The nasality of the voice of reason. Sinusitis - nasal voice and excessive sweating

What are the ways to get rid of a nasal voice? First of all, it is worth understanding why nasal voice.

It's all about the nasopharynx and, first of all, the human nose. If its structure or operation is incorrect, nasality occurs.

Why does nasiness develop?

An open nasal voice can manifest itself when the palate is damaged, most often with a congenital deformity of the palate - the "cleft palate", as well as after burns, various punctures and other injuries. Another reason for the appearance of open nasality can be the removal of the tonsils, if the scars after the operation have pulled together the soft palate.

- The closed nasality of the voice manifests itself differently. In this case, there is a distortion of nasal sounds, as well as vowels.
Closed nasality can manifest itself for several reasons - polypous formation in the nose, thickening of the mucous membranes, curvature of the septum, an increase in the size of the nasal concha, adenoids. French pronunciation often appears due to the imitation of the peculiar pronunciation of the surrounding people or parents.

How to get rid of a nasal voice.

Eliminating the effect of nasal voice and getting rid of it is laborious and complex process, in which it is necessary to carry out both speech therapy and medical measures. The effort to get rid of these events will eventually pay off a hundredfold in a clear and clear voice. A popular, common method of getting rid of nasality is to use a mirror. Why is the mirror method against nasal voice so popular? Because it is accessible to everyone and easy to use. How to get rid of nasality with a mirror? Below is a description of this technique for getting rid of a nasal voice:
When using a mirror, it is necessary to pronounce vowel sounds and carefully monitor that the mirror surface remains dry and not fogged. If the mirror fogs up, there is probably a nasal voice, and it is necessary to continue training, achieving a clean surface of the mirror. With a pronounced nasal voice, you need to start training by controlling the exhalation of air through your mouth. You can train by blowing on various light objects - paper or cotton, located ten to fifteen centimeters from your mouth. After the exhalation is good enough, you can move on to training in the pronunciation of sounds. Thus, you can get rid of the open nasal voice.

Nasal voice (rhinolalia) - a change in pronunciation associated with a violation of the resonance of sounds in the nasal cavity. This is a fairly common occurrence, especially during cold weather. Every person at least once in their life has encountered a runny nose and nasal congestion, which are the most common causes of impaired diction. This defect can greatly affect people, discouraging the desire to communicate with other people.

  1. open form. It occurs with the normal passage of air between the oropharynx and the nasal cavity. This form is observed with defects in the development of the upper jaw and palate.
  2. closed form. It is observed when there are changes in the nasopharynx that prevent normal nasal breathing.

In some people, these forms may be present at the same time. In this case, we can talk about mixed rhinolalia.

The reasons

  • congenital cleft palate and upper jaw (“cleft lip”, as well as “cleft palate”);
  • violation of the correct anatomy of the nasal and oral cavity after injuries, operations, neoplasms;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • tumors, polyps, hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa;
  • curvature of the cartilage of the nose;
  • short frenulum of the tongue;
  • removal of overgrown adenoids;
  • absence or bifurcation of the tongue;
  • disruption of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.

All of the above reasons can be divided into 2 groups: functional and organic changes.

  1. Functional factors include such factors that are not associated with a violation of the correct arrangement of organs. For example, you can give a runny nose or adenoids.
  2. Organic changes are those pathologies that are acquired by the fetus before birth or during life and deform the bones and soft tissues of the oral and nasal cavities. Clefts are classified as organic rhinolalia upper lip and palate, scars after injuries or surgical interventions.

There is another separate reason that can make any person temporarily nasal. Crying is such a factor, as it causes swelling of the inner surface of the nasal cavity and a runny nose. This condition does not affect the characteristics of the respiratory system and does not require special medical interventions.


In addition to changing the pronunciation of sounds, a nasal voice may be accompanied by other symptoms of diseases, due to which a speech disorder occurs. These signs include:

  1. Characteristic cleft palate and upper lip.
  2. Difficulty or lack of nasal breathing.
  3. Hearing impairment.
  4. Frequent respiratory illnesses.

Newborns with congenital anomalies of the maxilla have problems with sucking and swallowing. They may leak milk from their noses while feeding. In the future, without surgical correction These disorders develop problems with the development of speech skills: lack of babble, delay in the first words. At an older age, these pathologies can lead not only to medical (dentition and chewing disorders) and cosmetic problems, but also to the development of psychological disorders, which will be expressed in isolation, lack of interest in communicating with peers and other people.


