Russian literary language as the basis of speech culture. The relationship between the culture of speech and the literary language. Oral and written speech

Ivanova Serafima

Abstract - a study containing questions of the national language, literary language, the concept of speech culture.



Municipal educational institution

basic comprehensive school №3 Kameshkovo

Vladimir region

discipline: "Russian language"
on the topic: "Modern Russian literary language as the basis of the culture of speech of the Russian people"


9B class student
Ivanova S.A.
Lecturer: Petrova S.E.

Kameshkovo 2011

1. Introduction. Relevance of the choice of topic.

2. The position of the Russian language in the modern world.

3. Russian language is the national language of the Russian people

4. The concept of the Russian literary language

5. Culture of speech. Normative, communicative, ethical aspects of speech culture

6. Conclusion.

7. List of used literature.


Without a doubt, Russian is the national language of the Russian people. It is the language of science and culture. In the arrangement of words, their meanings, the sense of their combinations, that information about the world and people was originally laid down, which introduces one to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky wrote: "Each word of the language, each of its forms is the result of a person's thoughts and feelings, through which the nature of the country and the history of the people are reflected in the word." The history of the Russian language, according to V. Küchelbecker, "will reveal ... the character of the people who speak it." Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol once said about the Russian language: “There is no word that would be so bold, smart, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and vibrant, like a well-spoken Russian word.” Many more phrases and quotes can be cited as an example.
I believe that all means of language help to most accurately, clearly, figuratively and clearly express the most complex, important and necessary thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the world around us. Therefore, today, in the 21st century, it is relevant to talk about the features of the Russian national language, which includes not only the standardized literary language, but also folk dialects, colloquial forms of the language. The formation and development of a national language is a complex and very lengthy process that takes place over a long period of time.

Literary language- the national language of writing, the language of official and business documents, schooling, written communication, the science of journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and oral). Literary language is the language of literature in the broadest sense. It forms the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity despite the difference in the means of expression used. The norm of the language is the generally accepted use of language means, the rules that determine the exemplary use. I am close to the problem of protecting the literary language and its norms, which is directly one of the main tasks of the culture of speech.

The culture of speech can be interpreted from the standpoint of the general culture of a person, which, in my opinion, manifests itself and is revealed in “speech behavior”, in the knowledge of linguistic artistic wealth, in the ability to use them. On the other hand, the culture of speech can also be comprehended in an ecological aspect - as part of our healthy "linguistic environment", our "speech existence", freed from gross errors, from annoying inaccuracies, and from everything that clogs, coarsens, stylistically reduces our speech.

Therefore, I believe that the modern Russian language is not only the national language of the Russian people, but also the basis of the speech culture of every person.

Thus, the goal writing this work is to study the actual problems of the culture of speech, to try to determine the place of the Russian language in the modern multinational world.

In the course of my work, I came up with the following tasks:

1. consider the position of the Russian language in the modern world;

2. define Russian as a national language;

3. define the concept of the Russian literary language;

4. to study the normative, communicative, ethical aspects of the culture of speech.

Object of study are problems of formation of personality speech culture.

Subject of study:modern Russian literary language as the basis of the speech culture of the Russian people.

Methods used when writing an abstract:

1. study, processing and analysis of scientific sources on the research problem;

2. analysis of scientific literature, textbooks and manuals on the Russian language, the basics of the culture of speech, linguistics, linguistics, the culture of language communication.

Theoretical base.

The work uses the works of famous scientists dealing with the problems of the literary Russian language, the norms and etiquette of communication, in particular, such authors as Skvortsov L.I., Golovin B.N., Barlas, L.G. Gorbachevich, K.S. Kovtunova, I. I., Kokhtev, N. N. Shansky, N. M. Sergeev, V. N.

Structurally, the work consists of four chapters, introduction, conclusion, bibliography.

Chapter 1. The position of the Russian language in the modern world

To determine the position of the Russian language in the modern world and the attitude of the peoples of other countries towards it, it is necessary to comprehend the social, political, economic phenomena that took place in our country.

In the 20th century, Russia experienced two major upheavals: a revolutionary upheaval in 1917 and perestroika in the 1990s. As a result of the revolution, a powerful totalitarian state of the USSR was created with all the attributes characteristic of it. Perestroika led to the collapse of the USSR, the restoration of the Russian Federation as an independent state, the democratization of society, the establishment of publicity, openness of interstate ties and relations.

In the first period, the interest in the Russian language grew unusually throughout the world. It began to be perceived as the language of a great power, centuries-old culture and the richest literature, as one of the most informative languages ​​(60-70% of world information is published in English and Russian).

The Soviet state did a lot to strengthen the role of the Russian language as one of the world's languages. In all the republics of the USSR there were quite a few schools in which all teaching was conducted in Russian. Since 1938, the Russian language has been studied as a compulsory subject in all national schools. As a result, the number of people of non-Russian nationality who speak Russian has increased every year. In 1989, there were 87.5 million non-Russians who were fluent in Russian.

A huge attraction to the study of the Russian language throughout the world contributed to the creation in 1967 of the International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL). The task of this organization is to unite Russian language teachers abroad, provide them with methodological assistance, and promote the publication of textbooks, various educational materials, and dictionaries. Since 1967, the journal "Russian language abroad" began to appear. In 1973, the Institute of the Russian Language named after V.I. A.S. Pushkin. It is an educational and research center. It develops the latest methods of teaching the Russian language to foreigners, creates textbooks, dictionaries, films and other manuals on the Russian language for foreigners; are admitted to graduate school, doctoral studies, to advanced training courses for foreign specialists in Russian studies, to internships for foreign students.

An important role in the propaganda of the Russian language is played by the Russky Yazyk publishing house, founded in 1974, which mainly specializes in publishing various educational literature, especially dictionaries for those who study Russian as a foreign language.

Starting from the 1960s, foreigners began to come to many universities of the country in order to acquire one or another specialty and master the Russian language. The number of visitors increased every year.

After the collapse of the USSR, when the union republics became independent states, there was a reassessment of many former values, which led to a noticeable decrease in interest in the Russian language in these states.

A negative attitude towards the Russian language was shown in the Baltic countries: in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, only the corresponding national language becomes the state language. Teaching in Russian and the study of the Russian language itself are sharply reduced in schools and universities. They cease to publish scientific and socio-political literature in Russian, to use it in the preparation of production, economic and official documentation.

Unfortunately, the tendency to reduce the influence of the Russian language, its study and functioning as a language of interethnic communication is also observed in other former union and autonomous republics. In their media, the Russian language is beginning to be called the "imperial language", "the language of totalitarianism", "the language of the occupiers".

However, as you know, life makes its own adjustments. In the post-perestroika period, it becomes obvious that the Russian language is necessary for the peoples of both Russia and the Union of Independent States. The well-known Abkhazian writer Fazil Iskander wrote in the Arguments and Facts newspaper: “The Russian language historically united us all, through it we understood each other. Now there is a transition of republics, peoples to communication by means of their national language. This puts obstacles in the development of culture, art, economy, in the communication of people with each other. And ultimately leads to the tragic results that we have today.

A sober attitude to the Russian language, an understanding of its significance for the peoples of sovereign states, for the development of their culture, economy, trade and industrial relations determine the language policy in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. “We are all Kazakhs,” says President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, “they know Russian very well, and we, Kazakhs, should never lose this advantage. Honored Scientist of Yakutia, Professor N.G. Samsonov in the book “The Russian Language on the Threshold of the 20th Century” (Yakutsk, 1998) speaks about the importance of the Russian language for the existence and further development of the languages ​​of other peoples: “The presence of an intermediary language does not mean the curtailment of the functions of national languages. On the contrary, the all-round economic and cultural cooperation of nations, the exchange of scientific, political and economic knowledge leads to the mutual enrichment of national languages, brings them into line with the modern level of social progress. The dignity of a people lies not in ethnic self-isolation, but in spiritual looseness, in the mutual cooperation of peoples, in joint equal creativity.”

The Russian language continues to play an important historical role in language development and is of great interest in the modern world. According to publications in the Russian press, the number of citizens of the United States, France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Austria, and Korea who have begun to study the Russian language and literature has recently increased several times. Along with English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian is one of the official international languages ​​of the UN and many political, economic and scientific organizations.

Language features

The question of the functions of language is closely connected with the problem of the origin of language. What reasons, what living conditions of people contributed to its origin, its formation? What is the purpose of language in the life of society? These questions were answered not only by linguists, but also by philosophers, logicians, and psychologists.

The appearance of language is closely connected with the formation of man as a thinking being. Language arose naturally and is a system that is necessary both for an individual (individual) and society (collective). As a result, the language is inherently multifunctional.

I believe that, first of all, it serves as a means of communication, allowing the speaker to express his thoughts, and the other individual to perceive them and, in turn, respond accordingly (take note, agree, object). Thus, the language helps people to share experiences, transfer their knowledge, organize any work, build and discuss plans for joint activities.

Language also serves as a means of consciousness, promotes the activity of consciousness and reflects its result. Language is involved in the formation of the thinking of the individual (individual consciousness) and the thinking of society (public consciousness). This is a cognitive function.

The development of language and thinking is an interdependent process. The development of thinking contributes to the enrichment of the language, new concepts require new names; the improvement of the language entails the improvement of thinking.

Language, moreover, helps to preserve and transmit information, which is important both for the individual and for the whole society. In written monuments (chronicles, documents, memoirs, fiction, newspapers), in oral folk art, the life of the nation, the history of native speakers of a given language is recorded. In this regard, there are three main functions of the language:

- communicative;

– cognitive (cognitive, epistemological);

- accumulative (epistemic).

Additional functions are manifested in speech and are determined by the structure of the speech act, i.e. the presence of the addresser, the addressee (participants of communication) and the subject of the conversation. Let's name two such functions: emotional (expresses the internal state of the speaker, his feelings) and volitional (the function of influencing listeners).

The magical function of language has been known since ancient times. This is due to the idea that some words, expressions have magical powers, are able to change the course of events, influence a person’s behavior, his fate. In the religious and mythological consciousness, formulas of prayers, incantations, conspiracies, divination, and curses primarily possess such power.

Since language serves as a material and form of artistic creation, it is legitimate to speak of the poetic function of language. Thus, the language performs a wide variety of functions, which is explained by its use in all spheres of life and activity of a person and society.

Chapter 2. Russian language - the national language of the Russian people

Language is created by the people and serves them from generation to generation. In its development, the language goes through several stages and depends on the degree of development of the ethnos (Greek ethnos - people). At an early stage, a tribal language is formed, then the language of the people and, finally, the national one.

The national language is formed on the basis of the national language, which ensures its relative stability. It is the result of the process of the formation of a nation and at the same time a prerequisite and condition for its formation.

By its nature, the national language is heterogeneous. This is explained by the heterogeneity of the ethnos itself as a community of people. First of all, people unite on a territorial basis, place of residence. As a means of communication, rural residents use a dialect - one of the varieties of the national language. A dialect, as a rule, is a collection of smaller units - dialects that have common linguistic features and serve as a means of communication for residents of nearby villages and farms. Territorial dialects have their own characteristics, which are found at all levels of the language: in the sound system, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, word formation. The dialect exists only in oral form.

