How to find out the number of children on the natal chart. Birth of children in the natal chart

We analyze pregnancy in a solarium after we have checked the natural fertility of a woman or a man, and also checked the possibility of having a child using the methods of annual directions and annual progressions.

It is also worth considering the use of contraceptives, the age and state of health of a person, which by default may not allow to conceive a child, regardless of the indicators in the solar return horoscope.

Often, pregnancy begins in one solarium and ends with the birth of a child in another. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize in which solar year the conception, and in which pregnancy and childbirth. Especially if the birth of a child occurs a month and a half before and after the start of the next solarium.

For example, my eldest son was born very close to my birthday. There is an indication of conception in the solarium of 2010. And the indicators for the birth of a child were in the solarium of 2010 and in the solarium of 2011.

Children in a woman's natal chart

What is it in natal chart how many children will there be? The number of children is primarily looked at by the women's map. This is a women's issue, for men this issue is not so important. We cannot deduce the exact number of children from the natal chart. Astrology is not designed to work out the exact amount of anything, including marriages and children.

It is important for us to evaluate fertility: more than average, less than average, or like everyone else. By default, we assume that all people can have children, an average number for this country, culture and time period. Therefore, we are looking for extremes in plus or minus.

At the same time, children in the natal chart often have accentuated those planets that are in natal horoscopes parents are the significators of the 5th house.

Large families in the natal horoscope

We look at the following indicators:

  • 5th house cusp in a fertile sign (water signs, especially Pisces and Cancer, Scorpio is specific, yet fertile.
    Perhaps it is still worth considering Taurus (the place of the exaltation of the Moon, the abode of Venus));
  • Ruler of the 5th house in a fruitful sign;
  • The Moon in a woman and the Sun in a man are in a fertile sign;
  • If Jupiter aspects the ruler of the 5th, the Moon, itself is located in the 5th house; The strong position of the ruler of the 5th house in the houses (most of all in the 1st house). Or ruler 1 in the 5th house.
  • Harmonious interaction or connection of the ruler of the 1st house and the 5th house.

As soon as we come to the conclusion that the native has a very good fertility, that there can be three or more children (in our culture), then in the future we look at the directions when children are possible to be born. From the age of 18 to 40 we will reach a certain number of children.

Infertility in a woman's natal chart

Infertility in a woman's natal chart is not determined with 100% probability, so if you saw the indicators presented below, it does not mean that not a woman or a man will not be able to conceive and bear a child. Often this means either difficulty with conception, pregnancy, or even physiologically everything is fine with a person, while external circumstances(for example, a small living space or difficult financial conditions) encourage a person not to have children.

  • In case of barrenness, the ruler 5 must be afflicted (square, opposition) by Saturn, Mars, Uranus or the nodes (conjunction with the South Node). Even with oppositions from Saturn to the ruler of the fifth, I know at least three cases of the birth of children. Therefore, one should not speak of a complete inability to conceive. And at the same time, the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to children is reduced.
  • For a woman, a strong factor indicating infertility is the burning of the moon. It is important that the burning be in the barren sign of Gemini, Leo, Virgo.
  • Malefic retrograde planets in the 5th house: Mars, Saturn, Uranus.
  • 5th house cusp in a barren sign (Gemini, Leo, Virgo)
  • Ruler of the 5th house in a barren sign
  • Moon for women and sun for men in a barren sign
  • The ruler of 8 in 5, especially if it is an evil planet, especially if it is retrograde and with a tense aspect to it (danger
    termination of pregnancy, including abortion).
  • Ruler of 12 in 5, especially if it is an evil planet, especially if it is retrograde and with a tense aspect to it.
  • Uranus in the 5th house is always bad, as it is responsible for sudden events. During pregnancy, everything that is sudden and not planned -
    dangerous for the child.

Unborn children (abortions, miscarriages, protection by various spirals, oral contraceptives, etc.) FREE OF CHARGE. Practice. Go to the site Go to

Typical indicators in annual progressions for conception and childbirth

  • Progressive cusp 5 in conjunction, trine, sextile, square to the ruler of the first or fifth houses. Rulers can be natal or progressive.
  • Progressive Ascendant in aspect to fifth house ruler or planet
  • Progressive MC in aspect with fifth house ruler or planet
  • The harmonious aspect and even quadrature from the progressive Moon to the natal or progressive Jupiter works well for the conception of a child. Approximately 40% of cases can be observed during the conception of children. You can use such periods to plan conception in order to get pregnant the first time.
  • Progressive ruler of the fifth house in conjunction with the ascendant, MC or fifth house cusp.

Model instructions in annual directorates for the birth of children

  • Directional cusp 5 in conjunction, trine, sextile, square to the ruler of the first or fifth houses.
  • Directional Ascendant in aspect to fifth house ruler or planet
  • Directional MC in aspect with fifth house ruler or planet
  • Directional ruler of the fifth house in conjunction with the ascendant, MC or fifth house cusp.

Let's watch the video tutorial:

I will show the simplicity of the technique using the example of my personal solariums at the birth of four children

Conception, pregnancy and childbirth in the solar horoscope

To check the indications for pregnancy and childbirth in the solar year, I used 26 solariums for women and 10 for men. Part of the records was reduced to an excel table, part was written in a notebook.

Of the 36 solar horoscopes, 31 solar ascendants evenly fell into the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. With a slight predominance of Leo (7 times, usually 3-4 hits per sign). I suppose that such a picture is mainly relevant for our latitudes.

