Cold summer 2017: what is happening with the weather in the Moscow region . Forecasters do not expect a hot summer in central Russia Causes of abnormal weather changes

On Tuesday, January 31, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov delivered his annual address to the residents of the region. RIAMO has collected 15 of Vorobyov's most important statements. Further direct speech.

We need our breakthrough. In what? The Moscow region should enter the top five (regions of the Russian Federation - ed.) in all key areas of human life. Safety and health, education and ecology, roads and quality of housing and communal services, efficient public administration and favorable investment climate.

In three years of work, we were able to close 20 solid waste landfills. A federal program has been adopted under which we will continue to close these dangerous landfills. We will open new, safe and build waste processing plants.

Every region and every person wants to live richly. That is why our priority is the economy and investment.

Today the Moscow region is in the top three by gross regional product. 3 trillion rubles. And our neighbor has 13. Despite the fact that only the Moscow Ring Road separates us. In terms of per capita income, we were 17th in the country, and now we are in 15th place.

We will continue to settle the barracks. As part of the execution of the presidential decree, 16,000 people have already received new apartments. Here are some very fresh shots from Shchelkovo and Kotelniki. People moved from stables, barracks.

Most Valuable Result industrial, agricultural, investment policy - this is work close to home. In Kashira and Noginsk, in Lyubertsy and Shatura. In total, there are 250 thousand new jobs in the region.

In four years we have released on the routes of 2.5 thousand new buses - this is exactly half of the Mostransavto fleet - and 96 electric trains. Such renewal of the park in the modern history of the Moscow region has not yet been carried out.

To our healthcare workers We raised salaries twice last year. This year, doctors and medical staff.

By the quality of education we maintain leading positions in the country. The number of "stobalniks" of the Unified State Examination in Russian, history, foreign languages. This is an objective indicator. Our graduates are among the best.

We negotiated with residents about the improvement of parks. At the start, we had 25 of them - and all in an extremely neglected state. Today there are already 82 of them - with lighting, paths, benches, a development plan, and most importantly - with strollers and children's laughter.

During these four years we have become the best in the country in terms of the smallest number of officials per 10,000 population. This figure is 17 people. That is, we have the most optimized management structure at the regional and municipal levels.

Last year we opened six overpasses (Stupinsky district - two, Khimki, Solnechnogorsk, Dolgoprudny, Chekhov district), 28 roads, including the long-awaited Podolsk South Bypass, Aviatsionny village bypass, entrances to Zhukovsky, Ramenki, Yegoryevsk and other settlements.

For three years - a decrease(mortality on the roads - ed.) by 30%. In January, we reduce mortality by 15%. Nevertheless, in absolute terms, we are still anti-leaders. I am sure that if we keep up the pace, we can turn the tide.

Today we have 104 multifunctional centers - in every settlement within walking distance, as required by the May presidential decrees. The number of applications has grown in four years from 400,000 to 12 million a year.

Crime rate in the area in 2016 fell by 20%, below the national crime rate. We are implementing a very important "Safe Region" system.

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The study of the most accurate forecasts allows you to choose the best time to travel around Russia in the summer. For example, many families want to visit relatives in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Tourists wish to visit the Urals and enjoy the splendor of nature. The forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center will help you find out what the summer of 2017 will be like. Accurate data for all 3 summer months will allow you to make a convenient travel plan.

What will summer be like in Moscow 2017 - weather for 3 months from the Hydrometeorological Center

Weather forecasts for the whole summer of 2017 in Moscow from the Hydrometeorological Center

Temperatures are expected to warm in June, but will persist overcast weather. Rain is very likely. According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, residents who want to know what the summer of 2017 is expected to be like and when to travel to Moscow should pay attention to July and August. It is during these periods that the temperature will rise to +25 degrees.

What will summer be like in Russia in 2017 - accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Choosing the best place for a trip will help to study information about what summer 2017 will be like in Russia. It will help determine best places for holidays with family.

Accurate weather forecast for the summer of 2017 for all residents of Russia from the Hydrometeorological Center

For the southern regions, the weather will be consistently warm and already quite hot even at the end of June. Describes the most accurate forecast slight cooling and precipitation in the north during all three months. So best time July and August can be considered for trips around Russia in summer.

Weather features in St. Petersburg: what will summer be like in 2017?

Many tourists come to St. Petersburg to "get acquainted" with the white nights. But before calculating the time of the trip, you need to study what summer will be in St. Petersburg in 2017.

Weather forecast for summer 2017 for St. Petersburg

In June, the city will be quite warm. Strong gusts of wind are acceptable, but they will not be felt as sharply as in spring. In July, a real heat of about +32 degrees will be established. In August, the temperature will drop to +23, rain is possible.