The presence of dialects is the result of feudal fragmentation during the formation of Ancient Russia, then the Russian state. In the era of capitalism, despite the expansion of contacts between speakers of different dialects, and the formation of a national language, territorial dialects remain, although they undergo some changes. In the 20th century, especially in the second half, in connection with the development of the mass media (press, radio, cinema, television, intervision), the process of degradation of dialects, their disappearance, is underway. The study of dialects is of interest:

- from a historical point of view: dialects retain archaic features that are not reflected in the literary language;

- from the point of view of the formation of the literary language: on the basis of what main dialect and then the national language did the literary language develop; what features of other dialects it borrows; how the literary language influences the dialects in the future and how the dialects influence the literary language.

Secondly, social causes contribute to the unification of people: common profession, occupation, interests, social status. For such societies, the social dialect serves as a means of communication. Since the social dialect has many varieties, in the scientific literature, the terms are also used to name them. jargon, slang.

Jargon is the speech of social and professional groups of people. It is used by sailors, electronics engineers, computer scientists, athletes, actors, students. Unlike territorial dialects, jargon does not have phonetic and grammatical features peculiar only to it. Jargon is characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology.

Slang vocabulary is rethought, abbreviated, phonetically modified words of the Russian language and borrowed from other languages, especially English. For example: storehouse - "shop", cigarette butt - "electric train", pricha - "hairstyle", deflection - "toady", abita - "applicant", aiz - "eye", alkonaut - "alcoholic", Amerissa - "America".

Some slang words and set expressions are becoming widespread and are used to give expressiveness and expressiveness to speech. For example:bum, homeless person, breaker, green, grandmas, biker, party, lawlessness, reach the handle, take on the gun.Separate words and phrases are not currently perceived as jargon, since they have long entered the literary language and are colloquial or neutral. For example:cheat sheet, mood, rocker, snickers, be on a roll.

Sometimes as a synonym for the word jargon the word is used slang. So, for example, they talk about student, school slang, meaning jargon.

The main purpose of slang is to make speech incomprehensible to strangers. The lower classes of society are primarily interested in this: thieves, swindlers, cheaters. There was also professional slang. It helped artisans (tailors, tinsmiths, saddlers ...), as well as walkers (peddlers who sold small goods peddling and carting in small towns:villages, villages) when talking with their own, hide from outsiders the secrets of the craft, the secrets of their business.

IN AND. Dahl in the first volume of the "Explanatory Dictionary" in an article with the title word afenya, afenya gives an example of the argot speech of merchants:Ropa kimat, twilight, loosely screeching voryhans. This ismeans: It's time to sleep, midnight, soon the roosters will crow.

In addition to territorial and social dialects, the national language includes vernacular.

Vernacular is one of the forms of the national Russian language, which does not have its own signs of a systemic organization and is characterized by a set of linguistic forms that violate the norms of the literary language. The carriers of vernacular (citizens with a low level of education) do not realize such a violation of the norms, they do not catch, do not understand the difference between non-literary and literary forms.

Spacious are:

- in phonetics: driver, put, sentence; ridiculitis, kolidor, rezetka, drushlag;

– in morphology: my callus, with jam, doing, on the beach, a driver, without a coat, run, lie down, lay down;

– in the lexicon: a frame instead of pedestal, semi-clinic instead of a clinic.

Common speech, like territorial and social dialects, has only an oral form.

Chapter 3. The concept of the Russian literary language

The highest form of the national language is the literary language. It is presented in oral and written form. It is characterized by the presence of norms that cover all levels of the language (phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax). The literary language serves all spheres of human activity: politics, culture, office work, legislation, everyday communication.

The norms of the literary language are reflected in the dictionaries: orthoepic, spelling, explanatory, dictionaries of difficulties, phrases.

Literary language has two forms - oral and written. They differ in four ways:

1 Implementation form. Titles oral - writtenindicate that the first is a sounding speech, and the second is a graphic design. This is their main difference. The oral form is original. For the appearance of a written form, it was necessary to create graphic signs that would convey the elements of sounding speech. Both oral and written forms are implemented taking into account the norms characteristic of each of them: oral - orthoepic, written - spelling and punctuation.

2. Relation to the addressee. Written speech is usually addressed to an absent person. The writer does not see his reader, he can only mentally imagine him. Written speech is not affected by the reaction of those who read it. On the contrary, oral speech presupposes the presence of an interlocutor, a listener. The speaker and the listener not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, oral speech often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, the audience's remarks, their smiles and laughter - all this can affect the nature of the speech, change it depending on the reaction, or even stop.

3. Generation of a form. The speaker creates, creates his speech at once. He simultaneously works on content and form. Therefore, often giving a lecture, taking part in a conversation on television, answering questions from a journalist, pause, thinking about what to say, mentally select words, build sentences. Such pauses are called pauses. hesitations. The writer, unlike the speaker, has the opportunity to improve the written text, return to it several times, add, shorten, change, correct.

4. The nature of the perception of oral and written speech. Written language is designed for visual perception. While reading, there is always the opportunity to reread an incomprehensible place several times, make extracts, clarify the meaning of individual words, and check the correct understanding of terms in dictionaries. Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, special technical means are needed. Therefore, oral speech should be constructed and organized in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily assimilated by listeners.

When implementing each of the forms of the literary language, the writer or speaker selects words, combinations of words to express his thoughts, and makes sentences. Depending on the material from which speech is built, it acquires a bookish or colloquial character. This also distinguishes the literary language as the highest form of the national language from its other varieties. Let's compare the proverbs for example:Desire is stronger than compulsion and Hunting is worse than captivity.The idea is the same, but framed differently. In the first case, verbal nouns are used on- nie (desire, coercion),giving speech a bookish character, in the second - words hunting, giving a touch of conversation. It is not difficult to assume that the first proverb will be used in a scientific article, diplomatic dialogue, and the second in a casual conversation. Consequently, the sphere of communication determines the selection of linguistic material, and it, in turn, forms and determines the type of speech.

Book speech is built according to the norms of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; sentences must be complete, logically related to each other. In book speech, abrupt transitions from one thought that is not brought to its logical conclusion to another are not allowed. Among the words there are abstract, bookish words, including scientific terminology, official business vocabulary.

Colloquial speech is not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It allows the use of forms that qualify in dictionaries as colloquial. The text of such speech is dominated by common vocabulary, colloquial; preference is given to simple sentences, participial and adverbial phrases are avoided.

So, the functioning of the literary language in the most important areas of human activity; the various means for transmitting information embedded in it; availability of oral and written forms; the distinction and opposition of bookish and colloquial speech - all this gives reason to consider the literary language as the highest form of the national language.

I want to draw your attention to the features that characterize the functioning of the literary language at the beginning of the 21st century.

First, the composition of participants in mass communication has never been so numerous and diverse (by age, education, official position, political, religious, social views, party orientation).

Secondly, official censorship has almost disappeared, so people express their thoughts more freely, their speech becomes more open, confidential, and relaxed.

Thirdly, speech begins to dominate spontaneous, spontaneous, not prepared in advance.

Fourth, the diversity of communication situations leads to a change in the nature of communication. It is freed from rigid formality, it becomes more relaxed.

New conditions for the functioning of the language, the emergence of a large number of unprepared public speeches lead not only to the democratization of speech, but also to a sharp decline in its culture.

In what way does this manifest itself?

Firstly, in violation of the orthoepic (pronunciation), grammatical norms of the Russian language. Scientists, journalists, poets, ordinary citizens write about it. Especially a lot of criticism is caused by the speech of deputies, television and radio workers.

Secondly, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the democratization of the language reached such proportions that it would be more correct to call the process liberalization, or, more precisely, vulgarization.

On the pages of the periodical press, in the speech of educated people, jargon, colloquial elements and other non-literary means poured in a stream:grandmas, thing, piece, stolnik, baldezh, pump out, launder, unfasten, scrolland many others. Common even in official speech are the wordsparty, disassembly, mayhemthe last word in the sense of "unlimited lawlessness" gained particular popularity.

For speakers, public speakers, the measure of admissibility has changed, if not completely absent. Cursing, "obscene language", "unprintable word" today can be found on the pages of independent newspapers, free publications, in the texts of works of art. Stores, book fairsdictionaries are sold containing not only jargon, thieves, but also obscene words.

There are quite a few people who say that swearing and swearing are considered a characteristic, distinctive feature of the Russian people. If we turn to oral folk art, proverbs and sayings, it turns out that it is not entirely legitimate to say that the Russian people consider swearing an integral part of their lives. Yes, people are trying to somehow justify her, to emphasize that abuse is a common thing:Scolding is not a reserve, and without it not for an hour; Swearing is not smokethe eye will not go out; Hard words break no bones.It seems to even help in the work, you can’t do without it:Do not swear, you will not do the job; Without swearing, you can't unlock the lock in the cage.

But I think something else is more important:Argue, argue, but scolding is a sin; Do not scold: what comes out of a person, then he will be filthy; Swearing is not resin, but akin to soot: it doesn’t cling, it stains like that; With abuse people dry, and with praise they get fat; You won’t take it with your throat, you won’t beg with abuse.

This is not only a warning, this is already a condemnation, this is a ban.

The Russian literary language is our wealth, our heritage. He embodied the cultural and historical traditions of the people. We are responsible for his condition, for his fate.

Chapter 4. Culture of speech.

Normative, communicative, ethical aspects.

The concept of culture of speech is closely connected with the literary language. The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, the ability not only to attract attention with one’s speech, but also to influence listeners, possession of a culture of speech is a peculiar characteristic of professional suitability for people of various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, teachers of schools and universities, radio and television workers, managers, journalists.

It is important to master the culture of speech for everyone who, by the nature of their activity, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, conducts business negotiations, educates, takes care of their health, and provides various services to people.

What is the culture of speech? The culture of speech is understood as:

– observance of ethics of communication;

– knowledge of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written forms

- the ability to choose and organize language tools that, in a certain situation of communication, contribute to the achievement of the tasks of communication.

Thus, the culture of speech contains three components: normative, communicative and ethical.

The culture of speech implies, first of all, the correctness of speech, that is, the observance of the norms of the literary language, which are perceived by its speakers (speaking and writing) as an “ideal”, a model. The language norm is the central concept of language culture, and the normative aspect of speech culture is considered one of the most important. “The ability to speak correctly is not yet a merit, and inability is already a shame,” wrote the famous Cicero, “because correct speech is not so much the dignity of a good speaker, but the property of every citizen.”

However, the culture of speech cannot be reduced to a list of prohibitions and definitions of “right or wrong”. The concept of "culture of speech" is associated with the laws and features of the functioning of the language, as well as with speech activity in all its diversity. It also includes the possibility provided by the language system to find an adequate language form for expressing specific content in each real situation of speech communication.

The culture of speech develops the skills of selecting and using language means in the process of speech communication, helps to form a conscious attitude to their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks. The choice of language means necessary for this purpose is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture.

