Who are the noses. South American coati (Nasua nasua) South american coati (eng.). Food as a form of entertainment

The name coati or coatimundi is borrowed from the language of the Tupian Indians. The prefix "coati" means "belt" and "tim" means "nose".

area: South American nosoha is found in tropical regions of South America: from Colombia and Venezuela to Uruguay, northern Argentina, it is also found in Ecuador.

Description: The head is narrow with a slightly upward elongated and very flexible nose. Ears are small and rounded inside with white rims. The fur is short, thick and fluffy. The tail is long, used for balance when moving. On the tail are light yellowish rings, alternating with rings of black or brown.
The South American nosoha has short and powerful paws. The ankles are very mobile, thanks to which the animals can climb down from the tree, both the front and the back end of the body. The claws on the fingers are long, the soles are bare. Thanks to strong clawed paws, nosuha successfully uses them to dig out insect larvae from under rotten logs.
The fangs are very sharp, and the molars and premolars have high and sharp edges.
Dental formula - i3/3, c1/1, p4/4, m2/2, total 40 teeth.

Color: The South American nosukha is characterized by wide color variability not only within the range, but even among babies from the same litter.
Usually the body color varies from orange or reddish to dark brown. The muzzle is usually colored uniform brown or black. Pale, lighter spots are located above, below and behind the eyes.
The neck is yellowish. Feet are dark brown to black. The tail is two-colored, the rings are sometimes faintly visible.

The size: Body length - 73-136 cm (average 104.5 cm). Tail length - 32-69 cm. Height at withers 30 cm.

The weight: 3-6 kg (average 4.5 kg).

Lifespan: In nature 7-8 years. The maximum life span in captivity has reached 17 years and 8 months.

Voice: Females use barking vocalizations to alert their clan members to the presence of danger. They also make whimpering sounds to keep the young close to them during the weaning process.

Habitat: From shrublands to primary evergreen rainforests.
Nosukh can be found in lowland forests, wooded river areas, dense bushes and rocky areas. Thanks to human influence, they currently prefer secondary forests and forest edges. On the eastern and western slopes of the Andes mountains, they are found up to 2500 meters above sea level.

Enemies: Jaguars, cougars, ocelots, jaguarundis, as well as large birds of prey, boas. Persecuted by man for meat.

Food: South American noses are primarily omnivores and usually seek out fruits and invertebrates. They eat eggs, beetle larvae and other insects, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, ants, termites, lizards, small mammals, rodents, and even carrion when it is available to them.
They can be found in landfills, where they scour human garbage and select everything edible from it. Sometimes South American noses eat chickens from local farmers.

Behavior: Usually active during the day. Animals spend most active time for food, and at night they sleep on trees, which also serve to equip the den and give birth to offspring.
When threatened on the ground, the noses run to the trees; when predators threaten on a tree, they easily run to the end of the branch of one tree, and then jump to the lower branch on the same or even another tree.
An analysis of the structure of the eyes of the South American coaty showed that they contain a special layer, which indicates that their daytime activities evolved from a nocturnal ancestor. In addition, the nose has been found to have color vision. Unlike kinkajou ( Potos flavus), the South American nosoha demonstrates the ability to distinguish between shades of colors.
Nosuhi are good climbers and swimmers. On the ground, they walk leisurely, although they can gallop for short distances. Their average speed of movement is approximately 1 m/s.
The anal glands have a special arrangement, and they are unique among Carnivora. They are a glandular region located along the upper edge anus, containing a series of bags that open with four or five slits on the sides. The fatty secretion secreted from these glands is used to mark the territory.

social structure: Female South American Nosoha live in groups of 4-20 individuals, sometimes up to 30 animals. Such a group includes several sexually mature females, the rest of the members are their immature cubs. These groups are very mobile, as the nosoha move a lot in search of food. Males lead a solitary life and only during the mating season join the family groups of females. Shortly after mating, they leave the group.
Each family group has its own territory, which is usually about 1 km in diameter. Home lots of different groups may partially overlap. South American coats in such groups participate in social grooming, and are more protected from enemies than single individuals.

reproduction: In the mating season, one male is accepted into the group of females and young. Everyone pairs with him. sexually mature females living in a group.
The period of growing offspring is timed to the time of fruit ripening.