What will be the summer in the Urals in 2017 - weather forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center

A trip to the Urals allows you to admire nature, have a great time. But before the trip, you need to find out what the summer of 2017 will be like in the Urals.

Weather forecasts for the Urals for the summer of 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

The accurate forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center defines June in the Urals as a rather cool month: temperatures from +15 to +20 degrees will be observed. In July it will increase, but frequent rains are possible. But in August, the thermometer will be able to show over +34 degrees.

The most accurate forecast of the hydrometeorological center already today tells what the summer of 2017 will be like in Russia. Forecasters promise moderately warm weather in June, hot July and cooling from mid-August throughout the state. Most of the precipitation will fall at the beginning of summer in the Urals, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in the Middle lane and in the south, the end of August will be more rainy. average temperature across the country for the first time summer month will be around +23°C. By the middle of the season, this figure will change to +30…32°C, and in early August it will be up to +33°C. From August 15, the heat will subside and the air will smell distinctly of the rapidly approaching autumn.

What will be the summer of 2017 in Russia hot or cold - expert forecasts for each month

Mostly warm, dry and not rich in precipitation - this is what the summer of 2017 will be like in Russia according to preliminary forecasts experts. Calling it unequivocally hot or cold will not work, because in different regions states the season will have distinct hues of its own.

Detailed and accurate forecast of the hydrometeorological center for the summer of 2017 for Russia by months

The beginning of June 2017 throughout Russia will be remembered for moderate heat and partly cloudy weather. The thermometer for this period of time in middle lane will not rise above +15…18°C. In the northern districts, the average daily temperature will be + 10 ... 13 ° C and only in the south thermometers will record truly summer indicators (+ 18 ... 23 ° C).

Warming will cover Russian land around June 20th only. The mercury column almost throughout the country will finally reach + 20 ... 22 ° C, and in last days month will rise even higher (up to +28°C). Precipitation in the form of intermittent rains and hail will fall in the first ten days of June, and dry, clear and rather hot weather will be established in the following weeks.

In July, you should expect a baking sun and suffocating heat. Summer heat will warm the air in the northern parts of Russia up to + 20 ... 22 ° C, and in southern regions the thermometer will cross the +30°C mark and stop between +33…35°C. This trend will continue until August 10, and by the 15th the heat will sharply subside. Regular rains and gusty winds will feature the last month of summer and bring with them cooler air and the distinct smell of autumn rapidly approaching.

Weather forecast for the capital - what will be the summer of 2017 in Moscow

The preliminary weather forecast made by the specialists of the Russian hydrometeorological center reports that in general, the summer of 2017 in Moscow will do without exhausting heat. In early June, the air will warm up to only +18°C, and only on the 20th a warm cyclone will radically change this situation, forcing mercury columns to jump sharply to +25°C. Short-term rains will fall only at the very beginning of summer, and the second part of June and July will be dry, clear and almost cloudless.

The real heat will cover the capital only in mid-July, and its end and beginning of August will be marked by very aggressive temperature indicators (+30…33°C in the daytime and about +25…27°C at night). From August 15, a cold snap will come to the city, and in the last days of the month, Muscovites and guests of the capital will have to watch intermittent rains and a cloudy sky, which clearly hints at the approaching autumn.

What will be the summer of 2017 in St. Petersburg - the weather according to weather forecasts

According to weather forecasts in the summer of 2017, the weather in St. Petersburg will be quite traditional and by no means will exceed the average statistical norms typical for this season in the region. The main amount of rain will fall in June, and the daytime temperature in the first summer month will not rise above +22…23°C. A sharp heat will come to the city on the Neva only after June 25, when the mercury columns will fix up to + 29 ° C during the day and about + 21 ° C at night.

July will please with steady heat, clear sky and almost complete silence. Some days will surprise you with pronounced heat (up to + 33 ° C), but it will not last long and by mid-August the temperature will decline. atmospheric fronts they will bring with them regular rainfall and gusty winds and it will become very uncomfortable to walk along the picturesque streets without an umbrella and a windproof jacket. The weather will finally deteriorate at the end of August, and the first month of autumn will meet Northern Palmyra with cloudy skies and moderately cool temperatures (+13…16°C during the day and about +6…10°C at night).

