The most beautiful military aircraft. The best modern fighters in the world

Military aviation has always attracted a lot of public attention. And, if at the time of its inception it delighted with its efficiency, today it surprises with the possibilities and the presence of a mass of high-tech solutions. We live in a highly unstable world in which local conflicts, but perhaps the only advantage of this is the ability to observe the best works engineering in action. We have ranked them the best military fighters in the world, which can not only surprise you with the technical progress of the defense industry, but also make you proud of your own country, because most of the leading positions belong to Russian aircraft. As the saying goes, “Airplanes first…”

10. Dassault "Mirage" 2000 (France)

French aviation has noticeably added since the Second World War, when it was completely destroyed by the German army. Attempts to conduct an independent foreign policy demanded strong army, therefore, 30 years ago, the Mirage military aircraft appeared, which immediately became the main fighter of the French Air Force and did not give up this position for two decades, because it proved to be excellent in peacekeeping operations in North Africa, as a result of which it began to be massively purchased by India. It was in this region that he found himself: the successful destruction of enemy aircraft and headquarters, as well as attacks with guided missiles, broke the resistance of the rebels in a couple of days. According to some reports, despite being discontinued in 2006, Dassault 2000 participated in the Libyan war, where it caused stunning damage to the military equipment of Gaddafi's army.


A couple of years ago, Falcon, located on the ninth line in the ranking of the most best fighters world, was the most common combat aircraft in the world. The low cost and quality indicators made it the main export product of the US Air Force. As of today, there are 4,750 F-16 fighters worldwide. The upgraded version will be produced at least until the end of 2017. Pictures of this aircraft repeatedly fell into the lenses of cameras of military reporters, he managed to take part in 100 conflicts, the most famous of which are the NATO Operation against Yugoslav troops and Iraqi War. In the Israeli army, the F-16 Fighting Falcon is the most effective combat fighter. According to official data, they have forty air victories.


Although prototypes have not yet taken part in hostilities, and its commissioning is planned for 2018, it has already incorporated the leading developments of domestic engineers. Compared to its predecessor, it will become more economical in terms of fuel consumption, but at the same time, it will create more conditions for pilot comfort: from automated flight control during aiming to an increased volume of air created by an autonomous oxygen station. The only fly in the ointment, in our opinion, is the too early attempts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to attract him to participate in international tenders, because the radar and some equipment have not yet been brought to perfect condition. A positive feature of this model is the cost of production, for example, the French manufacture aircraft with similar characteristics two to three times more expensive.


The most successful American project of the last forty years is ranked seventh in the top ten best combat fighters in the world. The F-15 Eagle is guaranteed to remain in service until 2025, which means it will have time to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. Amazingly, the "Eagle" for such long period was defeated in an air battle only once, while destroying about a hundred enemy aircraft. The history of the pilot is connected with this fighter Israeli Air Force by the name of Peled, who during the military conflict in Syria was able to destroy six enemy aircraft and cause significant damage to four more. Now in service various countries there are six hundred F-15s, and they are not going to be written off, because, on average, problems occur only once in 50 thousand flight hours.


The crown of thought of French aircraft designers in the context of fourth-generation fighters. The only drawback is the high cost of production, which requires the involvement of a mass of precision engineering objects. Having started its journey with the war in Afghanistan 15 years ago, the Rafal proved its effectiveness in the fight against the Libyan army. It is worth noting that the “victims” of “Rafal” were most often domestic fighters and helicopters, which were in service with the Libyan Air Force. Speaking of modern times, Dassault is most often involved in the exercises and only a few times struck the forces of the Islamic State in Iraq. A lot of incidents are also associated with it, when the plane crashed or exploded in the air, but the manufacturer proved that the human factor is most often the cause of such situations.


