic system happened in a dream, but this is a myth created by the scientist himself.
  • He rolled cigarettes himself, using expensive tobacco. He said he would never quit smoking.


  • He created a controlled balloon, which became an invaluable contribution to aeronautics.
  • He developed a periodic table of chemical elements, which became a graphic expression of the law established by Mendeleev in the course of his work on the Fundamentals of Chemistry.
  • Created a pycnometer - a device capable of determining the density of a liquid.
  • Discovered the critical boiling point of liquids.
  • He created the equation of state of an ideal gas, establishing the relationship between the absolute temperature of an ideal gas, pressure and molar volume.
  • He opened the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures - the central institution of the Ministry of Finance, which was in charge of the verification part of the Russian Empire, subordinate to the Department of Trade.
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