Rest in an Arabian fairy tale: what is the weather in the UAE in October and is it worth it to go. Emirates in November: weather, entertainment, reviews Uae in late October early November

November in the UAE is "in" during the high tourist season, so the number of tourists vacationing here is maximum. Find out on the Tour Calendar why this Middle Eastern country is so attractive in the last month of autumn.

Weather in the UAE in November

The short answer to this question is simply amazing. The fact is that it is from November that temperatures that are prohibitively high for Europeans begin to gradually decrease. At noon, there is no longer such a debilitating heat as in October or September, and you can move along the street quite calmly, and not in dashes. The level of air humidity on the coast is still somewhat elevated, while inland it is less, so the same temperature regime in different parts of the state will be perceived differently, and you need to be prepared for this. In the capital and in Dubai, the most visited places by tourists, weather forecasters fix about +31 °C during the day and +18 °C at night this month. A little to the north lies the emirate of Ajaman, where the average of the absolute maximums is approximately +30 °C, and of the absolute minimums is about +17 °C. The east coast of the UAE is considered cooler during daylight hours, but in the evening the air cools slightly. So, the range of daily temperatures in Fujairah is from +22 °C to +28 °C. Agree, such climatic conditions are more than comfortable for a pleasant stay. If you move deeper into the United Arab Emirates, then the weather will be hotter here. For example, in the city of Al Ain, located approximately 150 km east of Dubai, as a rule, the temperature fluctuation is +19 °C-+32 °C. Be careful with the sun! Despite the reduction in the number of hours of sunlight to 9 per day and the decrease in the UV index, being outdoors without sunscreen is not recommended. And it’s probably completely unnecessary to talk about a headdress and light-colored light clothes, since this is a matter of course. By the way, if you go to the desert, be sure to take warm clothes with you, because in the evening it gets quite cold there, and often the thermometer drops to +7..+9 °C. The climate of the UAE is very dry, with no more than 110 mm of precipitation per year. In summer and early autumn, the sky will not shed a single drop of rain, but in November, short showers at noon are rare, but still happen. For locals, this is like snow for children, for which there is no limit to joy. On average, out of 30 days - 3 foggy and 1-2 rainy days, which is caused by the dominance of Mediterranean anticyclones and Siberian cyclones in the country. The greatest chance to cool off under the trickles of rain exists in Sharjah.

Abu Dhabi Dubai Ajman Fujairah Sharjah Ras Al Khaimah

What to do in the UAE in November?

The UAE is a state-phenomenon that has grown on the site of lifeless sands and has become one of the most prosperous countries in the world in just 40 years. Seven emirates - seven different "worlds", but there is a lot in common between them. This is the genius of human thought, embodied in the material world, screaming luxury and sincere hospitality to every foreign guest. In general, there is something to admire here, and, as experienced tourists testify, the United Arab Emirates never cease to amaze on the second, third, or all subsequent visits, because one of their unique qualities is the rapid development of politics and the economy, in particular, tourism industry.

beach holiday

A beach holiday in November is good for everyone, especially given the slight cooling of the water to comfortable temperatures. At the resorts located along the Persian Gulf, about +25 °C is fixed near the coast. In such water, the risk of reproduction of pathogens is minimal, so this month you can safely take children with you on vacation. If you prefer more refreshing conditions for swimming, look to the east coast. Here, on the Gulf of Oman, stands the emirate of Fujairah. At the end of autumn, the water warms up only to +23 °C. In November, the sea is usually not hot, as pleasant breezes constantly blow, but this does not mean that you can sunbathe without fear of getting burned. A good sunscreen in November will prevent sunburn, however, we do not recommend staying on the beach during the midday hours. The best option is from 7.00 to 11.00 and in the afternoon. However, keep in mind that in November it gets dark early - at about 16.45.

Entertainment and excursions

In the UAE, everything is done to please tourists. Implicit, but easily read between the lines, is the slogan of the tourism industry: surprise and surprise again, no matter how much financial investment is required. It was here that 7 * hotels first appeared, in which golden toilets have already become something ordinary. Be sure to take a picture against the backdrop of the main Dubai symbol - the Burj Al Arab sailboat hotel / Burj Al Arab, located on an artificially created island 280 m from the coast, and then dine at the Al Muntaha restaurant at an altitude of 200 m, which in translation sounds like "Seventh Heaven" (of course, if funds allow).

