Animals birds insects. Red Book of Russia animals birds insects fish plants. Game for the development of attention "Who listens better?"

3 animals, 1 bird. 3 birds, 3 animals. 3 domestic animals, 1 - wild. 3 animals are running, 1 is driving. 3 adult animals, 1 - cub. 3 horned animals, 1 non-horned. 3 non-horned animals, 1 - horned. 3 baby animals, 1 adult. 3 wild animals, 1 domestic.

3 animals, 1 - fish.

3 animals of hot countries, 1 - the middle zone.

3 animals are sitting, 1 is running.

3 body parts of animals, 1 - whole animal.

3 inanimate flying objects, 3 flying birds (insects).

3 jumping insects (reptiles, animals), 1 flying bird.

3 birds are migratory, 1 is wintering.

3 flying birds, 1 non-flying.

3 tree nests, 1 dog kennel.

3 insects (mammals), 1 frog.

3 animal tails, 1 - peacock.

3 bird tails, 1 animal tail.

3 parts of the bird's body, 1 - the whole bird.

3 animals with cubs, 1 - without a cub.

3 birds with chicks, 1 without chicks.

3 chicks, 1 - adult bird.

3 adult birds, 1 - chick.

When planning work on the development of speech, it is recommended to use the following lexical material.

Kindergarten building. Building decoration. Appointment of various premises (game rooms, bedrooms, wardrobe, hall, doctor's office, speech therapist's office, manager's office, kitchen).

Professions of kindergarten workers: headmaster, doctor, speech therapist, educator, music worker, cook, nanny. Attracting the attention of children to the activities of adults. Raising respect for the work of kindergarten workers.

Our group room. Acquaintance with the group room, its description (large, bright, clean, beautiful, etc.).

What is in it, what do they do in it? The name and purpose of the items in the group room (game, work, book corner).

Acquaintance with the phenomena of inanimate nature. The formation in children of an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe simplest physical phenomena that they can observe in everyday life: familiarity with the use of steam heating, gas, electricity in everyday life (for warming a home, cooking, lighting, etc.).

Play corner. The generalizing word "toys" (what they are made of, who made them).

Items and equipment necessary for classes.

Furniture in the group room. Consolidation of the generalizing word "furniture". Pieces of furniture. Who makes the furniture?

Education of respect for toys, equipment, books.

Daily regime. The sequence of holding regime moments.

Corner of nature. Plants of a corner of nature - know 2-4 names. Animals (turtle, guinea pigs, hedgehogs, fish, etc.). Caring for plants and flowers. Observation of seed germination and plant growth (planting onions, peas, beans, oats, etc.).

Our site. Acquaintance with the site, a description of what is on the site (terrace where children play in the rain, toys, planting - trees, shrubs, flowers). Raising a caring attitude to plantings.

Kitchen. The work of a cook. Household electrical equipment (stove, meat grinder, potato cutter, etc.). Consolidation of generalizing words: food, food, utensils (kitchen, dining room, tea).

My family. Family composition (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters, etc.). Knowing your address, your full name, your age (time of birth), full names and surnames of parents (or persons replacing them), their profession and place of work. Raising respect for the work of parents. Senior and junior family members. The relationship of children in the family, caring for the younger, sensitive attitude to the elders, helping adults in everyday life. Development and consolidation of cultural behavior and personal hygiene skills (together with the child's parents). Self-care work. Caring for pets, caring for plants.

Our street. The street, its features (wide, narrow, straight, long, quiet, noisy, central; many new houses, trees, flowers; there is a shop, workshops, etc.). Children's observations.

Buildings on our street. Residential buildings: new, beautiful, low, high, multi-storey, huge, wooden, brick, block. Parts of the house: foundation, wall, roof, basement, entrance, stairs, landing, elevator, garbage chute, plumbing.

Acquaintance of children with 2-3 enterprises of their area (factory, factory, shop, etc.), with what products they produce, and cultural institutions (cinema, library, etc.).

A story about the people who work at these enterprises or institutions, about the significance of their work. Approximate dictionary: store (grocery, manufactured goods, bookstore, bakery), seller, cashier, buyer, counter, checks, factory, machine tools, products, workers, engineers, etc.

Building a street, road: sidewalk, roadway, roadside, intersection, square.

