How many days before and after the new moon is valid. Rituals for the New Moon. new moon is the first day of the lunar month

When some do not follow the lunar calendar, others are not indifferent to when the new moon is.

Because on the new moon you can spend magical rituals to attract money, love, good luck, career development and other things that superstitious people do. It lasts only a few hours, but rituals and rituals can also be performed on 1,2 and 3 lunar days.

Ritual to attract money on the new moon

To attract wealth, it is recommended to take banknotes of various denominations and arrange them around the apartment. A prerequisite is that they do not come across to anyone's eyes. Banknotes need to be collected after three days and spent on food, household items, interior items - in a word, buy something for the house.

It is believed that this money will soon be returned to you in double size.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon

On the new moon or in the first days of the growing moon, you need to write on a sheet of thick paper what you dream about. For example: “I want to get married in six months” or “I want to pass exams for 5”. Try to make your wish shorter.

Then you need two church candles(large and small) set on candlesticks and light one after another. A large candle must be lit with a match, and a small one with fire from a large candle. In the process, you need to repeat the desire written on paper to yourself.

Next, you need to take the paper and very carefully burn the last letter. In this case, it is the letter "J". At the same time, you need to say: “Today I am burning the letter“ Zh ”. From curses, damage, the evil eye, the Holy Spirit will deliver immediately. Then the candles must be extinguished and all objects removed in an inconspicuous place.

This ritual should be repeated every evening until you burn the first letter of desire. On the last day, the candles should be left to burn out to the end.

New moon ritual to attract love

This Slavic rite carried out by girls who dream of finding their love. It is held on the first lunar day before sunset.

Everything you need for the ritual big pear and three matches. You need to cut the fruit in half and say out loud: “As the whole is divided, as the unit is separated, so I sit, sad alone.”

Then the halves of the pears need to be connected with matches: stick one on top, the second on the bottom, and the third in the middle. When the pear becomes whole, you need to say the following: “As the different parts connected, turned into one whole, so I will find my soul mate, drive away sadness and longing! Let it be so!"

The pear should then be wrapped in a clean linen handkerchief and left under any fruit tree.

Signs for the new moon

The new moon is the best time to start new things. During this period, you can achieve success and change for the better. There are signs that operate during the period of the new moon.

If in the house unmarried girl a bird takes off, then she will soon receive an offer to marry.

Good signs to get married on the new moon - will be happy and Rich life. But it is not recommended to celebrate the wedding anniversary on the new moon. The couple is said to be divorcing.

If on the new moon you dream that you pulled out a tooth, this is a quick separation from your loved one.

Salt must not be poured on the new moon. This also portends quarrels and separation.

If you start a business on the new moon, then it is likely that the business will be profitable.

On the new moon, you can’t borrow and lend money - money at home will not hold.

If you show the wallet to the moon during the new moon, then its contents will grow with the moon.

Those born on a new moon live happily ever after. However, this time is not recommended for conception - the baby will be born weak.

Moving to the new moon promises prosperity in the house.

Those who for the first time new moon saw to their right will be happy and successful this month. Otherwise, you need to be careful, difficulties may arise.

How does the new moon affect, what is the peculiarity of this period, what tactics in business should be followed at this time?

During the new moon, the Sun and Moon are in conjunction. They see everything from one point of view, in a narrow perspective and without obvious differences, they are just beginning their new cycle, its potencies are not yet defined and are poorly understood. Thus, psychologically, the womb has a hidden or subconscious influence. The absorption of light during this period makes the potential of the new moon unmanifest and uncertain. Therefore, any action taken at this time can be risky.

The new moon is not only an astronomical fact, but also a time period. It covers 2 days before and 2 days after the new moon. And although these days are generally called the days of Hekate, the lengths of time before and after the new moon are very different from each other. If the days before the new moon complete the cycle and turn things off, then the new moon and the days immediately following it open a new cycle and give rise to new events, although their contours are not yet clear. The situations that arose on the new moon and the ideas that appeared at this time carry hidden factors that remain unknown for the time being. We should wait additional information before taking any action or taking important decisions by them.The first quarter phase that follows a week later provides more information, but all the facts about this issue, will not be available before full moon , i.e. two weeks later.