Season/breeding period: October-March, young people are born in April-June.

Puberty : In females at 2 years, in males - about 3 years.

Pregnancy: 74-77 days.

Offspring: In a litter, a South American nosukha usually has 3-7 (average 5) cubs.
The female gives birth to her offspring in a den, which she equips in isolated tree hollows, for which time she leaves her social group.
Newborn cubs are helpless: they have no hair, they are blind and weigh only 75-80 grams. The eyes open at about 10 days. At the age of 24 days, young coats can already walk and focus their eyes. At 26 days, the cubs are able to climb, they switch to thick food at the age of 4 months.
When the cubs are five to six weeks old, the female returns to her family group.

Benefit / harm to humans: South American nosy helps control the population of some types of harmful insects. They (as prey) provide food for a number of predators, and are probably important in dispersing the seeds of some plant species.
Rough noses occasionally cause damage while harvesting fruit, and have also been known to attack poultry.

Population/conservation status: In Uruguay, South American coats are protected by Appendix III of the CITES Convention.
The main threats to this species are: intrusion into its habitats (cutting down forests for mining, extraction of timber, etc.) and hunting.

Ten subspecies are currently recognized: Nasua nasua boliviensis, Nasua nasua candace, Nasua nasua dorsalis, Nasua nasua manium, Nasua nasua montana, Nasua nasua nasua, Nasua nasua quichua, Nasua solitaria, Nasua nasua spadicea, Nasua nasua vittata.

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scientific classification
International scientific name

Nasua storr,


The noses are so named for the small movable proboscis formed by the front of the upper lip and the elongated nose. Body length 41-67 cm, tail 32-69 cm. Weight about 11 kg. The body is elongated, the limbs are of medium height, the front ones are shorter than the hind ones. The tail is very long. The coat is short, soft or high and then somewhat coarser. The color of the back is reddish-brown, reddish-brown-gray or black, the belly is blackish or dark brown. Muzzle, cheeks and throat are usually whitish, paws are blackish. There are black spots on the muzzle. The tail is lighter and darker than the color of the body, rings.

Nosuhi are distributed almost throughout South America, throughout Central America, almost throughout Mexico, except for the California Peninsula and central regions countries; in the United States, southeast Arizona, southwest New Mexico, extreme south Texas.

Nosoha live mainly in tropical forests, however, they are also found on the edge of deserts. Nosuha are omnivores, but prefer meat food. Unlike other raccoons, leading night image life, noses are active around the clock and especially during the day. Usually kept in groups from 5 - 6 to 40 individuals.

Females and cubs live in groups, while males stay alone. During the mating season, males visit groups of females and, through grooming and other gestures, try to win the sympathy of females for mating, after which they leave again. After a pregnancy lasting about 77 days, the female gives birth to two to six cubs.


Two species belong to the genus nose:

  • Nasua Narica Linnaeus, 1766 - Coati;
  • Nasua nasua Linnaeus, 1766 - Common coat.

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  • Sokolov V.E. Systematics of mammals. T. 3. (Cetaceans, carnivores, pinnipeds, aardvarks, proboscis, hyraxes, sirens, artiodactyls, calluses, equids) - M: Higher. school, 1979. - S. 129.

