Stomach hurts nausea blood from the anus. Why does blood come from the anus? Pain and blood in the anus

Pneumonia is recognized as one of the most dangerous diseases among children of all ages, that is, an acute infectious inflammatory process in the lung tissue. This pathology, which is extremely difficult even for adults, can be fatal for babies (especially up to one year of age). If the disease is diagnosed in a child on time and appropriate treatment is prescribed, then there will be no trace of pneumonia; all body functions and body temperature will be restored completely. But it often happens that either the diagnosis is set incorrectly, or the methods of therapy are chosen incorrectly. In such cases, at the end of treatment in a small patient, all sorts of complications can be observed. We will talk about the complications of pneumonia in children and adolescents in the article.

The development of pneumonia in a child is somewhat different from a similar process in an adult. The main feature is that the syndrome of general intoxication of the body is more pronounced than pulmonary pathological phenomena. Because of this, it is almost impossible to independently determine the disease. And an inaccurate diagnosis leads to incorrect treatment, which further gives complications in the bodies of children.

With improper treatment (or incomplete), the following consequences are possible:

  • intoxication syndrome is a condition when the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the body, leading to pneumonia, and the inflammatory process progresses. The patient has a high temperature (38-39 ° C) for a long time, lethargy, poor appetite or its complete absence, exhaustion, urge to vomit, recovery does not occur;
  • phenomenon of neurotoxicosis. Consists of several stages. The first stage - excitement - is characterized by a sudden increase in the activity of the child, tantrums, crying. After the excitation stage, a period of inhibition begins. It is characterized by oppression and lethargy of the baby, a decrease in appetite. Braking goes into the terminal stage. This stage is the most dangerous: the body temperature rises sharply to 40 ° C and above, clonic convulsions occur, sometimes apnea occurs (no breathing);
  • the transition of pneumonia to a chronic form - leads to a general underdevelopment of the child's body, the occurrence of constant relapses, a decrease in immunity, and deformation of the chest.

What are the consequences of pneumonia in children?

In children who have had pneumonia, after recovery, a whole range of consequences may appear. The whole complex is conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. pulmonary nature;
  2. extrapulmonary.

The first group includes such complications:

  • exudative pleurisy;
  • pleural empyema;
  • adhesive pleurisy, etc.

Extrapulmonary effects include:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • delayed diuresis, etc.

Exudative and adhesive pleurisy

After an illness in the lungs, or rather between the pleural sheets, inflammatory exudate may accumulate. If not cured, then the child may have hydrothorax of the lungs (thoracic dropsy). This pathology is treated with pleural puncture.

Adhesive pleurisy is characterized by the appearance of fibrin in the pleural cavity. After the appearance of fibrin, the patient has severe pain in the lungs. To eliminate adhesive pleurisy, abdominal operations are performed.

Pleural empyema

When secondary pathogenic microflora enters the respiratory organs immediately after pneumonia, a purulent inflammatory process may develop in the pleural sheets. Children with this pathology have a low body temperature, signs of poisoning, nausea, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. Treatment is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora using antibiotics.


Sepsis is the most serious consequence of inflammation of the lung tissue. Occurs when an infection from the lungs enters the bloodstream and then throughout the body. The body temperature rises sharply, ulcers appear on various parts of the patient's skin. It is almost impossible to cure sepsis in a child, the lethality with it reaches 100%.

Asthenic syndrome

A syndrome in which children who have had pneumonia after the completion of treatment show lethargy, low performance, poor appetite, low body temperature is called asthenic. It passes quickly and usually does not cause concern.

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Diuresis delay

Often in children who have been ill, there is a violation of normal urination. To eliminate this disease, various medications are used: furosemide, lasix, etc.

The recovery process after pneumonia

To avoid the negative complications of pneumonia in children, it is not enough to prevent the occurrence of relapses of one therapeutic treatment during the illness itself. It is also necessary to properly organize the recovery, the period of rehabilitation of the child after the end of treatment.

For successful rehabilitation, you need to follow a few tips:

  • take a course of vitamin therapy;
  • use decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • undergo a course of physiotherapy;
  • the use of probiotic preparations to restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy (, Normabakt, etc.)

If you follow the above rules, do not delay treatment and consult a doctor in a timely manner, then the disease will pass without a trace, and recovery will be short and successful.

Blood from the anus can be a symptom of one of the many serious proctological diseases. Bloody discharge may also indicate the presence of infections and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. This symptom is dangerous for both men and women of all age groups, especially if ignored. Therefore, when the first signs of bleeding from the anus appear, you should contact a specialist for a detailed examination.