However, only a few life cycles are fully completed in one month, most situations and issues are implemented over a longer period. Various cycles have multiple phases, and each individual phase needs its own logical period of time to develop. New Moons bring new ideas, fresh beginnings, new people into our lives, but often the meaning of all these new beginnings is not made clear until the phase of the first quarter of the Moon is at about the same degree and sign of the Zodiac, nine months later.

For example, on January 01, 2014 there will be new moon at 10˚ 57 " Capricorn, and nine months later, October 01, 2014 will be the first quarterMoons at 08 ˚ 33 "Capricorn, then, after another 9 months,July 02, 2015 will be a full moon in 09˚55" Capricorn, and in 9 months, the last quarter of the Moon in Capricorn completes the cycle of this family. These lunar phases, separated by nine consecutive months, constitute a single cycle of development of processes or situations. Sometimes the sign of the lunar phase is shifted to the next one. This occurs when the lunar phase takes place at the very end or very beginning of the zodiac sign. For example,February 21, 2012 at 10:36 pm GMT there will be a new moon at the beginning of Pisces: 02˚ 4 2". And November 20, 2012 at 14:33 GMT will be the first phase of the Moon at the end of Aquarius: 28˚ 4 1". These lunar phases belong to the same family and carry the development of a single process of time and events.This does not mean that it will take nine months for a new idea to get off the ground, it means that it may take nine months for the most striking action that emerges from a new idea to materialize.We are talking about a group of four successive phases of the moon, each of which occurs at intervals of 9 months, very close to the same degree, in the same zodiac sign, as the previous one.

What can we feel on a new moon

This period can stimulate emotional instability, nervousness, and a sense of anxiety. People are less adaptable to circumstances. Especially adversely it affects people prone to depression. Comprehension decreases, memory decreases, the probability of errors increases. Due to the weakening of the ability to adapt, people quarrel more, it seems to them that family members interfere too much in their personal lives.

Children also become naughty and capricious, fall asleep with difficulty, wake up with difficulty, it is difficult to force them to do even what is necessary. There may be ailments, exacerbations of chronic diseases, headaches, apathy, fears, a feeling of unreasonable longing. It is during this period that the largest number strokes, heart attacks, epileptic seizures, mainly among the male half, since the new moon has a particularly strong effect on men, they become emotionally tense, nervous, aggressive. With unfavorable aspects to the degree of the new moon, negative tendencies intensify. With favorable aspects, negative manifestations can be slightly or significantly smoothed out.

What to do on a new moon

During the new moon, we should be creatively adventurous. It is possible to go where we have never gone before, attend a workshop dedicated to the perfect new topic. You can do something inspiring: sign up for new courses, read new book and last but not least, be attentive to all the new people with whom we will meet during the new moon.

If you are a representative creative profession, start a new project and watch it take on a life of its own. Write new poem, compose a song, create a new color palette or a new studio arrangement. Work in different lighting or different time day. Write down your dreams and thoughts. Get out of your usual routine to find inspiration. Take a sentimental journey to use old memories for new emotional works. Arrange a competition of sudden ideas with people from your environment.

In business, this is a good time to watch the cycles and do some research. Create a pilot project, but don't be under any illusions and keep a close eye on how it develops. Starting new real projects can cause big unforeseen setbacks. Create a "thinking center". Consider hiring a consultant or commercial trainer for inspiration and guidance. Organize a work network. But remember that hiring new people on a new moon can bring problems later.

Beware of making promises at this time, as the enthusiasm is great but the real output is limited. Do not make a final choice or make a final commitment at this time.

For personal and spiritual growth"plant a couple of real seeds" related to your desires. Take care of these seeds and watch them grow. Write a list of your desires and come back to it in nine months. For several days before and after the new moon, write down all your dreams and refer to this entry nine months later. It's the same beautiful time for meditation and yoga, personal "inventory" and work on your image.

Avoid the urge to rush into new relationships if you meet new people during the new moon. There is an element of mystery associated with this time period, you will learn a lot about this person later.

