From the life line, a downward branch appeared. The meaning of the double line of life in palmistry. The life line is parallel to the line of fate: various combinations and their interpretation

On the line of life in palmistry they talk about human health. If it is long and continuous, pink or moderately red, then a person is waiting for many years of healthy life. In addition, it indicates a harmonious character. A short line that ends somewhere in the middle of the palm may portend an early death.

However, this only happens when the location of other main signs does not carry information about extenuating circumstances, which should be available on both hands!

If, upon careful examination of both palms, you find many small lines between the line of life and the line of the mind, then you are dealing with a gambler or a person who is prone to all kinds of pleasures. The palmistry of the life line says that if it intersects with a small line closer to the wrist, which originates next to the triangle, then this indicates a person's quick temper.

Other small lines and dashes intersecting with the life line along its length portend a variety of diseases. A wide line of life, devoid of branches, speaks of an ardent nature, but prone to cruelty. If the life line is separated from a small perpendicular line, then the person’s character has such negative traits as:

  • avarice
  • lack of pity
  • arrogance

At the same time, such people are successful in all endeavors. If the line of life forms an angle with the line of the mind, the person is able to find rational solutions and is endowed with a developed intellect.

Branching of the life line, intersections and other signs

An excessively wide life line of bright red color in palmistry tells about the firmness of character and temperament of the chaleric. If the line of life invades the hill of Venus, the actions of this person are not controlled by the mind, but by feelings. A strongly branched life line, curving towards the hill of Jupiter, promises happiness and wealth in middle or young age.

If the line of life forks at the end, it means that deprivation and need await this person in old age. If the fork in the line of life is directed from the hill of Venus, in the life of the subject, property losses are possible due to one of the relatives. If the branches are directed towards the hill of Venus or in the other direction, unexpected happiness awaits a person. The number of children in the family is indicated by lines crossing the lines of life and mind at their end. Uneven, crooked branches at the beginning of the life line, directed against the hill of Venus, are a sign of an unhappy marriage.

The intersection of the lower branch of the line of life with the line running from the line of the mind to the hill of Venus portends the danger associated with a woman. If such a line goes far from the line of life, it, on the contrary, means a happy marriage. An additional branch of the life line, directed towards the hill of Saturn, indicates a possible poisoning or the possibility of becoming seriously ill.

Small dots right on the line of life warn of diseases associated with a rash, damage or loss of vision. A large and deep dot is a sign of violent death. A ring on the line of life warns of the loss of one of the eyes. A thin, intermittent and uneven line of life occurs in people with poor health. As a rule, it ends before it completely goes around the hill of Venus.

If the upper branch of the life line is bent to the side, then the person has a tendency to melancholy and heart disease. If the lower end of the life line is bent outward, it means that the subject is waiting for a respiratory disease. If the line of life completely bends around the hill of Venus, reaches a flowering and dissolves in it, a quiet natural death awaits a person in his own bed. If the lines of life, heart and mind are connected at the very base of the thumb, this indicates the possibility of adultery and a propensity for a promiscuous sex life. In some cases, such a sign prophesies a violent death, but such predictions come true only if this sign is present on both palms.

If at the base of the line of life a person has several parallel branches that touch the line of the mind, but do not cross it, then this sign is a sure sign of the patronage of influential people. If such branches are straight, then this sign speaks of developed musical abilities.

A pale and wide line of life with unfavorable signs on it (for example, white spots) indicates poor health and negative character traits. If the line of life breaks on one hand, but not on the other, then a serious illness awaits a person with a favorable outcome. If the line of life breaks in the same area on both hands, the disease will end in death. Death also means a cross on any part of the life line. The chain also means a disease, not so severe, but very long.

In some cases, the life line begins very close to the hill of Jupiter - a rich life awaits a person, full of recognition and glory.

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If you look at the photo of the hands of two people, you can see different lines of life, which means that everyone has their own destiny. Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand and helps to reveal information about events in a person's life.

Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand

The lines are read on both hands, the main one is dominant (for the right-hander - the right one, for the left-hander - the left one). On the active hand they read what happened and what changes should be expected, and on the second - as it was determined by fate from birth.

Many people, relying on the drawing in the palm of their hand, are ready to resign themselves to fate. However, the lines are able to change during the course of life. Some bifurcate, shoot branches and lengthen, others shorten and receive additional signs. A person is the creator of his own destiny, and the lines can only indicate, warning against failures and serious losses.

Characteristics of the lifeline

The life line is the most important when reading by hand, as it is a constant. An even, shallow line, without breaks and additional symbols, is considered ideal. According to their characteristics, they are divided:

  • deep, indicates that a person has strong volitional qualities, a lot of energy;
  • shallow, which shows that a person needs additional energy, he needs more peace and quiet;
  • different depths over the entire surface indicate a change in health status.

Depending on the length, one can talk about the quality of life, but not about the duration. If it is short and does not reach the middle of the palm, this means limited physical strength, the person's relatives often died at a young age. Long indicates an excellent physical condition, if there are no other marks, then a predisposition to longevity.

Why is it impossible to judge life expectancy based on the length of the life line? One of the main factors that affects the change in life expectancy is the acquisition of bad habits, the maintenance of a not very healthy lifestyle.

If the line on the active hand bifurcates at the end, this means that there is no need to worry about your health, diseases will be bypassed. The double line predicts happiness and wealth, in women it is an indicator of sensuality. When additional signs and symbols are located on the hand, this indicates the influence of various factors, both favorable and negative.

The meaning of the signs

If you look closely at the line, you can see small but obvious signs. What can they mean? A small triangle indicates the receipt of a decent amount of money, during this period it is possible to receive an inheritance or a cash gain. In the case when the triangle is located on the line, as if interrupting it, this impedes the flow of vital energy, it can speak of events associated with a fire. A person does not necessarily suffer physically in it, material costs are possible.

When a square is on the line, it symbolizes protection or patronage. If he interrupts the line on the hand, then this means the neutralizing effect that he has on diseases, that is, he speaks of a speedy recovery. A square located towards the hill of Venus has a completely different meaning, this indicates imprisonment, not necessarily imprisonment, there are many options.

The islands located on the line speak of a temporary breakdown, of illness. The larger the island, the more difficult it is to recover from an illness.

When this line bifurcates, as if changing direction, or placing a large branch on the hill of the Moon, this means distant and long-term departures from your hometown, from home.

double line

A double line of life on the hand is a good sign, especially when the drawing is clearly visible, with a slight indentation. Its location is on the inner side of the hill of Venus and parallel to the main line of life. The owners of such a sign in the palm of their hand are “born in a shirt”, they always have an additional supply of vital energy.

Sometimes it happens that with the passage of time a forked line of life appears in the palm of your hand. This means that a person himself influences his own destiny, he has found a patron who will protect him and help him in every way in life. The patron can be a real physical person (relative, friend, lover or acquaintance) or an astral object.

It happens that the double line of life bifurcates when a person goes headlong into religious teachings, develops spiritually. If at this moment a person notices changes on the line of life, then he can perceive this fact as the approval of higher powers. From this moment on, his life will change for the better, become more successful and happier, higher powers will guide him through life and help in all endeavors. Of particular importance will be the location on the right or left palm.

If it is on the left palm (passive for the right-handed person), then it was difficult for the bearer of such a mark from early childhood with his parents, they had different outlooks on life. As a result, two different value systems, even religions. In young years, a person will face the choice of his path, but he will choose a more slippery, thorny path.

When this line is located on the active, right hand (for the right-handed person), this says that a person from birth is endowed with a large supply of vital energy, it is in full swing. In this case, a person acquired a protector only thanks to his efforts, perfect deeds. The life of such a person is divided by two personalities, duality is observed in everything, at work he can be a strict, demanding boss, and in a family he is henpecked.

For the fair sex, such a line indicates difficulties in the profession and family life. It will be difficult for a woman to combine two roles - wife, mother and successful employee, but she will never refuse any of them.

Judging by the general interpretation of double lines, they are an additional support. In the absence of a forked line of life on your hand, you should not be upset, this does not mean at all that your life is full of failures. It is worth reconsidering life principles and views. By drawing the right conclusions about your being, you can change the course of your life, and after a while, you will find in your palm signs that mean happiness and well-being.

If you are a beginner palmist, then before you start examining the lines on your hand, remember that the study of hands is a complex, painstaking process that requires a comprehensive analysis of all elements. Haste is unacceptable here, since only total knowledge allows us to draw the right conclusions. Source - Esoteric. Living Knowledge

Every hand reading, like every human existence, is a mixture of good and bad. Do not be alarmed when you see any unfavorable signs on your hand. Know: they can be fatal only when, firstly, they are on both hands, and secondly, when even under this condition there are no softening signs on the hands.

Finally, consider the palmist's claim that fate, as it is revealed on the hand, is not fixed and predetermined. Lines and marks may change over time, as may the fullness of fingers and knolls. And thus, good or bad predictions can actually come and go.

So, good luck!

What kind of palm and in general - which hand to consider: left or right? Both the one and the other: both are equally important for the palmist. Your left hand speaks of the potentialities with which you were born, and your right hand reveals your individual nature as it is now and as it may be in the future - if you are not left-handed; then everything goes the other way around. Comparing both hands can tell a lot about how a person has evolved and developed as the hands have matured.

This is one of the main lines on the palms of both hands. The life line starts near the thumb and goes in an arc to the wrist. It reflects physical health, general well-being, and major life changes (eg, disasters, physical injuries, moves). During a person's life, the life line can lengthen or shorten depending on the changes taking place in his body and on his lifestyle.

Long and clear line. Good vitality, excellent health, good nature and accommodating. Life is not overshadowed by anything and is happy.

"Fork" - the end of the line. A sure sign of good health, courage and determination, the ability to stand up for yourself.

Thin. Nervousness, poor health, morbid imagination.

Curvy like a snake. Severe illness, poverty.

Chain-like. Soreness, nervous life, weakness and impotence.

Double line of life. Excess vitality. Happiness, health, wealth, happy old age, great success in life. It often happens that people with such a line, being hyper-temperamental by nature, fall into very unsightly stories, as they abuse sensual pleasures. If the sister line, like the main line, is interrupted in many places, on the contrary, it worsens the already negative value of the main one.

Start on Beel of Jupiter (1). Big ambitions, arrogance - and at the same time the likely success, rewards.

Beginning on the line of the head (mind) (2). Self-control, prudence, good abilities, the ability to please, accuracy, self-confidence. Such a line excludes windiness.

The beginning is much lower than the line of the head (3). Lack of control, lack of restraint, daydreaming, impracticality, eccentricity, frivolity.

Merging of three lines - life, head, heart. Possibility of heart and lung disease. Also a lively and perceptive mind. Such people turn out to be extremists, whose lives, unfortunately, fail.

Diseases in those years when the line is interrupted.

Severe illness, with problematic recovery. Without mitigating signs, it can be a sign of violent death.

Good health, prosperity, human desire for the sublime.

