Synopsis of the parent meeting "The game in the life of the child." Parent meeting in the preschool educational institution on the topic: "The role of the game in the life of a child

Abstract of the parent meeting

in the senior group

"Playing in a Child's Life"

Target : increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents.
- to give parents knowledge about the importance of the game in the development of the child;
- be interested in a problem
- introduce the child to the game in a family environment;

Plan of the event:

    Organizing time.

    Speech by the educator "What is a game"

    Conduct role-playing games with parents.

    Speech by the educator “The role of plot- role play in the all-round development of children"

    The message "Features of the game of children 5-6 years old."

    Reflection "Wish"

preliminary work : Making attributes for role-playing games. Conducting consultations, "What toys do children need."
Training: , flags are hung on the deck, life buoys are attached to the walls, pictures are hung - seagulls, dolphins, waves overboard.
Devices and materials: Tape recorder. Tickets by number of passengers. Pens, note paper. Attributes for role-playing games "Hospital", "Family", design of the exhibition "Attributes for games"

Conduct form: business game


1. Organizational part .
Music is playing….
Parents are given tickets. The numbers are on the tickets.

Educator-sailor: - Dear our guests, today we will go on a trip on a ship called "Childhood". We invite you to board (parents go to the "ship") and take your seats according to the tickets. I welcome you aboard our ship.

2. The main part.
- Please tell us where we will go.

And I propose to go to the country of the role-playing game.

But the journey is long, I offer a fun snack.
(Children treat their parents with pies made in class, read short poems).

First child:
Hello guys,
We're here, cooks!
Not just came -
They brought you a cake!

Second child:
Our cute pie -
With brick filling!
And a ruddy crust
A little bit of wood.

We wanted to treat you -
And just barely made it!

Treat parents on - naroshku. And they run away.

Educator: Well done cooks! Very tasty.

Let's go sailing.

Let's see what the game is. Any concept can be considered from two sides. Try to express the essence of the game in one word.

1. The game is ... (interest, development, knowledge, creativity, joy, socialization, harmony ...).

2) Anti-theme (the opposite of development in the game): isolation, inhibition, dissatisfaction ...

3) Give a definition (adjectives) “What is the development in the game?” (active, long-term, accelerated, active, productive, creative, moral, mental, social ...)

4) "What is the braking?" (mental, emergency, extreme, slow, frightening…)

5) Associations: “Development in the game…” (confidence, progress, recognition, communication, dynamics, spontaneity…)

6) "Braking" (trouble, accident, stupidity, absence ...).

What do we choose? Give the child the opportunity to develop in the game or slow down his development?

Thus, the game is development.

3). C/r games .

And what the game develops, I suggest you understand from your own experience.

We will now imagine ourselves as small children and play. Let's split into 2 groups. One group, with even numbered tickets, will play "Hospital", the second group, with odd numbers, will play "Family" (hold creative games).
Interview with parents:
- What were the difficulties, difficulties?

(Discuss what was difficult to play)

There was not enough imagination to develop the plot;

Little time to play;

Unfamiliar with the principle of building a role-playing game;

It was necessary to overcome constraint;

Could not agree among themselves;

Few play with children at home, there is no experience of the game.

Didn't know how to use and play with toys;

4) About the influence of the role-playing game on the comprehensive development of the child

The role-playing game has a collective character. This does not mean that children cannot play alone. The game is a reflection of life. Here everything is for fun, as if.
In a role-playing game, there is a story and roles. The influence of the role-playing game on the development of children is very great.
1. In the game, a plot is invented, which means fantasy develops.
2. In the game, dialogues are conducted between the players, which means that speech develops.
3. Substitutes for objects are used - imagination develops.
4. Costumes are invented; children show creativity.
5. The world around is known in the game.
6. In the game, children get acquainted with such aspects of reality as the actions and relationships of adults.
7. self-esteem develops (assessment of one's abilities, qualities and place among other children. The attitude to success and failure depends on self-esteem).

5. Features of the game of older preschoolers.
Games are offered to children according to age and become more difficult in each group.
The main task of leading adult games of older preschoolers - development of their independence and self-organization, the formation of skills to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, outline the main development of the plot, prepare the game environment. It is also necessary to enrich the content of the games. A variety of gaming interests is not always based on sufficient knowledge. In this regard, many games turn out to be sketchy, and children quickly lose interest in the idea that has arisen. The main methods of developing the content of the game are the expansion and deepening of children's knowledge about the events and phenomena depicted. For these purposes, it is especially advisable to use children's literature.

Preschoolers senior group kindergarten develops the content of the game. In games, along with actions, various public relations, deeds. For example, a mother takes care of her son, and not only feeds, bathes and dresses him, but also educates him, reads books to him, takes him to the doctor. In turn, the doctor not only puts a thermometer, gives pills, but also carefully persuades, reassures the patient. Games reflect the specifics of adults' activities, their interaction in work, their attitude to work and to each other in the process of work. The change in the theme of games and their content at this age stage is associated with the expansion of their sources. Gradually, in the games of the older preschooler, everything greater place begins to occupy mediated experience, i.e., knowledge obtained from books, stories of adults. The nature of direct experience is also changing (children reflect not only those events in which they themselves took part, but also those that they observed on excursions, walks, in everyday life).

