What are the signs of the verb. Permanent signs of the verb

Inconstant sign of the verb - what is it? Answer to question asked you will find in the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what forms this part of speech has, how it declines, etc.

General information

Before understanding what constants and fickle signs verbs exist, it should be said about what this part of speech generally represents.

A verb is a part of speech that denotes the state or action of an object and answers the questions “what to do?” and “what to do?”.

Verb forms

Each verb has the following forms:

  • Initial. Sometimes it is called the infinitive or indefinite form. Such verbs end in -ty, -t or -ch, that is, with formative suffixes (for example: guard, bloom, bathe, etc.). The indefinite names only the state or action and does not indicate the number, time or person. This is the so-called immutable form. It has only permanent features.
  • Conjugated forms, that is, not being an infinitive. As a rule, they have permanent and non-permanent features of the verb.
  • General participle.
  • Participle.

So, in order to correctly compose the text of the letter, you should know that the presented part of speech has:

  • fickle;
  • constant signs of the verb.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Inconstant signs of the verb

Non-permanent forms include:

  • number;
  • mood;
  • face;
  • time.

It should be noted that each of these features has its own characteristics.


All verbs have 3 mood forms. This feature shows how talking man evaluates the action. In other words, with the help of such a form one can find out whether he considers it desirable, possible or real under any particular condition.


The term "non-permanent features of the verb" speaks for itself. That is, this part of speech changes over time. However, this only applies to verbs in

So, let's consider in more detail how such a part of speech changes over time:

  • Present tense. Formally, it is expressed as -u, -yu, -eat, -et, -ut, -et, etc. (For example: I walk, I think, I do, I dream, I carry etc.). It should be especially noted that the present tense denotes a process that takes place in this moment. At the same time, he himself may not be in the present, but be in the past or future. Here's an example: She runs ahead of me. She thought she was running ahead of me. She'll run ahead again.
  • Future tense. As you know, it denotes a process that will happen very soon. For example: I will go for a walk in the evening. It should also be noted that the future tense is also present in perfective and imperfective verbs. Although in these cases it is expressed differently ( I will read - I will read, I will sing - I will sing, I will walk - I will take a walk etc.).
  • Past tense. Such a tense indicates an action that has already passed (for example: walking, doing, thinking). This form is formed by adding the suffix -l-.


The non-permanent features of the verb are those features that, if necessary, can change the word at the right time, person, etc. The number is also a non-permanent feature. It can be:

  • The only one: do, expect, go, go, go etc.
  • Multiple: do, expect, go, go, let's go etc.


In the forms of the future and present tense, all verbs change according to the following persons:

  • 1st person indicates that the process is carried out by the speaker: I sing, we sing;
  • 2nd person indicates that the action is performed by the listener: you are silent, you are silent;
  • 3rd person indicates that the action is carried out by a person not participating in the dialogue: it, he, she goes, they go.

It should also be noted that some verbs refer to some action or state that occurs without the participation of certain person, as if by itself. Such verbs are called impersonal. Here's an example: Chill. It's getting light. It's getting dark.


What other non-permanent signs of the verb exist? Of course, the genus also belongs to them. However, this form is inherent only in verbs in singular, conditional mood and :

Now you know what non-permanent morphological features of the verb exist and how the given part of speech changes in accordance with them. However, it should be noted that, in addition to non-permanent, there are also permanent forms. Let's consider them in more detail.

The signs of the verb are constant

If they turn to you and ask: “Name the inconstant features of the verb,” then you will certainly do it without hesitation. But what will you say if they want to hear from you a list and differences in the constant features of the verb?

So, these forms include:

  • transitivity;
  • returnability;
  • conjugation.


Absolutely all verbs are imperfect or perfect look. This sign shows exactly how the action proceeds. As you know, all perfective verbs answer the following question: “what to do?”. In addition, they indicate the result of an action, its completion, beginning or end (for example, what to do? - get up).

