Large up to the eggs. The largest eggs in the world. The largest bird eggs

Want to know which birds produce the biggest eggs? Many are used to thinking that only birds carry the largest eggs, but this is far from the case. Reptiles and amphibians are also capable of bearing offspring in eggs. Eggs have not only a different shape, but also differ in color, size and gestation period. In this article we will talk about different types of eggs, about their useful properties, and also tell about who lays the largest eggs in the world.

Until the eggs are laid, it takes two to four months. The mother snake then finds a place where she can lay up to 30 eggs in a pinch. To keep warm and protect the eggs, the tiger python wraps its long body around its muff. The duck bird is mainly distributed in Finland and has an average of five to six eggs per year. People also respect swans because a targeted blow from their long and strong beaks can lead to broken bones. However, especially during catwalk season, one should stay away from animal nesting areas.

The most delicious eggs

As you know, cooking can not do without eggs. Each of us is not averse to eating chicken eggs in one form or another for breakfast, because they are so nutritious, healthy and tasty. But no matter how popular chicken eggs are, quail eggs are still considered the most delicious and healthy. That is why they are recognized as a delicacy all over the world.

The females may first approach the nest, or rather the brethren, to lay eggs. The rooster first digs a hole one meter deep and three meters wide, takes the foliage, lets it rain wet, and finally throws sand on it. As with a compost heap, the leaves begin to ferment. Thus, the brood is heated. With a beak, the rooster checks how warm it is. Only when exactly 34 degrees Celsius is reached does he dig out the middle and allow the hen to have 2 to 34 eggs. After two months, the chicks hatch and are forced to dig.

They are immediately engaged in self-employment. But back to the masters of the air: the fastest bird in flight is the peregrine falcon. His body is well adapted for this maneuver. Another bird champion is the Sperbergeyer. He can fly as high as anyone else. The absolute record of such an animal is 277 meters. The special design of the birds allows the animals to carry out high peak physical activity.

Their nests create voids mostly in shallow water. For five months, a veil is tied there. Like stone eagles, stabbing shafts stay with one partner for life. Together, the father and mother care for their young animals after hatching until they disappear after another four to five months. A very impressive bird on this list has not disappeared at all: the kiwi is in 4th place and misses only the victory. Compared to the size of the body, the eggs that lay in New Zealand were almost unbelievable.

In addition, the eggs of the smallest running bird in the world can be up to 450 grams per egg 30 percent of body weight. Kiwi chicks hatch in two to three months and look very much like their parents from the start. Already after 18 months they are sexually mature and can provide future offspring. Since the kiwi cannot fly, it has natural enemies in the form of "predators" such as cats or dogs.

Few people know that quail eggs have been consumed since ancient times, long before the use of chicken. This fact became known from Egyptian papyri, and it was also mentioned in the recipes of Chinese traditional medicine. It was not in vain that the Chinese used quail eggs for medicinal purposes, because in addition to their unique taste, quail eggs are hypoallergenic and very beneficial for the body. By comparison, quail eggs contain almost twice as many different vitamins as chicken eggs.

If he can protect himself from this, the kiwi can reach a very high age of 20 for "bird ratio". In addition to the kiwi, there are also many other small animal species, such as storm martins or waders, whose eggs weigh up to 25 percent of their own body. An ostrich egg, on the other hand, only makes up about one percent of an ostrich's body weight. However, because this ranking ignores the relationship between body size and egg size, small bird eggs did not reach the top 10.

The bronze medal goes to Ema. Emus belongs to the kingfisher genus and is native to Australia. The animals themselves are up to 190 cm long and can weigh 50 kg on the scales. The eggs on which the females were 13 cm long, but not only especially large, but also quite bizarre colors. Eggs up to 900 grams are green immediately after being laid, but darken over time so they turn almost black towards the end. The one millimeter thick shell safely protects the offspring from impacts. For the brood, the males are responsible for the brood - after the females have laid up to 15 eggs, it is the male's job to protect the nest.

The largest bird eggs

Appearances can be deceiving, because the size of the egg does not always completely match the size of the bird that lays it. The size of the egg primarily depends on the amount of nutrients that the embryo needs during maturation. For example, birds that, after hatching, are able to take care of themselves, develop only in large eggs. Accordingly, chicks in small eggs need care, because they are completely helpless after birth.

Within two months, the male Emus hatched the nest, leaving even the mother near the nesting site. Even after hatching, the father must take care of the upbringing of his children. "Silver" is provided by the South American Nandus, which also belongs to the kingfisher genus. Their distinguishing features are large eyes and a flat beak. As with the Emus, it is also common among the Nandus that the males take care of the offspring after the rooster has covered his hens. A man prepares a trough in the ground and cushions it with plants.

The pregnant women then lay their eggs in the nest. Although each female lays up to 15 eggs, however, much fewer young animals usually hatch, as many eggs are destroyed or robbed from the nest. They too are actually nest floppers, but they are spoiled by their male parents before they are set free. The main driver in the race for the biggest eggs is obviously the African ostrich. The kingfisher itself can reach a height of up to three meters and can reach a weight of up to 150 kg.

It's no secret that ostriches are the largest birds on the planet, so the eggs they lay are also considered the largest. An ostrich egg can reach up to 20 centimeters in length and 15 centimeters in diameter. Compared with a chicken egg, an ostrich egg exceeds it in volume by more than twenty times. As you may have guessed, the size of an ostrich egg is really impressive.