The main indicators for the birth of a child in a solar horoscope

1. The connection of the rulers of 1-5-10 houses of the solar horoscope is important.
For example, the ruler of the 1st and 5th houses in (conjunction, trine, sextile, and even in quadrature to the ruler of the MC. The ruler of the 5th and the MC (often Venus) in aspect with the ruler 1. The ruler of the solar ascendant, the ruler of the fifth solar house and the ruler of the Ms of the solar in conjunction etc. Many other combinations are possible.

Orbs in solar horoscopes can be taken very wide up to 15 degrees.

2. Solar ruler of the 5th house mainly in the 1st, 12th, 7th, 11th houses of the solarium.

  • in the 12th house - 7
  • in the 1st house - 6 (three of them on the ascendant)
  • in the 7th house - 6
  • in the 11th house - 5
  • in the 10th house - 3 (once per MC) - in fact, the position on the MC is lethal, it can compensate for some of the missing indicators.
  • in the 8th house - 2
  • in the 9th house - 2
  • in the 3rd house - 1
  • in the 4th house - 2
  • in the 5th house - 2

3. Finding the solar ascendant in the house of natal. The four houses hold the lead.

  • 1 house - 9 (coincidence of the grid of solarium houses with the grid of the natal horoscope)
  • 5th house - 7
  • 10 house - 6
  • 11 house - 3

4. Solar ruler of the fifth house in the house of the natal horoscope

  • In 1 house of Natal - 7
  • In the 5th house of Natal - 5
  • In the 8th house of Natal - 5
  • In the 10th house of Natal - 4
  • In the 11th house of Natal - 6

Secondary indicators for conception, pregnancy and childbirth in the solarium

1. Solar Jupiter mostly in a third of cases was in the first or 12th house.

Apparently, in accordance with this method of forecasting in a solarium, transit or profectional Jupiter has the opportunity to reach the ascendant. Or
the profectional ascendant conjoined Jupiter of the solarium. In these twelve cases, this was not always the case, but often.

For example, when our twins were conceived, the transiting sun (ruler of the 1st solar house) was in conjunction with Jupiter (ruler of the 5th solar in the 12th) in the wife's solar horoscope.

  • In 1 house - 7
  • In the 12th house - 5
  • In the 3rd house - 2
  • In the 4th house - 2
  • In the 5th house - 3
  • In the 6th house - 2
  • In the 8th house - 4
  • In the 9th house - 3
  • In the 10th house - 3
  • In the 11th house - 3

2. Out of 36 solar horoscopes, 31 solar ascendants evenly fell into the signs Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,

With a slight predominance of Leo (7 times, usually 3-4 hits per sign). I suppose that such a picture is mainly relevant for our latitudes.

3. The cusp of the 5th solar house was located in the signs:

  • Capricorn - 6
  • Pisces - 4
  • Scorpio -4
  • Aquarius -3
  • Sagittarius -3
  • Taurus -3
  • Aries - 3
  • Gemini -2
  • Libra -2
  • Virgo -2
  • Leo - 2
  • Cancer - 2

Not a single sign has any special advantages, while, if you look at the rulers of the septener, then:

  • Saturn was the ruler of the fifth house - 9 out of 36 = 25%
  • Jupiter was the ruler of the fifth house 7 = 19.4%
  • Mars was the ruler of the fifth house 7 = 19.4%
  • Venus was the ruler of the fifth 5 = 13.8%
  • Mercury was the ruler of the fifth house - 4 times = 11.11%
  • The Sun and the Moon were the ruler of the fifth house 2 times each = 5.5%

In other words, if in the solar horoscope the fifth house is ruled by Saturn or Jupiter, then the possibility of getting pregnant is significant
higher than with Leo on the cusp of the fifth solarium.

4. The solar sun in 27 cases out of 36 was located above the horizon in houses from 7 to 12.

5. The Solar Moon can be in any house. In terms of meaning, of course, it is better in the first house of the solar horoscope or the fifth, with
In this case, as practice shows, the solar moon can be anywhere.

6. Solar Venus was more often in the corner houses of the solar return horoscope except for the fourth

  • In the 7th house - 7
  • In 1 house - 5
  • In the 10th house - 5
    --------- = 47.22%
  • In the 8th house - 4
  • In the 12th house - 4
  • In the 2nd house -3
  • In the 11th house - 3
  • In the 3rd house - 1
  • In the 9th house - 2

When Venus is in the 7th, it often rules both the MC and the fifth house in the solarium. If there is a harmonious aspect to
ruler of the first, then the basic situation is already being formed for the possibility of becoming pregnant in this solar year.

7. The solar ruler of the 1st house was in the houses:

  • in the 12th house - 7
  • in the 10th house - 5
  • in 1 house - 5
  • in the 8th house - 4

8. Being in the fifth solar house of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto does not mean that pregnancy or birth is not
will take place.

9. Also, the defeat of the ruler of the 5th quadrature from Mars does not cancel the possibility of childbearing in a solar horoscope,
Saturn, Pluto.

10. Connection, quadrature, opposition of the ruler of the 5th solar house with the ruler of the 8th solar house can give an abortion.

AT modern world pregnancy can be both long-awaited and unwanted. Therefore, if there are indicators in the directorates and
progressions, it is worth checking with solar charts.

