With whom did Maksakova's children stay? The hereditary tragedy of the Maksakovs. The hard fate of a famous family. Maxim and Peter Maksakov

Today, the name of Maria Maksakova again occupies the front pages of newspapers, and this is due primarily to political events. However, many are interested not only in this, but also in how many children Maria Maksakova has. Today, the former opera diva is the mother of three children and is pregnant with the fourth.

Maksakova's biography cannot be called standard in any way, just like her personal life. Even those who do not know how many children Maria Maksakova Jr. has probably heard that the father of the two elders is a criminal authority from those who are called "thieves in law". Then Maksakova met with a famous jeweler for some time, but had no children from him. But the third life partner managed to give the singer a wonderful baby and left her pregnant.

One of the most famous couples - Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov - turned out to be, moreover, also a deputy couple. It would seem that the spouses should have had disagreements in political views, because Voronenkov was in the communist faction, and Maksakova was in United Russia. However, this did not prevent them from being considered one of the happiest married couples. Moreover, according to the singer herself, they got married in Jerusalem. When asked how many children the singer Maria Maksakova has, she herself repeatedly answered in an interview - she gave her husband an heir. The son of the deputy couple Maksakova-Voronenkov was born on April 15, 2016, the boy was given the name Ivan. As for the older children of Maksakova, Voronenkov treated them very warmly, they lived with their mother and new father.

However, not everyone knows that the answer to the question of how many children the opera singer Maria Maksakova has could be different. The fact is that Voronenkov's problems with the law also affected his family. In 2015, law enforcement agencies became interested in the dubious past of a communist deputy. Of course, Maria had to be very nervous. As a result, she, by her own admission, lost her twins, because she was pregnant at that time. You can see for yourself how many children Maksakova and Voronenkov could have. Denis Nikolaevich had a chance to become the father of four native children, given the fact that today Maksakova is pregnant again.

Problems with the law and fear for his freedom forced Voronenkov at the end of 2016 to decide to flee the country. Maria Maksakova could not stay in Russia and therefore followed her husband "into exile", leaving the deputy chair and her vocal career. This step caused the disapproval of many, including the mother of the singer Lyudmila Maksakova. After all, in fact, the singer abandoned her two older children, taking with her to Ukraine only the youngest, Vanechka.

Life in another country for a married couple could have turned out quite well if on March 23, 2017 Voronenkov had not been shot dead in Kyiv. A video has already appeared on the Internet about how Maria Petrovna, upon seeing her husband's body, fainted, which, of course, is very undesirable in her position. In addition to the shock of the death of her husband, the singer is now having a rather difficult period in her life - after all, today she is left alone in Ukraine, without a family, children, and close circle.

Maria Maksakova: personal life of the singer, husbands, children, photos

The personal life of Maria Petrovna has always interested her fans. It is known how many children M. Maksakova has, but how did it happen that she, already a mother of two children, did not wear a wedding dress at one time? The thing is that Maria Petrovna could not marry the crime boss Vladimir Tyurin - his status did not allow him to have a legitimate family. This, however, did not prevent the couple from giving birth to a son and daughter. First Ilya was born, and four years later Lyudmila was born. The girl was named after the famous grandmother. By the way, many are interested in how many children the actress Lyudmila Maksakova has. In addition to Maria, she also has a son, Maxim, a successful entrepreneur.

After Tyurin was arrested and a criminal case was opened against him, Maria Maksakova decided to part with him and take the children with her. Apparently, the couple settled this issue, since Tyurin did not claim that his son and daughter would subsequently stay with him.

The next man in Maksakova's life was businessman and jeweler Jamil Aliyev. However, marriage with him also did not work out - the couple did not meet for long and soon broke up for unclear reasons. There were rumors that Tyurin's threats against Aliyev were the reason for this. Judging by how many children the singer Maksakova has, the opera diva is quite prolific, but she did not have time for the jeweler or did not want to give birth to a child.

