Friends of the chizhik Andrey Stanislavovich. The richest people in Belarus. Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna

You can be a talented musician and have a strong voice, create beautiful paintings or have the gift of a subtle psychologist who can help unravel the tangle of the most difficult problems. But it is unlikely that you will ever be lucky enough to find a second person who could succeed in several and such different areas as this amazing woman. We talked with Yulia Panova about personal development, art rehabilitation, miniature horses and downshifting in Nepal.

My friend is an artist and a poet

The most difficult question was to answer the question “Who is Yulia Panova?”. At the very least, if you use the standard "personality description tools" like questionnaires about education, work and hobbies, there is a terrible confusion. Honored Artist of Russia, she graduated from the Music College. Gnesins, and a little later - the Institute contemporary art. That is, by education, Yulia Panova is a professional singer and musician. However, she already has a well-established career in show business behind her. In addition to the active musical activity, which, by the way, continues today, she starred in several films and TV shows.

In 2008, Julia took up paints and a brush and unexpectedly discovered another facet of her talent. “All the same, they draw around - they succeed. Why don't I try it, - Julia recalls her thoughts at that time. “Of course, nothing good came of it. I could not paint like others did, and then I decided that I would do something of my own, original. And then I just started working hard. attended various master classes, all kinds of video tutorials on the Internet, studied different techniques and schools.

Today, Yulia Panova herself teaches painting and arranges master classes, she is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, holds exhibitions, including abroad. Recently, she was even invited as a stage designer to the musical "Scarlet Sails", which is currently preparing to enter the big stage. “Painting for me is a craft,” says the artist. - I never wait for inspiration - I just sit down and start writing. Appetite comes with eating, and most interesting ideas I have already appear in the process of working on the picture.

Healing art

Art, as you know, can help people. And in the case of Yulia Panova, this is by no means a metaphor. Today, Yulia collaborates with several rehabilitation centers, where she conducts an author's art rehabilitation course for drug and alcohol addicts. Julia began such a difficult activity thanks to Mikhail and Anna Sagalaev, the founders of the Rehab Family clinic. “The main reason that a person becomes an alcoholic is the inability to see a future perspective in life,” says Yulia. - This is especially true for women. Our meetings take place in different ways: it happens that I paint a picture, and people just watch it, or, conversely, I ask them to draw something. But the basis is communication, conversation: I share with them my vivid emotions, my feeling of joy, and they, in turn, tell about their own experiences through colors. I can say that in my case it works. The result is the transformation of people.”

teach me how to live

Another interesting direction recent times Julia Panova is in charge of organizing original downshifting tours. A small group of people go on a joint trip somewhere far away from civilization. There, as a rule, inexpensive housing is rented for a month, where people communicate with each other, share their problems, cook their own food, draw, and volunteer. In a word, they descend from heaven to earth and learn to live differently. Julia has long been convinced that such trips become beautiful way elimination of a whole bunch of problems up to severe depression. Nepal became her favorite destination for such trips. According to her, this is an ideal country for spiritual relaxation.

Julia Panova in Nepal

A small source of great joy

Oddly enough, in such a rich and vibrant life of Yulia Panova, there was a place for horses. Andrey Chizhik, a man with whom she has been hand in hand for many years, became the founder and owner of Norton KSK (its heyday came in 2010-2011). Now Andrei Stanislavovich has left his equestrian ambitions, but not his love for horses, which, by the way, Yulia also shares. Recently, a family of ... miniature horses appeared in their small private stable. "This is unique creations- Julia says enthusiastically. - They are like children, you can take a walk with them, invite them to visit, they have a wonderful character. Miniature horses are more adapted to communicate with people, for the attention they receive. It is very comfortable with them. From a pedagogical point of view, these animals are very useful, because who else is able to give a person such a huge amount of positive!

Teacher, jeweler, pilot...

The theme of pedagogy is very close to Julia. Her mother was a teacher, and from childhood she herself determined this profession for herself. And although officially Yulia Panova never worked as a teacher, in fact, it is with this activity that she connects her future. She plans to open her own center for creativity, where education would be available to a wide audience.

Yulia Panova is a fantastically versatile person. In addition to the areas of her activity mentioned above, which occupy the most important place in Julia's life, she finds time for many other hobbies. For example, she makes Jewelry, where each stone has a whole story, is engaged in fashion design, shoots at the level of a professional photographer and recently even graduated from flight school and knows how to fly a helicopter.