To suspect such a defect as rhinolalia is very simple. To do this, it is not necessary to visit a doctor, since the characteristic pronunciation of sounds is easily caught in everyday speech. But the identification of the real causes of this pathology may require the attention of specialists in otolaryngology, dentistry and speech therapy.

It is possible to establish the correct diagnosis and the factors that caused its development only after an appropriate examination. It should include:

  • visual examination of the mouth and nose;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • pharyngoscopy;
  • radiography of the nasopharynx;
  • electromyography.

Only after evaluating all the examinations passed and consulting a number of doctors, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease and choose the tactics of its treatment.

Diagnosis of birth defects is possible even during childbearing. Mandatory ultrasound screenings allow you to find out about such a feature of the unborn baby from 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Elimination of rhinolalia

It is worth knowing that almost all types of rhinolalia can be corrected. The approach to choosing methods to get rid of this condition should be comprehensive.

First you need to try to remove the cause of the disease, and then correct its consequences using individual techniques. So, with the most common cause of a nasal voice - a runny nose, salt rinsing of the nasal cavity (Aqualor, Dolphin, Marimer), vasoconstrictor drops (Tizin, Xymelin, Galazolin), local antiseptics (Miramistin, Protargol or Sialor) are prescribed.

Anatomical disorders usually require surgical intervention. There are proven techniques for correcting congenital disorders. plastic surgery, allowing to make such a defect almost imperceptible to others and save a person from the problems caused by it. In addition, operations may be required in a number of other cases: polyps and hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa, proliferation of adenoids, the presence of injuries and deforming scars, neoplasms.

After the intervention of surgeons, you need to visit orthodontists in order to assess the condition of the dentition and bite. In case of violation of these indicators, systems of brackets are used, which, with the help of precisely calculated pressure, allow each tooth to be installed in its place.

Together with the work of dentists, we need the help of speech therapists and phoniatrists who help to establish correct pronunciation sounds, wean from the habit of nasal sounding, strengthen the muscles of the tongue and palate and help to gain free communication skills. The sooner this set of measures is carried out, the faster and easier it is possible to return correct speech man after rhinolalia.

Slanko Anna Yurievna

Nasal is a sound defect in which the pronunciation of sounds is incorrect or indistinct. This condition is also called rhinolalia. It manifests itself quite often as a result of inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx, as well as a speech therapy or anatomical defect. speech apparatus.

What happens in the body

In the process of producing sounds, the air jets change their usual path. As a result, speech becomes slurred, and sounds are transmitted in a distorted form. In this state, the sound of "m" and "n" changes to "b" and "d", respectively.

The regulation of the passing air is carried out by a red tongue hanging in the region of the tonsils. It becomes visible when a person opens his mouth and says the sound "a" when he just hangs down, then this is a relaxed state. In this case, the air passes freely into the nasal cavity. This is how nasal sounds are formed.

When the tongue is strained to block the passage to the nose, the air goes into the mouth, and there a specific sound is already formed by the tongue and lips.

With a normal voice without the manifestation of nasality, the tongue is tense with almost all sounds. The exceptions are "m" and "n". if nasality develops, then air either cannot enter the nasal passages, or enters two sections at once.


The state is divided into three types:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Mixed.

open nasality

Open nasality characterizes the passage of air currents immediately through the nose and mouth. That is, the tongue never strains, which causes such a defect.

As a result, nasality develops, in which most of sounds are not pronounced clearly, as the air flow is simply lost and begins to resonate incorrectly.

As a result, it seems that the sound range is created through the nose. This type is most often manifested in pathology soft palate.

The reason for the open nasality:


With closed nasality, the tongue turns out to be constantly tense, or the tissues in the nasopharynx simply swell and block the natural paths of air movement. As a result, the nasal passage is blocked. As a result, nasal sounds are not pronounced correctly. This condition is called palatophonia or rhinophonia.


The mixed form is characterized by the fuzzy formation of almost all sounds. It combines nasal obstruction with a weakened palatopharyngeal closure. mixed type it is often a speech therapy problem, although diseases can also cause such a condition.

