Application "Mushrooms" in a clearing of colored paper in the senior group with a video. Summary of GCD for applications in the senior group “Mushrooms Stencils of mushrooms for application

Abstract for the middle group


Direction: "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Educational area: "Artistic creativity".

Program content:

1. Improve general and fine motor skills.

2. Develop the child's memory, learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones in appearance.

3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, interest in fine arts.

Materials: mushroom templates for each child (cut out contour of mushrooms), PVA glue, brushes, napkin for each child.

Vocabulary activation: Chanterelle, fly agaric, hat, leg.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today the hedgehog Timoshka invites us to take a walk through the forest, where we will get acquainted with forest dorami - mushrooms.

A good forest, an old forest full of fabulous wonders. Look, the leaves lie softly rustling under your feet. We will go quietly through the leaves, slowly, the leaves are falling rustling on the path. (Children walk along the sheets to the music.)

(Children find a mushroom under a tree.)

Somewhere in the forest

Right under the leaf

Red, mischievous fungus,

The first I could see (chanterelle)

Educator: Well done, guessed it is an edible mushroom. What does a mushroom have? (hat and leg) children repeat. Correctly. And here's another mystery.

I wear guys in the forest

A red hat in patches.

The poor lord's hat

Nicknamed (Amanita.)

Educator: Yes, that's right guys, fly agaric! (I show the fly agaric, it is a very beautiful, but also a very poisonous mushroom. The foot of the fly agaric is white, in a white fluffy skirt. The hat is bright red, with white spots-scales. If you see a fly agaric in the forest, do not trample and do not destroy it! Fly agaric in some birds and animals, such as moose, are treated in the forest.)

You, friends, do not tear it

Don't put them in the basket.

Even though he looks handsome

The mushroom is very poisonous.

And stands like a traffic light

Inedible fly agaric.

Educator: Well done guys, everyone guessed the mushrooms and we found out that there is an edible chanterelle, and fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, but remember guys.

Fundamental rules:

Come for mushrooms, but be quiet in the forest.

Don't step on the mushrooms, just don't pick them.

Carefully cut off the leg and put them in a basket.

You remember the mushrooms, only pick the useful ones.

Educator: Today, guys, we will make the application "Cep mushroom-boletus".

(Showing the made template), and then we will decorate our magical forest and the clearing with them, but before we start, let's do the exercises.

Phys. minute "For mushrooms"

Walked along the path

Borovik found.

Borovik upland

He covered his head in the moss.

We could pass it

It's good that they were quiet.

Children walk in a circle holding hands.

They squat, lower their heads.

They lower their heads even lower, group.

They go around in circles again.

Educator: Guys, look at your tables there are mushrooms, only something is missing on the hats. And my fungus passed through the ground a satin red hat decorated with white polka dots found (showing a sample). And your mushrooms have hats, hats are not smart. What do we need to do? Today we will work with colored paper and give the desired color to the hat and stem of the mushroom. The hat of the mushroom is red - so we use red colored paper. And the leg should be light, so we use white cardboard. We start the guys to do the work (Show and explanation, individual help.)

On the table, the children have already cut out patterns of mushrooms.

Stages of work:

1. Apply glue to the hat (we generously lubricate with glue with a brush).

2. Decorate the whole hat with white paper circles.

3. Apply glue to the leg, then glue it to the base (clearing).

4. Let the mushrooms dry - here our mushrooms are ready.

Educator: Now our mushrooms will dry up, and we will do exercises for our fingers, they did a good job for us.

In a clearing near a hummock

We saw mushrooms

two bitters,

two serushki,

two waves,

Two pigs.

And two white mushrooms

We saw on a bump.

(children alternately connect the fingers of their right hand with the fingers of their left hand, listing the mushrooms)

Educator: Well done guys, look how many mushrooms have grown in our forest. It's time to collect them.

Kolya walked-walked-walked

Found white mushroom.

Raz- fungus

Two is fungus

Three - fungus,

He put them in a box.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children imitate the movements of the mushroom picker: they go, bend down, and put the mushrooms in the box and under the stump.

Abstract of the lesson on the application on the topic:Mushrooms

Target : teach children to cut out various shapes from a square and a rectangle. To acquaint with the method of pair cutting identical parts of objects from a sheet of paper folded in half, to fix the techniques of a smooth rounded cut when cutting out hats and legs.