Yulia Panova is convinced that any person must have some higher goal, their own super-task. For her, the most important thing was to help people find and realize themselves. She admits that in the development of personality, her name has already become a kind of "brand". Actually, this is not surprising - just look at her paintings, designer jewelry, listen to how she sings and plays, and most importantly, talk to hundreds of people who are extremely grateful to her. Everyone - in their own way.

ROTHENBERG Arkady Romanovich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOO Stroygazmontazh, Honored Trainer Russian Federation, honored worker physical culture Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DOSAAF of Russia

VOROBYOV Yuri Leonidovich

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council,

YEVKUROV Yunus-bek Bamatgireevich

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DOSAAF of Russia

SPRING Irina Anatolievna

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of DOSAAF of Russia


KLINTSEVICH Franz Adamovich

Member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security
Commission Chairman

KANSHIN Alexander Nikolaevich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Reserve Officers Associations Armed Forces

VOLYNETS Irina Vladimirovna

Chairman of the All-Russian social movement"National Parents' Committee"

GERASIMOV Evgeny Vladimirovich

People's Artist of the Russian Federation

ERMAKOV Viktor Fedorovich

Chairman of the Council of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, General of the Army

KOVALEV Andrey Arkadyevich

Composer, poet, producer, businessman


Archpriest, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies

BOCHAROV Vyacheslav Alekseevich

First Deputy Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, member of the Executive Committee of the Paralympic Committee of the Russian Federation
Hero of Russia


SHAMANOV Vladimir Anatolievich

Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Colonel General
Commission Chairman

CHEKALIN Alexander Alekseevich

Member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Deputy Chairman of the Commission

VOSTROTIN Valery Alexandrovich

Hero Soviet Union, Chairman of the All-Russian Union public associations"Union of Paratroopers of Russia", Colonel General

KULIKOV Anatoly Sergeevich

President of the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation, General of the Army

MELIKOV Mikhail Alimovich

Chairman of the Council of Unit Veterans special purpose, Major General of the Reserve

MIRONOV Ivan Kuzmich

Ataman of the military Cossack society "Central Cossack Army" Lieutenant General

ROGOZHKIN Nikolai Evgenievich

Deputy Chairman of the Public-State Association "All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society" Dynamo "

USVYATSOV Boris Mikhailovich

Member of the Expert Council on Defense of the State Duma

CHIZHIK Andrey Stanislavovich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Moscow Plant of Building Materials


ANDRIEVSKY Ivan Anatolievich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Engineering Company 2K, First Vice President of the Russian Union of Engineers
Commission Chairman

SOLOMONOV Yuri Semenovich

General Designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Deputy Chairman of the Commission

BALYBERDIN Alexander Leonidovich

Advisor to the President of the Financial and Banking Association for Eurasian Cooperation

GRADOV Stanislav Sergeevich

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kolibri Expert Company LLC, Head of the Moscow Advocates Group

RUKSHIN Sergey Evgenievich

Professor RGPU them. Herzen (St. Petersburg), Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239", Development Director of TVELL LLC, public teacher


SAVITSKAYA Svetlana Evgenievna

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union
Commission Chairman

KRIKALEV Sergey Konstantinovich

Executive Director of the Roscosmos State Corporation, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation
Deputy Chairman of the Commission

BEZRUKOV Andrey Olegovich

Advisor to the President of Rosneft

VOLKOV Vyacheslav Vasilievich

Acting State Counselor of the 1st class, General Director of AVEngineering Airport Zhukovsky

GONCHARENKO Vladislav Fedorovich

Deputy Director of the Directorate of Programs military aviation PJSC United Aircraft Corporation, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Military Pilot, Major General

KAPANINA Svetlana Vladimirovna

Pilot-instructor 1st class JSC "OKB Sukhoi"

MIKHAILOV Vladimir Sergeevich

Director of the Directorate of Military Aviation Programs of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation, Hero of the Russian Federation, Honored Military Pilot, General of the Army

TERESHKOVA Valentina Vladimirovna

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government

CHINDAROV Alexander Alekseevich

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Union of Russian Paratroopers, retired Colonel General


GAZZAEV Valery Georgievich

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs
Honored Coach of the Russian Federation
Commission Chairman

ALESHIN Gennady Petrovich

Head (co-chairman) of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports of the Russian Federation, honorary member of the Bureau International Federation Swimming, Honored Coach of the Russian Federation, President of the UNESCO Foundation for the Elimination of Doping in Sports, Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation
Deputy Chairman of the Commission

