The main organs of articulation. Speech apparatus and main organs of speech

Knowledge of the structure and functional organization of speech activity allows us to represent the complex mechanism of speech in the norm, analyze speech pathologies and correctly determine the ways of corrective action. Speech is one of the highest mental functions of a person. The speech act is carried out by a complex system of organs in which the leading role belongs to the brain. The basis of any higher mental function is complex functional systems located in different areas of the central nervous system, at different levels and united by the unity of the working action.

Speech is the perfect form of communication that only humans possess. In the process of communication, people exchange thoughts, influence each other. Speech communication takes place through language.

Language is a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means communication. The words necessary to express thoughts are selected, connected according to the rules of the grammar of the language and pronounced by articulation speech organs. In order for a person's speech to be articulate and understandable, the movements of the speech organs must be regular and accurate, automatic, which would be carried out without special efforts. The speaker follows only the train of thought, and not the position of the tongue in the mouth. This happens as a result of the speech mechanism. To understand the mechanism of speech delivery, it is necessary to know the structure of the speech apparatus well. speech apparatus consists of two closely related parts: the central (or regulatory) speech apparatus and the peripheral (or executive). The central speech apparatus is located in the brain. It consists of the cerebral cortex (mainly the left hemisphere), subcortical nodes, pathways, brainstem nuclei (primarily medulla oblongata) and nerves leading to the respiratory, vocal and articulatory muscles.

Speech develops on the basis of reflexes. Speech reflexes are associated with the activity of various parts of the brain. However, some parts of the cerebral cortex are of paramount importance in the formation of speech. This is the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes of the predominantly left hemisphere (in left-handers, the right). The frontal gyrus is a motor area and is involved in the formation of one's own oral speech. The temporal gyrus is the speech-auditory area where sound stimuli arrive. Therefore, we can perceive someone else's speech. For understanding speech, the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex is important. The occipital lobe is the visual area and ensures the assimilation of written speech. The subcortical nuclei are in charge of the rhythm, tempo and expressiveness of speech. The cerebral cortex is connected with the organs of speech by two types of neural pathways: centrifugal and centripetal.

Centrifugal (motor) nerve pathways connect the cerebral cortex with the muscles that regulate the activity of the peripheral speech apparatus. The centrifugal path begins in the cerebral cortex. From the periphery to the center, that is, from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe speech organs to the cerebral cortex, there are centripetal paths. The centripetal pathway begins in proprioreceptors and baroreceptors. Proprioceptors are found inside muscles, tendons, and on the articular surfaces of moving organs. Baroreceptors are excited by changes in pressure on them and are located in the pharynx. In the nuclei of the trunk, the cranial nerves originate: trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory and hypoglossal. They innervate the muscles that move the lower jaw, facial muscles, muscles of the larynx and vocal folds, pharynx and soft palate, as well as the muscles of the neck, muscles of the tongue. Through this system of cranial nerves, nerve impulses are transmitted from the central speech apparatus to the peripheral.

The peripheral speech apparatus consists of three sections: respiratory, vocal and articulatory. The respiratory section is the chest with the lungs, bronchi and trachea. Speaking is closely related to breathing. Speech is formed in the exhalation phase. In the process of exhalation, the air stream simultaneously performs voice-forming and articulatory functions. Breathing during speech is significantly different from normal. The exhalation is much longer than the inhalation; at the moment of speech, the number of respiratory movements is half that of normal breathing. The vocal department is the larynx and the vocal folds located in it. Articulation is the activity of the speech organs associated with the pronunciation of speech sounds and their various components that make up syllables, words.

Organs of speech articulation - organs that provide movement oral cavity. Way (articulation) - the position that the organs occupy (take) during movement. The organs of the oral cavity and the oral cavity itself are important for articulation. It is in it that the voice is repeatedly amplified and differentiated into certain sounds, providing the emergence of phonemes. Here, in the oral cavity, sounds of a new quality are formed - noises, from which articulate speech is subsequently formed. The ability to differentiate the voice into certain phonemes occurs because the organs of the oral cavity and the structures that form the oral cavity are in motion. This leads to a change in the size and shape of the oral cavity, to the formation of certain closures that close or narrow the oral cavity. When closing, the air flow is delayed, then with noise it breaks through this shutter. This contributes to the emergence of some certain speech sounds. When narrowing, a rather long noise occurs, which occurs as a result of friction of the air flow against the walls of the narrowed cavity. This produces a different kind of speech sounds.

The main organs of articulation are the tongue, lips, jaws (upper and lower), hard and soft palate, and alveoli. In the anatomical relationship, the mouth is divided into two parts: the vestibule of the mouth and the oral cavity itself. The vestibule of the mouth is a slit-like space bounded from the outside by the lips and cheeks, from the inside by the teeth and alveolar processes of the jaws.

Mimic muscles are laid in the thickness of the lips and cheeks; outside they are covered with skin, and from the side of the vestibule of the oral cavity - with a mucous membrane. The mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks passes to the alveolar processes of the jaws, while folds form on the midline - the frenulums of the upper and lower lips. On the alveolar processes of the jaws, the mucous membrane is tightly fused with the periosteum and is called the gum. The oral cavity itself is bounded from above by a hard and soft palate, from below by the diaphragm of the mouth, in front and from the sides by teeth and alveolar processes, and from behind through the pharynx it communicates with the pharynx. The lips are a mobile formation. They are formed by the circular muscle of the mouth, which provides a certain state of the oral cavity (open, closed) and provides the ability to satisfy the need for food (sucking).

The lips have several more muscles in their composition - these are the square muscle of the lower lip, the chin muscle, the incisor muscle, the triangular, the square muscle of the upper lip, the zygomatic muscle (canine), the muscles that lift the upper lip and the corner of the mouth. These muscles provide mobility of the circular muscle - they are attached at one end to the bone of the face of the skull, and at the other end they are woven into a certain place into the orbicular muscle of the mouth. Without forming the basis of the lips, they provide the mobility of the lips in different directions. Lips are a special shutter of a certain group of sounds, they actively participate in the articulation of other sounds, which correspond to one or another mode of language. The outlines of the lips also provide articulation. The lips contribute to changing the size and shape of the vestibule of the mouth, thereby influencing the resonance of the entire oral cavity. Of great importance in speech activity is the cervical muscle (muscle of trumpeters). Being a fairly powerful formation that closes the oral cavity on the sides, it plays a sufficient role in the articulation of sounds. It forms a certain structure together with the circular muscle of the mouth for pronouncing certain sounds, changes the size and shape of the oral cavity, providing a change in resonance during articulation.

The cheeks are a muscular formation. The buccal muscle is covered on the outside with skin, and on the inside with a mucous membrane, which is a continuation of the mucous membrane of the lips. The mucous membrane covers the inside of the entire oral cavity, with the exception of the teeth. The group of chewing muscles should also be attributed to the system of muscles that change the shape of the mouth opening. These include the chewing muscle, temporal muscle, internal and external pterygoid muscles. The masseter and temporalis muscles elevate the lower jaw.