An excerpt characterizing Nosuhi

Anatole Kuragin lived in Moscow because his father sent him away from St. Petersburg, where he lived on more than twenty thousand a year in money and the same amount of debt that creditors demanded from his father.
The father announced to his son that he last time pays half of his debts; but only so that he would go to Moscow to take up the post of adjutant to the commander-in-chief, which he secured for him, and would finally try to make a good match there. He pointed out to him Princess Mary and Julie Karagina.
Anatole agreed and went to Moscow, where he stayed with Pierre. Pierre received Anatole reluctantly at first, but then got used to him, sometimes went with him to his revels and, under the pretext of a loan, gave him money.
Anatole, as Shinshin rightly said about him, since he arrived in Moscow, drove all Moscow ladies crazy, especially by the fact that he neglected them and obviously preferred gypsies and French actresses to them, with the head of which - mademoiselle Georges, as they said, he was in close contact. He did not miss a single revelry at Danilov and other merry fellows of Moscow, he drank all night long, drinking everyone, and visited all the evenings and balls high society. They told about several intrigues of him with Moscow ladies, and at balls he courted some. But with girls, especially rich brides, who were for the most part everyone is bad, he did not get close, especially since Anatole, which no one knew, except for his closest friends, was married two years ago. Two years ago, while his regiment was stationed in Poland, a poor Polish landowner forced Anatole to marry his daughter.
Anatole very soon abandoned his wife, and for the money that he agreed to send to his father-in-law, he reprimanded himself for the right to be known as a bachelor.
Anatole was always pleased with his position, himself and others. He was instinctively convinced with his whole being that it was impossible for him to live otherwise than as he lived, and that he had never done anything wrong in his life. He was unable to consider how his actions might resonate with others, nor what might come out of such or such an act of his. He was convinced that just as a duck was created in such a way that it must always live in water, so he was created by God in such a way that he must live on thirty thousand income and always occupy the highest position in society. He so firmly believed in this that, looking at him, others were convinced of this and did not deny him either the highest position in the world, or the money that he obviously borrowed without return from the counter and cross.
He was not a player, at least he never wanted to win. He was not conceited. He didn't care what anyone thought of him. Still less could he be guilty of ambition. He teased his father several times, spoiling his career, and laughed at all the accolades. He was not stingy and did not refuse anyone who asked him. The only thing he loved was fun and women, and since, according to his concepts, there was nothing ignoble in these tastes, and he could not consider what came out for other people from satisfying his tastes, then in his soul he considered himself an irreproachable person, sincerely despised scoundrels and bad people and with a clear conscience carried his head high.

Nosukha(from the Latin Nasua) or coati (from the Spanish Coati) is a genus of mammals from the raccoon family. Your name raccoon received because of a peculiar movable nose resembling a trunk. The natives of one of the Indian tribes named the animal so, in whose language it sounds like coatimundi, which means "coati" - belt, "mun" - "nose".

The body length of the animal, excluding the tail, is from 40 to 70 centimeters, the tail is quite long and fluffy, reaching 30-60 centimeters in size. Adult weight raccoon coats up to 11 kg. The hind limbs of the animal are longer than the front ones and have movable ankles, which allows them to climb trees upside down.

The claws on the paws are quite long and are used both for moving around the terrain and vegetation, and for extracting food from the bark of trees and the ground. The head is of medium size, in proportion to the body, with protruding small, rounded ears. The color of the body dry is brown-red, gray-red or black-red. The tail is striped with alternating rings of lighter tones with dark ones.

A general understanding of the appearance of these animals can be viewed on the Internet at numerous photo nosuh. Habitat nosokha - North and South American continent. These mammals prefer to settle in tropical forests, but are also found on the edge and even in mountainous and hilly areas.

Although coats are land-based, they are excellent at swimming and even love to do it very much. The membranes between the fingers help them move quickly through the water. Depending on the habitat, three types of coats are distinguished: ordinary coats, coati and nosuha Nelson.

Character and lifestyle

Nosoha family day inhabitants, at night they sleep, most often, in equipped places on trees - nests. These move mainly on land, and move very slowly - the average speed of their walking is no more than one meter per second. When hunting for food or impending danger, they can move much faster, but only over short distances.

Females with cubs live in small groups of 5 to 40 individuals, while males are mostly loners and come to the flock only during the breeding season, but not surprisingly, to the same females. Often there are fights between males because of females, if a strange male does not come to his flock.

Nosoha, although they belong to the raccoon family, unlike them, they are rather calm animals and easily get along with people. In an apartment, you can start a coat by placing it in a spacious cage, but if you have your own house, then an aviary is quite suitable for living such an animal.

Nose at home very quickly get used to their owners, do not bite or scratch in the game. For the animal to live normally, it is necessary to place in a cage or aviary: a shelter, a drinking bowl, a feeder and necessarily structures for climbing them, perhaps these structures can easily replace tree snags.

For ease of cleaning the housing of this animal, sawdust or dry foliage can be laid out at the bottom of the cage. In order for the animal to warm up, it is sometimes worth releasing it, under vigilant control, from the cage.

