Countries where it is warm in winter at sea. Where is the best place to stay in winter? We fly to the Canary Islands in winter

Portugal is famous for its unusual architecture and picturesque nature, in which elements of Europe and South America. Also in this country all year round the weather is pleasantly warm. It is, of course, quite cool for swimming there in winter, but at this time the climate is ideal for long walks in the fresh air.

Particularly worth a visit at this time is the island of Madeira, which is known for its unique vegetation, included in the UNESCO heritage list. It never gets colder than +18oC and hotter than +28oC. There is no beach holiday as such, but even in January in Madeira you can plunge into natural pools formed by lava. The water in them, of course, from Atlantic Ocean yet warm and calm. On this island, it is best to rent a car and drive around all the surroundings on it.


The southern part of Spain also enjoys a fairly warm climate in winter. The average air temperature there is kept at around 20 ° C above zero. The Balearic Islands and Andalusia are ideal for relaxing this time of year, where you can enjoy the warm weather on the magnificent sandy beaches of the Costa de la Luz or just while walking through the picturesque local towns. In the capital of Andalusia, Seville, the air temperature during the day in winter period varies from 15 to 18°C.

Despite the fact that it is cold to swim there at this time, in the south of Spain in winter you can have an exciting time walking through the botanical gardens and parks, visiting various museums and exhibitions. Particularly attractive in winter time Malaga, where one Pablo Picasso museum is worth it to come to. But there is also the Palace of the Moorish Kings and many other attractions.


Warm in winter and in southern Italy, especially in Naples and the island of Sicily. The average air temperature during the day there varies from +13 to +16oC. At the same time, quite a lot of clear and sunny days, during which it is especially pleasant to take long walks, take coffee breaks in open cafes and admire the local beauty.

The warmest month in Italy, of course, is February - at this time, carnivals are also usually held there and various festivals. On the coast of Sicily, for example, the air temperature during the day at this time can warm up to 20 ° C above zero, so even in winter you can get an excellent tan from there. At the same time, in Italy it is much more economical and pleasant, because the number of tourists there is reduced several times. This will allow you to enjoy nature and local attractions without unnecessary noise and fuss.

November 10, 2016, 0:41 am

Do you have warm sea in December? But the flight is preferably short, and hotel prices are cheap. Not? We will look for ... In our review, there are 9 countries: both close, and hot and interesting, where you can swim in December.

Closest to Russia warm country for a holiday in December - Israel (4 hours of summer). But it is warm, not hot. The water temperature just above 20°C is more suitable for bathing seasoned travelers. It takes a little longer to fly to cool but sunny resorts in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (water +22°C).

To get to a truly warm sea-ocean, you will have to spend an average of 8 hours on an airplane. Sri Lanka and Thailand will meet you with the most comfortable water temperature: +26-28°C. In India, on Goa, the ocean in December warms up to + 25 + 28 ° C. The weather is pleasantly hot +32°C.

It takes about 10 hours to fly to Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. Sea water temperature: +21+25°C, +28°C and +26+28°C. The rainy season ends there in December. You can safely travel.

9 countries where you can swim in December


In December, pleasant weather remains in the resorts of Israel, but the seas are already quite cool. On Red and dead seas in December only +22°C. In the Mediterranean, the water cools down to +20°C. Look for hotels with heated pools. sea ​​water. And water Dead Sea use for healing in spa centers.


Both on the Dead and on the Red Sea - the water temperature in December is + 21 + 23 ° C. in the capital, Amman, and famous Petra– the weather is coldish only +14°C, and at night even +3°C. It may rain, for excursions you need to take an umbrella.

Sunny - in the south of Jordan in Aqaba. The temperature of the Red Sea is usually warmer than air +22°C. Although it can be quite chilly at night. Comfortable weather on the coast of the Dead Sea, here the water is again warmer than air + 22 ° C.

December is a profitable month for traveling around the sights of the historical cradle of Christianity, swinging on salty waters of the Dead sea ​​and enjoy the sunny weather.

UAE (United Arab Emirates)

Arabian nights in December are already quite cool and the gentle sea is not so warm. The water temperature in the Persian and Oman Gulfs is only +21°C. But there are few vacationers and prices are cheaper. You can safely visit local attractions and buy New Year's gifts at the oriental bazaars.