AT family affairs and questions, you can use this time to go with the flow and not initiate anything new. Any changes regarding the care of the house, the purchase of building materials, etc. may be premature at this time and subsequently require adjustment. New emerging issues will require your action when there is more light from the moon later, which may be even days later.

The time of the new moon is best used to come up with new ideas and go with the flow that carries you into situations that are ideal for you. Create a new look. Save your machine drawings, they can illustrate blueprints for the future. Move with the flow.

Cited Literature:
1.D.Pessin "Lunar eclipses"
2. S. Vronsky. Transitology, v.10

Man is dependent on the moon, and he has known this for many centuries. Our physical and emotional condition varies depending on what phase the moon is in. The satellite of the Earth mystically controls the growth of plants, the movement of water.

Everyone knows that the moon can be in one of four phases - full moon, waning, new moon, growing. Each of them has a special, unique impact on the natural processes on our planet. Together, these phases form the lunar cycle.

general characteristics

The period during which the Moon revolves around the Earth is called the lunar cycle. How many days does this period last? The lunar cycle begins on the new moon, and 29.6 days pass before the start of the next same phase. During this time, the night luminary passes through 12 zodiac constellations - and each time the new moon begins in a new sign.

The entire lunar calendar is divided into 4 parts, each of which lasts about 7 days:

  • - the period when the satellite is hidden behind the shadow of the Earth, and therefore is not visible to us;
  • the moon - a thin shining crescent appears in the sky, which becomes larger every day. The first phase - the moon is only partially illuminated. The period when exactly half of the illuminated moon appears in the sky is called the first quarter. After that comes the second phase, when the moon becomes more and more - it grows from the first quarter to the full moon;
  • - a huge, perfectly round moon in the sky;
  • moon - every day the visible part of the Earth's satellite is getting smaller. The period until the moment when only half of the moon remains in the sky is called the third phase. And the fourth lasts from the moment of the onset of the third quarter until the new moon.


Each stage of the lunar cycle affects a person. This manifests itself in changes physical condition as well as emotional. Many modern scientists are sure: if you build your life in accordance with moon phases can reach significant heights.

First phase. This is a period of increased activity. A person whose energy has dried up during the waning moon begins to receive the energy of the night star. This is the perfect time to start something. You can start wellness programs, carry out anti-aging procedures. The most effective will be the treatment of the eyes.

However, with such activity, you need to save your strength. If operations are planned for this time, it is better to reschedule them. Even a seemingly simple procedure can cause severe bleeding. During this period, you also need to save nervous system. And the first phase is ideal to start the fight against bad habits: weaning will be fairly painless. Strong emotional outbursts are possible, which will certainly affect the general condition.

This period is very promising for planning and business development. All ideas will be clear, structural. You will clearly understand what and in what sequence you need to do to achieve success. A particularly successful period is for those who are engaged in agriculture. Plants planted at this time will give a good harvest.

Second phase. After the appearance of the first quarter in the sky, the energy given by the moon to man does not weaken at all. On the contrary, it gradually reaches its maximum. This period is characterized by increased emotional tension- Nervous breakdowns, depression are possible. Therefore, you need to refrain from quarrels, try not to pay attention to annoying factors, minimize contact with unpleasant people capable of evoking negative emotions.

It is necessary to pay attention to health - the period is favorable for the fight against excess weight, the improvement of the whole organism. But there is a high probability of problems with the digestive tract, kidneys, liver, vision. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Those who are engaged in business can make any appointments and negotiations for this period. Even if the partners are unpleasant to you, everything will go very well and calmly.

Full moon. The energy reaches its maximum. This is a period of strong emotional outbursts: almost everyone notices mood swings. Physical activity increases significantly - the period is favorable for active training. The main thing is not to overdo it, as there is a possibility of injury.

And at this time, the attraction to opposite sex. There is a theory that the female menstrual cycle must coincide with the lunar cycle. And the full moon is the time of ovulation. Therefore, the probability of conceiving a child (given the growth of libido) is quite high.

For creative people this time is just perfect. Fueled by cosmic energy, they are full of brilliant thoughts and new ideas that should certainly be implemented. But you need to be more careful: careless words or actions "according to the dictates of the heart" can do more harm than good.