ASTAKHOV Pavel Alekseevich

Russian statesman, lawyer, TV presenter, writer

FIGURES Vitaly Valerievich

President of the All-Russian Federation of hand-to-hand combat
Senior Vice President of JSC VTB Bank


MULADZHANOV Shod Saidovich

Editor-in-Chief of the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Union of Journalists of Moscow
Commission Chairman

ILYIN Alexander Vitalievich

VERBITSKY Larisa Viktorovna

Soviet and Russian announcer and TV presenter

KARAULOV Andrey Viktorovich

SHARAPOVA Arina Ayanovna

Russian TV presenter, journalist, President of the School of Arts and Media Technologies, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of Moscow

CHOI Anita

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

on the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian public-state organization "Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Board of Trustees of the All-Russian public-state organization " Voluntary society assistance to the army, aviation and navy of Russia" (hereinafter - the Board of Trustees) is created in order to support the DOSAAF of Russia and assist in the pre-conscription training of young Russian citizens, the formation of personal example active patriotic position of youth, creation of an integral system of spiritual and practical education of the individual, education of the right attitude towards the Fatherland, state, people, family, readiness to take the necessary actions to create conditions for prosperity and protection of national interests, attracting the attention of society and legislative and executive authorities to problems of development of DOSAAF of Russia.
1.2. The Board of Trustees is a permanent advisory body.
1.3. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are advisory in nature.
1.4. The Board of Trustees builds its activities on the principles of equality of its members, democracy, collegiality, openness and publicity of decisions made.
1.5. The actions of the Board of Trustees are based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation and do not contradict the statutory goals and fundamental principles fulfillment of state tasks of DOSAAF of Russia.

2. Composition of the Board of Trustees

2.1. Members of the Board of Trustees may be individuals, citizens of the Russian Federation with an active life position and acting on their own behalf.
2.2. The Board of Trustees may include representatives of state authorities, prominent state and public figures, figures of science, education, technology, culture, sports, heads of organizations interested in the implementation of the goals and objectives of DOSAAF of Russia. The Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia is a member of the Board of Trustees ex officio.
2.3. The quantitative and personal composition of the members of the Board of Trustees is approved by the decision of the Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia. Changing the composition of the Board of Trustees is carried out in the same manner.
2.4. The Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia makes decisions on the inclusion of new members in the Board of Trustees, as well as on the termination of the powers of members of the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.
2.5. The Board of Trustees elects from among its members the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees organizes the work and manages the activities of the Board of Trustees, chairs its meetings.
The Secretary of the Board of Trustees organizes the technical work of the Board of Trustees (notifying members of meetings, keeping, drawing up, recording and storing minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees, etc.).

3. Tasks of the Board of Trustees

3.1. Contributing to the strengthening of cooperation and interaction of DOSAAF of Russia with state authorities, the media, public institutions, as well as other organizations interested in realizing the goals and objectives of DOSAAF of Russia.
3.2. Assistance in improving the regulatory framework for the activities of DOSAAF Russia, as well as protecting and strengthening the activities of DOSAAF Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation.
3.3. Contribute to strengthening the potential of DOSAAF Russia.
3.4. Creating an atmosphere of openness, transparency and reliable information through the media civil society about the activities of DOSAAF Russia, popularization of the goals, objectives, priorities of the activities of DOSAAF Russia.
3.5. Initiation of new development projects for DOSAAF Russia. Search for creative ideas and forms of communication with various categories of citizens.

4. Functions of the Board of Trustees

4.1. Initiation of legislative initiatives aimed at strengthening the regulatory framework for the activities of DOSAAF of Russia, as well as protecting and strengthening the activities of DOSAAF of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Formation of proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of supporting the activities of DOSAAF of Russia and assistance in their promotion.
4.3. Participation in the definition of Development Strategies and the formation on their basis of promising and current plans support for priority areas of activity and development of DOSAAF of Russia, as well as individual projects and programs.
4.4. Discussion of draft agreements on cooperation between DOSAAF of Russia and interested parties government bodies, ministries and departments and promoting their early conclusion.
4.5. Discussion and support of applications of DOSAAF of Russia for receiving state grants and assistance in the inclusion of DOSAAF of Russia in various state programs.
4.6. Attracting the attention of the authorities of the regional and municipal levels to the needs and problems of the relevant regional (interregional) and local branches of DOSAAF of Russia.
4.7. Assistance in the implementation of innovations and new modern technologies, forms and methods of working with various groups citizens of the Russian Federation, the socialization of members of society in the public life of the state.
4.8. Contributing to the creation of a system of training and advanced training for the leadership of DOSAAF of Russia, the introduction of new economic forms and technologies for the implementation of breakthrough projects, broadcasting the results of elite sports to the mass sports organizations of DOSAAF of Russia.
4.9. Participation in the creation of an incentive system for members of DOSAAF of Russia who have achieved significant success in the activities of the organization, rewarding activities in society.
4.10. Participation in the award work of DOSAAF of Russia.