India (Goa)

In December in Goa (India) - opening beach season. So, welcome to the coast of the Indian Ocean. December weather in India is dry and hot up to +34°C, the ocean warms up to +28°C.

Amazing sandy coasts, beautiful views and evergreen jungle. Fishing boats and... beach vendors. On the beaches of Goa, you can easily meet world celebrities. You just need to know which side to choose. North Goa is more democratic, famous for its parties. South - solid and more calm.

Anjuna beach in the south is quite a lively place with different clubs. And Tiracol beach - quiet place for unity with nature.

Goa is characterized by low prices for accommodation and meals. This is one of the main advantages of the resort. You can join the original Indian culture by visiting the bright local bazaars with exotic souvenirs and riding an elephant. Joke. Sights and traditions ancient india worthy of a separate excursion program.

Sri Lanka

Just like in India, the heat in Sri Lanka subsides in December. Air "cools down" to 28+30°C, and water to +27°C. A real beach boom at the beginning of winter is experienced by the southeast coast of Sri Lanka. The ocean waters are calm here.

The western part of the island is more suitable for surfers - waves are possible off the coast. In the south of the island you can watch huge turtles.

In December, the Ceylonese celebrate the "national month of birds" - you will get the opportunity to admire bird flights. Christmas in Ceylon is celebrated on December 25th. At this time, it is better to book hotels in advance.


Out of competition for warm sea Thailand in December Nice weather attracts crowds of tourists. Water in the Gulf of Thailand can be warmer than air +29°C. The weather in December is perfect for both rest and excursions.

The purest and rich in fauna sea ​​in Thailand - Andaman. The resorts on its coastline are great for a relaxing holiday and active participation on educational trips.

For a beach holiday in December, all resorts in Thailand are good, with the exception of Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao - it rains there. AT high season the locals are eager to make money, so food and taxis won't be cheap. Accordingly, accommodation must be booked in advance.


The beginning of our winter falls on the opening of the season in Vietnam. This is a country with excellent service and oriental exoticism. Waterfalls, lagoons, amazing beach scenery. The most popular beach resort in Vietnam is Nha Trang, but the sea is quite rough here in December. When it is still raining in the north and in the center of the country, it is already dry in the south and the water warms up to +25°C, and the air to +26°C. In Mui Ne, the cool breeze is suitable for kiting, the water temperature is +26°C. In Fukuoka it is pleasantly hot, the water is +28°C.


The Khmer kingdom also has access to the sea. beach resorts located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. They are still little known to Russian tourists. Resorts are not luxurious, but quite comfortable.

For example, Sihanoukville in Cambodia acts as a place for relaxation after excursions Siem Rimp - Angkor - Phnom Penh. There are no sights here, but the nightlife is just seething.

In December, it is hot in Cambodia 30-32°C, the water is warm 24-26°C, but at night it rains, which wash clay from the coastal hills into the sea. Therefore, clean water periodically becomes cloudy.

The beaches are all different, you have to choose carefully. The beach in the town of Kep is remarkable with black volcanic sand and quite clean water. White sand and spectacular views can be found on the islands off the coast of Cambodia. The main thing is that in December it is hot, sunny and warm ocean.

“Prepare the sleigh in the summer” - we all remember this Russian proverb from childhood. Let's try to take care of the upcoming winter holidays, if not in summer, then at least in autumn! Winter on the territory of our country lasts three months - according to the calendar, in fact, “climatically”, Russians have the whole dubious set of winter pleasures from wet snow to bitter frosts all five months of the year. In addition, on new year holidays Traditionally, the longest weekend in the work schedule falls - the Christmas holidays. And if you are not an ardent fan of skiing, you do not see the beauty in winter fishing if you are tired of the gray mess under your feet in big cities and miss the affectionate sunbeams, then beach holiday winter is for you!

Directions for the beach winter holiday there is a great many. Trips to Egypt, the Emirates, Thailand and the Indian state of GOA are considered traditional. The resorts of Bali, Dominican Republic, Cuba and Maldives are very popular. AT recent times the beaches of Vietnam and the tropical Chinese island of Hainan became popular. Even Malaysia and the Seychelles can no longer be called exotic.