Therefore, it is not surprising that his eggs also end up weighing up to two kilograms. With a diameter of about 15-20 cm and a length of up to 20 cm, an ostrich egg can be compared to about 25 chicken eggs. The spherical eggs have a shell two millimeters thick, which is particularly good protection against ostrich offspring from bumps and falls. However, there is an animal that can challenge the ostrich's earned first place: the elephant bird. Sadly, this impressive creature is now extinct. Elephant birds were mainly distributed in Madagascar and belonged to the genus of migratory birds.

It is also worth noting that the thickness of the shell of an ostrich egg is only one and a half millimeters, but at the same time it boasts enviable strength. And even despite its impressive size, the ostrich egg against the background of the ostrich itself does not seem so big.

With a body weight of less than 500 kg, the majestic birds have made their mark. And their eggs were correspondingly heavy! These giants were about 20 cm in diameter, 30 cm long and weighed up to ten kilograms. Even the largest dinosaurs did not lay heavier eggs. The site has collected for you the most exciting size records from the world of birds!

From beak to toes!

Imagine the smallest bird hitting the biggest bird, a hummingbird on a bunch. If they were standing side by side, it would be like a person standing next to a 25-story high-rise building. Even with a beak, the difference between big and small can be amazing.

We cannot fail to mention the size of the eggs of the most dense and largest birds on the planet - emperor penguins. The weight of their eggs reaches 450 grams with a length of 12 centimeters and a diameter of 9 centimeters.

For comparison, let's add that the smallest eggs on the planet belong to the hummingbird. In length, her egg reaches only six millimeters, which is approximately the size of a pea.

Biggest and smallest: nests and eggs

Attention: at the end of the list, we have more funny and exciting bird entries for you! The nest of the Jamaican pygmy hummingbird is as large as half a walnut shell. The largest nest has a white-eyed eagle. It was 2.9 m in diameter and weighed over 2 tons.

The largest eggs lay ostriches. The peacock is widely known for its beautiful long feathers. While an adult! One animal can have over a thousand feathers. At first glance, this seems quite logical. The ostrich, as the largest bird, also lays the largest eggs. However, by measuring his body weight, the eggs weighing around 1.5 kilograms are actually not that big. How the size of the egg changes in proportion to the size of the bird. Ostriches lay relatively small eggs at about 2.3 percent of their body weight.

The most beautiful eggs

It is impossible to say for sure which eggs are the most beautiful, because this is a very subjective question. The color of the eggs is different and depends mainly on where the egg is located - in plain sight or carefully hidden from prying eyes. In birds whose nests are located in hollows, the eggs are usually the usual white color, because they do not need camouflage and special protection. These include woodpeckers and owls. But waders, on the contrary, because of their manner of nesting in the sand, have eggs of a light earthy hue, so it is difficult to notice them among the sand, branches and stones. A similar coloration of eggs is also inherent in nightjars.

A relatively large egg is a kiwi. The female lays only one egg, which accounts for 15 to 23 percent of her body weight. "Because he doesn't seem to have a chance to hatch after laying, the female only takes care of the incubation," says Winkler. Ostriches also do this: they sometimes even breed many eggs, which can also come from several women at once. How else is the distribution of breeding in the world of birds? Females and males alternate with woodpeckers. And also some songbirds have the participation of a male; they even have to change their hormonal balance.

As for the shape, the most attractive in this regard are the eggs of splyushka, wood pigeon and kingfisher. Their eggs are spherical in shape. Also beautiful eggs from birds whose nests are located on rocky ledges, because they have a unique pear-shaped shape. Such eggs belong to guillemots and guillemots.

With only 1.3% of body weight, Emu makes it - relatively considered - the smallest egg. Absolutely small eggs are hummingbirds: they weigh only 0.4 grams apiece. The thickness of the shells increases with the size of the egg. It varies from 50 to 3.5 millimeters. Relatively large birds have relatively thin eggs.

Even if they don't have the same taste, birds are mostly pleasing to humans. Behavioral researcher Oskar Heinroth is said to have tasted a wide variety of birds. In any case, biologists' love of their subject seems to be quite far-reaching: evolutionary biologist Winkler brought home a swan egg as a student. Apparently, the rotten egg exploded in a warm room. The stench was terrible and barely carried away, - he smiles today. This led his parents to despair, but he did not give up his enthusiasm for birds.

The biggest eggs in the world

Well, and finally, let's deal with who carries the largest eggs in the world. As we mentioned earlier, not only birds lay eggs, but also turtles, crocodiles, snakes, platypuses, echidnas, etc. Due to the size of these reptiles and amphibians, the dimensions of their eggs are very impressive, but even this did not help them become the undisputed leaders. The African ostrich still has the largest eggs in the world.

But not only birds lay eggs, but also Schnabzier, Badesschwamme, fish, frogs or reptiles. Game size also plays a role: "Some reptiles, like all kinds of geckos, only produce one or two eggs, which then appear very large in relation to the body size of adults," Kashih says.

Depending on the species, chameleons, crocodiles or turtles have up to 200 eggs. Did dinosaurs ever lay the biggest eggs? Absolutely yes, but in proportion to body size, but again no: for larger representatives, the egg size was only about tens of thousands of body units.