The most reliable domestic aircraft is located at the equator of the ranking of the best military fighters in the world. He repeatedly proved his superiority during the exercises. Making up the backbone Indian Air Force Su-30, in training battles, defeated American and British competitors, and in most cases in a dry one. Also, it was Sukhoi that ensured the success of the operation of the Russian military space forces in Syria, and played a decisive role in the liberation of Palmyra. For a quarter of a century, only 9 incidents have been recorded, most of which were caused by engine fire or insufficient fuel, fortunately, there were no casualties among the military, with the exception of the fall of the Vietnamese Air Force aircraft into the sea.


The only fighter created by the combined efforts of countries European Union and proved its effectiveness during real hostilities (coalition operation in Syria and Iraq). Its undoubted advantage is the ability to interfere with enemy radars and, thereby, adjust the direction of flight guided missiles, so the lack of losses should not be a surprise. Another plus is the maximum firing range, according to this indicator, the Typhoon outperforms its closest competitors by as much as one hundred kilometers. Today, the countries of Europe and the Middle East are armed with about half a thousand fighters, each of which has a unique modification and production technology.


The aircraft that opens the top three among the best military fighters in the world requires special attention, because it will be the backbone of the aviation wing of the constant military base our country in Syria. Secrecy of production long time forced potential buyers to avoid investing in a risky project, but participation in hostilities, where the Su-35s covered the main attacking forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces, attracted a lot of attention to him. Given that the aircraft is an extremely thorough modernization of the Su-27 (an identical airframe speaks of this), the fighter serves as proof of the durability of domestic military equipment, and also speaks of following traditions in aviation. Unfortunately, data on participation in exercises or skirmishes with the enemy were not made available to the public.


Multifunctional, economical, efficient - in general, before you is the best fighter aircraft made in the United States. From 2014 to the present, he has been the backbone of the Air Force in Syria, where, having begun the fight against radical Islamists, he continues to create significant problems for the ISIS troops. A noteworthy case is when a pilot, in one sortie, not only completed a combat mission, but also remained in a certain area for another six hours, while he was not noticed by enemy forces and transmitted the coordinates of the positions of the enemy who was trying to evacuate the base. Over the past two years, the F-22 has successfully completed about 210 combat missions. The entire period of operation includes only two cases of loss during the conflict, which indicates high quality and reliability of the Raptor.

1. Dry T-50 (Russia)

Palm in the ranking and title the best military fighter in the world receives the Sukhoi T-50, the first domestic fifth-generation aircraft capable of simultaneously combating several opponents located both in the sky and on the ground. This was made possible thanks to increased maneuverability and advanced technology. Even Western experts highly appreciated the first steps of Russian engineers in creating fighters with visibility reduction technology, but it is not necessary to draw any solid conclusions in practice: all tests are carried out behind closed doors, and the last configuration of the prototype will be presented only in a year and a half.


We couldn't ignore the best soviet fighter, which is still in service both in the post-Soviet countries and among the allies in the communist camp, because. he is in the top ten. It is noteworthy that the Su 27 becomes a member of any computer flight simulator. Also, this aircraft is the only domestically produced fighter that participated in hostilities in the territory Central Africa, where he neutralized 3 enemy aircraft without loss, and the only identified disadvantage is the rather high fuel consumption during afterburner.

Those who often fly on airplanes have repeatedly wondered: “What are the most the best planes in the world?" As you know, there are military and passenger planes. Both among the first and among the second there are clear favorites. Technique is developing very quickly every year, so the production of aircraft is being improved.

First, let's define the best military aircraft in the world, both around the world and in Russia. And what? ? ? Read on our website.

Among them, of course, the leading fighters. Military aircraft designed for air combat and escorts of bombers, transport aircraft and others.

1 place

Here is the fighter F-15 Eagle. Him almost 104 wins in confirmed air battles and without any losses. He is in different variationsF-15 E “Stike Eagle”, F-15 SE “Silent Eagle”.

Pride of the American air fleet, he can only compete with the Russian SU-27.

F-15 Strike Eagle.