Transport on our street: tram, bus, trolleybus, cars, trucks, etc. etc. Children's observations of traffic. Types of transport, depending on their purpose: passenger, cargo, special (ambulance, police cars, firefighters, transportation of bread, milk, etc.). Appointment of different types of transport. Names of professions of people working in transport. Car parts: body, cab, doors, engine, steering wheel, brakes, headlights, sidelight.

Traffic rules. Street crossing: regulated and unregulated intersections, crossings, bridges, zebra crossings, policeman-regulator, traffic lights, traffic lights, what they mean. One-way and two-way traffic. Crossing rules, pedestrian crossing sign.

Rules of conduct on the street: do not play on the street, do not ride a bicycle (sled, skate) on the carriageway, keep to the right side when walking, cross the street only at the green light.

The culture of communication with people around (on the street, in a store, in transport, in other public places): speak quietly, give way to older people, small children, do not interfere with others, do not litter.

Greening the street. Park, square, flower beds, lawn. Know that trees and flowers are specially planted and cared for. Raising a caring attitude to plantings.

City. Distinctive features of the city (in comparison with the countryside): many streets, houses, institutions, enterprises, many people live, various means of transport.

The city where we live. City name, main street, square. Main attractions; monuments, parks, beautiful buildings. The most important enterprises and institutions of the city. Types of work common in our city.

Construction. The attention of children should be drawn to the fact that a lot of construction is underway in the city, multi-storey residential buildings with comfortable apartments, buildings of kindergartens, schools, hospitals, theaters, and libraries are being erected. Houses are constantly being renovated. It is recommended to introduce children to some professions (mason, painter), as well as the names of machines that help a person (truck, dump truck, crane, bulldozer, excavator).

city ​​industry. Introduce children to 2-3 types of manufactured products (cars, clothes, etc.).

Cultural institutions of the city (cinemas, theaters, libraries, museums, circus, sports facilities).

Communication in the city. Know how people use different forms of communication: mail (in more detail), telegraph, telephone, radio.

Transportation of the city and its environs. Types of transport (ground, underground, air, water). Be able to compare different modes of transport. The role of transport (transport workers carry various cargoes, mail within the city, from one city to another and to other countries on cars, trains, ships, airplanes). Know that many people of different professions work to ensure the operation of transport.

The nature of our region. Acquaintance of children with living and inanimate nature. Formation of their ideas about natural phenomena. Acquaintance with the nature of the native land.

Formation in children of a generalized idea of ​​each season based on a set of signs that reflect changes in inanimate nature, flora and fauna.

The development in children of observation and the ability to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena. Education of respect for nature, protection of nature. Drawing attention to the beauty of nature. Introducing children to the work of people in different seasons.

Consolidation of temporary concepts: seasons, months, days of the week; concepts: today, tomorrow, yesterday, beginning, end, middle, morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Education of the skill of determining the time by the clock, using the calendar.

Autumn period. autumn months. Acquaintance with the signs of autumn.

Early autumn ("Golden Autumn"). The beauty of autumn nature. Children's observations. Characteristic signs of early autumn: the day becomes shorter and the night longer, the sun heats less, weather changes - cold snap, rains, fogs. Leaf fall - discoloration of leaves, yellowing and wilting of herbs, flowers. Ripening of fruits and seeds. Be able to distinguish between some trees (5-6), shrubs; (4-5), garden flowering plants, forest grasses by leaves, flowers, fruits. Be able to distinguish trees from shrubs. Know the structure of a tree (root, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits).

Late fall. Signs of late autumn: the day continues to shorten, it becomes cold, cold winds blow, the first snow, frosts, the trees shed their leaves. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, insects hide. To be able to link changes in living and inanimate nature with measurements of external conditions: the gradual fading of plant life is caused by cooling; the departure of birds is associated with the disappearance of insects and the freezing of water bodies.

Animal world. Consolidation and expansion of previously received ideas about wild animals and their cubs. Appearance of animals, body parts. Description of animals. To teach children to highlight the signs of adaptation of animals to the environment in the structure of their body, in behavior. Long strong legs make it possible to run fast. If the hind legs are longer than the front ones (hare, squirrel), then the animals move in big jumps. Sharp curved nails help climb trees (squirrel). Many animals have pronounced adaptive features in the body cover; camouflage coloring (hare, squirrel, hedgehog, turtle, etc.), needles (hedgehog), hard coating (tortoise), which help in protection from enemies. Preparing animals for winter: changing color, stocking up for the winter (squirrel, hare).