A well-known philologist, a prominent specialist in the culture of speech Grigory Osipovich Vinokur wrote: “For each goal - its own means, this should be the slogan of a linguistically cultural society.”

Communicative expediency is considered one of the main categories of the theory of speech culture, therefore it is important to know the basic communicative qualities of speech and take them into account in the process of speech interaction.

In accordance with the requirements of the communicative aspect of the culture of speech, native speakers must know the functional varieties of the language, as well as focus on the pragmatic conditions of communication, which significantly affect the optimal choice and organization of speech means for this case.

The ethical aspect of the culture of speech prescribes the knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations. Ethical norms of communication are understood as speech etiquette (speech formulas of greeting, request, question, gratitude, congratulations; appeal to "you" and "you"; choice of full or abbreviated name, formulas of address).

The use of speech etiquette is greatly influenced by extralinguistic factors: the age of the participants in the speech act (purposeful speech action), their social status, the nature of the relationship between them (official, informal, friendly, intimate), the time and place of speech interaction.

The ethical component of the culture of speech imposes a strict ban on foul language in the process of communication, condemns the conversation in "raised tones".

Communicative qualities of speech

One of the meanings of the word communication is “the communication of information by one person to another or to a number of persons; communication". Since the addresser (creator of information) and the addressee / addressees (perceiving information) take part in the act of communication, it is important to determine what communicative qualities the speaker's speech should have in order for the addressee to correctly decode it, adequately perceive and be interested in receiving information.

The communicative qualities of speech that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific situation and in accordance with the goals and objectives set, include:accuracy, intelligibility, richness and variety of speech, its purity, expressiveness.

Accuracy is determined by the ability to think clearly and clearly, knowledge of the subject of conversation and the laws of the Russian language. Let's see what reasons make speech inaccurate? Let's name the most common: the use of words in an unusual meaning; ambiguity not eliminated by the context, generating ambiguity; mixture of paronyms, homonyms. Here are some examples of mixing paronyms cited by A.M. Gorky: he clicked ankle wicket instead of a latch. When B. Pilnyak writes that "daughter for three years age caught up with the mother, "you need to convince Pilnyak that age and height are not the same thing."

The intelligibility of speech is related to its effectiveness, efficiency and depends on the nature of the words used. In order for speech to be understandable, it is necessary to limit the use of words that are on the periphery of the vocabulary of the language and do not have the quality of communicative validity. These include: highly specialized terms; foreign words that are not widely used; professionalisms, that is, words and expressions used by people of the same profession.

The English educator, the greatest materialist philosopher John Locke believed that those who use words without a clear and unchanging meaning mislead themselves and others. And the one who does it deliberately is the enemy of truth and knowledge.

Wealth speech testifies to the erudition of the speaker, his high intelligence. The richness of an individual language makes it possible to diversify speech, give it accuracy and clarity, and avoid repetitions, both lexical and syntactic.

What determines the richness of a language, including the language of an individual?

The richness of any language lies in the richness of the vocabulary. Some researchers believe that the active vocabulary of a modern person does not exceed 7-8 thousand different words, according to others, it reaches 11-13 thousand words. People in linguo-intensive professions, for example, teachers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, managers, need to have as much vocabulary as possible and constantly take care of replenishing it.

The richest source of replenishment of an individual vocabulary is synonymy. Synonyms attract the writer or speaker by the fact that, differing in shades of meaning or stylistic coloring, they allow one to formulate an idea with the utmost accuracy, to give speech a colloquial or bookish character, to express positive or negative expression. For example, the word brave has the following synonyms: brave, courageous, courageous, daring, fearless, fearless, fearless, valiant, heroic; heroic(colloquial); bold, fearless(high); impudent (set high); decisive (in decision making); not timid (or not cowardly) ten, about two heads.

Words - "weeds" do not carry any semantic load, do not have information content. They not only clog speech, but also make it difficult to perceive, divert attention from the content of the statement. In addition, extra words psychologically affect the listeners, irritate them.

Expressiveness of speechenhances the effectiveness of the speech: a vivid speech arouses interest among listeners, maintains attention to the subject of conversation, has an impact on the mind, feelings, and imagination of listeners. To make speech figurative, emotional, the speaker is helped by special artistic techniques, visual and expressive means of the language, traditionally called paths (comparison, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, etc.) and figures (antithesis, inversion, repetition, etc.), as well as proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions, catchwords.

Tropes perform the following functions: they give speech emotionality (reflect a person’s personal view of the world, express assessments, feelings when comprehending the world); visibility (contribute to a visual reflection of the picture of the outside world, the inner world of a person); contribute to the original reflection of reality (show objects and phenomena from a new, unexpected side); allow you to better understand the internal state of the speaker (writer); make speech attractive.

In order for the paths to perform these functions, improve the quality of speech, enhancing its influencing effect, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements: 1) paths should not be far-fetched, unnatural (when the path is based on signs or concepts that do not combine in life, nature); 2) when comparing objects, it is necessary to preserve the “unity of the attribute”, it is impossible to switch from one attribute to another; 3) the features by which the comparison is carried out must be essential, characteristic; 4) trails must comply with the laws of the language.

If trails are used in an utterance in violation of these rules, the effectiveness of the message is reduced. So, for example, in a fragment of an advertising message"A bouquet of subtle scents, stimulating the effect of healing hair, domestic shampoos" Lavender "," Natalie "," Tenderness "...a metaphor was used to name the main property of the advertised shampoosa bouquet of subtle scents.The used metaphor does not clarify the real, significant features of the object, but displaces them, since the main thing in the shampoo is not the smell, but its quality, especially since further in the message it is said about the effect of healing the hair. In addition, the phrase “A bouquet of ... smells, a stimulating effect of healing ...” raises questions: do you need a healing effect or healing itself? can smell heal hair? can a bouquet heal hair? In this phrase, the compatibility of words is broken, which led to the absurdity of the statement.

Tropes are more common in artistic and journalistic speech, to a lesser extent they are characteristic of scientific speech. In official business speech, the use of tropes is unacceptable. In colloquial speech, common language tropes are more often used; the use of original, author's tropes depends on the personality of the speaker, the topic of conversation, the situation of communication.

Figures of speech are special forms of syntactic constructions that enhance the impact of speech on the addressee. Specialists distinguish three groups of figures: 1. Figures based on the ratio of the meanings of words: antithesis (turn in which the meanings of words are sharply opposed:"Where the table was food, there is a coffin"(G. Derzhavin), gradation (arrangement of words, in which each subsequent one contains an increase or decrease in meanings:I do not regret, do not call, do not cry.(S. Yesenin), inversion (arrangement of words that violates the usual order:Our amazing people(I. Ehrenburg), ellipsis (omission of any implied term:Everyone said later: Borya did not enter because the anti-Semites, and Misha did not enter because he was a fool. (A. Bondar). 2. Figures based on the repetition of identical elements: anaphora (repetition of identical words at the beginning of a sentence), epiphora (repetition of individual words or phrases at the end of a sentence), parallelism (the same syntactic construction of adjacent sentences), period (rhythmomelodic construction, thought and intonation in which gradually increase, reach the top, the theme gets its resolution, after which the intonational tension decreases). 3. Figures based on the expression of rhetorical address to the reader or listener: appeal, question, exclamation.

However, in my opinion, they do not exhaust the whole variety of expressive means of native speech. Resorting to them, one should not forget that all these “flowers of eloquence”, as the prominent master of Russian judicial eloquence P.S. Porokhovshchikov are good only when they seem unexpected to the listener. They cannot, and do not need to be memorized, they can only be absorbed into oneself along with folk speech, developing and improving speech culture, speech taste and flair.

L.N. spoke well about the need to monitor the accuracy of expressing one's thoughts. Tolstoy: “The only means of mental communication of people is the word, and in order for this communication to be possible, it is necessary to use words in such a way that with each word, corresponding and exact concepts will undoubtedly be evoked by everyone.”

Speech intelligibility

Intelligibility of speech is intelligibility, the availability of speech for those to whom it is addressed. This is one of the requirements for the speech of the speaker and writer, the most important communicative quality of speech. It is necessary to comply with this requirement because it is associated with the effectiveness, efficiency of the spoken word. It is not clear to write or speak, M.M. Speransky, Russian statesman, author of the book "Rules of Higher Eloquence", "there is an absurdity that surpasses all measures of absurdity."

According to researchers, the intelligibility of speech is determined primarily by the selection of speech means, the use of words known to listeners.

The huge vocabulary of the Russian language, in terms of the scope of use, linguists divide into two large groups - the vocabulary of unlimited use (common words that are understandable to all native speakers of this language in all cases:bread, family, city, garden, sun, moon, tableetc.) and vocabulary of limited use (words used in a certain area - professional, territorial, social, therefore understandable to a limited circle of native speakers; these include professionalism, dialectisms, jargon, terms).

Vocabulary of a limited scope of use requires thoughtful handling. It is not necessary to completely exclude it from your speech. If you have to communicate in a highly professional environment, then you can freely use the special words and professionalisms adopted there. But if there is no certainty that all listeners are familiar with special vocabulary, terms, then each non-common word should be explained.

Dialect words, and even more jargon, as a rule, are unacceptable in speech. These elements of a limited scope of use can only be introduced into speech for a specific purpose, for example, as means of expression. But this should be done carefully, with an understanding of the appropriateness and appropriateness of such an application in each specific case.

Comprehensibility, clarity of speech also depends on the correct use of foreign words in it. Often the question arises whether it is possible to use foreign words or is it better to do without them. It should be borne in mind that borrowing is a normal, natural phenomenon for any language. Borrowings according to the degree of their penetration into the vocabulary of the Russian language can be divided into three groups.

The first of them are foreign words that have firmly entered the Russian language. They have been borrowed for a long time, assimilated by all the people and are not perceived as foreign languages. These words are the only names for vital concepts:bed, sugar, factory, classroom, pencil and etc.

The second group is made up of words that are widespread in the Russian language and are also the only names for the designated concepts, but are recognized as foreign:pavement, service, radio, trolleybus, liner and etc.

The third group includes foreign language vocabulary, which is not widely used. It also includes words that have Russian parallels, but differ from them in volume, shade of meaning or scope of use.(revise - check, contract - contract, conservative - inert, constant - stable).

It is advisable to avoid the use of foreign words if the language has Russian words with the same meaning. When using foreign words, one must be sure that they are understandable to the listeners. Therefore, it is important to skillfully introduce a foreign word into your speech. It is necessary to give appropriate explanations of the used foreign words.

Agree, constant work with dictionaries can be of great help in mastering the words of a limited sphere of use.

So, the correctness of our speech, the accuracy of the language, the clarity of the wording, the skillful use of terms, foreign words, the successful use of figurative and expressive means of the language, proverbs and sayings, catchwords, phraseological expressions, the richness of the individual dictionary increase the effectiveness of communication, enhance the effectiveness of the spoken word.