Nosukha nutrition

food animal nose are frogs, lizards, small mammals, insects and various fruit fruits. Thus, these animals are omnivores. The search for food is usually done in groups, notifying other participants in the search about the discovery of food or danger, in the form large predators, by means of a raised vertical tail and a vocal whistle.

They look for food using their amazing nose-trunk, sniffing everything around them and feeling food through smell. If the search for an insect occurs on a tree or on the ground, then after the nosuha detects it, prey occurs with the help of long claws.

If the attention of the animal is a small animal, then the hunt occurs as follows: when a lizard, frog or other mammals is found, the nose chases him, catches up and bites through the neck, pressing the body of the victim to the ground, after which he kills him and eats parts.

If you bought a coat and keep her at home, then she should be given to eat lean meat, eggs and fruits (apples, bananas, etc.), also this animal never give up cheese.

Be sure to always make sure that there is water in the drinker in in large numbers. Nosuhi are not very picky about food. Daily diet adult reaches about 1-1.5 kg of food per day.

Reproduction and lifespan

Puberty of noses occurs from two years. When the female is ready for mating, the male comes to the flock, often having defended his advantage over the female in battles with other males. After that, the male-winner marks the territory of the couple's residence with a pungent smell and other males avoid being in these places.

The ritual before mating takes place in the form of cleaning the female's hair by the male. The period of removal of litter in these animals lasts about 75-77 days. Two or three weeks before giving birth, the female drives the male out and leaves the pack, making a nest in the trees for the birth of cubs.

The number of individuals born is usually from two to six small noses. The offspring of the nosukh grows very quickly and after 4-5 weeks the female with the cubs returns to the flock, where old females and young ones who have not yet given birth have helped her to raise offspring.

An interesting fact is that at the age of two or three weeks, little noses are already trying to move around and often try to get out of the cozy nest in which they were born, but since the females are constantly with the cubs after giving birth, they catch them and return them to their place.

In nature, it is very difficult to see the offspring of these animals, the females hide them very well in the trees in the nests. Therefore, to admire them, you can look nosukha cubs in the photo. Average duration The life of the nose is 10-12 years, but there are individuals who live up to 17 years.

They differ from raccoons in their muzzle. Upper lip nose flows into a long nose, which in terms of functionality resembles a small proboscis (like an elephant). Nosuha at home is very interesting, but we will talk about domesticated individuals a little lower in the text.

The nose of these animals has hypersensitivity and mobility. The main task of the nose-proboscis is to search for food under the litter layer of soil.

The coat lowers its proboscis nose under the foliage and begins to ruffle and loosen it. Various insects and even small rodents with lizards immediately climb to the surface. This living creature is the main diet for noses. Due to its omnivorous nature, the maintenance of nosoha does not become too burdensome.

Also, in addition to food of animal origin, noses with big hunt feast on various fruits, vegetables, nuts and many other gifts of nature of this plane.

In the wild, nosoha breeds once a year (most often in early spring). The brood is 3-6 individuals. Only females are engaged in education.

The life expectancy will depend on what the nosoha eat.


The nose family is not so numerous. There are 2 main types of noses:

  1. Nosukha ordinary
  2. coati coati

ordinary coat most often found in South America. Coati is more common in North America. They differ from each other in color and composition. Ordinary coats have a coat color closer to red. Coati have a more pronounced gray-brown color. Due to the fluffy fur, the ordinary coati seems to be larger than the coati.

Friendship with a person

Nosuhi are excellently domesticated,. These animals are more intelligent than cats and dogs. With noses you need to find mutual language they are sensitive and emotional. Nosuha in a private house is becoming more and more common. The main advantages of nosoha as a pet are:

  • Cleanliness (nosukhas do not stink)
  • playfulness
  • curiosity
  • Unpretentiousness to food (everything goes to food)
  • He speaks different voices(from grunting and yapping to bird chirping)

According to the habits, the nose is compared with a dog. This exotic animal is just as playful, it is interesting to spend time with it.

Nosukha at home is a completely tolerable and normal pet.

