Draft scheme of a national park in tanzania. Project On the topic “Creation of a national park. National parks of Tanzania

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Project On the topic “Creating a National Park in Tanzania” Completed by: Student 7 “b” class Prasolov Alexander MAOU secondary school “school number 8”.

1) Purpose: creation of a park for the protection of animals, plants, their habitat, creation of a place for recreation and education of people.

2) Location: The park is located in the city of Kilwa Masoko on the coast of the Indian Ocean. This location allows us to organize the most interesting sea excursions for tourists from all over the world. Guides speak 8 languages ​​of the world: Arabic, English, French, Russian, German, Chinese, Italian, Suhaili. For those visitors who do not speak any of these languages, universal audio guides are provided.

Features of the geographical position Tanzania is a state in East Africa. It consists of the mainland (tanganyika), washed by the Indian Ocean from the east, and the large coastal islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. Tanzania is part of the British Commonwealth. Most of the country is located on the East African Plateau. The territory of Tanzania captures part of the largest lakes in Africa - Lake Victoria in the north, Lake Tanganyika (which is often called Baikal's twin) in the west, and Lake Nyasa in the south of Tanzania. The highest mountains in Africa, Kilimanjaro (5895 m). The total length of land borders is 3,402 km, of which with Burundi - 451 km, with Kenya - 769 km, Malawi - 475 km, with Mozambique - 756 km, with Rwanda - 217 km, with Uganda - 396 km and with Zambia - 338 km. Equatorial monsoon. The mountainous regions and the southeastern part of the country have all the signs of a tropical climate, which is determined by the features of the relief. The temperature regime in Tanzania is quite homogeneous - the average winter temperature is around +22 C (in mountainous areas - +12 -20 C), the average monthly summer temperature ranges from +25 C in the south of the country to +27 C in the north to +24 in mountainous areas. The best time to visit the country is from June to September, but you should carefully choose the time of arrival depending on the areas you plan to visit. When choosing the time of the trip, you should be guided by information about the migration of animals, as well as the hunting season, which is usually closed from April 1 to June 30. .

The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world. Individual males grow to a height of 5.7 meters, of which 2.4 meters falls on the neck. At the same time, their weight reaches almost 2 tons. Females are somewhat smaller - up to 4 meters in height and weighing around 1200 kg. Zebra is a large animal of the horse family, common on the slopes and plateaus of South Africa and Namibia at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level. There are two subspecies, the range of which is highly fragmented.

The lion is one of the four representatives of the panther genus, which belongs to the subfamily of big cats. The lion is the second largest living big cat, second only to the tiger. The weight of male lions sometimes reaches 250 kg. The impala antelope is an inhabitant of the southeastern part of the African continent. Because of the graceful camp, for a long time she was ranked among the gazelles, but studies have shown that she is much more closely related to the bubals.

The leopard is one of the largest predatory mammals of the cat family belonging to the genus Panthera. The leopard is a large animal with a muscular body, a rounded head, thick short hair and a long tail. All species of leopards have a characteristic coloration consisting of a dirty yellow background and black solid or ring-shaped spots distributed throughout the body.

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. It develops a speed equal to 112 -120 kilometers per hour (almost 75 miles per hour) in a minimum period of time. The cheetah has the ability to develop a speed of 100 kilometers per hour in 3 seconds. This feline is one of the few that have semi-retractable claws. Vervetki - a separate species of monkeys of the genus green monkeys, monkey family. Vervets live in East Africa south of the Sahara Desert. In addition, they are found in the southern part of the African continent.

8) Protection of the project 1) Significance of the project for society: viewing various animals and plants that people did not know about or did not see live, and would like to see. 2) 2) The main problem solved by me: what animals and plants will be protected in the park. 3) 3) I was looking for those animals that live only in Tanzania 4) 4) What result I got: various animals and plants now live in my park, are studied and protected. 5) 5) Having done this project, I can do subsequent, various projects related to animals and plants.

enjoys the fame of one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. On the territory of which the largest and most beautiful national parks and reserves of the country are located.