The use of phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions in speech

The phraseology of the Russian language is unusually diverse in its composition, has great stylistic possibilities. Phraseological units help to say a lot with a few words, since they define not only the subject, but also its sign, not only the action, but also its circumstances. The complexity of the semantics of phraseological units distinguishes them from one-word synonyms. Yes, a solid combination. wide leg means not just “rich”, but “rich, luxurious, not embarrassed in means”. Phraseologism cover their tracks means not just "destroy, eliminate something", but "eliminate, destroy what can serve as evidence in something."

Phraseology attracts with its expressiveness, the potential ability to positively or negatively evaluate the phenomenon, express approval or condemnation, ironic, mocking or other attitude towards it. This is especially evident in the so-called phraseological units-characteristics. For example:a man with a capital letter, milk on his lips has not dried up, a telegraph pole, a jack of all trades, an absolute zero, a wind in his head, a bright personality, a mind chamber, a white crow, a prodigal son, not a timid ten, a dog in the hay, a berry of one field.

The richness of the dictionary and phraseology of the Russian language makes it possible to avoid the repetition of the same words, phrases in oral and written speech, to diversify speech, to make it richer.

The richness of speech is evidenced by the presence in it of proverbs, sayings, winged words and expressions. Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom, they express the truth, proven by the centuries-old history of the people, the experience of many generations. “The proverb is not in vain said,” says folk wisdom. They express joy and sorrow, anger and sadness, love and hate, irony and humor. They summarize various phenomena of the reality around us, help to understand the history of our people. Therefore, in the texts, proverbs and sayings acquire a special meaning. They not only enhance the expressiveness of speech, give sharpness, deepen the content, but also help to find a way to the heart of the listener, reader, win their respect and favor.

The success of using proverbs in speech depends on how well they are chosen. No wonder it is said: "A good proverb is in harmony and in suit."

Along with proverbs and sayings, winged words testify to the richness of speech. These are well-aimed, figurative expressions that have become widespread, have become commonly used. They have been known since antiquity. For example, Homer called "winged" words that quickly break from the speaker's mouth and fly to the listener's ear. As a rule, winged words and expressions are of book origin. These include famous quotes from fiction, scientific, journalistic literature, statements of famous people of the past and present:his example to others is science(Pushkin); there is something to despair(Griboyedov); de darling Golovlev (Saltykov-Shchedrin);no matter what happens(Chekhov); like a squirrel in a wheel(Krylov); the best is the enemy of the good (Voltaire); science nourishes young men, gives joy to old men(Lomonosov); oh times! oh manners!(Cicero); choose the lesser of two evils(Aristotle).

Speech etiquette: factors determining its formation

Etiquette is a set of accepted rules that determine the order of any activity. The degree of proficiency in speech etiquette determines the degree of professional suitability of a person. This primarily applies to civil servants, politicians, teachers, lawyers, doctors, managers, entrepreneurs, journalists, service workers, that is, to those who, by the nature of their activities, constantly communicate with people. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. I believe that knowledge of the rules of speech etiquette, their observance allows a person to feel confident and at ease.

What factors determine the formation of speech etiquette and its use?

1. Speech etiquette is built taking into account the characteristics of partners entering into a relationship, leading a conversation.

2. Speech etiquette is determined by the situation in which communication takes place. In addition, speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. For example, a feature of the Russian language is the presence of two pronouns in it - you and you which can be perceived as forms of the second person singular. The choice of one form or another depends on the social status of the interlocutors, the nature of their relationship, on the official / informal situation.

An interesting fact: according to the etiquette adopted in Russia, the pronoun You should be used: 1) when referring to an unfamiliar addressee; 2) in a formal setting of communication; 3) with an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee; 4) to the senior (by position, age) addressee. Pronoun you used: 1) when talking with a well-known person with whom friendly, friendly relations have been established; 2) in an informal setting of communication; 3) with a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee; 4) to the youngest (by position, age) addressee.

So, taking into account the factors that form and determine speech etiquette, knowledge and observance of the norms of speech etiquette, creates a favorable climate for relationships, contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of relationships.


Thus, the problem of the Russian literary language as the basis of the culture of speech of the Russian people remains open. It will be resolved only when everyone learns to respect himself and treat others with respect, when he learns to defend his honor and dignity, when he becomes a person, when it does not matter what position he holds, what his status is. It is important that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Improving the culture of oral and written speech, taking care of the correctness and purity of speech should be mandatory for a person speaking in public. Particular attention should be paid to the culture of speech communication in everyday life. It is important to always speak correctly, accurately, clearly and understandably, to be able to clearly articulate thoughts, figuratively and emotionally express your attitude to the subject of speech.

If a person, for example, is used to incorrectly stressing a word in everyday speech, then he will most likely pronounce it incorrectly on the podium out of habit, even if the text of the speech contains an accent mark in this word.

I recommend that all people (and you can and should learn at any age) actively participate in business conversations, conversations, discussions of various problems among friends, colleagues, relatives, speak more often in classes, seminars and practical classes, take the floor in debates, discussions, write letters, articles...

Thus, having studied the actual problems of the culture of speech, having determined the place of the Russian language in the modern multinational world, having studied the normative, communicative, ethical aspects of the culture of speech, I came to the conclusion thatRussian literary language is the basis of the culture of speech of every person.

List of used literature

  1. Barlas, L. G. Russian language: Stylistics / L. G. Barlas. – M.: Enlightenment, 1978.
  2. Golovin, B. N. Fundamentals of speech culture / B. N. Golovin. – M.: Enlightenment, 1980.
  3. Gorbachevich, K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language / K. S. Gorbachevich. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
  4. Kovtunova, I. I. Modern Russian language: word order and actual sentence change / I. I. Kovtunova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1976.
  5. Kokhtev, N. N. Rhetoric / N. N. Kokhtev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1996.
  6. Shansky, N. M. In the world of words / N. M. Shansky. – M.: Nauka, 1971.
  7. Sergeev, V. N. Dictionaries are our friends and helpers / V. N. Sergeev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1984.
  8. Skvortsov "Ecology of the word or let's talk about the culture of Russian speech" - M .; Enlightenment, 2007.
Russian language and culture of speech: a course of lectures Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 Literary language is the basis of speech culture. Functional styles, areas of their application

Literary language is the basis of the culture of speech. Functional styles, areas of their application

1. The concept of speech culture.

2. Forms of existence of the national language. Literary language, its features and properties.

3. Non-literary varieties of the language.

4. Functional styles, their characteristics, areas of application and interaction.

“The true essence and meaning of culture is in an organic disgust for everything that is dirty, vile, deceitful, rude, which humiliates a person and makes him suffer” (M. Gorky. “Untimely Thoughts”).

The culture of speech as part of the general culture of a person involves mastering the rules and norms of the Russian language and is associated with the norms of ethics and aesthetics.

The culture of speech is a set of such qualities that have the best impact on the addressee, taking into account the specific task and specific situation. The qualities of speech culture include: content, accuracy, clarity, purity of speech, correctness, logic, expressiveness, its richness.

“The problem of speech culture comes down to mastering the principles of constructing various types and genres of speech within the framework of social tradition. Written and oral speech, oratorical and colloquial, clerical and poetic, meeting and parliamentary, memorandum and instructions - all these language tasks require their own means of implementation and their own technique, ”said the Russian philologist G.O. Distiller.

The foundations of the culture of speech are laid by the Russian literary language, which is part of the national language.

The national Russian language is heterogeneous in its composition, as it is used by people of different social status, cultural level, age and occupation. In each language, its varieties are distinguished - literary language, vernacular, dialects, jargons.

The highest form of the national language is the literary language. Literary language is a variety of the national language used in the press, science, government agencies, education, radio, television. It serves a variety of areas of human life and activity: politics, culture, science, office work, legislation, everyday communication, international communication. It is the language of the whole nation, it stands above other varieties of the national language.

Its main properties are: processing, stability, commitment, the presence of functional styles, norms.

Its main features are: it is the language of culture, the language of the educated part of the people, a consciously codified language. Codified norms are norms that all speakers of a literary language must follow. Codification is the fixation in various kinds of dictionaries and reference books, grammar of those norms and rules that must be observed when creating texts of codified functional varieties (for example, the correct stress: contract, marketing, provision, intention).

The literary language plays a leading role among other varieties of language. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. While, for example, vernacular, jargons give them their own interpretation.

Literary language has two forms - oral and written. Depending on the emerging speech situation, tasks in communication, the selected language material, oral and written speech acquire a bookish or colloquial character. Book speech serves the political, legislative, scientific spheres of communication. Colloquial speech is appropriate at semi-official meetings, meetings, anniversaries, personal conversations, in a family environment. Book speech is built according to the norms of the literary language. In colloquial speech, common vocabulary can be used, there are options in the use of norms.

One of the forms of the national Russian language is vernacular, a set of linguistic means of vernacular violates the norms of the literary language. Vernacular includes linguistic phenomena (words, grammatical forms, turns of phrase, pronunciation features), which are used for a rude, reduced expression of thought. Vernacular has no attachment to any geographical place, social group. This is the speech of native speakers of the national language, who do not have enough knowledge of literary norms and are not aware of the difference between literary and non-literary norms. (In M.A. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, one of the characters says: “But he simply lied. Congratulations, citizen, you lied,” or in Bulgakov’s other work, “The Heart of a Dog”: “The damned cat broke the lamp.”

Territorial dialects are varieties of a language that are used in a particular area. These are archaic and natural forms of language that exist only in oral speech. There are three dialects in the Russian language: South Russian, Central Russian, North Russian. Each of them has its own phonetic, lexical, grammatical features. The South Russian dialect is perfectly represented, for example, in the works of M. Sholokhov, fulfilling the task of recreating pictures of the life of the Don Cossacks.

Jargon (argo) is the speech of people united by a common profession or forming separate groups according to any sign: social, age, interests. There is youth jargon, criminal jargon, jargon of fans, collectors, etc. Jargon is the language of mystery, it is known only to a narrow circle of those involved.

For example, the magazine "Student" (2002) published the words of youth slang: "pass out", be in the "cut" - fall asleep, stop feeling reality; "hook" - buy, take, grab; "chestnut", "paraffin" - everything that you don't like. The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (No. 3/37, 2002) gave its own examples: "cormorant" - a stupid, boring person; "loot" - money in any amount of any country; "green" - dollar; "score" - stop thinking about something or someone, stop doing something; "parallel" - all the same; "cross" - to meet; "python" - to have fun; "Chmyr" is a bad person. Words of criminal jargon have spread in our lives: boys, bros, throw, bazaar, shooter. Business slang appeared, for example: "kite" - a crime using a computer; "wild ducks" - people in the company, not infected by its culture and not subject to its bureaucracy; "gold bugs" - gold dealers; "yuppies" - young professional businessmen (from 18 to 34 years old); "cushion" - reserves, etc.

All these varieties of the national language cannot replace the literary language. Youth jargon cannot be used in educational or professional activities, social jargon is not suitable for business communication.