The pterygoid muscles, contracting simultaneously on both sides, push the jaw forward. When these muscles contract on one side, the jaw moves in the opposite direction. The lowering of the lower jaw when opening the mouth occurs mainly due to its own gravity (the chewing muscles are relaxed at the same time) and partly due to contraction of the neck muscles. The muscles of the lips and cheeks are controlled by the facial nerve. The chewing muscles receive commands from the motor root of the trigeminal nerve. The hard palate also belongs to the organs of articulation.

The hard palate is a bony wall that separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and is both the roof of the oral cavity and the bottom of the nasal cavity. In its anterior part, the hard palate is formed by the palatine processes of the maxillary bones, and in the posterior part, by the horizontal plates of the palatine bones. The mucous membrane covering the hard palate is tightly fused with the periosteum. A bone suture is visible along the midline of the hard palate. In its form, the hard palate is a vault convex upwards. The size of the palatine vault varies greatly from person to person.

In cross section, it can be higher and narrower or flatter and wider, and in the longitudinal direction, the vault of the palate can be domed, gently sloping or steep. The hard palate is the passive component of the lingo-palatal shutter. The configuration of the hard palate is marked by diversity. There is a certain classification of the hard palate. In horizontal section, three forms of the sky are distinguished: an oval shape, a blunt oval, and a pointed oval oval. For speech articulation, the curvature of the palatine vault in the sagittal direction is especially significant. At various forms of the arch, there are certain methods for the formation of various ways.

The soft palate is a formation that serves as a continuation of the hard palate formed by the bones. The soft palate is a muscular formation covered with a mucous membrane. The back of the soft palate is called the velum of the palate. When the palatine muscles are relaxed, the palatine curtain hangs freely down, and when they contract, it rises up and back. In the middle of the palatine curtain there is an elongated process - the uvula. The soft palate is located on the border of the oral cavity and pharynx and serves as a second reed seal. In its structure, the soft palate is an elastic muscular plate, which is very mobile and, under certain conditions, can close the entrance to the nasopharynx, rising up and back and opening it. This regulates the amount and direction of the airflow from the larynx, directing this flow either through the nasal cavity or through the oral cavity, while the voice sounds differently. When the soft palate is lowered, air enters the nasal cavity, the voice sounds muffled. When the soft palate is raised, it comes into contact with the walls of the pharynx and ensures that sound production from the nasal cavity is turned off, only the oral cavity, pharyngeal cavity and top part larynx.

The tongue is a massive muscular organ. With closed jaws, it fills almost the entire oral cavity. The front part of the tongue is movable, the back part is fixed and is called the root of the tongue. Distinguish between the tip and front edge of the tongue, the lateral edges of the tongue and the back of the tongue. The back of the tongue is conditionally divided into three parts: anterior, middle and posterior. This division is purely functional, and there are no anatomical boundaries between these three parts. Most of the muscles that make up the mass of the tongue have a longitudinal direction - from the root of the tongue to its tip. The fibrous septum of the tongue runs along the entire tongue in the midline. It is fused with the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue.

The muscles of the tongue are divided into two groups. The muscles of one group start from the bone skeleton and end in one place or another on the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue. The muscles of the other group are attached with both ends to different parts of the mucous membrane. The contraction of the muscles of the first group ensures the movement of the tongue as a whole, while the contraction of the muscles of the second group changes the shape and position of the individual parts of the tongue. The first group of muscles of the tongue includes the genio-lingual muscle, the hyoid-lingual muscle, and the awl-lingual muscle. The second group of muscles of the tongue includes the upper longitudinal muscle of the tongue, located under the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue, the lower longitudinal muscle of the tongue, which is a long narrow bundle located under the mucous membrane of the lower surface of the tongue, the transverse muscle of the tongue, consisting of several bundles, which, starting at septum of the tongue, pass through a mass of longitudinal fibers and attach to the inner surface of the mucous membrane of the lateral edge of the tongue. The intricately intertwined system of the muscles of the tongue and the variety of points of their attachment provide the ability to widely change the shape, position and tension of the tongue, which plays an important role in the process of pronouncing speech sounds, as well as in the processes of chewing and swallowing.

The floor of the oral cavity is formed by a muscular-membranous wall running from the edge of the lower jaw to the hyoid bone. The mucous membrane of the lower surface of the tongue, passing to the bottom of the oral cavity, forms a fold in the midline - the frenulum of the tongue. The hyoid bone plays an active role in the process of tongue motility. It is located in the midline of the neck, just below and behind the chin. This bone serves as a site of attachment not only for the skeletal muscles of the tongue, but also for the muscles that form the diaphragm or lower wall of the oral cavity. The hyoid bone, together with muscle formations, provide a change in the oral cavity in its shape and size, which means they take part in the resonator function.

The loudness and distinctness of speech sounds are created thanks to the resonators that are located in the entire extension tube. The extension tube is everything that is located above the larynx: the pharynx, oral cavity and nasal cavity. In humans, the mouth and pharynx have one cavity. This creates the possibility of pronouncing a variety of sounds. In animals, the pharyngeal and oral cavities are connected by a very narrow gap. In humans, the pharynx and mouth form a common tube - an extension tube, which, due to its structure, can change in volume and shape. For example, the pharynx can be elongated and compressed, and, conversely, very stretched. Changes in the shape and volume of the extension pipe have great importance to form speech sounds. These changes in the extension pipe create the phenomenon of resonance.

As a result of resonance, some overtones of speech sounds are amplified, others are muffled. There is a specific speech timbre of sounds. For example, when pronouncing the sound “a”, the oral cavity expands, and the pharynx narrows and stretches. And when pronouncing the sound “and”, on the contrary, the oral cavity contracts, and the pharynx expands. One larynx does not create a specific speech sound, it is formed not only in the larynx, but also in resonators (pharyngeal, oral, nasal). The extension pipe, in the formation of speech sounds, performs a dual function: a resonator and a noise vibrator (the function of a sound vibrator is performed by the vocal folds located in the larynx). Noise vibrators are the gaps between the lips, between the tongue and the alveoli, between the lips and teeth, as well as the junctions between these organs pierced by a jet of air.

With the help of a noise vibrator, deaf consonants are formed. With the simultaneous activation of the tone vibrator (oscillations of the vocal folds), voiced and sonorous consonants are formed. The first section of the peripheral speech apparatus serves to supply air, the second - to form a voice, the third is a resonator, which gives the sound strength and color and thus forms the characteristic sounds of our speech, resulting from the activity of individual active organs of the articulatory apparatus. In order for the pronunciation of words to be carried out in accordance with the intended information, commands are selected in the cerebral cortex to organize speech movements. These commands are called the articulatory program.

The articulatory program is implemented in the executive part of the speech-motor analyzer. In the respiratory, phonator and resonator systems. Speech movements are carried out so precisely that as a result certain speech sounds appear and oral (or expressive) speech is formed. Let us briefly summarize the functions of the various components of the speech apparatus in the articulation of sounds. The peculiarity of the extension tube of the human vocal apparatus is that it not only amplifies the voice and gives it an individual color (timbre), but also serves as a place for the formation of speech sounds.

Some parts of the extension pipe (nasal cavity, hard palate, posterior pharyngeal wall) are motionless and are called passive organs of pronunciation. Other parts (lower jaw, lips, tongue, soft palate) are mobile and are called active pronunciation organs. When the lower jaw moves, the mouth opens or closes.

