What do chlamydia lead to? Symptoms of chlamydia. Local treatment of chlamydia in women

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. It is important for any adult to know the signs of chlamydia, since complications of this pathology can lead to infertility. Symptoms in men may be mild, while in women the manifestations are more obvious. Often this condition is ignored by patients, which significantly complicates subsequent treatment.

This pathology is called chlamydia, which is not a virus, but it can no longer be attributed to bacteria. This "dual" nature of the pathogen somewhat complicates the treatment and makes it difficult to diagnose. It is important to know that the incubation period of chlamydia can last up to 1 month, during which an infected person can infect their partners. The risk of infection is greater in women than in men, which is explained by physiological characteristics.

Etiology and routes of infection

Chlamydia are Gram-negative round bacteria of very small size.

Such carriage may continue for many years until a state of immunosuppression develops. It can be provoked by severe hypothermia or uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Infection in most cases occurs sexually, although contact with a sick person does not always lead to infection - this happens in one case out of four. The risk of infection is higher in women.

If a pregnant woman suffers from chlamydia, then during childbirth the child is almost guaranteed to become infected. Chlamydia can also be contracted through household contact - for this, the pathogen must penetrate from dirty hands into the eyes or genitals. Despite the low probability, this is possible, since chlamydia can survive up to 2 days in humid conditions at temperatures up to 19 degrees.

Clinic for chlamydia

It should be understood that chlamydia often has an asymptomatic course, or the symptoms are minimally expressed. According to statistics, up to 47% of men and 67% of women do not even suspect that they have such a pathology.

In most cases, in men, the first sign of chlamydia is months-long urethritis, a mild inflammation of the urethra. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • glassy discharge from the urethra in a small amount;
  • pain or burning when urinating;
  • unexpressed pain in the urethra, scrotum or lower back;
  • a slight rise in temperature;
  • weakness;
  • turbidity of the urine.

About half of men do not notice the symptoms of the disease

In more serious cases, men may experience blood after a while when they ejaculate or at the end of urination. In the urine itself, at the same time, purulent threads can be determined.

Symptoms in women

In women, the first sign is the discharge of chlamydia, which for some time a woman may not pay attention to. But after some time they become mucopurulent, and may have an unpleasant odor - how long it takes depends on the individual characteristics of the woman herself. Other symptoms that appear in women include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated before menstruation;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • symptoms of general intoxication - weakness, fever.

Sometimes chlamydia can persist as isolated microcolonies located on the mucous membranes. It is impossible to identify such carriage by standard clinical, instrumental or laboratory methods of examination - only high-precision diagnostics, for example, PCR, will help.


It is very difficult to diagnose this pathology, even knowing how chlamydia manifests itself. Symptoms in men and women are extremely inexpressive, and no matter how much you carry out standard diagnostic measures, this disease cannot be detected and treatment cannot be prescribed. Since chlamydia is an intracellular microorganism, a standard smear will not help to identify it; a scraping is required, in which it is possible to take the patient's cells for analysis.

Currently, the disease can be detected through some laboratory tests.

  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This is the most effective technique, whose specificity is equal to 100%. A little material is needed for the reaction, and after 1-2 days the patient receives the result - unlike many other methods, PCR does not require confirmation of a positive result. The disadvantage is the rather high cost.
  • ELISA (enzymatic immunoassay). Allows you to detect antibodies in the blood of a man or woman that appear there in response to the fact of infection. The method allows not only to identify the pathogen, but also to quickly determine the stage of the process (acute or chronic process). The accuracy of ELISA does not exceed 60%, since specific antibodies can also be found in healthy people - in previously cured people (serological scar) or in cross-reactions.

Laboratory diagnosis is of primary importance in the diagnosis of chlamydia

  • Sowing. This is a culture method with an efficiency of 90%, and the simultaneous determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. The result will be known in a few days, since this is the most time-consuming technique. The undoubted advantage of sowing on chlamydia is the simultaneous determination of the antibiotic from which the patient's chlamydia will die.
  • General smear. The attractiveness of this microscopic analysis is its cheapness and simplicity, but the efficiency is not higher than 15%. In reality, it is impossible to identify chlamydia in this way, one can only suspect their presence in the body by indirect signs. In men, a swab is taken from the urethra, and in women, additionally from the vagina and cervix. The results become known quickly enough.
  • REEF. The immunofluorescence reaction is carried out as follows - a smear (urethra or cervical canal) is taken, stained with a special solution, and sent for examination under a fluorescent microscope. The accuracy of this reaction does not exceed 50%. The results come very quickly - within an hour, and this is the main advantage. Only a professional doctor should take the material for research, and an experienced laboratory assistant should examine it. This is due to the fact that the interpretation of the result is carried out with the eyes, and the risk of making a mistake is quite high.

As a means of self-prevention of chlamydia, you can periodically purchase a “mini-test” in pharmacies, although its accuracy does not exceed 20%.


The treatment of chlamydia in our country was radically changed only in the 21st century. Since the beginning of the 90s, it has been ineffective, long-term and gave a lot of side effects. Chlamydia prevention is now being actively carried out, and the treatment itself takes no more than a month. Despite the positive changes, curing this pathology still remains a difficult task, and positive results can be achieved only in 70% of cases. This applies to urogenital chlamydia, which often cannot be cured with antibiotics.