What will be the summer of 2017 in the Urals - weather forecasts

According to the weather forecast, the summer of 2017 in the Urals will be very changeable and changeable. In June, heavy rains attack the region, and the average daily temperature will not exceed +18…20°C. But in July, a full-fledged heat will come sharply. The thermometer readings will instantly soar to + 34 ... 36 ° C and not a single rain will fall from the 1st to the 20th. The suffocating heat will slightly decrease only by the end of the month, and at the same time, intense downpours will begin in the Urals. The beginning of August will be quite comfortable. In the daytime, the air will warm up to +27…30°C, and by night it will cool down to +20°C. Precipitation will completely stop and will no longer prevent residents and guests of the district from going out into the countryside and enjoying their holidays at forest camp sites. AT last days August will begin to actively get colder, and the temperature will drop by 1-2 degrees almost daily. This will become a full-fledged sign that the summer has come to its natural end and soon the golden beauty-autumn will come into its own.

Spring and the long-awaited summer brought almost no pleasure to the Russians. Vacation plans were ruined by abnormal weather conditions. Incessant downpours, hurricanes, record lows and vice versa heat brought confusion to the inhabitants of almost all regions of Russia. What happened to the climate? What will be the summer of 2018 - weather forecasts

On May 29, 2017, a severe storm occurred in Moscow and the Moscow region. The wind speed reached 28 m/s in some places. According to statistics, this is the most heavy storm since 1904. As a result of the violence of the elements, 18 people died and 170 were injured. How did events develop?

The weather was determined by a moving cyclone coming from the Gulf of Finland. Moscow was in the warm part. The air temperature reached 25 °C.

Along with the wind came thunder, downpour and hail. Dropped out in a short amount of time most of monthly rate precipitation (31 mm). Fixed hailstones measuring 6mm.

In some areas the wind was blowing at a speed of 20 m/s. Several automatically operating weather stations located in the central part of Moscow recorded a speed of 30 m/s.

In the evening the elements calmed down.

Consequences of the Moscow hurricane 2017

  1. Electricity was out in 300 settlements(more than 16,000 buildings, 1,500 dachas).
  2. Broken 27,000 trees. Some grew in protected natural parks.
  3. The roofs of more than 200 multi-storey buildings were damaged.
  4. 2,000 vehicles damaged.
  5. A strong wind partially or completely destroyed historical monuments: monastery tombstones, the roof of the Senate Palace, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
  6. Fallen trees made it difficult to move along the railroad tracks.

According to the city authorities, a total damage of 25,000,000 rubles was caused.

No signs of trouble. The element played out in a matter of moments. What was happening was like a big wind tunnel. The wind constrained by high-rise buildings high speed rushed along long streets, avenues and highways, demolishing everything that came across on the way.

Reasons for cold weather in 2017

The weather began to deteriorate in early May. The first days were marked by snowfalls, moreover, they were observed throughout Russia.

  1. The Perm Territory was the first to experience the vagaries of nature. On May 7, 100 mm of snow fell in Kungur, Bershet, Kukushtan, Yanychi. Snowfalls took place in the Sverdlovsk region.
  2. On May 8, snow was seen in Surgut and KhAO. The most difficult was the situation in Tomsk. In the morning, a warning was received about a possible wind increase to 23m/s. Trees were knocked down, wires were cut, a forest fire started. The wind and rain did not stop even on May 9th. On the 11th, a storm warning was issued.
  3. On May 8, snow fell in Murmansk.
  4. 3 days (May 8-10) rain with snow came to the capital and the region. in some places snow cover reached 20 cm. During this time, 80% of the monthly precipitation fell.
  5. On May 9, instead of the festive fireworks of the inhabitants of Kaliningrad and Kaliningrad region snow was expected.
  6. The inhabitants of the Irkutsk region had to deal with capricious weather. In the morning the sun shone brightly, then the wind appeared, it began to rain. By evening, the rain became stronger, more snow.
  7. On May 10, snowdrifts were recorded in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Since the beginning of summer, the situation has not changed much. warm days were replaced by rain, wind and not summer coolness. The temperature rarely rose above 17 °C.

In the following months, there were no hurricanes or snowfalls, but the weather did not please Muscovites with warmth. In July, two cyclones passed, bringing rain and wind. Short-term warming was replaced by another drop in temperature (15-17 °C). And so on throughout the summer.

According to weather forecasters, capricious weather should not be surprised. Similarity of snow was seen in early June 2016. Cooling was recorded in 2001/2008. True, the temperature is fixed a couple of degrees higher.

At the same time, the Urals and Siberia suffered from abnormal heat. The thermometers sometimes showed 30-31 °C. This provoked an increase in the level of fire danger. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, he reached the maximum fifth grade.

According to scientists, in such weather, the weakest lightning strike could provoke large-scale fires.

In many areas, the heat was abruptly replaced by thunderstorms, downpours, and heavy winds.

How to explain what happened?

Causes of abnormal weather changes

Meteorologists identify several reasons for a sharp change in climatic conditions.