Various movements of the tongue and lips change the shape of the oral cavity, form bonds or cracks in different places of the oral cavity. The soft palate, rising and pressing against the back wall of the pharynx, closes the entrance to the nose, descending - opens it. The activity of the active organs of pronunciation, which is called articulation, ensures the formation of speech sounds, i.e., phonemes. The acoustic features of speech sounds, which make it possible to distinguish them from each other by ear, are due to the peculiarities of their articulation. Consider the features of the articulation of vowels. A feature common to all vowels that distinguishes their articulation from the articulation of all consonants is the absence of obstacles in the path of exhaled air. The sound that arises in the larynx in the extension tube is amplified and perceived as a clear voice without any admixture of noise. The sound of a voice, as was said, consists of a fundamental tone and a whole series of additional tones - overtones.

In the extension pipe, not only the fundamental tone is enhanced, but also the overtones, and not all overtones are amplified equally: depending on the shape of the resonating cavities, mainly the oral cavity and partly the pharynx, some frequency areas are amplified more, others less, and some frequencies and are not enhanced at all. These enhanced frequency regions, or formants, characterize the acoustic features of various vowels. Each vowel corresponds to a special location of the active pronunciation organs - tongue, lips, soft palate. Due to this, the same sound that arose in the larynx acquires in the extension pipe, mainly in the oral cavity, the color characteristic of a particular vowel.

The fact that the features of the sound of vowels do not depend on the sound that arose in the larynx, but only on air vibrations in the correspondingly installed oral cavity, can be seen by simple experiments. If you give the oral cavity the form that it takes when pronouncing one or another vowel, for example, “a”, “o”, or “u”, and at this time let a stream of air from the furs past the mouth or flick your finger on the cheek, then you can clearly hear a peculiar sound, quite distinctly reminiscent of the corresponding vowel sound. The shape of the mouth and pharynx, characteristic of each vowel, depends mainly on the position of the tongue and lips. The movements of the tongue back and forth, its greater or lesser elevation to a certain part of the sky change the volume and shape of the resonating cavity. The lips, stretching forward and rounding, form a resonator opening and lengthen the resonating cavity.

The articulatory classification of vowels is built taking into account: 1) the participation or non-participation of the lips; 2) degree of tongue elevation; and 3) location of tongue elevation. Distinctive feature articulation of consonants is that when they are formed on the path of the exhaled air stream in the extension pipe, various kinds of obstacles arise. Overcoming these obstacles, the air stream produces noises, which determine the acoustic features of most consonants. The nature of the sound of individual consonants depends on the method of noise formation and the place of its occurrence. In some cases, the organs of pronunciation form a complete closure, which is torn with force by a stream of exhaled air.

At the moment of this break (or explosion), noise is produced. This is how stop, or explosive, consonants are formed. In other cases, the active organ of pronunciation only approaches the passive one, so that a narrow gap forms between them. In these cases, the noise occurs as a result of the friction of the air jet against the edges of the slot. This is how fricative consonants are formed. If the organs of pronunciation that have formed a complete closure do not open instantly, by means of an explosion, but by the transition of the closure into a gap, then a complex articulation arises with a stop beginning and a slotted end. Such articulation is typical for the formation of stop-slit (fused) consonants, or affricates. The air jet, overcoming the resistance of the pronunciation organ blocking its path, can bring it into a state of vibration (trembling), resulting in a kind of intermittent sound. This is how trembling consonants, or vibrants, are formed. If there is complete closure in one place of the extension tube (for example, between the lips or between the tongue and teeth), in another place (for example, on the sides of the tongue or behind the lowered soft palate), there may be a free passage for the air jet.

In these cases, almost no noise occurs, but the sound of the voice acquires a characteristic timbre and is noticeably muffled. The consonants formed with such articulation are called stop-passing. Depending on where the air stream is directed - into the nasal cavity or into the oral cavity, the stop-passing consonants are divided into nasal and oral. The features of the characteristic noise for consonants depend not only on the method of its formation, but also on the place of occurrence. Both explosion noise and friction noise can occur at different locations in the extension pipe. In some cases, the active organ of pronunciation, forming a bow or gap, is the lower lip, and the resulting consonants are called labial. In other cases, the active organ of pronunciation is the language, and then the consonants are called lingual. When most consonants are formed, the main method of articulation (bow, narrowing, vibration) can be supplemented by additional articulation in the form of raising the middle part of the back of the tongue to the hard palate, or the so-called palatalization, the acoustic result of palatalization of consonants is their softening.

The classification of consonants is based on the following features: 1) the participation of noise and voice; 2) method of articulation; 3) place of articulation; 4) the absence or presence of palatalization, in other words, hardness or softness. Consonants formed with the help of voice and with mild noise are called sonorants. Sonorant consonants are opposed to all other consonants, which are called noisy. Unlike sonorants, they are formed with the participation of sufficiently strong and clearly distinguishable noises. Noisy consonants are divided into two groups. One group is consonants formed without the participation of the voice, with the help of noise alone. They are called deaf. When they are pronounced, the glottis is opened, the vocal cords do not oscillate.

Another group is consonants formed with the help of noise and accompanied by a voice. They are called voiced. Most noisy consonants are pairs of voiceless and voiced. According to the method of articulation, i.e. According to the way the barrier is formed between the active and passive organs of pronunciation, the consonants are divided into five groups. Noisy consonants form three groups. The first is stop, or explosive. The second is slotted (protoric), or fricative. The third is occlusive-slotted (fused), or affricates. Sonorant consonants are divided into two groups according to the method of articulation: stop-passing and trembling, or vibrants. According to the place of articulation, consonants are primarily divided into two groups depending on the active pronunciation organ involved in their formation, namely, labial and lingual. The labial consonants, in turn, are divided into two groups depending on the passive organ relative to which the lower lip articulates: labial and labial-dental.

Lingual consonants, depending on the passive organ in relation to which the language articulates, are divided into five groups: lingual-dental, lingual-alveolar, lingual-anteropalatal, lingual-middle palate, lingual-posterior palatal. Palatalized consonants (that is, consonants formed using the additional articulation described above, which consists in raising the middle part of the back of the tongue to the hard palate) are called soft, in contrast to non-palatalized, or hard consonants. Most consonants are hard and soft pairs.

The speech apparatus is represented by a system of interconnected organs responsible for the production of sounds and the construction of speech. It is a system by which people can communicate through speech. It consists of several departments and different elements of the human body, inextricably linked.

The structure of the speech apparatus is a kind of system in which many human organs are involved. It includes the respiratory organs, active and passive components of speech, elements of the brain. The respiratory organs play an important role, sounds cannot be formed without exhalation. With the contraction of the diaphragm interacting with the intercostal muscles, on which the lungs rest, inhalation occurs, with relaxation - exhalation. The result is a sound.

Passive organs do not have much mobility. These include: the jaw region, nasal cavity, laryngeal organ, palate (hard), pharynx and alveoli. They are the supporting structure for active organs.

Active elements produce sound and produce one of the main functions of speech. They are represented by: the area of ​​the lips, all parts of the tongue, vocal cords, palate (soft), epiglottis. The vocal cords are represented by two muscular bundles that produce sounds when contracted and relaxed.

The human brain sends signals to other organs and controls all their work, directing speech according to the will of the speaker.