The Serengeti National Park is one of the largest game reserves in the world.(its area is 14,763 sq. km.) and the oldest nat. park on the African continent (established in 1951), located in the north Tanzania near the border with Kenya. The Serengeti lies between 920 and 1850 meters above sea level and its landscape varies from long or short grass in the south to savannahs in the center and forested hills in the north. Real forests are located in the western part of the park. In the Serengeti, the concentration of wild animals is one of the largest in the world (there are about 3 million of them). Here there is a unique opportunity to see the "Big Five" in full force - a lion (their population in the Serengeti is 3000), a leopard, a buffalo, a rhinoceros and an elephant. Other common animals include giraffes, wildebeest, gazelles, zebras, impalas, cheetahs (more than 500), crocodiles, hippos and others, as well as more than 500 bird species. The park is known for its absolutely colossal animal migration between July and August, when millions of animals living here are forced to migrate in search of pastures during the dry seasons in some areas of the park.


highest single mountain in the world, which is also a dormant, but not extinct volcano. Climbing Kilimanjaro can be done throughout the year, but the best time to do it is from August to October and from January to March. The main attractions of this peak are the volcanic centers of the Shire in the west, Mawenzi in the east and the snow-white Kibo in the center.


The area of ​​the reserve is 8288 sq. km. is in the north Tanzania between the parks Manyara and the Serengeti. The reserve was established in 1959 in order to preserve ngorongoro crater and Olduvai Gorge. The Ngorongoro Crater is listed as a Natural Heritage of the World by UNESCO. It is the sixth largest crater in the world, with a depth of 610 meters and an area of ​​260 square meters. km (crater diameter from 16 to 19 km). The Ngorongoro Crater formed 2.5 million years ago. It used to be a huge volcano, but after the largest eruption, its top collapsed and formed a caldera (crater). Its landscape is very diverse: volcanoes, mountains, plains, lakes, forests. The Ngorongoro Crater is unique in that over the years it has developed its own habitat for many species of animals that are unable to get out. In this regard, the crater is one of the most "densely populated" areas of the African continent with 25,000 large mammals, mainly zebras and antelopes. Gazelles, buffaloes, warthogs, elephants, lions, leopards, hyenas, hippos, monkeys also live here. On the territory of the crater you will see "white" and "black" rhinos, which are an endangered species in the world! Over 100 bird species have been recorded, many of which are found only here. Countless flamingos form a pink blanket over Lake Magadi, which is located inside the crater. Not far from the crater is Olduvai Gorge, which is called the site of the richest excavations of the prehistoric period.


Was founded in 1960. It is located in the Great Rift Valley, in the northern part Tanzania. The park is located between Lake Manyara itself and the 600-meter cliffs of the Great African Rift and occupies 325 square meters. km, 229 of which are on the lake. On the remaining small part of the land, meadows, mountains, forests and swamps are located. The park is home to the only tropical forest in Tanzania, home to hordes of baboons and blue monkeys. In the park there are buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, zebras, hippos. The main feature of the park are the lions climbing the acacia trees. Lake Manyara is a bird paradise for waterfowl, there are more than 380 species of them: huge flocks of pink flamingos, pelicans, storks, ibises, cormorants, cranes, etc. (Heading Tanzania)


The largest protected wild area in Africa with the largest population of elephants in Tanzania. Lions, impalas, giraffes, antelopes, baboons, zebras, buffaloes, hippos and wild dogs are also often found here. The nature in the reserve is very diverse: from savannahs to forests, from meadows to rocks cut through by the Rufizhi River and its tributaries Kilambero and Luwegu. The Kilombero River is home to predatory tiger fish and amazing vanda catfish with primitive lungs that allow them to move from one reservoir to another directly by land.


The park is located 120 km south of Arusha on an area of ​​2600 sq. km. It takes its name from the river that carries its waters along the entire park. A distinctive feature of the landscape is the river floodplain and savanna with lonely standing baobabs and acacias. In June, after a period of long rains in the Masai steppe, the dry season begins and the animals return to the banks of the Tarangire River. Typical inhabitants of the park are zebras, wildebeest, lions, leopards, water deer, giraffes and others. If you're lucky, you can observe in natural habitats and pythons, which the park is famous for.

Volmar Safaris offers various

Parks of Tanzania: national parks, reserves, protected areas of Tanzania, natural parks.