The reasons

The cause of this symptom is:

  • Reduced mobility of the soft palate;
  • Defects of the hard and soft palate;
  • Incorrect form of the tongue in the process of pronouncing sounds;
  • Tumors in the nasopharynx;
  • Tech and hypertrophy of the turbinates;
  • Adenoids;
  • Deviated septum;
  • Habit of mispronunciation due to deafness;
  • Nasal injuries, tertiary syphilis.

Depending on the cause, the method of treating such a symptom is chosen.

Enlarged adenoids

How to treat

Many people ask how to cure nasality. If it is present in a child almost from the very beginning, then such a condition can often be simply a speech defect. Accordingly, the speech therapist solves the problem.

Infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the nasopharynx most often require adequate medical treatment, and therefore such a problem should be addressed to an ENT doctor. It is worth noting that as the intensity of the symptoms of the disease itself decreases, the nasality will also go away.

Injuries, neoplasms, congenital anomalies in the structure of the speech apparatus usually require surgical intervention. Such problems are dealt with by a traumatologist and a surgeon. It is important to understand that such conditions should not be left to chance, as they can cause complications, chronic inflammatory processes and improper functioning of the department.


It is possible and necessary to rinse the nose for hygiene purposes and in the treatment of:

  • Pharmaceutical irrigating medicines based on sea ​​salt- Marimer, ;
  • physiological saline;
  • Decoctions of herbs,.

Rinsing is effective if mucus has accumulated in the nose, congestion and swelling are present.


Medical treatment includes:

  • with bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • with viral pathologies;
  • drugs for nasal congestion;
  • Antihistamines for edema, allergies and so on.

In general, the treatment of nasal nasality with medications depends on what exactly caused the problem. Naturally, the curvature of the septum cannot be corrected with drugs, but with inflammatory diseases it is quite possible to relieve pain.


Surgical treatment includes:

  • Elimination of a congenital / acquired anatomical defect;
  • Installation of a pharyngeal type arbitrator;
  • Surgical correction of nasopharyngeal deformity;
  • Removal of neoplasms.

Sometimes even Plastic surgery helps to cope with such a defect.

After surgery, it is necessary to massage the scar tissue in the sky, as well as monitor the correct palatopharyngeal closure.

Lessons with a speech therapist

Often, even medical or surgical therapy does not give the expected result, especially in children. It is already a habit to form sounds incorrectly.

The surgeon only corrects the defect, but only a speech therapist can deliver the correct pronunciation with the help of:

  • Articulatory gymnastics;
  • breathing exercises;
  • Speech therapy massage of the hard and soft palate;
  • Special exercises for setting and correct pronunciation of sounds.

That is why, in order to restore or create correct speech, most often a visit to a speech therapist is necessary, and often not only for children, but also for adult patients.


The forecasts for such a manifestation are positive only with the complete elimination of the factors of influence. if necessary, a speech therapist is visited. Correction of rhinolalia requires, as a rule, long courses of classes with a speech therapist.

Quick results cannot be obtained, but it is possible to correct speech completely, provided that the root cause is completely cured. In the case of deafness, the nasality remains on a permanent basis due to the inability to correctly hear and form the sound.

A simple exercise for nasality:

The cause of speech disorders in children lies in disorders of brain activity (the speech center responsible for the perception and reproduction of speech) or in physiological pathologies. Incorrect pronunciation is associated with speech therapy problems, which can be eliminated by practicing articulation with the child.

Rhinolalia is a common disorder in children. preschool age, change in the timbre of the voice, which physiological reasons gets nasty. Translated from the Greek, the term rhinolalia sounds like "nasal speech". A sign of such a disorder is that the child speaks through the nose, as if with a cold, but there is no snot. If this happens for speech therapy reasons, rhinophony is diagnosed. Consider these two disorders and the factors that provoke them.

Causes of rhinolalia and rhinophony

Factors affecting the pronunciation of the child are different.


Open rhinolalia is characterized by defects in the hard and soft palate (congenital cleft, paresis, weak fit), in which air enters the nose when exhaled.

At the same time, the child speaks indistinctly, nasally, and the sounds "em" and "en" sound like "mb", "nb". Such a defect is eliminated by training the soft palate, articulation exercises, in the case of physiological pathologies, an operation is performed to merge the cleft in the palate.