Cultivate interest in nature, aesthetic feelings.

Material .

The teacher has a sample - an applique composition of three mushrooms, children have blanks of rectangles and squares made of paper of different colors, a strip for grass, glue, glue brushes, scissors.

Course progress.

Guys, guess the riddle.

He drilled the earth, left the spine,

He himself came into the world, covered himself with a hat.


Where do mushrooms grow? (Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in grass and even on stumps)

Who collects mushrooms and why? (people, animals)

What parts are mushrooms made of? (Mushrooms have a cap and a leg)

What are mushrooms? (Mushrooms are edible and inedible - poisonous).

Mushrooms grow in the forest with legs and hats of different colors. You can find a group of mushrooms growing together. Some of them are bigger, others are smaller. This is called a family.

The teacher shows an application depicting a family of mushrooms.

Can you tell me where the mushrooms are? (One large mushroom grows in the middle, and small mushrooms grow along the edges).

Look at two small mushrooms. Are they different from each other? (Not).

Small mushrooms are the same. Think about how you can cut them out of paper at the same time.

The teacher shows the children how to cut out two hats and two legs from a sheet of paper folded in half. Explains that you need to cut the mushroom cap from the bottom corner, make a rounded smooth cut to the second bottom corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. The legs of two mushrooms are also cut out of a sheet of paper folded in half. Such a cut is called a pair.

But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms

One, two, three, four, five! "Step" fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went to the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

I found this finger mushroom, starting with the little finger.

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why he got fat.

Well done, I see you are ready to go, and who will remind me of the safety rules when working with scissors? (children's answers)

Children cut out hats and legs, and then paste the finished shapes on cardboard.

During the lesson, make sure that the children use the entire surface of the original form, so that with a rounded cut, the left hand with the workpiece smoothly turns towards the hand with scissors.

Look what wonderful mushrooms we got. Well done!

In the middle and older groups, children can already perform more complex crafts, and they will definitely be interested in application "Mushrooms", the implementation of which allows not only to be creative, to master the work with various materials, but also to have fun, solve riddles and play dynamic games. Like other classes in kindergarten, art works take place in a playful way so that children not only make something with their own hands, but also learn more about the surrounding nature and its phenomena.

Lesson: application "Mushrooms"

The teacher must prepare for the lesson in advance: compose abstract "Application mushrooms", prepare additional props for the lesson, materials that children will need for the creative process. During such classes, you can include developing themed cartoons and children's songs, this will help create the right mood for work in the group.

In autumn, the children are happy to learn more about mushrooms, and application on the theme "Mushrooms" will be an excellent workout for the small mainland of hands and attention. As a rule, the first knowledge that children receive about mushrooms and berries is associated with a walk through the autumn forest with their parents. While parents are engaged in "silent hunting", the children are happy to watch mushrooms of various sizes and shapes hiding under a layer of needles and foliage. Preschoolers ask a lot of questions, and parents patiently answer them: showing which mushrooms can be collected, how to look for them. But parents also need to pay attention to safety precautions: firstly, you need to carefully monitor the child so that a curious child does not decide to try the mushroom he found, does not lick dirty fingers, so if you took the child with you into the forest, he must constantly be under adult supervision. To make it interesting and fun for him, also give him a basket and offer to collect cones, bright leaves, acorns, twigs and other natural materials into it, which can then be useful for children's creativity.

Synopsis: application "Mushrooms"

Lesson "Mushroom Application"- this is not only creativity, but also a developing lesson for the child, which will allow him to learn more about the different types of mushrooms and the places where they live. To do this, the teacher needs to prepare pictures with colorful images.

Performing a preschooler receives the first skills in composing a composition, and also masters the rules for working with various materials and textures.

The first paper craft will introduce the middle group to elementary skills in working with materials: the children will cut the finished forms into two parts, thereby, they will learn to carefully work with scissors and cut in a straight line. When working with scissors, children should be careful and careful, they should not be allowed to spin, run around the group. The teacher must show how to hold the instrument correctly in his hands.

Also, the teacher should draw the attention of the children to the fact that during the lesson the desktop should be kept in order and encourage with approving words those preschoolers who perform all actions very carefully and accurately.

During such lessons, not only the imagination and creative skills of children are developed, but vocabulary is also enriched and love and respect for the environment, nature, forest are brought up.