May change in the past ( what did they do? - got up) and future simple tense ( what will they do? - get up). There is no present tense form for this feature.

Imperfect answer the following question: "what to do?". In addition, when denoting an action, they do not indicate its result, completion, beginning or end: get up. Such verbs have a past ( what they were doing? - got up), the present ( what do they do? - get up) and future complex tense ( what will you do? - I will get up). The imperfect species also has indefinite form verb ( what will do? - will get up, will dance etc.).

It should be especially noted that in the Russian language there is a small number of two-pronged verbs. Such words, depending on the context, can either become perfect or imperfect ( order, marry, investigate, execute, arrest, marry, attack, examine etc.).

Here's an example:

  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself was executing his enemies. In this case, the verb "executes" answers the question "what does he do?" and is imperfect.
  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself was executing several rebels. In this case, the verb "executes" answers the question "what will he do?" and looks perfect.


Permanent features also include such a form as recurrence. Thus, verbs that have the postfix -sya or -sya are called reflexive. For example: fight, fight etc. The rest are irrevocable. For example: beat, scold, think etc.


All verbs are divided into intransitive and transitive. The latter denote a process that passes to another subject. Its name can be expressed:

All other verbs are considered intransitive ( play in the forest, believe in justice etc.).


You know what inconstant sign of a verb can be used to write a beautiful stylistic letter. However, this is not enough for compiling a competent text. After all, it is very important to know how verbs are written in a particular conjugation.

As you know, with this form, the endings of verbs change. In turn, conjugations depend on the person and number of a word.

So, to compose a competent letter, you need to remember that:

  • Verbs of the 1st conjugation have endings: -eat (-eat), -u (-u), -et (-et), -ete (-ete), -em (-eat) and -ut (-yut). Here's an example: you work, you want, you howl, you sing, you run etc.
  • Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have endings: -ish, -u (-u), im, -it, -at (-yat) or -ite. Here's an example: grow, feed, love, pass, destroy etc.

Often in school homework in the Russian language, students are faced with the need to perform one or another analysis of a word, phrase or sentence. Along with syntactic, lexical and morphemic analysis, the school program includes morphological analysis. Let's see how to do it morphological analysis for the verb, and find out what morphological features characterize this part speech.

The verb and its forms

Determining the initial form, the part of speech to which the word belongs, and its role in the sentence is usually not difficult. However, students often have questions about morphological features the words. For each part of speech, their permanent and non-permanent features are distinguished: it can be gender and case for a noun, aspect and tense for a verb.

A verb is an independent part of speech denoting an action that answers the question “what to do?” or “what to do?” Here are some examples: clean, walk, wish, love, walk.

This is interesting: checked unstressed vowels in the root of the word, rules with examples.

There are 4 verb forms. These include:

  • infinitive, or initial form of the verb: run, sit, be;
  • conjugated forms: read, sing, steal;
  • participle: fallen, dormant, embedded;
  • gerund: dreaming, answering, completing.

In a sentence, conjugated forms most often play the role of a predicate, and the remaining forms can be any other members of the sentence.

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There are fixed and non-permanent signs of the verb. The infinitive has only constant features, since it is an invariable part of speech. For conjugated forms, it is also possible to define non-permanent signs, since these verbs can change, for example, in numbers or persons.

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Permanent morphological features

Permanent signs include the following:

  • conjugation;
  • returnability;
  • transitivity.

This is interesting: words with the suffix -enn-, spelling rules.

View is a category that defines how a given action proceeds over time and indicates whether it has been or will be completed at a particular point in time. View can be specified for all verb forms.

The perfect form includes verbs that are used when you need to show the completeness of the action. An imperfect view, on the contrary, denotes a certain prolongation in time, incompleteness. It is not difficult to distinguish them: the imperfect form answers the question “what to do?”, For the perfect form, the question “what to do?” is used.

Consider several sentences and determine the form for the verbs that were used in them.

He woke up as the sun was already setting.

This is interesting: “chickens are counted in the fall” - the meaning of the proverb.