The whole egg of an African ostrich can reach one and a half kilograms with a length of twenty centimeters. But it is worth considering that, relative to the size of the African ostrich itself, its egg does not look so gigantic.

Oddly enough, but almost all care for the offspring lies on the shoulders of the male African ostrich, because it is he who finds a place for nesting, and even incubates eggs on his own at night. The African ostrich egg shell has a straw, sometimes yellowish color with a smooth and shiny surface.

As is the way of life of feathered animals. Among them are several champions who hold almost unbelievable records. The giant leaf, for example, is the heaviest flyer among birds. A male animal can weigh up to 19 kilograms of body weight - and is airborne. But also the large-scale parade living in Germany is a heavy Brilet that can fly. A maximum of 18 kilograms in the air stand out males.

The huge bird on earth that cannot fly is the ostrich. He is a multiple record holder in the world of birds. This is not enough: ostriches also lay the largest eggs in the bird world. With a length of 15 to 20 centimeters and a weight of up to two kilograms, an ostrich egg should not be surpassed.

Testicles ... The holy grail, pride and main wealth of any man! Nature gave you them to reproduce and you're wasting them on Pornhub. An object of male pride and a symbol of masculinity. As Vinnie Jones said in Snatch:

There are two types of eggs: big brave balls and small bugger balls.

And you can rely on Winnie - he won't say bad things.

But like other human organs, bells are prone to diseases and all sorts of problems. And given the peculiar strategic function of the balls, we worry about them much more than for our heart and even brain. Therefore, there are so many gossip, fears and rumors around the eggs. We will answer the most exciting questions, one way or another related to egg troubles.

1. Is it bad if they are too big or too small?

The good news is that in 90-95% of cases, the size of the bobbins is not related to the state of health. The vast majority of guys can have children, please their girlfriends with their sexual abilities and have normal testosterone levels, regardless of the size of their “berries”.

The only time when testicular size correlates with a potential medical problem is when there are problems with fertility, that is, the ability of a sexually mature organism to produce viable offspring. Small testicles dramatically reduce fertility, but only if there are already difficulties with conception. One well-known urologist with a difficult-to-pronounce surname Steishleiger said:

Most normal men size does not affect functional differences. They do their job the same way.

Steroids affect size. Steroids can also affect fertility and testosterone levels. I have many patients who took supplements when they were younger and now find it difficult to have children.

Of course, you can prove with foam at the mouth that all this is not true. You have the right, but it's not us - it's Steischleiger. By the way, the doctor asked me to tell you that drugs also contribute to the compression of mischievous bells.

2. Is it normal that they are different sizes?

Testicles are like snowflakes: no two are the same. And they are always slightly different in size. According to Dr. Steischleiger, your beans are actually likely to be different. If you notice small changes in size, then there is nothing to worry about - do not find fault with them. It's just how your body develops.

As a rule, testicles are different the same size as the legs.

However, there are times when they are too uneven, and they must be taken to the doctor. And it's not about size, but very obvious changes in shape, or when you're 30 and your testicle grows by leaps and bounds. Then you need not just go, but fly to the doctor - suddenly there is inflammation, a consequence of an injury, infection, a hernia. So every time you pull your scrotum, pay attention to the condition of the bells. Matsai without hesitation, but purely for the sake of your health.

3. Is it true that if you do not ... ejaculate for a long time, then you can become infertile?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: lack of ejaculation can lead to short-term fertility problems. Spermatozoa are idle and clog your "gun" with their dead bodies.

Dr Steischleiger says:

There is no serious evidence that that infrequent ejaculations reduce the functionality of the testicles.

He also says that in order to remedy this situation, all you need to do is unload the clip (feel the cyclops, grunt over Brazzers - in short, you get it).

4. Why are they hanging when you have a temperature?

Are your jewels hanging over the planet like sacks of cannonballs? Are they so close to the floor that you can literally tie them in a knot? Okay, about the node got excited.

What can I say - it's completely normal. Do not worry about that. Hardcore sagging during the summer months or when you're in a fever is super normal. In fact, your scrotum, unlike yourself, tends to always be in constant motion.

Let's start with the basics: the testicles are located under the skin, but actually outside the body. In order for sperm to develop properly, they must be able to feel the May breeze and generally be at a temperature that is well below your body temperature. When they are too high, this is an occasion to blow the alarm. Moreover, this is a disease, and a caring surgeon will pick them out.

The muscles around the scrotum listen to your body more sensitively than you do, and react with lightning speed to any changes. There is a lot to learn from your bells. For example, in a stressful state, your testicles, which have become cold from stress, need the warmth of their own body, so they shrink. Simply put, the scrotum knows what to do, and if the process is painless, then there is nothing to worry about.

5. Is it true that they are twisted?

Your balls can be one hundred percent twisted, and this is no joke. It seems as if they swim freely in a "leather bag of happiness", but in fact, such a nuisance as testicular torsion can happen to them.

Sometimes one testicle, due to its mobility and vigor, twists around its axis. After this, there is a sharp pain in the testicles and abdomen. Sometimes the testicle during torsion is more often located above its usual position. In places, reddening of the skin and an increase in its temperature may be observed. The body is so shocked by what is happening that it starts sending you hints in the form of vomiting. And a terrible picture unfolds at the scene: blood stops flowing to the kokushka, as a result of which necrosis occurs, and the only option is to remove the rotten bell until the whole organism is affected. You can live without one bell, but without two - it's better not to live at all.