2nd place

In second place is also an American fighter - F-4 "Phantom 2". This is a versatile bomber that weighs about 20 tons.

Proven in battles in Vietnam, Pakistan, Iraq, India, it is well equipped with both electronic systems and other special technical innovations.

3rd place

Supermarine Spitfire- one of the real legends of the Second World War. It was thanks to these aircraft that Great Britain managed to stop the German invasion of its territory at the very beginning of the war.

The oval shape of the wings and 8 automatic cannons provided them with unsurpassed victories.

Supermarine Spitfire.

4th place

Messerschmitt ME 109 existed in different versions. We can say that he was a diamond in the crown of the German Luftwaffe.

Its advantages were excellent maneuverability and power of weapons. Developed speed up to 560 km/h.

Messerschmitt ME 109.

5th place

P-51 Mustang also especially impressed many during the Second World War. It belonged to the Americans and could develop speed up to 700 km/h.

He won more than 5 thousand air victories and was a formidable adversary.

6th place

American engineers and aircraft designers have created many ingenious models. Among them, one can note McDonnell Douglas F-18 Super Hornet.

It is still in service with NATO. Equipped with two powerful engines, thanks to which it develops supersonic speed.

McDonnell Douglas F-18 Super Hornet.

7th place

Japanese model Mitsubishi A6M Zero showed itself in all its glory during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

From them, they fired at the harbor with American warships stationed there. It could take off both from the ground and from aircraft carriers.

Mitsubishi A6M Zero.

8th place

Hawker Siddeley Harrier Jump Jet distinguished himself during the so-called Falklands War and in many ways helped the British defend these islands.

Could take off from anywhere, and lift the load up to 2, 3 tons. An improved model is still in service with the US Marine Corps.

Hawker Siddeley Harrier Jump Jet.

9th place

Messerschmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe" was also one of the stars of the Luftwaffe. It was the first jet aircraft in the entire world. His maximum speed reached 900 km/h.

They helped the Germans win air victories for a short time, since only about two thousand aircraft of this model were produced, and then by the end of the war.

Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwable.

10th place

Lockheed F-117 Stealth Nighthawk showed itself in battles in Panama, Iraq and Bosnia. Until now, some of its technical data is not available to the world community.

It is only known that due to the special design of the fuselage, it is invisible on radar, and can also take on board more than 2 tons of different weapons.

F-117 Nighthawk Stealth.

Now let's look at the best Russian military aircraft.

The best military aircraft of Russia

Fighters and bombers are in the lead here. Many of them are used not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world.

At the same time, new models continue to be designed and developed.

1 place

Undoubtedly it belongs to the fighter Su-27. He even develops great speed than the American F-15 Eagle. It has been purchased by many countries. The combat radius reaches 750 km.

2nd place

Of course, his right is MiG-29. It is described in detail, as well as the opportunity to climb this handsome man into the stratosphere.

3rd place

An ultra-maneuverable fighter capable of performing many different missions. SU-35, of course, cannot be compared with the SU-27.

However, thanks to its combat radius of 1600 km and a modified set of weapons, he has already become a worthy fighter.

4th place

T-50 (PAK FA) can develop speed up to 2600 km/h. This is a fifth-generation fighter, which is Russia's answer to the American-made F-22 Raptor.

Multipurpose and technically well equipped, it is also the pride of the Russian Air Force.

5th place

TU-160- supersonic bomber whose combat radius is 7300 km. Incredible speed, agility and multitasking are its advantages.

So far only Russia has such models. It is also planned to release its more advanced model soon.

6th place

MiG-21 one of the heroes Vietnam War, which is in service with almost 40 countries. The supersonic, Soviet missile carrier has been used since the middle of the last century.

MiG-21 One of the best jet aircraft of the third generation

7th place

MiG-15, which made a real sensation in the entire world aviation, turned the United States' ideas about Russian military aircraft upside down.