Planning for conception and pregnancy in astrology

Pregnancy planning with the help of astrology allows you to maximize the chances of conception, whether it is natural insemination or IVF.

With conception naturally, on the one hand, it is easier, it is very difficult to miss a favorable period with regular sex.

The only thing that usually gets in the way is constant pressure, stress and fatigue from the metropolis, overload of information, communication, many things not done and worries about the "frightening future".

As a rule, when a couple goes somewhere to rest and have time to rest their heads, set themselves up for a new wave, and most importantly for each other, conception occurs quickly and easily. With intimacy, but without SMS :).

With IVF, the situation is more complicated. As a rule, the couple has already tried a lot and a fixation on “I want a child” is born in the soul in parallel with disbelief that it is possible to conceive naturally.

At the same time, IVF is an expensive pleasure that causes significant harm to the health of the expectant mother.

The irony is that doctors do not even give a 50% guarantee that fertilization will occur.

If we look at the situation through the eyes of an astrologer, we will understand that in astrology, children who were conceived and born naturally and those children who were conceived with the help of IVF have the same astrological indicators for conception and birth.

If an astrologer receives a horoscope for rectification (clarification of the time of birth) and a woman has, say, 3-5 children, one of whom is conceived with the help of IVF, then his birth will have the same indicators in directions, progressions as the rest of his brothers, sisters .

Therefore, if you are planning to conceive a child and understand at least a little in astrology, then it is better to choose the following periods:

The harmonious aspect and even quadrature from the progressive Moon to the natal or progressive Jupiter works well for the conception of a child. Approximately 40% of cases can be observed during the conception of children.

Professional astrologer - experience in astrological consulting since 2005. I teach natal, horary, predictive astrology. Individual sessions on skype. I do research and write articles. I manage accounts in social networks. Join.

We analyze pregnancy in a solarium after we have checked the natural fertility of a woman or a man, and also checked the possibility of having a child using the methods of annual directions and annual progressions.

It is also worth considering the use of contraceptives, the age and state of health of a person, which by default may not allow to conceive a child, regardless of the indicators in the solar return horoscope.

Often, pregnancy begins in one solarium and ends with the birth of a child in another. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize in which solar year the conception, and in which pregnancy and childbirth. Especially if the birth of a child occurs a month and a half before and after the start of the next solarium.

For example, my eldest son was born very close to my birthday. There is an indication of conception in the solarium of 2010. And the indicators for the birth of a child were in the solarium of 2010 and in the solarium of 2011.

Children in a woman's natal chart

How to find out how many children will be on the natal chart? The number of children is primarily looked at by the women's map. This is a women's issue, for men this issue is not so important. We cannot deduce the exact number of children from the natal chart. Astrology is not designed to work out the exact amount of anything, including marriages and children.

It is important for us to evaluate fertility: more than average, less than average, or like everyone else. By default, we assume that all people can have children, an average number for this country, culture and time period. Therefore, we are looking for extremes in plus or minus.

At the same time, children in the natal chart often have accentuated those planets that are significators of the 5th house in the natal horoscopes of their parents.

Large families in the natal horoscope

We look at the following indicators:

  • 5th house cusp in a fertile sign (water signs, especially Pisces and Cancer, Scorpio is specific, yet fertile.
    Perhaps it is still worth considering Taurus (the place of the exaltation of the Moon, the abode of Venus));
  • Ruler of the 5th house in a fruitful sign;
  • The Moon in a woman and the Sun in a man are in a fertile sign;
  • If Jupiter aspects the ruler of the 5th, the Moon, itself is located in the 5th house; The strong position of the ruler of the 5th house in the houses (most of all in the 1st house). Or ruler 1 in the 5th house.
  • Harmonious interaction or connection of the ruler of the 1st house and the 5th house.

As soon as we come to the conclusion that the native has a very good fertility, that there can be three or more children (in our culture), then in the future we look at the directions when children are possible to be born. From the age of 18 to 40 we will reach a certain number of children.

Infertility in a woman's natal chart

Infertility in a woman's natal chart is not determined with 100% probability, so if you saw the indicators presented below, it does not mean that not a woman or a man will not be able to conceive and bear a child. Often this means either difficulty with conception, pregnancy, or even physiologically everything is fine with a person, while external circumstances (for example, a small living space or difficult financial conditions) incline a person not to have children.

  • In case of barrenness, the ruler 5 must be afflicted (square, opposition) by Saturn, Mars, Uranus or the nodes (conjunction with the South Node). Even with oppositions from Saturn to the ruler of the fifth, I know at least three cases of the birth of children. Therefore, one should not speak of a complete inability to conceive. And at the same time, the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to children is reduced.
  • For a woman, a strong factor indicating infertility is the burning of the moon. It is important that the burning be in the barren sign of Gemini, Leo, Virgo.
  • Malefic retrograde planets in the 5th house: Mars, Saturn, Uranus.
  • 5th house cusp in a barren sign (Gemini, Leo, Virgo)
  • Ruler of the 5th house in a barren sign
  • Moon for women and sun for men in a barren sign
  • The ruler of 8 in 5, especially if it is an evil planet, especially if it is retrograde and with a tense aspect to it (danger
    termination of pregnancy, including abortion).
  • Ruler of 12 in 5, especially if it is an evil planet, especially if it is retrograde and with a tense aspect to it.
  • Uranus in the 5th house is always bad, as it is responsible for sudden events. During pregnancy, everything that is sudden and not planned -
    dangerous for the child.