Any unesco

    the very best


    "Crown of Tanzania" - Mount Kilimanjaro (from Swahili - "mountain that sparkles"). It is impossible not to recognize it - rising directly above the flat plains, covered with a snow cap at the top, it has become a real symbol of the country.

    the very best


    Ruaha National Park

    Today it is one of the most popular and visited nature reserves in the country. In addition, Ruaha is the second largest national park in Tanzania. It got its name from the Great Ruaha River, which flows among the mountain gorges along its eastern border, and flows into the Rufiji River.

    the very best


    Lake Tanganyika lies within the East African Rift - one of the greatest geological phenomena on Earth. This lake is the second in the world after Baikal in terms of depth (1470 m). And just like Baikal, it is distinguished by exceptionally clear water, which allows you to see the bottom at a depth of up to 33 meters.

  • The national parks of Tanzania - Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Ruaha, Tarangire and others - are world-renowned centers of eco-tourism. Numerous reserves, the most famous of which are Selous, Ngorongoro and Rungwa, preserve unique species of flora and fauna of equatorial Africa. The Selous Reserve, Ruaa and Mikumi parks make Tanzania the center of numerous safaris and air tours, as well as the film set for hundreds of films. In total, Tanzania has 12 national parks, the Ngorongoro Reserve, 13 wildlife reserves, 38 protected areas and about 120 national cultural sites.

    Arusha National Park, one of the smallest in Tanzania, is located only 32 km from the city. Its main "must sees" are Momela Lake, Mount Meru and Ngurdoto Crater. About 400 species of birds nest in the park - both local and migratory, and from the animals here you can meet baboons, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, hippos, leopards, hyenas, zebras and many species of antelopes.

    In the Serengeti, you can see 35 species of large mammals, including the so-called "big five" - ​​elephant, rhinoceros, lion, leopard and buffalo. The Ngorongoro Wildlife Sanctuary is listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. In the southwest it is bounded by Lake Eyasi and in the north by the Gol Mountains. The park is home to gazelles, buffaloes, elands, warthogs, lions, hyenas, cheetahs and leopards. Even in the reserve you can observe more than 100 species of birds that do not live in the Serengeti.

    Tarangire National Park is located on the eastern shore of Lake Maniara and covers an area of ​​2600 square meters. km. Tarangire is famous for its abundance of wild animals. Lake Manyara National Park is located between the alkaline lake of the same name and the rocks of the Great African Rift. The most entertaining sight in the park is the lions climbing the trees.

    Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest single mountain in the world, which is also a dormant but not extinct volcano. Climbing Kilimanjaro can be done throughout the year, but it is best to do it from August to October and from January to March. The main attractions of this peak are the volcanic centers of the Shire in the west, Mawenzi in the east, and snow-white Kibo in the center.

    In total, Tanzania has 12 national parks, the Ngorongoro Reserve, 13 wildlife reserves, 38 protected areas and about 120 national cultural sites.

    South of Tanzania

    In the south of Tanzania are the most untouched nature reserves and reserves in Africa. The most famous among them are the Selous Reserve and the Ruaha National Park.

    The Selous is the largest protected wildlife area in Africa with the largest elephant population in Tanzania. Lions, impalas, giraffes, antelopes, baboons, zebras, buffaloes, hippos and wild dogs are also often found here. The nature in the reserve is very diverse: from savannahs to forests, from meadows to rocks cut through by the Rufizhi River and its tributaries Kilambero and Luwegu. The Kilombero River is home to predatory tiger fish and amazing vanda catfish with primitive lungs that allow them to move from one reservoir to another directly by land. The park organizes walking and car safaris, as well as boat trips. The best time for them is the dry season from June to October, when thirst drives wild animals from secluded places to the rivers.

    Ruaha is a relatively inaccessible wild park, which more than compensates for the road difficulties of travelers who have reached it with the amazing diversity of its plant and animal life. The large Ruaha River protects and nourishes evergreen forests and swamps, thanks to which a huge population of elephants lives in the park.

    Mahale Mountains National Park

    In Western Tanzania, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, there are two reserves: the National Park of the Mahale Mountains and the Gombe Park, known for large populations of chimpanzees and almost the same number of scientists who study their behavior in the natural environment.