The jet and single-seat aircraft largely showed its technical, at that time, perfection during the Korean War.

8th place

Another Flash, but already 25. He is able to take on board almost 2.2 tons of weapons. They used it, however, not as a fighter, but as a reconnaissance aircraft.

He proved to be first-class in this regard.

9th place

Again, it takes MiG-35. He can reach almost 2600 km/h, and with full tank able to fly almost 2000 km.

It has an improved engine model. He first took to the skies in 2007.

10th place

Su-47 Berkut worth 70 million dollars and weighing 16,380 kg, of course, not as good as the rest of his brothers.

However, it is equipped with very powerful engines and with a full tank flies almost 3,300 km. Reaches a speed of 2,650 km/h.

Su-47 Berkut.

What are the best aircraft in the world among military models, we found out, but as for passenger liners, how is the situation here?

It must be said that for many, the synonym for “best” is “safe” among this class of models.

What are the safest, and therefore the best passenger liners you can on our website.

The best Russian planes

And if you take Russian aircraft, that is, are there standing models among them?

In the 60s of the last century, there was just a boom in passenger aviation Soviet Union. It was during this period that the best Soviet aircraft were produced.

In the first place is TU - 104. Designed in the middle of the century, it held the title for two years as the first passenger jet, but quickly disappointed both its creators and passengers.

Too many accidents happened to him. Despite this, he flew domestic airlines until 1979.

Second place belongs to IL-18. Up until 2002 it was used not only by Russians, but also by foreign airlines.

Comfortable, economical and roomy, for a long time it was the first liner of the country of the Soviets. Its speed reached 610 km / h.

In third place is TU-114. This is a turbojet liner with 4 engines. It was used until 1976 and was the only one in the Aeroflot fleet that was able to overcome the flight all the way to the USA.

Fourth place was taken TU-134. By the way, it is still operated not only in Russia, but also in a number of foreign countries.

This is explained by the fact that it has been modernized many times through the introduction of newer equipment.

And in fifth place - IL-62. Excellent handling, stability during landing and in flight - all these and many other advantages made it an excellent airliner.

It accommodated about 186 passengers and had a speed of 850 km/h.


And finally, we note that the Russian fighter SU-35 is again considered the coolest aircraft in the world. He made a splash at the exhibition at Le Bourget.

A multirole fighter that has almost perfect maneuverability. This is the fifth generation of fighters.

It is hard to imagine modern life without aviation. Aircraft today are used for various purposes: for passenger transportation, transportation of goods, in military and research areas. Since all aircraft have significant differences, it is worth considering the best aircraft of various categories. They are used for different purposes, but each of them holds records that make them the best winged machines.

Boeing 747 - the best passenger plane

In 1969, the Boeing aircraft manufacturer introduced the world to the Boeing 747, which to this day remains the best passenger aircraft. It is most commonly used by the world's airlines to transport people. To date, there are several modifications of the Boeing 747, and most of them can fly over great distances.

After leaving passenger aircraft Boeing 747 on the market, many airlines did not dare to purchase such an aircraft, since it had 4 engines and consumed much more energy than other aircraft. But soon it began to be used on the busiest lines. The Boeing 747 is widely used by transport airlines because it can carry huge volumes of cargo.

Today, the Boeing 747 is at the disposal of all major airlines. He has whole line interesting features:

  • the minimum price for which the aircraft was sold is $24 million;
  • the maximum cost of a modified Boeing 747-400 model is $260 million;
  • 1527 units of this air transport have been produced since the creation of the aircraft;
  • the maximum flight range of the Boeing 747 is 18 thousand km, to overcome which the ship took a little more than 20 hours.

Aircraft manufacturing companies continue to work on the creation of various modifications of the Boeing 747. Customers in present time more than 20 such aircraft are expected to be released.