Although only two antibiotics are often used, correct and active treatment of men and women involves the use of a whole range of drugs. A specific treatment is selected only by the attending physician based on a variety of data:

  • the presence or absence of characteristic symptoms;
  • process steps;
  • immunograms;
  • liver test;
  • blood tests and urine cultures;
  • PCR, ELISA and other studies, if they were carried out.

Men and women develop inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system as a result of infection

One of the important points of treatment is the stimulation of the own immunity of a man or woman with a confirmed diagnosis of chlamydia. No matter how many antibiotics are taken on their own, the disease will not go away, since it is impossible to cure it exclusively with these drugs. The treatment process necessarily includes taking immunostimulants, since there are cases that only thanks to an adequate immune response of one's own body it was possible to cure chlamydia when antibiotics were powerless. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor is likely to prescribe the following groups of drugs for treatment:

  • immunomodulators;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • enzymes;
  • probiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibiotics.

Chlamydia in women manifests itself in different ways.

How many and which drugs to take will also be decided by the doctor, since the wrong combination can seriously harm the patient.

Complications and prevention of chlamydia

Among the common and serious complications of chlamydia, the following should be noted:

  • Reiter's disease;
  • urethral stricture;
  • orchiepididymitis, often leading to male infertility;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases in women in the pelvic organs;
  • miscarriage or infection of the newborn.

Symptoms of chlamydia are not pleasant, and treatment is expensive. Therefore, it is better to think about its prevention. The rules are quite simple and the same for all sexually transmitted diseases - sexual hygiene, a permanent partner, the exclusion of casual relationships and immediate medical advice at the slightest suspicion of a possible infection. You also need to remember that symptoms may be completely absent.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease that belongs to the category of sexually transmitted diseases. According to medical research, it is this disease that is difficult to diagnose, so it is detected when patients come to see a doctor for various reasons or for a preventive examination. If 30 years ago, gonococcal infection (gonorrhea) was at the first stage of the rating of the frequency of diagnosed venereal diseases, then in the last 8 years it is chlamydia that has been confidently leading.

Ways of infection

Chlamydia (source of infection) have their own classification - they are of different types, but differ only in the cellular structure. Each of the species provokes the development of infection in certain organs and systems - for example, chlamydia can develop not only in the genitals, but also in the eyes.

Chlamydia cannot exist outside the human body, so infection by household means (through a handshake, dishes and towels) is impossible. Note: chlamydia can only be contracted during intercourse with a sick partner, both during vaginal and anal sex, but the oral method of satisfying physiological needs is considered safe in terms of chlamydia.

After the penetration of these pathogens into the genitals, the incubation period begins - within 1-3 weeks no symptoms of the disease are observed. The patient does not make any complaints, his health is excellent, and at this time, chlamydia strengthens in the body and begins to multiply.

Important: if a woman is infected with chlamydia during pregnancy, then there is a high risk of infection of the baby - it will be infected during the passage of the birth canal.

The scheme of infection of the fetus with chlamydia during pregnancy:

Signs of chlamydia

The biggest danger of the sexually transmitted infection in question is that it can be almost asymptomatic. . Of course, there are some signs of pathology, but only an attentive person can note them:

  1. For men with chlamydia infection, the following are characteristic:
  • during urination appear cramps and burning in the urethra;
  • the first drop of excreted urine can be very cloudy - one gets the feeling that it is "thick";
  • during ejaculation, mild bleeding may appear;
  • in some cases, hyperthermia (increased body temperature) and general weakness appear.
  1. Women may look for:
  • pathologically altered vaginal discharge - whites become yellowish and have an unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • rarely, but there are complaints of itching in the urethra;
  • there may be a short-term increase in body temperature.

Note: not only are the above symptoms most often mild, they can disappear without a trace in 10-14 days. But this does not mean a complete cure at all - the disease simply “hidden”.

Usually chlamydia in women is manifested by the sudden development of inflammatory diseases:

If chlamydia is suspected, the patient is prescribed tests. The most reliable method for detecting chlamydia is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), it gives almost 100% accuracy. In addition, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) can be used - this does not detect the microorganism itself - chlamydia, but antibodies to chlamydia - IgG, IgM, IgA. In this case, antibodies are detected in the blood or in the discharge of the genital organs. The main advantage of the ELISA method is its ability to identify the severity of the process. The disadvantage of the method is low sensitivity - only 60%.

Deciphering the analysis by the ELISA method for chlamydia:

Treatment methods for chlamydia

Treatment of chlamydia cannot be called unambiguous - it is selected on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the general health of the patient, the level of immunity, concomitant diseases, possible hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to specific drugs. But there is also a general scheme of therapy for the infectious disease under consideration, which implies an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Antibacterial drugs

We are talking about antibiotics - without their use it is impossible to achieve complete elimination of chlamydial infection. Since pathogens develop directly in the cells of the body, you need to take those drugs that are capable of destroying bacteria intracellularly:

  • macrolides;
  • Tetracycline series;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

If a patient has a mixed infection (for example, chlamydia is diagnosed simultaneously with trichomoniasis or gonorrhea), then doctors should choose antibacterial drugs that will act in a complex way.

Standard treatment regimen for chlamydia:

Antifungal drugs

Often, chlamydia is combined with a fungal disease - in this case, you will need to undergo a course of antimycotic (antifungal) therapy. note: in the treatment of chlamydia, antifungal agents are taken in tablets - for example, Pimafucin, Nystatin and others.