Among the shortcomings of nosuh can be noted:

  • The need for arranging a spacious aviary
  • Nosoha must live as a couple, otherwise the animal will often get sick
  • Nosukha does not go to the tray, as soon as the animal is not accustomed to this
  • The nose needs to be walked often
  • The aviary of the coat needs to be cleaned almost every day.
  • The nose has claws, this animal scratches

The main difficulty in handling nosuha lies in the organization of the life of this animal. But in general, the content of the nose is not so problematic.

Firstly, the coat in the apartment should live in a spacious aviary. Inside the corral there should be at least 2-3 large branches for each individual so that the animals climb on them. Also, in the aviary you need to put a house for spending the night, a feeder and a drinker. You can not put the tray, coats are not able to get used to the tray.

Secondly, with an adult nosoha, you need to walk down the street at least once a day. A leash is used for walking. Also, the coat needs to be released from the aviary so that it walks around the apartment (house).

Among other things, do not forget about vaccinations. Like any pet nose is better to vaccinate.

In a word, nosuha needs careful care.

What do noses eat?

By nature, noses are omnivores. Most often, noses are fed:

  • Boiled meat - better lean poultry or beef
  • Raw and boiled eggs - chicken and quail
  • Boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, etc.
  • Kasham - buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.
  • Fruits and berries

As a rule, noses need to be observed, noting for themselves their eating habits. Each individual nose has its own tastes. Meals should be organized according to their preferences.


Nosukha is one of the best candidates for the role of an exotic pet. This animal is very groovy and playful. His appearance fundamentally different from the appearance of familiar domestic animals. The noses are curious. They love to touch and hold things that are interesting to them in the lamps. Nosukha in a private house takes root very well.

The animal known as coati is scientifically called coati (coatimundi or coat). This name came from the words of the Indian language Tupian - coati, meaning "belt", and mun, which translates as "nose". Nosukha this animal of the raccoon family was nicknamed because of the movable, trunk-like nose. Inside it are sensitive receptors responsible for recognizing odors. A huge number of muscles makes this "process" very flexible, because coati examine natural recesses in search of food with it.

Nose types:

  1. Nasua nasua (Common nosoha);
  2. Nasua narica (Coati);
  3. Nasuella olivacea (Mountain nosoha);
  4. Nasua nelsoni (Nelson's coat).

Finding photos of representatives of each species is not difficult.

It is a subspecies of the common coat (Nasua nasua Linnaeus). It is distinguished by a narrow head with a flexible movable nose directed upwards. Small round ears on the outside have white rims. The muzzle is brown or black. Slightly above and slightly below the eyes, as well as behind them there are light spots. The neck is yellowish. All the features of this cute animal are visible in his photo.

Short and powerful legs have movable ankles. This gives the animal the opportunity to climb down from the tree with either end of the body down. The fingers have long claws, and the soles of the paws are bare. The color of the legs is black or dark brown. Such limbs provide advantages in climbing trees and foraging in the soil. The tail of the animal is long, two-colored, with yellowish, black or brown rings.

Coatis are good divers and swimmers due to the webbing between their fingers. The noses are very clean, they rinse their prey, paws and tail in the water, as soon as they are on the shore of the reservoir.

The body of the South American coat is from 73 to 136 cm in length, and the tail is from 32 to 69 centimeters. When moving, it is always kept straight, although the upper tip is slightly curved. Height at the shoulders - 30 centimeters. The coati weighs 4.5 kg, however, large six-kilogram individuals can also be found. The entire body of the animal is covered with short, warm and fluffy fur.

Among the enemies of noses, the most annoying cats are cougars, jaguars, ocelots. In addition, they are not "friends" with large birds. Life span in natural conditions - 7–8 years, and in captivity almost 18.


Animals are active throughout the day. During the day they look for food, and at night they settle in the trees for the night. By the way, in the same place, in a well-equipped den, their offspring are born.

In general, the noses feel quite free on the trees. There they hide from the danger threatening from the ground, and easily jump from branch to branch if the danger is also “on top”. But coati walk leisurely, move at a gallop for short distances. They do this in a very unusual way - first they lean on the palms of their forelimbs, and then roll forward with their hind limbs. average speed movement - 1 m per second.