Closed rhinolalia is manifested in a change in the timbre of the voice, which is due to physiological processes in the nasopharynx. They also distinguish posterior nasal and anterior, depending on the location of the pathology. The cause of the posterior nasality is overgrown adenoids, pathological fusion of the soft palate with back wall larynx. With anterior nasality in a closed form, the sound pronunciation is distorted due to the curvature of the septum, the formation of ridges, polyps, hypertrophic proliferation of mucous tissue, and rhinitis.

With rhinophony, a change in the timbre of the voice is observed, but at the same time, there is no replacement of some sounds or their fuzziness, swallowing, as with rhinolalia.


One of the common problems in childhood, which leads to changes in the timbre of the voice and nasality - adenoiditis, pathological proliferation of the lymphatic tissue of the adenoids. The causes of inflammation in children are frequent SARS due to reduced immunity.

Symptoms of inflamed adenoids:

  • mouth breathing;
  • snore;
  • violation of the timbre of the voice;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • headache;
  • accumulation of the larynx.

Such a disease can be treated surgically and conservatively, depending on the form. With the first and second degree of growth, vitamin therapy is used, breathing exercises, symptomatic treatment. If the child breathes through the nose and rhinoscopy shows that the adenoids are enlarged, but do not close the lumen, there is no need for surgical removal.

The third degree of adenoid proliferation is characterized by complete overlap of the vomer, which is why the child does not breathe through the nose. Adenotomy, or surgical removal of enlarged tonsils, is used if drug treatment did not have the desired effect. But there is no guarantee that the lymphatic tissue will not grow again and the pathology will not resume.

Pathology of the nasal passages

Mucosal thickening, proliferation bone tissue, the formation of ridges and polyps disrupt the movement of the air flow and lead to changes in the timbre of the voice. To determine why the child speaks through the nose, undergo a rhinoscopy or endoscopic examination.

Causes of such formations in the nose:

  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • congenital curvature of the septum;
  • chronic .

It makes no sense to treat such diseases with conservative methods, since changes in tissues are irreversible. But there is an opportunity to improve the situation with surgical intervention. With polyposis and hypertrophy of the mucous tissue, sparing laser treatment is used, and a surgical operation is used to restore the septum.

Causes of a temporary change in the timbre of the voice

Except pathological changes that are treated surgically, there are diseases in which there is a symptom of nasality, but there is no snot. This is sinusitis with complete blockage of the sinus and frontal sinusitis.


The paranasal sinuses are involved in cleansing and warming the air during inhalation, and also form the timbre of the voice during pronunciation. In children under five years old, only the supramaxillary maxillary sinuses are developed. They become inflamed due to the transferred viral disease and when snot gets into them when washing the nose, as well as in case of injuries. With frontal sinus inflammation, the frontal sinuses are also involved in the formation of the voice.


There is no snot for sinusitis only in initial stage inflammation, further mucous discharge from the nose appears and with impurities of pus when a bacterial infection is attached.

Mucosal edema

Another reason for temporary nasality is swelling of the mucosa with allergies and colds. In the initial stage, snot may not be. Treatment of such ENT diseases is carried out medically with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, antiviral and antiseptic. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for topical use or in the form of tablets and injections for complications.

How to stop talking through your nose? This question interests many people suffering from nasality. This defect prevents clean and beautiful speech and complicates the communication of a person with others. Most often, this violation occurs in childhood and can significantly impair the socialization of the child. However, nasal in most cases is subject to correction, it is only important to correct the speech defect in time.

Types of rhinolalia

Rhinolalia is the medical name for nasality. Why does this speech defect occur? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of pronunciation of sounds.

Rhinolalia is especially pronounced when a person tries to pronounce the sounds "m" and "n". It is during their reproduction that difficulties arise, for example, if a person has a stuffy nose. However, with a severe form of nasality, all sounds acquire a characteristic nasal sound.

If you examine the throat with a mirror, you can see a small "tongue" between the tonsils. This organ is called the palatal curtain. It is he "m" and "n". In phonetics they are called nasal consonants. When they are pronounced, the palatine curtain falls, and air passes through the nose.

There are two forms of innuendo:

  1. Closed. constantly lowered, and air does not enter the nasal passages. A person has difficulty pronouncing the sounds "m" and "n".
  2. Open. The veil of the palate never falls; air passes through the nose and through the mouth at the same time. With this form, the reproduction of all sounds, even vowels, is distorted. The patient's speech loses its voice and becomes muffled and fuzzy.