Small branches go from the beginning to the line of the head (4). Inheritance: There may be money, but it is more likely that thanks to the parents, a good start in life will be obtained.

In the middle of the life line there is a branch to the head line (5). Success and recognition will come in middle age.

The branch of the line goes to the Hill of the Sun (6). Talents will be recognized and rewarded. Also, this line is called the line of friendship and is considered a sign of the location of rich, high-ranking persons.

The branch of the line goes to the Hill of Saturn(under the middle finger) . Life will be a struggle, and you will need to choose your own path without outside help. Evidence of a dangerous illness experienced, which has a beneficial effect on the rest of your life.

Branch to the Hill of the Moon. Thirst for new incentives for change. A sign of striving for the unattainable, a tendency to fanaticism.

Cross at the beginning of the line of life - failures, in the middle - a serious illness, at the end - a happy life until old age.

Crosses and stars between the lines of life and head under the hill of Jupiter. Fame and wealth, prominent social position, strong character, brilliant mind.

Determining the timing of events on the lifeline

On the handprint, draw a line straight from the inner corner of the Jupiter finger, or index finger, down to the life line. The point where these two lines intersect will be the 20 year mark, using this as a guide, mark the 20, 10 and 5 year intervals along the rest of the life line.

Determination of time on short lines of life. If you look more closely at the short life lines, you will see that by the end of the life line, the branch will connect it with another line, for example, with the line of fate; this line will then complement the curve of the life line. This reflects the presence of more significant changes in a person's life, such as moving to another country.

Temporal gaps, overlapping life lines. If the lines overlap, then move the timestamp to a new segment. Such a structure also predicts more serious changes in lifestyle.

Based on the book by E. Samofalova "Palmistry, or fate in the palm of your hand"

Read the Palmistry section on the esoteric portal

If we consider the line of Life from the point of view of the physical level, then it can be used to judge the health of a person at different stages of his life and activity. If we consider the line of Life at the psychological level, then we see the ability of a person to spiritual and mental self-improvement. Often one can observe such a trend: in the same age period, either deterioration or improvement in a person’s health status, his vital activity are noticeable both at the physical and psychological levels. For an accurate and most accurate forecast in this case, it is necessary to check the information on other lines and patterns on the hand.

If the line of Life in the palm of a person is long, clear, pronounced, reddish, without intersections, breaks and various signs, then this means that the life of the owner of such a palm will be long, the life path of this person will pass without obvious problems and misfortunes, his old age will be worthy and happy, life will be luxurious. If another line runs parallel to the line of Life, its “sister”, then this is a sign of a strong personality, this person has a strong character and has the makings of a leader. If the line of Life has intersections with a small line that comes out of the triangle, then this is a sign of a choleric temperament in a person. This person is quick-tempered, but just as quickly departs. Here there is a danger that subsequently this person, due to his nature, will develop a serious illness.

If the line of Life runs in the palm of your hand separately from the line of the Head, then this indicates that a person has a difficult character, he is uncommunicative, hard to get along with people, reluctantly admits his own mistakes, has rather strong sensual attractions, is overly self-confident, somewhat selfish and constantly moving. in search of happiness. If branches extend from the line of Life, directed to the finger of Jupiter, then this is a sign that this person will live a happy and prosperous life, a special peak of happiness will occur in youth and middle age. If the branches depart from the line of Life and are directed downward, then this means that a lot of difficulties and serious trials will arise on the life path of this person, perhaps in old age he will experience need.

If at the beginning of the line of Life there are various signs, points, branches that go somewhat crooked from the hill of Venus, this indicates that this person will not be very happy in a marriage union. Success and happiness in family relationships portends the “sister” line, if it is located at a far distance from the Life line. When a branch moves from the line of Life to the palm of Saturn, this is a sign that you should beware of diseases, colds and poisoning.

If there are points, nodules on the Life line, this is an indicator of serious health problems. In this case, this person should pay special attention to the work of their internal organs, as well as the organs of vision. If the line of Life is weakly expressed, located in the palm of your hand in the form of a thin line, pale and with breaks, then we can say that this person is very painful by nature, he perceives everything that happens too seriously and reacts too sensitively to the course of things, which gives him many unpleasant moments in life. The level of health of this person is weak, and the immune system, and the body as a whole, needs protection. The line of Life can be directed towards the hill of Saturn, and this is a signal that this person may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and it is worth paying attention to it as soon as possible. Also, by temperament, this person is most likely a melancholic, because of this, he may experience frequent depression, mood swings, which, in turn, negatively affects his health.

If the line of Life at the end has a break into two parts, then this is a sign that a person constantly doubts all his actions in the process of his life path. If a parallel line goes to the line of Life, and at the same time it is equal to half the size of the main line of Life, gradually decreasing in size, then this indicates that this person is destined to leave his native country and go in search of happiness abroad.
If the line of Life is located in the palm of a person in the form of a chain, then this is a sign that a serious illness is likely to occur, which will last for quite a long period of time. If abundant branches depart from the line of Life towards the line of the Head, then this is an indicator that this person will find happiness in his life, achieve recognition, and also fulfill his main dream, and material well-being awaits him. If the lines of Life and Head, as well as the branches coming from them, are directed towards the Valley of Mars, then obtaining financial well-being, success and happiness by this person is possible only if he goes through a thorny path.

If there is a fork on the line of Life and the outgoing branches form a pattern resembling a fork, then this is a sign that the owner of such a palm has excellent health and a lot of physical strength.

A long and clear line of Life indicates that this person has activity and vitality, his level of health is quite high.

A short and not very bright line of Life tells about its owner as a person who has too little supply of vital energy, he is not physically a strong person.

If the line of Life breaks on only one hand, then this is a warning about a disease that threatens the owner of such a hand, but the disease will be followed by a speedy recovery.

If the line of Life has breaks on both hands, then this person should be wary of a serious long-term illness with very serious consequences.

On the line of Life there may be several branches pointing upwards. This can mean good health, as well as the fact that the owner of such a hand is accompanied by luck and good luck in all his undertakings and accomplishments.

Covered with small branches going down, the line of Life is the personification of material failures and poor health.

If the line of Life originates from the territory of the hill of Jupiter, then this is a symbol of the fact that this person is a very ambitious person, capable of gaining phenomenal success in many of his affairs in the future.

The line of Life, originating from the line of the Head, is responsible for the control of a person over himself. This sign also indicates that this person likes to organize his actions, direct them in the right direction.

If the line of Life passes much below the line of the Head, then the owner of such a hand is unrestrained, shows aggression. If the line of Life ends with a fork on the hill of the Moon, then this means that this person will travel a lot.

Two small branches extend from the line of Life to the line of the Head - this is a sign that wealth awaits the owner of such a hand, there may be an inheritance, or there will be material support from parents.

If a branch departs from the center of the Life line towards the Head line, then this is the personification of the success and recognition of this person when he reaches middle age. If the branches from the line of Life are directed to the hill of Saturn, then the life of this person will be full of struggle and trials, he will pave his life path on his own and without any help.

Branches from the line of Life towards the line of the Sun speak of talent, as well as that he will achieve success and rewards for his labors.

If the branches move away from the line of Life towards the territory of the hill of Jupiter, then this is a sign that the person is very unrestrained, arrogant and harsh. Branches from the line of Life towards the hill of the Moon mean a person's craving for change.

Next chapter >

Branches and branch


Long and clear.

Short and changeable.

Line breaks. Changes in the direction of life.

Rupture in one arm only.

Line break on both hands.

Lots of small branches going up.

Lots of small branches going down. Poor health, financial failure.

Beginning on the Hill of Jupiter (1).

Start on the head line (2).

Palmistry | How to start | Hand | Fingers of the hand | Bumps on the palm | hand lines | Vocabulary | Articles

Line construction and signs | head line | heart line | | fate line | Sun line | Belt of Venus

Path of Voluptuousness | Lines on the wrist | hepatic line | Mars line | marriage lines | Baby lines

travel lines | line of intuition | circle lines | Reading between the lines

Compatibility and lines in the palm of your hand | Lines and health | Professions on the lines

Long and clear. Good vitality, healthy physique.

Short and changeable. Lack of energy, may be physically weak.

Line breaks. Changes in the direction of life.

Branches and branch on all lines of the palm, are present on almost every hand, and if you look at your lines, you will undoubtedly find many lines that branch and diverge in different directions as they pass through the palm. Lines and, accordingly, branches extending from the lines, in palmistry are associated with energy flows, and it is clear that when a strong good line branches into two parts, it weakens and loses strength - at the same time, it indicates the possible causes and consequences that gave rise to the splitting of the line.

The first thing to learn when studying outgoing branches and branches, this is that the branches extending from the main lines of the hand upwards are always favorable, and there are good marks on the palm - but if they are only not cut by other transverse lines. branches ascending upwards are the fountains of emotions and favorable impulses of a person's aspirations in life, this is the time when a person is clear.

Long and clear. Good vitality, healthy physique.

Short and changeable. Lack of energy, may be physically weak.

Line breaks. Changes in the direction of life.

Rupture in one arm only. An illness followed by a speedy recovery.

Line break on both hands. More severe illness, with more difficult and problematic recovery.

Lots of small branches going up. Good health, prosperity.

Lots of small branches going down. Poor health, financial failure.

Beginning on the Hill of Jupiter (1). Big ambitions - and likely success.

Start on the head line (2). Very self-controlled and everything counts.

The beginning is much lower than the line of the head (3). Lacks control, unrestrained.

What do the lines on the hand mean: Life line

A long and clear line of life on the hand - Good vitality, strong physique. Short and obstructed. Weak energy, physical soreness possible.

Similar to a chain - Enthusiasm is replaced by apathy, energy does not come easily, in separate jerks. The broken line of life on the hand is a change in the direction of life. Line break on one hand - Illness and speedy recovery.

Line break on both hands - More serious condition. Many small branches going up - Good health, prosperity. Many small branches going down - Bad health, financial difficulties.

Begins on the hill of Jupiter (7) - Very ambitious, success is likely. It starts from the line of the head (8) We manage, everything is calculated.

Begins much below the line of the head (9) - Uncontrollable, unrestrained. Ends with a fork, one branch of which ends on the hill of the Moon - Shows a long one.

My palmist friend often mentioned that any branches from the lines indicate bad or good situations in life.

Depending on the slope.

Those. those that went to the top indicate a favorable outcome, and those that went down - a negative one.

He also said that such branches from the line of life indicate sudden changes in life and a change of place of residence.

I have three lines going down from the life line.

He claims that this is for trips abroad. I really dream of traveling the world and I'm going to this goal.

But to say something in more detail about your branches, you need to look at your hands)

But don't put too much faith in predictions.


The length of the life line does not indicate the length of life.

A clear and long line of life speaks of a large supply of vitality, of a person’s physical health.

A short line is a sign of lack of energy, physical fragility.

If there is a break in the line on one of the hands, this is a sign of illness and a speedy recovery; a tear in both arms is a serious illness.