What can cause bleeding

Most often, bloody discharge accompanies the process of defecation. They may vary in color and consistency, which will indicate the likelihood of a particular disease. However, it is almost impossible to independently determine what the cause of bleeding is. Even a single case of bleeding after going to the toilet can signal a violation in the body. Systematic discharge is a serious reason to visit a proctologist. If the bleeding does not stop, or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as acute pain in the abdomen, fever, nausea, you should immediately call an ambulance.

There are many reasons why anal bleeding occurs. First of all, they are associated with diseases of the digestive system. The most common causes of bleeding from the rectum after a bowel movement are hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Also, bleeding can be triggered by diseases of the stomach and intestines:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • polyps formed in the intestine;

The causes of this symptom may be infectious. Intestinal infections (for example, dysentery, salmonellosis), in addition to bleeding, also cause indigestion, weakness, vomiting, and general weakness of the body.

There are other reasons that explain the appearance of blood from the anus. These can be blood diseases, vascular thrombosis, immune system disorders, some types of helminthic invasions. In women, this phenomenon is often associated with menstruation in the presence of intestinal endometriosis, which is possible in women of reproductive age.

Proctological problems

Hemorrhoids - one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of the rectum, which is characterized by the release of blood after or during a bowel movement. This problem affects both men and women of all ages. Hemorrhoids appear as a result of expansion and protrusion of the veins of the rectal wall due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic area.

Hemorrhoids tend to become inflamed, injuring the mucous membrane of the rectal wall - this is the main reason for the release of blood. The damaged mucosa periodically bleeds under the influence of strong straining, physical exertion or mechanical damage with solid feces. Therefore, traces of blood often occur after defecation, especially in the presence of constipation.

The main distinguishing signs of bleeding caused by hemorrhoids:

  • bright scarlet color of blood;
  • the amount of blood is small. Usually a few drops appear, but the last stages of the disease may be accompanied by profuse bleeding;
  • bleeding is not mixed with feces;
  • accompanying symptoms include: pain during emptying, burning in the anorectal region, sensation of a foreign body in the rectal cavity.

When a person suffers from frequent constipation, the walls of the rectum stretch, damaging the mucosa. Cracks that occur in the mucosa of the lower rectum also contribute to the release of blood after a bowel movement. In addition, anal fissures cause sharp pains in the anus during emptying. Drops of scarlet blood can remain on toilet paper or on linen, due to strong physical exertion. Visual examination clearly shows damage to the skin of the anal. If the treatment of cracks is not started in a timely manner, an inflammatory process may develop in the anus.

Problems of the gastrointestinal tract

When bleeding is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, they have certain signs:

  • secretion of blood of a darker color;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • blood mixed with feces;
  • severe bleeding is possible.

Intestinal ulcers are often accompanied by the release of blood along with feces. It can be both minor spotting and heavy bleeding, accompanied by abdominal pain, weakness and pallor.

Blood from the anus can be caused by neoplasms in the intestines. It can be both cancerous and benign. The latter include polyps, which at the initial stage of development do not give pronounced symptoms, but at later stages can provoke intestinal obstruction. If left untreated, polyps can turn into malignant tumors.

Dangerous cancerous growths, especially in the later stages, are also characterized by the release of blood. Often, tumors form in the rectum, making it difficult to defecate, causing pain and false urge to empty. In the feces of a cancer patient, blood clots or streaks can be found. Timely diagnosis and treatment increase the chances of a cancer patient to recover by preventing the spread of kar cells throughout the body.

If the patient's intestinal wall is weakened, protrusions form on its surface, inflammation occurs, ruptures, which become the causes of bleeding from the anal canal. This disease is called diverticulosis. During the period of inflammation, it may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, sensations of pain in the lower abdomen.

The causes of prolonged bleeding from the anus may be associated with the fragility of blood vessels and the thinning of their walls in the rectum.

Diagnostics and therapy

If there is blood coming from the anus, whether it is small drops after a bowel movement, bloody clots in the stool, or blood flows after physical exertion, you should seek help from a specialist. If there is heavy bleeding, you can not do without an ambulance. That is why it is so important to pay attention to even minor symptoms.

Treatment for anal bleeding depends on the specific condition that caused it. To do this, it is necessary to identify the source of bleeding, after which the most effective treatment is prescribed. In modern medicine, various methods for examining the intestines are used, which include:

  • . After this procedure, it is possible to draw conclusions about the condition of the rectum, about the presence of neoplasms, cracks or hemorrhoids in it;
  • colonoscopy. It is used if it is necessary to examine the large intestine in more detail, taking into account all possible changes in its cavity;
  • irrigoscopy. It is recommended to do if you need a clear image of the intestine. To do this, an x-ray is taken after the introduction of a special contrast agent into the intestine;
  • gastroduodenoscopy. It is performed using an endoscope to confirm the ulcer. During the procedure, the stomach and duodenum are examined;
  • laparoscopy. It is carried out if there is a need not only to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to biopsy suspicious neoplasms.