By the beginning of the fifth year of life, when the child has already mastered the basics of role-playing behavior, it is important to teach him how to develop various plots in the game, the role can be included not only in one, but in various relationships with other roles. For example, a doctor can interact not only with a patient (or several patients), but also with a nurse, a cook, or another doctor.

The expansion of the themes of games, the deepening of their content lead children to change the form and structure of the game. As the content of the game develops, a preparatory period begins to stand out in its structure.

At first, during the preparatory period, the children only agree on the theme of the game (“What are we going to play?”), Sometimes they distribute roles. Gradually, in the process of agreement, they are already beginning to outline (discuss) the general line of development of the plot of the game (“First we feed the guys, sleep, and then there will be a holiday”). This is basic planning. It contributes to a more complete development of the content of the game and the establishment of the right companionship in the game. The need for collusion in children appears in connection with the development of the game.

In the older group, the demands on the quality of the roles performed also increase. By conspiring, children can also discuss the distribution of roles, based on the interests of all the players. Collusion requires many organizational skills, knowledge of each other's capabilities, so children who most often play together begin to collude earlier.

Almost always, children during the preparatory period prepare a play environment (pick up toys, build buildings, etc.).

With age, the number of participants in the game also increases. For older preschoolers, 3 to 5 people can participate in the game.

Who will teach the children everything? How can you influence the development of children's games?

So, we can conclude.

You need to play with children, take an active part in games.

Physical pause. A cheerful rhythmic song sounds, a nursery rhyme - charging ...

Several children run.
1 child: Are you tired?
2 child: so let's do exercises with us!
Spend a physical minute with parents.

We put our hands to our eyes,

Let's set our legs strong.

Turning to the right

Let's look majestic.

And to the left too

Look from under the palms.

And - to the right! And further

Over the left shoulder

And we will write wishes for the coming year and drop our notes into a bottle. Here our journey is over, we are approaching the kindergarten.

6) Exhibition of attributes for story games.

Invite parents to visit the exhibition "Our Games", offer to replenish the games with attributes.

Good bye everyone..

Organization: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 5 "Polyanka"

Location: Novgorod region, Pestovo

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 5 “Polyanka”

Pestovo, Novgorod region.

Smirnova Elena Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist, first qualification category; tel.: 8-951-727-77-50; email mailbox - [email protected]

  • modern society is facing a problem interactions with families raising children with disabilities (CH). the interaction of teachers and parents begins from the moment the child enters a specialized group (a group for children with a delay in mental development). Cooperation with teachers expands parents' ideas about their own competence, gives confidence in their abilities, forms adequate relationships between family members, promotes active participation in the process of education and upbringing.

We present to your attention a summary of the parent meeting.

Topic: "Learn by playing"

Target: Teaching parents how to play together with their child.


Clarify the parents' ideas about the importance of the game for the child;

To acquaint with the types of children's games;

Help to realize typical mistakes that adults do while playing with a child;

Develop skills effective interaction adult in the child in the game.

Materials and equipment: ball, short pencil, matches, counting sticks, 2 boxes with junk material (buttons, pebbles, shells, cocktail tubes, toothpicks, sheets with painted geometric shapes, numbers, letters, covers different size and colors, pasta, beans, peas, candy wrappers, colorful clothespins, etc.), chips for the task “I play with a child”, an A4 sheet for wishes, pencils, memos for parents “Traps that adults fall into during the game ".



Educational psychologist:

Tap different ways word: hello.

What are your expectations from the training?

Game - warm-up: "Change places those who ...

Who's in a good mood today

Who has a son

Who has a daughter

Who loved to play with cars

Who loved to play with dolls

Who loved outdoor games

Who loves to play with their children

Practical exercise:

Defectologist teacher:

Let's play the games we played as children (showing games with the help of pantomime: participants take turns showing the games, the rest join their games)

Mini lecture:

A conversation about the importance of the game.

To teach children to play is to teach children to live. Our modern boys and girls, those for whom play is a vital necessity and a condition for development, stop playing. And those games that children play have become not fun, aggressive. The chain of transmission of the game tradition from one child generation to another was interrupted. Group games - tags, blind man's bluffs, bast shoes, Cossacks - robbers, etc. have completely disappeared. Where are they? (Parents reasoning)

Educational psychologist:

Preschool age - age games. And this is no coincidence. All that young children do when they are left to their own devices is play: pouring sand into a bucket, throwing a ball, messing around with a buddy, and so on.

Once upon a time, children's play was considered an empty pastime. Today, few deny its importance. Let's think about what is the use of the game for the child?

The game is a means of self-realization and self-expression. In the game, the child can express his desires and interests, build his own world, be the way he wants.

Through the game, the child increases self-confidence, in his abilities, capabilities. It allows you to stop the moment, repeat and live it many times. For example, a child went on a picnic with his parents, and now he plays this pleasant event many times. The game gives the child joy and maintains health.

The child gets rid of through the game negative emotions When a child plays, he learns the properties of objects, consolidates the acquired knowledge about the world, trains individual practical skills. For example, girls train to be a hostess, caring mother, and the boys - to repair furniture in the apartment, like dad.

In the game, the action is special, fake, make-believe. This is an action in an imaginary situation. Therefore, the game develops imagination, creative thinking. The child reproduces the relationship of adults, masters the rules of behavior in the adult world. He learns to negotiate, listen to opinions, manage himself, control his emotions.