Application "Mushrooms" in the middle group performed on landscape sheets or sheets of cardboard if you will use heavy materials (for example, various cereals). In advance, the teacher must prepare a mushroom sample drawn on a sheet, and each child will also need a glue brush, a container of glue, scissors and napkins.

AT summary of the lesson on the application "Mushrooms" it is also necessary to introduce various thematic riddles that preschool children would easily guess.

Application "Mushrooms" in the middle group

Before being performed in the middle group application "Mushrooms-berries", it is necessary to conduct preliminary classes with the children: tell which mushrooms or berries are edible and which cannot be eaten, while looking at the illustrations. It is important to show that such a craft can be made not only from paper, but also with the help of plasticine, so a separate lesson should be devoted to modeling.

Summary of the lesson on the application topic "Mushrooms" includes a game part: for example, you can first ask the children what they know about mushrooms, where they grow and how to look for them, who collects mushrooms and why. In preparation for the creative process, you also need to ask about what parts the mushrooms consist of, because the kids should know that they need to stick a leg and a hat of different colors. You also need to tell the kids that if you look at the hat from above, then its shape is round, and if you look at it from the side, it will become a semicircle, while you must definitely demonstrate the silhouettes of the mushroom. It is necessary to prepare several different templates so that preschoolers know that each mushroom has a different shape, size of a leg and hat.

for home and kindergarten creativity can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer, or you can cut it out from an old children's coloring book, in which the child has already lost interest.

You can start the lesson with the game "Mushroom Picker": the teacher invites the kids to play hide and seek with the mushroom picker, and as soon as the music stops playing, they should squat down so that the mushroom picker cannot find them and take them with them. And while the music is playing, children can jump and have fun.

The lesson should begin by demonstrating the elements and explaining how we will use them to get paper application "Mushrooms". First you need to show a round blank from which the hat will be formed: you need to show how to fold it in half, paying attention to the fact that the edges must match after bending. The fold line must be carefully ironed with your fingers and now we have a half circle.

After the teacher straightens the workpiece back, you need to pay attention to the children that now the strip indicates the cut line, then with scissors you need to cut a round figure along it. A rectangular leg must be cut out of the "square" blank, demonstrating the process with a detailed explanation.

When two elements are ready for, you need to glue them to the paper base: stepping back a couple of centimeters from the bottom (here, in the future, the kids will glue the grass), you need to glue the leg, smearing the reverse side with a thin layer of PVA glue. Next, glue the hat, which should fit snugly on the leg.

When the parts are glued, use a napkin to remove excess glue. At the end, take a green strip 3 cm wide cut out of paper, cut it with “grass” and glue it along the bottom of the base so that the leg looks out of the grass. This is the easiest craft that kids can make. application "Mushrooms" in the senior group already requires other, more complex and textured materials.

Application mushrooms in the senior group

Most interesting application on the theme "Mushrooms" in the senior group- this is or buckwheat "Oiler". The elements of the mushroom figurine must be covered with grits, for example, an oil can should be drawn on the sheet, then the hat should be glued and sprinkled with buckwheat, and the leg smeared with glue should be sprinkled with rice or semolina. It remains to wait until the grains stick and the craft can be considered ready, in addition it can be decorated with other elements: paper grass or the sun.

To make it beautiful and neat application "Mushrooms", templates Definitely a must use if you can't draw the figurine yourself. Not only the outline is drawn on the template, but also other elements, for example, white spots on the red hat of the fly agaric.

In order to perform the "Amanita" you can use only semolina, but you must first paint it. Such material can be used in the future, creating the most original paintings: for example, a winter landscape or a summer meadow by the lake, using coloring templates as a basis.

Groats can be dyed in any color or shade using gouache paints and special technology. Of course, parents should take on this task, and then admire how original the application on the topic “Mushrooms” turned out in the older group.

For coloring, the paint must be diluted in a mixture of alcohol and water, taken in equal proportions. Coloring is done in a plastic bowl, you will also need a fine sieve through which the finished cereal and a sheet of paper will be rubbed to dry it.

