“My dad is the main thief of the country”: Liza Peskova wrote an unexpected post. “Dad is the main thief of Russia”: Dmitry Peskov’s daughter blew up social networks with revelations about her rich life What Sands said about the country’s thief’s daughter

The daughter of Russian press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta, posted a tongue-in-cheek photo and post in response to allegations of a luxurious and carefree life that does not match her father's income.

The corresponding entry was posted on her Instagram.

“In general, my conscience completely tormented me. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: I couldn’t fall asleep on any of the yachts, in any of the palaces, in any of the jets. None of the servants could console me. The time for revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, the press secretary of the head of state," writes Elizaveta.

A post shared by nomade. Elizabeth. me cool (@stpellegrino) on Jun 1, 2017 at 8:47am PDT

"My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino beluga caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, everything that you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds," – wrote Peskova.

She also admitted that she has 13 slaves, among which there is "Vasya, Dima, well, you can imagine the third one yourself."

As is known, . According to her, she moonlights as a sales assistant in a well-known brand store.

Also recall that , which is equal to his four annual salaries.

The daughter of Vladimir Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta, published a post on Instagram, in which she calls herself the daughter of "the main thief and billionaire of the country." Elizaveta Peskova explained the appearance of the recording by the fact that "she was tortured by her conscience."

The post itself is designed in a sarcastic tone, and from the content it follows that this is, after all, a joke.

“In general, the conscience completely tortured. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: not one of the yachts, not one of the palaces, not one of the jets could close my eyes. None of the servants could comfort me. The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino beluga caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you won't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age. I sleep on marble beef, sprinkled with eider down.

Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden body wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold. Gold, of course, is mined by the people. The procedure, of course, is done with public money. By special promo code "People's Money" 1% discount. Some serfs write that, while living in a palace, I cannot talk about 5-storey buildings. Why not? My palace has 6 floors, so the reasoning is justified???????? ‍? I do theft. I am very lucky, because my dad is my main thief of the country and teaches me all the intricacies of this profitable art. Recently, he supported my undertaking with a chest with loot. With the promo code “Daughter of the Thief”, a discount on a new course for young ambitious entrepreneurs. I have 13 slaves: Juan, Juan, Agafry, Verello, Chuk, Arkady, Basilio, Sho, Ki-Ji, Tochuku, Vasya, Dima, and you can imagine the third one yourself. Once I sent Agafria to a closed sale of sanctioned products, and instead of Pule cheese, he bought Camembert ... Well, I think everyone will understand me, I had to fire the ignoramus. I heard that people work, but I am sure that I will not know your servile lot. I don’t study anywhere, because I’m stupid from birth, but this is not a problem, since, of course, they will buy me a diploma! In the end, if I need something - I'll just buy a slave with the people's money! So the future is mine!”

True, the subscribers did not appreciate the joke of Elizabeth Peskova.

“Lisa, you don’t want to ruin your dad’s career, please don’t write such nonsense anymore,” commentators urge. “The banter is cool, but meaningless. After all, artificially reducing the questions that have arisen to the point of absurdity is just a way to avoid answering. It would be better to describe twice as short where you work yourself, where your mother is, and who pays the bills, ”added others, and someone simply suggested that Peskova leave Russia forever

It should be noted that the daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation has been studying in France for the past few years and considers herself a cosmopolitan.

Social networks and the media are actively discussing a new statement by the daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov: 19-year-old Elizabeth posted her photo in a crown and mantle, accompanying it with a sarcastic post about her “luxurious life”, which she leads on “people’s money”.

“I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, from everything that you cannot afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds, ”the girl said. Peskova also wrote that she has 13 slaves, she lives in a six-story palace and is engaged in theft, in which her father helps her.

Posted by nomade. Elizabeth. me cool (@stpellegrino) Jun 1, 2017 at 8:47 PDT

Apparently, this is how Peskov's daughter reacted to criticism of her previous post, in which the girl supported Sobyanin and the renovation program.

The daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov wrote on her Instagram that her father is the main thief of the country, and she herself lives in a six-story palace built with the money of Russian taxpayers, is surrounded by slaves and constantly wraps herself in gold while waiting for the next delivery of expensive sanctions products for dinner. The statement, atypical for Peskov's daughter, looks like trolling, but commentators refuse to believe it. In their opinion, Lisa describes her life too truthfully.

On the evening of June 1, Lisa Peskova published in her instagram a post with a revelation about your life. The girl wrote that she was tired of fighting with her conscience and was suffering from insomnia, so she decided to tell the truth about herself:

Peskova also outlined her position on renovation in Moscow - a few days ago she spoke in favor of renovation, which is why her subscribers criticized her: how does a girl living in Paris for several years know how things are with the inhabitants of Russian Khrushchev? Talking about this, Lisa called her father the main thief of the country and indicated that she herself was engaged in the same craft.

In her post, the girl called the ordinary inhabitants of Russia slaves and serfs, and also noted that she herself has more than ten servants who follow her orders.

Peskova's statement is very different from her usual posts, but it doesn't look like the account has been hacked. Most likely, with this statement, the girl decided to troll those who criticize her usual posts and accuse the daughter of Putin's press secretary of what children of high-ranking Russian officials are usually accused of. But despite the obvious joking tone of the statement, some commentators took it seriously - they felt that the girl really talks about her life without embellishment and censorship.

"Horror. A young girl - so much bile."