Third phase. The moon gradually decreases, with it the energy of a person fades away. However, the period is favorable for many things. Negotiations in business will give good results, although minor troubles on the way to achieving the goal are not ruled out. But if in the previous phases the universe itself suggested how best to proceed, now you need to carefully plan everything, think through every step in advance. It is best to refrain from starting large projects for now, paying attention to old unfinished business.

If during the previous two phases the body accumulated energy, now it begins to gradually release it. This time is suitable for those who decide to get rid of excess weight: on the waning moon, this process is much faster and easier, and the first results will become noticeable very soon. Operations should not be performed: the incisions will heal for a long time, and the rehabilitation will be delayed and will be quite difficult.

Fourth phase. Significant loss of strength. Physical weakness is combined with emotional emptiness - the world seems unfriendly, hostile to a person. This is a period of quarrels, strife and misunderstandings, so you should definitely control yourself. You need to make time for yourself and your loved ones. An evening in the family circle will help to relax and restore much-needed peace of mind.

In business, temporary "stagnation". It may seem that suddenly things started to go much worse than before. But this is a temporary situation, soon everything will change. The main thing is to refrain from starting new projects, big deals, financial transactions.

Since the body is weakened, you need to please it with relaxation. Massage will bring benefits and pleasure, besides it will help to relax, get rid of unnecessary emotional "baggage". Any action aimed at cleansing the body will be useful.

Should I use

The influence of the moon on a person is almost limitless. If you plan your actions correctly, you can change your life for the better without any extra effort. Using the calendar, in which the usual procedures are scheduled in accordance with the lunar cycles, will help a woman become more attractive. At the same time, you do not need to do something new or more expensive - it is enough to correctly distribute what you have always done over the lunar cycle. The same applies: you just need to find out what time is best to start treatment, when you should play sports, and when - just treat yourself to a relaxing massage.

Business, gardening, recreation - all this is also associated with the moon. If you build life taking into account its phases, you can direct the energy of the cosmos to creation - and then you will get results that will exceed all expectations.

Approximately 29.5 Earth days, from new moon to new moon. The lunar cycle is divided into four phases (quarters). The day of the Earth's satellite is longer than the solar day. Each subsequent lunar day comes later than the previous one. The rising of the night luminary can also appear as a clear day.

The very first lunar day at the time of the new moon phase. The duration of the month of the Earth's satellite is from the calendar one, and some of its days may have different durations. So, the month of the night luminary may include 29 or 30 days. This is due to the fact that the axes of rotation of the Earth and the Moon do not coincide.

The most fickle are the first and thirtieth days lunar month. They can last a whole earth day or several minutes. The most precise moment of the new moon is the combination of the Sun and the Moon. At this time, the night luminary is not visible due to the shadow of the Earth. The period when the Moon is not visible (and the beginning of the first phase of the cycle) can last several days.

After the new moon of the growing moon (the first and second phases of the cycle). During the first quarter, only a narrow sickle of the satellite will be visible, resembling the letter "P" without a vertical stick. In the second phase you can see half and most night luminary, at the very beginning of the quarter - exactly half of the sickle.

During the waning moon (the third and fourth phases of the cycle), the crescent begins to resemble the letter "C". The third quarter lasts from the full moon until the moment when the disk of the moon is reduced to exactly half. Fourth phase ends on 29 or 30 lunar days, in time last day cycle (30 days) the crescent, as in the new moon, is not visible.


  • Lunar calendar, cycle, day, month

Due to the change in the position of the Earth and the Sun in relation to each other, in different periods The moon is illuminated by the sun in a certain way. Different lighting conditions Moon are called its phases. Knowing which of the 8 phases the Moon is in at a particular time can be useful for planning various events in your life: cosmetic procedures, surgeries, diets and much more.


Open the regular page corresponding to the day you need. In addition to information about the phase in which the Moon is located, in this calendar you can see data on the time of sunrise and sunset of the Moon and the Sun. Information about the phases of the moon and its position in zodiac constellations you can also see in the lunar calendar. Find related websites that host lunar calendars and you can calculate the phases of the moon by entering the desired date. In addition, you can also find out the percentage of visibility of the moon, its age and distance to it.