5. Rights of the Board of Trustees

5.1. Require the provision of development plans for DOSAAF of Russia and relevant reporting on the programs of DOSAAF of Russia to him.
5.2. Discuss and evaluate the results of the activities of DOSAAF of Russia, its structural divisions and subordinate organizations.
5.3. Put forward proposals in the strategic plans for the activities and development of DOSAAF of Russia.
5.4. Members of the Board of Trustees may, at the invitation of the governing collegiate bodies of DOSAAF of Russia, take part in meetings of the latter with the right of an advisory vote.
5.5. Members of the Board of Trustees can participate in all events held by DOSAAF of Russia.

6. Rules and procedures

6.1. The Board of Trustees plans its work independently.
6.2. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held as needed, but at least twice a year.
6.3. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are competent if more than half of its members are present.
6.4. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by a simple majority of votes of its members participating in the voting.
6.5. In case of disagreement with decision a member of the Board of Trustees may express his opinion in writing, which is subject to mandatory inclusion in the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees.
6.6. Meetings and decisions of the Board of Trustees are documented in minutes, which are signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
6.7. DOSAAF Russia provides a place to store all the documentation of the Board of Trustees.
6.8. DOSAAF of Russia carries out technical and material support functioning of the Board of Trustees.
6.9. DOSAAF of Russia develops activities for each member of the Board of Trustees (as agreed).

Presumably, Chizhik Andrey Stanislavovich is the head (position - General Director) of the companies, the list of which you see below. This information was obtained based on the analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.



Region: Moscow

Address: 121165, MOSCOW, st. KIEVSKAYA, 24, building 1


  • . Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of a universal range of goods;
  • . Wholesale alcoholic and other drinks;
  • . Wholesale of tobacco products;

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 39 for MOSCOW



Region: Moscow

Address: 125373, MOSCOW, POKHODNY Ave., 4, bldg. one



Region: Moscow

Address: 125371, MOSCOW, VOLOKOLAMSKOE highway, 81, bldg. 2

Active member (academician) of the European Academy natural sciences. Genus. 07/19/1964 in Pionersk Kaliningrad region Russia. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1988 with a degree in engineer-economist. In 2006 defended his thesis with the award degree"Doctor of Economic Sciences", since 2009 professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute. From June 1994 to March 1999, he held the position CEO Moscow branch of AIC PSB "Arkhangelskpromstroybank", taking direct part in significant projects for the integrated development of the construction industry in the Arkhangelsk region, the development and strengthening of the credit and financial structure of the northern regions of Russia. In 2000, he headed the Board of Directors of the oldest enterprise in the construction industry of the capital, OJSC Moscow Building Materials Plant. He is engaged in charity work in the field of art and education, which contributes to the rapprochement of peoples and states. They erected monuments Russian emperors Peter I, Alexander I, Nicholas I in the Czech Republic, A.S. Pushkin in Cuba and Greece, Cardinal Mindzenty in Hungary, as well as a number of monuments in Russia and Belarus. In addition, it assists in the reconstruction of the destroyed Christian churches and monasteries around the world, in the publication of scientific printed materials, in the restoration of military equipment of the Second World War period for Russian museums. Provides assistance to needy war and labor veterans.