Treatment will be effective only if the diagnosis is correctly made. Also, the treatment of most bowel diseases depends on their severity. Therefore, timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment increase the patient's chances for a speedy recovery.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum in the early stages. He also conducts examinations of children.

Blood from the anus is a relatively common symptom that should not be underestimated. You need to discuss the problem with your doctor. The presence of blood can be determined either by visual examination of the stool, found on toilet paper, or on a glove by rectal examination with fingers.

What should you know about blood in stool?

This is not a disease in the true sense of the word, it is only a symptom. Bleeding from the anus can have several causes, and most of them are nothing serious. Nevertheless, you should contact a specialist who will establish the root cause of this symptom.

It is very important to determine the color of the blood - bright red or dark. Scarlet blood from the anus (enterorrhagia) may indicate intestinal bleeding, black color (melena) is sometimes a sign of a more serious problem. Blood flowing from the anus without pain, invisible to the naked eye, is called occult bleeding.

An example of bright red and dark blood color

Bright red blood, undigested, comes from the lower part of the digestive tract. Dark (or black) - digested, has its origin in the upper parts of the digestive tract. The boundaries are anatomically defined so that the dark, digested blood expelled from the anus can come from any segment of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the small intestine.

Bleeding from the lower third of the small, large and rectum is reflected by the release of bright red blood. Why does blood appear in the stool? What could be the reasons?

Diseases of the esophagus and stomach ulcers

Bleeding from the esophagus can be manifested either by bloody vomiting or, when passing through the stomach and intestines, by the presence of secretions in the feces. In this case, there is black digested blood. Here, the causes of bleeding from the anus are numerous. In addition to inflammation of the esophagus, Mallory-Weiss syndrome can manifest itself with similar symptoms.

Its essence lies in the fact that with frequent vomiting or coughing, damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus occurs, which becomes bleeding. This phenomenon is quite common. Bleeding from the esophagus can also come from esophageal varices, which develop in the later stages of liver cirrhosis and are associated with portal hypertension.

A stomach ulcer may present with long-term, small bloody discharge in the stool that is not visible to the naked eye, but may also bleed profusely. In this case, the blood in the stool is black, digested. This symptom is often accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, food addiction, etc.

stomach ulcer

If bleeding from the anus is caused by a stomach ulcer (along with attacks of abdominal pain), antacids are prescribed to reduce acidity and help for a short time. But these means do not solve the situation.

The most commonly used and effective today are proton pump blockers, which reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. These drugs are good for both prevention and treatment. Even large ulcers shrink and disappear as a result of taking these drugs. Medicines of this group are suitable for a disease in a child and in an adult.

If Helicobacter pylori is found in a patient with gastric ulcer, removal of the pylori should be part of the treatment. For this, combinations of antibiotics are prescribed depending on age (the child uses other drugs, not the same as in adults). Surgical treatment is rarely performed, mainly with the most serious complications (ulcer rupture).

Hemorrhoids cause blood in the stool

Blood color for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of bleeding from the anus during pregnancy and other cases. The blood has a bright red color, visible on the surface of the stool and on paper. When these symptoms appear, do not be afraid: with the highest probability, the release of blood from the anus is caused by hemorrhoids. A visit to the doctor will help rule out colon cancer.

Due to the fact that the dilated venous sinuses are anatomically connected directly to the arteries, under relatively high pressure they can bleed, resulting in the presence of red blood in the stool. Such symptoms should not be underestimated, especially in the elderly.

In addition to bleeding from the anus with a bowel movement, internal hemorrhoids can cause pain during bowel movements, mucus in the stool, dilatation, and sometimes even prolapse of the rectum. In less advanced forms of the disease, the hemorrhoid can be returned back to the rectum on its own, in more complicated stages this cannot be done. Non-falling internal hemorrhoids are not visible from the outside and are not felt to the touch.

Autoimmune inflammation

Bleeding during bowel movements can also cause inflammatory processes of an autoimmune nature. The most common disease is Crohn's disease. A disease that affects the small intestine is celiac disease, and the large intestine is ulcerative colitis.