Autumn work people. Fruit garden. Names of fruit trees (apple, pear, cherry, plum); berries (currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries). Work in the garden: picking fruits and berries, planting trees and shrubs.

Autumn work in the garden - picking vegetables. Knowledge of common types of vegetables and the ability to distinguish them by appearance, taste, shape, method of consumption. Consolidation of generalizing concepts: fruits, vegetables.

The work of people in the field. Names of several cereals (wheat, rye, oats). What do they do?

Machines that make people's work easier. Raising respect for the work of grain growers.

The work of people on farms. Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about pets and birds. Knowing the names of the cubs, learning to identify the signs by which animals are domesticated. Consolidation of the general concept: pets.

The work of children on the site. Work in the garden of a kindergarten under the guidance of a teacher, collecting grown vegetables and fruits; flower transplant.

Preparing for winter feeding of birds: collecting fruits and seeds of various plants, making feeders.

Work in the corner of nature. Knowledge of 4-6 types of indoor plants in terms of shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems; their name and structure (trunk, leaves, flowers, root). The ability to distinguish between light-loving (light-colored) and shade-tolerant (dark-colored) plants by color; according to the thickness of the stems and leaves - moisture-loving (thin) and drought-resistant (thick, fleshy). Observations of flowering plants transplanted from the site. Acquaintance with the terrestrial inhabitants of a corner of nature. Observations of the features of their appearance and behavior (how and what they eat, how they move, etc.).

Making decorations for a group room from natural materials together with the teacher.

Winter period. Names of winter months. Attracting the attention of children to upcoming changes in nature: the day has become shorter than in autumn, the sun heats little, the earth is covered with snow, and water bodies are covered with ice, frosts often occur, trees and shrubs stand without leaves, there are no insects, there are few birds, snow fell.

Distinguishing familiar trees and shrubs by branches, buds and bark.

The ability to recognize wintering birds by their appearance (color, size), behavior (sounds made, mode of movement). Feeding wintering birds. Acquaintance with the winter quarters of animals (squirrel, hare, bear).

Raising in children the ability to feel the beauty of nature in winter. Teach children to protect trees, shrubs, not to break branches while walking, sledding and skiing.

Work in the corner of nature. Caring for plants, taking into account their need for light, moisture. Observation of plant life (putting tree branches in water, planting vegetables, oats).

Acquaintance with the life of decorative birds living in a corner of nature (appearance, behavioral features).

Spring period. Names of spring months.

Attracting the attention of children to the ongoing changes in nature.

Early spring: an increase in the length of the day, warming, the appearance of thawed patches, the release of ice from rivers. Establishment of elementary cause-and-effect relationships (the snow began to melt because the day increased and the sun began to heat up hotter, etc.). Subsequent changes: swelling of the buds, the appearance of leaves, the flowering of a number of trees, the first spring flowers.

Return of migratory birds. Their appearance, lifestyle, benefits brought by birds. Protection of birds and nesting sites (production of birdhouses). Watching bird nests.

Awakening from hibernation of a number of animals; changing their color. The appearance of cubs (repeat their names). The appearance of insects.

Summer period. Names of summer months. Observations of changes in nature in summer. Warm, hot weather sets in. There are torrential rains and thunderstorms. Sometimes after the rain you can see a rainbow. Plants bloom, bread, fruits and vegetables ripen. Mushrooms and berries appear in the forest.

Children should be shown that in summer all conditions (heat, light, moisture, nutritious soil) correspond to the needs of plants as much as possible, so they grow rapidly, bloom, and ripen.

Identification by leaves and flowers of 6-7 herbaceous plants of meadows and forests, 2-3 types of cereals - by height and shape of ears; at least 2 types of wild berries. Ability to distinguish between some edible and non-edible mushrooms. Consolidation of children's ideas about the various ways of using vegetables and fruits for food (raw, boiled and other types), about the place where plants grow (forest, field, meadow, park, steppe, melon, vegetable garden, garden).

Animals of the immediate environment. Children should know their names, be able to distinguish them by color, shape, size, sounds made, and movement patterns.

Wild animals in natural conditions.