Let's try to figure out what attracts our tourists to certain countries.


One of the big hotels in Sharm El Sheikh

The undoubted advantage of a holiday in Egypt is the facilitated visa entry into this country for citizens of Russia and the CIS: you get a visa for a month at the airport upon arrival for only $15.

There are not many cons to holidays in Egypt. First of all, not a very convenient entry into the sea on resort beaches Sharm El Sheikh. But there is a way out: each beach with a coral bottom is equipped with special platforms that make it easier to descend into the sea. In addition, you can buy special shoes for swimming - "coral", they are sold in any shop at the hotel. Further: many tourists are dissatisfied with intrusive service in shops, shops, cafes and restaurants. But what can I say? The East is a delicate matter, and the northeast of Africa is even more so, and the Arabs cannot ignore a potential buyer or client due to their mentality.

Thus, there are immeasurably more pluses in traditional winter holidays in Egypt than minuses. Winter holidays in Egypt, as always, will become a memorable event in your life, an island of hot summer in the Russian winter.


Beach overlooking Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE

In recent years, many Russians prefer to spend their winter holidays in the UAE. United Arab Emirates is a real fairy tale, a country where the future in the form of high-tech architectural structures is intertwined with a conservative way of life in Arabic script. Only in the UAE do skyscrapers made of metal and glass peacefully coexist with oriental bazaars, camels with limousines, and traditional clothes local women"abaya" - with chic boutiques of famous couturiers.

The resorts of the Emirates attract tourists primarily with the best hotel service in the world, often corresponding to the level of 7 "stars", gold sandy beaches, an opportunity to look behind the secret veil of the culture of the true East. A comfortable temperature for winter is 25-28 degrees, and a fairly warm water temperature in the Persian Gulf (19-20 degrees) becomes an undoubted advantage when choosing the UAE as a place for your winter holidays. Do not forget also about shopping in the UAE. If you have never been an avid shopaholic before, once you are in the Emirates in February, you will undoubtedly become one. It is impossible not to join the ranks of shoppers, seeing 80% discounts in the boutiques of all fashion designers, and the numerous markets of Abu Dhabi will simply amaze you.

The most popular emirates for holidays are Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Guests in the UAE will be offered a tour of the Arab Tower Hotel - Burj Al Arab - the most expensive hotel in the world, an archipelago of artificial islands, a visit to Moroccan baths and a radon source, Wild Wadi water park. lovers active rest never be bored: night crab hunting, underwater fishing, skydiving and flying on an airplane - this is a far from complete list of entertainment in the UAE. However, do not forget about some of the nuances of a holiday in the Emirates. First of all, these are bans on smoking and drinking alcohol in public places. It is recommended to indulge in the above vices within the walls of your room, drinking alcohol exclusively from Duty Free. Regarding drugs, the law of the Emirates is extremely short and severe - the death penalty. Moreover, it is carried out so quickly that you won’t have to rely on the help of the “native” consul. Do not forget about clothing too: the Emirates is a conservative Islamic country, do not offend the moral principles of its inhabitants with too revealing outfits.

There are few cons: the Russian language is frankly bad, and this is all the more surprising, given how warm relations were in the past Soviet Union and Cuba, and how many Cuban students studied in domestic universities. Another nuance: with the general circulation of the local currency peso, a separate one has been introduced for tourists - cookies, which, as a result, makes the prices for services for vacationers several times higher than for locals. However, you need to understand that the country we are going to visit as guests is not at all obliged to master our language, it would be much more logical to learn a few phrases in Spanish. The same applies to the currency, an old Russian proverb says: "Do not poke your nose into a strange monastery with your charter."

    the good thing is that it will provide accommodation and food for every taste: there are a lot of chic hotels on the coast, at the same time, there is a large selection of inexpensive hostels and guest houses that provide housing for mere pennies. Indian cuisine - the queen of spices - will amaze you with its exoticism, the locals - with bright clothes and childish spontaneity. Most likely, the time spent in Goa will remain in your memory as an island of fun and joy, surrounded by truly heavenly nature.