Let's find out what question the first highlighted verb answers.

He (what did he do?) woke up.

This question is a sign of a perfect look. The value also indicates the completion of the action: he woke up, i.e. has already performed the action.

Let's look at the second verb. Let's ask him a question:

The sun was already (what was doing?) setting.

We define the form of the second word as imperfect. Really, the sun was setting, but it's not clear if the action was completed or not.

It should be remembered that there are two-spectrum verbs for which it is possible to determine the aspect only when the word is given in the context. As an example, consider the word use:

  • It is convenient for students to study (what to do?) to use a laptop.
  • To pass the most difficult level in the game, I had to (what to do?) use the last hint.

By asking appropriate questions to the word, we can easily determine the form of the verb: in the first phrase - the imperfect, and in the second - the perfect form.

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Type conjugations There are 3 types of verbs: I conjugation, II conjugation and conjugated verbs. To define conjugation, you need to put right word into the infinitive form and see what it ends with. If before the suffix -th is the letter and ( drink, saw, repair, glue), the word belongs to the II conjugation. In the event that another letter stands before the infinitive suffix ( take, walk, prick, command, bend), we refer the verb to the I conjugation.

However, keep in mind that there are exceptions to this rule, as shown in the table below.

Also a constant feature is recurrence. The reflexive form differs from the non-reflexive form by the presence of a suffix -sya or -ss at the end of a word. Returns include following words: laugh, learn, have fun; are irrevocable walk, be able to, wash.

Transitivity characterized by the possibility of connecting a verb with a noun or pronoun in the genitive or accusative case without a preposition. Thus, turn on (light), open (window), see (forest) - examples of transitive infinitives, and believe (in oneself), laugh (at a joke) are examples of intransitives.

Inconstant signs of the verb

There are five non-permanent signs:

  • mood;
  • time;
  • number;
  • face;

It should be remembered that the presence of a particular category depends on the form in which the word is used.

Mood used to indicate how an action relates to reality. In the indicative mood, verb forms denote an action that actually happened, may happen at the moment, or will only happen in the future. Examples

  • As children, we often walked in the park near the house.
  • In a few days they will buy a new bike.

The conditional mood describes actions that are possible only when certain conditions are met. They are formed from the infinitive or the past tense with the particle would (b). For example: She would have to pay a large sum for this.

The imperative mood is used in requests and orders to indicate the required action. Examples:

  • Please bring my book to school tomorrow.
  • Put this cabinet a little closer to the window.

The category of time is defined only for the indicative mood. There are 3 forms: past tense for actions that have already happened before; present for actions taking place at the current moment; future tense - for what will happen after a certain time period. Here are some examples:

  • came home, looked for a notebook, listened to music - past tense forms;
  • I learn by heart, you look around, they make noise in the yard- present tense forms;
  • we will know mathematics, find a wallet, watch a movie - forms of the future tense.

Number can be defined for any inflected verb forms. As with other changeable parts of speech, they distinguish the singular (when one actor is related to the performance of the action) and the plural (if there are several persons).

  • come, would do, leave, learn, looking for- singular;
  • bring, would like, reacted, fall, ride- plural.

Category faces are distinguished only for forms of the imperative mood, as well as for the present and future tenses of the indicative mood. 1 person means that the speaker refers this action to himself or the group of people in which he is ( I say, we think). If the described action refers to the interlocutor or interlocutors, then the verb is used in the form of 2 persons ( answer, repeat). 3 person means that the action is performed by people who are not related to the speaker or interlocutor ( silent, wipe).

Genus is a feature that is defined for the singular in the conditional mood or in the indicative mood in the past tense.

  • bought, would come- masculine;
  • wear, dream- feminine;
  • broken, burnt- neuter gender.

Need to know: What is the indefinite form of the verb?

An example of morphological parsing

Consider how you can determine what morphological features a verb has. To do this, we analyze the word mastered used in the sentence:

Fifth grade students easily mastered new topic.