Since the national language is heterogeneous, its vocabulary, i.e. vocabulary, is also heterogeneous. It has three layers:

- stylistically neutral words that are used in all varieties of language and in all types of communication;

- stylistically colored words that are used in any kind of language or functional style of speech (book vocabulary);

- emotionally colored words expressing the speaker's emotions, his attitude to the subject of speech (colloquial vocabulary).

For example, in the novel by the English writer Palem Granville Wodehouse "Migratory Pigs": "Is your husband dead? Died? Ordered to live long? (neutral, book, colloquial).

In accordance with this, almost every word in the dictionaries contains dictionary marks indicating which layer of the vocabulary it belongs to. (“To die” is neutral, “to die” is colloquial, “to die” is jargon.)

Distinguish between active and passive vocabulary. Active is widely used in speech, passive includes words that are not commonly used - terms, obsolete words (historicisms, archaisms), neologisms. Each speech situation uses its own vocabulary, which also serves as the basis for the existence of functional styles.

All correct options are fixed by the literary language. It is the only possible means of communication in the most diverse areas of human life, therefore, knowledge of the basic rules for its use is a culture of speech and is necessary for every native speaker.

So, the culture of speech is the normativity and correctness of speech, compliance with the rules of communication and speech etiquette.

The culture of speech is such a choice and such an organization of language means that, in a certain situation of communication, while observing modern language norms and ethics of communication, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks.

In addition, the culture of speech involves the ability to use speech styles and create speech styles. After all, as you know, the language serves different spheres of communication and each sphere of communication makes its own demands on the language. For example, a scientific article requires accuracy in the designation of concepts, there are no emotionally colored words in the document, and journalism actively uses them.

Style (Greek stylo - wand, pen) is a kind of language that serves any aspect of social life. It is called functional, as it performs a certain function in society in each case.

The doctrine of styles goes back to the ideas of M.V. Lomonosov, who wrote: “... the Russian language, through the use of church books, according to decency, has different degrees, high, everyday and low. This comes from 3 kinds of sayings of the Russian language.

Style is created by a combination of neutral language means and means used in this style.

Each functional style is implemented in genres. A genre is a specific type of texts that have specific features, as well as some commonality, since the texts belong to the same style. For example, in the official business style, the following genres are distinguished: certificate, letter of guarantee, statement, order; in journalistic - essay, reportage, feuilleton; in scientific - report, abstract, annotation.

Each specific case of speech activity requires its own means of expression. Communicators must remember that the choice of stylistically colored words is justified, that the chosen language means belong to the same style. The use of vocabulary of different styles, the use of colloquial words and expressions in business communication leads to discrepancies and misunderstandings.

Thus, one of the main requirements of the culture of speech is the requirement to distinguish between functional varieties, imagining which of the varieties of the language should be chosen in accordance with the goals of communication.

Each style is characterized by the purpose of communication, a set of language tools, genres in which it exists.

The development of a particular style is associated with the development of expressions, language forms, constructions that are most suitable for the purposes of communication in a particular social environment, for the most effective expression of certain thoughts.

Functional styles are subject to intra-style differentiation. For example, the scientific style is divided into sub-styles: proper scientific, scientific and technical, etc. This takes into account the subject - biology or medicine, economics or engineering graphics, as well as the genre and method of presentation - abstract, lecture, monograph.

All functional styles are manifested both in oral and written forms.

In practical application, there is often a mixture of styles that begin to interact with each other. This process is called "speech flow". To understand the stylistic affiliation of the text, it is necessary to highlight the main stylistic direction.

Stylistic richness makes the Russian language flexible and strong, emotionally expressive and strict.

A special place is occupied by the literary and artistic style. The main distinguishing feature of the language of fiction is its purpose: the entire organization of language means is subordinated not only to the transfer of content, but to the transfer by artistic means, the creation of an artistic image that reflects the world and the person in it. For this purpose, dialects, vernacular, and jargons can be used in a work of art. This is the language of feelings, emotional experiences, philosophical logical conclusions, it conveys the birth of the thought process, the “stream of consciousness” of a person. Russian literature has always been the bearer of the spiritual principles of the Russian people and is closely connected with its language.

The language of fiction has an impact on the development of the literary language. It is the writers who form the norms of the literary language in their works. Works of fiction use all the possibilities of the national language, so the language of fiction is exceptionally rich and flexible. “And the weather is great! The air is quiet, transparent and fresh. The night is dark, but you can see the whole village with its white roofs and wisps of smoke coming from the chimneys, trees silvered with frost, snowdrifts. The whole sky is strewn with merrily twinkling stars, and the Milky Way looms as clearly as if it had been washed and rubbed with snow before the holiday, ”A.P. wrote so surprisingly simply, accurately, poetically. Chekhov.

Conversational style is used not only in everyday life, but also in the professional sphere. In everyday life, it has oral and written forms, in the professional sphere - only oral.

Conversational speech is different in that its features are not fixed. Spoken language is non-codified speech. Its signs are unpreparedness, informality, participation of communicants. Also, this style does not require strict logic, sequence of presentation. But it is characterized by the emotionality of expressions, evaluative nature, some familiarity. For example, in the tale of V.M. Shukshin “Until the third roosters”: “No, no,” said the librarian, “I think it’s millet. He's a goat ... Let's go trample better, right? Then let's go to Vladik... I know that he is a sheep. But he has a "Grundik" - let's sit down ... Yes, I know that they are all goats, but you have to shoot time somehow! .. I don’t understand anything, - someone said quietly ... either Onegin, or Chatsky - to his neighbor, ... it looks like Oblomov. Oblomov smiled. "They're going to the zoo."

Colloquial speech uses neutral vocabulary, emotionally colored words, expressive vocabulary. It contains many references, diminutives, word order is free. The sentences are simpler in construction, sometimes incomplete, unfinished. (- Will you go to the test? - Well ...) They often contain subtext, irony, humor of the speaker. Colloquial speech is exceptionally rich and carries a lot of phraseological turns, comparisons, proverbs and sayings. It gravitates towards constant updating and rethinking of language means. An important role is played by knowledge of speech etiquette, extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

At present, the scope of the scientific style is constantly expanding, because science is the most important factor in the development of society. In everyday life, in professional activities, a person encounters the results of scientific research, scientific and technological achievements.

Within the framework of the scientific style of speech, depending on the nature of the addressee and the goals of communication, the following substyles were formed:

proper-scientific, scientific-informational, scientific-reference, educational-scientific, popular-science.

They are all united by an accurate, logical and unambiguous expression of thoughts. They are characterized by the following features: abstract generalization, emphasized logical presentation, objectivity, accuracy.

Scientific style is a bookish style that uses special vocabulary and terminology. The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation. There is no vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial coloring. He is not characterized by appraisal and emotionality. The texts provide definitions of concepts and phenomena. Scientific style texts contain formulas, graphs, tables, calculations, photographs.

For example: “An organizational decision is a choice that a leader must make in order to fulfill the responsibilities associated with his position. The purpose of an organizational decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks set for the organization. Therefore, the most effective organizational decision will be the choice that will actually be implemented and will make the greatest contribution to the achievement of the ultimate goal ”(“ Fundamentals of Management ”by M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri.)

For the official business style, the main area of ​​​​functioning is administrative and legal activity. It is divided into sub-styles: diplomatic (convention, note, memorandum), legislative (law, constitution, charter, acts), managerial (actually official business) (statements, orders, powers of attorney, etc.). Its characteristic feature is standardization, a stamp, a sample. The official business style is distinguished by clear, unambiguous wording. Nothing should remain in the subtext.

This style uses neutral vocabulary and bookish. This style is characterized by the form of the text, which implies the presence of certain elements. Features of the official business style are enshrined in GOSTs and manuals, which ensures a high level of standardization and unification of business documentation texts.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Please accept our congratulations and best wishes on New Year's Eve. We take this opportunity to thank you for the pleasant cooperation. Best wishes

company president P.P. Petrov

The journalistic style is inherent in the periodical press, political and judicial speeches. It is used to highlight and discuss current problems and phenomena of the current life of society, to develop public opinion. Its peculiarity is the existence not only in verbal, but also in graphic, visual, photo, film, television forms. One of its main functions is informational. At the same time, the works of this style perform the function of influencing, influencing the masses. It is characterized by simplicity, accessibility of presentation, elements of declarativeness. He uses vocabulary, speech turns, syntax, giving expressiveness, unusualness, tension to speech. An important role is played by emotional means of expression - epithets, metaphors, repetitions, etc.

Journalistic style uses linguistic means inherent in scientific and official business style, colloquial speech and the language of fiction. He strives for figurativeness and at the same time for brevity. Samples of it can be seen by picking up a newspaper or magazine, as well as watching television or listening to the radio.

1. Does a modern person need to master the basics of speech culture? The main qualities of the culture of speech.

2. Functional styles and their correct use.

3. Answer the first question using different styles.

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From the book Studies in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Release 2 author Team of authors

Lecture 2 Language as a means of communication. Conditions for effective communication Plan1. Features of speech communication.2. Types of communication. Communicative types.3. Principles of successful communication.4. The use of effective speech tactics in communication. As already noted, one of the functions

From the book Culturology author Khmelevskaya Svetlana Anatolievna

Lecture 3 Features of oral and written speech. Speech etiquette Plan1. Features of oral speech. Construction of oral speech.2. Features of writing.3. Etiquette and its functions. Ethics of oral and written speech. Features of Russian speech etiquette.4. Speech formulas

From the author's book

Section 2 Literary language and culture of speech

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Lecture 2 Norms in modern Russian - an indicator of purity, correctness, accuracy of speech Plan1. The concept of the language norm.2. Variants of norms.3. Orthoepic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norms. “This Russian language is difficult, dear citizens! I'm here these days

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Lecture 1 Scientific style of speech. Its linguistic and structural features Plan1. Scientific style of speech and its sub-styles.2. Term.3. Linguistic features of the scientific style.4. Ways and methods of creating a scientific text. One of the areas of human activity is

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Lecture 3 Features of written speech in business communication. Types of documents, their design, language and style Plan1. Document norms (text and language).2. Speech etiquette of the document.3. Language and style of private documents.4. Language and style of service documentation.Currently

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Lecture 2 Preparation of a public speech. Speaker and audience Plan1. Preparatory stage of performance.2. Creation of speech.3. Composition of public speech.4. Speaker and audience. Classical rhetoric consists of the following parts: - invention (Latin invention) - creation

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Class norms of speech culture It is impossible to talk about English speech etiquette without mentioning classes, because any Englishman, as soon as he speaks, instantly reveals his belonging to one class or another. Perhaps this is true to some extent and

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TS Fedoseeva, EL Malachevskaya Synthetic restoration materials of foreign production. Analysis of the range and scope of Historical reference. Priority in the field of the use of synthetic materials for the restoration of wall paintings, in

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3.1. Ancient Chinese culture as the basis of the Confucian-Taoist type of culture Chinese culture is one of the most ancient, preserved to this day. The people of China have managed to preserve their national and cultural traditions. The specifics of ancient Chinese culture in

The culture of Russian speech and the ecology of the word

The culture of speech in its traditional sense is the degree of mastery of the literary language (its norms, stylistic, lexical and grammatical-semantic resources) in order to most effectively communicate in various communication conditions.