Immunomodulating agents

In the treatment of chlamydia, drugs that can increase and strengthen the immune system must be prescribed. Very effective in this case will be Takvitin, Methyluracil, Cycloferon and Polyoxidonium, which have the following properties:

  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • increase the amount of antibodies;
  • reduce the time of therapeutic manipulations;
  • reduce the likelihood of such effects of essential drugs.

Probiotics and Enzymes

Since chlamydial infection involves a fairly long period of taking powerful, potent drugs, care must be taken to preserve the normal functionality of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Doctors may recommend the following medications:

  • probiotics: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and others;
  • hepatoprotectors (they protect the liver from damage by toxic substances): Phosphogliv and Essentiale Forte;
  • enzyme preparations (normalize the digestion process): Mezim, Festal, Krion and others;
  • bacteriophages: Proteus, Coliphage, Intestibacteriophage.

Local therapy

To obtain a quick result in the treatment of chlamydia, topical drugs can be actively used. For women, vaginal tablets, suppositories, and applicators can be prescribed, but prescriptions for men are limited to ointments, creams, and gels.

Note: the appointment of topical drugs should be carried out only as directed by a doctor - it is necessary to exclude hypersensitivity and / or individual intolerance to drugs. Otherwise, an allergic reaction can be rapid - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

Both women and men should not focus only on taking medications - they, of course, have a quick effect, but they will not be able to completely get rid of the infection and restore the body. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. Adjust your diet. It is necessary to adhere to a dairy-free diet - for the period of treatment, refuse milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, kefir, and in general any products that may contain lactic bacteria. The fact is that they do not allow antibiotics to fully “work”, and the result will be chlamydia addiction to drugs.
  2. Go through physiotherapy. It helps to recover faster after heavy treatment with laser magnetic and ultrasonic effects, but they can be prescribed only after the end of drug therapy.
  3. Eliminate sexual activity. For the entire period of treatment, a ban on sexual activity is imposed.
  4. Ethnoscience. Not a single recipe from the category of treatment with folk methods can get rid of the infectious disease in question, but it will help to significantly reduce the intensity of discomfort. For example, itching and burning in the perineal area can be removed with baths from decoctions of medicinal plants of a string, coltsfoot, chamomile.

Possible Complications of Chlamydia

Doctors recognize chlamydia as a rather dangerous infection, because it is almost asymptomatic and has a negative impact on the reproductive system of both men and women.

Complications in women

Depending on where the chlamydial infection will be localized, the following complications of an untreated disease may develop:

  1. Salpingoophoritis. If the infection was "concentrated" in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, then the development of the inflammatory process will occur in this area of ​​the reproductive system. The danger of such inflammatory processes lies in the high risk of developing adhesive disease, which leads to persistent female infertility.
  2. Endocervicitis. Occurs with the localization of chlamydia on the cervix, can provoke the development of cancer.
  3. Endometritis. The inflammatory process in the deep layers of the endometrium (the tissue lining the inner cavity of the uterus) can cause habitual miscarriages.

In addition, chlamydia can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the joints, chronic conjunctivitis. A woman begins to experience severe discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse - they disappear, excessive irritability, unmotivated attacks of aggression appear. Then, as the infection spreads and the problem worsens, a woman may notice a depressive state, chronic fatigue - in general, the level of activity of life is significantly reduced.

Complications in men

If a man has a chronic form of chlamydia, then you can most likely expect the development of:

  1. . This is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, which can be accompanied by acute urinary retention and provoke the development of male infertility.
  2. . Inflammation of the urethra (urethra) leads to itching, burning and problems with urination, in the future, not only prostatitis, but also prostate adenoma (tumor) can develop.
  3. Epididymitis. Pathological lesion of the epididymis, which ultimately leads to male infertility.

Chlamydia is a venereal infection that can be diagnosed even in a completely safe patient, this disease occurs regardless of the social status of a person and his lifestyle. But if chlamydia were detected in a timely manner and the treatment regimen was strictly observed by the patient, then a complete cure is possible in 30-40 days, moreover, without any complications.

Chlamydia- These are special microscopic organisms with great damaging activity. They destroy everything in their path - blood vessels, heart, lungs, external genitalia, get to the teeth, eyes and ears.

Chlamydia (chlamydial infection) more often settles in the genitourinary system, spreading from there sexually. Among the younger generation, this disease is very common. This is often associated with the absence of pronounced symptoms, which means timely treatment.

The malevolent chlamydia virus actively multiplies without showing itself, a person can be a carrier for many years without being aware of it.

Rough connective tissue is formed in place of the dead cells, the diseased organ no longer has the ability to function normally, and a failure in the body systems begins. The genitals, digestive system and eyes are most often affected.

Such a pathological process proceeds constantly, very quickly, without symptoms. A person does not feel danger, does not take protective measures, which means that the pathology spreads further.

Complications of the disease

Chlamydia has no typical symptoms. Infected people do not feel constant debilitating pain, do not go to the doctor.

Pain comes already from a severely affected organ, when it cannot cope with its work. Some diseases are difficult to treat only because of the high prevalence of chlamydia in the body.

The pathological process captures the entire body.