One more hotel skyscraper should not be overlooked, this time a newly appeared one (date of construction - 2008), which claims to be the second tallest hotel in the world (380 m) - "Rose Rotana Suites" / "Rose Tower". Continuing the theme of skyscrapers, it is impossible not to mention the majestic “Burj Khalifa” / “Burj Khalifa” (828 m) “piercing” the sky, from the observation deck of which all the Emirates are visible at a glance.

Holidays and festivals

In November, the entire world racing community freezes in anticipation of one of the main events - the Formula 1 World Championship in Abu Dhabi. This sports competition lasts for 3 days, and all three evenings end with a mandatory gala concert. By the way, if you did not manage to witness such a significant event, keep in mind that there is an opportunity for a certain fee to visit and even ride on the Formula 1 race track, which is notable for the fact that cars move along it counterclockwise.

In the same emirate this month, a gastronomic Date Festival is held, during which it will be possible to try several dishes from different cuisines of the world using this fruit. On the island of Saadiyat, located near downtown Abu Dhabi, in the last days of November, the Arts Festival is held, organized by world-famous galleries.

What are the prices for holidays in the UAE in November?

The UAE belongs to the category of elite luxury beach destinations, and November is the high tourist season here. The combination of these two factors affects prices not in the best way. In a nutshell: you will have to spend a lot of money on a November vacation. The minimum cost of a tour for two in a 3 * hotel and meals according to the "ALL" system at the beginning of the month is 82,000 rubles. True, by the end of November, the price bar is gradually reduced.

Locals jokingly say that there are two seasons in the UAE - hot and very hot. For an inexperienced tourist, it may seem that the temperature here is comfortable throughout the year, however, this is not the case. During the summer months, the air heats up to such an extent that even swimming in the sea does not bring relief. Europeans prefer to relax in Dubai from November to April, but travelers from the CIS countries are more accustomed to high summer temperatures, so they open the season in October and rest until May. The topic of our article is the weather in the UAE in October.

General weather information for the UAE

The United Arab Emirates are located in the tropical desert zone, it is the geographical location that determines the weather in the country - very hot. A distinctive feature of the climate of the Emirates is the reduced oxygen content in the air - no more than 80% of the established norm. This can cause feelings of drowsiness and lethargy. Precipitation in any form is rare for the country - there have been cases when the number of clear days in a year reaches 360.

It is important! In recent years, such natural disasters as sandstorms and hurricanes have become more frequent, they happen in the first half of spring. The farther from the sea coast the resort, the higher the likelihood of being at the epicenter of a sandstorm.

Conventionally, there are two climatic zones in the UAE - coastal and desert. In desert regions, there are large differences between day and night temperatures, the average daytime temperature is higher, and the nighttime temperature is lower compared to coastal regions.

Winter in the regions located near the coast is warm - an average of +25 °C, and at night - +14 °C. In the desert and mountainous areas, it is colder by about 3-5 °C. In winter, swimming in the Persian Gulf is not so comfortable - the water cools down to + 17- + 19 ° C. In the second half of winter and early spring, fogs occur in coastal regions.

Summer in Dubai and in all the Emirates is very hot, during the day the air warms up to +45 ° C, given that the water warms up to +30 ° C, swimming does not bring long-awaited relief.

Good to know! In the summer months, the air humidity in the country is 90%, so the majority can hardly tolerate rest in such conditions. By the way, many locals leave in the summer for countries where the climate is milder.

The hottest month of the year is July (up to +45 °C during the day and up to +30 °C at night), and the coldest month is January (up to +21 °C during the day, up to +15 °C at night). Most precipitation falls in February.

From October to May, quite comfortable temperatures are established in the country - the maximum daily temperature rarely exceeds +35 ° C. The sun is more gentle, respectively, high humidity is much easier to tolerate.

The weather in the Emirates in October is different at the beginning and at the end of the month. If you are planning a trip in the first days of October, take clothes made from natural fabrics with you. For a holiday at the end of the month, long-sleeved clothing may already be required.