Marriage with Denis Voronenkov became official and the first in the life of a star. Judging by the numerous photos, they were really happy. The strength of the union was not shaken even by a miscarriage that Maksakova had on a nervous basis. And their common son was supposed to be proof of sincere love between the spouses. It is no coincidence that Maria Petrovna left everything she had for the sake of a sudden departure to Ukraine - the opera stage, her career and her deputyship. Unfortunately, she left behind two children.


Where are the children of Maria Maksakova now

The news that the eldest son and daughter Maksakova were, in fact, abandoned, was perceived negatively by the public. Many, asking how old Maksakova's children are and where they are now, asked another question - how could Maria Petrovna leave them. After all, children were brought up in love and care, and this was visible even to outsiders.

The singer was reluctant to talk about her elders, but at the same time she was not going to hide them from the media. It is not difficult to find out how old the children of Maria Maksakova are today - Ilya 12, Lyudmila 8 for 2017. Both of them are quite talented, which is not surprising given the genes of their mother and grandmother.

Ilya at one time studied at the acting studio, tried himself in vocals - many say that the boy has a very good voice and perfect pitch. And then the parents decided that the boy should make a military career, and enrolled him in the Suvorov School. Apparently, Voronenkov insisted on this, who at one time himself graduated from such a school in Leningrad.

Luda is also a very talented child. She studies at a music school in the harp class, and is engaged in the gymnastic section. Since not only the mother was involved in the upbringing of the girl, but also the grandmother, who usually does not go into her pocket for a word, there is a high probability that Lyudmila Jr. will become a bright media person.

In the video, Lyudmila Maksakova, 8 years old, plays the harp

After Voronenkov fled to Ukraine with his wife and son, the media became interested not only in how many children Maria Petrovna Maksakova had, but also in the question of who Ilya and Lyuda were left with, who would raise them. Many were sure that the grandmother would take the children to her. However, from an interview with Maria herself, it became clear with whom her older children now live. It turned out that they were taken by their own father, Vladimir Tyurin. Moreover, he insisted that Ilya leave the Suvorov School, explaining his decision by saying that he did not want additional stress for his son in connection with the escape from his mother's country. Today Lyudmila and Ilya are with their father, and Maksakova's youngest son Ivan is with her in Kyiv.

Maria Petrovna admitted in her interviews that she was very sorry about the decision to leave her children in Moscow. However, what happened on March 23 in Kyiv may give the singer a chance to return back to her daughter and son.

The famous opera singer Maria Maksakova has been separated from her older children, son Ilya and daughter Lucy, for quite a long time. The vocalist, as you know, lives and works in Kyiv, and her heirs stayed with their father, businessman Vladimir Tyurin. They live in a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka, their father and grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova take care of them.

In an interview with one of the Ukrainian publications, Maria Maksakova made it clear that she was not satisfied with the way her son and daughter are being raised now. The opera diva spoke very unflatteringly about the abilities of the heirs, evaluating their recent performance at the festival in Yalta, where the boy performed the piece on the piano, and the girl on the harp. Maria Maksakova said that while she was raising children, they demonstrated unique talents, but now she is ashamed of their performing level.

“I had a powerful influence on them for 12 years while they lived with me. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and piano, and Lucy played the harp, but since they do not live with me, they have stopped in this development,” said Maria Maksakova.

In addition, the singer was dissatisfied with the appearance of her son, who, according to her, recovered greatly.

“After leaving the Suvorov School, Ilya again gained 12 kilograms and began to look like there was nothing in his life. I was so proud of him. He performed in the Crimea a program that a year ago he brilliantly played with me in Cannes. But only much worse, slowly and with errors, ”added Maria Maksakova annoyed.

The singer made it clear that she would be glad to be reunited with the children and the opportunity to again take care of their upbringing. True, for this, Ilya and Lucy must move in with their mother. Maria Maksakova expressed the hope that they would do so. But first they need to reach the age of 14, which is considered capable. Ilya until this moment had to wait less than a year. “If he has a desire to come to me in Kyiv, I will be glad to see him,” says Maria Maksakova.

It is worth noting that the singer is a great example of what a person can achieve as a result of hard work on himself and his voice. She managed to independently move from one register to another.