If there are many branches from the line, it is a sign of good health if the branches are directed upwards, and bad health is to be expected, as well as financial difficulties if the branches are directed downwards.

If the line starts from the hill of Jupiter, then this is a sign of ambition and striving for success.

If the line originates from the line of reason, then this indicates that a person is used to weighing and carefully considering each step. If the beginning is significantly below the line of reason, this is an omen of insufficient self-control.

Line of Life in the palm of your hand

The line of Life begins near the line of the Head, after which it passes through the hill of Venus and ends near the wrist. It reflects the entire life of a person.

Can talk about what awaits him in the near future. To do this, you need to guess by the active hand. For right-handers it is the right, for left-handers it is the left.

With the help of fortune-telling along the line of Life in the palm of your hand, you can find out in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personality it is better to develop in order to achieve maximum success.

Analyze how to reach your full potential, and what actions are best avoided.

Location Features

The Life Trait makes it possible to understand what kind of internal energy a person has, how it can be restored. Thanks to this fortune-telling, they learn about the sources of motivation.

Along the line of Life on the hand, it is possible to see the big picture: life will be cheerful and joyful or depressive, interesting or monotonous, filled with emotions or boring. Carries information about the character, temperament, type of thinking, model of human behavior.

Description of the main variations of the line of Life.

  1. Close to the big toe. The energy reserve is small, it requires regular replenishment. Vitality is low. It is better for a person to exist calmly and measuredly. It is hard to endure long journeys and any change of scenery.
  2. Far from thumb. Characterizes the personality as dynamic, cheerful, energetic, ready for large-scale accomplishments. Overcomes obstacles with ease. Achieves success in personal business, likes to take risks and try new things.
  3. Clear and without breaks. Stability, self-confidence, purposefulness are the main characteristics of the owner of such a line of Life. He always knows what he wants and how to get it. Not afraid of obstacles, successfully overcomes them.
  4. Short. Such a person is very self-limiting. Strives to earn more, but is afraid to become successful. Often suffers from depression or other mental disorders. It is hard for her to overcome herself or do something new. Likes stability.
  5. Thin. An indicator of a person living in a world of his own illusions and not seeing a real picture of the world. He constantly hopes for something good, and in return he often receives a negative. When confronted with reality, he can fall into a depressive state.
  6. Long. Talks about a person with a high level of suggestion. It is easy for her to impose her opinion, to force her to change her point of view. She quickly succumbs to any methods of influence, which is why she is often manipulated by dishonest people.
  7. Intermittent. The owner of such a line of Life often gets sick, has poor immunity. The trait may indicate the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and the musculoskeletal system.
  8. Situated high. Such a person is ambitious and friendly. He appreciates a good attitude towards himself and loves to please loved ones. Sick rarely, usually with colds.

The meaning of the double line of Life

The double line of Life has 2 opposite meanings: good and bad. It depends on her appearance. The second band is higher than the main one and runs parallel or crosses the inner side of the hill of Venus, sometimes passing through the line of the heart.

If an additional feature has a clear outline, is more expressive than the main line of Life, then the person is strong in spirit, self-confident and knows what he wants. It has a persistent character, so even long and serious trials will not be able to break the inner core of the personality.

If the double line of Life is weakly expressed, then this means that a person always has additional sources of energy, but sometimes he does not know how to use them. He says that a person is given a second chance to start life anew, but after a detailed analysis of previous experience.

Favorable meaning

The value of the double trait of Life depends on which palm it is on. If there is a bifurcation of the line of Life on the right hand, then the person has new opportunities. Sometimes such a person tries to be in time everywhere and forgets about the main thing. The two lines of Life serve as a reminder that you need to decide on the main goal and not be sprayed into all areas. And even in this case, you can build global plans.

If the line of Life bifurcates on the right hand of a woman, then she is given the opportunity to combine 2 areas. A typical variation is family and career. The presence of a double trait indicates that she will be successful in activities in 2 selected areas, but it will be difficult for her to achieve what she wants in other areas.

Sometimes the line of Life says that a person is two-faced. But this feature can be of good value. A person treats everyone well, does not condemn anyone behind his back. Duplicity is manifested in the perception of the world and attitude towards oneself. The person feels great, there is a switch to the inner world. There is a feeling of inner freedom and harmony. But the mood can change dramatically, and a person will begin to feel lonely, lose the meaning of life, and will not know what to do next.

Such a person has a flexible character. Easily switches between different areas: work, family, leisure. Sometimes this allows you to combine incompatible things.

negative value

When the line of Life splits into two branches on the left hand, this indicates a person’s difficult childhood:

  1. shows that he was heavily influenced by his parents, who constantly controlled his actions;
  2. indicates that praise from the outside is important for such a person;
  3. indicates that it is difficult for a person to make a decision if someone does not approve of it.

The presence of a forked line of life can indicate the duplicity of a person. In private, he can behave in one way, but in a company in a completely different way. This character trait is especially pronounced when the bifurcation of the line of Life is on the left inactive hand.

The double line of Life on the inactive palm in men can indicate the conduct of a double game. He can easily and without a twinge of conscience date two or more women. In business, he tends to deceive competitors and even a partner in order to achieve his own goals. Able to slander friends, parents.


In palmistry, the signs on the line of Life make it possible to analyze in detail the activities of a person. This is especially important for predicting the future.

If the line of Life on the hand bifurcates, and a square is found on it, then the person is protected by higher powers. He is a little sick, almost never in a depressive state, any unpleasant situation ends happily.

But if the square is close to the hill of Venus or Jupiter, then this means that the person is closed in himself and deprived of freedom. She is dependent on close people, she can live with an abuser.

Other symbols that can be on two lines of Life.

  1. Island. Characterizes the person as weak-willed and unprepared for big changes. She likes to go with the flow. Such a person is used to being content with little, does not even think about something more global and large-scale. If the island is located in the middle of the line, then you should start changing something to improve your life.
  2. A circle. Bad sign. Means that there are problems with the back or vision. Often such a symbol appears later, and is not detected at birth, and can only warn of impending problems. If the circle is in the middle, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
  3. Triangle. Shows the upcoming serious test, destined by fate. If it is located at the bottom of the line, then it speaks of the tragic death of a person. If at the top, that an accident awaits a person or someone close.
  4. Cross. He talks about big changes in his life. A person can become seriously ill, lose a loved one or a loved one, experience a strong shock. The number of defeats in its activities will significantly exceed the number of victories.
  5. Lattice. Means that time is wasted. If at the end the line also branches, then this indicates that something needs to be changed in life as soon as possible. In this case, it is recommended to reconsider work activities, relationships with a loved one or relatives, and analyze the environment.

Line taps

It happens that the line of Life diverges into 2 bands. What matters is where the branching occurred and how it looks.

A fork at the base of the trait indicates that the person loves travel and will connect his activities with them. She is destined to discover the world and tell others about it.

If the branching line is weakly expressed, then a person is expected to move frequently, not of his own free will, but of necessity. If the processes are deep and long, then the place of residence will change on its own initiative.

If the lines that depart are directed upwards, then an emotional upsurge awaits the person. His depression will be replaced by complete peace and peace of mind. Another branch option portends positive changes.

If new shoots go down from the main line of Life, then fate is destined for the loss of vital energy. For a while, a person will cease to be productive. Will suffer from a mental disorder, which will cause a deterioration in well-being.

If the line splits at the end and looks like a slingshot, then problems are coming in family life. It signals that you need to focus on the family, putting work and career in second place. Otherwise, divorce cannot be avoided.


Two features of Life in palmistry are a sign of a strong and self-confident person. He knows how to achieve what he wants, and knows how to successfully combine several important spectrums of life. We can talk about duplicity, which also has a double meaning depending on the location of the trait. There may be signs on the line that will help analyze the fate of a person, which is important in making a forecast.

When analyzing the line of Life, we will consider the most common endings of the line, such as: the ending, smoothly bending around and crossing the hill of Venus, as well as the ending of the line, going to the hill of the Moon and bifurcating the end of the line of Life.

The end of the line of Life, smoothly enveloping the hill of Venus shown in figure 1.19. When the end of the line of Life smoothly bends around the hill of Venus, forming the correct letter “C” and ends at the upper rosette, then this sign indicates a conservative, stable and constant person who appreciates and loves his home. Such people are homebodies who, with caution and reluctance, perceive all life changes, who do not like trips and moving. They value stability, comfort and coziness, and turn their home into a fortress. The negative point for such people is that they cannot tolerate circumstances that are unfavorable for themselves and are very much afraid of changes that can completely or partially change their usual way of life. If at the same time the thumb is hard and not flexible, and the line of Life and the Head have a long joint beginning, then such a person will be very conservative, who will be difficult and reluctant to go for everything new, previously unknown and unmastered.

The end of the line of Life, crossing the hill of Venus shown in Figure 1.20. The description of the end of the line, which reduces the hill of Venus, is similar in its interpretation to the small radius of the line of Life, but unlike it, it will refer only to old age and advanced age of a person. Thus, people who have such an end to the line of Life will experience a weakening of vitality and energy, a loss of interest in life and activity in the age period when the end of the line begins to cross the hill of Venus.

Line of Life, leaving towards the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.21, indicates the activity of a person and a tendency to frequent changes in lifestyle and moving. If at the same time the line of Life changes its direction, and does not split into two lines, then moving and traveling will become part of the life of such a person and will completely change the course of his life. It is also believed that if the line of Life in its end goes towards the hill of the Moon, then such a person will emigrate to another country and end his life not at home, but abroad.

On a psychological level, the line of Life, going to the hill of the Moon, will speak of the romanticism and originality of a person, as well as an original and non-standard mindset.

The life line splits, while one part goes around the hill of Venus, and the second part goes to the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22, betrays a person who is both restless and striving for changes in his life, but at the same time experiencing great affection for relatives and friends. The equivalence of the lines, in strength and depth, as in our example, will indicate that both directions and both life paths are equally important for a person. If the lines are unequal in strength and depth, then in the life of such a person there will be a choice. It will either concern life in two countries, or testify to different areas and different areas of development of interests, but in the end he will have to choose one path or decide on one area of ​​​​development, in which the direction whose line will be clearer and stronger will win.

If the line that goes to the hill of the Moon is stronger, then this is a sign of a distant move or emigration, despite the fact that this person will be connected a lot with his homeland, with the place where he was born and raised. If the line enveloping the hill of Venus is stronger, then the person will eventually gain stability and constancy in life, finish all his trips and choose a home and a native environment familiar to his heart and soul.

Life line breaks. Breaks in the line of Life are always interpreted negatively due to the fact that they weaken the flow of energy in one of the main lines in the palm of your hand. The energy that flows along the line of Life, having reached the place of the break, spills outward and does not go further to the rosettes, causing a person to have health problems or a loss of meaning and purpose in life. Therefore, in case of breaks in the line of Life, it is very important to find lines that can compensate for this gap and give a new direction to the flow of energy, since only in this case the heavy effect of the gap will be weakened, giving hope to a person for a speedy recovery or the beginning of a new path of personal development.