Expanding children's ideas about the development of animals. Birds, cubs of animals are born helpless, small, unable to move and feed on their own. Care of animals and birds for cubs - they warm, feed, protect from enemies, teach to find food.

Formation of a generalized idea of ​​wild animals based on the following features: life in certain natural conditions and adaptability to them, the ability to independently obtain food. Children are taught to recognize wild, domestic animals, as well as to be able to explain by what signs animals belong to one or another group.

Observations on the life of butterflies, insects, frogs: lifestyle, nutrition, disguise.

School. In order to work successfully, you need to know a lot and be able to learn a lot. Therefore, all children go to school. Learning at school is difficult, but at the same time interesting. At school, children learn about everything that surrounds them (give a number of examples), learn to work.

In order to study well at school, one must now learn to speak, read, write, count, solve problems, etc. well.

Homeland. Name of the country, flag, coat of arms, anthem of our country; Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. Kremlin, Red Square.

Nature of the native country: wealth, diversity, beauty.

Holidays and significant days of our country

Sample class notes


Purpose: To consolidate the understanding and skill of practical use in speech of the prepositions "in", "from".

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage

"Finish the sentence"

Children remember which animal lives in which house. The speech therapist starts the sentence, and the children finish it. They live in hollows... They live in hollows...

Sleeping in a bear's den... Sleeping in dens... Hiding in a fox hole... Hiding in burrows... Sitting in a dog kennel ...They sit in kennels ... They live in a birdhouse ... They live in birdhouses ...

Children are encouraged to place animals and birds in their homes. You can use a panel, a forest layout.

II. Learning phase

"Complete the offer"

The speech therapist calls how many sentences, skipping the preposition "in" in them

The squirrel lives... in a hollow. The bear is sleeping... in the den. The fox hid... in a hole.

The same sentences are called children, but with the preposition "in", which stands out intonationally.

The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the fact that the small word "in" indicates that the animals are inside their home:

Where is squirrel? In the hollow Where is the bear? In the den. Where is fox? In the hole.

Children pronounce sentences in chorus and individually, also highlighting the preposition "in" with their voice.

The speech therapist says that the small word "in" helps to correctly name sentences. The preposition symbol "in" appears.

III. The generalizing meaning of the preposition “in” is fixed: where can other animals live? (pictures-symbols are hung on the board)

In the den, in the nest, in the barn, in the chicken coop.- It is specified. Who lives in burrows?

fox, mole, hamster, mouse, badger, otter; Who lives in nests:

eagle, raven, rook, swallow, kite, falcon, sparrow. The speech therapist explains that the animals are tired of sitting in their homes, they decided to get out of there.

A sentence is called without and with a preposition "from". The squirrel peeks out of the hollow. Where is the squirrel looking from? - From the hollow.

Similarly, combinations with the preposition “from” are worked out (from the den, from the hole, from the birdhouse). The symbol of the preposition "from" appears ...

The generalizing meaning of the preposition "from" is fixed. Where can animals and birds look out from?

From the den, from the chicken coop, from the nest, from the barn, from the birdhouse, from the hole.

Game for the development of attention "Who listens better?"

The speech therapist calls different prepositions “in”, “on”, “under”, “from”, and the children must raise the symbol of the preposition “in”. Then the children raise the symbol of the preposition "from"

Animals, birds, insects

Butterfly is a love message.

Bull - you are in danger.

Bull on the hill - soon your financial situation will change for the better.

The bull is in the lowland - in the near future you will not have health problems.

Camel - wealth, prosperity, financial success.

Raven - misfortune in the house.

Dove - in your immediate environment there is a person with a pure soul.

Hare - cowardice, inability to analyze the present in order to predict the future.

The snake is evil, deceit, a deceitful friend, an ill-wisher.

Cow - quick happiness, good luck.

Cat - poverty, financial collapse, bankruptcy, ruin.

Chicken - a person who is not yet familiar to you needs your help.

Swan - unexpected receipt of money.

Leo - power, nobility, breadth of soul, power.

Fox - deceit, cunning, lies, fraud.

Frog - good news, good luck, success, happiness.

A bear is a danger that can be avoided by chance.

Ant - chores, anxiety, restlessness, vanity.

Fly - inheritance, financial success, material well-being, wealth.

Deer - honesty, openness, wisdom.

Eagle - the struggle you are waging will end soon, a well-deserved victory awaits you.

