Full and incomplete participles. Brief participles

Participle- part of speech, which is a special form of the verb, which denotes signs of action. Answers questions such as “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”.

As a verb form, participles have the following grammatical features:

  • Type: perfect and imperfect (for example: evening (what?) slumbering(what to do? - doze off); jumping cat(what to do? - jump off);
  • Time: present and past (grandfather (what?) Dozing, cat (what?) Escaped);
  • Returnability: returnable and non-refundable.

Morphological and syntactic signs of participles

There are scientists who believe that the participle is an independent part of speech, because it has features that are not characteristic of the verb. In particular, participles have some of the characteristics of adjectives, such as

  • object attribute designation
  • and agreement with the noun (that is, the same gender, number, and case).

Participles are real and passive, some have full and short forms. The short form of the participle in the sentence plays the role of the nominal part compound predicates. For example: Textbook disclosed on the tenth page.

Participles are able to decline in cases, numbers and gender, like adjectives. Even though participles have verb features, in a sentence they are definitions. For example: The book is lost, the briefcase is lost, the panel is lost.

Participles have an initial form, but only participles that are formed from verbs have it. imperfect form. Participles real and passive are formed with the help of suffixes.

Types of participles and their examples.

Passive participles.

Passive participles- these are the participles that denote a sign that is created in one object under the action of another. Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs. For example: A picture (what?) Drawn or drawn by a student.

They are formed from the stems of the verb in the present and past tense with the help of suffixes:

  • -om- (-em-) - for verbs of I conjugation
  • -im- for verbs of II conjugation
  • -nn-, -enn-, -t- – from the stems of verbs in the past tense

Examples: read, carried, kindled, divided, heard, sown, broken, baked. trimmed, beaten, split

Real participles.

Real Communion- this is a participle, which denotes a sign produced by the subject / object itself. For example: Boy painting a picture.

Real participles are formed from verbs in the present and past tense with the help of suffixes

Topic. Full and short passive participles

Educational: Give the concept of short participles, their syntactic role in a sentence; repeat short adjectives.

Developing: Development of analytical thinking, mastery of techniques learning activities, independence.

Educational: Education of love for the Russian language, instilling interest in its knowledge


The short form of participles is formed from the basis of the full form with the help of endings:

zero - for masculine gender,

A - feminine

Oh - neuter

Y - plural

For example: glued th - glued, glued a , glued about , glued s

That is, the endings of short participles consist of one letter or may be zero.

Unlike full participles, short participles DO NOT decline (do not change in cases).

Brief participles answer questionswhat? what? what is it? what are

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.

What is the difference between full and short participles?

3.2 Primary consolidation of knowledge.

a) Reading material p.45

b) performing exercise 103

Conclusion : short passive participles change by number, and in the singular - by gender.

In short passive participles of the feminine gender, the stress is most often on the last syllable.

The suffixes -nn- and -enn- (-yonn-) of full passive participles correspond to the suffixes -n- and -en- (-yon-) of short ones.

4. Consolidation of the studied

4.1 Insert one or two letters -n-

The leaves are illuminated..s; the letter was omitted..o; preoccupied..th look; farm building..a; reject the enemy ..; read ..th book; lubrication loops..s; thickly forced .. th; subscribed to .. newspapers; phone number issued..; glade, scorched .. by the sun; Zakova .. in shackles; built..th church; schedule change..o; library pick up..a.

4.2 exercise 104

-Write out short and full participles, determine the gender, number, highlight the endings

Put on, torn off, wrinkled, stretched, disheveled, open, cut, stitched

4.3 Write down by rearranging the full participles into short participles, and the short participles into full participles.

Organized excursion; full ..th person; hanging ..s paintings; faces are concerned..s; broken..th trees; brought up by a grandmother; organizational .. work; the lessons are over..s; the silence is broken..o; a message addressed to a comrade; grown ..th crop

Organized excursion – the excursion is organized; full-fledged man - man complete; hung pictures - hung pictures; faces preoccupied - preoccupied faces; broken trees - trees broken; raised by a grandmother - raised by a grandmother; organized work work organized; lessons completed - completed lessons; silence broken - broken silence; a message addressed to a comrade - a message addressed to a comrade; grown crop - the crop is grown.

5. Summing up the lesson.

How are short participles formed?

How do they change?

What are the members of a proposal?

What do short adjectives and short participles have in common? What's the Difference?

Announcement of grades for the lesson.

6. Homework

- Learn the rule p. 46, complete the task in the notebook

Exercise. Read the text of a joke letter that was written by one fairytale hero. Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

Since the sacrament special shape verb, containing the features of both the verb and the adjective, then one of its features is the ability to form a short form. In the lesson, you will learn about the grammatical, syntactic and stylistic features of short participles.