Andrei Stanislavovich accepts Active participation in the work of the committees of the State Duma on economic policy, budget, security of the CIS countries. Since 2005 he has been working as an Advisor to the Governor Ryazan region. A. S. Chizhik leads a large community service, is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Regional Public Organization “Association “Peacekeepers and Peace”, Chairman of the Board of the International public fund"World without War", full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Academy for the Study of Problems national security. He has the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

Andrey Chizhik

Vuasen, 1909. Airplane *

Russian empire

Photo 1. A. A. Van der Shkruv at the Voisin school in Mourmelon, winter 1909 at the Voisin apparatus (from the collection of Russian Air Shows)

Photo 2. Pilot Georges Legagne on the apparatus "Voisin" on the airfield in Gatchina, Octoberr 1909 (from the collection of G.F. Petrov)

The first flight on an airplane in Russia on July 12 (25) (Odessky sheet, July 14, 1909 Tuesday, Sport and Science, No. 14 (July) 1909, p. 13) was made by the head of the fleet of the Odessa Aero Club, Alexei Alexandrovich Van der Shkruf on a Voisin biplane. On July 12 (25) it rose to a height of 1 ½ arshins (1.06 m) to a length of 10-15 fathoms (21-32 m) and on July 20 (August 3) flew 150 fathoms (320 m). During a subsequent attempt on July 20 (August 3), the apparatus fell on its side and was slightly damaged.

Aleksey Alexandrovich Van der Shkruf - the first Russian aviator.

Aviator Van der Shkruf Alexey Alexandrovich (1884-1951). Baron. Orthodox. Single. A native of Odessa. Pilot, mechanical engineer of the Odessa Aviation Plant. After 1917 he lived in exile in Thessaloniki, an engineer.

He was buried in the Russian cemetery in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki (grave 101).

"Voisin" went down in history as the first airplane in Europe suitable for practical flights. Designed by the Voisin brothers with the participation of Ferdinand Ferber (instructor and mentor I.I. Sikorsky). The design of the airplane was developed based on the glider of the Wright brothers in 1902. Unlike the devices of the Wright brothers, it did not have transverse controls, which, however, did not interfere with flying in a circle with a “pancake”, but their undoubted advantage was the absence of a bulky catapult, a complex chain transmission on screws and glanoe - there was a rear horizontal plumage of a large area, which provided good longitudinal stability. It was on such a device that for the first time in the world a flight from city to city was made - from Chalons to Reims on September 30, 1908.

The first Voisins were named after their owners and pilots. This is how the first "Farman" appeared - "Voisin" acquired by the cyclist Henri Farman in 1907.

In 1909 (July 12, old st.), the Voisin, the Farman prototype, was flown for the first time in Russia (in Odessa, pilot - Russian Alexei Alexandrovich Van der Shkruf).

In the same year, for the first time in Moscow, an airplane flight was made on September 15, (old st.), Pilot Georges Legane, Khodynskoye Pole and further in St. Petersburg on October 7 (old st.), Pilot Georges Legane, Gatchina next to Baltic Station.

Vuasen, 1909 Airplane*

Apparatus type: "Voisin"

Wingspan, m: 10.04

Aircraft length, m: 11.0

Aircraft height, m

Wing area, square meters: 42.00

Takeoff weight. Kgf: 52.2

Empty weight: 420

Engine type: 1PD Antoinette

Power, hp: 1x50

Max speed, km/h: 60

Crew, people: 1-2

Farman IV Farman - 4, Airplane*

Russian Empire, 1910

Airplane "Farman-4" type 1910.

The main training airplane for Russian military pilots from 1910 to 1918.

On this device, the pilot Evgeny Rudnev for the first time in Russia made with a passenger (row. Plotnikov) a flight from city to city from St. Petersburg to Gatchina - October 9 (22), 1910

Almost all altitude records before 1911 were set on this airplane (pilots E.V. Rudnev, A. Gaber-Vlynsky)

Due to quiet speed, ease of piloting and no spin long time the airplane was used as a training aircraft. On thefamous military pilots, such as Lev Makarovich Matsievich, Pyotr Nesterov, Vyacheslav Matveevich Tkachev and many others, as well as civilians, for example, the first Russian pilot L.V. Zvereva, flew there for the first time.

In April-May 1910, the Russian M.N. Efimov became the winner in the competitions in Nice on this airplane.

First aircraft, which many Russians saw for the first time in their lives, was precisely this airplane, thanks to the tour of the famous S.I. Utochkin in 1910-1911 in Russia. In 1911 Utochkin flew over Egyptian pyramids, including over the pyramid of Cheops.

On August 2, 1911 (old style), for the first time in the Russian army, an experience was made of using an airplane together with infantry and cavalry (the village of Salezi, Krasnoye Selo, the village of Vysotskoye). The main part was taken by airplanes "Farman-4".