    “Are there any downsides to a vacation in Goa?”, you ask. Answer: they are few, but there are. Tourists need to tune in immediately to the fact that Indians have a distant concept of sanitation, as a set of activities. This, of course, does not apply to 4-5 star hotels, but applies to the situation in the country as a whole. Moreover, as events have shown recent years despite the general loyalty local residents in relation to tourists, in terms of clothing, you should not provoke the natives: for excursions to Hindu shrines and walks in cities outside the hotel, shorts, miniskirts and tops with bare shoulders are unacceptable. As for the visa, the Russians have no problems obtaining it: a visa for up to 3 months is issued within 6 working days at the Indian embassy, ​​its minimum cost is $50. If you go with a travel agency, this problem disappears by itself.

With the onset of cold weather, many tourists, like birds, are drawn to fly where it is warm - to the sea, the sun, palm trees along the sandy coast. And the choice of such places is undoubtedly great: tour operators offer holidays for every taste and budget - from budget Egypt to luxury Maldives. A selection of the most popular winter tourist destinations will help you not to get lost in the world of "hot tours" and "actual offers".

Egypt: Economy All Inclusive

The first thought that arises in response to the question of where to relax in the winter abroad is to fly to Egypt. It sounds, of course, hackneyed, but a decent level of service at minimal cost is guaranteed. It seems that Egypt, located in the northeastern part of Africa, is a country of year-round scorching sun. In fact, this is not so: the depressing heat in summer is no longer felt in autumn. The very same comfortable conditions for tourists from temperate latitudes come here in winter. The temperature during the day on the Sinai Peninsula reaches 23 degrees, on the Red Sea coast - 22.

Important! It is cool at night in winter Egypt (about 13 degrees), so you still have to grab some warm clothes on the road.

Which resort is better to go? Hurghada is more suitable for outdoor enthusiasts. There are excellent scuba diving sites near the resort. Windsurfers flock here in winter. Sharm el-Sheikh offers a more expensive and luxurious holiday. The resort has many parks, attractions, discos. Nearby is Ros Mohammad, a nature reserve famous for its rich marine fauna and flora. Other entertainment in Egypt: jeep safaris, excursions to Cairo and Luxor, cruise on the Nile.

United Arab Emirates: amazing and expensive

Thanks to the huge reserves of oil, the Bedouins of the northeastern part Arabian Peninsula managed to create high-tech islands of civilization in the middle of the desert. United Emirates today Arabian fairy tale on the new way, attracting, like a magnet, tourists with an average and high level income. Winter in the UAE is sunny and warm weather. During the day, the air temperature reaches 24-26 degrees and you can sunbathe, at night - 13-15.

Important! The sea near the local coast is quite cool (16-18 degrees), so you have to swim in the pools.

Where can you relax in the Emirates? The country is washed by the Oman and Persian Gulfs. On the shores of the Arabian Sea there is only one resort - Fujairah. It is distinguished by greenery unusual for these parts, suitable for a measured, secluded vacation. The remaining six emirates are located on the coast Persian Gulf. Most popular resorts here - Abu Dhabi and Dubai. It is best to relax at sea with children in the capital of the Emirates. But wealthy tourists prefer to come to Dubai with its frantic pace of life and a lot of tourist offers.

Kingdom of Jordan: calm and comfortable

Another place where it is better to go to the sea in winter rather than in summer is Aqaba. The resort is located in the north of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea. Unlike the rest of Jordan, where changeable cool weather reigns in winter, here, thanks to the mountains, a stable warm microclimate has been established. In addition, the beaches and reefs in Aqaba are cleaner than in Egypt, all hotels are located on the first line. A beach holiday in winter here will be complete, as the water temperature near the coast does not drop below 22 degrees.

Important! The northern beaches of the resort are famous for fine clean sand. In the south, the coast is pebbly, there are coral reefs nearby.

Where can you go in Jordan? Once in Aqaba, visit:

  • city ​​scientific station;
  • House-Museum of Hussein Ben-Ali;
  • fortress in the center of the city;
  • Museum of antiquity;
  • excavations on Tell al-Khalifa Hill.

If you are planning to spend a few weeks in Jordan, be sure to visit the country's capital, Amman, thermal springs Ma'in Hot Springs, the ruined Roman city of Jerash, and the mysterious Petra.