An ecological approach to the issues of the culture of speech, speech communication implies a responsible attitude to national language traditions, the cultivation of effective love for the native language, concern for its past, present and future.

All this is the essence of the ecological aspect of the culture of speech.

The state of speech culture of society at the present stage

The development and state of a particular language is inextricably linked with the economic, cultural and political state of the people who speak it. All the rapid linguistic changes in modern Russia are caused by social, economic and political changes, the swiftness of which causes the impression of linguistic cataclysms. This circumstance gives grounds to many people, including linguists, to talk about corruption, decay, decay, crisis, decline of the modern Russian language and raise the question of its preservation and salvation.

Linguo-ecological monitoring makes it possible to judge some unhealthy phenomena and tendencies of mass speech. On the one hand, our everyday understanding of the word crisis (a sharp deterioration threatening existence) seems to give certain grounds for talking about this - in the Russian language there is a huge number of foreign words, jargon, rudeness and obscenity are spreading in everyday communication, illiteracy and illiteracy is growing in all spheres. But, on the other hand, on the contrary, the Russian language is now going through a period of intensive development. Intensive changes in language are always closely connected with social changes. The more significant the latter, the more intense the changes in the language.

The most important (if not the main, then, in any case, the most obvious) source of new vocabulary is borrowings (mainly from American English): image, killer, mainstream, laptop, online, paparazzi, popcorn, price, press release, promoter, remix, website, security, sequel, single, slogan, tamagotchi, talk show, tranche, holding, exclusive and many others, of varying degrees of mastery, while many frequent words, mainly computer science terms, are used in texts modern newspapers, magazines, business literature written in Latin, which demonstrates their insufficient mastery of the language (Unix, notebook, BMW, CD, CD-ROM, Coca-Cola, Hi-fi, IBM, mass-media, on-line, Pentium, PR, VIP, Windows).

There is also another new linguistic phenomenon, indicating the initial stage of mastering foreign vocabulary in Russian - the combined (Latin and Cyrillic) spelling of compound words (IBM-compatible, PR-action, PR-business, PR-manager, VIP-client, VIP- number, VIP-event, Web-site, WEB-page, Web-server), as well as some words formed from a foreign word according to the word-building model of the Russian language (PRshchik, VIPovsky, etc.).

This lexical material is extremely important for linguistic science and for modern linguistic consciousness, as it makes it possible to "grasp" the moment of contact between two different language systems and fix the very first step towards the process of borrowing a word.

Increasingly, "okay", "wow" invade the native Russian speech. We no longer have operators, receptionists, agents, administrators, personnel officers. Everyone - managers, distributors, promoters, providers, merchandisers, marketers, dealers, headhunters, hackers.

Many consider foreign vocabulary more attractive, prestigious, "scientific", "nice-sounding". For example:

exclusive - exclusive;

top model - the best model;

price list - price list;

production - (film) production;

teenager - teenager;

baby - child, baby;

security guard;

Xerox - copier, and even more in Russian - "multiplier".

The last of the mentioned words causes particular concern, because it has already managed to do a lot of harm: such words as "xeritize" (multiply) have appeared in the Russian language.

Or, for example, "babysitter" - (English "baby" - child, "sit" - sit) - in Russian "nanny". "Babysitting" is the process of caring for a child. This word cuts the ear and is difficult to write, too long, dissonant, it contains a double consonant "t". It is much clearer to use the simple Russian word "nanny".

The massive nature of borrowings, their intensity and rapidity of adaptation in the Russian language causes an extremely negative reaction from many members of society, usually those whose professional activities are somehow connected with the word: teachers, translators and some linguists. There is even an opinion about "language intervention".

There are a number of phenomena that active borrowing has led to:

1. A single orthographic appearance of many words has not been established (town house, big mac, fast food, laptop, skateboard).

2. Abundance of illiterate documentation due to contamination of Russian and Anglo-American orthographic models (use of uppercase / lowercase letters: Performer, Founder, Director, etc.)

3. Contamination of pronunciation norms, in particular, in abbreviations (NLP - en el pi).

4. The appearance of two-term anthroponymy in the official nomination instead of the three-term accepted in Russian speech etiquette ("Pyotr Tchaikovsky", "Alexander Pushkin", etc.). Addressing only by name, practiced in a business environment, implicitly underestimates the social status of a person.

A language cannot develop in self-isolation, and borrowings always appear in the language, however, the invasion of foreign vocabulary into the Russian language has recently assumed the dimensions of a national catastrophe. Those. The interaction of languages ​​is a historically natural process, but it should not lead to the self-destruction of entire nations, to an artificial change in norms.

Observations show that this period has largely ended. Now there are few new words, Russian people are already used to many borrowings. However, we see that in Russia there is a crisis of speech culture. Modern culture has lost the concept of the word-shrine, speech-shrine, pushed to the periphery high speech patterns in the form of liturgical speech and the speech of Russian classical literature. Mastering the fundamental vocabulary occurs without revealing and experiencing the spiritual contents and meanings historically inherent in the native word. All this inevitably leads to incorrect ideas about the past of the people, about its spiritual and practical experience, about its self-consciousness, and makes it difficult to correctly assess the phenomena of cultural life.

The culture of speech is speech that corresponds to the norms of the literary language, is appropriate in a given situation. The culture of speech assumes that people pay attention to how they speak. Neglect of the culture of speech, the loss of control over their speech among many people of various social and professional groups is the crisis of the culture of speech.

Model of communication and differences in approaches to the culture of speech. The main elements of the code model of communication. Sources of communication failures.

Any communication is multicomponent in its structure:

1) communication situation,

2) the sender / recipient of the message,

3) language code.

4) communication channel.

In the 20th century, an information-code model is being developed, and it is based on the idea of ​​communication as the transmission of a message from a transmitter to a receiver. A message is understood as a sequence of signs that have a material form and an ideal content. The characters are encoded into letters, transmitted over communication channels, and decoded at the receiver side.

In accordance with this model, communication is considered successful if exactly the same message appears at the output as at the input, and unsuccessful if the sent message is not received or is subjected to distortion during transmission and decoding, for example, replacing some of the characters with others.

Reasons for communication failures:

· Faulty transmitting / receiving devices: poor diction, illegible handwriting, insufficiently sharp hearing, distraction of a person, various kinds of noise.

· Failures may be due to a code mismatch between the transmitting/receiving side.

The type of communication.

The success of communication, as it is understood on the basis of the code model, depends mainly on the correctness of the actions of the sender of the message: he must choose the language and form of speech that correspond to the capabilities of the recipient, he must provide for the noise immunity of the message, and the result of communication depends on his speech to the greatest extent: receive and exit the transmitted message. We emphasize that in the code model the result of communication is considered in this way: the receipt and output of the transmitted message.

Types of communication.

1) Necessary communication - interpersonal contacts, without which _________ activity is impossible,

2) desirable communication - interpersonal contact, contributes to the solution of various kinds of problems,

3) neutral communication - interpersonal contact that does not interfere with or contribute to solving problems,

4) unwanted communication - interpersonal contact that interferes with the solution of the problem.

Interpersonal and mass communication, oral and written, dialogic and monologue, verbal and non-verbal, business and informal, contact and remote, direct and indirect are also distinguished.

Dialogue is a direct exchange of statements between two or more persons,

monologue is the speech of one person, which does not involve the exchange of remarks with other persons.

Verbal communication is verbal communication, i.e. in one of the natural national languages. Non-verbal communication is non-verbal communication, in which the system of signs is in oral speech - a combination of posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, etc., and in writing - the location of the text, fonts, diagrams, tables, graphics, etc.

Contact and remote. These types of communication reflect the position of the communicants relative to each other in space and time, i.e. the presence of direct contact between partners or its absence and the existence of a spatial distance between them.

Contact communication, which does not require additional means for its implementation, is direct communication. And communication at a distance or when some time passes between the "replicas" of partners requires "intermediaries", i.e. is mediated.

If two people take part in communication, then this communication is interpersonal. It is believed that mass communication occurs when the audience exceeds 100 people.

Business communication is interaction in a strict business environment, therefore, in compliance with all rules and formalities. Informal communication is a relationship that is not limited by the strict framework of a business situation and official speech roles: the presence of certain areas of communication, social roles and relationships between communication partners.

Functions of language and speech.


1. Means of communication (depending on the addressee of communication, varieties of this function are distinguished: communicative (means of communication with people) and magical (means of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. A means of creating verbal artistic images.

3. A means of expressing emotions, internal states of a person and will.

4. Means of knowledge.

5. Means of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. A means of accumulating and storing social experience and knowledge.


1. The implementation of the process of communication (varieties of the function: communicative (implementation of the process of communication with people) and magical (implementation of the process of communication with God or the forces of nature)).

2. Implementation of the process of creating artistic images, works (aesthetic function).

3. Implementation of the process of expressing emotions, internal states of a person and will.

4. Implementation of the processes of cognition.

5. Implementation of the processes of generating new units of language subsystems.

6. Implementation of the process of accumulation and storage of public experience and knowledge.

The language was formed in the process of interaction between people and was originally used by them for communication and knowledge of the world around them. That is why two language functions are distinguished as basic ones - communicative and cognitive (although linguists distinguish only about 12 language functions). Communicative is the function of communication, cognitive is the function of generating and expressing thoughts.

The communicative function is manifested in the following types of human interaction: 1) establishing contact and exchanging information of various kinds, 2) preserving and transferring the experience and culture of the people, that is, establishing a connection between generations, 3) influencing communication partners.

The cognitive function is found: 1) in the naming of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; 2) in establishing relationships and the possibility of evaluating these phenomena, 3) in the knowledge of the world and the person himself.

These two most important ones are added: an emotive function, which manifests itself in the fact that language is a means of expressing feelings (delightful, disgusting, wow! ouch!); metalinguistic function, which consists in the fact that language is a means of everyday and scientific description of itself through the interpretation of the sound shell and the meanings of language units. The aesthetic function of language is extremely important - the ability of a text and even a single word to deliver aesthetic pleasure to the reader or listener with the beauty and expressiveness of the language.

orthoepic norms.

Orthoepy is a set of rules that, unlike spelling, determine the pronunciation norms of oral speech and provide a uniform and mandatory for all literate native speakers of the sound of all language units in accordance with the characteristics of the language phonetic system, as well as a uniform pronunciation of certain language units in accordance with historical the norms of pronunciation that have developed and entrenched in public language practice.

Orthoepic norms determine the use of phonemes, the order in which they appear in a word, i.e., the normative phonemic composition of a word. Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language.

Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options - if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. Orthoepy also includes stress norms.

Pronunciation variants recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages. The orthoepic norm does not always affirm only one of the pronunciation options as the only correct one, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows for variations in pronunciation. Orthoepic norms allow options that are either evaluated as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable.