The first radio transmission in Russia was carried out precisely from this airplane (pilot A.V. Pankratiev, communication was conducted by Lieutenant Colonel D.M. Sokoltsov, November 1911, Gatchina).

The Farman airplane was flown by Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, famous writer Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky.

"Farman - 4", was produced in the workshops of the aeronautical training park, and in almost all aircraft factories: "Dux", the First Russian Aeronautics Association, the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works, the Lebedev plant.

The first airplane built by the Moscow plant "Dux" was tested in August 1910 at Khodynka by Sergei Isaevich Utochkin.

Flight Specifications Airplane Farman-4

Apparatus type: "Farman-4"

Takeoff weight: 580 kg.

Cruise speed: 75 km.h

Practical Ceiling ( maximum height): 1300 m (The altitude record was set in the Russian Empire by Adam Myacheslavovich Gaber - Vlynsky in 1910.

Wingspan: 10.5 meters

Aircraft length: 12 meters

Load capacity: 220 kg.

Applied engines: engine Gnome 50 hp

Motor Argus Argus: 60 hp

Renault engine: 55 hp

Engine E.N.V.: 60 HP

Propeller: this copy has a propeller replica according to the drawings of Mikhail Leontievich Grigorashvili.

Fabric for sheathing: rubberized fabric of the brand "Continental" and Triangle (SPB) was used, density 110 -20 g / m 2.

Piano wire was used as braces.

Possesses important property operational safety: stable parachuting in critical modes.

Wing profile of the 1902 Wright Brothers pattern.

Structurally, the power scheme served as the basis for the development of the Russian Knight airplane, 1912, Ilya Muromets, 1913, and many other Russian and foreign airplanes.

The airplane was built by Russian Airshow in 2012 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force.

Nieuport IV, 1913, reconnaissance aircraft, (Nieuport-4, Monoplane Dux) *

Imperial Air Force of Russia.

Nieuport IV (Nieuport-4) Became the main one, built in series at the Dux and Shchetinin factories. On August 27, 1913, on such an aircraft, P. N. Nesterov completed the world's first dead loop ("Nesterov's Loop"). After P. N. Nesterov, no loops were made on it. It was used as a military in 1912-1915. and was used in educational purposes until 1925. Nesterov, Dybovsky, Andreadi and other pilots flew on it. Several aircraft from the Dux factory were equipped with a 100 hp Gnome Monosoupape engine.

In 1911, the Nieuport 4 aircraft was undoubtedly advanced in terms of its aerodynamics and flight characteristics and certainly surpassed the widespread aircraft of that time - the Blériot 11 monoplane and the Farman 4 biplane. "Nieuport-4" was in service until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.

The positive qualities of the aircraft manifested themselves in long-haul flights; in flight Sevastopol -Petersburg in 1912, carried out by pilots V. V. Dybovsky and D. G. Andreadi, and in the flight along the route Kiev - Gatchina, carried out by P. N. Nesterov in 1914 in just one day. The power reserve and high strength of the Nieuport-4 aircraft allowed P. N. Nesterov to perform deep turns and loops, which was a serious test for the aircraft.

Flight performance

Device type: Nieuport IV

Wingspan, m.: 12, 30

Length, m.: 8.00

Height, m.: 2.68

Wing area. Mkv: 22, 50

Weight, kg::

Empty aircraft: 422

Normal takeoff: 660

Engine type: 1PD Gnome

Power, hp: 1x70

Maximum speed, km/h: 104

Cruise speed, km/h: 89

Flight duration, hours: 3.0

Maximum rate of climb, m/min: 68

Practical ceiling, m.: 2000

Crew: 1-2

Armament 1 x 7.7mm Lewis machine gun possible

Moran G, 1914 Fighter *

Pyotr Nesterov and his technician Nekhlyudov at his Moran G aircraft

The French aircraft "Moran-J" (Moran G) appeared in 1912 and quickly gained great popularity - first due to a number of flights made on it, and then as a durable and maneuverable aircraft that easily performed aerobatic maneuvers, and, finally, as one of the first fighters. "Moran" was purchased in France and then built in Russia as a training aircraft. It could be found in aviation schools until 1922-1923, and individual copies even later. When compulsory training in aerobatics was introduced at the Moscow Aviation School in 1918, Moran aircraft were used for this; the instructor for training flights on these aircraft was the remarkable Soviet pilot Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov.
In the summer of 1914, in Moscow, on the Khodynka field (later the Central Airfield), the Nesterov loops were demonstrated by the test pilot of the Duks plant, A. M. Gaber-Vlynsky. Subsequently, at air festivals, aerobatics on this aircraft was demonstrated by a number of Russian pilots. The plane "Moran-J" attracted the attention of P. N. Nesterov with its power reserve and good controllability. Having mastered the aircraft, P. N. Nesterov in July 1914 made a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg on it in 5 hours. The high maneuverability of the Moran-Zh aircraft led P. N. Nesterov to the idea of ​​​​the possibility of shooting down an enemy aircraft, inflicting damage on it with his own aircraft.