You need to react quickly. Already after 6 hours, ischemic changes occur in the bell, and after 24 hours it may be quite late, and only a miracle, the Lord God and a talented urologist, by joining forces, can help you.

By the way, an interesting feature: in people who are born with three testicles (yes, this also happens! Touch, check - maybe where it got lost), torsion occurs several times more often.
Usually this misfortune manifests itself in children during puberty, but the number of adults with twisted eggs is not as small as we would like. So keep an eye on them.

6. If I have a tumor, am I dead?

The main thing is not to panic, not to pick up a hammer and not to make scrambled eggs out of your dignity. It's too early to write him off. The tumor may not be dangerous, but you will have to go for an ultrasound. If the tumor is inside, then serious measures must be taken, and if there are peculiar “lumps” under the skin outside, then these are just cysts of the epididymis, and they are no worse than the threats of a schoolboy in social networks.

In any case, whether it is a cyst or a tumor, you will have to go to the doctor. Why do we need egg seals? We do not need seals on the eggs, especially since at one point they can turn into a serious cancerous tumor.

By the way, there are two main points that provoke egg tumors. The first is cryptorchidism, or undescended testis into the scrotum. The second point that provokes the development of a testicular tumor is testicular atrophy and hormonal imbalances in the male body, which are related to atrophy.

7. Why does my stomach hurt when balls are hit?

This question interests us all. Why, when they hit in the groin, it seems that a howitzer was shot in the stomach?

The reason is actually quite logical. Before they descend during development (embryogenesis), the testicles begin their long journey to glory near the kidneys. Eventually, in the womb, they move from the kidney area down to the scrotum, and then a long way of development and further exploitation.

The nerve endings of the testicles ascend to the places of their birth, that is, somewhere at the level of the kidneys. When you are hit on the same one, the brain, which is ready to fall into a coma from such impudence (you must hit the saint!), Sends an impulse precisely to the abdominal cavity and makes you bend, and also lowers it to the muscles of the legs and tightens them. Pain in the groin can cause involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles. Moreover, this pain is felt as a real pain in the abdominal cavity, while it is not.

Do not be surprised - it's just that nature could not come up with normal protection for bells like strong muscles and bones, so it causes contractions so that you quickly bend down and do not get a second starfish.

Although this monk clearly does not understand the essence of the problem. Over the years of training, his broken balls have grown a keratinized layer that protects from everything in the world, even from the wrath of God. But don't try to be the same! You need to learn this for twenty years and at the same time be absolutely crazy!

By the way, never hit a person in the "sacred purse". Firstly, it's vile - in our area they beat us for this. And secondly, it is fraught with testicular cancer and infertility. So don't ruin a person's life. And take care of your ringing bells of glory and honor!

The Bubal tribe is a mysterious tribe that roams between Kenya and Somalia. According to the definition from some dictionaries, the bubal is an ancient North African subspecies of the great cow antelope. So what is the relationship between the Bubal tribe and the Bubal cow antelope?

What's happening?

Despite being rich in natural resources, Africa remains the poorest and least developed continent. Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and lack of proper water and sanitation, as well as poor health, affects a large part of the people living on the African continent and the same thing happens to the Bubal tribe. Therefore, people from the Bubal tribe turn for help to their only wealth - cows. The tribesmen learned that eating cow's menstrual fluid helped them fight ailments such as rickets, scurvy and leukemia! This is the most unique and most unusual tradition: Bubal children eat the menstrual secretions of cows until they reach puberty. The tribe believes that licking cow genitals makes warriors stronger and more courageous.

Italian scientists recently discovered that the menstrual flow of cows is a source of vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. In addition, the secretions compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium in the body of Bubals. That is why scientists believe that cows protect the tribe from the most terrible disease in the region - anemia (lack of hemoglobin).

Testicle Growth!!

Blimey! As a result, in men who have reached puberty in the Bubal tribe, the testicles grow to an incredible size - 70-80 centimeters. This "miracle" of nature is due to the non-traditional diet that is practiced in the youth of the Bubals. The hormone-rich menstrual flow of cattle causes irreversible hormonal changes in the human body and this is what causes the testicles to grow to such sizes.

Fortunately, these giant testicles do not adversely affect reproductive function, although they are the cause of many other obvious problems.
Yes, perhaps for us, licking cow genitals or eating menstrual fluid sounds terrible and disgusting, but for them, for the Bubal people, this may be the only way to survive on this cruel continent. While you laugh at them, please think twice how lucky you are!

If for some reason a man's eggs have increased, this is a reason to sound the alarm, and immediately contact a specialist. It is quite possible that this is a signal of the body about the development of a serious disease. But what about men whose egg size is not large enough? We propose to raise this burning topic, and analyze the options for increasing the size of eggs in men at home using folk or traditional medical methods.

How to increase eggs in men at home?

It is believed that the size of the eggs determines the "maleness", i.e. capacity for potency. Confirmed data on this subject, moreover, tested on humans, does not exist. It is important to know that different sizes of testicles are quite normal, provided that the difference in the size of one from the other is no more than 1 cm. If there is a large discrepancy, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Another important nuance is that the right testicle in men is usually located a little higher, and this is also considered the norm. In healthy men, the normal size is 4-6 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width, the average volume is 15-25 cm. Large deviations from the given norm are a reason for a visit to a specialist.