Stress in loanwords

Pronunciation norms, like other norms, change

Senior norm: Kone / w / but

Junior norm text stolen: horse / h / but

Stress norms:

Equal rights, i.e. can be pronounced in different ways: barge - barge, Otherwise, otherwise, sharpness - sharpness,

Fluctuating, i.e. the older norm is leaving, but the new one has not yet settled down: stirs - stirs, deep - deep, snow-covered - snow-covered

Common - professional, i.e. as they say and as they say in professional jargon: prey - prey

Literary - vernacular, i.e. as it is customary to say among educated people, and as uneducated city dwellers say: catalog - catalog, quarter - quarter, more beautiful - more beautiful.

Morphological norms.

Morphological norms are the rules according to which the formation of grammatical forms of words of various parts of speech (forms of number, gender, short forms, degrees of comparison of adjectives, and others) takes place. The morphological norm regulates inflection and word formation. When morphological norms are violated, speech errors occur, which are associated with the use of different parts of speech. The occurrence of errors is primarily due to the variability of norms in the field of morphology.

Mistakes are allowed

in violation of the norms of declension and conjugation of words,

in the use of the plural (director - directors; accountant - accountants),

Incorrect definition of the gender of the words salami - sausage (zh.r.), ivasi - herring (zh.r.),

case (five hundred (T.p.), seventy (T.p.).).

Many difficulties and fluctuations in terms of morphology arise in the formation and use of various grammatical forms and categories of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs and verb forms.

syntactic rules.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of the main syntactic units - phrases and sentences. These norms include the rules of word agreement and syntactic control, correlating parts of a sentence with each other using grammatical forms of words in order for the sentence to be a competent and meaningful statement.

Syntax violations can be divided into two categories:

1) violations of the rules for constructing syntactic constructions in complex cases, associated with the presence of variants in the structure of the language;

2) grammatically correct but poorly constructed constructions that cause an undesirable side effect (ambiguity, misunderstanding, comic effect, etc.).

Types of syntax errors:

violation of word order

Violation of management standards

Errors in the use of homogeneous members of the sentence

Mistakes in the use of participial phrases

Incorrect use of adverbial phrase

Mistakes in the construction of a complex sentence

Stylistic norms.

Stylistic norms determine the use of language means in accordance with the laws of the genre, the features of the functional style and, more broadly, with the purpose and conditions of communication.

The unmotivated use of words of a different stylistic coloring in the text causes stylistic errors. Stylistic norms are recorded in explanatory dictionaries as special marks, commented on in textbooks on the style of the Russian language and the culture of speech.

Stylistic errors consist in violation of stylistic norms, inclusion in the text of units that do not correspond to the style and genre of the text.

The most typical stylistic mistakes are: stylistic inappropriateness; the use of cumbersome, unsuccessful metaphors, lexical insufficiency; lexical redundancy; ambiguity.

Word usage rules.

Lexical norms, or norms of word usage are

1. the correct choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or in form,

2. the use of the word in the meanings that it has in the language,

3. the appropriateness of its use in a given situation.

Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the correctness of speech.

When selecting lexical means, the following factors should be taken into account: the meaning of the word, its ambiguity, combination with other words, emotionally expressive coloring, stylistic characteristics, and scope of use.

Failure to comply with the basic criteria for the selection of lexical means leads to errors in word usage. The most typical of them are: the use of words in an unusual meaning; ambiguity not eliminated by the context, generating ambiguity; pleonasms and tautology, confusion of paronyms; word-combination errors.

The most common type of lexical error is the use of a word in an unusual sense.

With ignorance of the exact meaning of a word, such a type of lexical error as a mixture of paronyms is associated, i.e. words that are similar in sound but different in meaning.

Pleonasm is the creation of redundant combinations, where one of the words is redundant, since its inherent meaning is already expressed by another word. An example of pleonasm is such turns as a patriot of the Motherland.

· An extreme case of pleonasm is a tautology, i.e. literally - the repetition of the same thing: his autobiography

Violation of the norms of lexical compatibility of words. Lexical compatibility is the ability of words to connect with each other. The fact is that each word (lexeme) has a limited valence, i.e. the ability to attach other words and join them: it can be combined with one word, but not enter into combinations with others, even if they are close to the first one in meaning. It cannot be said: it plays a role, it has a role.

The current state of the Russian literary language.

1) the composition of participants in mass and collective communications is sharply expanding. Since the late 80s, people with different levels of speech culture have been given the opportunity to speak publicly.

2) censorship is sharply weakened in the media.

3) the use of obscene language, the personal beginning of speech increases - speech acquires a specific addressee.

4) dialogic communication increases

5) the scope of spontaneous communication is expanding,

6) new genres of communication appear in both public and personal communication

7) the psychological rejection of the bureaucratic language of the past increases sharply

8) there is a desire to develop new means of expression.

The current state of the Russian language (shattering of traditional literary norms, stylistic decline in oral and written speech, vulgarization of the everyday sphere of communication) has long been of concern to both philologists and representatives of other sciences, all those whose professional activities are related to speech circulation. The decrease in the level of speech culture of various strata of Russian society, including the intelligentsia, is so obvious and large-scale that it is time to revive continuous language training at all levels of education (from elementary to higher).

The state of the Russian language is currently an acute problem for the state, for the whole society. This is due to the fact that the entire historical experience of the people is concentrated and represented in the language: the state of the Russian language testifies to the state of society itself, its culture, its mentality. leading him to his downfall.

In connection with the democratization of the media, there is a serious problem of reference speech. What sounds from TV screens, from radio broadcasts, is found in the speech of some writers, and sometimes on the stage, can hardly be considered a model.

The discrepancies between the literary language (sample) as a reference speech culture and the variety of forms of speech cultures that exist today are obvious. The existence of numerous speech practices in society, due to geographical, social, professional, age, ideological reasons, their own "cultural picture of the world" and other factors, allows them to be defined as speech "subcultures", they have their own normativity in speech activity and behavior.

Lecture 1


1. Speech activity, its significance for a person.

2. The concept of "language". Russian language as a symbolic system of information transfer.

3. Functions of the language.

4. Forms of existence of the national language.

5. Literary language as the highest form of existence of the national language. Signs of the literary language.

6. The concept of "speech"

1 . Speech activity is understood as speech as a process. Human speech activity is the most common and complex. Human activity for 2/3 consists of speech.

Speech has a social character, tk. its implementation requires a team (at least two people). In the process of speech interaction of subjects, their thinking, will, emotions, knowledge, memory participate.

Speech activity is a process that consists of activity acts. Their nature and content depend on the various situations in which a person finds himself. Speech situations are varied, but the stages of their implementation are basically the same:

Stage 1 - as a result of reflection, reasoning is born inner plan of utterance.

Stage 2 - generation, structuring of the statement. The necessary words are extracted from memory, sentences are built.

Stage 3 - speaking, the subject of speech action narrates, proves, tells, in other words, creates sounding speech.

Speech activity permeates the whole life of a person. Communication is his habitat. Without communication, it is impossible to form a person's personality, his upbringing, education, and development of intellect. Terms of communication:

General need and interest in the transfer and receipt of information;

General topic of conversation;

A common language with its system of sounds and signs, with a special "voice" that allows you to convey the subtlest shades of thoughts and feelings of a person.

2 . Language is a system of signs, to which the content corresponding to their sound image is assigned.

Language is a system signs. These are the most important words that characterize the language. A language becomes a language only when behind every sound, word or sentence of the language there is one or another meaning that can give this sign a certain meaning. For example, the sounds [yes] in Russian have a meaning - they can, with the appropriate intonation, express agreement.

Language - system signs, i.e. units of language are not random, they are interconnected, they form a unity that functions only as a whole. Moreover, each unit of this is a particle of the whole.

The system of any national language consists of units united at the appropriate levels: phonemes (speech sounds) form the phonemic level, morphemes (word parts) form the morphemic level, words form the lexical level, phrases and sentences form the syntactic level. In turn, each level includes the corresponding units of the language: sentences are made up of words, words are made up of morphemes, and morphemes are made up of phonemes. Between all these and many other units of the language, complex relationships arise, which determine the unity and integrity of the entire language system, designed to perform various diverse functions of the language.

At the same time, each unit of the language has a certain and all recognized meaning, which allows using this language as the main means of sending and receiving information, transmitting and perceiving social experience, preserving the national culture, which is inseparable from the language.

3. The appearance of language is closely connected with the formation of man as a thinking being. Language arose naturally and is a system that is necessary for both the individual and society. As a result, language is inherently multifunctional:

a) Language is a means of communication communicative function.

b) Language serves as a means of consciousness, promotes the activity of consciousness and reflects its result. Language is involved in the formation of the thinking of the individual (individual consciousness) and the thinking of society (public consciousness) - cognitive (cognitive, epistemological function).

c) Language helps to store (accumulate) and transmit information - accumulative (epistemic) function.

Additional functions are manifested in speech and are determined by the structure of the speech act, i.e. the presence of the addresser and the addressee and the subject of speech:

emotional function - expresses the internal state of the speaker, his feelings,

volitional function - the function of influencing listeners.

4 . The language in its development goes through several stages and depends on the degree of development of the ethnos. At an early stage, a tribal language is formed, then the language of the people and, finally, the national language.

The national language is formed on the basis of the national language, which ensures its relative stability. It is the result of the process of the formation of a nation and at the same time a prerequisite and condition for its formation.

The language of a given people, taken in the totality of its inherent features that distinguish it from other languages, is called public or national language. Speaking of the national language, we mean Russian, English, German, French, etc.

Any national language is not uniform in its composition, because it is used by people who differ in their social status, occupation, level of culture, etc., and, in addition, they use it in different situations (business conversation, lecture, etc.). These differences are reflected in the varieties of the common language. In each national language, the main forms of existence (varieties): literary language, territorial dialects, jargons, vernacular.

territorial dialects. A dialect is a variety of a national language used as a means of communication between people connected by a close territorial community. There are three groups of territorial dialects in the national Russian language: North Russian, South Russian and Central Russian. They differ from the literary language and from each other by a number of features in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary.

Northern Russian dialects are widespread north of Moscow, on the territory of Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod and some other regions. They have the following features:

a) Okane - the pronunciation of the sound [o] in an unstressed position (in pre-stressed syllables) where the sound [a] is pronounced in the literary language. For example, [water] instead of [wad], [milk] instead of [milak], etc.

b) clatter - indistinguishability of sounds [ts] and [h]: they pronounce [tsasy] instead of [clock], [kuricha] instead of [chicken], etc.

c) contraction of vowels when pronouncing personal endings of verbs: [know], [know] instead you know, [understand] instead understands etc.

d) the coincidence of the form of the instrumental case of the plural of nouns with the form of the dative case: "let's go for mushrooms and for berries" instead of go for mushrooms and berries etc.