Defectologist teacher:

Discussion"The benefits of playing together an adult with a child"

What do you think, should the child be included in the game or should he play on his own? What are the benefits of playing together as an adult with a child?

Playing together helps build warm relationships, strengthens bonds between family members, and builds a pool of positive emotions and experiences to draw on during conflicts.

While playing with a child, parents can raise his self-esteem, increase self-confidence, develop vocabulary, to teach to convey their thoughts, feelings. Joint play teaches to play in turn, helps to act in society. If you see that the child has negative manifestations in behavior, emotional difficulties, then playing together will benefit him.

Educational psychologist:

Warm up"I play with my child..."

Parents stand in a circle and take turns throwing the ball to each other, ending the sentence: “I play with my child…”

Mini lecture"Types of Games"

All games can be divided into two groups: story games and games with rules.

Story games: daughters - mothers, school, war. There are no rules here. A child can turn into a doctor, a warrior, a chair can become a home, and a teddy bear can become a best friend.

Games with rules: didactic and outdoor games. These are catch-ups, hide and seek, board or word games: “Edible - inedible”, “Broken phone”. In such games there are rules, a driver and a participant, there is a competitive moment, the desire to win.

Defectologist teacher:

And now we offer you to play those games that you can play at home with your child.

Game "Auction"

The goal is to create a healthy emotional upsurge in the group.

The facilitator invites players to quickly name objects that have the same attribute, for example: round table, round plate, etc. When the pace slows down, the leader counts to three: “Round one, round two, round three!” the winner is the one who last pronounces the final subject.

Finger games.

It is known that between the speech function and the general propulsion system human there is a close relationship. The same connection is established between the hand and the speech center of the brain. Nowadays, parents talk less to their children, because many are busy at work. Children themselves talk less because they watch and listen more. They rarely make anything with their own hands, because modern toys are tripled as conveniently as possible. Finger games - unique remedy for the development of fine motor skills and speech. During finger games child, repeats the movements of adults, reaches good development fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, but also prepares the child for singing, drawing, writing. First, let's see how your children develop fine motor skills. So, today you will be children, and I will be your teacher.

1. Exerc. "Rubbing". Let's rub our palms together and rub our hands.

2. Exerc. "Claps". It's great that we are all gathered here today - let's clap and applaud ourselves for this.

3. Exerc. "Hide and Seek". Take a short pencil (match, counting stick) and squeeze it in a fist - hide it.

I'm squeezing a pencil

And I'll change hands.

4. Games with counting sticks.

Educational psychologist:

"Match pattern"

The goal is to develop cognitive sphere, arbitrariness of attention, fine motor skills, spatial representations and strengthen the interaction between parent and child.

The players take three to five matches, throw them on the table, memorize the pattern and cover it with a sheet of paper. After that, lay out the pattern from memory and compare with the original.

Defectologist teacher:

"Make up a game."

Each team of parents is offered 2 boxes with waste material (buttons, pebbles, shells, cocktail tubes, toothpicks, sheets with painted geometric shapes, numbers, letters, covers of different sizes and colors, pasta, beans, peas, candy wrappers, multi-colored clothespins, etc.). d.). Parents are invited to come up with various games and exercises with this material.

Educational psychologist:

Challenge game

I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as it is said, then 3, not always - 2, never - 1.


1. Every evening I spend time playing with children

2. Talking about my childhood games

3. If the toy is broken, I repair it together with the child

4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, show different variants games

5. I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten

6. I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. do not deprive him for the duration of the game or toys

7. I often give a child a game, a toy.

Generalization: If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.

We hand out reminders.

Short-term workshop (promotion):

"Give us a game!" (may be broken down by day) )

Educational psychologist:

Dear parents, we invite you to take part in the action: "Give us a game." Before taking the child home, we suggest that you play with all the children in the group some game from your childhood.

Completion of the lesson:


The goal is to relieve tension, develop communication skills, raise the emotional mood of the group members. All participants attach a piece of paper to each other and draw a sun on it, and then everyone writes wishes to each other on this piece of paper.

Reminder for parents:

"Traps that adults fall into while playing"

Mistake #1"Passionate about the game, not the child"

Parents are so addicted to the game that they ignore the child and dominate the activities. A child watches an adult play. Participating in the game, the child as a spectator loses interest. Tip: try to focus on the child, imagine that you are an attentive audience, relax and watch how your child tries, enthusiastically praise his efforts.

Mistake #2"Takes the lead in the game"

During the game, parents try to organize it specially, build a whole chain of instructions: how to build a fortress, feed a doll or draw a flower. The result of the game, its “correctness” is very important to them.

Advice: strive to follow the child, his ideas and imagination, and not impose your own ideas. Do not organize his activities by giving instructions, and do not try to teach everything.

Mistake #3"Criticizes and corrects the child's play"

Observe yourself how many times you tell your child during the game: “No, this does not fit here!”, “It’s wrong to do this!” Instead of encouraging play, the adult shows the ideal of play.

Due to criticisms, corrections, the game seems difficult for the child.

Advice: do not judge, correct or argue with children during play. Encourage your child's imagination and creativity. Don't forget that child's play doesn't have to be right in your mind. Instead, tell your child, “You made up your own game. How interesting!"