When diluting gouache with liquid, remember that the more water you add, the lighter the shade will be, this allows you to make several shades from one color and color the grits in them. For the test, dilute as follows: a spoonful of paint, two tablespoons of alcohol and two tablespoons of water. It is necessary to measure carefully, using a spoon, and, continuing to stir, pour the cereal in a thin stream so that there are no lumps. The finished mixture should only be damp, not wet, i.e. the amount of liquid should be less than semolina. You need to rub the grits with your fingers so that the paint is evenly distributed: children can be involved in this process. Already during this process, the grains will begin to dry out, become crumbly. Then they are laid out in an even layer on a sheet of paper and left on the windowsill until completely dry. It is necessary to store the material in glass jars, taking it out as needed, because it can be made from application "Mushrooms" in the preparatory group.

Application "Mushrooms": templates

If you look in abstract "Application mushrooms" senior group experienced teachers, you will find that in the classroom they manage to combine work with different materials, which provides additional development of the crumbs from an early age.

When your multi-colored semolina is ready, you need to sprinkle it with the parts of the template smeared with glue: the leg and circles on the Amanita hat are white, and the hat itself is red, you can make additional details. When all the grains stick, the base can be turned over so that those that could not stick can crumble.

In kindergarten or elementary school, you can perform another amazing craft using this technique - only this time the fabric will act as the main material that will be glued to the base.

Children always like to depict what is close to them, objects and objects that they know well and have seen for themselves. So, from an early age in kindergarten, kids draw, sculpt and make mushrooms out of paper. In the older group, the guys already work well with scissors, they are familiar with various application techniques. Therefore, a lesson on the “mushroom” topic can be organized very interestingly.

Preparation for the application "Mushrooms"

In the older group, when preparing for the applique lesson, the teacher can already involve preschoolers. So the guys can pre-cut colored paper into wide strips, and then cut out rectangles and squares from them (not necessarily with strictly equal sides).

Suitable materials

To create a classic application "Mushrooms" you will need the following materials:

  • for the base - sheets of paper or cardboard in A5 format (cardboard can be used white or colored, for example, green);
  • colored paper of different colors (brown, yellow, orange, gray, red, etc.) to create mushrooms;
  • narrow strips of green paper (grass);
  • scissors, glue, oilcloths, napkins.

To create a mushroom composition, natural (yellow-brown, gray, green) tones of colored paper are best suited.

If the teacher decides to use non-traditional techniques, then the set of materials, of course, will already be different. So you can use dry leaves, seeds, cereals, napkins, etc. When combining the application with other types of fine art, you can offer the children felt-tip pens, pencils, plasticine. Additionally, sequins, beads, sequins, fabric, pieces of cotton wool, etc. will help to decorate the composition.

You may also need unusual materials for the lesson, for example, cotton wool and fabric.

Techniques and techniques used

To create an image of a mushroom, children need two elements - a leg and a hat. The first is cut from a rectangular blank by rounding all its corners. Alternatively, you can round the corners on one side only.

All corners of the rectangle are rounded - it turns out the leg of the mushroom

You can immediately cut two identical legs from one longer workpiece. To do this, it folds in half, the corners are rounded. By cutting the paper along the fold line, the child will immediately receive two necessary details.

From a rectangular blank, you can immediately cut two mushroom legs

The mushroom cap can be an oval or semi-oval (as an option - a semicircle). In the first case, all corners of the rectangle are rounded, in the second - only on one side (it is located horizontally). You can also cut two hats at the same time using a square blank.

From a square folded in half, you can cut two identical hats

The finished mushroom will look something like this.

In the traditional version, mushrooms look something like this

It is advisable to carry out the application of mushrooms after sculpting on a similar topic. The guys in this case will be well aware of the shape of the mushroom, its individual parts. But in any case, the teacher first discusses with the children the peculiarity of each detail, and together with them draws it in the air.

As for individual varieties of mushrooms, it is more convenient to cut their caps from a rectangle, rounding its corners and giving the sides a wavy shape. For example, this is how fly agaric is made.

The fly agaric hat is cut out of a triangle - its corners are rounded, and the sides become wavy

Fly agaric can additionally make a dome skirt. To do this, turn the rectangle into a trapezoid and cut it with scissors.

The image of a fly agaric will make a dome skirt more realistic

The chanterelle is cut entirely from a square blank. The part is bent in half to make the fungus symmetrical.

The chanterelle is cut entirely from a square folded in half

Boletus can be made more recognizable with a thick stem that tapers upwards.

Borovik should make a characteristic thick leg, which tapers upward

The grass in the lower part of the base leaf will complement the mushroom composition. You can just glue a long strip of green paper.