“That is, I, being originally trained as a soprano, moved to a different register. For eight seasons I sang in the theater as a mezzo-soprano, even low contralto parts. Therefore, my example of how I did it myself and began to sing really for real aroused interest, and many people “rushed” to study with me, ”Maria Maksakova told about herself.

The article was prepared using materials from The Day.

“I’ve been thinking about what happened in Kyiv all day. I really want to hear Lyudin’s voice, but she doesn’t fit the home phone, although she always picked up the phone before. Her mobile is turned off. Perhaps Luda went to a rehearsal at the theater. She is an extraordinary worker. In any situation, he pulls himself together and works," Natalia Selezneva praised her friend.


The actress called Lyudmila Maksakova a very good mother. "When Masha was studying, Luda hired the best teachers for her. Masha went to the best schools, she had excellent private teachers, a great vocal practice. Masha is a very educated person. She is capable, with a good memory. Luda did a lot for her, as well as for for her son, and for her grandchildren," the legendary actress said.

By the way, as Selezneva said, not the famous grandmother, but her ex-husband, is nursing the older children of Maria Maksakova. “They are with their father,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the actress. At the same time, Natalya Selezneva categorically refused to say anything about the ex-lover of Maria.

But the actress spoke about the conflict between Lyudmila and Maria. “Recently, Luda has not kept in touch with her daughter ... Even before their departure, Luda was categorically against this marriage. She is a strong, very strong-willed person. Selezneva said. At the same time, the actress expressed confidence that after the loss of her husband, Maria Maksakova would return to Russia.

Recall that Maria Maksakova has three children. From a previous relationship, the artist's son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila are growing up. They say that their father is the leader of the Fraternal group Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurya, Tyurik, Batya, Projectionist). Journalists refer to an interview with the opera diva given to the magazine "Relax! Names" and which was once posted on her official website, where Maria recalled how Vladimir looked after her beautifully, fell in love when he saw her on TV, and for her sake gave up everything. Note that Tyurin was 19 years older than the artist, and officially, according to the singer, they were not married.

In autumn 2010, Vladimir was arrested on charges of creating a criminal community and money laundering. However, in the winter of 2012, Tyurin was released from arrest because he allegedly retired from criminal cases and owns only legal businesses.

The surname Maksakovs in three generations was glorified exclusively by women. Moreover, in many moments their biographies turned out to be surprisingly similar - each repeated the fate of her mother in some way. Such "Matryoshka Maksakovs", as Nikita Mikhalkov called them, no one has yet managed to unravel all their secrets - some new facts constantly emerge.

Stately talented beauties who were applauded by the audience! On the surface, they seemed to be very successful, but passions raged inside, pain from mistakes and even fear for their own lives. And all because of the men who, as if by selection, they met "the wrong ones." Sometimes so much so that at different times they were called "enemies of the people", defectors and simply traitors. But, they say, you can’t command your heart ... Moreover, the Maksakovs were surprisingly lucky, something always helped them get out of the water dry.

Maksakovs: Maria Sr., Lyudmila, Maria Jr.

“Where is my Carmen?”: how Stalin saved Maksakova Sr. from repression

Let's start with the fact that the family name of these three beautiful women is not the Maksakovs, but the Sidorovs. According to all laws, ladies in this family had to bear either her or the names of their husbands and fathers. But when did the Maksakovs follow any rules?

Their roots should be sought in Astrakhan. The father of the founder of the creative dynasty, Maria Petrovna Sr., was Peter Sidorov, an employee of the shipping company. The family lived in abundance, but when Mary was only 8 years old, her father died. She was forced to earn extra money by singing in the church choir to help her mother feed the other five brothers and sisters.

Lyudmila and Petr Sidorov are the parents of Maria Maksakova Sr. Photo: spletnik.ru

At the age of 17, Maria was already working at the Astrakhan Opera House, where after the revolution a new leader, 50-year-old Maximilian Maksakov, got there. In fact, his name was Max Schwartz, he was born in Austria-Hungary in a Jewish family. But Maria found out about this much later. So, the Maksakovs - it turns out to be a completely invented surname, a pseudonym.