Holiday features in the UAE in October

Many people are afraid to go to the United Arab Emirates because of the hot climate. However, following simple rules, you can easily endure the heat:

  • when going on a trip, be sure to take an awning or umbrella with you;
  • do not leave the room without a hat;
  • use a cream for a safe tan;
  • drink more water, the optimal volume is 8-10 glasses;
  • unload the diet as much as possible, eat more vegetables and fruits.

Good to know! There is no concept of "beach season" in the Emirates. Regardless of the time and month of the year, all hotels are open, sights are waiting for guests, shops are open.

A few words about the prices for holidays in the UAE

In October, in all tourist regions, primarily in Dubai, there is an increase in prices for accommodation, on average, prices increase by 15-25%. Of course, the most significant jump in prices occurs in the most promoted resort regions - Dubai, Abu Dhabi. If your financial resources are limited, choose a standard tour - accommodation in a three-star hotel with breakfast.

Al Ain Zoo

The most affordable prices are presented in remote regions. For example, the emirate of Umm al-Quwain, it occupies only 1% of the total area of ​​the country. It is attractive, first of all, for its oriental color, the opportunity to visit the date garden and amazing landscapes. The class of hotels here is reduced, respectively, the prices are lower. Another remote resort is Al Ain. It attracts admirers of historical and architectural sights. The largest zoo in the Middle East operates here.

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It is in October that a full-fledged tourist season starts in the UAE. Of course, at the beginning of the month the weather is more suitable for a beach holiday. At the end of the month, the weather is more suitable for a full-fledged tourist program - relaxing on the beach and visiting attractions.

It should be understood that the climate in the Persian and Oman Gulfs is different. The resorts of the Persian Gulf are still hot in summer. The weather in October in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah is quite hot during the day - up to +35 ° C, and at night it drops to +27 ° C. The water temperature remains at +31 °C.

In the regions of the Gulf of Oman, it is a little cooler - +33 degrees during the day, +25 degrees at night, the water cools down to +24 degrees.

Interesting fact! If you are afraid of precipitation, do not worry - in October, the probability of rain in the UAE is almost zero. Humidity is 60%, foggy in the morning.

What's the weather like in the UAE in October

Starting from mid-October, the optimal weather for tourists is set in Dubai and throughout the UAE. Agree, it is always nice to sunbathe on the beach, when countrymen wrap themselves in scarves, put on jackets and wear hats. Thus, a holiday in the Emirates in the second half of October is a great way to extend the summer, but do not forget to bring a tracksuit and a light windbreaker with you.

October is considered one of the sunniest months of the year. Even cloudy days are rare. The amount of precipitation is only 0.1 mm. As for the wind, it is usually present, but not significant - the average wind strength is 3.9 m/s.

Good to know! The average daily number of hours when the sun's rays reach the surface of the earth is almost 12 hours.

Sea in the Emirates


The United Arab Emirates is washed by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, which is part of the Indian Ocean. Only Fujairah is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the rest of the resort regions are washed by the Persian Gulf.

The sea in the Emirates is different. The most calm, without waves, the sea in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This is due to the presence of artificial islands that contain gusts of wind. In Sharjah and Ajman, the weather is more windy, there are strong waves.

If your goal is diving and underwater beauty, pay attention to Korfakan - a suburb of Sharjah. The town is small, around the sea, rich in marine life and picturesque vegetation. The proximity of the Indian Ocean. Here you can meet several sharks and even whales.

Tourists tell about the weather in October in Dubai and other resort regions. Reviews are mostly positive. Many note that a pleasant breeze blows from the sea in the morning and evening, the heat is almost not felt, you don’t want to go to the hotel, you want to spend more time on the street. High humidity is not felt. A big advantage is that for a holiday in October you don’t need to take a large number of warm clothes with you on the road, you can get by with traditional summer clothes.

Another big plus of traveling to the Emirates in October is that you can devote time not only to a beach holiday, but also go on excursions, go shopping, walk around the city at night. The weather contributes to this.

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Summing up

We can safely say that the weather in October and the water temperature in the UAE are the most comfortable for recreation. The trip will be remembered for many years and will leave only pleasant impressions.

At this time of the year, the air in Dubai is no longer so hot, summer +50 ° C is replaced by more comfortable +35 ° C. Although the air humidity remains high, it still does not affect the amount of precipitation - they practically do not happen, and it is much easier to endure such a climate than the summer heat.

