Moon phases for August. The Magic of Numbers

In that lunar calendar for august 2016 year you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When are favorable and unfavorable periods.

August 1- at 3:00 the beginning of the 28th lunar day
Auspicious time to complete important matters, start a journey or conclude a business agreement. The information will be easy to digest. Avoid heavy foods.

August 2- at 4:06 the beginning of the 29th lunar day, at 23:02 - new moon and the beginning of the 1st lunar day
This is a good time to plan your next steps. If you take up any business, spend energy evenly - otherwise it will remain unfinished.

August 3rd- at 5:17 the beginning of the 2nd lunar day
Do something that brings you joy and pleasure. In all endeavors - personal and business - you will succeed. The day is good for trips, marriages, parties.

August 4- at 6:29 the beginning of the 3rd lunar day
The first half of the day promises success in business, but you will need hard work and perseverance. After noon, there will be a desire to enter into a debate with authorities to prove that you are right.

5th of August- at 7:40 the beginning of the 4th lunar day
Routine duties will make you bored. Get over it, work at full strength, otherwise you will get a scolding from your superiors. During the day, conflicts are possible.

August 6- at 8:50 the beginning of the 5th lunar day
Active, creative day. Good for both mental activity and sports training. If you are determined to win, you can overcome any problem!

August 7- at 9:59 the beginning of the 6th lunar day
Spend time with friends or relatives, fill up pleasant impressions. On this day, it makes sense to heal old relationships or make new acquaintances.

8 August- at 11:06 the beginning of the 7th lunar day
Nervous day. Try to relax, be restrained and patient. Avoid outbursts of anger, they can disrupt relationships with people who are useful to you.

August 9- at 12:12 the beginning of the 8th lunar day
Business contacts in an informal setting should be avoided - nothing good will come of it. On this day, do not be afraid to destroy old installations, do housework in the evening.

August 10- at 13:18 the beginning of the 9th lunar day
Not the best time to start a journey. Throw all your strength into solving work issues: the powerful energy of the day will open up new potential in you, so do not be lazy in any case.

11th August- at 14:22 the beginning of the 10th lunar day
Today it is better to take care of health. good time in order to revise the diet. Do not forget about vitamins and sports training. A yoga session will give you peace of mind.

12th of August- at 15:23 the beginning of the 11th lunar day
From the very morning you will plunge into a stream of small troubles, coping with which, you will spend a lot of energy. To take a break from the hustle and bustle and restore energy, spend the evening doing a pleasant activity.

August 13- at 16:22 the beginning of the 12th lunar day
It is better not to solve domestic problems today, otherwise the result will disappoint you. Toward evening there will be a chance to flirt a little, and maybe start a romance ...

August 14- at 17:16 the beginning of the 13th lunar day
The event that happened in the first half of the day will be very significant. Control your emotions, avoid overexertion and listen to the wise advice of loved ones.

August 15- at 18:03 the beginning of the 14th lunar day
Listen to the voice of reason and do not be in the clouds. You should not be active in personal or business matters, as well as make important decisions. Don't borrow today.

August 16- at 18:44 the beginning of the 15th lunar day
Time for creativity. Ideas and solutions that will arise today will be successful. Also, the day is favorable for planning, starting a trip, learning. It's time to start the diet.

August 17- at 19:19 the beginning of the 16th lunar day
Day, full of harmony. The right time to relax, gain strength for new achievements. Today it is recommended to stay in a comfortable environment, do not deny yourself the desire to relax.

August 18– at 12:30 - full moon, at 19:49 the beginning of the 17th lunar day
The mind can give way to feelings, but you should not let emotions out, otherwise you will not end up with problems. Go shopping and travel. And don't tell anyone about your plans for today.

August 19- at 20:16 the beginning of the 18th lunar day
The first half of the day promises spiritual communication with loved ones. Before lunch, avoid increased activity - you can get injured. Do not drink alcohol and junk food on this day.

August 20- at 20:41 the beginning of the 19th lunar day
Spontaneous actions can play with you bad joke. But if you connect the mind, then all undertakings will bring only success.

August 21- at 21:05 the beginning of the 20th lunar day
If today you have things that will require strong-willed decisions from you, give them up. Get creative in the evening.

August 22- at 21:30 the beginning of the 21st lunar day
One of the most auspicious days August. Many positive events await you. You have a chance to be at the right time in the right place. Wait for good news and interesting offers.

August 23- at 21:59 the beginning of the 22nd lunar day
Before lunch, pay attention to relatives, complete old business. Try to spend the evening without fuss. A bath or sauna, relaxing procedures will have a good effect on health.

24 August- at 22:31 the beginning of the 23rd lunar day
Things will be decided in your favor if you are not slow. Toward evening, it is recommended to devote more time to routine matters: put things in order at home.

25-th of August- at 23:10 the beginning of the 24th lunar day
On this day, you need to tune in to the positive as much as possible: bad thoughts will attract trouble. Forgive those you are angry with, avoid conflict situations, do not get annoyed over trifles.

August, 26th- at 23:56 the beginning of the 25th lunar day
The day is good for new beginnings. It is worth listening to the advice of the older generation or people more experienced in the matter that concerns you. Small spontaneous purchases will be successful.