A feature of animals is the various vocalizations they publish:

  • chirping;
  • whimpering;
  • screams;
  • grunt;
  • snoring.

With their help, coatis communicate.

The fangs of the animal are blade-like, and the molars have sharp tubercles. In total, the animal has 40 teeth in its mouth. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to count them in the photo, but the data of animal researchers is worth trusting!


Nosuha is an omnivore. Its menu includes:

Nosuhi are also found in landfills, where they rummage through the remains of garbage. Also can steal chickens from farms.

Nosuha takes biting insects with its front paws and rolls on the ground in order to separate the sting in this way. She presses large prey with her paws to the surface and kills with a bite to the neck.

Way of life

The way of life of animals is different depending on the sex. Females live in groups of 4 to 20 individuals. Composition - several sexually mature females with cubs. Groups are highly mobile, traveling long distances in search of food. Behavioral relationships in a group are complex. Remotely, they resemble the communication of primates. For example, clan members clean each other, care for cubs together, and drive away enemies. There are many touching photos where animals take care of each other.

Each family group lives in his territory. Its diameter is, as a rule, 1 square kilometer. Nosuha in such groups are less endangered than individual individuals. To warn about her, the female uses barking sounds. They mark their territory with a fatty secretion secreted by the anal glands and urine. When an outsider invades, coatis will fight using their claws and fangs.

Anal glands are different special structure. This is a glandular area running along the upper edge of the anus, which contains a series of bags that open with four or five slits from the sides.

In the heat, noses prefer shade. When it subsides, they go hunting. In this case, the nosukha can travel up to 2 km. Young people spend time in games. At night, animals climb to the tops of trees, hiding from most predators.


The lifestyle of males is solitary. They join groups of females with young animals only on mating season. It continues October to March. Males actively compete for females. Teeth are shown to the opponent and a threatening position is taken - lifting on hind legs with the end of the muzzle raised up. Only the strongest remain in the group. All sexually mature females mate with him, after which he leaves her. By the ripening of the fruits, when food is the most, there is a period of growing cubs.

Pregnancy lasts 74-77 days, after which 3 to 7 babies are born. At this time, the female leaves the group. She equips a nest in a hollow, where the offspring will be until such time as they can not walk and climb trees.

Newborns lack hair, vision, and they weigh from 70 to 85 grams. Eyes open only by 10 days of life. At 24 days, young coats are able to walk and focus their eyes, and at 26 they can climb trees. At 4 months old, they begin to eat thick food. The female with cubs returns to the group when they are 5-6 weeks old. To keep the young near her during the period of weaning, she "whines". Finally, this happens by 4 months. Up to this point, the coat is nursing the younger generation. Females are considered sexually mature at 2 years old, and males at 3. You can find a photo of a newborn animal on the Internet.

You can “get acquainted” with the South American nosoha in the South American tropics - from Colombia and Venezuela to Uruguay, Ecuador and northern Argentina. The mountain dwells on the eastern and southern slopes of the Andes, however, up to a height of 2500 meters.

Nosuh clan membership and social behavior

What qualities must individuals have in order to be accepted into the clan? It should be noted that it is not always formed based family ties . True, the “foreign” representatives of the group suffer more often than others from the aggression of its other members. They are forced out to the outskirts of the territory of the group, where it is easiest to be in the clutches of a predator. However, it is more profitable for noses to remain in a group and receive advantages than to be singles.

Unusually, resettlement occurs: females rarely leave the group in which they were born. Males, on the other hand, do this in the third year of life, however, they remain on the territory of the clan. They almost do not protect their habitat, except for places rich in food. Territories of groups of females and cubs, as well as mature males, can overlap by 66%, and only the core is used only by the main group.

conservation in nature

Despite the fact that most species of coatis are not endangered, there are reasons for concern. Nelson's nose, living on the island of Cozumel in Mexico, due to the development of industry and tourism threatened with extinction, and mountain noses are very sensitive to deforestation and human use of land.

These animals are protected by the Sites III Convention in Uruguay. The main dangers for them are hunting and human penetration into their habitats. To date, 10 subspecies of Nasua nasua have been recognized and described.

nosuha animal

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