Mistake #4"To help the child in the game in everything"

Sometimes children during games ask a lot of questions about what and how to do: “Can I play this with a typewriter?” "Where to put the cube now?" or "Bring me paint water!" Parents rush to help even when the child does not ask for it. Imagine a child trying to close the box with a lid, but he fails. His mom says: "Come on, I'll do it!"

Advice: restrain the desire to help the child in everything and make decisions for him. Encourage him to solve problems on his own. When children ask for help, let them know that you believe in him.

For example:

Child: Bring me scissors.

Adult: If you need scissors, you can take them.

Child: What do you want me to draw?

Adult: You can decide for yourself what will be in your drawing.

Provide the necessary support, praise, encourage, encourage independence.

Mistake #5."Asks a lot of questions while playing"

Sometimes an adult asks too many questions to children: “What kind of animal is this?”, “How many spots does he have?”, “Where is he going?” etc.

Questions sometimes turn into instructions, they are perceived by children as interference in the game. Therefore, the child takes a defensive position and becomes silent.

Advice: focus on the child's actions, show that you are interested in his game. Be sure to limit the number of questions.

To show interest in the game is simple - accompany his actions with comments. For example: “You have a giraffe in such a wonderful red color” or “You park the car in the garage. Fill up with petrol."

Tasks that are solved through descriptive commenting. When commenting on a children's game, name the signs of the objects that the child plays with: color, shape, size, location, actions with objects.

In the comments, encourage and reinforce positive children's behavior: the ability to think, listen carefully, work independently, persevere to cope with a difficult task.


1. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. Goals, objectives and basic principles - St. Petersburg, "Rech", 2005.

2. Burmistrova E.V. Family with special child»: psychological and social assistance / Bulletin practical psychology Education No. 4 (17), October-December 2008.

Oksana Gordobina
Parent meeting "Play in the life of a child"

Target: improving pedagogical competence parents on the problem of play activity and the choice of toys in children of the middle preschool age


1. Form a concept parents about the possibility of the game as a means for the development of intellectual and cognitive activity.

2. Give parents knowledge about the meaning of the toy, its role in the child's play; equip with knowledge about the appropriate pedagogical selection of toys.

3. Stimulate interest parents for joint gaming activities with their own child.

4. Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in a kindergarten and family; about the advantages and disadvantages of toys.

Members: educators, parents.


The tables are staggered;

A selection of didactic games, toys of various classifications;

On a separate table - cards and equipment;

Chips different color (red, blue, yellow);

ICT equipment;

Presentation « Play in a child's life»

Application (cheat sheet for games in the kitchen)

Event progress

Introductory word of the educator, he opens Parent meeting, announces the agenda, introduces the procedure for its implementation. (on the screen agenda, topic meetings)

1. Introduction

1. Good evening, dear parents! We today gathered to talk about our beloved children, about their games and toys. The topic of our conversation is So: « Play in a child's life» (on the screen). This topic was not chosen by chance, because each of you dreams that the child will grow up smart, independent, so that in the future he will be able to take a worthy place in community life. Children are brought up in games as well as in other activities. By performing this or that game role, they are, as it were, preparing themselves for the future, for a serious adult life. The game can rally the children's team, include closed and shy children in active work, instill conscious discipline in the game.

2. The game"Let's say hello". Music sounds.

You need to say hello way:

Music sounds - we all walk around the hall.

The music stops 1 time - we shake hands with those who are nearby.

2 times - greet with shoulders.

3 times - greet backs. Talking is prohibited.

After the game, the participants sit on the chairs.

3. Challenge game. We offer you extraordinary exercise: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If they do as instructed, they put up a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

1. Every evening I take time to play with the children.

2. I talk about mine games in childhood.

3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child.

4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how it is with it. play, showing different versions of the game.

5. I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten.

6. I often give a child a game, a toy.

7. How often do you agree when the child calls you to play.

Generalization: If there are more red chips on your table, then the game always present in your home. playing with the child on an equal footing. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves play with you, after all the game is the most interesting thing in child's life.

4. Kinds of toys.

1. Toys displaying the real life - dolls, animal figurines, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

(- What are they needed for? - Playing with these toys, child represents the real world.)

2. Technical toys - different kinds transport, various types of constructor.

(- Can we include these toys in the previous group? - Of course, especially transport. Nevertheless, they were divided into different groups. Why?

dolls girls play, and most often boys are transport and designer)

3. Toys are fun. Funny figurines of animals, animals, men. For example, a bunny drummer, or a galloping cockerel.

(- What is their purpose? - to amuse children, cause laughter, empathy, joy, brings up a sense of humor.)

4. Sports motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various wheelchairs, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

(- What do these toys develop? - They contribute to the development of motor activity, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space).

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

(What do children learn? playing them? - Learn to distinguish color, shape, get acquainted with the size of objects. They bring up concentration, perseverance, determination, the ability to bring things to the end, and also contributes to the development of fine motor skills).

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes depicting pianos, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

(- What can develop in baby musical toys? - Contribute to the development of pitch hearing, and the pipe contributes to the development of speech breathing, which is very important for the development of speech)

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

(- Do children need these toys? - These toys develop speech, imagination, teach baby take on the role)

8. Toys for development creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

(- The purpose is visible in the name, age matching is important, for example, scissors with rounded ends)

5. (slide 12).

And now I invite you to listen to your children's answers to a series of questions. (on screen video answers).

How often do you buy toys?

With whom you are you play games?

You are being punished parents if you break the toy?

Who is more with you plays, mom or dad?