If a person, for personal reasons, is not satisfied with the average size of one egg or both, he can try one of the methods that allow them to be increased at home.

How to increase eggs for a man - methods

  • The first method of increasing at home - complete sexual abstinence, including methods of self-satisfaction - has a short-term effect, and is also harmful to health. The increase comes from an excess of ejaculant in the testicles.
  • The second method of increasing is the use of various exercises at home, for example, Kegel exercises have proven themselves to be excellent. This is a special complex designed to increase sexual strength. Exercises do not require additional devices, so they can be done at home and even on the way to work.
  • The use of aids for testicular enlargement, for example, an extender, jelqing rings, etc., proved to be excellent. Manual massage can also be included here. All these methods are aimed at increasing blood flow to the penis. In parallel with this, the testicles also noticeably increase. These methods are available for use at home.
  • Another way to increase the size of one or both sex glands is through surgery. The most effective is the method that was invented by American experts. Its essence lies in sewing an alien elastic body into the scrotum, which visually enlarges one egg or both at once (at the request of the patient). Sewing of fatty tissues into the scrotum, as practice shows, is ineffective, since fat cells are gradually absorbed throughout the body.

What medications are available to increase egg size?

According to experts, drugs and injections to increase the size of the testicles are mainly designed to increase potency, testosterone production and increase blood flow to the penis. The main indication is age. Contraindication - hypertension, pathological conditions of the genitourinary system and individual intolerance. The most common:

  • Cialis;
  • Levitra;
  • Viagra.

Of the lesser known, but also effective:

  • Dimatis Nutrion;
  • Potential Forte;
  • L-arginine.

Dietary supplements are considered the safest. According to the reviews of the men themselves, the effect of taking is not as long-lasting as that of the above drugs, but the sensations during sexual intimacy become brighter. The effect of increasing the size of the "tubercle" between the legs persists for some time. Of these funds can be noted: Laveron, Maxoderm (cream), Magic Staff.

To increase specifically the testicles, only special hormones can be used. But their reception must be supervised by a doctor.

How to visually enlarge the eggs?

Some folk remedies help well, which are also successfully used at home. The main goal is to increase potency through the production of testosterone. These methods are mainly used to visually enlarge the penis, however, it has been noted that at the same time, the male's eggs also increase:

  • chopped parsnips and sugar - the components take 4 tbsp. l., and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight and strain. Drink an infusion of 50 ml half an hour before each meal;
  • cilantro and parsley - the components are taken in equal proportions, chopped and consumed in tbsp. before every meal;
  • chopped nuts and honey - also taken in equal proportions and mixed to a homogeneous consistency. Take daily for 1sl.l. For these purposes, walnuts are best, but other types can be used.

These methods will help maintain male strength, and at the same time solve the problem of testicular enlargement in men. In addition, they are completely harmless, which is undoubtedly very important.

It seems that the size of the testicles can affect? In fact, the testicles are a very important organ for men: they are responsible for the production of spermatozoa and testosterone, so it depends on them whether a man becomes a father and what masculine qualities he will have.

Does testicle size matter?

There is an opinion that the larger the testicles, the better they cope with their own. Partly, it is. In support of this is the fact that chimpanzees, whose testicles are larger than those of gorillas, have more promiscuous sex. Precise studies in this area in humans have not been conducted. It is also known that the average testicle size of black men is about twice that of Asians. However, knowing the ability of Asian men to fertilize, it can be assumed that the size of the testicles does not affect the ability to fertilize.

Normal testicle size

In a healthy man, the testicles are of a soft-elastic consistency, no smaller than a plum. The determination of the size of the testicles by the urologist is carried out using the Prader orchidometer (Fig. 1). This orchidometer allows you to visually determine the volume of the patient's testicle. The lower limit of testicular volume is 15 cm3.

Fig.1. - Prader orchidometer to determine the size of the testicle

The normal (average) size of the testicles is approximately 4-4.5 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide. Normal testicular volume is 15-30 cm³.

Some men are concerned about uneven testicle size, where one testicle is larger than the other. This is normal if the difference in size is not more than 0.7 cm and there is no pain, in other cases you should consult a doctor. It should be noted that one testicle hangs higher than the other. This is also the norm, and is designed by nature so that the testicles do not touch each other.

What can affect the size of the testicles?

  • Admission of narcotic substances such as marijuana reduces the size of the testicles (more).
  • Anabolic steroids and other drugs using synthetic testosterone. When using synthetic testosterone, the production of your own male hormones stops (the pituitary gland gives a signal to the testicles that there is enough testosterone in the body and that it should not be produced), which leads to.
  • Varicocele. With a varicocele, blood flow to the testicle is disturbed, as a result of which the testicle does not receive proper nutrition and decreases in size.

It is important to sometimes do an independent examination of the testicles, probing the scrotum and testicles for early detection of abnormalities. If the testicles perform the function of producing sperm and male hormones without pathology, then there should be no reason to worry about the size of the testicles.

For a man, his sexual organ (penis) and testicles are the most important, tender and sensitive parts of the body. They are given the most attention during the shower, sex, selection of underwear. Testicles produce testosterone and sperm. And if the representative of the stronger sex sees any changes in shape or size, he begins to sound the alarm. In fact, a man always has testicles of different sizes, but this difference is not very striking. If, nevertheless, something confuses, you should immediately contact a specialist, and not independently diagnose yourself.