Unborn children (abortions, miscarriages, protection by various spirals, oral contraceptives, etc.) FREE OF CHARGE. Practice. Go to the site Go to

Typical indicators in annual progressions for conception and childbirth

  • Progressive cusp 5 in conjunction, trine, sextile, square to the ruler of the first or fifth houses. Rulers can be natal or progressive.
  • Progressive Ascendant in aspect to fifth house ruler or planet
  • Progressive MC in aspect with fifth house ruler or planet
  • The harmonious aspect and even quadrature from the progressive Moon to the natal or progressive Jupiter works well for the conception of a child. Approximately 40% of cases can be observed during the conception of children. You can use such periods to plan conception in order to get pregnant the first time.
  • Progressive ruler of the fifth house in conjunction with the ascendant, MC or fifth house cusp.

Model instructions in annual directorates for the birth of children

  • Directional cusp 5 in conjunction, trine, sextile, square to the ruler of the first or fifth houses.
  • Directional Ascendant in aspect to fifth house ruler or planet
  • Directional MC in aspect with fifth house ruler or planet
  • Directional ruler of the fifth house in conjunction with the ascendant, MC or fifth house cusp.

Let's watch the video tutorial:

I will show the simplicity of the technique using the example of my personal solariums at the birth of four children

Conception, pregnancy and childbirth in the solar horoscope

To check the indications for pregnancy and childbirth in the solar year, I used 26 solariums for women and 10 for men. Part of the records was reduced to an excel table, part was written in a notebook.

Of the 36 solar horoscopes, 31 solar ascendants evenly fell into the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. With a slight predominance of Leo (7 times, usually 3-4 hits per sign). I suppose that such a picture is mainly relevant for our latitudes.

The main indicators for the birth of a child in a solar horoscope

1. The connection of the rulers of 1-5-10 houses of the solar horoscope is important.
For example, the ruler of the 1st and 5th houses in (conjunction, trine, sextile, and even in quadrature to the ruler of the MC. The ruler of the 5th and the MC (often Venus) in aspect with the ruler 1. The ruler of the solar ascendant, the ruler of the fifth solar house and the ruler of the Ms of the solar in conjunction etc. Many other combinations are possible.

Orbs in solar horoscopes can be taken very wide up to 15 degrees.

2. Solar ruler of the 5th house mainly in the 1st, 12th, 7th, 11th houses of the solarium.

  • in the 12th house - 7
  • in the 1st house - 6 (three of them on the ascendant)
  • in the 7th house - 6
  • in the 11th house - 5
  • in the 10th house - 3 (once per MC) - in fact, the position on the MC is lethal, it can compensate for some of the missing indicators.
  • in the 8th house - 2
  • in the 9th house - 2
  • in the 3rd house - 1
  • in the 4th house - 2
  • in the 5th house - 2

3. Finding the solar ascendant in the house of natal. The four houses hold the lead.

  • 1 house - 9 (coincidence of the grid of solarium houses with the grid of the natal horoscope)
  • 5th house - 7
  • 10 house - 6
  • 11 house - 3

4. Solar ruler of the fifth house in the house of the natal horoscope

  • In 1 house of Natal - 7
  • In the 5th house of Natal - 5
  • In the 8th house of Natal - 5
  • In the 10th house of Natal - 4
  • In the 11th house of Natal - 6

Secondary indicators for conception, pregnancy and childbirth in the solarium

1. Solar Jupiter mostly in a third of cases was in the first or 12th house.

Apparently, in accordance with this method of forecasting in a solarium, transit or profectional Jupiter has the opportunity to reach the ascendant. Or
the profectional ascendant conjoined Jupiter of the solarium. In these twelve cases, this was not always the case, but often.

For example, when our twins were conceived, the transiting sun (ruler of the 1st solar house) was in conjunction with Jupiter (ruler of the 5th solar in the 12th) in the wife's solar horoscope.

  • In 1 house - 7
  • In the 12th house - 5
  • In the 3rd house - 2
  • In the 4th house - 2
  • In the 5th house - 3
  • In the 6th house - 2
  • In the 8th house - 4
  • In the 9th house - 3
  • In the 10th house - 3
  • In the 11th house - 3

2. Out of 36 solar horoscopes, 31 solar ascendants evenly fell into the signs Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,

With a slight predominance of Leo (7 times, usually 3-4 hits per sign). I suppose that such a picture is mainly relevant for our latitudes.

3. The cusp of the 5th solar house was located in the signs:

  • Capricorn - 6
  • Pisces - 4
  • Scorpio -4
  • Aquarius -3
  • Sagittarius -3
  • Taurus -3
  • Aries - 3
  • Gemini -2
  • Libra -2
  • Virgo -2
  • Leo - 2
  • Cancer - 2

Not a single sign has any special advantages, while, if you look at the rulers of the septener, then:

  • Saturn was the ruler of the fifth house - 9 out of 36 = 25%
  • Jupiter was the ruler of the fifth house 7 = 19.4%
  • Mars was the ruler of the fifth house 7 = 19.4%
  • Venus was the ruler of the fifth 5 = 13.8%
  • Mercury was the ruler of the fifth house - 4 times = 11.11%
  • The Sun and the Moon were the ruler of the fifth house 2 times each = 5.5%

In other words, if in the solar horoscope the fifth house is ruled by Saturn or Jupiter, then the possibility of getting pregnant is significant
higher than with Leo on the cusp of the fifth solarium.