Use a special mnemonic rule to determine the phases of the moon. The aging month (the last quarter from full moon to new moon) looks like the letter "C". The growing month (the first quarter from the new moon to the full moon) is turned in the other direction. If you mentally put a stick to it, you get the letter "P". The aging month can usually be observed in the morning, and the growing one in the evening. in the south

NEW MOON an astronomical event when the sun and Moon united in one Sign. Wherein Moon is located almost on one straight line between the Earth and the Sun. At that time Moon in the night sky it is not visible at all, because Moon very close to the Sun and turned to us by the night side. Gradually Moon leaves the connection with the Sun and begins - a thin Lunar a sickle that grows wider every day. Between NEW MOON passes or Lunar days.

Uniqueness NEW MOON is that at this time Moon is located in the "heart" of the Sun - and this in Astrology means a colossal strengthening of the Planet!

Sometimes in NEW MOON arises, in which certain recommendations should be followed and a cleansing practice should be carried out to get rid of one's problems. About this in my articles:

Exactly at NEW MOON Hebrew begins, .

NEW MOON- This magic time when reborn Moon- a new one is being laid Lunar loop on next month. It is very important to meet NEW MOON harmonious and favorable.

  • Before NEW MOON it is favorable to cleanse yourself physically - take a shower, go to the bathhouse.
  • If possible, disconnect from all sources of information (from TV, from the Internet, from the phone).
  • Be alone with yourself and your inner world.
  • In a day NEW MOON it is useful to be more silent, less to speak.
  • It is very useful to practice silence (especially for those who have). Try all day before NEW MOON keep silent - you will be surprised how much new clean energy you will have, there will be a kind of reboot of your consciousness.
  • At the time of the onset NEW MOON- write plans for the coming month - so they are implemented faster.
  • Make wishes that must come true within a month.
  • Visualize in your thoughts your projects, affairs, meetings, important events- Be clear about what you want to achieve.
  • Exactly at NEW MOON it is very auspicious to start making your Dream Map or Visualization Board. Stick one or more pictures of your desires on it, and then continue to fill it with new pictures during, which will be within 2 weeks after NEW MOON. It is impossible to fill the Dream Card with pictures.
  • Dream from the heart! Allow yourself the wildest dreams! And someday they will surely come true ...
  • start new life from a clean slate NEW MOON instead of Monday!
  • AT NEW MOON- experience only pleasant, positive thoughts, feelings and emotions - this is how you will attract good luck for the whole next Lunar month and it will pass most harmoniously.
  • Keep writing plans, making wishes, visualizing and dreaming not only in NEW MOON, but also in which occurs immediately after NEW MOON It's a very bright and clear day.
  • Do NOT start new business yet - it's too early, Moon is just being born, so there is little energy. Begin to act actively only after 2-3 days.
  • AT NEW MOON the energy of a person is “at zero” - therefore, do not plan serious matters for this time, relax more and immerse yourself in a pleasant world of dreams and fantasies ... This will bring much more benefit!
  • AT NEW MOON favorable - it harmonizes the influence Moon in yours and those areas of life for which Moon answers.

Each person in the natal chart Moon responsible for any area in life - for the house, for the family, for children, for a career, for money, for travel, for appearance, etc. And how you meet and spend NEW MOON- depends on success or failure in the area for which he is responsible Moon. If you study Astrology and know which House you have Moon and the Ruler of which House she is - for each NEW MOON make plans and make wishes in this area. Then every month you will consciously work out this topic in a positive way, the most favorable for you. It can be called Active Astrology or Astromagic.

To all those who do not know their natal chart You can also make plans and make wishes. But this will no longer be connected with your individual Astrological features, which are personally embedded in your Horoscope.

Try to make those wishes that should come true within a month, because Moon- this is the most fast planet responsible for our daily and domestic affairs. For far-reaching plans, there are other important Astrological events:, in, in, in in.