Physicians also distinguish mixed variety rhinolalia. This means that a person has signs of both forms of nasality.

Why does a person speak through his nose

The nasality is often noted during a coryza and may persist for some time after recovery. This is due to nasal congestion and residual effects after suffering rhinitis. You need to sound the alarm in cases where a person’s nose is already breathing, but the rhinolalia still persists long time after illness.

In medicine, the causes of nasality are divided into 2 groups. The first is associated with defects and injuries of the speech apparatus. The following diseases can lead to rhinolalia:

  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • incorrect structure of the language;
  • birth defects lips and palate ("cleft palate" and "cleft lip");
  • shortening of the sky;
  • palate injury.

How to get rid of nasality with such pathologies? Most often they have to be treated surgically. After that, the patient's correct speech is restored.

The second group of causes of rhinolalia is associated with diseases of the nasopharynx:

  • rhinitis and its consequences;
  • adenoids and polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • tumors of the nasopharynx;
  • swelling and proliferation of the nasal mucosa;
  • advanced forms of syphilis, proceeding with the destruction of the sky.

Some of these pathologies are conservative treatment. With tumors, polyps and adenoids, an operation is performed to remove the neoplasms.

In addition, rhinolalia can be associated not only with anatomical defects, but also with functional disorders. For example, a person may speak through the nose when the muscles of the velum of the palatine are weakened.


How to stop talking through your nose? First of all, it is necessary to establish the causes of nasality. A patient with rhinolalia needs to undergo a comprehensive examination by a speech therapist, otolaryngologist and maxillofacial surgeon.

The speech therapist invites the patient to pronounce the sounds "and" and "a" with a pinched nose (Gutzman's test). Then the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient's speech apparatus. If a speech therapy examination did not reveal any pathologies, then the patient is referred to an otolaryngologist. The specialist conducts a thorough examination of the ENT organs using endoscopic instruments (rhinoscope and pharyngoscope).

Consultation of the maxillofacial surgeon is required if traumatization of the speech apparatus is suspected. An x-ray of the jaws and nasopharynx is performed.

Medical therapy

How to stop talking through your nose and still avoid surgery? Unfortunately, not all diseases leading to rhinolalia can be cured with conservative methods. It is possible to get rid of nasality with the help of drugs only if the speech defect is not associated with anatomical disorders and neoplasms.

Drug treatment is indicated for chronic rhinitis and complications of acute rhinitis, as well as for swelling of the nasal mucosa. Assign vasoconstrictor drops and physiotherapy. Usually, after cleansing the nasal cavity, the nasality completely disappears. These are the mildest cases of rhinolalia.


With anatomical disorders, surgical treatment is necessary. Very often in children nasality is caused by polyps and adenoids in the nasal cavity. This defect can be corrected with a light operation. Under local or general anesthesia, the doctor removes tumors using a special loop.

With the "cleft palate" and "hare lip", operations are performed to eliminate the cleft palate (uranoplasty) and the lip (cheiloplasty). These surgical interventions allow you to get rid of speech disorders and cosmetic defects.

Often patients ask the question: "What to do with the curvature of the nasal septum?" This defect is often the result of trauma to the nose and leads to respiratory failure, snoring during sleep and nasality. With such a violation, patients are shown plastic surgery of the nasal septum (septoplasty). Under local anesthesia, the curved parts of the cartilage are removed. There is no postoperative scar on the face, as the incision is made inside the nose.

Special exercises

Often, the examination does not reveal any violations and defects, however, a person has a pronounced rhinolalia. How to stop talking through your nose? In such cases, nasality most often has a functional origin.

If the speech defect is associated with weakness or a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the palate, then they will help special exercises. With open rhinolalia, the following exercises are useful:

  • swelling of the cheeks;
  • discharge from a tube soap bubbles;
  • blowing out a burning match.

Such exercises help to normalize breathing.

It is necessary to regularly perform gymnastics to improve articulation:

  1. The tongue is folded into a tube and slowly protruded from the mouth.
  2. Patient with closed mouth touches the inner surface of each cheek with the tongue.
  3. The tongue is moved from one corner of the mouth to the other.

If you do such exercises systematically, then over time, nasality decreases, and speech becomes more pure.

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