4. The solar sun in 27 cases out of 36 was located above the horizon in houses from 7 to 12.

5. The Solar Moon can be in any house. In terms of meaning, of course, it is better in the first house of the solar horoscope or the fifth, with
In this case, as practice shows, the solar moon can be anywhere.

6. Solar Venus was more often in the corner houses of the solar return horoscope except for the fourth

  • In the 7th house - 7
  • In 1 house - 5
  • In the 10th house - 5
    --------- = 47.22%
  • In the 8th house - 4
  • In the 12th house - 4
  • In the 2nd house -3
  • In the 11th house - 3
  • In the 3rd house - 1
  • In the 9th house - 2

When Venus is in the 7th, it often rules both the MC and the fifth house in the solarium. If there is a harmonious aspect to
ruler of the first, then the basic situation is already being formed for the possibility of becoming pregnant in this solar year.

7. The solar ruler of the 1st house was in the houses:

  • in the 12th house - 7
  • in the 10th house - 5
  • in 1 house - 5
  • in the 8th house - 4

8. Being in the fifth solar house of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto does not mean that pregnancy or birth is not
will take place.

9. Also, the defeat of the ruler of the 5th quadrature from Mars does not cancel the possibility of childbearing in a solar horoscope,
Saturn, Pluto.

10. Connection, quadrature, opposition of the ruler of the 5th solar house with the ruler of the 8th solar house can give an abortion.

In the modern world, pregnancy can be both long-awaited and unwanted. Therefore, if there are indicators in the directorates and
progressions, it is worth checking with solar charts.

Planning for conception and pregnancy in astrology

Pregnancy planning with the help of astrology allows you to maximize the chances of conception, whether it is natural insemination or IVF.

With conception naturally, on the one hand, it is easier, it is very difficult to miss a favorable period with regular sex.

The only thing that usually gets in the way is constant tension, stress and fatigue from the metropolis, information overload, communication, many unfinished business and worries about the "frightening future".

As a rule, when a couple goes somewhere to rest and have time to rest their heads, set themselves up for a new wave, and most importantly for each other, conception occurs quickly and easily. With intimacy, but without SMS :).

With IVF, the situation is more complicated. As a rule, the couple has already tried a lot and a fixation on “I want a child” is born in the soul in parallel with disbelief that it is possible to conceive naturally.

At the same time, IVF is an expensive pleasure that causes significant harm to the health of the expectant mother.

The irony is that doctors do not even give a 50% guarantee that fertilization will occur.

If we look at the situation through the eyes of an astrologer, we will understand that in astrology, children who were conceived and born naturally and those children who were conceived with the help of IVF have the same astrological indicators for conception and birth.

If an astrologer receives a horoscope for rectification (clarification of the time of birth) and a woman has, say, 3-5 children, one of whom is conceived with the help of IVF, then his birth will have the same indicators in directions, progressions as the rest of his brothers, sisters .

Therefore, if you are planning to conceive a child and understand at least a little in astrology, then it is better to choose the following periods:

The harmonious aspect and even quadrature from the progressive Moon to the natal or progressive Jupiter works well for the conception of a child. Approximately 40% of cases can be observed during the conception of children.

Professional astrologer - experience in astrological consulting since 2005. I teach natal, horary, predictive astrology. Skype private lessons. I do research and write articles. I manage social media accounts. Join.

Will I have children? This question is often asked to an astrologer by clients, hoping that the astrologer will establish the possibility of having children in the natal chart. And it sounds most often in cases where a person has lived with a partner for several years, consulted doctors and has already begun to doubt that he can become a parent.

Children in the natal chart

The question becomes painful, the client comes with anxiety, therefore it is so important for the astrologer not to make a mistake in his forecasts. To disappoint with the verdict “infertility”, if pregnancy is possible, but the astrologer did not see the conditions under which such an opportunity can be realized, is to additionally injure the human psyche.

To reassure the client, not being sure of his fertility, means dooming the person to additional medical experiments - operations, research, treatment courses. And this is a waste of time, money, nerves, health, poisoning the body with medicines. And, what is especially insulting, - without result.

Natural humanism encourages the astrologer to look for comforting information in the client's horoscope. But with this approach to business, objectivity suffers. An astrologer needs to be completely honest and impartial while working with a horoscope. Any "noise" - whether it is a desire to help a person, calm him down, earn money on this order, or by all means save your own good name- prevents you from seeing an objective picture in the natal chart.

An astrologer, of course, needs to be a good psychologist: during the consultation, directly communicating with the client, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his perception and response to information coming from outside. And if the customer came to be reassured, if he is not ready to accept objective information, it is better to refuse work than to make a deal with his conscience and denigrate Art, as our ancient predecessors used to say.

Children in the natal chart: analysis

Complete review scheme this issue includes an analysis of the horoscopes of each of the partners and work with the couple's Davison card (partner compatibility card). Such comprehensive work allows us to more accurately establish the reasons due to which a family cannot conceive and bear a fetus. Each of these cards is analyzed according to the same algorithm, so here we will talk about the sequence of working with the horoscope of one person.

There are many approaches to the analysis of the question of the fertility of a native according to his natal chart, offered by modern astrological schools. AT this study Consideration of the traditional methodology for determining a person's ability to bear children is proposed.