Southern Russian dialects are common south of Moscow, in the territories of Kaluga, Tula, Oryol, Tambov, Voronezh and some other regions. They have the following features:

a) akanye - indistinguishability of sounds [o] and [a] in unstressed syllables: [vada] instead water, [karova] instead of cow(This pronunciation is typical for the literary language.

b) yakane - pronunciation of the sound [ä] after a soft consonant in place of the letters I and E in unstressed (pre-stressed) syllables: [näsu] instead of I carry, [bada] instead trouble etc.

c) a special pronunciation of the sound [g]: it is pronounced as a slotted sound [γ] (this is how the word is pronounced in the literary language God).

d) pronunciation of the sound [t] as soft [t "] in verb forms: [goes"] instead goes, [sing "] instead sing etc.

e) pronunciation of the consonant [k] as soft in words like barrel, Tanya: [barrel "a], [tang "to" a].

Central Russian dialects occupy an intermediate position between northern and southern Russian. They are located between the distribution areas of northern and southern dialects. Their inherent features include both North Russian and South Russian dialect features: as in North Russian dialects - the sound [g] is explosive, - the sound [t] is solid; as in the southern Russian dialects - akanye.

Features that distinguish Central Russian dialects from others:

a) hiccups - the pronunciation of the sound and in place of the letters I and E in the pre-stressed syllable: [pitỳx] instead of rooster, [piták] instead nickel etc. b) the pronunciation of the sound [w] long soft in place of the bee SC or a combination of MF, SC (for example, in words pike, happiness, crevice and etc).

It should be noted that the main features of Russian literary pronunciation have developed precisely on the basis of the phonetics of Central Russian dialects.

These territorial dialects also have their own lexical features. For example, the device with which they take a frying pan is called in some places frying pan, in others - teapot, third - chapel, heron or stove maker.

Jargon (or slang) call the speech of people who make up separate groups, or people who are united by a common profession.

Jargons do not represent a complete system. The grammar in them is the same as in the national language. The specificity of jargons lies in their vocabulary. Many words in them have a special meaning and sometimes differ in form from common words.

Professional jargons are used by people of the same profession mainly when communicating on production topics. In the jargon of pilots, the bottom of the fuselage of an aircraft is called belly, aerobatics - barrel, slide, loop.

social jargon is the speech of a socially isolated group of people. Jargons are characterized by the presence of specific vocabulary and phraseology. Slang vocabulary is rethought, abbreviated, phonetically modified words of the Russian language and borrowings from other languages, especially English. The main purpose of slang is to make speech incomprehensible to strangers. Now such group jargons are widespread that reflect specific associations of people by interests (fans, motorists, collectors, etc.). In many languages, there are youth jargons - school and student, which are characterized by reversing the form and meaning of the word in order to create expressive, emotionally colored means ( ancestors, spur, tail, cool).

Sometimes when characterizing the speech of representatives of various social strata, terms are used slang, pidgin, koine. slang called a set of slang words that make up a layer of colloquial vocabulary, reflecting a rudely familiar, sometimes humorous attitude to the subject of speech. This category is rather vague. Some researchers identify slang with vernacular, others with jargon. pidgins name the structural-functional types of languages ​​that do not have a community of native speakers and have developed by simplifying the structure of the source language. Pidgin - languages ​​widely spoken in the former colonies: in Southeast Asia in India, Bangladesh, etc. they speak pidgin English. This is "spoiled" English, the pronunciation of which sometimes only remotely resembles normative (the word itself pidgin comes from a corrupted pronunciation of the word business), and some English words have a specific meaning. In African countries, the population, communicating with foreigners, speaks pidgin French, pidgin Portuguese, etc.

Koine- a functional type of language used as the main means of everyday communication and used in various communication areas (subject to regular social contacts between speakers of different dialects and languages). Word koine Greek origin and in translation means "common". Koine is any means of communication (oral) that ensures the communicative connectivity of a certain region in the process of interethnic communication. Medieval Latin is considered to be a written form of Koine as a scientific language that links scholars of different generations and nationalities.

vernacular - a variety of the national Russian language, which does not have its own signs of a systemic organization and is characterized by a set of linguistic means that violate the norms of the literary language. The carriers of vernacular are the townspeople with a low level of education. The vernacular has developed as a result of mixing different dialect speech in the conditions of the city, where people from various rural regions of Russia have long moved. The main feature of vernacular is anorativity, i.e. the absence in speech of the norms of the literary language: everything that exists in the language system is possible here, but without any normatively conditioned selection.

Modern Russian vernacular has the following characteristic features:

in the field of pronunciation:

Softening consonants before soft vowels: sweets, bricks, etc.;

Solid pronunciation [r] in words: capricious, princess, etc .;

Inserting a sound between vowels: radio, kakavo;

Inserting a consonant between consonants: life, rubel (instead of ruble);

Likening consonants to each other: afraid (instead of afraid);

Distinguishing consonants: dilector (instead of director), collidor (instead of corridor), tranway (instead of tram).

In the field of morphology:

Alignment of consonants at the base of the word during conjugation: I want - I want, I bake - I bake, etc .;

Mixing genders of nouns: Eat all the jam. What apples are sour! etc.;

A mixture of case forms of one word: for my sister, for my mother;

Building up the ending -ov in the genitive plural: a lot of work, no places;

Declension of indeclinable nouns: without a coat, there will be no kin.

In the area of ​​syntax:

The full form of an adjective or participle as part of a nominal predicate: I do not agree. I don't need you. Dinner is already prepared;

The use of adverbs on - mosses in the function of the predicate: He is drunk. I don't spam;

The use of the dative instead of the genitive with the preposition: My stomach hurts;

Inflexibility of numerals: Time - without ten to three;

Noun inflexibility: What time is it? no time (instead of time).

In the field of vocabulary:

The use of words denoting the degree of relationship when referring to strangers: father, brother, daughter, sister, as well as words man Woman;

The use of nouns with diminutive suffixes: Would you like a cup of tea? Shave your temples?;

Replacing some words that are falsely understood as rude: rest (instead of sleep), be expressed (instead of swear), eat (instead of there is);

The use of emotional vocabulary in a “blurred” meaning: play up, spit, chip, scratch (Rain spit. He spit on the guitar. She spits great in English).

5 . The highest form of the national language is literary language. It is presented in oral and written forms. Literary language- a system of elements of language, speech means selected from the national language and processed by masters of the word, public figures, outstanding scientists. These tools are perceived as exemplary and commonly used.

Signs of literary language:

Normalization (the use of language means is regulated by a single universally binding norm);

Processedness (purposeful selection of all the best that is in the language; this selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special studies by philologists, writers, public figures);

The presence of written and oral forms, as well as two varieties - book and colloquial speech;

Availability of functional styles;

Variability of language units, richness and diversity of lexico-phraseological and grammatical synonymy.

6. The word "speech" denotes a specific human activity, therefore, to characterize both of its sides, this word in linguistics is used in two main meanings: the process of speaking (in oral form) or writing (in writing) is also called speech, and those speech works (statements, oral and written texts), which are a sound or graphic product (result) of this activity.

Language and speech are closely related, since speech is language in action. Language differs from speech primarily in that language is a system of signs, and speech is an activity that proceeds as a process and is presented as a product of this activity. And although speech is built in one language or another, this is the most important difference, which, for various reasons, determines others.

Speech is a way to implement all the functions of the language, primarily communicative. Speech arises as a necessary response to certain events of reality (including speech ones), therefore, unlike language, it intentional and goal oriented.

Speech primarily material- in oral form, it sounds, and in writing it is fixed using appropriate graphic means (sometimes different from the given language, for example, in another graphic system (Latin, Cyrillic, hieroglyphic writing) or using icons, formulas, drawings, etc.) . Speech depends on specific situations, unfolds in time and is realized in space. For example, your answer to one of the subjects you are studying will be structured differently depending on how familiar you are with the material, how difficult it is, how long you can talk or how much time you have to prepare, in which room and at what distance from the addressee you will deliver the speech, etc. Speech is created by a specific person in specific conditions, for a specific person (audience), therefore, it is always specific and unique, because even if it is reproduced with the help of certain records, circumstances change and the result is the same thing, about which they usually say: "You cannot enter the same river twice." At the same time, theoretically speech can go on forever(with and without breaks). In fact, our whole life from the moment we begin to speak, and until we say the last word, is one big speech in which the circumstances, the addressee, the subject of speech, the form (oral or written), etc., change. but we keep talking (or writing). And with our last word, speech (only already written or not our oral) will continue. In this plan speech unfolds linearly, those. we say one sentence after another in a certain sequence. The process of oral speech is characterized by the fact that speech proceeds at a certain (sometimes changing) pace, with a greater or lesser duration, a degree of loudness, articulatory clarity, etc. Written speech can also be fast or slow, clear (legible) or fuzzy (illegible), more or less voluminous, etc. That is, the materiality of speech can be illustrated by various examples. language, unlike speech, is considered to be ideal, i.e. it exists outside of speech as a whole only in the minds of those who speak this language or learn this language, as well as parts of this whole - in various dictionaries and reference books.

Speech is, as a rule, the activity of one person - speaking or writing, therefore it is a reflection of the various characteristics of this person. Therefore, speech was originally subjective because the speaker or writer himself selects the content of his speech, reflects his individual consciousness and individual experience in it, while the language in the system of meanings expressed by it fixes the experience of the collective, the “picture of the world” of the people speaking it. In addition, speech is always individual, since people never use all the means of the language and are content with only a part of the language means according to their level of knowledge of the language and the conditions of a particular situation, choosing the most suitable ones. As a result, the meanings of words in speech may differ from those that are strictly defined and fixed in dictionaries. In speech, situations are possible in which words and even individual sentences receive a completely different meaning than in language, for example, with the help of intonation. Speech can also be characterized by indicating the psychological state of the speaker, his communicative task, attitude towards the interlocutor, sincerity.

Besides, speech is not limited to linguistic means. Speech also includes those related to non-linguistic(non-verbal, or non-verbal): voice, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, posture, position in space, etc.).

All these differences between speech and language relate primarily to speech as a process of using language, therefore, although with a stretch, they are grounds for opposing them, since in this respect the creation of speech as a process proceeds in many respects in stages and partially coincides with the boundaries of the largest unit of language : with sentence boundaries. If we talk about speech as a result of this process, i.e. as a text, then the description of speech at this level, in principle, cannot have common criteria with the language, since they are completely inapplicable to the language:

Speech can be external (spoken) or written and internal (not voiced or recorded for others). Inner speech is used by us as a means of thinking or speaking internally (speech minus sound), and also as a way of remembering;

Speech-utterance takes place in certain speech genres, for example, a letter, a speech, a report, etc.;

The speech-text should be built in accordance with one or another functional style: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial or artistic;

Speech as a text reflects reality and can be considered from the point of view of its truth and falsity (true/partially true/false);

Aesthetic (beautiful / ugly / ugly) and ethical assessments (good / bad), etc. are applicable to the speech-text.

Thus, we see that all the functions of the language are realized in speech. And the language turns out to be the main, but not the only means of its creation. Speech is always the result of the creative activity of an individual, therefore, it is necessary to approach the analysis, evaluation and methods of creating speech in a completely different way than to language. This is especially important when considering speech from the point of view of its culture. The substantiation and description of these and many other criteria in relation to different levels and means of speech is the subject of this entire book.

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