In Crohn's disease, the stool may be scarlet or dark, depending on the site of inflammation. The disease is often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • diarrhea;
  • fever;
  • sometimes there are cramps and pain in the abdomen;
  • often there is mucus in the feces, noticeable during defecation.

For therapeutic purposes, various types of drugs are used, used for each disease individually. However, the main direction of treatment is to suppress the immune system of a sick person through the use of immunosuppressants.

The problem is that suppressing the immune system is dangerous and facilitates the development of infections and even cancer (of particular danger is such treatment in a child). So drugs from the group of immunosuppressants are used in moderation. In addition, efforts are underway to develop new drugs that would only affect targeted pathological immune responses. In the future, such funds can be used without risk not only for an adult, but also for children.

The exception is type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases that affect the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. In such cases, the missing hormones are administered to the person, and in type 1 diabetes, insulin is administered. Treatment is the same for both children and adults.

Ischemic colitis and proctitis

This is an inflammation of the intestines, which is caused by a lack of oxygen and nutrients entering the intestinal wall. Manifestations depend on the degree and speed of intestinal hypoperfusion. Typical symptoms are abdominal pain, which may be associated with nausea and vomiting. Relatively often, there is an urge to defecate and diarrhea, blood is released from the anus (also present in the stool).

In severe forms, toxic megacolon and ileus (obstruction) develop with intestinal activity stopping. Different parts of the large intestine begin to die. The disease is manifested by fever and the gradual development of peritonitis with sepsis. The result is shock and death.

In milder forms of the disease, conservative treatment is used. The patient is given intravenous fluids, usually no oral food intake in order to minimize intestinal irritation (with the possible introduction of special nutrition intravenously) and antibiotics are prescribed. If it worsens, surgical removal of the affected part of the intestine may be required.

If intestinal necrosis is detected during colonoscopy, surgery is performed at any time and as soon as possible.

One of the main complications that can occur in both adults and children is short bowel syndrome, which occurs after these surgeries. Typical manifestations of proctitis are:

  • mucous or purulent discharge from the anus;
  • bleeding in stool.

Discharge from the anus in women is accompanied by painful sensations in the perineum, which can be given to the labia. Pain during bleeding from the anus in men often radiates to the scrotum. These symptoms may be accompanied by discomfort and the following signs:

  • feeling of fullness in the rectum;
  • frequent or constant urge to defecate;
  • itching or pain in the rectum, especially during a bowel movement.

Less common symptoms include cramps on the left side of the abdomen and diarrhea. These manifestations are either chronic (chronic proctitis) or recur (acute proctitis).

Blood due to diverticulosis

A disease in which even blood clots can come out of the anus is diverticulosis. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of multiple sacs in the colon, caused by an unhealthy diet deficient in fiber. They can cause bleeding or inflammation (diverticulitis).

A special type of diverticulum that can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract is Meckel's diverticulum. It is located in the small intestine in about 2% of people (including children) as a congenital malformation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Once diverticula have arisen, they cannot be treated conservatively until they disappear completely. If diverticulosis is present and not causing problems, the condition does not require treatment. However, the complications of the disease require solutions. Bleeding can be treated endoscopically, but diverticulitis can also be treated with antibiotics.

For repeated complications, when diverticulosis bleeds, along with the lack of an endoscopic solution, with intestinal perforation and worsening of the disease, the first line method is abdominal surgery with removal of the part of the colon with the diverticulum.

colon cancer

A cancerous cause is not as common as other diseases in which blood flows from the passage or is seen in the stool, but it should always be kept in mind. Cancer is usually preceded by a benign polyp that bleeds. In the initial stage, this problem can be solved with a relatively simple procedure during a colonoscopy.

Due to the fact that we are talking about the large intestine, the blood that can go is bright red. If the presence of scarlet blood in the stool occurs with the patient's advanced age, accompanied by weight loss and alternating diarrhea and constipation, we are talking about a possible oncological neoplasm.

Treatment depends on the stage at which the cancer was discovered. At the initial stage of the transformation of a polyp into a malignant tumor, the formation is correctly removed using a colonoscope (polypectomy). There is no need for surgery, not even general anesthesia is required. For some time before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs that thin the blood (Aspirin, Varifarin).

At a later stage, the decision on treatment should be made jointly with the oncologist. Surgical removal of part of the bowel (sometimes accompanied by a temporary or permanent colostomy) is the best choice, and local lymph nodes are often removed and examined for metastases. Treatment may be completed with chemotherapy.

If blood is found in the stool, it is important to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms. The warning should be the fact of weight loss, appetite, alternating diarrhea and constipation, the presence of jaundice, fever and abdominal pain.

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