The structure of the human speech apparatus:

  • Nasopharynx
  • Hard palate and soft palate.
  • Lips.
  • Language.
  • Incisors.
  • Throat area.
  • Larynx, epiglottis.
  • Trachea.
  • Bronchus on the right side and lung.
  • Diaphragm.
  • Spine.
  • Esophagus.

The listed organs belong to two departments that form the speech apparatus. This is the central part of the peripheral.

Peripheral department: its structure and functioning

The peripheral speech apparatus is formed by three sections. The first section includes the respiratory organs, which play a major role in the pronunciation of sounds during exhalation. This department supplies jets of air, without which it is impossible to create sound. The air flows at the outlet perform two important features:

  • Voting.
  • Articulation.

With violations of speech breathing, sounds are also distorted.

The second section consists of the passive organs of human speech, which have the main impact on the technical component of speech. They give speech a certain color and power, creating characteristic sounds. This is the voice department responsible for character traits human speech:

  • strength;
  • Timbre;
  • Height.

When reducing vocal cords the air flow at the outlet is converted into a fluctuation of air particles. It is these pulsations, transmitted to the external air environment, that are audible, like a voice. The strength of the voice depends on the intensity of contractions of the vocal cords, which is regulated by the air flow. The timbre depends on the shape of the oscillation vibrations, and the height depends on the force of pressure on the vocal cords.

The third section includes active organs speeches that directly produce sound and perform the main work in its formation. This department plays the role of the creator of sounds.

Articulatory apparatus and its role

The structure of the articulatory apparatus is based on the following items:

  • Lip area;
  • Components of the language;
  • Soft and hard palate;
  • Maxillary department;
  • Laryngeal region;
  • vocal folds;
  • Nasopharynx;
  • Resonators.

All these organs are composed of individual muscles that can be trained, thereby working on your speech. The jaws (lower and upper) when lowered and raised close or open the way to the nasal cavity. The pronunciation of some vowel sounds depends on this. The shape and structure of the jaws are reflected in the spoken sounds. Deformations of this part of the department lead to speech disorders.

  • Main element articulatory apparatus - tongue. It is very mobile thanks to numerous muscles. This allows it to become narrower or wider, long or short, flat or arched, which is important for speech.

There is a frenulum in the structure of the language that significantly affects pronunciation. With a short frenulum, the reproduction of eye sounds is disturbed. But this defect is easily eliminated in modern speech therapy.

  • The lips play a role in the articulation of sounds, helping their mobility to take the tongue to a specific location. By changing the size and shape of the lips, articulatory creation of vowels is provided.
  • The soft palate, which continues the hard palate, can descend or rise, providing separation of the nasopharynx from the pharynx. It is in a raised position during the formation of all sounds, with the exception of "H" and "M". If the functioning of the palatine curtain is disturbed, sounds are distorted, the voice turns out to be nasal, “nasal”.
  • The hard palate is a component of the lingo-palatal shutter. The strength of tension required from the language when creating sounds depends on its type and shape. The configurations of this department of the articulatory system are different. Depending on their varieties, some components of the human voice are formed.
  • The volume and clarity of the sounds produced depend on the resonator cavities. The resonators are located in the extension pipe. This is the space above the larynx, represented by the oral and nasal cavities, as well as the pharynx. Due to the fact that a person's oropharynx is one cavity, it is possible to create different sounds. The tube that these organs form is called the extension tube. It plays the fundamental function of a resonator. By changing the volume and shape, the extension tube is involved in creating resonance, as a result, some of the sound overtones are muffled, and some are amplified. As a result, a speech timbre is formed.

Central apparatus and its structure

The central speech apparatus is the elements of the human brain. Its components:

  • Cerebral cortex (mainly its left part).
  • Nodes under the bark.
  • Nucleus of nerves and trunk.
  • Pathways that carry signals.

Speech, like all other manifestations of the work of the higher nervous system, develops due to reflexes. These reflexes are inextricably linked with the work of the brain. Its some departments play a special, leading role in speech reproduction. Among them: the temporal part, the frontal lobe, the parietal region and the occipital, related to the left hemisphere. In right-handers, this role is performed by the hemisphere of the right side of the brain.

The lower, they are also frontal, gyrus play a major role in the creation of oral speech. The convolutions in the region of the temples are the auditory part, which perceives all sound irritations. Thanks to her, you can hear someone else's speech. In the process of understanding sounds, the main work is performed by the parietal region of the human cortex. And the occipital part is responsible for the visual part and the perception of speech in the form of a letter. In children, it is active when observing the articulation of older people, and leads to the development of oral speech.

The characteristic color of the voice depends on the subcortical nuclei.

The brain interacts with the peripheral elements of the system through:

  • Centripetal paths.
  • Centrifugal paths.

Centrifugal pathways connect the cortex with the muscles that regulate the work of the peripheral section. The beginning of the centrifugal path takes in the cerebral cortex. The brain sends signals along these pathways to all peripheral organs that produce sounds.

Response signals to the central section pass along centripetal pathways. Their origin is located in the baroreceptors and proprioreceptors located inside the muscles, as well as tendons and articular surfaces.

The central and peripheral departments are inextricably linked and the dysfunction of one will inevitably lead to disruption of the other. They constitute a single system of the speech apparatus, thanks to which the body is able to produce sounds. The articulatory department, as an element of the peripheral part, plays a separate role in the formulation of correct and beautiful speech.

General scheme of the structure of speech sensory system.

AT general scheme The structure of the speech sensory system includes three sections: peripheral, conductive and central sections.

Peripheral apparatus (executive) includes three departments: respiratory, voice, articulation. Its main function is reproducing.

The respiratory section consists of the chest and lungs. Speech activity is closely related to respiratory function. Speech is carried out in the exhalation phase. The air jet performs both a voice-forming and an articulatory function. At the moment of speech, the exhalation is longer than the inhalation, since it is on the exhalation that the process of speaking takes place. At the moment of speech, a person makes fewer respiratory movements than during normal physiological breathing. At the moment of speech, the number of inhaled and exhaled air increases by about 3 times. Inhalation during speech becomes shorter and deeper. Exhalation at the moment of pronouncing the phrase is carried out with the participation of the respiratory muscles of the abdominal wall and intercostal muscles. Due to this, the depth and duration of the exhalation appear, and because of this, a strong air stream is formed, which is necessary for sound pronunciation.

The vocal apparatus includes the larynx and vocal folds. The larynx is a tube that consists of cartilage and soft tissues. From above, the larynx passes into the pharynx, and from below into the trachea. On the border of the larynx and pharynx is the epiglottis. It serves as a valve for swallowing movements. The epiglottis descends and prevents food and saliva from entering the larynx.

In men, the larynx is larger and the vocal cords are longer. The length of the vocal cords in men is approximately 20-24 mm, and in women - 18-20 mm. In children before puberty, the length of the vocal cords in boys and girls does not differ. The larynx is small and growing in different periods not evenly: it grows noticeably at 5-7 years old, at 12-13 years old in girls and at 13-15 years old in boys. In girls it increases by one third, in boys by two thirds, in boys it is designated - Adam's apple.