August 27– 25th lunar day
If you decide to give up something today, it will not be easy. To avoid conflicts and waste of money, postpone important meetings and shopping trips. Don't overeat.

August 28- at 0:51 the beginning of the 26th lunar day
Auspicious day for family pastime, as well as dates. Make small gifts for your near and dear ones. Engage in visualization of desires.

August 29- at 1:54 the beginning of the 27th lunar day
The day is favorable for intellectual pursuits, good for business meetings. In the first half of the day, minor chores may arise. Devote time to creativity in the afternoon.

August 30- at 3:02 the beginning of the 28th lunar day
Both in family terms and professionally, some difficulties await you. Try to spend the day calmly, without fuss. You can easily implement the ideas that have appeared today.

August 31- at 4:13 the beginning of the 29th lunar day
Check the information received today carefully. To avoid trouble will help restraint and moderation. Intuition is unusually strong today, listen to its voice.

auspicious days: 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29 and 31 August.
Days when you should refrain from taking important decisions. bad days : 5, 8, 9, 20, 27 and 30 August.
days, favorable for activity. You can plan complex and difficult tasks on them: August 1, 3, 6, 10, 16, 22 and 26.

new moon - August 2 at 23:02.
Full moon
- August 18 at 12:30.
Waxing Crescent: from 3 to 17 August.
Waning moon : until the 2nd and from August 18, 2016.

The moon has a rather strong influence on the natural rhythms in the human body, on nervous system and the subconscious. The lunar calendar August 2016 will tell you more about the phases of the moon and its location relative to each of the constellations of the Zodiac. With it, you can plan auspicious days for the future.

Moon phases for the month of August 2016

It is generally accepted that in 29 days the moon goes through four phases - new moon, first quarter, full moon and third quarter. In the first - the phase of the new moon - the moon is completely darkened and hidden from our eyes. Then the Moon turns into a thin crescent - a growing phase. After that, we already see half of the moon - this is the first quarter. In the full moon phase, the Earth's satellite is completely illuminated - we see a bright disk in the sky. Then the moon goes down. Below you can clearly see the exact phases of the moon according to the calendar for August 2016.

It is believed that the first quarter - the phase of the new moon and the beginning of the growing moon - is a very favorable time to start new business. During this period, luck smiles more often at those who do not sit still - they plan, and simply generate ideas.

In the second quarter, the activity of the moon increases and reaches the next peak by the full moon. During this period, things are especially easy, so you can safely take on the implementation of your plans in life. These days of the phase of the moon are especially favorable for cardinal changes - moving to a new home, traveling and changing jobs, and August 2016 will help you in your plans.

The first phase: the growing moon in August 2016

In August 2016, the moon will grow from August 3 to 17. The lunar days of August in this phase of the moon are most favorable for asking for a raise, looking for another job and developing new projects. It is also very good to invest money on the growing moon - both in large and small acquisitions. The time is also good for caring for your appearance, in particular for, as well as getting rid of bad habits and .

New moon in August 2016: the date when it starts in Kyiv time

The cycle of the moon begins with a new moon. Astrologers interpret given time as the period when the Moon enters into union with the Sun, since they are located in the same zodiac constellation. In the last month of summer August 2016, the Moon will be updated on the 4th at 14:01. According to the forecasts of astrologers, the time of the new moon opens up new ways and opportunities for us: you can plan the implementation long-term plans, realize desires and start large-scale projects. In order to make it easier to plan according to the phases of the moon, below are favorable and unfavorable lunar days in August 2016.

Auspicious days in August 2016 according to the lunar calendar for a month: 2, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 27, 30.

Bad days in August 2016 according to the lunar calendar for a month: 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29.

The lunar calendar tells us that in August the Moon will decrease from the 19th to the 31st. This phase can do you both good and bad - depending on how you prioritize.

There are rituals that are ideal for use during the waning of the moon. Elena Yasevich, the finalist of the Battle of Psychics show, advises using them when you feel that your energy is not strong enough.

Waning moon - career and finance

The lunar calendar suggests that in August from 19 to 31 the general activity of people in this area will decrease, and not in the weakest way. This can be used as an opportunity for monetary and career development or as a chance to have a good rest from pressing problems. In this case, you will have a choice without a right and wrong option - any decision has its advantages.

Love in the waning moon

There are much more partings in the waning moon than in another lunar phase. It is especially worth fearing the end of the month, which will be dangerous for the most imprudent individuals. Be wise in difficult questions and situations - do not bend your line, but try to understand your loved one. Or at least pretend to understand him or her.

People are extremely sensitive on such days, so they remember any grievances. This can interfere with the formation of a relationship with a new person for you. In love, mutual understanding is important. If you are trying to create something new, it is better to completely change your attitude towards some things and learn to make concessions.

Emotions and mood according to the lunar calendar

Strong physical exercise will not benefit anyone. Limit yourself to going to the pool and long walks, as well as jogging in the morning or evening. Beware of complete passivity - it will be fatal, but caution and prudence will not hurt.