Against the background of chronic damage to chlamydia, complications develop:

  • pneumonia;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • reduction of erectile dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • diseases of the female and male genital areas;
  • pyelonephritis.

A person will treat precisely these diseases, and the true cause - chlamydial infection - will not be identified and destroyed.

sexual route of infection

Treatment for chlamydial infection depends on the route of infection and the organ that has been attacked by microorganisms. The main route of distribution is sexual. Inflammation in the female body gradually captures the internal organs one by one.

It all starts with the mucous membrane of the vagina, then rises through the fallopian tubes. This is how the adhesive process develops - one of the causes of infertility. Further, the infection reaches the urethra, provoking cystitis, inflammation of the cervical canal.

The male body also suffers from infection. Begins urethritis, prostatitis. The treatment of these diseases will be long and useless, because the main reason - chlamydial infection will continue its destructive effect.

contact infection

There is no firm evidence that chlamydia is transmitted through contact in everyday life. But these microorganisms eventually acquire amazing resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

For example, on household items, the infection can persist for about two days at an average air temperature of 18 degrees. There is already evidence of infection with this disease in the humid environment of a bath or sauna.

The main source of infection is a person - a carrier of chlamydia. He actively and constantly excretes this infection from his body. Infection through clothes, dirty hands, in public transport and even through a handshake with a carrier is not excluded. There is also a chance of catching an infection when using other people's personal hygiene items, not ironed bed linen, through the toilet lid.

It is considered possible to become infected by air. This is a very rare mode of transmission, because the source must be a patient with pneumonia, whose lungs are affected by chlamydia. But this option should not be ruled out, since few people know the true cause of their illnesses.

Infection of children

Once upon a time, chlamydia was considered a problem only for adults, and the way of spread was only sexual. But it turns out that this disease also affects children.

Chlamydial infection threatens even an unborn baby. Chronic disease increases the risk of fetal infection. Chlamydia can interfere with the proper formation of its internal organs. And in difficult cases, intrauterine death of the fetus is possible.

Adhesions can form in the uterus of a pregnant woman. This is the result of the action of chlamydia. They destroy the shell, in place of which coarse tissue grows.

Adhesions are dense strands that can stretch from one organ to another and even change their location. Adhesions can interfere with the formation of the fetus, and in childbirth pass through the birth canal.

During pregnancy, the fetus can become infected with chlamydia through the placenta, and after birth through mother's milk. A congenital infection of a child affects the mucous membranes of the body, leads to the development of conjunctivitis, pneumonia and other pathologies.

Signs of chlamydia in the female body

Chlamydia manifest their symptoms in the female and male body in different ways, they can be confused with other pathologies. For a diagnosis, it is better to consult a specialist, do not self-medicate.

The first signs of infection can be detected two to three weeks after infection.

There is itching, burning, discomfort on the external genitalia, then pain when urinating. When the disease is gaining strength, yellow or whitish discharge with a bad smell appears.

In the future, the pain will be localized in the area of ​​​​the uterine appendages, on one or both sides at once, it can be given to the lower back. It is also characterized by an increase in temperature for no apparent reason up to 38 degrees.

During a gynecological examination, swelling of the cervix is ​​​​visible, erosion and discharge with an admixture of blood are possible.

The general condition of the woman is changing for the worse. There is fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite. Against the background of general intoxication of the body, all chronic diseases begin to worsen.

Treatment is difficult, without noticeable improvements. Often attributed to bad drugs or unskilled doctors, the chlamydial infection is overlooked as the cause.

Symptoms of infection in men

This infection develops in the male body quickly, but without symptoms. With the appearance of complications in the form of infertility, weakening of potency, inflammation of the genital organs, a man begins to worry about his health. At this stage, the diagnosis of "chronic chlamydia" is already made. Often the sexual partners of such a man are also infected.

The first manifestations of infection can be seen two to three weeks after chlamydia enters the body. The urethra will be affected first. An unpleasant itch will begin in it, the first drops of urine will be cloudy. But these symptoms will soon pass, as a rule, men do not take such signs seriously. But at the initial stage, any pathology is easier to cure.

With the further spread of the disease, pain will appear in the inguinal region, in the lower back. Body temperature can rise to 38 degrees for no apparent reason. The urethra will begin to swell, acquire a reddish color, in the morning there may be a discharge of a small amount of liquid without color and odor. At the stage of advanced chlamydia, prostatitis and other inflammatory processes will develop.

The main directions of treatment

Treatment of chlamydia is a complex process, as many internal organs and systems are affected, normal life processes are disrupted. This virus does not give up easily, it has great ability to adapt.

When choosing a treatment, the doctor considers:

  • patient's age;
  • the stage of the disease;
  • severity of inflammation;
  • the duration of the illness;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • existing symptoms.

The treatment takes place in several stages, after the recovery period it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination again. It is important to determine whether the infection remains in the body or is destroyed.

Chlamydia should be treated together with your surroundings to avoid re-infection with subsequent contacts.

Treatment of acute chlamydia

The main treatment includes the use of antibiotics and immune preparations for 3 weeks. In the third week, enzyme therapy and antifungal drugs are added if there is such a need, for example, with fungal infections of the genital organs in women. From the very beginning of therapy, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes.

Physiotherapy is recommended during the rehabilitation period. To restore the work of the affected body systems, hepatoprotectors and other similar agents can be prescribed. Probiotics are prescribed against dysbacteriosis in the intestines and vagina, which are heavily attacked by chlamydia.