A spider is an unexpected gift, a surprise.

Rooster - good news, happiness in the house; there is a person in your environment who is plotting against you (closer to the bottom edge of the cup).

Fish is a pleasant journey, good news.

A dog is a faithful, reliable friend.

Owl - a serious long illness, death.

Tiger - anger.

The lizard is a surprise, an unexpected event.

From the book Birds and Stone. Primordial Shambhala author New Anastasia

From the book Master of Dreams. Dream Dictionary. author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

INSECTS 1160. BUTTERFLY - meeting, date; sign of fate; love.1161. FLEAS - to see - to money; catch, beat - internal disagreements, troubles in business. Bite - big profit; nervous breakdown.1162. CATERpillar - thanks to the transformation into a butterfly, more

From the book In the power of symbols author Klimovich Konstantin

BIRDS See add. sl. "mythological".1474. STORK - family happiness, the birth of a child; longing for one's homeland or one's other half. In a couple - love, marriage; black - divorce, end of relationship. 1475. SPARROW - to be in time everywhere, good luck.1476. RAVEN - news of someone's death; negative aspect

From the book Catastrophe Predictions author Khvorostukhina Svetlana Alexandrovna

BIRDS OF PARADISE Folk art in today's Russia has lost its main canons and traditions in the depiction of ancient Russian divine beings of the second plan. They are either poorly visible, or later, frankly alien stratifications are clearly expressed in them. But in the last

From the book Commander I by Shah Idris

Animals and birds predict ... Cases when animals or birds, with their unusual behavior, predicted the onset of a particular catastrophe, nowadays more and more often attract the attention of scientists. Recently, the question of the behavior of animals, birds and fish has been

From the book Winged Lords of the Universe [Insects - Psychics] author Belov Alexander Ivanovich

Predictive Insects The approach of a natural disaster can be anticipated not only by animals and birds, but also by insects. Shortly before the memorable eruption of the famous Mont Pele on the island of Martinique in 1902, an article appeared in one of the local newspapers,

From the book Map of Desires. Order. All come true! author Runova Olesya Vitalievna

From the book Where did it come from, how the world was organized and protected author Nemirovsky Alexander Iosifovich

PART TWO INSECTS - Psychics FIGHT OF THE WORLDS Our people are squeamish. He won't hurt a fly, not because he's sorry, but because he doesn't want to get dirty. The roots of this disgust should perhaps be sought in a religious frame of mind that reveres representatives of arthropods.

From the book The Book of Secrets. The Incredible Obvious on Earth and Beyond author Vyatkin Arkady Dmitrievich

Birds Singing birds are also a good feng shui symbol, but only if the birds are healthy and in a well-lit area. The more active the bird, the more positive energy it attracts into your life. The cage must match the size of the bird -

From the book Mythological Creatures of the Peoples of the World [Magical Properties and Interactions] author Conway Deanna J.

Birds and Snakes The world of snakes in Vedic and especially Hindu mythologies looms in a complex relationship between the world of people and the inhabitants of two other worlds, the lower and the upper. Serpents are opposed by both humans and monstrous birds, but in contacts between these parties

From the book Dolphin Man by Mayol Jacques

Sinister birds In the legends of various peoples, birds are told about the messengers of death, which supposedly accompany the soul to the world of the dead. In ancient Rome, these were owls, which, as a frightening omen, circled over the Roman Forum - the main center of political,

8.5. BENEFICIAL INSECTS The bee, the most famous of the domesticated insects, has long been used for the preparation of medicines, treatment of bites, honey and all kinds of medicinal substances. The following are ancient recipes for the use of some well-known products.

From the author's book

Animals and insects in our house At one time I lived in a communal apartment with two neighbors. To say that there were a lot of cockroaches in this apartment is to say nothing. They arranged their feasts and games night and day, traveled through the rooms as they pleased; attempts to poison them


  • Educational.
    Systematize students' knowledge on this topic:
    repeat the signs of various animals (insects, animals, animals);
    To teach to determine the belonging of an animal to its group.
  • Developing:
    students' speeches;
    logical thinking.
  • Educational:
    bring up respect for animals;
    animal care.

Lesson type. Lesson to consolidate the material covered.


  • Cards for an individual task, workbook, textbook.
  • Various pictures of birds, animals and insects.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

The long-awaited call is given;
The lesson starts.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Observation of nature.