In young children, the larynx is funnel-shaped, with age it acquires a cylindrical shape, as in adults. The vocal cords practically cover the larynx, leaving a small gap - glottis. During normal breathing, the gap takes the form of an isosceles triangle. During phonation, the vocal cords close. The jet of exhaled air pushes them apart somewhat. Due to their elasticity, the vocal cords return to their original position, continued pressure pushes the vocal cords apart again. This mechanism continues as long as phonation occurs. This process is called vocal cord oscillation. The oscillation of the vocal cords occurs in the transverse direction, i.e. inwards and outwards. When whispering, the vocal cords are almost completely closed, only in the back there is a gap through which air passes when inhaling.

The articulation department is formed by the organs of articulation: tongue, lips, jaws, hard and soft palate, alveoli (see Profile of the organs of articulation).

Of the listed organs of articulation, the tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate are movable organs of articulation, and all the rest are not movable.

Language - participates in the formation of all, except for the lips. The organs of articulation, when approaching each other, form gaps or bonds. As a result of such rapprochements, phonemes are pronounced.

The loudness and distinctness of speech is formed due to resonators. The resonators are located in the extension pipe. The extension tube is formed by the pharynx, oral and nasal cavities. In humans, unlike animals, the mouth and pharynx have one cavity, therefore, only the oral and nasal cavities are distinguished. The extension pipe, due to its structure, can change in volume and shape: the oral cavity is expanded, the pharynx is narrowed, the pharynx is expanded, the oral cavity is narrowed. These changes create the phenomenon of resonance. Changing the extension pipe leads to a change in the volume and clarity of the sound.

The extension pipe in the formation of speech sounds performs two functions: a resonator and a noise vibrator. The function of the sound vibrator is performed by the vocal cords. Noise vibrators are also gaps between the lips, between the tongue and lips, between the tongue and the hard palate, between the tongue and the alveoli, between the lips and teeth. Bows interrupted by a jet of air, as well as cracks, form noises, therefore they are referred to as noise vibrators.

With the help of a noise vibrator, deaf consonants are formed. And when you turn on the tone vibrator, sonorous and sonorous sounds are formed.

The nasal cavity is involved in the formation of sounds: m, n, m`, n`.

It must be emphasized that the first section of the peripheral speech apparatus (respiratory) serves to supply air, the second section (voice) serves to form a voice, and the third (articulatory) - to create a resonance phenomenon that ensures the loudness and distinctness of the sounds of our speech.

So, in order for the utterance of the word to occur, a program must be implemented. At the first stage, teams are selected at the KGM level to organize speech movements, i.e., articulation programs are formed. At the second stage, articulation programs are implemented in the executive part of the speech-motor analyzer, the respiratory, phonator and resonator systems are connected. Commands and speech movements are carried out with high precision, therefore, certain sounds appear, a system of sounds, oral speech is formed.

Control over the execution of commands and the work of the speech-motor analyzer is carried out through kinesthetic sensations and with the help of auditory perception. Kinesthetic control prevents an error and introduces a correction before the sound is pronounced. Hearing control is realized at the moment of sounding the sound. Thanks to auditory control, a person can correct a mistake in speech, correct it and pronounce a word or speech statement correctly.

conductor department represented by pathways. There are two types of neural pathways: centripetal pathways (conduct information from muscles, tendons and ligaments to the central nervous system) and centrifugal pathways (conduct information from the central nervous system to muscles, tendons and ligaments).

Centripetal (sensory) nerve pathways begin with proprioceptors and baroreceptors. Proprioceptors are located in muscles, tendons, and on the articular surfaces of the moving organs of articulation. Baroreceptors are located in the pharynx and are excited by changes in pressure in it. When we speak, proprioceptors and baroreceptors are irritated. The stimulus is converted into a nerve impulse and the nerve impulse reaches the speech zones of the cerebral cortex along the centripetal pathways.

Centrifugal (motor) nerve pathways begin at the level of the cerebral cortex and reach the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus. All organs of the peripheral speech apparatus are innervated by cranial nerves: trigeminal V, facial VII, glossopharyngeal IX, vagus X, accessory XI, hypoglossal XII.

The trigeminal nerve (V pair of cranial nerves) innervates the muscles of the lower jaw. The facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves) innervates the mimic muscles of the face, the movement of the circular muscles of the mouth and moves the lips, puffing and retracting the cheeks. The glossopharyngeal (IX pair of cranial nerves) and vagus (X pair of cranial nerves) innervate the muscles of the larynx, vocal cords, pharynx, and soft palate. In addition, the vagus nerve is involved in the processes of respiration and the regulation of cardiovascular activity, and the glossopharyngeal nerve is a sensory nerve of the tongue. Accessory (XI pair of cranial nerves) nerve innervates the muscles of the neck. Hypoglossal (XII pair of cranial nerves) nerve innervates the tongue, promotes the implementation of various movements of the tongue, creates its amplitude.

Central department represented by speech zones at the level of the cerebral cortex. The beginning of the study of speech zones was laid by Brock in 1861. He described disorders of articulatory motility in the defeat of the lower parts of the precentral gyrus of the frontal region. Later, this area was called the motor center of Broca's speech, which is responsible for the movement of the organs of articulation.

In 1873, Wernicke describes a violation of speech understanding when the posterior sections of the superior and middle temporal gyri are affected. This area is defined as the sensory center of speech, responsible for recognizing the sounds of native speech by ear and understanding speech.

On the present stage Considering speech activity, it is customary to talk not about motor and sensory speech, but about impressive and expressive speech.

It is believed that both right-handed and left-handed people have the center of speech located in the left hemisphere. This statement was formulated after observing the operated patients. Speech disorders are observed in 70% of right-handers operated on the left hemisphere and in 0.4% of right-handers operated on the right hemisphere. Speech dysfunction is observed in 38% of left-handers operated on the left hemisphere and in 9% of left-handers operated on the right hemisphere.

The development of speech centers in the right hemisphere is possible only if in the early childhood left-sided speech areas were damaged. The formation of speech centers in the right hemisphere acts as a compensation for impaired functions.

Written speech and the process of reading are components of speech activity. These centers are located in the parieto-occipital region of the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres.

The subcortical region of the cerebral cortex is involved in the formation of speech utterance. The subcortical nuclei of the strio-pallidar system are responsible for the rhythm, tempo, and expressiveness of speech utterance.

It should be noted that the implementation of speech activity is possible only under the condition of the integrative activity of all structural formations of the brain and the processes occurring in them, the interaction of all departments of the implementation of the speech function: peripheral, conductive and central.

Topic 5. Module 6. Peripheral and central parts of the speech apparatus.

Speech as a special means of communication. The main sections of the speech apparatus: peripheral and central. Organization, regulation and control of speech activity. Sensory and motor speech.

Basic concepts: Wernicke's center, Broca's center, communicative function of speech, articulatory organs of speech, sensory speech (impressive), motor speech (expressive).

Speech as a special means of communication.

The speech act is carried out by a complex system of organs, in which peripheral and central speech apparatuses are distinguished.

The composition of the peripheral speech apparatus includes the executive organs of voice formation and pronunciation, as well as the sensory and motor nerves related to them. The central speech apparatus is located in the brain and consists of cortical centers, subcortical nodes, pathways and nuclei of the corresponding nerves.