The main treatment in the acute period is aimed at relieving symptoms, improving the condition of a sick person. For these purposes, microclysters, baths, candles, specific preparations are used.

During the period of therapy, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy. After treatment, tests are required, which are then repeated 2 times in a month.

It is necessary to observe strict personal hygiene measures - iron underwear on both sides, change it every day, use an individual towel.

Treatment of chronic infection

Treating an advanced chlamydial infection takes a lot of time and patience. To begin with, they prepare by injecting immunostimulating drugs intramuscularly. Systemic enzyme therapy and local procedures are often performed in the form of baths with chlorhexidine, enemas with special solutions. This takes approximately 10 days.

At the main stage, complex therapy with antibiotics is carried out, which are selected by the attending physician based on the patient's health status.

Recovery of the body occurs with the help of physiotherapy and local treatment. It can be microclysters, baths, antioxidants, special tampons in the vagina.

Chlamydia during pregnancy is treated according to the same plan, but with other drugs that should not harm the baby.

Treatment effectiveness

When undergoing such a complex treatment, I want to believe that such a strong effect on the body will be effective. But for this, several conditions must be observed, for example, antibiotics must be specific, active against chlamydia.

Only such can penetrate inside the cell, destroy the disease there. Also, the course of treatment should be continuous - 3 weeks (even if the antibiotic was replaced with another one). This is due to the fact that the infection development cycle is on average 72 hours. For successful treatment, at least 6 cycles must be blocked.

Pulse-therapy helps effectively. This is a kind of intermittent treatment: taking an antibiotic - 7 days, then a break - 7 days. You have to do it three times. This method is also associated with the developmental cycles of chlamydia.

Mandatory for success in recovery is the use of antifungal agents. Indeed, in a weakened body and after the use of antibiotics, the possibility of spreading candidiasis increases.

The effectiveness of treatment also depends on the route of administration of drugs. Preference should be given to intravenous and intramuscular methods, since the drug spreads faster and more evenly in the cells and begins to deal with the problem.

How to avoid infection

Preventive measures are based on the exclusion of ways of penetration of infection into the body. In a chronic disease, chlamydia form entire colonies on the internal organs. There will be no vivid symptoms, and few people take a slight ailment seriously. But such carriage is very dangerous with unprotected sexual intercourse.

With external relative health, such a person is contagious, like a sexual partner. Timely treatment will bring positive results, only on condition that sexual partners are treated at the same time.

Chlamydia are stable in the external environment for about 2 days, but for infection to occur, a large number of these creatures are needed.

The disease can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from an infected animal or bird. By thoroughly washing your hands after communicating with representatives of the animal world, you can protect yourself from a serious illness and long-term treatment.

What are the types of chlamydia and how do they affect human health?

Urogenital chlamydia - Chlamidia trachomatis.

Chlamydial pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis - Chlamydiya pneumoniae.

Symptoms directly depend on the type of chlamydia, as well as their localization. Often infection occurs with Chlamidia trachomatis, sexually transmitted (anal, genital and oral sex), less often than bedding, personal hygiene items, dirty hands, underwear, transmission from mother to fetus is possible during pregnancy, or during childbirth.

The process of development of chlamydia largely depends on the state of human immunity. With a strong response of the immune system to the introduction of microbes into the body, the symptoms of the disease may be completely absent, and the body is able to cope with them on its own. In the case of a single infection, that is, with accidental sexual contact, if a person has good health, then chlamydia simply die, since the immune system does not allow them to multiply.

However, if there is a massive infection, namely regular sexual intercourse with a carrier of bacteria, then the body is not able to cope with their onslaught, and an inflammatory process occurs, which in 46% of cases in men and in 67% of cases in women occurs without any symptoms. The table shows the possible diseases that can be caused by chlamydia in men, women and children.

Chlamydia trachomatis can affect any organ and tissue of a person, but most often provokes the following diseases.

    Inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis.

    Inflammation of the appendages of the ovary - epididymitis.

    Inflammation of the ovary - orchitis.

    Inflammation of the seminal vesicles - vesiculitis.

    Inflammation of the vagina - colpitis.

    Inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus - endometritis.

    Inflammation of the cervical canal of the uterus - cervicitis.

    Inflammation of the fallopian tubes - salpingitis.

    Inflammation of the uterine appendages - salpingo-oophoritis.

    Inflammation of the ovaries - oophoritis.

    Inflammation of the urethra - urethritis.

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum - proctitis.

    Inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis.

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis.

    Inflammation of the conjunctiva in newborns.

    Inflammation of the bronchi.


    Inflammation of the nasopharynx.


    Inflammation of the middle ear.




    Violation of potency

    Chlamydial arthritis

    Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

    Reiter's syndrome

    Ectopic pregnancy

    tubal infertility

    Premature birth, miscarriage

    Adhesive process in the pelvis

    High risk of developing cancer

    Reiter's syndrome

    Chlamydial arthritis

    Chronic lung diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia.

Chlamydia pneumonia mainly develops in the lower parts of the respiratory system, but damage to blood vessels and the heart is not excluded.