September 8 (August 26, old style), 1914, head of the 11th Corps Aviation Detachment, Staff Captain of the Russian imperial army Pyotr Nesterov, having raised his unarmed Moran-Zh into the air, overtook the Austrian reconnaissance aircraft Albatross over the city of Zholkiev and shot it down with a ramming blow. “Deliberately despising personal danger, he deliberately rose, overtook and hit the enemy airplane with his own car, so that the force of the collision caused staff captain Nesterov’s own apparatus to suffer so much that staff captain Nesterov could not descend on it, was thrown out of the apparatus during one of the sudden movements the latter and died, crashing on the ground, ”the posthumous presentation for the award said.
This was the first air ram in the history of world aviation. A few months after the ramming, Staff Captain Nesterov was posthumously awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree, by the Highest Order.

Moran G, 1914 Fighter*

Flight performance

Modification: Type G

Wingspan, m: 10.20

Length, m.: 6.70

Height, m.: 2.10

Wing area, m2: 16.00

Weight, kg

empty aircraft: 508

normal takeoff: 610

Engine type: 1 PD Rhone

Power, hp: 1 x 60

Maximum speed, km/h: 115

Cruise speed, km/h: 92

Flight duration, h. min: 1.30

Maximum rate of climb, m/min: 100

Practical ceiling, m: 4000

Armament: one or two 7.7 mm machine guns

Sikorsky-16 (S-16), 1916 * Escort Fighter/Russian Scout

Imperial Russian Air Force

Airplane designer I.I.Sikorsky (1889-1972) C-16, escort fighter, the world's first fleet of serial multi-engine airplanes - giant bombers "Ilya Muromets".

Aircraft S-16ser. was the first in Russia and one of the first fighters in the world equipped with a synchronizer for firing through the propeller disk.

The synchronizer was developed in 1915 by Lieutenant G.I. Lavrov.

It was from the S-16 that the Russian fighter aircraft started.

Sikorsky-16 (S-16), 1916 *

Flight performance

Modification: S-16ser

Wingspan, m: 8.80

Length, m: 7.00

Height, m: 2.78

Wing area, m2 25.36

Weight, kg

empty aircraft: 420

normal takeoff: 690

Engine type: 1 PD Gnome

Power, hp: 1 x 80

Maximum speed, km/h: 125

Maximum rate of climb, m/min: 125

Practical ceiling, m: 3500

Crew, people: 1-2

Armament: One 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun

Nieuport 17, "Nieuport 17" aircraft, 1916*

Imperial Russian Air Force

Nieuport 17 (Nieuport 17) - the basic model of the French fighter of the First World War, made according to the polutoraplan scheme. The experience of earlier models led in March 1916. to the creation of the Nieuport Type 17 aircraft, which became the most famous of all Nieuport aircraft. More robust than its predecessors, powered by the 82 kW (110 hp) Le Rhone or 97 kW (130 hp) Clerget (Nieuport 17-bis), new model was very maneuverable and had high flight characteristics with good climb rate. The Lewis machine gun was mounted on the upper wing for firing over the propeller, and a sliding mount allowed it to be tilted and fired upwards. When the timing gear was created, which allowed firing through the propeller, a Vickers machine gun was installed on the aircraft. This type of aircraft was transferred to the fighter squadrons of the Allied countries, the Nieuport 17 was the most modern fighter Air Force of the Entente until 1917. It continued to be used as a training aircraft until the end of the First World War.
At the front, it began to be used from May 1916. Aircraft of this type were also used by the British, Belgians and Italians. The aircraft was also in service with the French-American Squadron No. 124 "Lafayette", as well as three squadrons of the American Expeditionary Force (27, 94 and 95).