Norm and pathology: how to identify the problem

It is believed that reproductive functions depend on the size of this part of the body, that is, the larger the testicles, the stronger the man sexually. There is some truth in this, but not much. So don't worry too much about size. Another thing is more important - to regularly conduct self-examination in order to notice changes in the external reproductive organs in time.

It is worth carefully, carefully and slowly feeling the scrotum to identify abnormalities in the early stages.

If the following pathologies are visible, you should urgently go to the doctor:

  • a sharp increase in the size of one or both testicles;
  • pain in the scrotum when examining, having sex, or walking;
  • induration in the scrotum.

As for the normal size of the testicles, it is difficult to say what they should be. These are conditional concepts. In medicine, it is customary to consider an indicator from 4 to 6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide. The volume of an organ can be from 13 to 29 cubic cm (plus or minus 1 cm³). If the size of the testicles in men is slightly larger or slightly smaller, you should not panic. Everyone has their own peculiarity of the body, so it is impossible to fit into the framework in this case.

Small testicles in men can be due to several reasons. Among the most common:

  1. Drugs. Narcotic substances with regular use affect the organs, causing their reduction. A man must understand what addiction is fraught with.
  2. Steroids. When deciding to use steroids, all risks should be considered. Drugs and other products containing synthetic testosterone block the production of this male hormone. As a result of constant use, the testicle atrophies, becomes smaller in size.
  3. Varicocele. This is a serious and rather dangerous disease, as a result of which a patient of the stronger sex has a violation of blood flow inside the testicle.
  4. Epididymitis, torsion, hydrocele and other diseases. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex may have different testicles due to a cancerous tumor.

This is just a small list of why size changes occur. Therefore, you need to monitor your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up harmful drugs, pills, supplements and drugs.

Uneven testicle size

Often, the representatives of the stronger sex (and their ladies) notice that one testicle is slightly larger than the other. Why is this happening? Do not panic, because in most cases this is the norm, a feature of the male body. In all people, paired organs differ from each other (eyes, ears, fingers and toes). What determines their size? The size of the testicles is affected by how the representative of the strong washes. If he uses his right hand, then the right testicle will be larger, if the left - the left.

Also, in men, the testicles are located at different levels. The fact is that if they were the same size and were opposite each other, they rubbed and hurt. But still, you should consult with a specialist to eliminate some risks.

epididymitis in men

This is a fairly common disease among men these days. Inflammation of the epididymis can be observed as a result of a complication after an illness (tonsillitis, influenza). That is why you should be treated for viral or colds. Epididymitis also occurs with syphilis, tuberculosis, or gonorrhea.

Signs of inflammation of the appendages: pain in the scrotum, which is aggravated by walking, redness of the skin in the groin area, high fever. In order to accurately diagnose the disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass tests. Patients are shown bed rest, rest. The doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, analgesics, physiotherapy.

During treatment, physical activity, overheating and hypothermia are completely contraindicated for patients (gyms, solariums and trips to the sea will have to be postponed), the use of fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, sweet foods. Healthy foods should be taken, cereals, vegetables and fruits, lean meats and steamed fish. It is also not recommended for the stronger sex to have sex, wear uncomfortable clothes (too warm, cold or uncomfortable).

Testicular torsion in men

This is a very rare disease that occurs due to the anatomical features of the stronger sex. The problem lies in the structure of the testicle, which is too loose in the scrotum, and the spermatic cord. As a result of torsion around the seminal canal, blood circulation is disturbed, due to which the testicle dies.

Symptoms: pain in the scrotum, swelling, hyperemia. The diagnosis is made after examination, MRI, X-ray. If a representative of the stronger sex has a suspicion of this disease, surgical intervention will be required. In the absence of necrosis, the spermatic cord is untwisted and fixed in order to avoid torsion in the future. If tissue necrosis occurs, the testicle is completely removed.

Testicular cancer in a man

Malignant tumors are quite difficult to detect in the early stages. The only visible and felt symptom of cancer is an increase in the size of the testicle, a change in shape. There is no pain, color, texture and density do not change. You can diagnose the disease using ultrasound, CT, a marker in the blood, histology. Sometimes an operation is prescribed, during which the tumor is cut out.

There is no other treatment than removal. Additionally, chemotherapy is prescribed, removal of regional lymph nodes. For some time after the operation, the patient is under observation, he is constantly examined to rule out cancer and other organs.

In contact with

Proper blowjob - caresses testicles. There are two main positions for this kind of practice, and before you decide which one you like best, try them both.

The first is from the side, the second is a frontal attack. I personally prefer the second, but as I said, choose for yourself. In the side position, you kneel at a right angle to him and, clasping your penis with one hand, begin to circle your tongue around the head. If he has a foreskin, then stick your tongue between it and the head, make a full circle, trying to reach the eaves. If it is cut off, the technique remains the same, just make sure your tongue is on or just behind the ledge or crown at all times. Now go down and up, down and up on the penis with your tongue ... it doesn’t interfere with licking the eggs with your tongue inadvertently ... Licking a tensely standing trunk, it’s good to alternate licking from time to time with tapping and strumming movements of the tongue.