    Bronchial asthma




    Chlamydial arthritis

    Bronchial asthma

    Chlamydial bronchitis

    Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels


    Chlamydial arthritis

    Bronchial asthma



    Chlamydial bronchitis

For the diagnosis of urogenital chlamydia in women and men, it is necessary to pass an enzyme immunoassay and PCR analysis.

It is extremely important to undergo a complete examination of the following persons:

    Those who are examined for other STIs - gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis, CMV, microplasma, ureaplasma;

    Women with miscarriage, with symptoms of chronic or acute inflammation of the appendages, endometritis, with mucopurulent discharge and inaccurate diagnosis, and other diseases of the genital organs.

    Men with symptoms of urethritis, prostatitis, dysuria, with mucopurulent discharge from the urethra and with an undetermined exact diagnosis.

    Newborn babies of mothers who had chlamydial infection during or before pregnancy.

Prevention of infection - protection with condoms. At the same time, it is important that the population be informed about the first symptoms, routes of infection, late clinical signs, symptoms and treatment of chlamydia.

Possible symptoms of chlamydia in women

After infection, during the incubation period of microbes, which is 14-28 days, no symptoms of chlamydia infection appear. Manifestations can be only after this time, when the infection passes such stages:


    The formation of the primary focus of infection - first appears vaginitis, colpitis, especially during menopause, in pregnant women, in girls, when the hormonal level of tarragon is reduced.

    The progression of the inflammatory process depends on the localization of chlamydia, the symptoms can be very different: itching in the vagina, burning, discomfort during urination, discharge of a mucopurulent white or yellow color with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower back, groin, lower abdomen .

    Against the background of immunopathological reactions, changes are formed in the systems and organs of the body:

    Andexitis (oophoritis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis) - pains are localized either in both, or in one side in the area of ​​the uterine appendages, often the pain radiates to the lower back. An increase in temperature is possible with an acute inflammatory process from 37 to 38 degrees, a woman is worried about constant pain and discharge, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

    Endometritis is an acute process characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, high fever, and various discharges (bloody and purulent). The chronic process is distinguished by failures of the menstrual cycle, abundant, or scant discharge during menstruation.

Possible symptoms of chlamydia in men

The insidiousness of chlamydia lies in the fact that in men it is not accompanied by symptoms for a long time, despite the fact that active reproduction of pathogenic organisms takes place during this period. When men have complications, such as inflammation of the ovary, bladder, prostate, potency disorders or infertility, then the man resorts to medical help.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, do not diagnose the disease and do not start treatment, the disease can develop into chronic urogenital chlamydia. Moreover, during the period of remission there are no signs of ailments, and during periods of exacerbation, all the symptoms of acute chlamydia occur.

    Usually, after infection, the urethra becomes inflamed first. After the onset of chlamydia, they can manifest themselves as discomfort during urination, cloudy first drops, itching, burning after 7-28 days.

    Unpleasant sensations in the groin, the appearance of pain in the perineum, lower back, an increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees are not excluded.

    Discharge of a colorless liquid from the urethra, usually in the morning.

    Outside, the urethra may be swollen, reddened, painful.

    In the future, if no treatment has been performed, more serious diseases may occur, such as epididymitis, prostatitis, orchitis, and others, with their own symptoms.

Treatment of chlamydia in men and women

All information about treatment regimens and medicines is for informational purposes only. Treatment should be prescribed only on the basis of the results of the analysis and by a qualified specialist.

Antibiotics for chlamydia, taking into account their action inside the cell, can be divided into the following groups:

    A low degree of penetration into the cell in - cephalosporins, nitroimidazoles, penicillins.

    The average degree of y - fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides.

    A high degree of y - macrolides and azalides.

Based on this, the following antibiotics are prescribed for chlamydia:

    "Roxithromycin" - 2 times a day for a week (150 mg).

    "Josamycin" - 3 times a day for a week (500 mg).

    "Ofloxacin" - 2 times a day for a week (200 mg).

    "Clarithromycin" - 2 times a day for a week (200 mg).

    Azithromycin "- with a complicated form 500 mg twice a day for 7-10 days, and with an uncomplicated form - 1 g once.

The duration of treatment of complicated forms increases and can be at least two to three weeks.

Local treatment of chlamydia in women:

    Vaginal cream "Dalacin C" - for a week at night with a dispenser in the vagina for 5 g.

    "Erythromycin ointment" - tampons in the morning and evening for 10-14 days.

    "Tetracycline ointment" - a tampon in the evening and in the morning for up to 2 weeks.

    Candles "Betadine" - at night in the vagina for 2 weeks.

Alternative treatment regimens:

    "Lomefloxacin" - 7-10 days, 40 mg once a day.

    "Erythromycin" - four times a day for two weeks, 250 mg.

Treatment will be effective if:

    Take antibiotics. For treatment, only highly active anti-chlamydial antibiotics are used, which are able to penetrate into the cell.

    The course should be two to three weeks with or without antibiotic replacement, it is better to use two antimicrobial agents at the same time. The entire development cycle of chlamydia, as noted above, is 48-72 hours, for this reason it is worth stopping six cycles of their development.

    Take into account the course of the disease. If the clinical manifestations of chlamydia in each case are taken into account - chronic, acute, asymptomatic course and time of infection - fresh or chronic infection.

    The use of antimycotic drugs is mandatory, since in the treatment of chlamydia, there is a risk of developing candidiasis. Doctors prescribe Nystatin, Natamycin, Itraconazole, Fluconazole.