Masters of astrology for many centuries looked at the world as a whole. Everything in this world, in their opinion, lives according to uniform laws. If we talk about the fertility of a person, then it is no different from the fertility of an animal, tree, flower, earth. What does it take to make the land fertile? And for the flower to grow?

You need warmth and moisture. Everything is simple. In order for a person to be fertile, there must be enough heat and moisture in his chart. To calculate how many of these qualities there are in a native's horoscope, we need to use basic tools. The astrologer has the following basic tools at his disposal: the signs of the Zodiac with their division into different zones, planets and houses. Additional information will give aspects, lots, stars.

Indications for children in the natal chart

Ancient astrologers divided all signs of the Zodiac into fertile, signs of average fertility and barren. We can find a description of the degree of fertility of signs in the works of Ptolemy, Biruni, Ben Ezra, William Lilly and other authors. The planets are divided into fertile (Jupiter, Venus, Moon) and barren (the rest).

Separately, Mercury is considered, which may or may not be fertile, depending on its location in the horoscope. The fertility of the planets is directly related to their nature. All fertile planets are humid, but Jupiter and Venus are not only humid, but also warm.

Jupiter is the most favorable for childbearing, therefore, from ancient times, it was considered the significator of children. Without his blessing, the conception and birth of a child cannot occur. The Moon requires the same serious attention.

The houses related to procreation are the fifth, eleventh and first. Aspects between the planets relevant to this topic were considered if there was a reception between the same planets in the horoscope.

Particular attention was paid to a careful calculation of the strength of each of the planets - its essential and accidental merits, since each of the planets can act as much as it has enough strength and desire to act. A detailed scheme for calculating the merits of the planets is set out in the fundamental work of William Lilly "Christian Astrology".

The lots that interest us when analyzing the degree of fertility of a person are the Point of children, the Point of sons and the Point of daughters. The calculation of these lots is described in the first volume of Ben Ezra's Book of Judgment of the Stars.

In the process of analyzing the chart, one should consider the Lord of the Birth of the native and the Lord of Children. If these planets are connected and not obstructed, the birth of children is promised.

The ability to have children in the natal chart

The general scheme for analyzing a person's ability to bear children is as follows:

  • We consider the fifth, eleventh and first houses of the horoscope. If the cusps of these houses are in fertile signs, progeny is promised. If they are infertile, there is a high probability of infertility.
  • We consider the planets located in these houses. If fertile planets stand here, this is an additional indication of the ability to bear children, if barren, some circumstances will prevent the birth of children.
  • If there are no planets in the above houses, it is necessary to investigate the strength, location in the horoscope and the relationship of the Lords of these houses. The more fertile planets are the Lords of the houses we are considering and the more capable they are, the more children the native will have.
  • We consider the locations of all the fertile and barren planets of the horoscope. The qualities of the sign must be mixed with the qualities of the planets and see which of the fertile planets will retain their qualities while in certain place of this card. Similarly, we will find out whether barren planets have an effect on a person's ability to bear children. Do not they, being strong and influential, prevent the native from having children.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully collect the indicators of fertility and infertility in the client's horoscope and judge his ability to bear children by most indicators.

Lots show the fertility of a person insofar as the dispositor of the lot is a fertile planet, unimpeded, and insofar as it is related to other indicators of fertility.

Elena Maksimova

The number of children in the natal chart is not necessarily the exact number you wish to have. With the invention of contraceptives, spouses do not have all those children that are promised either on the woman’s card or on the man’s card.

The number of children according to the 5th house of the natal chart

I have five aspects of conjunction with the ruler of my fifth house and I have five children. I meet people with the same data who do not want to have many children. Spouses may decide that they will not have big family. However, the wife, as a rule, can become pregnant at will. They are capable of childbearing, but are protected. I didn't use protection, that's why I showed all this energy.

The number of aspects of conjunction with the ruler of the fifth house is the potential number of children you can have. It affects in the same way as the aspects of conjunction with the Sun and Moon. Let me remind you that the number of aspects of conjunction with the luminaries indicates the potential number of marriages, but does not necessarily correspond to the number of marriages that a person wishes to enter into.

This is how the lord of my fifth house promises five children: I have Gemini in the fifth house and Mercury, the lord of my fifth house, is in the 1st degree of Virgo. Before it leaves the sign, it forms a sextile in conjunction with my Mars in Scorpio. It aligns with my Sun in Virgo and Neptune in Virgo.

It then forms a sextile in its conjunction with Pluto in Cancer, and the last aspect of the conjunction is formed by its conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. The aspects formed by Mercury really describe all my children, the planets that create these aspects, the signs they are in and the signs they govern. Let's see what happens.

  • My eldest daughter The Sun in Cancer is at its closest apparent approach to Jupiter, with the Moon in Pisces and ascending Gemini. Her Ascendant is in the same degree of Gemini as my fifth house cusp. The fifth house always represents your first child.
  • My second child is Virgo, his Moon is in Sagittarius and Sagittarius is ascendant. His father had Pisces ascendant with Virgo on the cusp of the seventh house, and my son's Sun falls in his father's seventh house. They are business partners. Often a woman's second child is more like her father (the seventh house represents both the first husband and the second child).
  • My third child is Aries with Moon in Sagittarius and Virgo rising. My Mars is in my ninth house and this house corresponds to the third child.
  • My fourth daughter is Virgo with Moon in Cancer and Libra rising. Her house ruler, Mercury, is in the 27th degree of Virgo. This is very interesting because the ruler of my eleventh house, Jupiter, is in the 27th degree of Virgo. The eleventh house corresponds to the fourth child. This coincidence strikes me as very curious.
  • My fifth child is Sagittarius with the Moon in Gemini and Capricorn rising. Often the fifth child can be more like you because that child corresponds to your first house, or Ascendant. We both have a Capricorn ascendant and are very similar.