  1. Mastered denotes an action, therefore, we define a part of speech - a verb.
  2. Initial form (infinitive) - master.
  3. We define permanent signs:
    1. Students (what did they do?) mastered , the question refers to the perfect form.
    2. Pay attention to the form of the infinitive, pay attention to the fact that before -th located and(while the verb is not on the list of exceptions), this indicates the II conjugation.
    3. No suffix -sya or -ss says that the verb is irrevocable.
    4. The verb agrees with the noun in the accusative case ( mastered the topic), therefore, it belongs to the transitional ones.
  4. We analyze what non-permanent signs can be determined for this form:
    1. The action is performed in reality, therefore its mood is indicative.
    2. The time of action is the past (you can add adverbs of time to the sentence yesterday, last year, the form of the verb will not change). Remember that the person is not defined in the past tense.
    3. Insofar as pupils - this set actors, mastered is in the form plural. For the plural, it is impossible to determine the gender.
  5. In this offer mastered is predicate.

Like any other part of speech, the verb has a number of features inherent in it.

  • permanent signs;
  • unstable signs.
  • returnability;
  • transitivity;
  • conjugation type.
  • mood;
  • number;
  • time;
  • face;

Permanent signs of the verb

Let's consider the constant features of the verb in more detail.

  • Type of verb. Verbs are of two types: perfective and imperfective.

Perfective verbs indicate the completion of an action and answer a question. what to do? For example, sail (what to do?).

Imperfective verbs indicate actions that are currently being performed and answer the question what is he doing? For example, swim (what to do?).

  • Transitivity of the verb. Distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs.

Transitive verbs are those that can be combined with nouns in the accusative case without prepositions. For example, find (who?) a person, take out (what?) garbage.

Accordingly, verbs are called intransitive, which are combined with a noun in the accusative case only with the help of prepositions. For example, go in school.

  • Recurrence of the verb. Verbs are also characterized by a sign of recurrence / non-returnability.

All verbs with a postfix are reflexive -sya. For example, wash, gather, study. All reflexive verbs are intransitive.

In turn, all verbs without postfix -sya are non-refundable. For example, collect, wash, buy, read, leaf through. They can be either transitional (read), and intransitive (stand).

  • Types of conjugations of verbs. There are only 2 types of conjugations of verbs: 1 and 2 conjugation. Verb conjugation can be defined in two ways:
  1. by personal endings of verbs;
  2. according to the suffix of the initial form of verbs (if the ending is unstressed).

To determine the conjugation of a verb, you need to decline it by person and number.

Verbs of the 1st conjugation must have endings -u(-u)/-eat; -eat/-eat; -et/-ut (-yut). For example, growing, growing; you grow, you grow; grows, grows.

Verbs of 2 conjugations have endings -y (-y) / -im; -you/-ite; -it / -at (-yat). For example, I teach, we teach; teach, teach; teaches, teaches.

Thus, verbs have permanent and non-permanent features. View, transitivity, reflexivity and types of conjugations of the verb are its constant features that remain unchanged in any context.

Reflexive verbs are those that have the postfix "-sya". Attaching this postfix affects the syntactic and semantic properties.

The transitivity of a verb lies in its ability to attach a direct object to itself. It can be expressed by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition: "read a book." It can also be a noun in the genitive case without a preposition, provided that part of the subject is involved: “put salt”.

The verb in which there is a negation is also transitive: "not to hear laughter." Intransitive verbs do not have such opportunities: "crawl", "".

The verb can be either perfective or imperfective. The perfective verb symbolizes the completed action: "answer." The imperfective verb indicates the incompleteness of the action: "to answer."

The conjugation of a verb is its change in persons and numbers. There are two types of conjugation.

If the ending of the verb is unstressed, according to the first conjugation, all verbs are inclined not to “–it”. The exception is the verbs "shave" and "lay", they are also declined according to the first type. According to the second, then verbs are inclined to “-it”, except for “shave” and “lay”, 7 verbs to “-et” and 4 verbs to “-at”. These verbs are: “twist”, “see”, “depend”, “hate”, “offend”, “watch”, “tolerate”, “drive”, “hold”, “hear”, “breathe”.