What is your favorite the game(a toy)

What do you do with toys after playing?

Is it possible to live without toys? (view video recording)

Well, now we see what our children want.

6. (Slides 13, 14, 15).

Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make children's lives are complete satisfy their need for vigorous activity. Games exist various: moving, plot, didactic, musical, creative, cognitive, theatrical.

Some develop thinking and horizons, others - dexterity and strength, others - the design skills of children. All of them are useful for children in their own way. playing together, children learn to live together, yielding to each other, to take care of their comrades.

The game contributes to the maintenance child Have a good mood , enrichment of his sensory experience, development of visual-figurative thinking, imagination of speech.

The game for the child is doubly interesting, when child feels the interest of the most dear and beloved people - parents.

Often parents don't know that many household chores can be easily turned into entertaining games for children and at the same time teach kids something.

For example.

7. The game"I treat" (slide 16)

Offer to remember delicious the words: Let's remember "delicious" words and treat each other. parent calls"delicious" word and puts it in your hand, and so on in a circle. Can play in"sour" the words, "bitter", "salty".

8. Games in the kitchen.

- "Wonderful bag". There is a bag of counting material on the table. (small toys, buttons, beans, beads, chestnuts, etc.). An adult claps his hands, asks another to count as many objects as he hears clapping. Then you can switch roles.

- "Third wheel".

In this game, children learn to classify objects according to the characteristics given in the conditions.

For children 3-5 years old, the conditions are simpler.

For example: An adult says three words - an owl, a crow, a fox. Child must quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words refer to wildlife, however, an owl and a crow are birds, and a fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for kids preschoolers:

Milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice, and eat bread.

Car, horse, tram;

Hat, scarf, boots;

Rose, birch, tree.

For children 5-7 years old tasks become more complicated:

Rain, snow, river;

Doctor, tourist, driver;

Shadow, sun, planet;

Frost, blizzard, January;

Stone, clay, glass;

Door, carpet, window;

Sea, river, swimming pool.

- "Who is bigger"

Before playing there are two heaps of small beans on the table. On command, the players, for a certain time, lay beans from a pile one at a time. Then they consider who postponed more.

- "Looking for words"

What words are needed for borscht? For compote?

8. And finish our topic meetings I would like your answers to "Leaf of Revelations":

1. After this meeting, I thought (. lys)

2. From this meeting, I will take ...

Putting the sheets of revelations in the chest, a small gift awaits you (cheat sheet for games in the kitchen).

Thank you for your attention!


A cheat sheet of games in the kitchen!

"Edible - inedible".


Rules of the game: An adult names different objects ( for example: potato, knife, fork, cake, pan, etc., child in turn answers "edible" or "inedible". Then you can switch roles.

"Color, Shape, Size"

Target: development of memory, thinking, mindfulness, logic.

Rules of the game: Parent asks child to name foods(items in the kitchen) certain color, shape, size.


Target: the formation of the ability to think and analyze, the enrichment of speech, the development of creative thinking, imagination, memory.

Rules of the game: Suggest child to guess the object, described by you, on a given topic. Then let him try to describe the object child and you guess!

"Who is bigger"

Target: development of attention, memory, expansion of vocabulary.

Rules of the game: Together with child select theme game(for example: "Tableware") and take turns calling the dishes. Whoever named more won!

"Call it sweetly"

Target: formation of word formation skills.

Rules of the game: Parent says any word child should call him affectionately, for example: carrot-carrot, plate-plate, etc.

Tasks for the development of small motility:

1. sort white and red beans;

2. lay out some figure, number, letter, word from the beans ...;

3. put cereal in a bag (rice/buckwheat/peas) and small toys from Kinder Surprise. Guess by touch the object found in the bag;

Games for attention, development of imagination, fantasies.

historical journey

Place different objects around the apartment and give them certain names. For example, the bowl is the sea, the pillow is the mountains, and the big air mattress is the Gobi Desert. Tell baby story, where he is the main character, and then go on a journey, passing dense forests in the form of a row of chairs and conquering the top of soft Everest. As a hero-traveler, you can take a car or a doll, as well as diversify the game by drawing a real treasure map indicating the desired route.

1. "Eggshell"

Crush the shell into pieces that child can be easily picked up with fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then offer to kid lay out a pattern or pattern from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Spread bizarre patterns on a table or sheet of paper, simultaneously studying shapes and colors.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Pour the peas from one cup to another. Sort: peas, beans

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw grits pictures. For very small ones, pour the cereal from bowl to bowl with a spoon.

9. "Disposable cups"

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of various heights.

10. Dry breakfast rings

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

The game"The Fourth Extra".

What is superfluous?

1. Birch, spruce, maple, poplar. (Spruce - coniferous tree)

2. Rose, carnation, lily of the valley, gladiolus. (Lily of the valley grows in the forest)

3. Nest, anthill, birdhouse, hole. (The birdhouse is made by man)

4) Crocodile, giraffe, elephant, deer, zebra. (The crocodile lives in water and on land)

Complete the phrases Stupid like... (duck). Sly as., (Fox). Puffed up like... (turkey). Stubborn as... (a donkey). Dirty as... (piggy).Unshaven like… (hedgehog) Bumpy-eyed like... (frog). It crackles like... (magpie) Screaming like... (doves). Fluttering like... (butterfly). Well done!