    Take into account the combination of other STIs - ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, anaerobic microflora, mycoplasma. Therefore, the following protistocidal drugs should be included in the treatment regimen: Trichopol (Metronidazole), 500 mg twice a day for one week.

    Immunomodulators. With regularly recurring chronic chlamydia, their use is atogenetically justified, immune preparations are involved in the suppression of chlamydia through their replication and normalize the immune status.

    During and after a course of antibiotics for the prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis, drugs of the zubiotic series are prescribed.

    Interferons: "Aalfaferon", "Laferon", "Velferon", "Viferon", "Kipferon", "Reaferon".

    Immunomodulators of humoral and cellular immunity: Immunomax, Groprinosin, Gepon, Amiksin, Polyoxidonium.

    Cytolysins: "Taktivin", "Timalin", "Timoptin".

    Interfron inductors: Neovir, Mielopid, Engystol, Cycloferon, Likopid.

From the moment of infection with chlamydia to the onset of symptoms of primary chlamydia, 10-14 days pass.

Since chlamydia affects precisely the cells of the cylindrical epithelium (a type of cells on the mucous membranes), acute chlamydia can occur in all organs and tissues where there are such cells.

The most common is urogenital chlamydia (it includes diseases of various organs of the genitourinary system), but there are also:

  • eye chlamydia (ophthalmochlamydia);
  • chlamydia of individual kidney tissues;
  • chlamydia of individual heart tissues;
  • chlamydial tonsillitis and pneumonia;
  • chlamydial perihepatitis (inflammation of the liver capsule);
  • intestinal chlamydia;
  • inflammation of the joints as a complication of chlamydia;
  • a generalized form of chlamydia - when the pathogen affects many human organs at once, belonging to different systems.

In the initial stage of the infection, the signs of chlamydia are usually mild, regardless of which organs it has affected. How to recognize or at least suspect chlamydia in the acute phase in time? We talk in detail about the signs of this disease.

The content of the article:

Acute urogenital chlamydia: characteristic symptoms

The most common form of the disease - genitourinary (or urogenital) chlamydia - is manifested by meager symptoms. Symptoms of the disease are similar to other genitourinary infections, and even those that are not sexually transmitted.

The following problems can signal a possible chlamydia:

  • itching and burning in the genital area;
  • discomfort of varying degrees during intercourse or urination;
  • discharge from the genital tract;
  • sometimes - an increase in temperature.

Body temperature in chlamydia rises in the following cases:

  • with mixed infection (bouquet);
  • with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • with a generalized form (when the disease spreads throughout the body) with symptoms of blood poisoning (treatment of such forms is carried out only in a hospital);
  • when infected with chlamydia in places remote from the urinary tract (rectum, throat, lungs);
  • with complications - arthritis, conjunctivitis.

What does chlamydia discharge look like?

It is useful to know what kind of secretions appear precisely with chlamydia, so as not to confuse them with secretions from other infections. To understand what kind of discharge occurs with different genitourinary diseases, let's look at the table.

Disease Number of selections Characteristic features
Trichomonas Abundant, persistent White, frothy (spit-like)
Gonococcus Moderate, permanent Gray color with a yellowish tint - purulent
Chlamydia Scanty, before first urination Transparent, moderately stretchy, vitreous
Thrush (candidiasis) Moderate White, opaque, curdled consistency
Mixed infection (bouquet) Abundant or moderate Varies, depending on the most active of the infections

If chlamydia has affected the more "distant", internal organs of the genitourinary system, then this may not affect the patient's well-being in any way (except for a possible temperature). Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention to sensations in the main genital organs (in the penis or vagina), as well as in the urethra and in the anus.

Manifestations of chlamydia in different human organs

As we found out at the beginning of the article, acute chlamydia can affect not only the genitourinary system.

Spread of chlamydia to other parts of the body occurs when the bacteria "travels" in the blood or is transmitted through oral or anal sex. It is also possible to infect a child with chlamydia in the womb and transfer some types of chlamydia from animals to humans.

How can chlamydia manifest itself outside the urogenital area?

Each specific organ reacts to the invasion of chlamydia in its own way. For one, the symptoms will be more understandable and help to suspect the disease, while for the other, they will turn out to be similar to other disorders and will not manifest themselves in any special way.

Consider those organs in which chlamydia is manifested by quite characteristic symptoms.

Acute chlamydia can affect more than just the genitourinary system

Chlamydia in the intestines

Chlamydia of the rectum develops after anal intercourse with an infected partner, regardless of the sex of the person. With intestinal chlamydia, symptoms appear only in the anal and perianal areas (mucous membranes inside and around the circumference of the anus).

In male and female affected individuals, the symptoms are the same:

  • pain in the rectum, which is aggravated by defecation;
  • glassy discharge from the rectum;
  • swelling around the edges of the anus;
  • fever (if chlamydia has entered the bloodstream);
  • long-term effects of infection (after 1-2 weeks) in the form of arthritis (Reiter's syndrome).

Diarrhea with chlamydia occurs in the same cases as without chlamydial infection. Diarrhea (loose stools) can be caused by drugs or poor-quality food, but chlamydia itself does not cause digestive problems or stool changes.