The following presentation is mainly devoted to a description of the normal structure and functions, as well as the most important disorders of the peripheral speech apparatus. As for the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the central speech apparatus, their detailed presentation is included in the task of the course of neuropathology and partly speech therapy. In this regard, only brief anatomical and physiological information concerning the central mechanisms of speech will be covered here.

Knowledge of anatomical and physiological mechanisms is necessary in order to study the complex mechanisms of human speech activity. Information about the structure of the speech sensory system allows a differentiated approach to the analysis of speech pathology and correctly determines the ways of speech correction.

Speech is one of the complex higher mental functions. It is formed on the basis of the integrative activity of the brain. Integrative activity is the unification of all structures involved in the speech act to implement the speech function. The leading function in the formation and implementation of speech activity is performed by the brain. At the level of the brain there are two speech centers: the sensory center of speech (Wernicke's center) and the motor center of speech (Broca's center). The theory of isolated speech centers arose at the beginning of the 20th century. This theory did not consider the complex system of interactions of brain structures aimed at the formation and implementation of speech activity. I.P. Pavlov proposed a more complex conceptually new direction of this theory. He proved that the speech function of the cortex is not only complex, but also changeable, that is, capable of restructuring. This theory is called "dynamic localization"

The modern idea of ​​the organization of speech activity is presented in the theory of "dynamic localization of functional systems". The developers of this theory are P. K. Anokhin, A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria and other scientists. They established that the basis of any higher mental function is not the interaction of individual centers, but the interaction of complex functional systems. A functional system is a complex of brain structures and processes occurring in them, united functionally in order to achieve a specific adaptive result.

Speech is the most perfect form of communication compared to other forms of communication. Thanks to speech, not only the exchange of information between people takes place, speech underlies the development of abstract-logical thinking. Language is a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means of communication. The speaker selects the words necessary to express the thought, connects them according to the rules of the grammar of the language and pronounces the phrase, thanks to the friendly interaction of the organs of articulation. The speaker follows only the flow of thought, and not the positions of the organs of articulation. This is ensured by the automation of the movements of the organs of articulation. They are carried out without special arbitrary efforts and control.

In physiological terms, speech is a complex motor act, carried out according to the mechanism of conditioned reflex activity. It is formed on the basis of kinesthetic stimuli emanating from the speech muscles, including the muscles of the larynx and respiratory muscles. I.P. Pavlov, speaking of the second signal system as a word, pronounced, audible and visible, pointed out that the physiological basis, or basal component, of the second signal system is kinesthetic, motor stimuli that enter the cerebral cortex from the speech organs.

The sound expressiveness of speech is controlled with the help of an auditory analyzer, the normal activity of which plays a very important role in the development of speech in a child. Mastery of speech occurs in the process of interaction of the child with the environment, in particular with the speech environment, which is a source of imitation for the child. In this case, the child uses not only a sound, but also a visual analyzer, imitating the corresponding movements of the lips, tongue, etc. The kinesthetic stimuli that arise in this case enter the corresponding area of ​​​​the cerebral cortex. A conditioned reflex connection is established and consolidated between the three analyzers (motor, auditory and visual), which ensures the further development of normal speech activity.

Observations on the development of speech in blind children show that the role of the visual analyzer in the formation of speech is of secondary importance, since speech in such children, although it has some peculiarities, develops generally normally and, as a rule, without special outside interference.

Thus, the development of speech is connected mainly with the activity of auditory and motor analyzers.

The main sections of the speech apparatus: peripheral and central.

General scheme of the structure of the speech sensory system.

The general scheme of the structure of the speech sensory system includes three sections: peripheral, conductive and central sections.

Peripheral apparatus(executive) includes three departments: respiratory, voice, articulation. Its main function is reproducing.

The respiratory section consists of the chest and lungs. Speech activity is closely related to respiratory function. Speech is carried out in the exhalation phase. The air jet performs both a voice-forming and an articulatory function. At the moment of speech, the exhalation is longer than the inhalation, since it is on the exhalation that the process of speaking takes place. At the moment of speech, a person makes fewer respiratory movements than during normal physiological breathing. At the moment of speech, the number of inhaled and exhaled air increases by about 3 times. Inhalation during speech becomes shorter and deeper. Exhalation at the moment of pronouncing the phrase is carried out with the participation of the respiratory muscles of the abdominal wall and intercostal muscles. Due to this, the depth and duration of the exhalation appear, and because of this, a strong air stream is formed, which is necessary for sound pronunciation.

The vocal apparatus includes the larynx and vocal folds. The larynx is a tube that consists of cartilage and soft tissues. From above, the larynx passes into the pharynx, and from below into the trachea. On the border of the larynx and pharynx is the epiglottis. It serves as a valve for swallowing movements. The epiglottis descends and prevents food and saliva from entering the larynx.

In men, the larynx is larger and the vocal cords are longer. The length of the vocal cords in men is approximately 20-24 mm, and in women - 18-20 mm. In children before puberty, the length of the vocal cords in boys and girls does not differ. The larynx is small and does not grow evenly in different periods: it grows noticeably at 5-7 years old, at 12-13 years old in girls and at 13-15 years old in boys. In girls it increases by one third, in boys by two thirds, in boys it is designated - Adam's apple.

In young children, the larynx is funnel-shaped, with age it acquires a cylindrical shape, as in adults. The vocal cords practically cover the larynx, leaving a small gap - the glottis. During normal breathing, the gap takes the form of an isosceles triangle. During phonation, the vocal cords close. The jet of exhaled air pushes them apart somewhat. Due to their elasticity, the vocal cords return to their original position, continued pressure pushes the vocal cords apart again. This mechanism continues as long as phonation occurs. This process is called vocal cord oscillation. The oscillation of the vocal cords occurs in the transverse direction, i.e. inwards and outwards. When whispering, the vocal cords are almost completely closed, only in the back there is a gap through which air passes when inhaling.

The articulation department is formed by the organs of articulation: tongue, lips, jaws, hard and soft palate, alveoli (see Profile of the organs of articulation).

Of the listed organs of articulation, the tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate are movable organs of articulation, and all the rest are not movable.

Language - participates in the formation of all, except for the lips. The organs of articulation, when approaching each other, form gaps or bonds. As a result of such rapprochements, phonemes are pronounced.

The loudness and distinctness of speech is formed due to resonators. The resonators are located in the extension pipe. The extension tube is formed by the pharynx, oral and nasal cavities. In humans, unlike animals, the mouth and pharynx have one cavity, therefore, only the oral and nasal cavities are distinguished. The extension pipe, due to its structure, can change in volume and shape: the oral cavity is expanded, the pharynx is narrowed, the pharynx is expanded, the oral cavity is narrowed. These changes create the phenomenon of resonance. Changing the extension pipe leads to a change in the volume and clarity of the sound.

The extension pipe in the formation of speech sounds performs two functions: a resonator and a noise vibrator. The function of the sound vibrator is performed by the vocal cords. Noise vibrators are also gaps between the lips, between the tongue and lips, between the tongue and the hard palate, between the tongue and the alveoli, between the lips and teeth. Bows interrupted by a jet of air, as well as cracks, form noises, therefore they are referred to as noise vibrators.