They say that Maximilian, also an opera singer in the past, did not gain much recognition on the stage, and therefore went into entrepreneurship. He was a stern leader, but it was thanks to him that Maria Petrovna became a prima. According to some reports, he married her with the blessing of his wife dying of cholera. Be that as it may, they lived with Mary together for 16 years, until he himself died. They had no children in their marriage.

Maria and Maximilian Maksakov. Photo: RIA Novosti

Child from the "enemy of the people"

All these years, Maria was not let go by fear for her foreign husband, she even destroyed his documents, where he is recorded as Schwartz. But in the following relations, the fate of the woman of the “enemy of the people” did not pass her. Yakov Davtyan, the former Soviet ambassador to Poland and Maria's lover, was shot, and she herself was deported.

But Maksakova was lucky. Once Stalin, having come to the Bolshoi Theater, did not find his favorite actress, saying:

Where is my Carmen?

Since then, she has forgiven a lot. Even the daughter of a dissident, whom she gave birth to at the age of 38 just before the war. There were even rumors that Lyudmila Maksakova was the child of Stalin himself. They rarely talked to their mother about her father, she preferred to keep her daughter out of trouble. Especially when in 1953 the leader, their patron, died. Then Maksakova Sr. was fired from the Bolshoi.

Maria and Lyudmila Maksakov

Meanwhile, Lyudmila's father turned out to be Alexander Volkov, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, who fled to the United States during the war. The peoples of Maksakova would not have forgiven another enemy, so she preferred to completely hide his name. Lyudmila is patronymic Vasilievna.

Rebel Ludmila Maksakova

Maria Maksakova never married again. After the Bolshoi early retired her, she had a hard time. All the time she disappeared at work - in order to feed her family, she traveled around the country with concerts, and was engaged in teaching. People loved her, but, as usual, there was no time for her daughter. Lyudmila was raised by her grandmother, and her mother was too strict with her. Apparently, therefore, the daughter began to rebel!

Her mother saw her as a translator, and Lyudmila, out of spite, entered the theater. Her youth fell on the period of the so-called Khrushchev thaw - bohemian companies, experiments with appearance. There, she later met the artist Lev Zbarsky, for the sake of Lyudmila he left his wife, fashion model Regina Zbarskaya, who was called the "Red Queen" in the West.

Lyudmila Maksakova and Lev Zbarsky

As the saying goes, you can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune. Zbarsky's life partner was unlucky - constantly in debt and spree. He did not even have the money to put a divorce stamp in his passport in order to sign with Lyudmila. And she pulled everything on herself. When their son Maxim was born in 1971, Leo had to adopt him.

But this fact did not make the freedom-loving artist settle down. In the end, Maksakova was tired of all this and she left Zbarsky. And then she filed for de-adoption ... Leo emigrated to America and this could ruin the life of their son. Maxim never met his own father.

And Lyudmila then started an unsuccessful romance with Mikael Tariverdiev, which ended in failure. He hit a man with a car and was convicted for it. But it was rumored that it was Lyudmila who was driving then. This story formed the basis of the plot of Eldar Ryazanov's film "Station for Two".

Maxim and Peter Maksakov

Lyudmila Maksakova with her son Maxim and granddaughter / Pyotr Maksakov with his wife Galina Yudashkina

Lyudmila, raised by a strict mother, vowed that her children would be treated differently. Who knows if she was right in this, but then it turned out how it happened ... Maxim did not follow in the footsteps of his mother and grandmother. Early married to the daughter of the Ambassador, they had two children. He was engaged in business, not so long ago he was accused of large-scale embezzlement of budget funds. Now he lives, it seems, somewhere in Italy with a second family.

And his son Peter, who was raised by his grandmother, received a good education. He is also engaged in business and is married to the daughter of a famous fashion designer Galina Yudashkina. Maybe at least he will have everything humanly.

Maria Maksakova Jr.