To mark the grass, you can simply glue a long green strip under the mushrooms

In a more complex version, children cut or tear off thin strips by hand and stick them vertically. You can also cut a bunch of grass from one piece entirely.

Preschoolers can depict grass in a more complicated way.

An important part of the work is composition. The task of the guys is to harmoniously arrange the mushrooms in a forest clearing or beautifully place them in a basket.

Pupils of the senior group should be able to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet

Non-traditional application

The theme of mushrooms provides great opportunities for the use of non-traditional applicative techniques:

  1. Break application. The image is made up of pieces of colored paper, which the child tears off by hand.
  2. Mosaic. The teacher or the children themselves pre-cut small squares or rectangles of colored paper. They fill the marked contour of the fungus.
  3. Bulk. A mushroom figurine with a marked outline is smeared with glue, and then sprinkled with grits (for example, a hat with buckwheat, and a leg with semolina or rice). By the way, cereals can be dyed in different colors (for this, the paint in a plastic bowl is diluted with alcohol and water). You can even use plant seeds - you get a wonderful autumn composition.
  4. Leaf application. Using the leaves of different trees of a certain size and shape, you can make a very original composition.
  5. Bulk application. To give the effect of volume, you can fold the hat like a fan or simply form folds on the hat and stem. You can also use a simple version of origami.

Photo gallery: mushrooms in non-traditional techniques

The main thing is to choose leaves of a suitable shape Older preschoolers can easily perform a simple origami The contour will be filled with small identical details according to the mosaic principle The hat and leg need to be filled with different cereals Using seeds, you can create a beautiful autumn composition The child tears off free-form pieces from paper and fills them with a painted mushroom Volumetric elements always look original With a fan, it’s good to depict a fly agaric hat

Video: origami mushroom

Video: bulk application "Mushroom"

What can be added to the application

You can wonderfully complement the mushroom composition with the help of drawing and modeling. For example, children can paint butterflies, bugs, raindrops or leaves falling on mushrooms with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

By the way, this is how you can implement an individual approach in the classroom. The guys who quickly and efficiently cope with the main task will have something to do.

A very interesting idea is to invite the children to circle their palms with a felt-tip pen: the fingers will become legs for a family of honey mushrooms or just for a fantasy mushroom composition. A cut-out hat is then glued to each leg. At the bottom, a basket is drawn up or grass is indicated.

As always, you can combine the application with modeling. For example, plasticine can be used to mark white spots on a fly agaric hat.

Fly agaric spots are marked with white plasticine

Theme-based composition options - individual and collective

Application on a mushroom theme in the senior group, according to the program, is held in September. This is logical, since mushrooms are one of the gifts of autumn. The theme sounds like this - "Mushrooms grew in a forest clearing."

The lesson can be done as an individual or group work. In the latter version, the teacher prepares a sheet of drawing paper in advance, and the children fill it in with their own images. Then additional details are indicated. Such a panel will wonderfully decorate a group room or locker room.

However, the theme can be slightly interpreted in the following ways:

  1. "Mushrooms of my area." The local history aspect is added.
  2. "Fairy Mushroom" The guys create a fantasy image, for example, a mushroom in the form of a house or having anthropomorphic features.
  3. "Under the Mushroom" The composition can become an illustration to the fairy tale of the same name by V. Suteev. In this case, the teacher can give the children paper figures of animals - the heroes of the fairy tale (one character is enough for each).

The application can be made based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev

How to motivate kids to be creative

Of course, the topic of mushrooms in itself is interesting for preschoolers, but the teacher must additionally motivate them, inspire them to creative impulses. As always, game characters come to the rescue. For example, this is Old Man Lesovichok. He informs the guys that all the mushrooms suddenly disappeared in the forest, and now squirrels, hedgehogs and other animals have nothing to store for the winter. The teacher invites the children to help the forest dwellers create mushrooms for them.

The old man Lesovichok asks the guys to help the forest dwellers, because all the mushrooms have disappeared in the forest, and now there is nothing to store for the winter

As an option, a squirrel comes to the guys and says that they have stocked up nuts for the winter, but they didn’t have time to mushrooms.

If the lesson is based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev, then the teacher offers preschoolers to help the heroes of the fairy tale - to give them a big mushroom, under which there is enough space for everyone to hide from the rain.