Israel: changeable and varied

When deciding where to go on vacation in the winter, many sophisticated tourists set their eyes on small but advanced Israel. The country has access to three seas: the Red, the Mediterranean and the Dead. The Israeli capital, Jerusalem, also causes increased interest among visitors. The streams of pilgrims to the holy city never dry up. So, at the end of December, Catholics flock to places associated with Jesus Christ, and at the beginning of January, Orthodox.

Important! Israeli winter is more like Russian spring or autumn. It often rains here in January and February.

If you plan to go to the sea in December or February, go to Eilat - the southern resort on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba. The air temperature in this region reaches 21-24 degrees. In Eilat in winter, you can not only sunbathe, but also swim, as the water warms up to 22-26 degrees. Vacationers here have access to all kinds of water activities, including diving to coral reefs. When going abroad in January, it is better to go to the Dead Sea coast, as in the middle of winter there is the least precipitation.

Goa: exotic and affordable

Where to go to the sea in winter to have an interesting time for modest money? The answer is obvious - to India. This mysterious eastern country full of colors and contrasts. bright volume confirmation - the Indian state of Goa, consisting of the "party" North and the measured South. The air temperature on the southwestern coast of India averages 32 degrees, water - 28 degrees.

Important! The cost of tours to Goa for the New Year holidays is traditionally overpriced. If you fly to India in the second half of winter, the trip will cost 25-40% cheaper.

Where is it better to spend the winter - in North or South Goa? The choice of resort depends on what type of holiday you prefer. If you expect from India, first of all, impressions and spectacles, choose North Goa. The south of the state is more suitable for those who intend to go on vacation in the winter with children to calmly sunbathe and swim. However, there is one more important difference between resorts, which is better to know about in advance: in North Goa, the entire entertainment infrastructure is located next to the hotels. Tourists who settled in the south will have to take a taxi to shops and restaurants.

Sri Lanka: hot and colorful

Another tropical country where you can have an interesting winter vacation is the island of Ceylon. And if North Goa is famous for its ebullient nightlife, the highlight of Sri Lanka is the proximity of nature. Barbecue on the beach, inspection of tea plantations, diving in ocean depths, walks to the cliff "End of the World". The temperature on the island stays at around 28-30 degrees all year round. Water Indian Ocean in the coastal zone warm up to 26 degrees.

Important! In winter, it is better to relax on the southern and western side of Sri Lanka, as in eastern regions during this period there are monsoon rains.

You can stay in the Galle area or around Colombo. good resorts located near the Sri Lankan capital are Negombo and Mount Lavinia. It has everything you need for kitesurfing, windsurfing and diving. If desired, an active beach holiday can be combined with an excursion by visiting Colombo.

The main attractions of the capital:

  • Art Gallery;
  • mosque Jami-ul-Alfar;
  • Mosque Yami-Ul-Affa;
  • National Museum;
  • New and Old Katiresan;
  • Halle Face Green area;
  • Presidential palace;
  • Chinamon Gardens;
  • Cathedral of Saint Lucy;
  • old lighthouse;
  • Ganeshan Temple;
  • Church of St. Anthony and Peter;
  • Victoria Central Park
  • clock tower.

Holy and sinful Thailand

Popular winter destinations include Siam, which has access to two seas at once - the South China and Andaman. Weather in Thailand from December to February are different: in the central part, the air still warms up to 18–32 degrees, and in the north it is cool. Most travelers seeking to plunge into the atmosphere of Thai culture go to Pattaya, as there you can combine a beach holiday with excursions.

Where to go at the resort? Here are seven must-see places in Pattaya:

  • Bottle Museum.
  • Mini Siam Park.
  • floating market.
  • Tropical garden "Nong Nooch".
  • Hill of the Big Buddha.
  • Temple Wat Sattahip.
  • Temple of Truth.

Once in Phuket, perhaps, climb Monkey Mountain, stop by the Temple of the Big Buddha and taste wonderful sweets at the Town Fair.

Dominican Republic: romantic and simple

The Dominican Republic is a country where you can relax at sea in the winter as carelessly as possible, escaping from civilization. Travelers appreciate this piece of paradise for the purest waters caribbean, white sandy beaches with coconut palms and rich undersea world. The Republic of Haiti is the neighbor of the Dominican Republic. The line between the two states runs from north to south, dividing the island into unequal parts. The Dominican Republic occupies a large territory and is located in the east.