The water in the sea is still warm, which undoubtedly pleases adults and children, however, in the mornings there are thick fogs over the water. For some, this view is even a little scary, but the sun's rays quickly disperse the fog and the weather becomes clear and cloudless again.

When studying what the weather is like in Dubai in October, consider traveler reviews. Some travelers note strong low tides, when the sea goes almost to the buoys during the day. Tourists also recommend traveling to the Emirates in the second half of October. The weather in the UAE in October (second half of the month) pleases with resort +30-+33 °C during the day, at night you can relax, enjoying +25 °C, and the water in the sea resembles fresh milk.

What you don't know about Dubai yet - watch the video.

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For those who did not have time to go on a well-deserved vacation in the summer, the nature of the UAE has prepared a luxurious gift - amazing October weather. In this article on the Tour Calendar, we will tell you in detail about what awaits those who arrive in the Emirates in mid-autumn.

Weather in the UAE in October

For a trip to the UAE, October can be safely recommended to those who are ready to overpay for a ticket in order to avoid the abnormal heat in our understanding. Of course, one should not hope that it will not happen at all (in a country that lies in a tropical climate zone, this is simply impossible), it is simply much more tolerant than in previous months. Temperatures drop a little, but it's far from autumn yet. At noon, the air is quite hot. The thermometer constantly climbs over the 30-degree mark, often jumping to +35 ° C. Such an indicator is recorded in all states, except for Fujairah, which overlooks the Indian Ocean. Here the maximum extremum is about 33 °C. It should be noted that as we approach the end of the month, the temperature level gradually decreases, and by the end of it, according to weather forecasters, it does not exceed +31..+32 °C throughout the country. A distinctive feature of October is the slow but steady stabilization of the relative humidity level, which eventually drops to 60%.

Abu Dhabi Dubai Ajman Fujairah Sharjah Ras Al Khaimah

The stuffiness dissipates a little, as a result of which it becomes much easier to breathe. It is quite obvious that under such conditions, acclimatization is much faster and easier than in summer, when an incredible gas chamber is created, from which not only people, but even photographic equipment suffer. Toward evening, the heat recedes, and walks begin to bring pleasure. The environment cools down to an average of +22 °C. The strongest breath of cool in Abu Dhabi, where they fix +21 °C. If a slight wind picks up, you may want to throw a light sweater around your shoulders. Such a desire is unlikely to arise in Fujairah, where hotel guests actively use air conditioners at night. There, after sunset, the mercury column freezes at +27 ° C. In other states, evening temperatures are +22..+23 °C. Rain is still unlikely, but fog often shrouds the coast in the mornings, which needs to be taken into account by vehicle drivers.

What to do in the UAE in October?

October in the UAE is the start of the high tourist season. The weather, more than ever, helps vacationers organize a great beach holiday. The coast is gradually filled with a resting public, and finding a secluded place on it is no longer so easy. But not only for solar-water bliss people come here on the “equator” of autumn. This time of year is one of the best times of the year to test the hackneyed cliché that the UAE provides access to a wondrous oriental fairy tale, in which the wisdom and hospitality of the East are artfully intertwined with the modernity of the West.

beach holiday

The beaches of the UAE are a guarantee of a consistently bright sun and excellent relaxation on a many-kilometer long sandy strip. And in private resort areas - also aristocratically helpful service. Even the most capricious persons remain satisfied from the weeks blissfully spent on the coast of the Persian Gulf, forever becoming devoted fans of the local sandy expanses and shallow turquoise surface. The water temperature contributes to the pleasure of swimming, as it is no longer as high as before: on average +26..+27 °C.

Finally, swimming produces a refreshing effect, so desired in hot weather, and the need to cool off in the pool disappears by itself. However, you should not relax: ultraviolet radiation, as before, is quite dangerous, and at noon it is at its maximum. It is better to bronze under the sun's rays before 10.00 and after 16.00, when the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is not so great. Beach leisure in the UAE is well diversified by scuba diving (dive centers are available in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah and Sharjah), as well as a variety of aqua entertainment options. On the beaches belonging to the hotels, at the disposal of guests (of course, for a fee) there are sports grounds, swimming pools, beach bars and, to top it all off, good music.