You can start the lesson with a riddle to intrigue the children:

  • Who sits on a strong leg
    In the brown leaves by the path?
    Got a hat made of grass -
    Is there a head under the hat?

You can offer riddles about specific types of mushrooms, for example, these:

  • There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, -
    Adults and children know
    They grow on stumps in the forest,
    Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms)
  • Golden …
    Very friendly sisters.
    They wear red berets
    Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

In the older group, the guys already perceive interesting cognitive information well. You can tell them that mushrooms are special organisms, similar to plants, but without leaves, branches, or flowers. Instead of roots, the mycelium located in the ground helps them to extract nutrients. Therefore, you need to cut the mushroom carefully so as not to damage it, and then a new mushroom will grow in this place.

An integral part of any art class is a dynamic pause. Physical education or finger gymnastics must be selected on the appropriate topic - this also motivates children to be creative.

Table: finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

Table: physical education on a mushroom theme

Table: theses of the summary of the application lesson in the senior group of the educator E. N. Ivanova "That's the mushroom!"

Lesson stage Content
IntroductionA sad Hedgehog (toy) appears in the group. He searched all day for mushrooms and found none.
Conversation on the topic: “What mushrooms the Hedgehog might like” (edible).
Main partExamination of a dummy of a porcini mushroom, its color, shape of a cap and legs are discussed.
Preschoolers cut strips of green - grass. Then the teacher explains how to cut the stem and cap of the mushroom.
Children do the work, and then lay out the finished parts on cardboard.
Physical education "Mushrooms".
Attaching parts to the base.
Final partDiscussion of finished works. The teacher with children finds common and differences in them.
The hedgehog is happy. The composition is decorated with carved grass and a large ladybug over mushrooms Mushroom caps are made using bulk appliqué The originality of the composition is given by voluminous grass (not completely glued) breakaway technique, and the mushrooms themselves - in the traditional

Application "Mushrooms" in the senior group moves to a more complex level. This topic can be very interesting to beat. In this, the educator will be helped by non-traditional techniques using non-standard materials, a combination of the usual application with other types of visual activity. And fabulous motivation will help to captivate preschoolers with creativity even more.

Preschool children will definitely like the paper mushroom, especially since it is not at all difficult to make it.
Mushrooms are usually classified as autumn crafts, but with us it is quite a multi-season one, as it includes bright colors and juicy green colors. But a paper mushroom made using a similar technique can also be timed to coincide with autumn crafts, if, for example, you change colors. Moreover, it is enough to attach a maple leaf not green, but yellow to the mushroom. Even better - a natural, dry leaf.

What will be needed for crafts?

  • White cardboard for the stem of the mushroom. I have it white on one side and colored on the other, but this is not so important, since the other side will not be visible;
  • Orange and green colored paper;
  • Scissors, glue, pencil, ruler;
  • Maple leaf template. In the absence of artistic skills, a leaflet can be printed on the Internet, or simply redraw it by attaching not very thick white paper to a monitor or a picture in a book.

We make a beautiful paper mushroom

Roll the white cardboard into a tube and glue the edges. Glue stick is weak for cardboard, so PVA is the best option.

Cut out a circle from orange colored paper, find the middle and draw a radius, step back a few centimeters and draw another one. Make a cut. All values ​​are determined depending on the size of the fungus. But we must remember that the more centimeters between the radii, the thinner the hat will be. And since we didn’t need a cap on the mushroom, I stepped back about 2 cm.

Prepare the next part for the paper mushroom. Measure the leg of the mushroom, determine the height of the future grass and cut out a rectangle of green paper according to these parameters. Draw, as shown in the photo, the thickness of the grass may be different, I have 1.5 cm. Cut into strips.

From green paper, cut out a leaf according to the template (or use a dry one), and a section of the clearing is some uneven oval or other indefinite figure.

Now we have all the components of the mushroom ready, it's time to start assembling.

Glue the grass on one side of the stem of the mushroom, help it bend beautifully to the sides. Trim to length if needed.

Glue the hat, attach a leaf to it, and then glue the hat to the stem. If you simply apply glue to the upper end of the mushroom stem, the hat will not be firmly fixed. If you need a more stable structure, you can attach it with superglue, adhesive tape. Or cut the ends of the roll, bend them outward and glue the hat to them.

That's it, paper mushroom craft is ready.

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