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Gnezdyshko "
Parent meeting
"Playing in a Child's Life"
2 junior group
Terekhova Yu.M.
Purpose: 1. to bring parents to realize the importance of the game in the life of the child, 2. to introduce the features of the game to children of all age groups;
3.give parents samples of games with the child; understand the responsibility of adults for the choice of children's toys;
5. increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents.
6. develop the communication skills of the participants

multimedia presentation
“Fold the pattern”, “Dice for everyone”, “Fold the square” by Nikitin
"Snake" Voskobovich
"Cusener's Sticks"
Masks for dramatization "Turnip"

Let's talk about the game today. Everyone knows that children love to play, you encourage them to play independently, buy toys. But not everyone thinks about the educational value of children's games. Some believe that the game is for fun and entertainment, others use the game to distract the baby from pranks, whims.
For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which he psychological development, the personality as a whole is formed.
The game is special kind objective activity, which is based on the child's awareness of the world of objects and human relations. In the process of playing with the accumulation of life experience, training and education are formed, in the game, figurative thinking becomes more meaningful, diverse, topics are concentrated in terms of the number of roles, participants. With the use of games, attention is developed, memory is trained, speech develops, social behavior is practiced.
One of the important pedagogical conditions, contributing to the development of the game small child, is the selection of toys by age. For a child, a toy is the center of the game, it prompts him to a topic, a role, and causes a desire to act. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value. Sometimes a simple shoe box can be a trailer for a car in which the baby transports cubes, bricks, or arranges a crib for a doll in it. Often girls play only with dolls - this hinders the development of ingenuity, creativity, and boys usually play with cars - this limits their communication with girls. It is better if we are adults, we will not divide toys into “girls” and “boys”. If the boy does not play with a doll, he can buy a bear, a doll in the form of a boy. It is important that the boy could take care of someone, share his joys and sorrows.
Every child should have such a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome the fear of loneliness when his parents leave somewhere, the fear of the dark, when the lights turn off and you need to fall asleep, but not alone, but with a toy girlfriend. They are sometimes angry at them, they are punished and even broken, thrown into a far corner, but they are remembered in moments of childhood grief, they are taken out of the corner, repaired, the worn out eyes and lips are finished, new outfits are sewn, ears and tails are sewn on.
Undoubtedly, the child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, horizons, allowing him to play real and fairy-tale situations, imitate adults.
After talking with your children, I learned a lot of new things, the children said that they have quite a lot of toys at home, but not everyone has their favorite toys. And a little more upset by the fact that not all parents play at home with their children.
Now let's see what the children say about their toys.
SLIDE 4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Video montage of children's stories.

SLIDE 11,12
"What is a good toy?"
First of all, this toy is safe, appropriate for the age of the child, should be similar to the "original" and be strong enough.
The more varied the toys, the more more interesting game kids. But diversity does not mean abundance.
Children should buy different types of toys:
Plot-figurative (depicting people, animals, objects of labor and everyday life)
Motor (wheelchairs, strollers, sports toys)
Construction kits (wooden geometric shapes)
Didactic (collapsible turrets, pyramids, board games, mosaics, etc.)
Fun toys
Semi-finished toys that can be completed by the child himself
SLIDE 14.15
The main thing to remember is that everything except your favorite toy should be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that the child does not pick up some toy for a long time, then he does not need it now. And after a while, its appearance will cause new emotions and a cognitive process.
Let's talk about the different types of games that children play in kindergarten, which you can play with your children at home.
Everyone's favorite creative games - children imitate adults, their actions, manners of communication, labor activities and they bring it all into their games. Children love to play Shop, Chauffeur, Hospital, Hair Salon, etc. By the age of 4, the role-playing game becomes the main activity of children. Games develop creativity, fantasy, imagination, speech skills. The game environment and attributes are very important here.
Directing games - games with layouts of different themes (children manipulate small toys, compose fairy tales, beat them). "City Street", "Farm", "Visiting a Fairy Tale".
Design is closely related to play. In construction games, it appears physical activity, coordination of movements, small muscles of the hands, eye develops. Children build different buildings using construction material, Lego parts, small plastic constructor different kind. Samples and diagrams are used. Toys are brought into the buildings, playing around takes place.
Experimental games - with water, sand, surrounding objects made of different materials give children a lot of joy, develop thought processes, teach them to reason, draw simple conclusions, and foster a love for nature.

SLIDE 21 Outdoor games, first of all, a means physical education children. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve their movements, practice running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. A variety of movements require vigorous activity of large and small muscles, contribute to better metabolism, blood circulation, respiration, i.e. increase the vitality of the body. Big influence outdoor games also have an effect on the neuropsychic development of the child, the formation of important personality traits. They call positive emotions. In these games, the will, ingenuity, courage, speed of reactions develop. Joint actions in games bring children together, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

Dramatization games - help to better assimilate the content of works; in children, fairy tales are most often the basis of theatricalization. Are used different types theater: finger, bi-ba-bo, table. And now I would like to show one of the methods of working with children to attract children to dramatization game. Imagine that you are children and I am your teacher.
Grandfather raised him with soul
A big vegetable has grown.
For a long time he dragged him
Grandfather lacked strength.
Grandmother, Granddaughter came running,
Helped Cat, Bug.
The mouse came to their aid -
Together they pulled out a vegetable.
Yes, he sat firmly in the ground.
Here's a fairy tale ... "Turnip". (Grammateikin badge)
Do you remember how the story begins? (grammateikin icon)
Who planted the turnip?
Who was the first to come to the aid of grandfather?
Who did grandma call?
Who did the granddaughter call?
Whom did the bug call?
And the cat?
Well done, and now I will ask the winners of the quiz to come to us to participate in a dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Turnip". I ask you to take the necessary attributes, and the author to prepare for the story.
"Playing with parents-Repka"