The action of the gap on the line of Life is multi-level and the gap itself can “work” on one or several levels, which is specified by the main lines of the hand. If we take into account only the gap on the line of Life, without taking into account the lines that we have not yet studied, then a gap on the line of Life can mean: at the level of physiology - a serious illness; at the security level - severe injuries to the body or death (necessarily specified by other lines in the palm of your hand or compensatory signs); at the level of psychology - a serious revision of beliefs, worldview, changes in character, habits and behavior, which constitutes a complete or fairly deep transformation of the personality, or indicates a loss of internal status - loss of faith in oneself, the collapse of hopes, the desire to live, etc .; at the level of relationships - the destruction of marriage or a strong connection; in terms of a career, a gap marks a radical change in occupation, a total job change, or other transformations that are very dramatic; in terms of finances - large losses of money; in terms of circumstances - a change in the quality of life, that is, a deterioration in the external conditions of existence. Also, the sign can indicate moving, emigration, if just above the gap a thin branch separates towards the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22.

Before studying the breaks on the line of Life, it is necessary to learn the basic law, which is used by all palmists without exception and concerns the displacement of the segments of the remaining line of Life after its break in one direction or the other. Thus, all breaks on the line of Life, with respect to their displacement to the sides, are divided into internal and external. An internal gap is such a gap, a new segment of which, after a break in the line of Life, shifts towards the thumb, and with an external gap, on the contrary, it shifts away from the hill of Venus. In Figures 1.23, line 1 and Figure 1.23-1, the inner break of the Life line is represented, and in Figures 1.23, line 2 and Figure 1.23-2, the outer break.

Internal break of the line of Life speaks of global changes in a person's life, mainly associated with poor health. Since the segment after the break of the line of Life is shifted towards the thumb and crosses the hill of Venus, reducing it, there is a weakening of vitality, a loss of interest in life and vigorous activity. The energy of action becomes less and less, so a person gets tired more often, he needs longer periods for sleep and rest to restore his strength. Such people, after a break on the line of Life, go into themselves, become couch potatoes and cease to be active. When dating is applied to the line of Life, it is possible to determine the age when the event itself will occur directly, which, with its influence, will negatively affect a person, unsettle him for a long time and weaken his health.

Outer break in the life line testifies to the influx of external energy in the second half of life, which will make the person more independent and self-confident. This sign also speaks of a person’s broader capabilities and his desire for change, therefore, such people, as a rule, become younger in soul, getting a second wind, psychologically freed from everything old and unnecessary, they begin to travel, thereby radically changing their lives for the better.

The general rule when analyzing breaks on the line of Life says that an internal break is a global change for the worse, and an external break is for the better. As a rule, such cardinal changes in people's lives occur after a single negative event, which is indicated by the very break of the line of Life, subsequently there is a global transformation and a change in the worldview of a person, thanks to which a revision of values ​​\u200b\u200bis begins and a person starts his life anew, already from scratch, oh what the offset of the broken line itself says. To determine this turning age in a person's life, it is necessary to apply dating to the line of Life. The age marker will be the end of the main line of Life or, most often, a thin comet (Ketu line) that cuts through the old and new segments of the displaced line of Life.

And now let's look at the main types of breaks that can occur on the line of Life. In total, three types of gaps are distinguished, which differ in the degree of overlap or compensation of the broken line of Life, these are: an uncovered gap (Figure 1.24), an overlapped gap (Figure 1.24-1) and an intersecting gap (Figure 1.24-2). Since the main interpretation of gaps has been fully described earlier, the main differences between gaps in comparison with each other will be considered below.

Uncovered break in the line of Life the most unfavorable of all existing gaps, which indicates the onset of negative events in a person’s life. The description of this gap is multilevel and was considered at the very beginning of this topic. This gap cannot be unambiguously interpreted as death or severe physical injuries of a person, since often this gap will be compensated by other lines or signs, which will be considered by us in the following topics.

Covered break in the line of Life. It is called overlapped or compensated because the ends of the lines inside the gap form an overlap and, as it were, overlap or overlap each other. This is the softest and most gentle break compared to other breaks, which speaks of a gradual and smooth change in life. For the most complete analysis, it is necessary to look at how the gap is closed - internally or externally, based on this and interpret it. If the closed gap is external and it starts a branch from the line of Life upwards, as in our example, then such a sign indicates a revision of the worldview and value system through a crisis, and the experience gained will play an important creative and strengthening role in the further development of the individual and will only benefit.

Intersecting Life Line Break mainly formed by broken parts of the line of Life. When determining the age period by dating, the time interval of the very intersection of the two lines will reflect a person's health crisis, operations or severe mental and physiological problems.

When analyzing gaps, it must be remembered that a gap on the active hand indicates global changes related to lifestyle changes, problems on the way to achieving personal goals, as well as health problems, that is, everything that concerns the active side of human life. The gaps on the passive hand will mainly relate to a radical change in worldview, worldview, the meaning of life and a revision of the value system. Breaks on both hands give a kind of inevitability and predetermine the course of events that will affect both the active and passive sides of a person's life.

Branches from the line of Life. Branches from the line of Life are called lines that originate on the line of Life and go up to the interdigital hills. Each branch coming from the line of Life indicates the fulfillment of desires, the satisfaction of ambitions, success, material gain and are considered very favorable for a person. The beginning of a new branch is the beginning of a new life stage and a period of serious positive changes. Each branch from the line of Life should be judged by their completion. If the branch turns out to be stronger and more powerful than the line itself, then such changes in a person’s life can also change the main course of the Life line itself. There are four types of branches, which differ only in that their ends extend to different hills, so they are divided into branches directed towards the hills: Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.

The branches towards the Mount of Jupiter are shown in figures 1.25 and 1.25-1 by line 1; to the hill of Saturn - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 2; to the hill of Apollo - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 3 and to the hill of Mercury - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 4.

Branches directed to the hill of Jupiter, indicate the desire to acquire authority, to strengthen their position in society and the desire to put into practice their desires and ideas. Often the branches directed to the hill of Jupiter are called “lines of ambition”, because they indicate those qualities of a person’s character that push a person forward and make him develop in accordance with his desires and ambitions, thereby satisfying a person’s ambition. In youth up to the age of 18–21 years, branches going to the hill of Jupiter indicate academic success, and in some cases branches on the Life line up to the age of 14–15 years can serve as an indicator of the success and material advancement of the father of the child. In school years, these branches, as a rule, indicate the restrictions imposed by the family or school, which must be broken in order to obtain the long-awaited freedom for personal development. If a thick branch from the line of Life goes to the index finger, then this is a clear sign of the person's efforts in an effort to get out of someone's control or destroy isolation in some area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example, it may be a time of separation from parents or leaving a partner who suppresses a person's individuality. A lot of rising small lines indicate a person who will constantly strive to achieve something in order to attract others. At the beginning of a branch in the middle of the line of Life, this fact indicates the choice of an independent direction in the personal, if the sign is on the left hand, and professional, if the sign is on the right hand, spheres.

Branches towards the Mount of Saturn, indicate success in a career, getting a new position or material recovery. In any case, from the branch of the branch from the line of Life, you will have to take on increased obligations, show much more responsibility in business than before, fully devote yourself to work, and only thanks to complete focus and dedication to these goals will success be guaranteed.

Branches towards the Mount of Apollo, are a pointer to a happy creative period. But at the same time it testifies that a person will satisfy his ambitions only with the help of hard work and great self-discipline. For all people, without exception, this branch is a sign of professionalism in the chosen profession or field of activity, and for an artist or artist, this will be the time of recognition and glory.

Branches towards the Mount of Mercury, indicate success in the fields of science, business or communication with people, and it is also an indicator of an increase in material wealth as a result of competent ability to manage money or business enterprise.

When analyzing branches from the Life line, it must be remembered that the branches must start from the Life line and not cut it. If the branch cuts the line of Life, then this sign is considered negative and will not have positive values, but in its action it will be similar to comets, which we will discuss below.

Double line of Life. The double line of Life (Figures 1.26 and 1.27) is a special karmic reward for pious and God-pleasing deeds in past incarnations. An extremely rare sign on the hands of a person. The difference between the double line of Life and the sister line (the line of Mars), which is designed to protect the main line of Life, is that in the double line of Life, both lines will be equally strong, even, go in one parallel course and direction, and they will also be equidistant from each other. friend throughout.

The double line of Life shows a physically and energetically strong, spiritually and morally stable person. Possessing extraordinary energy and penetrating power, a person with such lines will look for himself in areas related to interaction with other people that will require emotional and psychological stability, physical endurance, constant self-development, firmness and strength of character.

Despite the fact that Prarabdha karma for merits in past incarnations gave such a person a good, bright fate, excellent physical health and protection from various kinds of troubles, it also imposed on him additional responsibilities in life. Such a person, living one long human life, by his actions and deeds, as it were, lives two lives, having two completely different life paths and directions of development, which at the same time are very easily combined in his life. Such a person feels the need for parallel life paths, while two radically different ways of thinking, two worldviews coexist in him, and at one moment he can play one life role, at another - be a completely opposite person to himself.

When considering each line, it must be remembered that the inner line of Life plays the most important role. It is designed to be responsible for the state of health of its owner, for the level of vitality and energy, and also shows a connection with close relatives and spouses. The second line of Life, which is closer to the center of the palm, acts as a defense. She covers her, giving the first line of protection and protecting her from external influences and the negative impact of events. Also, the outer line of Life fulfills part of the line of Fate, which shows the professional orientation of a person, his ups and downs in his career. As a result, the outer line combines two lines - both the line of Life and the line of Fate.

When analyzing the double line of Life, it is necessary to take into account which hand these lines are on. If the double line of Life is on the active hand, then this indicates a very strong energy of a person, which must necessarily find its application in a person’s daily life. As a rule, such a person will live two lives, have different images, will play different roles, for example, he will be alone at home, completely different at work, etc. But at the same time he will manage to combine everything and succeed everywhere. The double line of Life in the hands of a woman will indicate a combination of career and family, despite the fact that these two different areas will be equally important to her.

If the double line of Life is on the passive hand, then this indicates that two completely different value systems, two worldviews, two inner worlds, different emotionality and sensuality, which very often replace each other, coexist in a person.

Signs on the line of Life. Signs on the line of Life are not common, and their presence on the line itself or next to it will indicate great fateful changes in a person's life. Almost all the signs we have previously studied, which are on the line of Life, carry a negative meaning and relate to both the physical health itself and the psychological state of a person. When analyzing negative signs, it must be remembered that the signs on the main lines are very difficult to change and are in no hurry to disappear from the hand, therefore, in order to “remove” a bad sign from the line of Life, it is necessary to radically change your attitude to life and your usual behavior. For example, if an accident sign is found on the Life line and at the same time a person is constantly inclined to violate the rules of the road, drive recklessly on the road, while showing disrespect for other road users, then in order for the sign to “leave” the line, it is necessary that the habit of observing traffic rules entered deeply into the mind of such a person. It has already been said earlier that the main task of a professional palmist is not to state the very fact of a future event, but to determine the problem area and correctly present information to the client so that he can take the necessary measures in time to prevent unpleasant events for himself and managed to turn the situation in his favor. Below we will consider the main, most common signs on the line of Life.