- What time of year are you talking about?

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly...

Now the time of the year is AUTUMN.

Teacher. What month is it?

- October.

- Describe today's weather.

2. The teacher reports the topic of the lesson and the objectives of the lesson.

Teacher. Today, in the lesson, we will repeat everything that we learned about insects, birds, animals.

- We will work in rows and all together.

So, I row - insects,
II row - birds,
III row - animals.

III. Consolidation of the passed.

1. “Separate your animals into groups”

(A student is called from each row.)

The teacher calls the animal and shows the picture, and the students are divided into groups


Depending on which animal you represent (attach pictures to your column).

Teacher. Now let's check (children name who they selected).

- Name the signs:

Insects (1 row),
Birds (2nd row),
Animals (3rd row)

(Students can complement each other).

2. Teacher. I know that you have prepared a story (message) about one representative of each group (children are prepared in advance).

1 row - OSA
2 row - SPARROW
3 row - GIRAFFE

Teacher. Well done guys, you have prepared very interesting messages.

3. Teacher. The next task is a dynamic dictation.

- You have a piece of paper with mugs. Prepare a red and green pencil.

- I read the statement, if you agree, paint over the circle in green, if you disagree - in red.

  1. All birds have feathers. (Yes)
  2. All birds can fly. (Not)
  3. A bat is a bird. (Not)
  4. The body of the animals is covered with wool. (Yes)
  5. A spider is an insect. (Not)
  6. An insect is an animal that has 6 legs. (Yes)
  7. Ostriches and penguins are birds that cannot fly. (Yes)

Teacher. Now let's check (self-test).

4. Fizminutka.

In the morning the dragonfly woke up
Pulled up, smiled
Once - she washed herself with dew,
Two - bent down and sat down
Four - flew.
Stopped by the river
Circled over the water.

5. Teacher. And now I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle.

well and R a f
with and n and c a
with about in a
l about with b
d I t e l
to at h n e h and to
m at R a in e th

Riddles for the crossword

1. Oh walks with his head up,
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition
And because he... (Giraffe)

2. Greenish back
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

3. Catches every rustle sensitively
And when he screams, it becomes scary,
Sleeping grass shudders
It sighs… (Owl)

4. Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Spread wide. (Elk)

5. Black vest,
Red beret.
Nose like an ax
The tail is like an emphasis. (Woodpecker)

6. From the branch to the path,
From blade of grass to blade of grass
Jumping spring-
Green back. (Grasshopper)

7. Without a job, for the life of me,
Can't live... Ant).

Teacher. And what was the keyword?

- Animals.

6. Work on the textbook. (Pages 28–29)

Teacher. Guys, where can you meet all the animals together?

All animals (animals, birds and insects) invite us to visit the zoo.

- What is a zoo?

- A zoo is a place where they keep animals that live not only in our area, but also in other countries.

— Scientists study animals in the zoo. There are also those animals that are very few left, i.e. rare animals.

Which one of you has been to the zoo?

How should you behave in a zoo?

- Look at the drawing, which depicts the Moscow Zoo. Let's read about the zoo.

(Reading an article in a textbook).

7. Additional information. (Reserve)

Teacher. Guys, in addition to zoos, nature reserves have been created by man.

Reserves are vast areas where hunting is prohibited.

In our Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Malaya Sosva Reserve has been created.

Rare animals are found in this reserve, because they are protected, such as the river beaver (listed in the Russian Red Book), specially protected birds nest here, white-tailed eagle, whooper swan, red-throated goose, gyrfalcon, Siberian Crane.

There are a lot of animals in this reserve. I named only a small part.

I urge you to treat animals with care. every year they become less and less, and sometimes a person does not think about it.

8. Work in notebooks (p. 13).

No. 1. Who is depicted? (Finish the drawing)

No. 2. Consider the animals in the zoo (connect with lines).

Teacher. I suggest you play the game. “Who is in the group is superfluous”

I show 3 animals, one of which is superfluous. Find and name it. (Show pictures)

a) bug, cow, giraffe;
b) grasshopper, butterfly, tit;
c) woodpecker wasp, sparrow;
d) fox, wolf, owl;

Teacher. How to name birds, animals and insects in one word?

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. Name the signs of birds, animals, insects.