Entertainment and excursions

The UAE is the best tourist destination in order to gain new strength, impressions and emotions in a short time. A country of contrasts with an unremarkable past, a bright present and a vague future leaves no one indifferent. Back in 1962, there was no electricity here, and today the Emirates have reached the highest standard of living and have become one of the most prosperous states in the whole world. Here the most expensive and grandiose projects are brought to life. Everything that is created in the UAE is akin to a real work of art, whether it is a souvenir, a floating mosque liner or a luxurious palace hotel. So those who have chosen to get acquainted with the culture and life of the East of the UAE, and not the “package” Egypt and Turkey, will have something to see outside their own hotel. Among all 7 emirates, Dubai deserves special attention.

It is he who holds the record for the number of visiting tourists. The fame of him spread around the world back in 1999, when the 7-star Parus / Burj Al Arab hotel opened its doors for the first time. Since then, Dubai has entered a period of endless construction, which continues to this day. In 2009, new "record holders" appeared in the emirate - the tallest hotel in the world, the Rose Tower, and the skyscraper Burj Khalifa, piercing the azure sky. Another incredible project is the man-made artificial island of Palm Jumeirah, densely built up with villas, shops and restaurants. On the way - sparkling with novelty and exclusivity supercomplex "Mir" - islands grown out of the water, depicting in miniature 7 continents of the globe. The tentative date for its implementation is 2015-2017. In 2020, Dubai hosts the world EXPO, and by this time a lot of pleasant changes await it. True, the flip side of the coin in all this is a sharp jump in prices for rent and purchase of housing. Those who appreciate the oriental flavor and historical heritage should definitely visit the modest and calm Ajman with a fascinating museum and the famous shipyard, where dhow sailboats are made using ancient technologies. The garden city of Abu Dhabi invites you to admire the snow-white minarets and take a walk in the parks. Whichever corner of the UAE you choose for your vacation, you can go on a jeep safari through the Arabian Desert, ride a camel and taste the culinary delights of Arabia everywhere.

In the second month of autumn, the tourist season opens in the United Arab Emirates, which indicates that the weather is becoming more favorable, and prices have not yet had time to rise much. Therefore, for those who are going to visit the country, October will be the best choice. Pleasant rest will be accompanied by numerous festivals and holidays.


Air temperature

  • Abu Dhabi: +33˚С … +37˚С
  • Ajman: +34˚С… +37˚С
  • Jumeirah: +35˚С… +37˚С
  • Dubai: +34˚С… +37˚С
  • Ras Al Khaimah: +33˚С… +36˚С
  • Um Al Quwain: +33°C…37°C
  • Fujairah: +32˚С… +36˚С
  • Sharjah: +34˚С… +37˚С

Mid-autumn in the UAE is considered cool. But only local residents can say this, because the average daily temperature rarely drops below +35˚С, and in rare regions +33˚С.

Water temperature

  • Abu Dhabi: +30˚С … +32˚С
  • Ajman: +30˚С… +32˚С
  • Jumeirah: +30˚С… +32˚С
  • Dubai: +30˚С… +32˚С
  • Ras Al Khaimah: +29˚С… +31˚С
  • Um Al Quwain: +30°C…32°C
  • Fujairah: +29˚С… +31˚С
  • Sharjah: +30˚С… +32˚С

Swimming in the waters of the Oman and Persian Gulfs is still not refreshing. And even by the end of the month, the average water temperature never drops below +30˚С. Therefore, in order to cool the body somewhat, it is better to swim in the pools, where the water is specially cooled.

weather features

In October, a period favorable for visiting the country begins, when the air temperature from burning becomes simply high, and in the evenings the long-awaited coolness comes, if you can call it comfortable +27˚С.

Traditionally, the temperature is higher on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Therefore, for those who do not like the summer heat, it is better to choose the Omani coast, where both the air temperature and the water itself are somewhat lower. But the humidity in this region is slightly higher: while on the west coast the level of precipitation does not exceed 0.2 mm, here it reaches 6.9 mm.

In addition to the absence or very small amount of precipitation observed throughout the country, October is also distinguished by almost complete calm, so the month is not suitable for surfers and windsurfers.


Considered an expensive resort in the UAE in October, it is still relatively inexpensive. Prices have not yet risen to the level of the peak tourist season, but they are already starting to rise slightly, so those planning a vacation here should take care of tickets and hotel accommodation in advance. In addition, earlier booking allows you to save some money, which gives an additional amount for gifts and all kinds of souvenirs, without which it is impossible to imagine a modern holiday in the UAE.