With a personal shock, he conjugates according to the following scheme. First conjugation first person: “I give / give”, second person: “give / give”, third person: “give / give”. Second conjugation first person: "sleep/sleep", second person: "sleep/sleep", third person: "sleep/sleep".

Variable morphological characters

The mood of the verb is indicative, imperative and conditional. The indicative expresses real actions that took place, are taking place and will take place. The imperative reflects the motivation of the speaker to something.

Conditional mood - actions that are desirable or possible under certain conditions. The particle "by" is added to the verbs in this mood.

The tense of the verb is divided into present, past and future. Only indicative verbs can change tense. The number of the verb is singular or plural.

The person of the verb is first, second and third. First person: I/we; Second person: you/you; Third person: he/she/they. The gender of the verb is masculine and. Only verbs in the past tense and singular, as well as in the conditional mood, can change on this basis.

1. verb mood

1. 1 Indicative denotes an action that happened in the past, is happening in the present, and will happen in the future. Verbs in the form of exclusions. n. change:

At times;

In the present tense - by persons and numbers;

In the past tense - by gender (only in singular) and numbers;

In the future tense - by persons and numbers.

Example: In the meadows glitter dew peas that it happens only in the early morning.

1. 2 Subjunctive (conditional) mood denotes a desired action that can occur under certain conditions. Verbs do not change in tenses, but they have gender forms (only singular) and numbers.

Formed: Ch. past temp. rev. n. + particle BY (B).

Examples: I would play now something. Anyone it it would seem possible.

1. 3 Imperative mood expresses an impulse to action, an order, a request, advice. The action may or may not occur. Examples: live (live), learn (learn), believe (believe), read (read), let him come.

Formed imperative mood via:

Sometimes, to soften the form of the order to verbs, he led. n. particle KA is added: bring it, give it.

Attention! I led the form. n. may coincide in sound with the form of the 2nd l., pl. h., present. or bud. temp. will express. n: you speak that saw him?

2. Verb tenses

At times, verbs change only in the indicative mood.

3. Number of verbs

It is determined by the question to the verb.

4. Face of verbs

The person of the verb indicates who is participating in the speech. The face can only be identified in Ch. in the form of present and bud. temp. in will express. n. and at ch. led. n.

Face 1st 2nd 3rd
Unit h. I am glad Yu camping You are glad eat Xia He (she, it) is glad no Xia
Mn. h. We are happy eat Xia You are glad ee camping They are glad ut Xia

Impersonal verbs- these are verbs denoting an action that proceeds on its own, they call the phenomena of nature, the state of a person. They do not change in person and number, do not combine with Im.p. To impersonal verbs refer to verbs.

The verb, like any, has signs by which it is characterized. They represent grammatical categories, which are inherent in verb forms. Consider the permanent and non-permanent features of the verb, studied in the framework of the school curriculum.

A verb is understood as a linguistic verbal category with its inherent syntactic and morphological properties, which denotes the state or actions of the subject under consideration. Part of speech answers the questions “what to do”, “what to do”.

When studying in without fail considered forms:

  • Initial. Occurs under the name indefinite. Another name is the infinitive. They end in -ch, -th, -ty. The listed endings are formative suffixes. As part of the school curriculum, they are often treated as graduations. Examples: protect, carry, roll. The indefinite verb form is characterized by the naming of an action or state. There is no indication of a specific person, time or date. Such features allow us to classify it as immutable. The main feature that distinguishes the infinitive from other categories is the presence of constant properties.
  • Personal. This category includes all existing categories other than the infinitive. They have personal endings.
  • Participle. Some scholars classify adverbs as a separate part of speech.
  • Communion. In some programs, it, similarly to the gerund, is distinguished as separate part speech.