F-22 "Raptor" - the best military aircraft

The American F-22 Raptor is recognized as the best military aircraft in the world. The creation of this latest fifth-generation fighter began in the United States in 1991 after a competition for best project supersonic multipurpose aircraft. This aircraft, in addition to its high speed, has another significant advantage: it is difficult to detect it even with modern radars.

Since 1997, 195 F-22 Raptor fighters have been created. But in 2010, the US Senate decided to cut military spending, as a result of which the production of F-22 military aircraft began to be reduced. latest model this winged machine was created in early 2012. During a 2006 U.S. exercise, F-22 Raptor fighters achieved incredible results: they conditionally shot down 144 military aircraft, but none of them were injured.

Boeing 777 - the safest aircraft

Another Boeing 777, manufactured by the Boeing aircraft manufacturer, is on the list of the best aircraft, as it is recognized as the safest winged machine. For the entire period of operation of aircraft of various modifications, only 4 serious incidents occurred:

  • in July 2013, a Boeing 777 flying between Seoul and San Francisco, due to incorrect actions by the crew, rolled over after a rough landing, and a fire broke out in it;
  • in March 2014, an aircraft flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared from radar, changed course, and crashed in the Indian Ocean;
  • in July 2014, a Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over Ukraine in an area of ​​armed conflict;
  • In August 2016, an aircraft carrying people from Thiruvananthapuram to Dubai caught fire while landing.

Boeing also became the first air transport model to be developed entirely on computers without the use of paper drawings.

An-225 "Mriya" - the most cargo-lifting aircraft in the world

The best aircraft for transporting bulky cargo is the An-225 Mriya aircraft. It was created in the USSR, and first flew in 1988. Only one aircraft model is in service today. It is used by the Ukrainian transport airline "Antonov Airlines". An-225 "Mriya" set many world records for the transportation of the most oversized and heavy cargo. The longest flight of this aircraft is 15.5 thousand km, during which 4 landings were made.

At the present time, it is planned to complete the construction of another modernized model of the An-225 "Mriya", the creation of which began in the days of the USSR. About 120 million dollars are required to complete the aircraft design. It was decided to finance the creation of the new An-225 "Mriya" Chinese government on the condition that the winged car be handed over to their country.

Northrop B-2 "Spirit" - the most expensive aircraft

One of the best military aircraft is the Northrop B-2 Spirit. It was also included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive aircraft. To create one such winged machine, the US government had to spend 2.1 billion dollars, and the entire program to create effective military bombers required an investment of 44 billion dollars.

For the first time, they began to think about the creation of the Northrop B-2 Spirit in the United States in 1979. The development of the aircraft was initiated by President Ronald Reagan at the height of cold war. heavy bomber first flew in 1989. Today, the United States has 21 Northrop B-2 Spirit in service. Each model is named geographical feature, and the first aircraft was named the "Spirit of America".

NASA X-43 is the fastest aircraft

Considering the best aircraft on the planet, one cannot help but recall the fastest NASA X-43 aircraft. This extreme hypersonic winged vehicle can reach speeds of up to 18.2 thousand km/h, which is a record. The first aircraft was created in 2001, but during a test flight it fell on the territory Pacific Ocean. A successful model took to the skies in 2004. Only three such drones were created by the Orbital Science Corporation.

There are enough fans in the world to make ratings of the very best. Usually it is TOP-5 or TOP-10. Military equipment is also popular in these ratings. Of course, it is difficult to talk about their objectivity. After all, all these tanks, aircraft and ships have most often never met in combat conditions, and therefore they are compared according to performance characteristics taken from open sources. In addition, patriotic feelings are superimposed, because of which the compilers of the ratings prefer native cars. However, it can be interesting to look at these TOPs.

Today we have the British version of the top five fighters in the world. The comparison was carried out according to the following parameters: speed and maneuverability, the level of stealth, the weapons system installed on board, the cost of production and maintenance. Let's fly!