Symptoms of chlamydia in the mouth

Chlamydia in the mouth

The oral cavity itself is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, for which chlamydia are safe - they cannot penetrate the membranes of these cells. However, certain areas of the oropharynx - the tonsil arches, the tonsils themselves and the upper tongue are covered with a cylindrical epithelium, which is necessary for chlamydia.

Therefore, if a person has had oral sex with a carrier of chlamydia (without a condom), then chlamydia will be able to infiltrate these areas of the throat. In this case, the symptoms of chlamydial tonsillitis begin.

Symptoms of chlamydia in the throat are the same for partners, regardless of their gender:

  • petechial hemorrhages in the tonsils;
  • sore throat, especially when swallowing;
  • perspiration.

These processes are caused by the fact that chlamydia breaks the cell walls. This is accompanied by small hemorrhages (rash) and causes the listed discomfort.

Does chlamydia occur on the skin?

The question of whether chlamydia can affect the skin often arises. It's not worth worrying about. The skin is covered with stratified squamous epithelium, into which chlamydia cannot invade. Therefore, even if a person suffers from chlamydia of other organs, there are no changes on the skin.

Many are concerned about the condition of the foreskin of the penis with chlamydia. However, skin damage in this area does not arise from the action of the chlamydia themselves, but because of the inflammation that they cause in the urethra (urethritis and paraurethritis).

Chlamydia and Reiter's Syndrome

Chlamydia joints

The fact is that individual zones of the joints (their synovial bags) consist of a cylindrical epithelium and, therefore, are attractive to chlamydia. With the blood flow, bacteria enter the cells of the articular synovial bags and multiply there. This in itself is harmful, but it does not immediately bring physical discomfort.

But when new generations of chlamydia go beyond the joint cells, human immune cells come to grips with them. As a result of this struggle, a precipitate appears on the articular surfaces - it consists of particles of chlamydia and human antibodies (antigen-antibody complex). Then this precipitate causes autoimmune inflammation: the immune system takes the cartilage cells of the joints for foreign organisms (because they have an antigen-antibody precipitate) and destroys them as enemies.

Whether the clamidiosis can not be shown and proceed without signs?

In some cases, chlamydia can occur without noticeable symptoms. Of course, this is much more dangerous, because it does not allow timely recognition and treatment of the disease. When can this happen and what does it depend on?

Chlamydia without symptoms begins in the following cases:

If there are no signs of illness - how to understand that it is chlamydia, and not something else?

If there are no visible signs of the disease, then finding out if a person has chlamydia will help only tests. The diagnosis of chlamydial infection is confirmed if tests show that the person's blood contains antibodies to the causative agent.

The venereologist prescribes blood tests for chlamydia:

  • if you suspect any sexually transmitted disease;
  • if one of the sexually transmitted diseases has already been confirmed - which means that there is a suspicion of chlamydia in the bouquet;
  • also tests for chlamydia are prescribed to all pregnant women registered in the antenatal clinic.

If a person seeks advice from a qualified doctor and conscientiously takes tests, then it is simply impossible to miss a form of chronic asymptomatic chlamydia.

Asymptomatic course of chlamydia

As it turns out, it is not difficult to detect chlamydia in a person with the help of tests. But here another problem arises: with asymptomatic or mild chlamydia, the patient may not find a reason to see a doctor.

If a person does not suspect other sexually transmitted infections or is not concerned about the state of the urogenital area, then he will not come to the doctor. In such cases, an asymptomatic course of the disease begins in a person infected with chlamydia. Without proper treatment, asymptomatic chlamydia becomes chronic.

What is the chronic form?

The chronic form of chlamydia is a type of course of the disease in which its symptoms weaken or disappear altogether, but at the same time chlamydia continues to live and multiply in the body.

A person with a chronic form of the disease remains a dangerous carrier of chlamydia. Outwardly, he himself does not suffer from chlamydia, but he can infect others. Or such a patient suffers only during periods of exacerbations. For example, aggravated, chronic chlamydia can cause burning in the genitals and cystitis.

The period of transition of chlamydia into a chronic form is three months. During this time, irreversible anatomical changes occur in the areas of inflammation: in place of the cells of the cylindrical epithelium, which died due to chlamydia, scar (connective) tissue is formed. Connective tissue cells have only one function - fastening, and of course, they do not perform the work of dead mucosal cells.

What to do if you are afraid of asymptomatic chlamydia?

It is really worth being afraid of asymptomatic chlamydia, because it is an insidious disease with very unpleasant consequences. In order not to become its victim, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a venereologist.

Highly sensitive lab tests can help you know for sure if a person has chlamydia—even if it's mild or asymptomatic. There are also special tests that determine at what stage the disease is:

  • acute phase;
  • chronic course of the disease before or during an exacerbation;
  • asymptomatic form;
  • carriage of chlamydia.

The results of blood serum tests can even show treated chlamydia, which a person had a long time ago.

Chlamydia is insidious in that its symptoms are not special and unique. They are similar to signs of many diseases of the urogenital area. And if you miss that short period when chlamydia is at least somehow manifested, then it generally goes into a latent form. After that, it is impossible to suspect chlamydia by sensations. This continues until, instead of symptoms, the patient begins to have serious complications - infertility, diseases of the joints, eyes, disruption of the genital organs.

In the case of chlamydia, you should not expect any special, suspicious sensations. If a person often changes sexual partners, this is already sufficient reason to be regularly checked for chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections.

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