Theme: Communion

Lesson: Short Participles

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.


Exercise number 87, 88.Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise. Read the text of a comic letter that was written by one fairy-tale hero. Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Brief Communions.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling of participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

Since the participle is a special form of the verb that contains the features of both the verb and the adjective, one of its features is the ability to form a short form. In the lesson, you will learn about the grammatical, syntactic and stylistic features of short participles.

Theme: Communion

Lesson: Short Participles

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.


Exercise number 87, 88.Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise. Read the text of a comic letter that was written by one fairy-tale hero. Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Brief Communions.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling of participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. etc. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

Consider the features of short participles and their examples, learn how to distinguish them from adjectives. These parts of speech become one of the most common causes spelling mistakes. They are easy to confuse with adjectives, especially short ones, because they are pronounced almost the same. How to distinguish a short adjective from a short participle.

First, let's define what a short is. These are certain formations from words formed from the full participles of both pledges: active, passive. Any time, except for the future - the present and the past. Word formation occurs through the reduction of that part of the word that changes - inflection (sometimes it is called the ending). Sometimes the base is truncated along with it.

Note! Brief incl. is always used only in the passive voice, because some action is performed on it by another person.

Short participles: examples

How short forms are formed from full ones

Present tense:

Short participles: examples

Past tense:

A short participle answers such questions: what (a) (o)? — what are?

For example: the book is painted (what?), the exercise is solved (what?), the castle is robbed (what?).

Short participles: examples

Use in speech

In sentences and phrases, must be consistent with the other members of the proposal. In particular, with nouns and pronouns that act as defined words. Most often, their syntactic function is a predicate. More precisely - a compound nominal predicate.

Examples of a predicate, expressed briefly. par.: Newspapers were bought by old people. The bed was covered with a blanket. The article was not read by the student.

Take note! Sometimes it plays a role separate definition relating exclusively to the subject.

Participles in brief form change both by gender and by number. The masculine gender is characterized by negative inflection - null ending(shorn, watered (flower), extinguished (bonfire))

To agree with feminine nouns:

  • singular - ending "a". For example, sheared, watered, extinguished (candle)
  • plural - ending "s". For example, washed, watered, repaid.

For the neuter gender, the plural endings coincide with the feminine gender. For singular the ending “o” is characteristic: cut, watered, extinguished.

Useful video: short participles


Also short. participle can be separated from a similar adjective by suffixes.

Past tense suffixes Examples
-en- Brought, groomed
-n- Given away, fanned
-t- Sung, broken

Short participles: examples

Participle VS Adjective

Now let's turn to the burning problem of differences briefly. participle and adjective.

Let's take two phrases: "the girl is brought up", "the girl is brought up by her mother". The most obvious difference is that in the second case, the person who performed the action is represented. This is the mother who raised the girl.

Do not forget that the participle is, first of all, the form of the verb. It follows from this that if the sentence contains an object that has performed some action on the subject (for example, “a pear is grown by a gardener”), we have his short view. Also, one of bright features this part of speech - a short participle in a phrase can be replaced by a full one. For example, “a girl raised by her mother”, “a pear grown by a gardener”.

The main function of the adjective is characterizing. This part of speech emphasizes signs, focuses attention on them.

The phrase “the girl is well-bred” does not indicate the person who committed the action, but draws attention to the characteristic “what is this girl like?” - "educated". Here we are dealing with a short adjective. You can replace it with a complete one, we get "a well-bred girl." It does not matter how the result is achieved, the main thing is its presence.

To complete the test with absolute certainty, try replacing the phrase with synonyms. The adjective is easily replaced by a full synonym: "the girl is well-mannered - the girl is cultured." As mentioned above, the participle is a form of the verb, so the synonymous substitution occurs due to this part of speech: “the girl was raised by her mother” - “the mother raised the girl”.

Orthographic features

One of the main differences between the two language units located in the spelling area.

Short participles: examples

Spelling of short adjectives and participles

  • we write the adjective with two "n" - "nn";
  • we write the participle with one "n".

How do we write the particle "NOT"

An additional complication arises when choosing the number of letters in the suffix, if the particle "not" is present. This problem is relevant for both considered parts of speech. Remember the following simple scheme:

NOT with brief passive participles always written separately. They are also characterized by the use of dependent words in the phrase, as already mentioned. This function is, as it were, replaced by the adverb "very" in examples with short adjectives. For example: the world is very beautiful, the student is very smart.

Useful video: short passive participles


When writing, you need to be extremely careful, monitor the meaning of words, the presence of dependent words, the use of the “not” particle, the possibility of replacing with synonyms. In case of any difficulties or questions, please contact spelling dictionary or Russian corps literary language which can be found on the internet.

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