    The small Mahale Mountains National Park is located 120 kilometers south of the city of Kigoma, on a peninsula in the eastern part of Lake Tanganyika. In the center of the reserve rises a mountain range, the height of which reaches 2462 m above sea level. Among the representatives of the fauna here, it is worth highlighting a huge population of chimpanzees, about a thousand individuals. In the north, a tourist has every chance to meet elephants, buffaloes and other animals, and in the southern part of the park there are many species of antelopes, lions and giraffes. In the park, you can take a walking safari through the mountains and along the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

    northern circle

    The northern circle is the most developed, but at the same time the wildest. His route covers many parks and reserves of Northern Tanzania, the most famous of which are the Ngorongoro Reserve, Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti, Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Maniara parks. The Serengeti ecosystem consists of the Masai Mara in Kenya and the western part of the Ngorongoro Park, the Serengeti National Park itself and the Maswa Park in Tanzania. Animal migration goes in a circle, starting in the Masai Mara and then clockwise to the southeast.

    A specific route through the objects should be chosen, focusing on the movement of the rainy area: the animals move after the moisture. Wild boars, zebras, gazelles and some species of antelopes migrate over long distances. They are followed by predators - lions and hyenas. Giraffes and elephants travel much shorter distances.

    • Is there a safari in Tanzania where you can go off the road to take unusual photos

- the country is not very big: in the world it ranks 30th, and in Africa - 13th. However, here, perhaps, as nowhere else, much attention is paid to ecology and the preservation of nature in its original form. National parks of Tanzania - and there are as many as 15 of them! - attract the largest number of tourists to the country - the state is considered one of the best for ecotourism in the world. They are operated by the Tanzania National Park Service, which employs over 1,600 people.

The oldest parks

In 1960, it was discovered, famous for its crater lakes, large forests and alpine meadows. More than 200 species of mammals, about 120 reptiles and more than four hundred species of birds live here. The same year was the year of foundation and one of the most famous reserves in the world -, most of which, especially during the rainy period, is occupied by the same name. This park is famous for its abundance of birds, including pink flamingos, as well as unique lions that climb trees.

B can also be attributed to the oldest - it received the status of a national park in 1964. Its main attraction is the flooded meadows of Mkata, the flora of which is very rich and interesting. Cannes live here - the largest antelopes in the world. In the same year, it began its work, which is a transit territory through which representatives of the fauna of the southern and eastern parts of the country migrate. It is home to the largest population of elephants in East Africa. In 1968, it opened, which is by far the smallest in the country (its area is only 52 sq. Km). The park is home to a large number of different primate species; about a hundred chimpanzees alone live here. The park is running a project to research these primates.

1970s - 1990s

In the next 30 years, such Tanzania parks as, and Rubondo Island were created. Katavi Park occupies the third place in terms of area (it is 4471 sq. km); swamps, seasonal lakes, as well as meadows and forests are located in this territory. Tarangire attracts visitors not only with a wide variety of animals and birds, but also with ancient rock paintings. The snow cap of Mount Kilimanjaro - the heart of the reserve - is the hallmark of Tanzania; about 10 thousand tourists annually strive to conquer the top of this highest mountain in Africa.

Mahali Mountains, like Gombe Stream, is home to a large number of chimpanzees, colobus and other primates that live in humid forests; antelopes live in the dry forests of miombo, which occupy about 75% of the park's area. Rubondo Island National Park occupies Rubondo Island and several other smaller islands; This is a favorite vacation spot for lovers of fishing. Most of the reserve is occupied by moist forests, where many orchids grow. The most exotic inhabitants of the reserve are the sitatunga water antelope. The Udzungwa Mountains are home to rare birds, many of which are endangered, and six varieties of primates, two of which are endemic.

"Young" parks

In the 21st century, several national parks were also opened in Tanzania: in 2002, Kitulo Park began its work, bearing the title of "Garden of God" due to the wide variety of plant life: more than 30 species of endemic Tanzanian plants grow here and several species of endemics of the local area, as well as 45 species of orchids and many other plants. Saadani Park, opened in 2005, is the only park on the coast. It is famous for its mangroves. In 2008, on the border with Kenya, a

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