Knowledge about what morphological features a verb has is obtained by the student in the Russian language lessons. It is the 5th grade in general education high school considered to be the optimal period for mastering the basics of morphology.

As part of the 5th grade curriculum, the student receives basic knowledge about permanent and non-permanent signs of the verb. They also acquire practical skills in parsing a word as a part of speech.

A thorough knowledge of the basics of spelling in the Russian language is impossible without knowledge of the morphological properties that characterize the verb as a part of speech.

There is the following classification:

  • Permanent morphological features. Distinctive feature- are not amenable to modification, regardless of the presence of other parts of speech or other influence factors.
  • Non-permanent morphological features of the verb. In some literary sources they are found under the name of variable. They are noted for the ability to change depending on common sense sentence or single phrase.


Grammatical categories that accompany the characteristics of verb forms are called constant morphological features. Regardless of the semantic meaning that the phrase is endowed with, they are not amenable to change.

Among the constant morphological features inherent in the verb, the following categories are found:

  • View. There are perfective and imperfective verbs. The first group is characterized by a completed action and the question "what to do". For example: run away, read. The second group names the unfinished action and answers the question “what to do”: see, multiply.
  • Recurrence. Serves to describe a potential state (swears) or an ongoing action performed by a subject in relation to itself (washes itself), as well as an action occurring in relation to two or more objects that are in close relationship (put up). Feature - the presence of a postfix -sya / s. There is a division into reflexive (wash, undress) and irrevocable (plant, drink) verbs.
  • Transitivity. It is a category that characterizes the possibility of directed action. Feature - the ability to attach an add-on. It is customary to distinguish between transitional (wash fruit, eat cake) and intransitive (go, stay).
  • Conjugation type. Represents a category according to which the conjugation mechanism for persons and numbers is determined. It stands out 2 (ending in -it) and 1 conjugation (all the rest). There are also different conjugated verb forms.

Consideration of the permanent morphological features of the verb is impossible without characterizing the non-permanent ones.


The grammatical categories inherent in conjugated verbs and participles are non-permanent features. This group is characterized by the ability to change under the influence semantic load, which is included in the phrase.

What non-permanent signs are usually distinguished:

  • Mood. Expresses the relation of action to reality. It is customary to single out the conditional (a feature is the particle “would”: I would see, read, go), imperative (do, look, hear) and indicative (I rest, you understand) moods.
  • Number. It is a category that determines the number of described subjects involved in the action. Inherent in verbs and participles. There is a division into singular (runs, walks, read) and plural (worn, walk, painted) number.
  • Time. Contains an indication of the time period when the action took place relative to the moment of speech. characteristic of the indicative mood. It is customary to single out the present (I look, I eat), the past (I watched, I ate) and the future (I will watch, I will eat) times.
  • Face. Gives an idea of ​​who is doing the action. It is characteristic of the imperative and indicative mood of the future and present. It is classified into 1 (draw, read, let's go), 2 (eat, think, swim) and 3 (stroke, look) faces.
  • Genus. Characterized by the gender of the person performing the action. Inherent in participles, conditional and indicative verbs in the past tense. Allocate female (decorated, removed, would have screamed), male (soiled, swept, would have eaten), middle (cleaned, galloped, it would be needed) gender.

Parsing Order

Among the practical skills provided by the curriculum, students are required to know how to parse a word.

For a verb, there is the following procedure for morphological parsing:

  1. Part of speech, infinitive.
  2. The verb form is highlighted.
  3. The conjugation is defined.
  4. Time is revealed.
  5. The number is specified.

Depending on whether it belongs to the future or the present, face definition becomes available. For past tense verb forms, the gender is chosen. The last step in parsing is the definition as a member of the sentence, that is, the syntactic role in a particular sentence.

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Summing up

Knowledge within the Russian language of such concepts as permanent and non-permanent morphological is necessary in order to successfully pass the final exam at school and subsequently enter a university where the Russian language is included in the list of entrance tests.

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