With the help of a noise vibrator, deaf consonants are formed. And when you turn on the tone vibrator, sonorous and sonorous sounds are formed.

The nasal cavity is involved in the formation of sounds: m, n, m`, n`.

It must be emphasized that the first section of the peripheral speech apparatus (respiratory) serves to supply air, the second section (voice) serves to form a voice, and the third (articulatory) - to create a resonance phenomenon that ensures the loudness and distinctness of the sounds of our speech.

So, in order for the utterance of the word to occur, a program must be implemented. At the first stage, teams are selected at the KGM level to organize speech movements, i.e., articulation programs are formed. At the second stage, articulation programs are implemented in the executive part of the speech-motor analyzer, the respiratory, phonator and resonator systems are connected. Commands and speech movements are carried out with high accuracy, so certain sounds appear, a system of sounds, oral speech is formed.

Control over the execution of commands and the work of the speech-motor analyzer is carried out through kinesthetic sensations and with the help of auditory perception. Kinesthetic control prevents an error and introduces a correction before the sound is pronounced. Hearing control is realized at the moment of sounding the sound. Thanks to auditory control, a person can correct a mistake in speech, correct it and pronounce a word or speech statement correctly.

conductor department represented by pathways. There are two types of neural pathways: centripetal pathways (conduct information from muscles, tendons and ligaments to the central nervous system) and centrifugal pathways (conduct information from the central nervous system to muscles, tendons and ligaments).

Centripetal (sensory) nerve pathways begin with proprioceptors and baroreceptors. Proprioceptors are located in muscles, tendons, and on the articular surfaces of the moving organs of articulation. Baroreceptors are located in the pharynx and are excited by changes in pressure in it. When we speak, proprioceptors and baroreceptors are irritated. The stimulus is converted into a nerve impulse and the nerve impulse reaches the speech zones of the cerebral cortex along the centripetal pathways.

Centrifugal (motor) nerve pathways begin at the level of the cerebral cortex and reach the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus. All organs of the peripheral speech apparatus are innervated by cranial nerves: trigeminal V, facial VII, glossopharyngeal IX, vagus X, accessory XI, hypoglossal XII.

The trigeminal nerve (V pair of cranial nerves) innervates the muscles of the lower jaw. The facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves) innervates the mimic muscles of the face, the movement of the circular muscles of the mouth and moves the lips, puffing and retracting the cheeks. The glossopharyngeal (IX pair of cranial nerves) and vagus (X pair of cranial nerves) innervate the muscles of the larynx, vocal cords, pharynx, and soft palate. In addition, the vagus nerve is involved in the processes of respiration and the regulation of cardiovascular activity, and the glossopharyngeal nerve is a sensory nerve of the tongue. Accessory (XI pair of cranial nerves) nerve innervates the muscles of the neck. Hypoglossal (XII pair of cranial nerves) nerve innervates the tongue, promotes the implementation of various movements of the tongue, creates its amplitude.

Central department represented by speech zones at the level of the cerebral cortex. The beginning of the study of speech zones was laid by Brock in 1861. He described disorders of articulatory motility in the defeat of the lower parts of the precentral gyrus of the frontal region. Later, this area was called the motor center of Broca's speech, which is responsible for the movement of the organs of articulation.

In 1873, Wernicke describes a violation of speech understanding when the posterior sections of the superior and middle temporal gyri are affected. This area is defined as the sensory center of speech, responsible for recognizing the sounds of native speech by ear and understanding speech.

At the present stage of consideration of speech activity, it is customary to talk not about motor and sensory speech, but about impressive and expressive speech.

It is believed that both right-handed and left-handed people have the center of speech located in the left hemisphere. This statement was formulated after observing the operated patients. Speech disorders are observed in 70% of right-handers operated on the left hemisphere and in 0.4% of right-handers operated on the right hemisphere. Speech dysfunction is observed in 38% of left-handers operated on the left hemisphere and in 9% of left-handers operated on the right hemisphere.

The development of speech centers in the right hemisphere is possible only if the left-sided speech areas were damaged in early childhood. The formation of speech centers in the right hemisphere acts as a compensation for impaired functions.

Written speech and the process of reading are components of speech activity. These centers are located in the parieto-occipital region of the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres.

The subcortical region of the cerebral cortex is involved in the formation of speech utterance. The subcortical nuclei of the strio-pallidar system are responsible for the rhythm, tempo, and expressiveness of speech utterance.

It should be noted that the implementation of speech activity is possible only under the condition of the integrative activity of all structural formations of the brain and the processes occurring in them, the interaction of all departments of the implementation of the speech function: peripheral, conductive and central.

Anatomical and physiological features of the palatopharyngeal apparatus

The sky - delimits the oral cavity and nose and pharynx.

The hard palate is the bone base, the alveolar processes are in front and on the sides, and the soft palate is behind.

The height and configuration of the hard palate affects resonance.

The soft palate is a muscular formation. The front part is motionless, the middle part is actively involved in the formation of speech, the back part is involved in swallowing. As you ascend, the soft palate lengthens.

When breathing, the soft palate is lowered and partially covers the opening between the pharynx and the oral cavity.

When swallowing, the soft palate stretches and approaches the back wall of the pharynx and contacts, while other muscles contract.

During speech, repetitions are very fast. muscle contractions: the soft palate approaches the posterior wall in an upward and posterior direction.

The closing and opening times of the nasopharynx range from 0.01 sec to 1 sec. The degree of elevation depends on the fluency of speech, and on phonetics.

The maximum raising of the palate is observed when pronouncing the sound -a-, and the minimum with the sound -i-.

When blowing, swallowing and whistling, the soft palate also rises and closes the nasopharynx.

The connection between the soft palate and the larynx: a change in the soft palate leads to a change in the vocal cords (tonus of the larynx - the rise of the soft palate).

The cortical end of the auditory analyzer is located in both temporal lobes, and the cortical section of the motor analyzer is located in the anterior central gyrus of the brain, also in both hemispheres, and the cortical representation of the muscles that provide movement of the speech organs (jaws, lips, tongue, soft palate, larynx) is located in the lower sections of these convolutions.

For normal speech activity, the left (in left-handers - right) hemisphere of the brain is of particular importance. In the posterior section of the left superior temporal gyrus, the auditory speech center is located, usually called sensory (sensitive) speech center, and in the posterior section of the second and third frontal gyri of the left hemisphere is located motor(motor) speech center(Fig. 40).

Damage or diseases of the sensory center of speech lead to a violation of the sound analysis of speech. Arises sensory aphasia, at which it becomes impossible to distinguish by ear the elements of speech (phonemes and

words), and hence the understanding of speech, although the acuity of hearing and the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds remain normal.

Damage or diseases of the motor center of speech lead to a violation of the analysis and synthesis of kinesthetic (motor) stimuli that occur when pronouncing speech sounds. Coming motor aphasia, at which it becomes impossible to pronounce words and phrases, although the movements of the speech organs that are not associated with speech activity(movements of the tongue and lips, opening and closing of the mouth, chewing, swallowing, etc.) are not disturbed.

Task for independent work: (1 hour)

1. Self-acquaintance with the content of the lecture.

2. Clarification of concepts from the dictionary.

3. Make a drawing of the lateral side of the left hemisphere and mark the motor and sensory centers of speech.

If you ask a musician playing the guitar, violin, piano or bassoon, flute, trumpet how sounds are extracted from the instrument, what determines their strength, duration, then he will talk about the features of his instrument and what needs to be done to make sounds were of different tonality, strength, length.