Important! In December, there are short showers on the island. In January and February in the Dominican Republic it is warm and dry, average temperature during the day is 25 degrees.

Fans of a carefree beach holiday should settle in Punta Cana, Playa Dorada, Sosua or Cabarete. A cozy place, fenced off coral reefs from outside world, is the Boca Chica lagoon. For tourists planning to visit Santo Domingo, it is best to stay in Juan Dolio. The capital of the Dominican Republic is famous, first of all, for its historical center, included in the UNESCO heritage list. The Alcazar castle, the Casa del Almirante palace, the Rosario chapel, the Cathedral of St. Mary are reminiscent of the Columbian era.


Where it is warm in winter and you can swim, many tourists are interested, and most of them have already satisfied their curiosity and practice beach holidays in winter.

And on vacation, be sure to bring several types of swimsuits with you for cool photos on the sea.

So, where to go to the sea in winter or where it is warm in January, we will tell below, and we will help to truly fall in love with the TOP 10 countries we have proposed.

Hot beaches, or where to fly to the sea in winter

Where to relax at sea in winter to avoid Russian winter frosts and depressions due to the constant cold around?

  1. Egypt

    Country number 1 for a vacation in January at sea. That's just not on the sea, but rather on the beach. The sea is already gradually cooling down in January, although the most daring tourists still risk diving into it on a fine day, and they are right. Unfortunately, in January, the winds also periodically overtake here, but if you choose a resort surrounded by mountains, for example, Sharm El Sheikh or Taba, you will be able to sunbathe under the bright sun. Also this month, Egypt is ready to offer the most intense excursion programs. The air temperature in January here is from 19 to 24 degrees, water - from 22 to 23.

  2. Thailand

    Much warmer than Egypt, by the New Year the season reaches its peak and here you can see crowds of tourists. In January, the winds in Thailand calm down, the humidity drops and the temperature becomes favorable not only for sunbathing, but also for swimming. The air temperature in January here is from 28 to 32 degrees, water - from 26 to 29.

  3. UAE

    In winter, this country is very similar to Egypt in terms of tourism, but tours here are a bit more expensive. The fact is that in addition to bars and excursions, as in Egypt, there is a wider program. You can see multiple cultural traditions, visit the Moroccan baths and see the Camel Race. Here the high season begins for surfers, so if you are fond of it, then welcome to the UAE. The air temperature in January here is from 20 to 24 degrees, water - from 20 to 22.

  4. Spain (Tenerife)

    If you choose the right place for a vacation in this country, then you can spend it amazingly. Canary Islands can only offer a cold sea, but the south of Spain - separate warm pools and walks under the sun by the sea. Here you will get a great tan, and also visit many interesting excursions. The air temperature in January here is from 19 to 26 degrees, water - from 20 to 21.

  5. Sri Lanka

    Spanish principle, pledge right choice place speaks of perfect holiday. In winter, you need to choose the southeast coast, which at this time of the year has a minimum of precipitation. But the northwestern and central regions are better to choose in the summer. The air temperature in January in the south is from 30 to 33 degrees, water - from 25 to 27.

  6. India (GOA)

    Hot tropics await all tourists who are accustomed to relaxing in equatorial latitudes of this type. The sun in January is scorching here, and the water is warm, while at night it is cool - ideal weather for relaxing. Just do not stay in the sun for more than two hours, otherwise you can get burned. The air temperature in January here is from 32 to 34 degrees, water - from 28 to 23.

  7. Maldives

    They never leave the TOP-10, because eternal summer reigns here. In January, the humidity decreases, the dry season begins, it is better to visit this country in the second half of the month. The air temperature in January here is from 29 to 31 degrees, water - from 27 to 28.

  8. Vietnam

    The air temperature in January here is from 23 to 26 degrees, water - from 21 to 23. It is better to visit the south, there is two to three times less rainfall.

  9. Dominican Republic

    Hot country, humidity is higher in the north, but coolness is rare. The air temperature in January here is from 28 to 30 degrees, water - from 26 to 27.

  10. Cyprus and Turkey

    Not a warm sea in January, but wellness treatments and excursions are guaranteed.

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