  1. Strong heating of the planet. It is known that air envelope The earth has several layers. The mesosphere and a few others got too hot. The result is a decrease in air temperature. According to many meteorologists, we should not talk about global warming but about global cooling.
  2. Satellite launch. A Chinese satellite called "Mao Tzu" flew into space. Why did it arouse the strongest interest? This is the first device to use new technology quantum data transfer. The first tests passed with flying colors. Later it was noticed that during the operation of the satellite in earth's atmosphere the level of air ions (gas particles) rises. They influence the weather, leading to the appearance of rains and hurricanes. Monopoles have also been found in the stratosphere. The last mention of them refers to 1816, which was marked by the eruption of the Tambora volcano.
  3. North Atlantic bloc. So scientists call an anticyclone. A ridge appeared in the troposphere high pressure blocking the free movement of air from west to east. Now it is observed over the territory of Great Britain, which is why cold Arctic air enters Russia.

These factors affect the weather. But the result of influence is the same - abnormal heat or cold.

Forecasts are of interest to many Russians. What to expect in the future? How will winter, spring, summer, autumn 2018 go? What weather is expected, habitual or abnormal?

According to meteorologists, the coming winter differs little from winter in the classical sense. sudden drops in temperature and severe frosts not expected. Only on Epiphany and Christmas will the thermometers drop down.

Spring 2018, unlike winter, is full of unpleasant surprises. The weather is expected to be unstable. Anticyclones/cyclones will change each other unusually quickly, which will lead to an alternation of clear sunny and frosty days.

Forecasts for the upcoming 2018 weather forecasters are making cautious. This is especially true in summer. According to scientists, the highest temperature will come in August. In June-July, the weather will resemble spring. Moreover, it is expected heavy rains with thunderstorms.

The weather is unpredictable. As seen from latest developments, it can change almost instantly. There are many reasons and they are not always rooted in natural processes, for example, overheating of the planet or the movement of cyclones / anticyclones. Often what is happening is the result of human activity (launching satellites, deforestation.). It is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. It is worth remembering that any time of the year is beautiful in its own way, regardless of snowy winter This, blooming spring, bright autumn, hot summer. According to a famous song, nature has no bad weather. The main thing is to treat her correctly.

As you know, the opinion of the weather rarely coincides with the opinion of weather forecasters. Fortunately, modern world allows you to be equal not only to scientific knowledge, then on folk omens– they are still valid.

The most indicative time of the year for answering the question " What will summer 2017 be like?? is winter. If you take a good look at how the coldest months of the year flow, you can conclude what to expect from the warm and most long-awaited months.

Weather in the summer of 2017 according to popular beliefs

As our ancestors said: the more inclement the weather in February, the colder summer is expected, and it is precisely its end. Dry frosty winter without snow to a warm but unproductive summer, and heavy snowfalls portend June, July and August hot and rainy.

The later it comes to us, the shorter and cooler the summer is promised. Early snowfall does not bode well. This was noticed by our grandparents long before the emergence of such a profession as meteorology. Soil that is not saturated with moisture does not grow useful crops well.

Weather forecast for summer 2017 - by months

Forecasters promise a very prosaic general picture of the summer period of 2017: the beginning of June in Russia will take place in a light coolness with soft rains; July will warm up the water and soil to the required level, so that everyone can fully relax, sunbathe and swim even in local reservoirs; August will bring with it the early breath of autumn.

Weather in June 2017. Forecast

Summer 2017 will start a little late. In the first quarter of the month, the weather will be more like than really summer. The water will not be so warm as to carelessly spend hours in it. The trees will bloom a little later: cherries and sweet cherries will appear only in the second third of the month. The average temperature in June 2017 will not exceed 20–22 degrees for the central European part of Russia. Nighttime cold spells and thunderstorms are possible.

The month will end like summer. Air temperature crawl up, dragging along to local beaches, picnics and nature hikes. June will be very variable in terms of temperatures and even unstable due to the influence of cold fronts. Often you will have to resort to the help of the saving warmth of windbreakers and light outerwear.

Weather in July 2017. Forecast

July 2017 will be the real summer that everyone dreams of. During the day, it will not do without heat: the thermometer can rise to + 35–37 degrees. But warm bright evenings will allow you to take a break from the heat of the day. Precipitation in July 2017 will not be as plentiful as in the previous month, but more than once will save people, animals and plants from dust and bright sun.

Weather in August 2017. Forecast

August 2017 will begin almost imperceptibly, because it will completely transfer the character of hot July. But after the first week, the heat will subside, the cool breath of the winds will be felt, and the evenings will become fresher. will end, warm rains and a pleasant expectation of a new time period - autumn.

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