The nature of children according to the 5th house of the natal chart

If planets are in your fifth house, they will describe your children in the same way that aspects with my Mercury describe my children. Often people have two planets in the fifth house and will have two children. Each planet characterizes one of the children. I have met people who have the Sun in the fifth house and have a Leo child.

Often such a child becomes the meaning of their life. Such a child can also become famous, outstanding, stand out in some way. For example, I have a friend who has the Sun in her fifth house and her child is admitted to West Point (prestigious American military Academy- approx. trans.), and he is likely to have a brilliant military career.

I have met people who had Gemini on the cusp of the fifth house or the Gemini constellation was prominent and gave birth to Gemini. Again, I note that sometimes astrology is so precise and transparent that it strikes me deeply. It also happens that it turns out to be incomprehensible and discouraging.

Children by Jupiter in the natal chart

I have several friends who have ten or twelve children. Here are cases where the rules for determining the number of children are violated. It is impossible to get ten or twelve aspects of conjunction with the ruler of the fifth house, but in many such women I have observed Jupiter in their fifth house or its close connection with the ruler of the fifth house.

In my generation there were many people with big families, and they embodied every aspect of conjunction with the ruler of their fifth houses or allowed Jupiter in their fifth house to manifest in full force. Today, people make different choices and make different decisions. They may have similar aspects, but they exercise their free will and choose to limit the size of their family.

Children go home in the natal chart

If the client is in a first marriage, I search the eleventh house for adopted children or stepchildren. The eleventh house will describe the client's relationship with these children and will also characterize the first of these children.

Now count in a circle every second house to get the characteristics of each subsequent child. Second adopted child or stepson is determined by the first house, the third by the third, and so on.

As for grandchildren, I study the ninth house. Since it is five houses away from my fifth house of children, it will describe the children of my children. I have Libra in the ninth house cusp and Mars in Scorpio in the ninth house. I have nine grandchildren and they are all attractive, athletic and energetic. Each of them is well developed Virgo, Scorpio or Aries.

The sign on the cusp of my ninth house and the planet (Mars) in it describe all of them. Moreover, the ninth house especially characterizes my first grandson. Then I move in a circle, counting every second house, getting in turn the characteristics of each subsequent grandchild. So my second grandson is described by my eleventh house and so on.

Carol Rushman

Natal astrology allows you to learn a lot about the potencies of a person, for example, his ability to conceive and give birth to children. Children in the natal chart: their number, probable gender, your relationship with offspring, are determined by special astrological indicators.

You can clarify the issue of childbearing with a professional astrologer, but if you wish, you can really do it yourself. It is enough to find astrological indications regarding children in the natal chart, and this article is designed to help with this.

Children in the natal chart: data analysis

To determine the possibility of having children and their number with potential parents, you must first analyze the horoscopes of both partners, always taking into account the issue of their compatibility. It is these actions that will help to find out why partners have not been able to have children for a long time.

Modern astrology operates in many ways to read natal charts. However, in this case it is more appropriate to use the traditional data interpretation scheme. When working with a horoscope, the master takes into account the signs of the zodiac, the features of their division into zones, aspects and the layout of astrological houses, planets related to children. The degrees of fertility and infertility are also taken into account, as well as the so-called parses or lots of children ( special points in the horoscope).

What should I pay attention to when decrypting data?

First of all, these are the signs of the zodiac. It is believed that some signs increase fertility, while others, on the contrary, decrease.

The most prolific are all signs water element: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, and also the earthly Taurus.

Signs of moderate fertility: Sagittarius and according to some astrologers, Capricorn and Libra.

Barren (sterile) signs: Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aries.

Working on the topic of children, astrologers necessarily analyze the planets, which are also divided into fertile and sterile. They identify all the indicators of children in the natal chart, compare them with infertility indicators, if any, carry out similar work with the partner’s chart, and only then make some kind of prediction. Only the probability, the chance to conceive and have children, which is always there, is considered and evaluated if there is at least one important indication in the natal chart. Even when children are not visible in the natal chart, but there are many indicators of infertility, the current level of medicine allows you to work wonders. Therefore, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of the reliability of the forecast!

Children in the natal chart: factors affecting fertility

Modern astrologers identify a number of the most prolific planets that everyone needs to watch - these are Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. The ruling planets of water signs are also important - Neptune for women, and Pluto and Mars for men. Other objects of the horoscope classical astrology considered infertile.

Why are these planets taken into account? It is believed that Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are humid, but the first two planets are also warm. It is these conditions that are most favorable for conceiving a child.

First of all, the location and aspects of the fertile planets in the horoscopes of partners are taken into account. They should have a connection with the fourth, fifth or eleventh houses of the horoscope, related to conception and childbearing.