Points on the line of life interpreted according to their color. The color of the dot indicates the influence of Rahu or Ketu on a person. Thus, a red dot serves as an indicator of danger from nature (water, earth, air, fire), and a dark or black dot indicates an impending illness or operation. Black dots at the very beginning of the Life line may indicate congenital diseases in a child. The point at the place of the break on the line of Life is evidence of a severe and prolonged illness. But the most negative and dangerous sign will be the point at which the line of Life ends, indicating the age of violent death.

Island on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) indicates a period of poor health, fatigue and lack of vitality for the period of the sign. When analyzing the islands, it is necessary to apply dating to the Life line, which will indicate the start and end times of health problems.

Square on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) is a protective sign and has a protective effect in unfavorable periods of a person's life. In our example, shown in the figure, the square surrounds the island on the line of Life, giving the necessary protection to the human body from illness and hope for a successful outcome. It must be remembered that the square protects against the consequences of negative events, but does not cancel their onset.

Triangle on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) has conflicting interpretations and its influence on a person should be clarified along other lines in the palm of your hand. On the one hand, the triangle indicates an improvement in the financial situation and career success that a person will deserve thanks to his tactical and diplomatic abilities, as well as the ability to achieve his own. On the other hand, the triangle is a warning of danger from smoke and fire, especially if the sign is strong and is on both hands. Also, the triangle may indicate the acquisition of real estate with the help or from the father.

Lattice on the line of Life testifies to the loss of the meaning of life and the spiritual weakness of the individual. It is very important to evaluate the nature of the line of Life after the influence of the grid on it. If the line breaks, then the consequences of the events that occurred in a person’s life left a deep mark and affected the health of the owner of the hand. If the line of Life after the grid continues without changes, then the events were educational in nature and remained only in the mind of a person, without affecting health.

Cross on the line of Life in the interpretations of modern palmists, it is a sign of an increased accident rate from vehicles as a result of automobile or other types of accidents, or it indicates single, but striking negative events that will affect the quality of life of the owner of the mark.

Star on the line of Life has the same interpretations as the cross, but intensified many times over in its effect on a person. If this is an accident, then it is of severe severity, as a result of which a person can be on the verge of life and death, if this is an attack on a person, then with very serious consequences for physical health, etc.

Circle on the line of Life indicates vision problems or general health problems. In the classical interpretation proposed by palmists of the 18th-19th centuries, a single circle on the line of Life speaks of problems with one eye, and two circles - with two eyes. According to modern interpretations, circles on the line of Life indicate a deterioration in the overall vitality of the body.

Interaction of comets (lines of Ketu) with the line of Life. On comets, or Ketu lines, we have already partially dwelled on the topic of describing signs on hills, so this topic will consider how these lines interact with the Life line, how they look in the palm of your hand and what properties they have depending on where and how they end. You already know that comets in the palm of your hand give a person mental anguish, deprivation, worries and resentment, that is, they testify to psychological events that bring great mental pain to a person.

The general interpretation of comets is multi-level, and these signs can work at various levels of human life. If comets are related to physiology, then they give a person diseases; in everyday life - difficult conditions of existence; in relation to material status - monetary difficulties; to a career - indicate problems with work or dismissal from it; if to relationships and love, then these are conflicts, divorces, stresses and disappointments.

Comets are located horizontally on the hand, start on the hill of Venus and on their way cut through the main lines of the hand, including the line of Life. Any comet, due to the intersection with the line of Life, creates obstacles in the way of the movement of the energy of action, as a result of which it creates troubles, difficulties and problems in a person's life. Therefore, any crossing of the line of Life by comets is a kind of event marks on the lines, which are a warning factor about quite tangible changes or events in a person’s life that can lead to both psychological disorders and painful periods. For past time events, comets are just a recorded fact of unpleasant events, but for future time, this is a warning that should never be ignored. It must also be remembered that comets on the palms are different, therefore, when analyzing them, one should always pay attention to their expressiveness and thickness in relation to the line of Life, and it is also necessary to take into account its beginning and end, that is, the place where it comes from and where it is heading. When comets intersect with the line of Life, it is necessary to visually extend the cutting line towards the hill to which it is directed, as a result of which it will be possible to determine where the danger will come from and what its consequences will lead to, by analogy with the previously considered lines of Rahu. If at the same time the comet looks weaker than the line of Life in strength and thickness, and does not damage it after crossing, then the event that will happen in a person’s life will not cause significant losses, the obstacles will be easily overcome, and the events themselves will be forgotten very quickly, since they will not inflict deep spiritual wounds. And vice versa, if a cutting line cuts the line of Life, after which its character and direction changes, as a result, negative signs appear on it, such as islands, crosses, dots or breaks, then such an intersection is an omen of very unfavorable events that will knock out a person for a long time from the usual rhythm of life and will affect all spheres of his life.

And now let's move away from the general theoretical description of comets and consider how they look in the palm of a person and what they affect depending on their type, length, beginning and direction. All secant lines in palmistry, which somehow interact with the line of Life, are usually divided into several types depending on the nature and scope of their influence. The safest type of comets that do not make contact with the Life line are called lines of concern (shown in Figure 1.29 and located at the bottom of the hill of Venus in the white oval). Further, in proportion to their negative impact, comets come, which stop on the line of Life without crossing it (Figure 1.29, lines in a white circle); then comets follow, which cross the line of Life and go into the space between the line of the Head and the Heart (figure 1.30). The remaining comets are considered depending on the lines they cross: crossing the line of Life, Fate or Apollo (Figure 1.30-1), crossing the line of Life and Head (Figure 1.31), crossing all the main lines and going to the line of the Heart (Figure 1.30-1 ).

Small lines on the hill of Venus that do not cross the line of Life, called lines of anxiety and testify to periods of excitement and anxiety. The periods of influence of these lines on a person are characterized by nervous tensions, in which it is very difficult to achieve inner harmony and tranquility. If there are many such lines, then this indicates a person’s internal nervousness, a strong receptivity and impressionability, as well as a strong waste of the necessary energy. If at the same time the entire palm is covered with a network of small chaotic lines and islands or irregularities are present on the Head line, then the nervousness and anxiety of the character of such a person intensifies. Nervousness can also be a consequence of the unfulfillment of one's desires and aspirations, the causes of which are specified along other lines of the hand.

Comets that reach the line of Life, but do not cross it, are divided into comets related to the sphere of personal or family relationships. These comets are event comets, the duration of which is determined at the point of intersection or at the place of their meeting with the Life line when dating is applied to the main line.

Comets emerging from the realm of personal relationships, cross the lines of Influence on the hill of Venus, or originate from them, but do not cross the line of Life - they indicate family problems and troubles. They also indicate experiences that relate to personal life or indicate conflicts with spouses and related stresses that give problems with the development or continuation of relationships.

Comets related to the sphere of kinship relations, originate from the region of relatives and start either from the Maliki rekha, or next to it on the hill of Venus. As a rule, such lines testify to the feelings and stresses associated with relationships in the parental family or with loved ones. These may be contradictions, quarrels, or attempts by parents to interfere in the affairs and life of a person. Comets also indicate that such attempts on the part of relatives are perceived with hostility and negatively affect the course of a person’s life.

Comets crossing the line of Life and leaving in the middle of the palm, in the space between the line of the Head and Heart, speak of strong external changes and the experiences associated with them. These can be strong shocks or non-standard situations that are perceived very negatively by a person. If the comet crosses the island, which is located on the line of Life, then this sign is a classic sign of the operation.

Interpretation of the line of life

The line of life determines the life potential of a person, and not the longitude of the century. In addition, the pattern on the palms is constantly changing, which makes its own adjustments to the definition of the fundamental events of a person’s fate. A long line of life does not guarantee the longitude of the century, and a short one does not prophesy an untimely death. This needs to be cleared up once and for all.

The line of life is considered an indicator of the viability of a person, his love of life and vitality. Of course, the level of energy determines both the quality and longevity of life - but this level can be increased through an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Therefore, you should not fatally perceive the pattern on the palms, if everything can be changed with your own hands.

Where is the life line located? It goes around the thumb, forming between it and the index finger. The farther the distance of the line from the thumb, the greater the life potential of a person. If the line closely adjoins the thumb, the supply of vital energy in a person is small. Such people are characterized by rapid fatigue, a passive attitude to life and frequent illnesses.


What does it mean if the life line bifurcates at the end? Palmists say it will be a waste of energy. It can be serious illness or weakening of vitality. Let's consider all the options for splitting in more detail.

If the branch from the main line is barely visible in the palm of your hand, this predicts a weakening of the person's defenses: he can get sick. The bifurcation on the hand of young people is especially dangerous - you need to urgently pay attention to your own health.

If one of the branches goes to the hillock of the moon, this warns of the development of senile dementia. What can be done in this case? Take drugs that increase the quality of memory.

However, if the fork in the direction of the Lunar Hillock is clearly marked and has a pronounced depth, this indicates a move to another region or even a country.

If the bifurcation is clearly formed and looks like a fork, this indicates a person's fatigue. What do we have to do? Rest more often, do not overload the psyche and do not strain at work.

two lines

Sometimes on the palms you can see two lines of life at once, running parallel to each other. What does that mean? If the sister line is long, this indicates a person’s luck - he is lucky in life. This additional feature is sometimes called a guardian angel, because it protects a person in difficult moments of life.

If the sister line is located near the end of the main life band, then the person will be active even in old age. He has enough vitality to overcome illnesses and hardships, he is not threatened with senile malaise.

intersecting lines

The life line may intersect with other lines in the palm of your hand. These intersections have their own meaning. For example, the intersection with the line of fate is considered negative - the individual hinders himself with wrong thoughts and actions. He is confused by constant doubts, uncertainty about his own abilities and various phobias.

The intersection with the line of the mind is considered a positive symbol. This shows a purposeful and persistent person who knows how to set goals in life and achieve them with hard work.

If you see an intersection with the lines of the head and heart, this sign is considered fatal. The same applies to the intersection with the health line. However, the intersection with the line of fate is the most positive sign of all.

Sometimes near the life line you can see small dashes located perpendicularly. What does it mean? Palmists call them lines of anxiety. These dashes can also cross the line of life. If there are many such dashes on a person’s hand, he worries over any trifle and deprives himself of peace. These are lovers of making an elephant out of a fly and panicking because of every sneeze.

If there are few dashes, they can be used to determine in what life periods a person experienced serious events in his destiny. Sometimes there are no lines of concern on the palms. This suggests that a person is little concerned about the problems and troubles of life, or they are completely absent in his life.

Crossing lines of anxiety indicate dramatic events experienced by a person. If these intersections are located at the end of the life line, a troubled old age awaits a person. Either these will be serious illnesses, or strong experiences.