Video preview of the dramatization "Turnip"

A didactic game is at the same time a form of learning, the most characteristic for young children, it develops independence and activity of thinking and speech in children. Children learn to play together, regulate their behavior. Perseverance, a sense of justice develop, sensory is fixed - color, shape, generalizing concepts. Games: "Box of Sensations", "Lacing", "Kusiner's Sticks", "Gyenes' Blocks", finger and word games, develop hand motor skills, speech skills, attention, quick wits.
Invite parents to play, "Kusener's Sticks", "Fold the Pattern", "Voskobovich's Snake", "Fold the Pattern", "Dice for Everyone", "Fold the Square" by Nikitin.

You can play these games at home too. It is very important for upbringing that parents watch the game and join in it. Because joint games spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy the need for communication and loved ones, strengthen faith in their own strength. And also you can make games with your own hands.
SLIDE 25-31

We invite you to complete an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as it is said, then expose - a circle, not always - a square, never - a triangle.

1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children.
2. Talking about my childhood games
3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child
4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, showing different options for playing
5. I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten
6. I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. do not deprive him for the duration of the game or toys
If you got the most circles, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.

Joint games of parents with children spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy the need for communication with loved ones, strengthen faith in their own strength.
We hope that at home in the evenings, on weekends, you, dear parents, will create conditions and take part in the games of your children.

Shchuchinsk Kindergarten "Aynalaiyn"
educator: Mukhametzhanova M.B.
Parent meeting
Topic: "The role of the game in the development and upbringing of the child
preschool age"
Event form: round table
Goal and tasks:
Raise the level of pedagogical culture of parents;
Educate parents about the importance of play in development and
raising a child;
Interested in the problem of introducing the child to the game in
family and kindergarten settings.
The song "Where does childhood go" sounds.
Introductory word of the educator, he opens
parent meeting, announces the agenda, introduces
the order in which it is carried out.
- Good afternoon, dear parents! We are pleased to meet with
You. Today we will talk with you about children's games,
toys, about their significance in the knowledge of the world around them, about their
impact on the development of our children
In order for our conversation to be sincere and
frankly, I suggest you tune in, play a little.
Game - greeting "Colored palms"
Goal: Establish contact between parents, form
they have an emotionally positive attitude.

Parents move randomly. The teacher holds three
“palms” cut out of colored cardboard blue, red
and yellow color. Signal options: red “palm” is necessary
shake hands, blue “palm” - pat on the shoulder, yellow
“palm” - say hello with “backs”.
And now smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor
left. A smile can warm with its warmth, show your
friendliness and improve mood.
This topic "The role of play in the development of preschool children
age” was not chosen by chance, because each of you dreams
about the child growing up smart, independent, so that
in the future he managed to take a worthy place in the life of society.
Children are brought up in games in the same way as in other sports.
activities. Performing this or that game role, they
prepare themselves for the future, for the serious life of adults.
We can say that the game for the baby is a time machine: it
gives him the opportunity to live the life that he
to come in many years. The value of the game, its impact on
It is difficult to overestimate the development of a child's personality. as if
Magic wand, the game can change the attitude of children
to all. The game can rally the children's team, include
in the vigorous activity of children who are closed and shy,
cultivate conscious discipline in the game.
In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies already
knowledge he has, activates vocabulary, develops
curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral
qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. Him
the beginnings of collectivism are formed. child at play
depicts what he saw, experienced, he masters the experience
human activity. Attitude is brought up in the game

to people, to life, a positive attitude of games helps
keep a cheerful mood.
Adults, playing with children, themselves receive
pleasure and children bring great joy.
- In preparing our meeting, we held
survey of parents.
Analysis of the survey results
"Creating conditions for gaming activities in the family"
Based on the results of the survey, it can be said that many
children have a separate room (a corner where they can play and
store your toys).
Children prefer watching cartoons and TV shows.
Parents buy toys for their child special occasions(in
And mostly prefer to buy educational games
(board-printed games, constructors, etc., dolls or
Children take good care of their toys.
Broken toys are most often thrown away. (60%)
Most children at home can at any time, if desired
draw, sculpt, paper, plasticine, paints are available to them.
Play equipment for children physical development in
mainly ball, jump rope, darts.
Only some children have a children's music library
We teach children to work from childhood. Basically all the kids are at home
look after indoor plants and animals.
Mostly mom plays with the child, rarely dad.

“And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View
1. Didactic games- specially designed for
children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and to
development of observation, memory, attention, logical
2. Outdoor games - varied in design,
rules, the nature of the movements performed. They are
contribute to the health of children, develop
movement. Children love outdoor games, with pleasure
listen to music and know how to move rhythmically to it.
3. Construction games - with sand, cubes, special
building materials, develop in children
constructive abilities, serve a kind,
preparation for mastering future work skills
and skills;
4. Role-playing games - games in which children
imitate everyday, labor and social activities
adults, such as games, hospital, daughters, mothers, shop,
salon. Story games, in addition to cognitive
appointments, develop children's initiative, creativity,
5. Theatrical games - finger theater, table
theatre, drama games.
These games develop speech, imagination, teach the child
take on a role.
"Let's play together" - the practical part.