All this is for a man the character of delightful torture, because. at this moment, he most of all wants to shove his entire cock into the warm depths of your mouth, but all the actions belong to you, my dear! ..

You will never have such power over a man as you do now, and if you yourself have not yet become as excited as he is, then the satisfaction from feeling your great power over him will be a sufficient reward for all your labors.

When you think you've had enough, slowly slide the head of your penis into your mouth. But be careful: keep your teeth away from the delicate skin and do not touch it with your lips either. Open your mouth enough to avoid such contact. Move the member back and forth, each time sticking it deeper and deeper. As you get more experienced, you will see that you can move your tongue and both hands at the same time. One hand is at the root, where your mouth cannot reach, and it follows the movements of your head. The other hand at this time playfully and very gently plays with the testicles, caressing the area directly behind them.

Believe me, feeling the testicles will give you considerable pleasure. Many women master the art of "sword swallowing" by opening their throats so that they can take the entire penis into their mouths without choking at all. If you can't do that, then at least look for the angle of inclination so that the penis is directed not to the sky, but down the throat, and you will find that you can take in much more than you thought. This is exactly one of the reasons why I prefer the frontal position during fellacio.

When you are between the legs of a man, the angle of entry of his penis into the mouth is the most suitable. In addition, this position allows you to straddle his thigh - he will enjoy the feeling of the vulva on his leg, and you, by applying a little pressure and wiggling on the thigh, will bring him into contact with your clitoris, which, as you yourself understand, is not bad at all! Otherwise, the technique is the same, whether you are on the side or in front. Of course, if you turn around, you will end up in the “69″ position, but I have already expressed my opinion about it. However, you should definitely try it. If I don't like it, it doesn't follow that you won't enjoy it immensely.

Every woman has her own taste. (!) But back to the penis. When you increase the depth of its immersion in the mouth, you simultaneously speed up the movements. If he is not dying, then the movements of his body will catch up with your rhythm. Just look how his lower back will squirm, his ass will jump up and his legs will tremble!

He can even grab your head and hold it where he wants. But you don't allow it. If he insists, all you have to do is stop. You don't even need to say anything - he will understand. Remember what I told you about maintaining control? Then proceed with this in mind at all times.

When approaching orgasm, and you can determine this by the size of the head and the acceleration of its movements, stop for a minute. But in no case do not lose contact completely. Continue to play with him with your hand or stretch out on him at full length, rub against the penis with your breasts, stomach, whole body, kissing and kissing him ... He can grab you and at that moment he wants to almost rape you. If you're ready for it, then so be it. But if you want to play some more, then free yourself from his embrace and pounce on the cock again.

The more often you start and stop, change the rhythm and pace, the more excited your man, and this is the main goal of all these exercises. After all, what could be more flattering than hearing from a man that you drove him crazy!

If the art of playing with a male member is more or less well mastered by most women, then only the most skillful of them know how to deal with eggs. This charming and somewhat mysterious part of the male anatomy is at the same time the most difficult to manipulate satisfactorily.

Since the line between pleasure and pain is always very small, many women are afraid to touch this most delicate part of the male body for a very understandable reason. Street fighters can tell you that this is a man's most vulnerable spot. There is not a single male in the world who would not prefer to be hit in the face or anywhere but in the balls.

A sharp blow to the balls can paralyze a man or even cause him to lose consciousness for a long time. Since most women are aware of the exceptional sensitivity of the eggs, they often avoid touching them, despite the fact that they can give and get great pleasure if they learn how to handle them skillfully. Eggs are just a small sperm factory that is constantly at work. Nature, always taking great care when it comes to procreation, has given them several means of protection.

The scrotum is just a protective bag in which the eggs are hidden and stored at a temperature conducive to the formation of sperm cells. By the way, do you know that this part of the male body is several degrees colder than the rest of the body?! The scrotum acts as a kind of refrigerator, as it body temperature is too high for proper sperm development.

The eggs themselves are quite mobile, and in case of danger, such as severe cold or a threatening blow, or simply the fear of their owner, they can rise back into the body from where they originally descended. There are nests they can go in and out of. Sometimes the eggs don't drop at all, and although this is very rare, you may find a man with only one egg.

When none descends, surgery is required, because a male is incapable of childbearing if both eggs remain inside the body. Nature, however, is so considerate that she gave a person every important organ in pairs (with the exception of the heart, liver and penis, the rest is a trifle), so that if necessary, a person with one egg can enjoy sex and impregnate a woman in the same way as a man with complete set.

When a man and his penis are relaxed, the balls hang low in the scrotum, one slightly lower than the other so that they do not rub against each other. When a man is sexually aroused, they harden and tighten, the skin of the scrotum wrinkles. The stronger the erection, the tighter the scrotum gathers, and eventually, just before the ejaculation of the seed, it becomes like a fist. In any case, the eggs, despite their sensitivity to pain, are the second most important erogenous zone of a man.

Only the head of the penis is able to be more excited. Therefore, as a woman who wants to give pleasure, you must know how to handle eggs to achieve the highest effect. Of course, they must be handled with care. And never touch them with cold hands (!). Cooling the eggs, except at the very last moment before the ejaculation, can make a man completely lose his erection, and this is not at all the effect you want! Is not it?

It is also not recommended to simply grab the eggs and hold them. The first touch excites, of course, both him and you, but leaving your hand just lying on the balls after the first touch is very, very little! No, no, they need to be stroked - lightly, lightly, shake, caress ...