What marks can be found on the life line or next to it? Attracts attention:

  • square;
  • cross;
  • dot;
  • mole.

The square is interpreted in two ways. It can carry both positive and negative meanings. A square has a positive effect if there is a gap in the line of life - it connects the line with itself. When a person is overtaken by a blow of fate, the square shows the possibility of getting out of the water dry in the most unfavorable scenario.

If the square does not connect the broken line of fate, this is an extremely unfavorable sign. A period of isolation awaits a person - whether it be a serious illness or even imprisonment. However, not everything is so sad: sometimes a square can show leaving for a monastery or studying at a closed educational institution.

The cross at the end of the life line speaks of a long age, contrary to the negative interpretation of the symbol. The cross at the very beginning of the line shows a sincere and friendly person who can be completely trusted.

A mole portends a disease. When deciphering the meaning, you should pay attention to the nature of the life line after the mole. If the line has an unclear outline, then the disease will take a lot of vitality. However, if you have a guardian angel line, you will be able to cope with energy losses and quickly restore health.

Watch a video about the interpretation of the meanings of the life line on the hand.

Life line length

Many people, starting to study palmistry, believe in the myth that the length of the life line affects the lifespan of a person. Therefore, people believe that a short life line means a short life, a long life line belongs to people who live long. This is absolutely not true.

On a short line of life, a person's life can be displayed for 50 years, and on a long line of life, a life period of only 35 years. The question arises. Why do some people have a long lifeline and others have a short one? The answer to this question is not difficult.

The length of the life line does not determine the length of a person's life.. It is associated with a sense of time or subjective perception of events in a person's life. A short life line shows that a person has a poorly developed sense of time. Such people, as a rule, do not relax well, are often excited, etc. They don't plan their time well.

Life line thickness

Broad line of life. Broad lines on the palm of your hand usually indicate the slowness of the processes, the calmness and uniformity of the flow of energy for which they are responsible. The events associated with the passage of this energy also depend on this.

A wide line of life indicates that a person’s life is going on normally, it is inactive. Everything goes according to plan, events are predictable. Therefore, even if some important, major events occur in a person's life, they do not greatly change the overall course of life.

Narrow line of life. Narrow lines in the palm of your hand indicate swiftness, the speed of events, the flow of vital energy. The narrow line of life shows that a person's life is developing at an accelerated rate. Especially if at first we see a wide line of life, and then it turns into a narrow line. Usually, defects on such a line interrupt the accelerated flow of vital energy, so a person reacts quite sharply, emotionally to them.

Surface line of life. The main characteristic of surface lines is the lack of energy and its scattering. This also applies to the line of life. The surface line of life indicates that there is a lack of vital energy, so a person can be lethargic, weak and even sick during these periods. Life is not going the way he would like. A lot of energy is spent on unnecessary things, it is dissipated.

Deep line of life. Deep lines speak of quality, fullness, and even an excess of energy. A deep line of life indicates a great potential, fullness, quality of vital energy. Usually this period is characterized, first of all, by good health, mobility, and an active lifestyle. Events or defects on the line do not greatly distort the course of vital energy. Thanks to this, a person does not experience much discomfort when new important events appear in his life.

Defects on the life line

A defect on the life line is an event that occurs in a person's life. The form, size, feature of the defect during interpretation provides information about the psychophysical state during his stay in this event. Dating the line allows you to determine the date, time when this event happened or will happen. If you are fond of palmistry, first of all you must learn how to interpret any defects on the life line.

Defects on the lines, or the main and important events in a person's life, disrupt the already weak course of vital energy. Therefore, as a rule, a person can generally fall out of reality or fall into a stupor. Depending on the nature of the person and his specific behavior, the consequences may be different.

Break in the line of life

Usually, many myths are associated with this defect. According to them, this is a very bad sign, which, almost always, speaks of death, mortal danger. Actually, it is not. A break in the line of life is really a negative sign. This means that the normal course of vital energy has been abruptly interrupted. A breakdown has come, the flow of vital energy is no longer flowing normally through a pipe, but a channel. He is out of control.

A break in the line of life always carries the effect of surprise. It can be like an accident, being fired from work, the death of a loved one, etc. Such a defect in the life line is often found in women who were highly dependent on their husbands and had an unexpected divorce in their lives. For them, this means collapse. However, in order to unambiguously determine what exactly happened in a person's life, it is necessary to clarify this defect by analyzing other lines. To do this, it is necessary to date the lines and consider the period of time on them when a break is observed on the life line.

There are cases when the line of life breaks and its two branches diverge to the sides. There is a small line that connects them. This sign softens the negative meaning of the break in the line of life. This usually means that an unexpected negative event that happened in a person’s life unsettled him for a while. The person has not been in a state of stress or in a shock situation for too long. Another mitigating sign is the presence of a square at the break of the life line.

The square on the life line is a patch that holds back the spread of life energy. Although the event was unexpected for the person, he had a reserve, a plan for getting out of this situation.

Break with overlap

Quite an interesting and difficult to interpret sign. A gap with an overlap on the lifeline can have both a positive and a negative value. In any case, this is a gap, so it carries the character of surprise and difficulties. But a person, thanks to difficulties, can gain life experience, or, on the contrary, give up.

It is the break with overlap on the lifeline that is associated with these two cases. It is usually difficult to identify which of the two signs is inherent in this defect. To do this, it is necessary to analyze other lines, as well as events in the future, after the break with overlap.

Island on the line of life

An island on the line of life is a period of slowdown, stagnation. We observe that the normal course of vital energy is disturbed. If the flow rate is high, then the island has a major, main importance in human life. The negative value is amplified. In the case when we have a wide line or a surface line, then the island changes the flow speed little, so it is expected or does not carry a strong event load.

In most cases, an island on the line of life indicates weakness, illness, stagnation of vital energy. From the point of view of Qigong, these are diseases of the physical body.

Square on the line of life

The square in most cases has a security function. Therefore, if another defect is observed on the line, then it smooths it out. When we observe a square on the line of life and there are no other defects on it in this place, then the square no longer has a positive function. This is already redundant. Therefore, it is logical to consider that its function is now limited. Under the restriction are usually social framework. It can be studying at a university, a hospital, an army, imprisonment, a prison, a monastery, etc. The interpretation of other lines will help to clarify and clarify this meaning.

Crosses and stars on the line of life

Crosses and stars have a basic characteristic for all lines. This also applies to the line of life. In this case, they characterize the external factor. Another vital energy interferes with the energy of a person and counteracts it. This causes problems. Therefore, stars, crosses on the line of life are negative signs. External factors interfere with the normal rhythm of life. Under external factors, people, enemies, etc. can also act. The star, as a rule, has a greater negative value.

Point on the line of life

Dots play a role only for the main lines on the hand. This is due to the fact that the points on the secondary lines do not carry a large information load. A dot is an indentation on a line. Such a point can be obtained by pressing on the line with a ballpoint pen. Dots are similar to islands, but have a more negative meaning.

Points on the line of life are openings in the channel through which vital energy flows. If we imagine that life energy flows out through these holes and falls from a height, then this will be a correct comparison. Points on the life line are accidents, usually related to health. Usually it is a fall from a height, with speed, etc. In other words, everything related to movement. The most negative sign is a black or dark dot. In this case, we can talk about almost 90% of the probability of an accident in a person's life.

Another negative sign is a dot at the end of a break in the life line or the end of the life line. Almost 99% of such cases mean an accident, resuscitation, etc.

sister life line

One of the most favorable signs is that the life line has another line that goes next to it. In palmistry, they usually say in this case that a person is accompanied by a guardian angel. More modern, a person always has a supply of vital energy. This is due to the fact that next to him there is always someone who can give him support, guardianship, patronage.

Interestingly, the sisterly line of life can mean both a person in the physical world, in reality, and simply the luck of a person. The latter can be considered a help to a person of higher powers.

Dashes, deviations from the line of life

The dashes are an obstacle to the normal course of energy that flows along the line. In the case of the life line, there are exceptions. Let's look at them in detail.

For any dash on the line of life, you can indicate the direction by mentally extending it to the base of the fingers. Depending on which hill, area this line (direction) passes through, the dash has a positive or negative value.

Usually dashes have one of two directions. This is the direction to the hill of Jupiter and the direction to the hill of Saturn. Therefore, consider the meaning of dashes for these two cases.

The direction of the dash to the hill of Saturn. Saturn has a negative meaning in this case. A dash pointing to the hill of Saturn indicates loss, care, a problem. The dash symbolizes someone else's life energy, which disappears and leaves. This may be the loss of loved ones, divorce, loss of a patron, loss of material resources, etc. Those who know the runes will probably notice that this dash is similar to the Nautiz rune. This rune of need. That is why we call this line the line of need.

Direction to the hill of Jupiter. Jupiter is positive in this case. A dash pointing to the hill of Jupiter indicates acquisitions, replenishment, and a solution to a problem. To the main vital energy is added someone else's vital energy, which complements and helps the main course of vital energy. In most cases, such lines mean the purchase of an apartment, the purchase of a house or a car.

Direction to other hills. In the case when we cannot indicate directions to the two hills described above, then we interpret the dashes in a standard way. In this case, they are interference or influence from other people. Each dash symbolizes a specific person. Relationships with him can create problems.

There are cases when there are defects on the dashes themselves. If the dashes themselves mean people, then the defects on them give the characteristics of these people. The most common case is when there is an island on the dash. In most cases, this configuration means a loved one who is sick. But it is not always the case. Therefore, we can only talk about the likelihood of such an event in a person's life.

Lines of Influence

There may be other small lines next to the life line. These lines are called lines of influence. The line of influence can run parallel to the line of life, somewhere close to it, and somewhere away from it. In some cases, it may connect with it or simply cross it. Each such line denotes an external factor, usually a human one. These are the people who influence a person's life. It can be patrons, partners, close people.

In those places where the line of influence approaches the line of life, the influence of a person increases. Obviously, the sections of the life line, where the line of influence moves away from it, symbolize the period of life when the influence of an external factor decreases.

The intersection with the life line means a strong interaction, which can be positive or negative. It is necessary to clarify a specific case with other signs, for example, interpretations of other lines.

The case is also obvious when the line of influence is connected to the line of life. Partnership, marriage, marriage are the main meanings of such a feature. In most cases, such a sign on the palms of women means marriage.

"Comets", lines of difficulties. Below the mount of Jupiter is the inner mount of Mars. Some palmists call it the "evil" hill of Mars. This is due to the fact that lines can go from this hill that cross the line of life. These lines in palmistry are called lines of difficulty. Their interpretation is ambiguous. Such lines can symbolize difficult times, losses, failures. The energy of Mars interferes with the main flow of vital energy, which negatively affects it.

Let us consider here another defect that occurs along the line of life. We have already discussed that points on the life line have a negative meaning. Usually these are difficult times, health problems. If we see not just a dot, but also a small line or small lines that move away from the dot, then we are dealing with a comet. This is the name of the point with "hairs", branches extending from it. This formation is similar to a comet. In palmistry, as in astrology, comets have a negative meaning. The "hairs" of a comet are called its tail. Usually the tail points towards the inner hill of Mars. Comets speak of operations, medical intervention. The probability of this value is higher than 99%, so we consider this value to be almost certain.