What are zoos for? Reserves?

What do you remember and like about the lesson?


  • expand students' ideas about animals, identify distinctive features and, on this basis, divide animals into groups: birds, animals, insects, fish;
  • learn to compare, generalize and systematize, draw conclusions and analyze, broaden horizons, teach friendly group work.

I. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Who we will talk about today in the lesson, you will find out by filling out the crossword puzzle:

What are all these creatures called?

What groups of animals do you already know? (Wild and domestic.)

What are the common characteristics of all animals? (Breathe, eat, develop, move, multiply, die.)

- In addition to wild and domestic animals, what other groups are animals divided into?

How do animals of one group differ from another? (On the board are pictures of 4 groups: insects, fish, birds, animals.)

(According to the number of legs and body cover).

II. Instructions for work at the stations.

1. Work in groups (6 people each). Filling in the table.

2. Contact a consultant for help.

3. Choose a person responsible for keeping time. (7 minutes).

III. Fizminutka. "Birds Have Arrived"(after working at two stations).

IV. Lesson Summary:

  1. Which stations did you travel to today?
  2. What are the characteristics of each group of animals?
  3. What task did you like the most?

In this collection photographs of animals, birds, fish, insects and other animals there is not one that has been processed by the Photoshop graphics editor. Such an amazing color of animals was awarded by nature.

The orchid mantis gets its name from its unusual coloration, reminiscent of an orchid flower.

Another representative of the orchid mantis species (lat. Hymenopus coronatus). The body length of males reaches 4 cm, and females - 8 cm. Orchid mantises live in Indian and Indonesian rainforests.

The male tiger frog (lat. Hoplobatrachus tigerinus). During the mating season, the throat pouches of males turn bright blue, which attracts special attention. In addition, their size is impressive. The body length of tiger frogs reaches 17 cm.

White European fallow deer.

Some animals owe their white color to albinism, the complete or partial absence of pigmentation of the coat, skin, and iris. Such animals are called albinos.

Albino crow.

Albino squirrel.

Albino peacock.

Vallaru is an albino from the kangaroo family.

The decorative breed of chickens Ayam Chemani, on the contrary, has a gene that causes hyperpigmentation. Therefore, these chickens are black both outside and inside. Black internal organs, black bones. Everything but the blood. Their meat is valued for its pleasant smell and taste.

An unusual color can also be the cause of erythrism, when the pigmentation of the outer integument is disturbed in favor of an orange, reddish or pinkish color, like the grasshoppers in the photo below.

A bicolor female lobster named Pinci.

In the photo, a young specimen of a box-cube (lat. Ostracion cubicus). Only young fish have such a bright yellow color with dark blue or black spots. With age, it fades, changing to a dirty mustard, and later to bluish. The spots turn pale, but their center becomes azure.

Raspberry-breasted petroica (lat. Petroicarodinogaster), Tasmania, Australia.

Red velvet ants. They are also known as German wasps or mutillids (lat. Mutillidae). In fact, these insects are fluffy wasps. But because of the outward resemblance of wingless females to ants, the name "velvet ants" was assigned to them among the people.

Nicobar pigeon or maned pigeon (lat. Caloenas nicobarica). As a rule, they lead a terrestrial lifestyle, but in case of danger they soar up and sit on trees. Since maned pigeons fly quite poorly, they prefer to live away from predators. Therefore, they are most often found in the jungle on small uninhabited islands.

Marble fox.

Crab Gecarcinus quadratus from the Hecarcinaceae family.

White river dolphin, Amazonian freshwater dolphin (lat. Inia geoffrensis). An adult.

Rocket-tailed Roller (lat. Coracias spatulat).

Rainbow grasshopper (lat. Dactylotum bicolor).

Giant bright pink slugs Triboniophorus af. graeffei live at the foot of Mount Kaputar in Australia and reach 20 cm in length.

Budgerigar (lat. Melopsittacus undulatus).

Point collared snake (lat. Diadophis punctatus) from the already-shaped family. It poses no danger to humans.

The blue American lobster has this coloration due to a rare genetic mutation. The blue form occurs once in 2 million individuals. Typically, the American lobster is greenish-brown to dark blue-green in color.

Virginian cardinal or red cardinal (lat. cardinalis cardinalis).

Cats and dogs, our smaller brothers, nature also does not bypass.

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