5. F / A-18E / F Super Hornet - American carrier-based fighter-bomber and attack aircraft

The author of the rating claims that this American fighter is ignored by many analysts, but in vain. Super Hornets serve in the US and Australian navies. The United States has about five hundred of them, and Australia has 24. The Super Hornet has excellent cruising speed and thrust vector control, but it is not as maneuverable as the Su-35 and F-22. After the planned upgrades, it can be expected that this aircraft will remain in service until the 2040s or even until the 2050s. Naval Forces The United States loves this aircraft very much and constantly upgrades it, not wanting to change it to something else.

  • Maximum speed - 1900 km / h at an altitude of 12190 meters;
  • Flight range - 2346 km;
  • Combat radius - 722 km;
  • Practical ceiling - 15 km.

4. lockheed The Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American fifth-generation stealth fighter-bomber.


In fourth place is again a product of the American aviation industry. The fifth-generation stealth fighter got off to a bad start. There was constant news about technical problems, due to which it was necessary to cancel its deliveries and postpone the start of mass production. The cost of the project has long exceeded the planned value. However, the F-35 is barely making its way through.

F-35 is produced in three options: fighter ground-based for the US Air Force, a fighter with a short takeoff and vertical landing for marines United States and British Navy and carrier-based fighter for the US Navy.

  • Maximum speed - 1950 km / h;
  • Combat radius - 1150 km;
  • Maximum range flight without.

3. Su-35 - Russian multipurpose supermaneuverable fighter with thrust vector control engines


Even the British put our Su-35 aircraft above the vaunted F-35. The Su-35 is the result of a deep modernization of the Su-27. This aircraft can carry a record eight tons of payload in the form of weapons and ammunition. In terms of maneuverability, the Su-35 is not inferior to the F-22, but is capable of performing unique aerobatics that no other aircraft can perform. About 60 of these aircraft are already in service. It is planned to release 70 more pieces.

  • Maximum speed - 2390 km / h;
  • Combat radius - 3600 km;
  • Practical ceiling - 18 km.

2. Eurofighter Typhoon - fourth-generation European multirole fighter


Well, here we see an example of subjectivity. Since Great Britain took part in the development of the European fighter, the author of the rating put the Eurofighter above the Su-35. Although the Eurofighter looks quite ordinary in appearance, inside it is crammed with the most sensitive sensors and innovative technologies. Initially, this aircraft was conceived as a pure fighter, but the modernization significantly expanded its capabilities. In the latest modification, called Tranche, the possibilities of hitting ground targets are significantly expanded, i.e. the aircraft is capable of performing the functions of an attack aircraft.

  • Maximum speed - 2495 km / h;
  • Combat radius - 1390 km;

1. lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor - fifth-generation American multirole fighter


In the first place, the British put, oddly enough, the American Raptor, with which there were so many problems that it was discontinued. In addition, this is the most expensive fighter: in 2006, it cost as much as gold equal to it in weight. Due to the presence on board latest developments The US Congress banned the export of the F-22. A feature of this aircraft are sensitive long-range radars, which allows the Raptor to hit targets without coming into direct contact with the enemy.

In principle, this aircraft can be not only a fighter, but also an attack aircraft, but then it loses the advantage of "invisibility". In fact, he does not need this function, which only increases the cost of production. The Raptor has excellent maneuverability, but it is of little use, since pilots are expressly forbidden to perform certain maneuvers in order to avoid losing consciousness. Therefore, only the most experienced pilots are allowed to fly the F-22. In total, the US Air Force has 187 of these machines.

  • Maximum speed - 2410 km / h;
  • Combat radius - 759 km;
  • Practical ceiling - 19.8 km.

Let's remember that all these ratings are quite subjective. How can, for example, put in the first place a discontinued aircraft that has not shown itself in any way? Or why is the European aircraft, which had become obsolete by the time of its appearance, placed above the Su-35? The questions, as they say, are rhetorical. We will be glad that our designers are able to create a car that not only is not inferior to foreigners, but also surpasses them in many ways.

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