These are the main defects that can be found on the line of life. Specific defects in the form of a circle, pentagrams, etc. we will not consider. Such formations are quite rare. In most cases, pentagrams are the fruit of the fantasies of the owner of such a palm. These pentagrams are actually an overlay of several minor lines as well as the main line. Therefore, they are ordinary dashes. Under these dashes are simply events.

Branches down from the life line

There are cases when branches depart from the line of life, which can be directed both simply down and towards the hill of the Moon. We can say that another stream is separated from the main energy flow, which goes to the side. This is the extinction and reduction of vital energy. This means that something happens in a person's life that reduces the quality of vital energy. The interpretation of such deviations is not clearly defined. But statistics show that 80% of cases of deviations from the line of life down to the base of the palm, there is an illness, medical intervention, and 70% of cases of deviations on the hill of the Moon are global moves, as well as long trips.

End of life line

The life line begins between the hills of Jupiter and Mars. It can end both in the middle of the palm and at the base of the palm. In the first case, we are dealing with a short life line. We have already discussed this sign. Therefore, consider the case of a long line of life and study its end.

The line of life may have a rounding at the end and go to the hill of Venus. It can also end between the hills of Venus and the Moon. There is also the case when it enters the hill of the Moon at its end. It is necessary to consider these three cases and give them an interpretation.

The end of the line of life on the hill of the moon. In the classical works of palmistry, it is believed that this is a sign of a long-distance move in the second half of life. To some extent this is true. Indeed, the owners of such a line of life have many changes in their lives. They are often on trips. Therefore, the case of moving overseas or thousands of kilometers is not excluded.

The end of the line of life in the middle of the base of the palm and on the hill of Venus. If the line of life ends in the middle between the hills of Venus and the Moon, then trips are also not uncommon in the life of such a person. But they are much less than in the first case. This also applies to changes in life.

Ending on the hill of Venus. When the line of life ends on the hill of Venus, we can say that its owner is difficult to adapt or simply does not like to move, travel. Very rarely he moves from one city to another.

Dates and times on the lifeline

The life line is the most important line in the palm of our hand, and therefore we must learn to date it first. But there is no single method. There are general prerequisites and comments. Perhaps in the future, with a detailed study, a comparison of many facts, it will be possible to create a single methodology, but so far it has not been created. Therefore, we will be content with what we have and what works.

Rules for determining time on the life line:

1. Time but life lines are read from top to bottom. The period of time of childhood, youth is under the hill of Jupiter, the period of life from 21 years to 40-45 years under the hill of Saturn, The rest of the life line symbolizes the period of life after 50 years. This is a general interpretation. It is applicable when the line of life does not have a sharp and steep slope to the base of the palm. For gentle life lines, as well as those making a sharp bend towards the base of the palm, this interpretation is being specified.

2. Short life lines that end in the middle of the palm are not interpreted using the interpretation given in rule 1.

3. Separate sections of the life line have their own scale. Towards the end of the life line, a shorter fragment of the life line symbolizes a longer period than at the beginning. Over time, most people live in the past rather than the present or the future. Therefore, an event closer to old age is displayed almost insignificantly.

4. The life line displays events that have made changes in a person's life. These are drastic changes. They leave their mark for a long time. Only after reflection, rethinking, they can disappear from the line of life years later.

5. If we correctly and successfully make dating for the life line, then we can divide our whole life into periods of 2 years, which will be displayed on the line in the form of very small sections. We cannot detail and break these periods into smaller intervals. Smaller periods will in this case be points on the line of life. It is a big misconception that these areas can be detailed under a microscope or just under a good magnifying glass. This is not true.

6. It is quite difficult to date the life line on rectangular palms, especially if their owners are creative people. Below we will consider one algorithm that allows dating in most cases and quite successfully.

An algorithm that allows you to conditionally determine the time on the lifeline

Applicability: The line of life should be well defined, not have a sharp slope down to the base of the palm, and also not be too short.

1. We conditionally find the border between the hill of Jupiter and the hill of Saturn. Through this border we draw a vertical line that will cross the line of life. This vertical line should be parallel to the fingers and the length of the palm. With such a line, we separate the period of a person's life from 1 year to 17-24 years of life. Scale is maintained in this section of the lifeline.

2. We must find a defect in this area, if there is one. Interpret this defect, after which the owner of the palm to clarify when the event occurred, which is marked by a defect.

Consider an example. We saw a break in the line of life. We told the owner of the palm that an event had occurred that had the effect of surprise, due to which the normal rhythm of life was disrupted (of course, we consider other lines in parallel to specify how this event affected thinking and emotions). With the help of the line of mind and the line of life, we determined that this event did not greatly affect thinking and did not affect the emotional sphere. Suppose the owner of the palm tells us that at the age of 14 they moved to another city, according to the will of their parents. Now we know that the period from the beginning of the life line to this defect is 14 years. After that, we can divide it proportionally into periods of up to 2 years. We also mark a section of the life line up to 22 years using the same scale.

3. The second period of life falls from 22 to 40-45 years. This area already has a different scale. This period needs to be dated. We find the border between the hill of Saturn and the hill of the Sun, after which we draw a line through it, which will cross the line of life. This vertical line should be parallel to the first vertical line.

4. Consider the side of the palm that is closer to the hill of the moon. We select a segment that starts at the base of the palm and goes to the line of the heart. This segment runs along the edge of the palm. We find a point on it, which is the middle of this segment. Similarly, we draw a segment along the other edge of the palm from the base of the palm to the beginning of the life line. In this section we also find the middle. Now, through the midpoints of these two segments, we draw a horizontal line that will cross the line of life.

5. We have two lines. We have one vertical, which begins between the hills of Saturn and the Sun. Another is horizontal. One of these two lines passes through a point on the line of life, which refers to 40-45 years of a person's life. In some cases, these lines pass through one point, in other cases close, and sometimes far from each other. Our task is as follows: to determine which of these two lines defines this site. Therefore, we choose the one of the lines that crosses the line of life closer to the top of the palm. After that, we find a defect on the life line, which is between 20-22 years of a person's life and the intersection of this line. Naturally, it is better to find a defect that is located closer to 20-22 years of a person's life, since, perhaps, we have a young man in front of us. This defect must relate to the person's past. In interpreting this defect in the owner of the palm, we ask you to clarify the date of the event that corresponds to this defect. Thus, we determine the event and time after 22 years of life up to 40-45 years. Let's say the owner of the palm named the date 30 years. As a result, we determine the time interval in the palm of 22 years before this event (in our example, it happened at 30 years). The scale in this section is preserved, so we can break the fragment of the life line from 22 to 30 years into periods of 2 years. After that, using this scale, we determine the time on the life line corresponding to the intersection of one of the two lines that we received. If this line intersects the life line up to 40 years, then we can continue splitting the life line up to 40 years, using this scale, until we reach the mark of 40 years.

6. After we have determined the mark of 40 years, we must take into account that a person's sense of time is dulled. Therefore, throughout the rest of the lifeline, the scale will constantly decrease. There is no single methodology here. It can only be noted that up to 50 years we can still use the scale defined for the area on the life line from 22 to 40 years of life, but with errors. Usually this scale needs to be changed. Here it is taken into account that an ever smaller section of the life line now symbolizes a long life time.

7. The remaining segment of life from 50 years and above is very difficult to interpret.

We can say that to some extent we have learned to date the line of life. As already noted, dating is the most complex procedure that occurs in palmistry. People who have a well-developed intuition will be able to give the exact date of two defects on the line and graduate the life line without asking questions to the owner of the palm. But such people are more psychics. Therefore, one should not be shy to ask two or three questions to the owner of the palm in order to apply this algorithm. Without knowing the exact dates of two or three events on the line of life, we will not be able to predict others.

The double line of life is not very common, but you can’t call it a big rarity either. This dash can be of different thickness, it can run parallel throughout the life line or only in a certain area. The value also depends on which palm it is present on or is more clearly visible. There is a difference in interpretation for men and women.

What does a double life line look like?

Its interpretation largely depends on how the double life line on the hand looks. The most pronounced second line begins between the index and thumb, runs parallel to the main branch. There are situations when the second line is not very clear, it accompanies the main one only in a small area. Sometimes the line of life on the hand simply bifurcates, then its interpretation is completely different.

Two lines of life on the hand, almost the same depth and length, say a lot about their owner. They are interpreted in palmistry as a positive sign of fate. Such a person will always have excellent support, he will be able to realize himself in several fields. Diseases and misfortunes will bypass him. When the second branch is short, barely noticeable, it speaks of an assistant who will accompany the owner only at a certain age.

Some believe that the double line of life means duplicity. To some extent this is true. But duplicity does not carry a negative meaning here. The fact is that people with such branches on their palms can cope with many things at the same time. This is especially true for those who have parallel features on the right palm. Often, their owners make a career in different fields, and equally successful. They know how to adapt to the people around them, without losing their personal qualities.

If the main branch is not accompanied by a double line of life in the entire area, this means that the person will have a patron. It can be a real person, a close relative, a mentor or a good friend. Often an abstract personality becomes a patron. This means that the owner of the palm grows spiritually, finds his way and support in religion. Very often, a parallel or bifurcated line of life in people appears with age. Then it can be clearly said that at some point along the way a person has found a mentor, helper or a strong, sincere faith.

The value of the double line, depending on the hand

In palmistry, it is believed that the vicissitudes of fate are affected not only by the pattern in the palm of your hand. Of great importance is which of them, right or left, it is located. So, let's see what the double line on the right and left hand means.

Right hand

The bifurcation of the line of life on the right hand characterizes active people, capable of independently changing their fate. Such individuals have a lot of energy, they cannot sit still and passively wait for changes. Always take the reins of government into their own hands.

Thanks to the activity of a person at one stage or another, an influential patron appears. This applies to those cases when the line of life on this hand bifurcates with age. If there is a drawing from birth, its owner is able to reach the heights of success even without outside help. The short second branch says that in adolescence a person will find a mentor for himself, capable of influencing life even when he leaves it.

Also, a double line on the right palm may indicate deep spirituality. Internal perfection is achieved through work on oneself, personal searches. The congenital double line indicates that a person from childhood seeks to combine religion and active self-improvement in his life. Acquired - about a new faith, spiritual growth.

Left hand

If two lines of life on the hand are located on the left side, then its owner will gain benefits regardless of their efforts. Often this is a sign that he has a strong patron or assistant in his family. It can be a father, mother, husband or wife, brother or sister. A person listens to their advice and follows the instructions. Often chooses the same profession as one of the parents. At the same time, he achieves considerable success in his field, as he has the constant mentorship of a loved one and his support.