According to the general recognition of contemporaries (and not only the pilots of the Entente, but also the Germans), the Nieuport 17 was an extremely successful machine for its time
Nieuport semi-planes were used in various modifications, but the Nieuport-17 aircraft was the most typical of them. Over 2,000 copies were built, of which 350 were built in Russia (300 at the Duks Moscow plant and 50 at the Russian-Baltic plant in Riga).

Nieuport 17, Aircraft "Nieuport-17", 1916 *

Flight performance

Modification: N.17bis

Wingspan, m: 8.22

Length, m: 6.01

Height, m: 2.60

Wing area, m2: 15.00

Weight, kg

empty aircraft: 375

normal takeoff: 555

Engine type: 1 PD Clerget 9B

Power, hp: 1 x 130

Maximum speed, km/h: 174

Cruise speed, km/h: 158

Practical range, km: 250

Rate of climb, m/min: 357

Practical ceiling, m: 5600

Armament: one 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun

Imperial Russian Air Force

Imperial Air Force, air fleet - branch of forces (air force) of the Armed Forces Russian Empire that existed in the period 1910 to 1917 (g.). It included military command and control bodies, aviation and aeronautical formations, units, institutions, institutions and enterprises.

As of October 1917, it consisted of more than 300 formations and units, which included 14 aviation divisions, 91 squadrons, squadron airships"Ilya Muromets", consisting of 4 combat detachments, 87 aeronautical detachments, 32 hydro detachments, 11 aviation and aeronautical schools, a naval aviation division, eight air fleets, as well as workshop trains, air bases, aeronautical parks and so on. population personnel air fleet- up to 35,000 soldiers and officers, the fleet consisted of about 1,500 aircraft.

Identification marks of the Imperial Air Force of Russia, 1910-1917.

USSR Air Force

R-6 (ANT-7) 1936

Soviet multi-purpose aircraft (reconnaissance, three-seat long-range escort fighter, bomber and torpedo bomber). At present, the R-6 is being reconstructed by the MAI specialists. Records: In 1936, pilot L. G. Kruze, on a hydro modification of the MP-6 with the USSR number Zh1, made a record for that time flight Leningrad-Irkutsk-Nordvik at a distance of about 10,000 km. On the R-6 aircraft, pilot P. G. Golovin performed the first flight over north pole before the rest of the planes of the polar expedition landed there in 1937. Using the wing and plumage of the aircraft, the ANT-9 (passenger) and ANT-8 (MDR-2) (“flying boat”) aircraft were created.

MIG - 15 UTI. Fighter, 1947

Soviet Air Force

The best fighter of its time.

Restored with the participation of the Moscow aviation institute(MAI).

This aircraft took part in festive air shows dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Air Force, Zhukovsky, 2012.

The reconstructed MIG-15 was lifted into the air in 2012 by KIRAMOV Ildus Khasanovich - Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation (03/22/1999), test pilot 1st class, colonel.
Born on October 11, 1951 in the city of Zelenodolsk (Tatarstan). In 1970 he graduated from the Kazan Aviation Training Center DOSAAF. In the army since 1970. In 1972 he graduated from Kharkov VVAUL as an external student. Until 1979 he served in combat units of the Air Force.
In 1980 he graduated from the Test Pilot Training Center. In 1982-1989 - senior test pilot military acceptance Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant; tested serial Su-27 and its modifications.
Since April 1989 - at flight test work at the FRI.
He carried out a number of test work on fighter aircraft and ultralight aircraft on the subject of the institute.

The real MIG 15 was restored with the help of specialists from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Flight performance characteristics of the MiG-15:
Dimensions: wingspan: 10.08 m, length: 10.10 m, height: 3.17 m.
Wing area - 20.6 square meters. m.
Aircraft weight, kg.
- empty: 3 149;
— normal takeoff: 4 806;
Engine type: 1 turbojet engine RD-45F, maximum thrust 2270 kgf.
Maximum ground speed: 1,047 km/h, at altitude: 1,031 km/h.
Practical flight range: 1,310 km.

Practical ceiling: 15,200 m.
Crew: 2 people. Cadet

Identification marks Air force THE USSR.

Chizhik Andrey Stanislavovich,

doctor of economic sciences, entrepreneur, collector.

* Airplanes and Planes shown are flying exact copies(with modular elements of replicas).

Airplanes and Planes are made according to original drawings and technologies. During the design stage, there werescientific and historical research and consultingand inhomelandarchives, museums, enterprises, universities.

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