Do not plan things in the second half of August. It is better to take care of your duties and those tasks that require an urgent solution. This will cheer you up and save you strength for the new phase - the new moon and the growth of the moon.

To learn more about each day, read ours. So you can succeed in all areas of life without much effort. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.08.2016 07:07

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Lunar energy is incredibly strong, but the stars also give it a special color. The lunar calendar for August will help you effectively plan your affairs for the month ahead.

Every day is new war and new fight. To be as prepared as possible for these battles, read on, which will shed light on every area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. In addition, he will help you decide how to spend time at home, what to wear and how to behave in order to avoid trouble.

August 1: first day last month summer will begin under the influence of the constellation Cancer. This will be a relatively positive and favorable day for shopping and solving pressing problems.

August 2-3: The New Moon is expected on the 2nd - not the best day to spend at home with a cup of tea. On the 3rd, the Moon will begin its growth, making the environment incredibly favorable for building relationships with colleagues or partners. Business people succeed, but on the condition that they are careful.

August 4, 5, 6: the earthly Virgo and the waxing Moon will make this three-day period very stable and pleasant in financial plan. Thrifty and prudent people will be able to avoid many troubles.

August 7, 8: The 6th and 7th lunar days will be under the influence of Libra, so try to take a good break from the worries, duties and unnecessary thoughts that live in your head. In a word, relax.

August 9, 10, 11: The first two days in Scorpio will be incredibly auspicious. The 9th is the most energetically powerful day of the whole month. Try to surround yourself with people close to you and enlist their support in order to achieve stunning success in any area.

August 12, 13: two very positive lunar days for financial activities, learning and solving any intellectual problems. Sagittarius and the waxing Moon are a great team.

August 14, 15, 16: Capricorn will not be very positive, leading you down the wrong path. The moon stabilizes this influence, making the 12th, 13th and 14th lunar days a little more favorable. This is especially true in the love sphere. Read more our Love "> love horoscopes that will help you find your happiness.

August 17, 18: the lunar calendar marks bad energy on these two days under the influence of Aquarius. On the Full Moon of August 18, beware of unnecessary spending, which can lead to big losses of money.

August 19, 20: Pisces will be favorable to us only on the 19th, so have time to do everything you need in advance, because on August 20 you will most likely not have the strength and mood left.

August 21, 22: impulsive Aries will not allow to accept right decision quickly and efficiently. That is why try to think first, and then act, but not vice versa. Transfer all anger and emotions into physical activity.

August 23, 24: Taurus and the waning moon is a great combination that gives people good mood and a lot of strength for any work.

August 25, 26: during these two days the favorable period will continue. All thanks to the harmonious interaction of the waning moon and Gemini. The lunar calendar advises: on August 25, stay in solitude.

August 27, 28: The 28th is the time of abstinence. August 27 is the day of financial transactions. Cancer is very changeable during the waning of the moon.

August 29, 30, 31: the month will end with a three-day interaction of Leo and the waning moon. The first day will be quite polar, the second will be very favorable for business activity, but on the third day, August 31, it is better to find yourself good fun and the company, as the tendency to depression will increase.

Always remember that your mood builds an energy field that determines luck. To always be in a good mood, use our simoron rituals. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.07.2016 02:10

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The waxing and waning Moon are her two states, and they oppose each other. In order for life to develop harmoniously, you can use the energy of each phase in the way that astrology advises to do.

In August lunar phases will be as follows:

  • New Moon - August 2 (and will capture the night on the 3rd);
  • waxing moon - from 3 to 17 August;
  • Full Moon - August 18;
  • waning moon - from August 19 to 31 and the 1st day (when the New Moon has not yet entered into force).

So that well-being accompanies all your undertakings, it is better to check each of them with lunar calendar. Things that will be 100% successful during the lunar growth may fail in decline, and vice versa.

Auspicious deeds on the New Moon

Auspicious deeds on the Full Moon

From the Full Moon begins the period when you can spend the accumulated energy. But it is better to do it in the first days after it. Then you may simply not have enough fuse. So future accomplishments and victories dedicated to the day full moon, will surely surprise you in scope and please you with successful results.

On the Full Moon, love can be attracted simply by looking at the lunar disk and imagining the face of the beloved. If your desire is strong and strong, the Universe will hear you. Well, nothing will prevent happily lovers from finding their way to wealth.

Auspicious deeds for the waning moon

On the waning moon, astrologers advise getting rid of debts and your own shortcomings, from dubious friends or from broken cup. Right now, you can disassemble the mezzanines and shelves, and then sort out the protracted relationship.

An excellent solution would be to get rid of jealousy and work on strengthening feelings. Rituals against betrayal or rites from quarrels will have an effect. To perform the ritual you need, sweep the entire house, focusing on the problem. Together with rubbish, you will be able to sweep away any negativity, whether it be distrust between spouses or problems at work. Or use the rituals from the psychic Elena Yasevich.

We wish you a happy August. Protect yourself and loved ones from energy strikes and don't forget to rest until the end of summer. Follow us to and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.08.2016 02:55

The conclusion of a marriage union is best timed to coincide with the most favorable energy days. With the help of the moon...

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