If we talk about the spiritual component of the line, then on the left hand it consists in the patronage of the ancestral Egregor. This is a kind of family amulet, tied to two lines. A person grows spiritually, remaining in his tribal tradition. Often, an older relative becomes a spiritual mentor - grandfather, grandmother, uncle.

When the double line of life in people on the left hand is not very clear, or appears over time, this means a break with the family, which can cause personal problems. Since childhood, the owner of such a branch has been accustomed to follow the instructions of his parents, but at some point he finds his own way. At the same time, a strong attachment to relatives does not allow him to fully open up to them. A double life causes internal conflicts and contradictions. At the same time, a strong patron intervenes in fate from the outside, who often appears on the path of life quite by accident.

Double life line for men and women

For men and women, the meaning of the double line of life is somewhat different. The fates of its owners are similar, but gender leaves its mark.

Double life line for men

If the line of life bifurcates in the palm of a man, this is a sign of his multifaceted nature. Often a man in a working relationship shows one character trait, and in a personal one - completely different. For example, he can be a strict boss, but completely obey his wife. Or vice versa, it becomes a quiet employee and domestic tyrant.

A double life branch on the left palm of a man is a sign of a slightly passive, but spiritually developed person. Often luck floats into his hands, the owner of such a line does not make any effort to achieve success. In life, there are always patrons and friends who are ready to lend a shoulder. It happens that the wife or spiritual mentor becomes the most reliable support.

Double line of life on a woman's hand

The owner of a double line of life in the palm of your hand will face a difficult fate. Such a sign on the right hand characterizes a strong woman. She achieves everything in life herself. Able to make both a dizzying career and at the same time be a wonderful mother. Often, family and work affairs come into conflict, they force you to constantly fight and prove your own “I”, but a woman will not be able to give up her career or sacrifice her house.

When the line of life on the left palm bifurcates, the woman will be lucky. She will not have to put in too much effort to arrange her destiny. She always finds support, first of all, in her family. A father or husband can become a patron, who gladly accepts all aspirations. Often such women are engaged in creativity. They can combine it with the duties of a wife and a good career.

Bifurcation of the life line

It happens that the line of life bifurcates into two branches in some area. This position has its own special meaning in palmistry. Here are some cases:

  • The line in human life is bifurcated at the end with a fork. This is a good sign, the owner will retain energy and health for many years. It is worse when the line of life bifurcates at the end and the side branch is more clearly marked than the main one. Such a case means a decline in strength in old age.
  • If the line of life on a person's hand bifurcates and goes up to the hillock of Jupiter. The owner of such a picture is a strong personality who strives for career heights, material well-being and success.
  • A forked branch descends down to the lunar hill. People with such a line are fickle, are in constant search, often change jobs, place of residence, make conflicting decisions. If a split appears at the end of the life line, then mental problems await the owner in old age.
  • The bifurcation on the line of life descends on the hand to the Mars plain. The sign is not the best, the owner is constantly haunted by failures, he is often sad, depressed.
  • The bifurcated line of life touches the branch of fate on the hand. In a certain period, a person is in danger.
  • The main branch weakens after it diverges from the additional one. At some point, serious health problems will appear. To prevent them, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a doctor.
  • If the line of life evenly bifurcates, a person needs to reasonably distribute work and rest, not to overstrain.

It is important to understand that bifurcations can manifest themselves in different ways on two hands. If they are similar, then the predictions of fate are accurate, there is no doubt. When they appear more clearly on the right hand, it means that the owner himself will influence his own life, will be able to change negative circumstances. The signs on the left indicate that successes and failures depend little on the efforts of a person. It is also necessary to know that the meaning of the bifurcation of the line of life of left-handers on the right and left hands is interpreted in the opposite direction.

Signs on the double line of life

Any negative sign that is on the double line of life weakens. Such a branch is a reliable protector of its owner. Positive signs, on the contrary, increase their influence. Here are some additional drawings that can be found in the palm of your hand:

  • Square on the left hand. The owner of such a sign in life will have a strong patron or a wise mentor who will positively affect fate.
  • A square near the Mount of Venus. The sign warns of an unfair trial and even imprisonment.
  • Islands in the middle of both branches. Periods of energy decline, illness, depression should be expected. You can prevent them by the right way of life, in which work is reasonably combined with rest. You should listen more to your needs.
  • A sharp turn of the second line to the tubercle of Venus. The owner will have to drastically change his life, move to a new place or go on a long business trip.
  • A dash that crosses one or both life lines. A person is in for a strong emotional shock or physical injury.
  • Break on the main line. Negative changes are possible that a patron or true friend can prevent.
  • Break on an additional branch. Loss of support.
  • Break on both branches. A dangerous sign, a person will be left alone with his problems, or he will not be able to avoid unwanted changes.
  • Cross. Means danger, difficult period. It is better when it is only on one line. In this case, troubles are likely to bypass.
  • A star in the middle or at the end. A negative sign that may indicate illness, injury, shock.
  • Triangle. If the sign is located on an additional branch, then a smart and diplomatic friend accompanies a person through life. On the main one, the owner himself is an example of wisdom and patience.

Do not panic! Did you see an unfavorable sign on your hands? Look for security signs. Palmistry. #one

In palmistry, the double line of life is a special sign. Its owners are the lucky ones who are lucky in life, some of them have patronage from above. But the meaning of this symbol is not always unambiguous. Additional marks and drawings on both hands affect the interpretation of the sign. Palmists are sure that a detailed study of the double line of life will allow you to learn a lot about a person and protect him from unpleasant situations in the future.

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      How does the double line of life manifest itself?

      There is a double line of life on both hands. One of the hands is considered active and the other passive. For a right-handed person, the active hand means the right hand. All the changes in life that a person has made himself with the help of his own willpower and actions will be reflected in it. The left hand for the right-hander is considered passive, so those signs of fate that were destined from birth will be visible here. If a right-handed person has signs on his right hand that are not on his left, then he is a strong-willed person who can change his fate. For a left-hander, the meaning of the hands is reversed.

      • Palmists are advised to compare the drawings on both palms, study them in detail, and only then draw conclusions.

        The main line of life usually goes around the hill of Venus and the lower hill of Mars. The second line of life runs from the inside of the hill of Venus and is parallel to the main one from beginning to end. In some cases, the line of life bifurcates into two branches only in the lower part of the palm closer to the hand.

        According to the outlines of the line can be:

        • clear and deep or superficial and barely noticeable;
        • intermittent or continuous;
        • short or long;
        • with additional drawings or without them;
        • with or without deformation.


        In most cases, a double life line is a good sign. For a man (right-handed), the location of such a sign on the left hand indicates the duality of human nature, the presence of several views of the world. One look came from my mother and the other from my father. If the sign appeared on the right hand, then the owner of such a palm is a persistent and strong-willed person who is able to overcome difficult trials and has great vitality.

        For a woman, the presence of a double line of life speaks of perseverance and perseverance in achieving the desired. Such a woman goes to the goal despite all the difficulties, she is very sensual and emotional.

        For both sexes, the second line always means support in life - from the father, family or higher powers (guardian angel). Perhaps the owner of this sign has a twin brother or sister, which is also considered support.

        The second line of life manifests itself in several cases:

        • when a person begins to follow the spiritual path of development, goes into some kind of religious teaching;
        • when a person himself is able to influence his destiny and change it for the better;
        • when the owner of the sign has another guardian angel.

        Another interesting option is if the fork appears only in the lower part of the palm. The owner of such a sign at a certain point in his life will do something that he has not tried before.

        Deep or shallow line

        A clear and deep double life line shows that a person has good health and a stable life. An additional plus is if the line is long and reaches the brush. In this case, the person is a long-liver.

        In the opposite case, when the line is superficial and barely noticeable (dull), the person has health problems, lack of strength, or some kind of problems in life (personal, financial). It is advisable to take care of yourself and improve your health.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Long and short lines

        Although some palmists talk about a direct relationship between life expectancy and the length of the life line, there is no exact pattern between these parameters. The line is an indicator indicating the amount of vital energy given to a person from birth. The more energy a person has, the more resilient and stronger he is, and the longer his life line. It may change over time. The nature of the changes depends on the personality of the owner, character, perseverance, willpower and decisions made at certain stages of life.

        The longer the line, the larger the semicircle it encircles around the thumb (the hill of Venus) and the further it is located from it. This option indicates that the person has a lot of vitality, she is distinguished by special enthusiasm, love of life and positive. A person with such a sign is capable of labor exploits, he quickly recovers from physical exertion, loves outdoor activities.

        The smaller the line, the denser it is adjacent to the hill of Venus. The owner of such a sign has little energy, he is slow, weak, passive and gets tired quickly, needs frequent relaxation and rest. The way out in this case will be regular physical activity, exercise, a healthy diet and medical procedures to strengthen immunity.

        Intermittent and continuous

        A solid double line without breaks is a good sign that speaks of a normal healthy life. The value changes only if additional patterns are present.

        With the decoding of the interrupted line, everything is more difficult. This sign is peculiar, and its meaning varies depending on the length of the breaks and their location. There are 4 break options:

    1. 1. A small tear (about 1 mm) indicates a short-term problem or illness.
    2. 2. A large gap (more than 1 mm) indicates illness or life difficulties that will take a longer period of time than in the first case.
    3. 3. A gap with a shift of the lines to the hill of Venus is a very unfavorable sign, which indicates a decrease in vitality due to a severe illness. More difficult is the case when the sign is shown on both palms - you need to seriously think about your life, reconsider your worldview and take care of your health.
    4. 4. A break with a shift of the line away from the hill of Venus is a good sign, it speaks of positive changes in life: moving to other countries, fateful events, meeting an important person.

    If breaks are present only on the left hand, then some important events will not come true.

    Additional drawings on the double line of life

    The dashes crossing the double line indicate the difficulties that a person will face at a certain moment. This is not a dangerous symbol, but it is worth paying attention to.

    Islets (circles, ovals) are also an unfavorable sign, indicating loneliness, problems, depression and stress. The owner needs to reconsider his views and seek help from a psychologist.

    A square is a sign that carries several meanings for the owner. If it is located at the place where the line breaks and overlaps it, then this indicates a favorable completion of affairs - a person will cope with difficulties. If the square is just on the line, then this is a sign of a person’s internal isolation at a certain point in time, imprisonment, a solitary lifestyle or training are possible.

    The triangle is a good omen, indicating that a person has special talents, for example, to convince, think, or create brilliant things.

    Branches pointing upwards are good luck in life and opportunities that await in the future. The point is an omen of severe stressful situations, health problems. The fork is a good sign that indicates the honors and wealth that await its owner. The person will become a famous poet, writer, artist or scientist.

    If there are different deformations on the double line of life, then this is a sign of difficulties and trials in certain periods of time.

    In general cases, palmists interpret a double line as a sign of a person's support. In life, the owner of such a sign feels confident and protected, he has more energy and strength to accomplish his plan. Do not think that the absence of a branched line of life is a sign of failure or danger to life. Such people have enough of their own strength and energy for all accomplishments. The second line can manifest itself in any person when she deserves it or changes her fate in the right direction.

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