You can make your wish on the NEW MOON in completely different ways:

  • just write on a piece of paper and carry it with you until it is executed,
  • write a wish and put it under your pillow,
  • write a wish on paper and burn this sheet,
  • write your wish on a piece of paper and tie it to hot air balloon filled with helium, sending directly to Heaven,
  • start your own "Book of Desires" and constantly write down all the desires that arise in it,
  • you can just shout out loud your desire,
  • or quietly whisper it, plunging into meditation,
  • you can sincerely pray
  • you can cut out the corresponding picture, stick it on your Dream Card and write a wish under it,
  • you can write a wish on a piece of paper, then make a boat out of it and put it on the river (sea, ocean),
  • you can just whisper your desire into a glass clean water and drink it ,
  • manifest your desires with ThetaHealing,
  • you can ask for the fulfillment of a wish from,
  • or as (his wish came true after 2 weeks).

"In a day new moon at any time, perform a simple ritual for desire. You will need a candle of any color and 10-15 minutes of privacy.

Light a candle, sit in front of it and just look at the flame for a couple of minutes, letting go of all thoughts. Think about your cherished desire, imagine it already fulfilled. Rejoice in this from the heart and give free rein positive emotions. Create vivid image in your imagination. Say out loud that you are rich, healthy, happy, wish yourself new beginnings. Make a love wish so that love is with you throughout Lunar month.

Then take a candle in your hands and go to the window. Look up to the sky and say out loud: "Moon-sorceress, appear! Fill with your energy - fulfill my desire! . Extinguish the candle and be sure that the "request" to the Universe has been sent.

There are quite a few ways to make wishes and they are all very different. The most important rule for making wishes is that you LIKE this process, so that you get childish PLEASURE from it. Listen to your Soul - and it will tell you which way to choose. And if this is also combined with NEW MOON or, then I'm sure - the effect will be amazing!

You can also use the following methods to fulfill your desires:

MONEY RITUAL for the NEW MOON from Natalia Pravdina:

We take several banknotes (not the smallest ones!) And plant them, that is, lay them out somewhere on a closet, on a refrigerator or on top of hanging shelves. The main thing is that they should not be visible to your household, because they must not be touched, they must not be disturbed during the germination period. When we post, we say: “To be and grow. My word is strong, sculpted and true. Let it be so!"

We leave the charmed banknotes to germinate for 3 days. At the end of the term, you need to collect (the main thing is not to forget about them, they really don’t like it) and send it to the monetary channel, that is, spend it in full by buying something at your discretion. This ritual works, it can be repeated monthly, which will be a guarantee all year round.

The next NEW MOON will be:

  • 01/06/2019 at 04:28:11 (Moscow time) New Moon and

NEW MOON calendar for 2019 (Moscow time):

  • 02/5/2019 0:03:34 GMT+3 15°45’12″Aqr New Moon
  • 03/6/2019 19:03:58 GMT+3 15°47’21″Psc New Moon
  • 04/5/2019 11:50:28 GMT+3 15°17’12″Ari New Moon
  • 05/5/2019 1:45:29 GMT+3 14°10’50″Tau New Moon
  • 06/3/2019 13:01:56 GMT+3 12°33’44″Gem New Moon
  • 07/2/2019 22:16:12 GMT+3 10°37’34″Cnc New Moon and
  • 08/1/2019 06:11:54 GMT+3 8°36’57″Leo New Moon
  • 08/30/2019 13:37:07 GMT+3 6°46’49″Vir New Moon
  • 09/28/2019 21:26:20 GMT+3 5°20’04″Lib New Moon
  • 10/28/2019 6:38:26 GMT+3 4°25’00″Sco New Moon
  • 11/26/2019 18:05:34 GMT+3 4°03’01″Sgr New Moon
  • 12/26/2019 8:13:06 GMT+3 4°06’52″Cap New Moon and

Moscow time. If you live in another city, just add (or subtract) the difference from Moscow to this time.

Who adheres lunar rhythms? For whom is this information useful and interesting? Write comments below the article! I personally followed moon long before studying Astrology 😇 and she helped me a lot and helps me 👍!

BUTauthor of the article Astrologer Aurora.

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