Daughter Maria was born to Lyudmila and her only legal husband, Peter Igenbergs, in 1977. Again it was difficult. Peter is the son of Baltic emigrants who fled from the USSR to Germany. All this time they were drawn back to their homeland, and therefore Peter, having received a good education, also began to visit the USSR on scientific matters. He sought Lyudmila for a long time. He accepted Maxim as his own son, but they could not get married.

Wedding of Lyudmila Maksakova and Peter Igenbergs

Lyudmila is a famous actress, the daughter of the people's favorite Maria Maksakova, and Peter is a foreigner. Gossip and complaints spread in the theater, Lyudmila was invited to the cinema less and less. She has a small child in her arms, a seriously ill mother and a loved one who was banned from entering the USSR. Out of desperation, she dialed the Foreign Ministry's number. Yes, yes, probably, the Maksakovs could just dial this number and solve their problems.

With threats to jump out the window, Lyudmila achieved her goal. Perhaps the name of her mother, who was still adored, played a role. She and Peter got married and remained in the Union. Maksakova fundamentally did not want to emigrate.

Maria Petrovna Sr. no longer found her granddaughter. She died five years before the birth of Maria Jr. It was she, named after the great grandmother, who was destined to follow in her footsteps. But, alas, and surpass in scandals, perhaps, all the Maksakovs combined.

Her father, Peter, never lived to see his daughter return home from Ukraine. He passed away in 2018.

Maria Maksakova Jr. with her parents

The most scandalous Maksakova

When you read Maria's old interviews, you might think that she always had complete understanding with her mother (source MK, 2001):

Mom and I never argue, we don’t swear, we don’t try to defend each of our opinions - we have one for two. My mom and I even have common friends at home.

But Lyudmila Vasilievna has always been a difficult woman, with character, and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then ...

Maria Maksakova with Vladimir Tyurin and Denis Voronenkov

At first everything went well. Maria graduated from the Gnesinka, sang at the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky. She gave birth to two children in prosperity and love. And in 2011, for some reason, she plunged into the dirty world of big politics. Apparently, this was her strategic mistake.

It immediately became clear that her husband and father of children is a well-known crime boss, thief in law Vladimir Tyurin. I had to immediately disown him - they say, and they were never painted. Then Maria already officially marries Denis Voronenkov, they have a son. And again the husband turns out to be a thief and a traitor. It wouldn’t be right to stop here, but Maria runs with him to Ukraine and becomes a traitor herself.

We hope that the children of Maksakov Jr. will continue this really talented dynasty, but only without scandals. Already, probably enough for one family.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine has completed an investigation into the death of a former deputy of the State Duma of Russia, the husband of Maria Maksakova, Denis Voronenkov. The former chosen one of the artist was named the actual organizer of the crime.


“I spoke with Tyurin a few days after the murder of Voronenkov. He was terribly sympathetic. He called me himself. At that time, it could not even occur to me that he was somehow involved in this. ", Maria confessed. Now the elder children of the singer are with Tyurin.

“We talked exclusively about the upbringing of children, on which we have diametrically opposed views. From time to time he threatened, but I did not attach any importance to his words,” recalls Maksakova. The star also explained why she does not take Ilya and Lyudmila from her father, thereby showing a disregard for them - she does not see her children, only occasionally talking on the phone with her son.

According to Maksakova, she does not want to go against their will. “It is necessary that they themselves express their unwillingness to live with him, or, if Tyurin is held accountable, I will have the opportunity to take the children to me,” the Gordon edition quotes the singer.

Note that Mary had previously publicly criticized her offspring. The opera diva stated that it was unpleasant for her to watch the performance of children in the Crimea. She believes that they stopped in their development after they broke up with her. Ilya brilliantly played the piano and piano, and his daughter Lyudmila played the harp.

Recall that the older children of the opera diva Maria Maksakova took part in the children's edition of the "Music for Gourmet" project, which was held in Yalta in July this year. In the same place, Ilya celebrated his birthday, he turned 13 years old. The teenager spent the holiday in the circle of relatives, but his mother was not next to him. Earlier in an interview, Maria Maksakova admitted that she hardly communicates with older offspring because of a difficult relationship with their own father.

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