But if the same musician is asked how, when he speaks, he turns the air stream into sound wave and where, with the help of what this wave is transformed into the sounds of speech, one can hardly expect an intelligible answer. Yes, musicians! Not every professional lecturer, teacher, lawyer, diplomat, political figure for whom sounding speech is a professional necessity will give the correct answer. While for everyone who, in their profession, “works” with their voice, the speech apparatus is a kind of musical instrument, created by nature and therefore perfect, which you need to know in all its subtleties in order to successfully use it.

Where and how are speech sounds formed? What determines their strength, timbre, breadth? How can you convey thoughts, feelings, the state of a person's soul with the help of voice, influence others? What processes take place and what laws of acoustics, physiology, psychology underlie them?

Scientists have determined that the sound of a voice is a form of energy. This energy, generated by the human vocal apparatus, spreading with high speed, causes air molecules to vibrate with a certain frequency and force. The pitch of the sound depends on the frequency of the vibration, and its strength depends on the amplitude of the vibration. Therefore, in order to understand the nature of sound, its acoustic and physiological features, it is necessary first of all to study the speech apparatus, to know its structure and be able to “play” on it. Indeed, the success of the performance depends largely on the voice.

I. Andronikov, publicist, memoirist, critic, has a story "Chaliapin's Throat". The author retells what he heard from famous artist Maly Theater Ostuzhev, who once happened to look into the throat of Chaliapin:

You don't know what - I - saw!!! Hands out like
offering to wind woolen threads around them, he rounded
et palms, joined the tips of his fingers - hands met;
looked around the space formed inside, gave me a cash
afraid, looking into my eyes, shouted loudly, abruptly:


A complete and tense pause - and again a furious exclamation:

A round arch is formed from the palms:

DOME!!! It goes under the very eyes ... And under this
the unique timbre of Chaliapin's bass is born like a dome!..
The tongue, like a wave on a sultry afternoon, barely ripples behind the necklace
we pour the lower teeth ... AND IN THE WHOLE LARYNCH, NOT ONE
EXTRA DETAILS! .. It is considered as a structure
great master! And I can't take my eyes off this unusual
new spectacle!...

The narrator draws attention to the size of the pharynx, its depth (a crater!), the height of the palate (a dome!), the tongue (like a wave on a hot afternoon). These are all the components of the speech apparatus, and for each person it has its own dimensions, its own configuration.

What does it depend on? From nature? What nature has awarded, then you have? One of Ostuzhev's friends, when he told him about what he saw, remarked:

I know Chaliapin's throat. I agree with you - it's amazing! But not nature! This is a miracle of work, systematic training. Chaliapin by nature has a magnificent bass - the rarest ligaments! And an ordinary throat. But his first singing teacher, Usatov, special exercises managed to raise his soft palate, expanded the walls of the larynx, he taught Chaliapin - well, how can I explain it to you - to gargle with sounds ... .

Here, it turns out that! Each person, performing the necessary exercises, can bring his speech apparatus to perfection or significantly develop and improve it.

Look closely at the diagram:

the spirit is drawn into the lungs and pushed out. The volume of the lungs, how much air they can hold and then push out, depends on the strength of the sound and its duration.

When Tamagno performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, the artist Ostuzhev once told Irakli Andronikov, Moscow students, who always knew everything better than anyone, never bought tickets to the gallery. They listened to him for free - from Petrovka. This young man had such a voice that he had to lace up a special corset on his naked body before the performance so as not to take a deep breath. As you know, you never hear an orchestra or a choir outside... but Tamagno's voice came through the dormer windows in the attic. If it had not been laced up, then, perhaps, the walls would have cracked, and some theater, smaller than our Bolshoi, would have buzzed into tartarara.

Of course, you can believe it or not, but the fact remains: the strength of sound depends on the depth and strength of inhalation and exhalation.

However, when inhaling and exhaling air, sound is not always produced. To live, a person must breathe, even in sleep. With the cessation of breathing comes death.

When and how does air turn into sound or contribute to the formation of sound? And not just a sound, but a sound of speech.

The most active articulator is the tongue. He feels like a master in his mouth: he will press against his teeth, then he will retreat from them, then he will begin to rise to the palate, then he will go deep into the oral cavity. The nature of most sounds of the Russian language depends on its movements. Not by chance verbal(verbal, sound) way of communication was called language.

O The leading role of the tongue in the formation of sounds is evidenced by the expressions: “Have you lost your tongue?”, “Have you got your tongue stuck to the larynx?”, “Did you swallow your tongue?” or “What, are you without a language?”, “Have you lost your language?” So they say when the one to whom they are addressing is silent, does not answer.

And how many stable expressions, the figurativeness of which is created due to direct meaning words language ("organ of speech")! "Keep your mouth shut" (Be quiet, don't talk too much). “What a long tongue he has, he doesn’t know how to restrain himself in conversation at all.” If someone is said to have boneless tongue, it means that he loves to talk, chatting a lot of all sorts of nonsense, nonsense. “So it asks for the tongue, the tongue itches,” they say when they really want to say, when they can’t resist, to endure, so as not to speak, not to say something. But if a person cannot articulate, clearly express his thought, then they say: "His tongue is tangled."

Now you imagine how complex, how perfect and necessary for a person nature gave him the apparatus.

By the nature of the speech sound, by the physical style of speech, we judge the speaker's temperament, his character, attitude, his mood, and finally, his sincerity. Cheerfulness and lethargy, energy and inertia, determination and timidity, interest and indifference - all these mental moments that accompany oral speech, as if accompanying its content, are correctly reflected in the sound stream. AT colloquial speech this reflection is direct, involuntary, not controlled by the consciousness of the speaker. In public speech, it should become a conscious and deliberate instrument of influence.

An actor, reciter, orator, teacher, lecturer - anyone who wants to influence sounding speech - must, through systematic observations, realize the expressive meaning individual factors speech sounding and holistic phonetic styles, must learn to deliberately evoke a certain emotional and volitional reaction by the sound of his speech.

Of course, an optimist and a delighted person will have a joyful, happy, sonorous voice, while a pessimist will have a "dissatisfied, gloomy, irritated, deaf" voice; an angry person most often says raised voice, and the patient - weak, painful, intermittent. This means that the concept of "character of speech sounding" includes the tone of speech, tempo, duration and frequency of pauses, diction.

The dependence of the voice on the character and condition of a person is evidenced by many definitions for the word voice, for example: resolute, bold, timid, lethargic, indifferent, sickly, ingratiating, enthusiastic, cheerful, cheerful, serious, laughing, interested, inert, indecisive, compliant, rude, impudent, boorish, polite, intelligent, benevolent, commanding, humble, domineering, brave, calm, agitated, anxious, bossy, truthful, deceitful, treacherous, sincere, irritable, cheerful, dejected, grumbling, boring, frivolous, energetic.

That's how many different shades a voice can have, conveying the state of the speaker, his character, attitude towards the interlocutor, the subject of speech, the degree of education and upbringing.


1. What is the speech apparatus?

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