“I didn’t understand a damn thing that you discovered something new for us? Educated people already know this, but uneducated people will not be able to read it, because they are far from the world of social networks and the Internet in general, and in general they are not interested in it.

"That feeling when there's more truth in a joke than a joke."

“Well, at least thanks to Elizabeth, the French will know what TP from Russia is.”

Many guessed that this was a strange attempt at trolling, but they did not understand who exactly Peskov's daughter wanted to troll: spiteful critics or all of Russia?

“It’s good to mock and joke about ordinary people when you live in France, when your father has millions of dollars (it’s not clear where, ha). A spit in the face of all Russians. And it’s for the best, let everyone know what bureaucrats and their offspring are hypocrites.”

“Sarcasm or malice, it doesn’t matter, it’s not funny at all. What is true is true, your father is who you described him in the post, and in general what you wrote is nothing more than a spit in the face of ordinary people. I did not think that I would write such an angry comment, but recently there have been too many such “attacks” from the “elite”, and all the authorities are becoming impudent exponentially. The purpose of the post is clear, but it would be funny if at least a third of what is known about the actions of the "top" was refuted, including your father, Elizabeth. And that makes it really creepy."

“Lisa, your father is one of the most prominent people in the political arena. To some extent, he is the face of the country. And you are his face. And you let him down. Very rude and ugly. I hope he punishes you. It's too late to put in a corner and spank on the pope. But to let you live ... as a people, it is possible and necessary. Remove the post, Lisa, and apologize. Don't be rude and rude."

“Your stand-up failed: 1. Because there are people who work from dawn to dusk and get a penny. 2. Because there are pensioners who receive 8,000 pensions. Not euros, Liza, but rubles. 3. Because there are war veterans who live much worse than those who were defeated. 4. Because there are seriously ill and disabled people to whom the state does not provide sufficient assistance to maintain at least a relatively decent life. 5. There are people in Russia who are malnourished. Yes, Lisa, that's right. 6. There are talented children who cannot enter universities, because all education is permeated with corruption. 7. In our country, in Russia, I mean, 20 million people are below the poverty line, Lisa. They lead a miserable, humiliating existence. 8. The country is groaning from impudent theft. Shameless. Unstoppable. And your father is in power. And you called him a thief. Let it be a joke. It's not funny. You start believing in it."

“Exaggerated, but true! The richest country and people live in need of 90% ... Grannies do not survive in retirement ... They climb into the trash, having worked for a penny all their lives at enterprises ... Madam Peskova, is it still funny to you?

Few dared to support the girl after such a statement.

In general, the conscience completely tortured. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: not one of the yachts, not one of the palaces, not one of the jets could close my eyes. None of the servants could comfort me. The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino sturgeon caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you don't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age. I sleep on marble beef sprinkled with eider down. Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold. Gold, of course, is mined by the people. The procedure, of course, is done with public money. By special promo code "MoneyPeople" 1% discount. Some serfs write that, living in a palace, I cannot talk about five-story buildings. Why not? My palace has 6 floors, so the reasoning is quite reasonable. I do theft. I am very lucky, because my dad is my main thief of the country and teaches me all the intricacies of this profitable art. Recently, he supported my undertaking with a chest with loot. Use the promo code "Daughter of the Thief" to get a discount on the new course for young ambitious entrepreneurs. I have 13 slaves: Juan, Juan, Agafry, Verello, Chuk, Arkady, Basilio, Sho, Ki-Ji, Tochuku, Vasya, Dima, well, you can imagine the thirteenth. Once I sent Agafria to a closed sale of sanctioned products, and instead of Pule cheese he bought Camembert ... Well, I think everyone will understand me, I had to fire the ignoramus. I heard that people work, but I am sure that I will not know your servile lot. I don’t study anywhere, because I’m stupid from birth, but this is not a problem, since, of course, they will buy me a diploma! In the end, if I need something - I'll just buy a slave with the people's money! So the future is mine!

I have boundless respect for Sergei Semenovich, who certainly has done a lot for the city over the past 5 years, and I completely disagree with this person's criticism of the renovation of Moscow. Naturally, the city must be updated, and here one can only admire the determination of the mayor to launch such an ambitious program. And even more so now, when the mayor's office has assured everyone that no one's rights will be violated, I do not understand those who begin to criticize such an undertaking in advance. I will not describe everything according to the pros and cons, but I will simply write about one of the most, in my opinion, controversial decisions regarding the transformation of Moscow into Miami or into the capital of healthy lifestyles, hipsters and expats. The decision to expand the sidewalks in such a metropolis as Moscow seems extremely strange to me. More than 4 million residents of the capital drive, and I don’t think that most of them are satisfied with the opportunity to quickly park or get to their destination calmly, without traffic jams and swearing. Nonsense - to refer to statistics, science, as we all know, is crafty. It is enough just to drive in Moscow. The goal is to provide comfort and convenience to pedestrians and motorists. Quite the opposite is happening: the eternal struggle with parking lots, fines and tow trucks. 7, or even 9 out of 12 months of the year in the Moscow climate, you don’t feel like walking along the sidewalks at all, and the remaining 5/3, you don’t really breathe building dust either. I do not think that the practice of driving cars out of the city is applicable to Moscow. Moscow, with all its desire, cannot become pedestrian, due to the climate and long distances. I repeat, speaking of my respect for Sobyanin, but sometimes I want to remind you that we do not live in LA, and global warming so far only turns into snow in May... @mossobyanin

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