To date, the cost of a one-way flight for 1 person is approximately as follows:

Hotel prices are starting to go up. And although Ajman, Dubai and Sharjah remain relatively inexpensive resorts, the initial cost of a 3-star hotel room here has risen to 1.8-2.2 thousand rubles per day. As for Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Um Al Quwain, Jumeirah, the price of a room here starts from 2.5 thousand rubles.

Thus, according to the most conservative estimates, the minimum amount required for an October tour to the UAE (Dubai), which includes a round-trip flight for two and a week's accommodation in a 3-star hotel room, is 47 thousand rubles. If we calculate the budget for a similar trip to Abu Dhabi, then the amount should be increased to 60 thousand rubles.

Things to do

Mid-autumn weather is favorable for both beach and sightseeing holidays. October is the month when, subject to the minimum rules of being in hot countries, you can move in the open air without fear of sunburn and heat stroke.

The month will not upset fans of outdoor activities either, only diving and snorkeling enthusiasts come here to replace surfers and windsurfers in October.

If we talk about the events of the month, then their number and diversity will not let even the most experienced tourist get bored. Camel races, traditionally held in Ras Al Khaimah, open the month. Within 2 days there will be competitions, the winners of which will receive cash prizes, and the audience will have a lot of pleasure from the spectacle of running desert ships.

The beginning of the month will also be interesting for philatelists thanks to the exhibition-auction of postage stamps, in which Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia take part.

Abu Dhabi in the middle of the month will attract film lovers. It hosts an annual international film festival.

Dubai in mid-autumn will be the venue for all kinds of sales exhibitions. In October, an exhibition of communication and information technologies, the gaming industry and many others will be held here.

The month is closed by two events that tourists always look forward to. The first is the opening of the World Village in Dubai. This is one of the largest fairs in the UAE, which is accompanied by shows and attractions.

The second event that many women visiting the country are looking forward to is the Sharjah Jewelery Show.

The comfortable weather that is observed in the Emirates in October allows you to choose any type of holiday, so it is not surprising that many tourists come here in October.

Fujairah, as before, is considered a resort where relative coolness reigns, if, of course, a 33-degree heat can be called such. But, if we compare it with summer temperature indicators, then this is already a fairly acceptable value. In Fujairah, the average daytime temperature is twenty-seven degrees, the nighttime temperature is about the same. Bathing in the waters of the Gulf of Oman will help to refresh, its temperature does not exceed 24°C.

In the western part of the Emirates is the hottest weather. In the capital of the UAE, as well as Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman and Sharjah, the temperature rises to 21°C at night and 35°C during the day. The Persian Gulf warms up more than in the Ottoman Gulf, its average temperature is twenty-seven degrees.

If in the summer Fujairah is most suitable for a comfortable stay, then in the autumn season it is better to give preference to seaside resorts in the west of the UAE, where there are warm days and fresh nights. This weather is suitable for both excursions and sunbathing on the beaches, especially since the water temperature is suitable for this. When traveling with you, you need to take not only light clothes, but also some closed things with long sleeves. Don't forget sunscreen and a hat.

It is not necessary to take an umbrella on a trip, because in autumn there is no rain in the UAE, they happen mainly in winter. At the same time, air humidity remains quite high - 63% in Fujairah and 60% in other regions. Among the weather features of October, heavy fogs can be noted, which are a frequent occurrence in coastal areas. Those who prefer to travel by car should keep this in mind. You should not drive in the morning, as fogs often occur before noon.

The middle of the autumn period is characterized by a mass of cultural events that are organized in various cities of the UAE. One of the most notable and important is the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, which used to be called the International Film Festival of the Middle East. This event brings together debutant directors as well as experienced filmmakers to showcase their work, including documentaries, feature films and short films.

You can visit not so popular events. For example, at the Health and Education Expo in Abu Dhabi, or at the World of Fashion food festival and event in Dubai.

Those who are planning a vacation in Ras al-Khaimah can be recommended to visit the camel competition, which begins in October. The event is organized in a stadium that was built specifically for this purpose. In the same emirate, excursions to thermal springs and trips to an aviation club are available, where you can acquire piloting skills.

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