The indicators of children in the natal chart are as follows:

  • 1st, 4th, 5th and 11th houses in fruitful signs;
  • the indicated houses and their rulers, as well as the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, fall into the fertile signs of the zodiac;
  • the planets listed above are located in the indicated houses;
  • fertile planets govern the signs of the zodiac in which the peaks of these houses are located;
  • there are harmonious aspects between the rulers of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 11th houses and the objects in these houses.

In addition, the location of the peaks of houses and planets in special degrees of fertility increases fertility, but first of all, the main factors are important. If there are at least two or three fertility indicators in the natal chart, children will almost certainly be. The more indications, the more large a person can be.

How to look for the answer to a question in the natal chart

To identify the possibility of having children between partners, it is necessary to follow a certain mechanism:

  • analyze the first, fourth, fifth and eleventh houses in the natal charts of partners. If such houses are placed in the fertile signs of the zodiac, then we can talk about the fertility of the couple. If placed in barren signs with only one partner, then the probability of conception will be lower than usual. If both have infertility, incompatibility between both partners is possible;
  • you need to look at exactly which planets are in the houses. The more prolific celestial bodies in homes, the greater the likelihood of multiple pregnancies;
  • calculate the strength of the planets and find out whether they retain their primary qualities while in right houses and signs, or have lost the necessary force of influence;
  • study all the major and minor aspects of the planets that are relevant to questions of progeny;
  • in order to establish the gender of children, it is necessary to analyze the natal chart for the involvement of male and female signs of the zodiac, as well as the degrees in which the planets fell, the peaks of the 4th, 5th, 11th houses and the lot of children.

The classification by gender type is as follows: Aries is a male sign, after it Taurus is female, then Gemini is male, Cancer is female, and so on in a circle up to the sign of Pisces. All odd degrees are masculine, all even degrees are feminine. If the ruling planets of the 4th, 5th, 11th houses, the houses themselves, are located mainly in male signs and degrees, then the probability of the birth of boys is high if female signs and degrees - girls.

It is this principle of work that allows us to systematize the data obtained and talk about the infertility of a couple or the possibility of having offspring.

But you should also take into account the special principles of working with the natal chart. The Sun and Moon located in the fifth house may not carry any information about the offspring, especially if the luminaries do not rule the 4th or 5th house. As a rule, they speak only about the internal qualities of the owner of the horoscope - his desire to have children and love for them.

Possible number of children

The potential number of children in the natal chart is often indicated by the number of progressive aspects that the ruler of the fifth house forms before he leaves the zodiac sign of his natal position. Major aspects are especially important: conjunction (0°), sextile (60°), square (90°), trine (120°) and opposition (180°).

If Jupiter is in the fifth house, then it increases the chance of not only having children, but also their number. Moreover, this planet does not always speak of blood offspring. For example, Steven Spielberg's horoscope, in which Jupiter is also placed in the fifth house, shows a large number of children. The director himself has seven children: two adopted, two from a previous marriage and three from his current wife.

Mercury is enough strong planet and often affects the birth of twins. If she is in any of the houses responsible for childbearing, this may indicate a multiple pregnancy or the birth of children from various people. Mercury can indicate childlessness if it is in the fifth house and only in conjunction with other unfertile planets.

If in the natal chart Saturn is in the fifth house, then we should expect the birth of the first child only at a more mature age. At the same time, this planet can talk about the fear of the owner of the horoscope to have children, in more frequent cases indicates their small number (1-2 children).

If Uranus is located in any of the three houses responsible for offspring, then you should be extremely careful. He points to complications during childbearing, also talks about unplanned pregnancies. Uranus is the planet of extremes. He can speak both for the absence of children, and testify to a large number of them.

The planet Neptune talks about the adoption of a child, but does not tell you about his own children, you will have to focus on the location of other celestial bodies in the natal chart.

The nature of the child according to the natal chart

The astrological characteristic of the horoscope provides not only an analysis of the possibility of having children, but also their inner convictions and character. So Venus in the fifth house indicates that in the future a harmonious relationship will develop between the owner of the horoscope and his child.

Mars in the fifth house says that the children of the owner of the horoscope will be quite naughty and complex, you will have to make a lot of effort and work on them. These are impulsive children who gradually have to be accustomed to correct behavior and contemplation.

The location of Uranus in the fifth house shows that the child of the owner of the horoscope can be capricious: nervous, unpredictable and independent, but at the same time extremely original and inquisitive.

What causes incorrect decoding of cards

In some cases, inattention can lead to quite negative consequences and undermine the authority of even the master of astrology.

There are several negative aspects of incorrect decoding of the natal chart:

  • telling a person the news that he will not be able to have children will entail lengthy medical examinations, expensive courses of treatment, and even operations, artificial insemination;
  • will cause nervous disorders, which will also negatively affect the rapid recovery of the body;
  • having read the card incorrectly and reporting the possibility of having children, the astrologer will set the partners in a positive way, but all their attempts will be fruitless.

Being engaged in astrological practice, it is extremely important not to be mistaken in your forecasts. It is impossible to pass a “sentence” on a client, since the work of an astrologer is not only the study of the influence of stars and planets on the fate of a person, but also the ability to support him in difficult moment, direct or tune to a positive result.

That is why most astrologers proceed from the principles of humanism. Even if the natal chart contains information that can become a source of stress for its owner, you should definitely find comforting information in the horoscope and report it. This will reduce the rate of decline vitality and customer sentiment. But despite good intentions, you should always remember the principles of objectivism and in no case display deliberately false information in the horoscope.

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