The hand must be in motion all the time ... The skin on the inside of the thighs near the balls is an extremely erotic place, and to slide over these places with the back of the hand, while the fingers feel the scrotum - this is the most refined of caresses !!

Glide over them back and forth, back and forth ... You will not regret it! .. It's also very good to run your finger along the line separating the eggs and bring it to the anus, writes

Not to mention that you will give your lover a lot of pleasure, you can bet that you will also enjoy playing with his balls. Since they are mobile, you can do a lot of interesting things with them. For example, you can return them one by one to your nest. The movement of the egg can be followed with the eyes as well as with the fingers, and you will see the slight bulge they form when they return to the pelvic cavity...

If you listen carefully, you can even hear a gentle “pop-pop” as they fall down. After you've let them jump to their fullest, try now to slowly pull each egg individually with your lips (you need a very large mouth to hold both eggs together) and run your tongue over them ... Around ... Around ... Maybe , long curly hair covering the scrotum will interfere with you - do not pay attention: the pleasure that you give is worth such a minor inconvenience.

I do not know such a man who would not tremble from these exclusively erotic caresses. And the women who have mastered them are considered very skillful mistresses.

Needless to say, caressing the testicles during intercourse is the most common thing for many couples. In the first position, this is not very convenient, because. there is too little room for a hand between the connecting bodies, and unless you have very long arms, you are unlikely to be able to stick them around to grab the eggs from behind. The best position for ball play is intercourse from behind with both of you on your knees.

In this case, you can easily stick your hand between two pairs of legs and take up the eggs, indulge and enjoy them as much as you like. But there are men who, without playing with their testicles, cannot reach orgasm at all - for them this is a necessity. But even if he does not need such a caress for an orgasm, you can be sure that he will like it, and therefore always keep it in mind.

Gently massaging the testicles and the area around them with one hand, grab the penis with the other and, holding it in an upright position, tickle the very top of the head, its hole with the tip of the tongue ... You can be sure: it will open every now and then, throwing out the lubricant ... And you lick it off ... Do not move the hand that holds the penis at all - it is enough with her and what she is doing; the connection of the hand with the action of the tongue guarantees you that even the strongest man will weaken with delight (!).

You can also try the "twist", which some men are extremely fond of. You need to keep the head of the penis in your mouth, moving your tongue all the time, and at the same time rotate the shaft back and forth, back and forth with your hand ... Not very much, of course, because the purpose of this action is not to unscrew the penis from the man, but to create additional stimulation for his cornice, for that superb place behind the head.

One more word about fellacio. Almost every woman I've ever spoken to has told me that the first time a man splashed her in her mouth, she was stunned.

If you are not expecting a male spasm associated with ejaculation, then you may experience a severe shock. But even those women who know this is about to happen often don't know what they should do next. Everyone knows that no decent woman will spit in bed. And you can't jump out and run to the bathroom as soon as the man starts descending.

You have a choice between two solutions. The first one is rather cowardly, but maybe you will like it better, especially if you are just a beginner. Having stopped sucking, you continue, however, to keep your mouth around the penis, but slightly open it - just enough so that the liquid can drip, flow onto the man's body. He may not even notice it, because. is in such a state that he is not up to trifles. If you feel guilty about this, then gently wipe his organs - he will appreciate it, you can be sure.

The second solution is obvious: swallow the sperm. It tastes not bad at all, has a slight smell of the sea and can not do you any harm, because. it's pure protein, and while it may feel like it's throwing at least a gallon (4.5 L) at you, it's actually not even a tablespoon. Not to mention that this is the cleanest and most pleasant way, swallowing the seed of a man also amuses his male pride.

You know how proud he is of his cock. In the same way, he is proud of his product - sperm. Acting like you don't like swallowing it means letting him know that you don't love him, don't value him. Therefore, do not be afraid and swallow. It may be difficult for you the first and second time, but you will get used to it, I promise! And in the end, you will like it when you learn to suck a dick that shudders in orgasm. Feel how the head jumps in the mouth ... from this feeling, a passionate woman herself can lower (!).

If you do not want to bring him to orgasm, then you need to have enough experience to determine by the appearance of a member and his behavior, without removing it from your mouth (!), Is it time for you to stop. The most obvious signs of an approaching orgasm, in addition to swelling of the head, is a stronger pulsation with an increase in intermediate pauses between shudders.

When you see these signs, don't touch your penis unless you want it to splatter. There is another mysterious element in making love to a man: being able to find the moment when you should stop after he has an orgasm. Many men with the approach of orgasm stop all movements and lie like a pillar. Some women, for this reason, also stop all activities, regardless of whether it is fellatio or intercourse itself. But this is far from the best thing to do in such a situation.

It is more correct to continue sucking or to press against his pubis with pelvic thrusts, which will create a stronger orgasm for him, and therefore more intense pleasure. There are, of course, men who do not know any of this, because. no one has ever shown it to them. There are those who really don't like continued stimulation after the first cramp of orgasm. A woman will only interfere with this type of men with her sucking or jumping on a member.

But one way or another, you must first try continued stimulation, if only to determine what type of man you are dealing with. It is possible that he himself does not know this until he meets you. If he does not like it, he will stop you himself and thus answer your questions. Therefore, while you have doubts, suck or move - that's the best thing.

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