Exercise "I will start, and you continue" - "Game -
this is…"
The game is (fun, interesting, exciting…).
In order for the game to be interesting, educational, etc.
Any toy should be what? (parents' answers)
1. aesthetic;
2. safe (in terms of paint, material quality);
3. develop;
4. entertain the child.

Kitchen games
- And now we'll play a little more. Please everyone accept
participation. We have prepared questions for you. (In a vase
there are sheets of questions.
- The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and
especially women. Do you think it is possible for a child to
find a job? What can a child do with
following materials? (parents pull notes from
(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. Music
stops, answers the one in whose hands it was
vase. Those interested can add an answer.)
1. "Eggshell"
Crush the shell into pieces that the child can easily
can pick up with fingers. Apply a thin layer to the cardboard
plasticine is the background, and then invite the child to lay out
shell pattern or pattern.
2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.
3. "Pasta"
Spread fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper,
while learning about shapes and colors.
4. "Semolina and beans"
Mix some amount, suggest choose beans
from semolina.
5. Peas
Pour the peas from one cup to another.
Sort: peas, beans
6. "Hercules"
Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it.
Let him find.
7. "Various small cereals"
Invite the child to draw grits pictures. For
very small - pour cereal from bowl to bowl
9. "Disposable cups"
You can insert one into the other, make pyramids different
10. Dry breakfast rings
Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on
cords - beads and bracelets.
Game "Guess which toy your child chose"
Final part
So, the game gives the child a lot of positive emotions,
He loves when adults play with him. At the end
I would like to wish you good luck. Play with your children
they really need it and you, by the way, too, because

with the help of the game you become closer to each other,
you start to learn more about each other, you can influence
the state of mind and behavior of your child.
The game is an assistant to us, no doubt,
The game is suitable for all ages.
Interaction in the game
Help to understand each other
We become more attentive, kinder,
And resolve the issue of leisure.
Play with us! Invent yourself!
Play with friends! Good luck to you!
Application No. 1
Questionnaire for parents
"Creating conditions for gaming activities in the family"
1. Does the child have a separate room (a corner where
can play and store his toys)?
a) yes
b) no
c) partially
2. What does your child prefer?
a) watching cartoons and TV shows

b) active games (mobile)
c) educational and educational games
d) reading fiction
e) computer games.
3. How often and for what reason do you buy
baby toys?
a) as a gift on special occasions
b) often at the request of the child
c) rarely, if funds are available.
4. What kind of toy do you prefer to buy?
a) dolls or cars
b) educational games (table-printed games,
constructors, etc.
in) soft toy
d) toys that imitate military actions
5. Does your child often break toys?
a) very rarely
b) sometimes
c) constantly
6. How do you feel about broken toys and
torn books?
a) repair
b) ignore
c) throw away.
7. Paper is always available to my child,
plasticine, paints
a) yes
b) no
c) sometimes

Which member of the family most often plays with
a child?
a) mom
b) dad
c) older (younger) child
d) grandmother
e) grandfather
e) friends
g) plays alone
Application No. 2
Meeting invitation.
Dear moms and dads!
___ in ________
We invite you to the Round Table.
We invite, we invite

Let's play with you
We learn a lot of interesting things.
About games and toys
Our glorious
Boys and girls!
Looking forward to the meeting!
Application No. 3
Reminder for parents.
Types of toys.
1. Display toys real life- dolls, figurines
animals, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - various types of transport,
various types of constructor.
3. Toys are fun. Funny figurines of animals, animals,
little men. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or
jumping cockerel.
4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throwers,
various wheelchairs, hoops, skipping ropes, bicycles.
5. Didactic toys - colorful inserts, cubes
with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto and
6. Musical toys - rattles, bells,
bells, pipes depicting a piano, balalaikas, etc.
musical instruments.
7. Theatrical toys - dolls bi - ba - bo, finger
theatre, table theatre.
8. Toys for the development of creative imagination and
self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various
craft kits, thread, colored paper, glue, etc.
Appendix 4
Game memo
What does a child learn through play?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into a complex social
adult world.
2. Experience life situations other people as your own
3. Be aware of your real place among other people.
4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of others
people are not always the same as mine.
5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.
6. Hope for own forces when confronted with
7. Freely express your feelings.
8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.
9. Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.
10. Make a choice.
Appendix 5

Tips for adults
1. Practice is important for the game. Play with children as much as possible
more often!
2. Welcome all feelings, but not just any.
3. Support children's efforts to keep good
relationships with peers.
4. Pay Special attention for non-playing children.
Playing with a child will teach us:
Speak to the child in his language;
Overcome the feeling of superiority over the child,
authoritarian position (and hence egocentrism);
Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity,
sincerity, freshness of emotions;
Discover the way to learn through imitation
samples, through emotional feeling, experience;
Love children for who they are!

Appendix 6
Materials for creative work parents.
1. Eggshell.
2. Pasta.
3. Semolina and beans.
4. Peas.
5. Hercules.
6. Various small cereals.
7. Dry breakfasts "Rings", etc.
8. Plasticine.
9. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)

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